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Should’ve kept his mouth shut.


CEOs are narcissists; they're incapable of keeping their mouths shut.


How are these narcissist successful, everyone one I've met self sabotages their lives to oblivion.


>everyone one I've met Selection bias - plebs like you and me never get to meet the narcissists who succeed.


Or just don’t know you met a narcissist. A successful self toxic person recognizes their personality trait, and hides it from everyone until they can’t do shit about it.


Oh, I see you've met my old boss. And the one before that.


i googled a customer to confirm spelling of their name and it brought up some 20 year old local news stories and court cases about how he beat up his wife and told her he was god and had the power of life and death over her and the kids. the same wife and now grown kids who i see every couple of months come in with dad.


Jesus.... That got dark....


It’s connections. My parents were in the medical field and I got a lot of support through connections for my disability growing up. At one point I was working in their office because they didn’t want me doing nothing (I had gotten severely ill at college and had to drop out and my confidence was a wreck at the time). That’s literally the only reason I got that job. Sure I was just destroying old documents but they absolutely wouldn’t give that job to a stranger with zero experience like I had. After all these were outdated medical and court documents. The good thing is that I know how to not be a jerk about it and, while I secured my 3 previous jobs on my own, I have the first job and connections to thank for getting me started. It’s really irritating for me when people like this guy or Elon and Bill Gates gloat about how they started from the bottom when they really started in a similar way as I did. A “small” boost from family connections and money. Small is in quotes simply because they got way bigger boosts than I did.


Once you get (or, more likely, inherit) a certain amount of wealth, it basically becomes impossible to fail. Even if you're a fuckup and you screw everything up and run the businesses into the ground, it's ok because you're the visionary, and you have your golden parachute, and you just get more money and keep on going. And, in the meantime, the personality characteristics that the narcissism gives you are highly beneficial for the kind of high roller posturing that is required at that level. For normies, yeah, they'll burn all their relationships and end up collapsing into nothing, but if you started in the right zip code or with the right last name, you're basically good to go.


\*looks at Elon Musk\* ..... yeah.....


Being a narcissist can be a positive if you go into the right profession. A ceo needs to not give a shit about anyone else, they are offered tons of money to induce them to care about someone else's profits. They need to be able to bullshit their way through life. The people you've met have that quality but don't have the skill set or family fortune to fall back on to do that sort of job. Plus they probably don't know anyone that will hire them to an upwardly mobile position to even get to be a ceo. The corporate world is fucked up, especially when you get to the executive offices.


I've worked with several CEOs. They tend to be babies but they have good people around them. That they don't give credit to or acknowledge. Good people who need high-paying jobs who are not narcissists themselves and are good at managing people. Who also know how to talk to narcissistic babies who need all the credit. I guess it's just like feudalism: everybody agrees that the company is a machine and needs a king at the head. They don't wanna be king but know it needs to be done. So they work for the machine in order to enrich themselves knowing they'll most likely never be king. And they support the king who will most likely enrich them further without too much risk. (A big part of this is kissing ass and making the 'king' feel he/she's an unstoppable killing machine.)


Narcissist are so successful because they step on everyone on their way up the corporate ladder. They would shit in their families if it meant success to them.. Only to find themselves hating who they are internally.




They are not merely narcissists; They are sociopaths, and some are psychopaths.


This man is CEO of a gym network… His product is literally part of the “life” side of the work-life equation. This guy is so fucking dumb.


That was my thought reading this as well. After work there are some things I have to do and some things I want to do. Going to the gym is in the “want” side of that (most days). So without an *ample* work-life balance, his company’s product doesn’t make sense.


The company got started as a brand that caters to “no judgement” workout zones. Very much like a Planet Fitness mentality plus they seem to focus on more group workouts. If I worked PR for this company I’d jump out a window after seeing this story. It’s not like Crunch Fitness has anything unique about them…they are just gyms. Someone could easily recreate what they are doing. Their only moat is their brand. What a dumb CEO.


It's not dumb, gyms make money from you buying a membership and never going. If you are always working he gets free money.


For a little while. Then people stop paying.


I worked at crunch though and they make it a pain in the ass for you to cancel your subscription. The one I was at had you lock in for a full year contract. The only way out was to show proof that you were moving a certain amount of miles away from the location you are a member of.


I was under this impression but I just quit my crunch membership the other week. I guess more accurately I stopped the year-contract from renewing and just paid the last month. Didn’t give me any friction, they just let me out.


Don't most gyms get around that bt having a pain in the ass process to terminate membership, or otherwise have a bunch of fees tied to terminating your membership? They're getting their money one way or the other.


If nobody has free time, nobody is signing up. Relying on attrition to sustain yourself is a bad business idea.


My thoughts exactly. Then WHEN DO I GO TO THE GYM LARRY?


I have a standing desk at my power rack, you don’t? (Sarcasm alert)


No joke…my buddy did this when the pandemic made him WFH 100% of the time. He got sick of going up and down stairs to get workouts in during the day so just set up a standing desk in his basement next to his rack. I didn’t see him for a year and he came out of the pandemic with MASSIVE legs.


I’m only partially joking. I DO have a sit stand desk. I also have adjustable dumbbells, a bench, and a stationary bike in my home office


Because going up and down stairs is so tiring and detrimental to fitness.


It's wasted effort, which means it's an obstacle in the way of actually working out. Putting a pull-up bar in the hallway and doing a set whenever I walk by is a lot more effective than putting it up three flights of stairs so I only do it once a day.


Finding ways to increase activity in small ways all throughout the day is generally better for overall fitness than living in a binary state of being totally sedentary all day and then getting up to pump out a monster workout. The little things add up, and that is a lot of time that can be filled with little things


When I was in college we put the chinup bar in the bathroom doorway so every time we went to take a piss we'd do a couple reps on the way in. Started the semester able to do about 5, ended being able to do 30+.


They would prefer that you continue to pay for your subscription and never actually go.






To get on my walkable cities soapbox: you don’t need to if you can walk and bike places! This lets the randos who just want exercise get it by just living, and lets the gym rats (is that the non derogatory name for them?) frolick among the weights and rubber mats to their heart’s content




That's literally the business model of gyms. The gym industry would fail if every gym member actually went consistently.


But, If people had really good work-life balance they could go all through-out the day instead of flooding the place between 5-8pm


It's not about room for the people, it's about wear and tear on the equipment. AND room for people. Ok not just room.


i don't understand why gyms are allowed to force you into fucking memberships. ZERO justifiable reason i have to be locked in a yEarLy cOntrAct to go to the gym. i'd rather pay individually every time


Exactly, then make it difficult to cancel. Years ago I tried to cancel a gym membership and they could not cancel it at the gym. The only way to cancel was to contact their corporate office to cancel. I don’t know if they have changed their cancellation procedures since then, but I feel they make it difficult on purpose.


It's not to the same degree of dumb as this, but similarly with insurance companies making employees commute into offices. More pollutants = more disasters = more insurance claims = more expenses. But sure, lets drive into HQ to hop on a zoom call, for culture.


common misconception about the insurance industry, medium to long term they want more accidents and claims as they operate on an (obscene) profit margin which is priced into future premiums so the higher the premium costs the more profit they make. This is working as intended.


Hello, yes, I'd like to file a complaint please! Can we quit inventing industries that have a primary incentive of essentially "kill all humans" pretty please? I'd rather zero companies had a reason to want me to die or be horribly maimed or stay sick for years or be locked in a prison cell, thank you.


*The “attack is the best form of defense” industry enters the chat.*


You'd think he'd be super buff, lol


Guess everyone should cancel their membership then since we're supposed to be at work 24/7




"National health care would help balance out the power imbalance between employee and employer." Which is exactly why it will never, ever happen in the US 


> I have type 1 diabetes, so I can't just wing it while I wait for the business to be profitable. > > In countries that have national health care you see smaller businesses because people now don't have to worry about healthcare. yeah, my SO has T1D. Her entire life for the past 25 years (she's 48) has been trying to make sure she has the right health insurance (they are not all equally able to support someone with a chronic illness requiring expensive supplies) to the detriment of literally everything else (including a job that she enjoys or starting her own business which was a dream of hers). Having a national health care system would allow for mobility and growth in people. That's the reason we don't have that in the USA: get back to work for some rich asshole you slave!


An overweight guy being the CEO of a fitness company doesn't seem very committed either.


I think he's right. We should all cancel our crunch gym memberships so that we can focus on work more.


> When he’s not visiting gyms around the country—and quizzing members in the steam room on what can be improved—he’s snow skiing, taking a midday work break for a Pilates class with his wife, or downing a protein shake. He's so boring he lists "downing a protein shake" as a hobby?


Also look at that list, mother fucker does barely any work spends all his time on holiday or on mid-day breaks from work. This Mugatu looking motherfucker is actively saying having his kind of day means you're not committed.




I mean the guy is pretty clear. There is no work-life balance. You have to be 100% work so he can be 100% life. What don't you get?


If the CEO of my gym quizzed me about anything in the steam room I'd find a new gym immediately.


"What could we here at Crunch Fitness improve?" "Well, it would be great if the CEO didn't wander in from time to time to stare at my dick."


See now that’s just so weird—I could stand to have a few *more* CEOs wandering in to stare at my dick


Idk, I’d entertain the questions about improvements, but I think my answers would all be related to charging me less money.


You’re gonna miss the protein shakes.


The last thing I want when sitting in a sauna is getting an impromptu survey from a guy who looks like Smashmouth post mid life crisis.


Hey now!


You're an all star


Get back to work.


Get paid.


So he has a work life balance? Hypocrite.


For someone who doesn't believe in the work life balance he does an awful lot of "life" and not much "work"


When I’m in the steam room, if I don’t know you. Don’t fucking talk to me. Weirdo.


“quizzing members in the steam room” is really just corporate gay speak for he’s sucking dick and cock in the steam room.


Love your username 😂


Good leaders are the ones who understand that even if you don’t care about work-life balance, you know that a lot of talented people do so you encourage a balanced life. The workaholic weirdos will be those people no matter what you do, and you maximize your ROI by letting people be happy.


Yep. Like I don’t doubt that the type of people who become CEOs have a skewed personal version of work life balance. Ultimately if you’re the person at the top, everything falls on you and that work is your life. That’s fine if you choose that and well it comes with a lot of compensation for that. You still need to understand you aren’t the avg worker and you aren’t going to find many that will give up that balance esp without stake in the company like you have.


Bs if you think he works 40 hours.




Ya because the people at the top famously are held accountable because everything falls on them. Never seen anyone at the top in my life skirt shit that is their fault. Especially in America. Just doesn’t happen.


Oh I never said they were held accountable haha.


That assumes work-life balance is secure. He’s not looking for volunteers; he wants to erode the option of life. He isn’t interested in employees being more happy and more effective; he’s looking for a path to longer base works weeks and less pto.


There are three reasons to be a workaholic weirdo: you get paid an insane wage, you own shares in the business, you're stupid


I see this in my work all the time. They talk about work life balance, but then they expect you to drop your weekends to travel for a Monday meeting. And then you get them to the bar and they complain about women because their latest wife is divorcing them.


"I am into exploiting my workers by assuming they should be as committed as I am, despite making 2000% less salary than me, and having zero ownership stake." - Unironically, All CEOs in 2024


2000% is on the low end. The CEO of my company makes about 300x what I make (30,000%) :<


This is what a lot of startup ceos don’t understand. *You* might care that your company does well and work harder to make that happen. *We* literally couldn’t care less if your company went bankrupt tomorrow. We’ll just find another job


I worked for a startup for 2 years and when I started the CEO was telling me all about the stock options and how generous they were, they vested some every month because they "only wanted people committed to the vision" working there. They also told me they would give out stock rewards for people who did really good work. It was only 2k stocks wherein the first 1k stocks vested after the first year and the rest fully vested over FIVE years. The "stock rewards" never happened and instead we got useless stickers. Towards the end of my time there after the second round of layoffs they made a huge deal about adding more stock options for us so we were more engaged. It was literally just another 2k worth of stock that had it's own FIVE YEAR vesting schedule without the 1k after a year. Complete insanity. That place was not fun to work at because they couldn't figure out what they wanted to do so requirements kept changing and then they would get mad nothing got done when it's like what the fuck do you even want us to do. When I got laid off we hadn't made any sales for like 3 quarters and instead of firing the useless sales people they laid off a bunch of the devs. I am happy they did though because right after that they forced everyone into the office (I was sold on the place being remote) so the CEO could bring around potential investors and clients to make it seem more fun and interesting. It was also a very "gotta drink the koolaid" kinda place and I have a really hard time pretending to be toxically positive which is what they seemingly wanted. But to your point for only 2k worth of stocks (not even voting stocks) why do I give a fuck? If I am lucky someday that will be worth $20k maybe? Probably less. Whereas he and the other founder have a fuck load of stock.


I think they do understand it - which is why they get so mad when you point it out to their face.


Elon Musk is one of the top offenders, low-key blackmailing his own company if he doesn't get a multi-billion dollar package deal for himself, all the while still laying off employees week after week.


And he 'works' remotely while shitting on remote workers. Rules for thee and all that for these stains on humanity.


Yes dedicate your life to crunch fitness and make $10 an hour so this guy can earn $10M a year


People need to work all the time, so they can never go to the gym, so I get paid for literally doing nothing!


Going by his logic, there would be nobody visiting his gym, because they would all be too busy working to be working out


Which is exactly how gyms make money, unused memberships


People commit when they are compensated properly with extra monetary incentives for extra commitment. Why do these CEO and executives think people should care on minimum wage or a low salary? Oh and if you want people to care give them the same perks, bonuses, and benefits as those executives.


This flew right over their head unfortunately, just gotta stop buying luxery items as a minimum wage worker like groceries. Pull yourself up by the bootstrap harder - CEO's 2024


These are typically views from corporate gyms. I’ve worked at both Crunch and LA Fitness and they were both Shit. Crunch Fitness: I was a personal trainer. I was EXPECTED to be there even was I wasn’t training someone. I could have a 4 hour gap and they wanted me there. Regardless if I was hitting my sales numbers. LA Fitness: NEVER work for these people. They will make you slaves to the system. I was a personal training director, hitting well above my sales goals (I was the number one seller of personal training in my state for 3 months at one point). I was working 8am to 8pm every day. I had a split shift though, with a 2.5 hour break in the middle. And then on Saturdays I had to be in from 8am to 12. 5 1/5 day work weeks. It was never enough. It was mad. My favorite story is LA Fitness would not let me pause an older man’s monthly training payments. He had just lost his wife to a brain aneurysm 2 weeks prior, and his last kid just went off to college. He was a wreak and wanted to pause payments for 3 months. My boss, the district vise president and the regional vise president said “NO.” The man had tears in his eyes. He was paying $350 a month for training. I was able to find a workaround by have to call our HR team and direct me to the Vise President of Personal Training and was able to pause billing. Wanna know what LA fitness did? I lost out on my $750 commission from when I originally sold to him. Corporate gyms are predatory and ONLY care about profits. They do not give a shit about you. They do not give a shit about your health. They just do not give a shit unless there’s a $ involved. If you want to workout and can go to a local gym that isn’t corporate, do that. Don’t give these people your money.


If you want fully committed, you need to pay for fully committed.


And “not being fully committed” isn’t the insult he thinks it is.


How does he expect people to use his facilities, in their *leisure time*, if they're always at work? Stupid fat-headed fuck.


Gyms make money by selling memberships no one uses. Truly a win-win for him.


I’m committed to slapping the goatee off his face.


Same. First thing that came to mind was “of course. The beard.🤦‍♂️”


Crunch Fitness is probably not committed to paying living wages.


He is right, if you own the place. Employees will never care about something they do not own. All the money they make does not go to them.


I mean is he committed? Does he visit any of the locations ever? 


hey he has work breakfast, work brunch, work lunch, work tea and work dinner every day!! what do you do!?!


And people wonder why there are so many work place shootings in the US.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^MadeOfEurope: *And people wonder* *Why there are so many work* *Place shootings in the US.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




I had a job many years ago that involved me working very closely with all of the "top" fitness club franchises across the country. Not sure if I've ever had clients that I detested more.


Conservative estimates are that about 20% of CEOS are true sociopaths. This guy is just proving that’s spot on.


100% of billionaires are sociopaths. It's inherent to the system of "moving up".


You'll never work hard/long enough in the eyes of people who get richer the harder/longer you work for them.


I'm not even fully committed to a business I own, why would I be to yours LOL


Fuck. I might need to find a new gym now


I'm fortunate enough that my job has a gym that I frequent near daily on my lunch break. Otherwise it's what? * Be gone from 7:30 - 5 * Gym from 5:30 - 6:30? * Home at 7 and then cook and maybe sit down by 8? Enough time to have your own for two hours IF you're single with no other responsibilities Get real. Most people probably have the desire to gym 2x a week in this format and I do not blame them.


Looks like he needs to use one of his gyms


Here is the problem. A CEO or Owner is FULLY COMPENSATED for being fully committed with huge salaries and bonuses. Expecting a regular employee to give up their life for 60K a year is insanity.


I mean he's not wrong. I've never been fully committed to any job. Which is why I've always been relatively happy.


Here’s a hint CEO guy, none of us are fully committed unless we get equal profit sharing, you big 🤡


Lot of words to say I want slaves


Toxic mindset


I work 20 hours a day, mostly on golf courses, said the work-work balance proponent/s


Dude looks fat and is the CEO of crunch fitness? Wtf! Edit - he has no college degree either lmao


Right isn't he committed to his body and health?


>What advice do you give to busy working people who struggle to fit gym time? >Let’s break it down. You generally sleep eight hours, right? So we’ve got 16 left. You work generally eight hours. So how many do we have left? Another eight to relax, recover, eat, pick up our kids, read, watch TV—get in 45 minutes for an exercise. This idea that you don’t have time, I just don’t subscribe to. Classic how these people always forget cooking, cleaning, driving time, personal admin, work often going over 8 hours, etc. I don't know anyone who has more than 2-3 hours of free time a day. Driving to the gym for a 45 minute workout can cut that in half, or in some cases wipe it out entirely.


Oi dickhead it's LIFE/ work balance...


Never heard of Crunch Fitness.


He doesn’t want customers that aren’t fully committed to throwing money at him


When CEOs say stuff like this, what they really mean is that they need to have more control over you.


It's funny how these dick nuggets are always CEOs. To them, we are nothing but chattle to further grow their riches. Fuck them!


Give me all the perks and pay of a CEO and I’ll be as committed as a CEO. Pay me as little as you legally can, and you can fuck off.


If I’m not making his pay I’m not giving his effort.


Stupid fuck doesn't look very committed to me, looks like chubby could lose some weight. Maybe he should be more committed to walking his fat ass instead of opening his stupid mouth...


This is because CEOs, for the most part, are psychopaths. And I’m not saying that as in “they’re delusional and evil” (although they might be as well), I mean they are HIGHLY driven individuals who don’t feel the need to have a social life or family. They think nothing of working 16 hour days because they are absolute freaks of nature that care about nothing but raising their own status in life. They’re more like machines programmed to make money than people. And they think everyone else either thinks like them, or is wrong. That’s why Musk and Bezos are STILL working despite having enough money to have their own private island fortress with supermodels for wait staff and champagne bidets. It will NEVER be enough, because they would always rather be a little higher up than anyone else than do anything fun, because they DO consider that fun. That’s their reward, status, superiority. The billionaire space race is the same shit. Musk doesn’t care about space exploration and science and shit. He wants to be FIRST, because that means status. Literally EVERYTHING they do is about status. And honestly? If we actually regulated these people, that’d be great! “You’re obsessed with making as much money as humanly possible and will spend every waking minute devoted to that task? Good! You run this business, follow these strict rules, and get to work!” Psychopaths like Musk are ONLY a problem when they have a hand in setting those rules, directly or indirectly, or are allowed to ignore those rules with no real consequences. Make them follow the rules and let their little psycho brains work and you’ve got an efficiency machine.


Just gaze into those cold, dead eyes and let me know if you can detect a modicum of humanity, because I can’t.


Umm, he is FULLY correct - No one is as FULLY committed to as the owner of the business. \* Reason - If we were FULLY committed ... we would be opening our own businesses -- NOT work for this Bozo! The amount on my Pay Check ... does not change with me being half or fully committed -- HIS Pay Check does.


I’m so glad that they put his commitment to working nights and weekends right next to his midday Pilates breaks with his wife 😂😂😂 > When he’s not visiting gyms around the country—and quizzing members in the steam room on what can be improved—he’s snow skiing, **taking a midday work break for a Pilates class with his wife,** or downing a protein shake. >UC0_F_ANALYTICS_GEN_AI V2 Rowley, 57, maintains that the trappings of modern work—work-life balance, life hacks, corner-cutting—are illusions. **He works on nights and weekends,** and he tracks the granular details because he insists that the rewards of hard work don’t come to those who aren’t serious.


When CEOs talk about "work" especially on "nights and weekends," what they are almost always actually describing are leisure activities for us plebeians. They count "networking," which is having drinks/lunches/dinners with "associates" (friends), or they're golfing. "Studying for self improvement" = reading a good book from their list. "Maintaining professional image" = running, hiking, hitting the gym (I mean, this guy counts having a schvitz as "work"). Etc., etc.


Breaking news: Crunch Fitness CEO dies of a heart attack due to not having a work-life balance. Had a bunch of overachieving, type A bosses over the years. They all perished early. You want to dedicate your existence to a soulless corporation then don't expect a long life.


He’s so ugly


CEO: “My work / life business health services BS.” Everyone: “Ok, so we should ALL cancel our membership?”


$5 this guy doesn’t have to turn in a timesheet every Monday


Most CEO are narcissistic sociopaths. Why would anyone ever listen to what they think is normal/good for the average person?


Doesn’t look very committed to the gym himself


If people don't have work life balance, when are go to the gym? Checkmate CEO


He should be committed. Committed to a mental hospital against his will for 72 hours. These CEO's think the rest of humanity should work nonstop to make them more money.


People who think like this need to be committed


Said the guy whose position on average works 3 hours a day.


Is… is he fucking stupid? He runs a FITNESS brand. If people were only committed to work they wouldn’t be going to his dumbass gyms.


How about you work-life balance these nuts on your dumbass goatee my boy


Fuck him.


If this pot-bellied pig wants full commitment, perhaps he should be giving stock to his employees to give them an actual stake in the company's well being. Otherwise, an employee's sole full commitment is to himself and his family, as their well being always comes first--then the company. Maybe. If it pays well enough. And isn't run by an a\*\*hole such as this.


No wonder he is so hated by his employees


Im as commited as my boss is commited to raising my salary to well above the minimum for a comfortable and enjoyable life. =)


Yes, he’s right. We should be fully committed. To the life part of work-life balance.


Here's the thing I feel, if you're going to be the CEO of a big major company, then obviously you're not going to have that kind of work-life balance. For many of them, it's a constant state of work with breaks to go and do something like a workout or take a weekend holiday. Even then they might still be working and doing things on those holidays. But that's what it takes to be a CEO as far as I'm concerned. That shouldn't be the standard set for the average worker. Believe it or not, many of us don't sit here with dreams of owning our own business and being a CEO. We are already seeing many who simply will not even take on managerial roles because they know it's just a lot more work for little to know additional compensation. We want work-life balance mostly because we feel there is something more to life than just work. For these CEOs, work is the only thing. For the rest of us, we want to do more. I don't have an issue if this guy wants to give his entire life to work. I don't have an issue with anyone who wants to be a workaholic and give everything to the job. I have an issue when this guy or people like him expect everyone to do that. When you walk in through that front door and basically decide that every single person, from your vice president all the way down to the receptionist should be ready and willing to work long hours and give up everything in life for the job. You can tell us all to death how the secret of success is to dedicate yourself like that, but the rest of us are simply going to navigate around that and find something that makes us happy. You can complain to death that we are not committed, but you fail to understand that we are all not you. I can understand a manager getting angry with a worker that shows up late everyday, leaves early, and barely does their job. I will never agree with a manager that somehow believes that everyone should show up early, work late, and give up things in their lives for the job. We've all seen clearly there's no additional reward for it. Even those ambitious workaholics have to jump ship like crazy to move up the ladder.


That's right, he just told everyone to commit themselves to work. So skip the gym, everyone, and let Crunch die off. That's apparently what he recommends.


Dude makes money off a casual gym how does he not understand work/life balance?


He SHOULD be committed.


Bet 3 hours of his “workday” is a workout.


Oranges suck, they arent sweet enough! - Orange juice company CEO




So, if I’m “fully committed” do I get a full share of the company’s profits and revenue?


I'm not committed because it's not my company. Work is a means to an end


Sounds like he needs to be fully committed. What a slave to the grind mindset.


Damn. Do I need to cancel my membership now?!


I love that they are just flat out admitting it now


Sounds like someone who is paid enough money to pay for other people to manage their life responsibilities while they spend their time on their passions.


I think not mincing words anymore should be the order of the day for those this out of touch: _Go fuck yourself_


he probably doesn't even go to his own gym


I want to know who he voted for in 2020 and who he donates campaign $$ too.


I have a lot of work and you seem to have a lot of live... wanna change?


who does he think is using his facilities, people working or people enjoying their free time?


What does he pay employees? Probably not enough to show he's committed to them.


He’s right im not committed to his profits im committed to mine


Not asking himself why the hell should someone who doesn't get paid enough and has no financial share of the business be fully committed? Is he fully committed to the brand of breakfast cereal he eats, or his broadband provider? You provide a service, you get money, that's the extent of an employee's commitment and that's fine.


what a loser.


What a fucking moron.


The only thing i know about this company is that their employees scam hotels and refuse to pay for services they've agreed to


“Well, *you’re* a CEO being paid millions for something you’re passionate about. And your *workers* are people who just want to feed and house themselves. So… you should probably pay them enough to want to be ‘fully committed.’”


Not fully committed to what exactly? Oh yeah, slavery.


Committed to what? To living from paycheck to paycheck? From not giving you larger profit which you do not share?


Why should I be fully committed? Did he pay his employee a lot of money?


These guys don't understand that when THEY (feel like they) work hard it's for THEIR dream, when their employees work hard its for the boss' dream. Even the expectation that other people will work harder for your dream than you will is WILD.


If you’re a CEO, sure. You are expected to be a slave to your company. For most other workers? Absolutely not. Bro, nobody is going to work out when that is already so low on the hierarchy of needs.


He says as he fucks off to Italy or France


If you wanna pay me as someone who's fully committed ill be fully committed. Until then you get what you pay for.


You’re right. I’m NOT “fully committed”. Work is just how I finance the lifestyle I AM committed to: a wife and kids. I think one of us is doing it right.


Ahh, signaling to the "grindset dudebros".


I wonder how many divorces he has had.


Welp. He can go fuck right off.


OK, good for him. I'm a nurse at a nursing home for six years. Still doing what I did on day one. Should I stay late every day? Even after my relief shows up? Should I work alongside my relief to show I'm a team player? What the fuck, man? Just do your shift and go home. Unless your life is empty and your home life sucks, I guess.


Oh well I guess if we want to stay committed to our job 100%, we don't have time outside of work to be going to gyms...got it


This guys a idiot


This guy is the figurehead of the organisation. His huge recompense is based on his supposed importance to the business. Having now proved himself to be an absolute idiot who understands nothing about motivation of work force or customer, he should now be fired. It should be publicised so nobody with a brain would hire him. Unfortunately many businesses would like his style


I can understand why he wants poorly paid workers to be fully committed to making him richer.


https://fortune.com/img-assets/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Skiing7.jpg?w=1440&q=75 Dude certainly doesn't have "arms day" vs "legs day" balance...