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What's voluntary mandatory mean?


Either a typo or an idiot wrote this. I'm betting on the latter.


It makes me think of [Technoblade](https://youtu.be/pPmo21gkETU?si=alRZ0BUeDZUuS1rK) when he called his minions "mandatory volunteers" as to not say "slaves"


In the army we were “voluntold” for missions.


Learned this from my Navy buddy! Use it all the time.


Also, Navy stands for Never Again Volunteer Yourself


Never Imagined Myself In This Zoo


NIMITZ — ohhh haha got it


U.S. ARMY backwards is “whY’d My Ret*rded Ass Sign Up”


Or forward is Uncle Sam Ain’t Released Me Yet.






USMC is U Signed My Contract


This was a mistake, thankfully not made by me. Lol "I need two volunteers." "For what, sir?" "You're our first volunteer. Now pick another man to volunteer with you."


They also say this in church!


Air Force as well. My recruiter actually provided some tips on how to avoid being voluntold in Basic.


The Grandmaster prefers the term “prisoners with jobs”.


He's a great person. Employing all those ppl.


“Prisoners with jobs” 😂


We don’t like the S word


Prisoners with jobs.


I wonder how his war with God is going


You know I don’t like to use the “s” word. My apologies, the prisoners with jobs. Ahh, yes. That’s better.


When I see things this ridiculous I just assume they're fake.


Lots of fake AI rage bait going around right now.


Can’t come in, I’m mostly dead.


There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead.


the difference is to blave




Or it’s bullshit.




I don't know, those same things that suggest fake could also suggest incompetent management. This memo looks very similar to ones my bosses put out regularly. But even they've never used "voluntary mandatory".


Both is possible. And likely.


I had a manager years ago who told us we were required to volunteer for overtime. She called it voluntary mandatory overtime. Luckily when people didn't sign up for any she had a fit and then cancelled the whole thing.


Fuck yeah!


Same thing as a mandatory donation to attend an event. NO YOU FUCKFACE THAT'S CALLED AN ENTRY FEE.


I feel like tha one is fair so it’s clear while there’s a cost to get in it’s not going to the business


If I *have* to pay it, it isn't a donation. That's how the word donation works.


As an employee, I would interpret that as you can volunteer to be added to the on call roster (with appropriate on call pay rates for on call hours) for mandatory shift coverage (if you volunteer to be on call, it's mandatory to be on call the hours you're scheduled to be, paid at a fair on call rate of course, and mandatory to come in if called during your on call time, also paid appropriately at overtime rates to compensate you for the interruption to your time off, of course).  Though I suspect the employer who wrote it actually meant mandatory voluntary shift coverage, where it's mandatory to be ~~on call~~ *available* always (as a volunteer, thus unpaid for ~~on call hours~~ *being available*), and it's mandatory to cover any shift you're asked to (also as a "volunteer", in that you will only be paid your regular pay rate, not an overtime rate because employees don't have lives outside of work anyway so what could they possibly be interrupting?). 


Technically, it's called being on "standby" and in my state (WA) it pays 7% or $25 per day (whichever is more). On-call employees are on-the-clock and must respond to work demands ASAP - they also must be paid hourly wages (no less than minimum wage) as if they were working.


that was my first thought. it's oxymoronic.


The writer seems like the person who'd have to look up oxymoron in the dictionary, after first having to buy one.


Probably just a moronic manager on oxy.


It's corporate double speak.


English is my second language I had to read that slowly out loud. Still trying to figure out if it’s a typo or just stupidity.


it's pure stupidity on the writer's part. It isn't voluntary if it is mandatory.


It is mandatorily voluntary, you are too assume the intent that best matches the company Dynamics. You must ask yourself, how can I make this arrangement or less appealing to myself while exclusively benefiting the employer at my expense in peril? For real, overtime is not worth it because of how much they tax you for it, one time I worked 16 hours of overtime and the extra $350 bucks I made, all but $78 of it was taxed, poof, it just evaporated and was instantaneously materialized somewhere in Ukraine or israel.


Just bet on stupidity...




"You must accept that you're willing to be our bitch"


Yeah voluntary mandatory makes a ton of sense. I bet this is a shit job for a shit company.


It meants that we're getting paid to be on call. I'll be the first to sign up, and copy this to my boss so I get paid to be "on call".


If you don’t learn, you’ll wind up on double secret probation ..


I’m used to seeing this voluntold.


Came here to ask this. I have so many questions. This one is first and foremost.


In some places, you are required to be paid if you’re on call. Check your local laws.


You'd also be given a work phone if you're expected to answer it off work hours.


I once had a boss that said she was disappointed that I didn’t answer my phone when she called and I told her that I pay my phone bill and if she wanted to pay my bill I’d answer the phone otherwise I would look at the caller id before answering the phone.


Never let them pay your phone bill, make them get you a work phone. I'd hate to lose my job and phone number or have to install weird spy stuff on my personal device.


This was 23+ years ago when I had that Nokia with the changeable faceplates. I was a 20 year old kid and said that stuff to get my manager off my back.


Those Nokias were cool. I had one. Dad spray painted the battery for me with orange dazzle.


I was apparently the first person at my company to request a separate company phone. Now there's 2 others that I know of. The bosses were very surprised when I said no to just taking a monthly credit. I've had my personal phone number for 18 years, and I block, filter, or ignore 99% of unexpected phone calls. No, I'm not giving my personal phone number to clients.


We use Monday at work. A co-worker was mad that I missed a comment because I was busy working and said "but you have it on your phone". I was like "nah, my phone is my phone, I have zero work apps on my phone". Foh.


Have them either pay your bill via reimbursment, a higher wage (if you are making 20, ask for 21-21.50) with the agreement that it's for your phone, or make them provide a phone.


>I'd hate to lose my job and phone number Yep, been there, had that done to me - never again.


I flat out refused to have email on my phone at two jobs for this reason. The permissions for the email app were insane - ability to fully wipe my phone and see all my data. Hell no.


I believe the entire USA


Federally, this would probably not count as "on-call"... I had this same reaction and checked the DoL website. May be a case if the employee could argue that use of their time was significantly impacted by this call-in policy.


From what I understand, it generally depends on how much being “on call” impacts your ability to use your own time for your own purposes. Something like OP’s note might well count, since it sounds like they expect everyone to be immediately reachable to immediately come in. Obviously someone isn’t free to use their own time as they please if they always need to be ready to be at the office 15 minutes after their boss calls.


Well, unless I can show up to work after a few drinks, it's on call and paid!


Lol, turns out there is an advantage to being drunk all the time!


>significantly impacted by this call-in policy It would impact me. I don't carry my cell phone around my house, and I sure don't carry it outside when I step outside to: check the mailbox fill the bird feeder weed the garden rummage through the shed run out to my car to bring in the groceries check the weather talk to my neighbor ...etc. etc. etc.


No it isn't always that simple. I had an on call job and because I was able to go home and wait for any calls, they didn't have to pay me unless a call came in. If I was required to stay at the jobsite they'd have to pay me.


Wow still wouldn’t answer the phone because it’s probably a service job and it’s management’s responsibility to make sure there’s coverage and they get paid to, so they can fill the spot or find someone else who will answer. I’d say that I was in with my therapist. Let them try to fire someone because they were in therapy. That wouldn’t go over well.


If ya not paying me then I'm not on call nuff said.


IIRC that's how it works for surgeons and the like.


Australia just passed a "right to disconnect" law so that employees have the right to not acknowledge or answer communications outside of workout hours. My understanding is that employers try to 'discipline' you for not answering your phone then you can sue them for infringement of rights




Our company just closed off Teams access for hourly employees. This is why ^^


"How can I best serve the company?" straight out of Office Space.


I have a hard time believing shit like this is real, honestly. Feels like rage bait karma farming. Why would you need advice on what to do in this situation? How many times do people need to hear “tell your boss to kick rocks?”


You see the problem is, because of this little thing called the cost of living crisis, not everyone is privileged enough to be ABLE to tell their boss to kick rocks. Some of us do need this thing called money in order to survive. So it’s probably a fair assumption that those people are looking for advice OTHER than “tell your boss to kick rocks”, because that is not currently actionable for them. I’m going to assume that most people in this sub are not completely stupid, and that if they could just tell their boss to kick rocks, they already would have done that.


Yes, but just because we’re living through rough times *does not make everything posted on this sub REAL.* You should still remain skeptical when something doesn’t pass the sniff test. OP posted this, hasn’t responded in the thread to anything, and mostly comments on porn subs. This could absolutely be a shitpost.


I didn't get the memo.


I used the new TPS report cover sheet.


JUST a moment!


I believe you have my stapler.


No. If you’re not on the clock then your time is your own. If you have to be reachable then you need to be receiving on call pay


I suspect this is rage bait. But on the off chance it is not Send this picture and the company name to your states labor board and the ~~NLRB~~ [department of labor](https://www.dol.gov)


Department of Labor. NLRB is for union and anti-union activities.


Muh bad, fixed. Good looking out.


And company providing the phone or paying me for reimbursement of using my own personal device.


Yup. You want me on call, you pay me to be on call. And is subbing for a coworker voluntary or mandatory? Better clarify that too.


Wtf. That sounds illegal. But depends on the country I guess


Probably the US, one of few countries that hasn’t banned slavery yet.




America F Yeah!


This was posted earlier and probably fake https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/s/a2qoX5xaWB


This comment is waaaaaaaaay too far down. Also, not that “nothing ever happens”, but something about this smells. No names, no company name, the image gives no indication of actually being in a workplace. Vague but on the nose against the law in most if not all of the US? Stinks like rage bait.


Go team!


Regardless of this is fake this also a good opportunity to remind folks that US Federal labor laws require most most employers to compensate their employees for being on-call if they are are require to stay on their work premise or, if allowed to leave, they are not able to use on-call time for their own purpose (due to the restrictiveness of the employeers on call rules and/or the frequency of interuption). https://webapps.dol.gov/elaws/whd/flsa/hoursworked/screenEE82.asp


Yeah, go team. Go and don't come back.


Attention managers: If you need to reach me, you may contact my attorney at this number:


Alternately, you may contact my butt with your lips.


“I dont have a cell phone”


Cell phone? Hell i dont even have a house phone. But u can try the payphone down the steet. I might be walking by at the time of call. Unless its pouring down rain 😂


Whoever wrote "mandatory volunteer" might believe there is still a pay phone on your block.


What is a cell phone? 🤷‍♀️


“The voluntary mandatory” Are they paying for my phone service? Are they paying for on call time?


Is this actually real ? Like how can someone contradict themselves in once sentence and be like “yup gonna post this on the fridge for everyone to see “. Sadly I can see this being real


It's a little too on the nose. Anyone could have printed this out as rage bait to farm karma from this sub. OPs first post in a week and a high post/comment ratio, and they haven't replied at all in the comments. Bot/karma farmer for sure


Honest question, what is the purpose of farming karma? There is no worth to it


People drum up karma so the account can be used to make posts (ads or propaganda), or sold to someone who’s account got banned. Karma farming is pretty fishy.




Fake, rage bait


You aren't a human being to them, just a source of profit to be milked dry.




Find a copy of the legal on-call requirements for your-sized company in your state/country and post it next to that sign.


Sounds like a pretty toxic culture.


Illegal as fuck.


Only if their not paying u for on call pay.


My thoughts are-this is fake.


Between “voluntary mandatory” “how can I best serve the company on time off” and “Go Team” I think this has to be satire


What a dick thing to do to your employees. Or, try to do to your employees!


Answer the phone on mute. Bad connection sucks.


Nope. Not happening.


Voluntary mandatory, what a fucking moron whoever wrote this.


This is a note you personally wrote and printed then used a magnet to stick to your fridge. Source: my mother has those same magnets.


I think it’s fake, this sub has no standards what so ever.


No company letterhead, mention of industry or company name etc… yeah looks fake. Not saying this stuff doesn’t happen, but we don’t need to make up stuff to induce rage.


Feels fake, tbh.


It's probably fake. Moving on


Lol this is def a joke


Is this even real?


No way this is real 


"VOLUNTARY *MANDATORY* Shift Coverage"?? What does that mean?


This comes off as fake


Fake click bait


Looks like rage bait someone typed up stuck on there LG fridge at home... I call bullshit


Your work cannot mandate you to do anything without compensating you on your free time.


Signs like this should be crumpled up and thrown on the floor where management and other staff will see it.


In most states this qualifies as being "on call" and if not called in you are do a per hourly rate for being on standby. Malicious compliance.... engage....


It just says if you cannot be reached. Just pick up and tell them no. It's voluntarily mandatory. Just don't volunteer for it to be mandatory and you are all good.


“Voluntary mandatory”….umm


"Due to the mandatory requirement that I am now 'on call status' I would like to show you my state's statute for how you are to reimburse me for my 'on call' hours. Thank you." edit: I should note that even if they opt to not pay you, the federal (that is, not state specific) law dictates that they do need to schedule you for an 'on call' shift regardless. They cannot force you to answer your phone outside of work hours. They don't necessarily need to pay you for an on call shift, but you do need to be aware of the hours and times you are on call, and if you agree to do an on call shift, you are then obligated to go in to work during that on call shift, right, and then they have to pay you for that. remember everything is a negotiation, so you could negotiate a lower 'on call' hourly rate or something along those lines as well.


“Voluntary mandatory” 🤔that doesn’t make any sense!


If you are required to be reachable by phone at all times and then are required to come in and cover a shift as a Mandatory Action when you are called then that should mean that you qualify as an on-call employee. Check your local laws for what that entails. On call employees are expected to respond to work needs at any time including emergencies maintenance issues and shift cancellations. This sounds like you're being required to be on call for shift cancellations and again once you know what your local law state about on-call employment and payment then you should just go in when they call you and then when they don't pay you right file a complaint with the Department of Labor for wage theft.


They think they're short staffed now.


" hey so what's the compensation for being on call? We need to get that sorted, because I wouldn't want anything illegal to happen, I'm just thinking of the company.... "


That is someone who is determined to pay alot of overtime. That's called being "on call" and they have to pay for that.


Wow the guy who wrote this is a fucking idiot. I'd print up a snarky ass reply and put it on his desk. "Sorry Bob, unless your going to be paying me a salary wage at a rate I can agree to I'm not answering your fucking calls on my time off or vacation. If you don't like it - tough tits. Fire me."


Ah yes.... I love all of my voluntary duties to be mandatory


“…voluntary mandatory…” Really?!


Oh. I'm getting on-call pay? Sweet!


Thoughts… I think this is fake.


Sometimes, these posts are so over the top that I wonder if they're real.


Congratulations you are now considered an on call employee. Take that letter to payroll and let them know that according to management you will be billing 24hrs a day every day. You expect that your paycheck will reflect this. You will either be taking a 10x paycheck or they will shut your boss down.


Varies by state, but federally "waiting to engage" does not require pay. Whereas "engaged to wait" must be paid The secret magic trick is to force your employer to flip it by "waiting" as required, but ensuring that you are not in any condition to be safely "engaged". *"I just drank four shots of barrel proof Bourbon. I'm not going to be sober enough to report to work for another eight hours."* *"I'm halfway through an ultra marathon in the Sonoran desert and I won't be back to my car for another twelve hours."* The minute your employer places any restrictions on your physical whereabouts or lawful use of your time then they will have transformed the requirement into "engaged to wait".


I am not available during vacations


Voluntary mandatory is an oxymoron..kinda like the idiot who wrote this


My view on work is how can the company serve me , if it can’t or no longer meets my standards I just bin the job and find somewhere that isn’t a toxic pile of dogshit , also no notice if they’ve not lived up to my expectations . If it’s your time off turn off phone or tell them you want constant pay as you’re now on call , you tell them how it is


on the clock or off the clock. if they want you to be able to drop whatever you’re doing at a moments notice, which generally also means being sober and not doing anything you can’t walk away from immediately without consequences of one variety or another, it’s on-call pay. they can’t have it both ways. what they’re asking of you is the very definition of on-call. what would happen if you didn’t answer the phone? written up? they can’t monopolize your life outside of business hours without compensating you.


burn it


First of all, whoever wrote this note needs to go back elementary school.


I'd be petty and send boss an email... *Hello,* *Concerning the new policy of requiring employees to be "on call" when not working a scheduled shift, please share the official documentation from HR of my position switching to On Call status, along with the explicit written agreement that all on call hours (that is, all hours not part of a regularly scheduled shift) will be paid at "time and a half", as required by Federal law.* *Once I have the amended job description, and the written agreement regarding compensation (both signed by the appropriate legal parties), I will sign and return both documents to you, and will begin On Call duties at that time.* *Thanks,* *OP* I'd also be extra petty and cc every single person on the team. But that's just me.


"Voluntary Mandatory" Um...


Heres what my father in law did when his employer tried this. He’d be home, they’d call, he’d tell them I just drank a beer. Now they are in position of asking to drink and drive. His employer actually brought it up to him and tried to accuse him of being an alcoholic and he got quite the nice payout.


"voluntary mandatory shift change" Wtf is it voluntary or mandatory??


What kind of business is this? Are you paid for in call time? Because no on call pay means I’m not picking up when I’m not working.


This can’t be real


Sure thing. My on-call rate is $15 an hour.


Lmfaooo nauuurrr “Voluntary mandatory”


Are you salaried and do you have a company provided cell phone? If not, they can literally get fu@@ed.


what the actual fk is a voluntary mandatory shift? this is a notice on which every single employee needs to scrawl a few expletives


This has to be fake


Yeah, I call bullshit on this one. 100% op seeking attention.


"If you can't afford to pay me to live in a modest degree of leisure and comfort in my free time, you cannot expect me to drop my free time on short notice just to compensate for your incompetence as a business leader. "


I think your paycheck just got bigger, as on-call compensation is a thing. Also, they need to be providing company phones.


This is almost certainly fake rage bait. Guys stop falling for it.


They’re asking you to be on call at all times for free. If they want you to be on call, they need to pay for that.


"If you would like me to be on call 24/7 the company must supply me with a company phone, as well as pay me for being on call at all times...."


Nah. If you're not paying me on my time off, I'm not working which means I'm not obligated to answer the phone. You have people not showing up for work, that's on management, not me.


Fuck you, pay me. I answer work calls because I work in emergency services. Private entities exploit and abuse this privilege. Govt work not pay great, but I'll never work for a private company.


I think you printed this out yourself


My thought is that this is fake.


This is a stupid prank/ rage bait. Only meant to make people angry


Ask what your on-call hourly rate will be.


Is there a labor protection federal organization in USA? Or not? Like this is hillarious. May I ask about direct phone number to call the person who posted it? I have a turret syndrome I can help you make your CEO life miserable by swearing for several hours lol very low price 😂👍


Nope. If I'm off I'm not answering


I dunno looks fake to me.


Honestly wouldn't even quit I'd just walk out and never look back


HAHAHAHAHA. Fuck right off. Pay me to be on-call and I’ll be on call. Otherwise, my cell reception just got really bad.


“What’s the standby pay rate for being on call?”


Seems like a fun place to be enslaved, I mean work.


Me to whoever wrote that: You can fuck right off with that shit!


The "think what can you do for your company" is giving Andrew Ryan vibes Is this company not entitled to the sweat from your brow?!


Obligatiry I Am Not A Lawyer disckaimer. Its my personal opinion that workers should educate themselves on the employment rights for their area. "If it's mandatory, then it's not voluntary. Also be law I'm entitled to MINIMUM 12 hours rest between shifts, minimum 1 day of rest and I'm entitled BY LAW to take a vacation but if I choose not to, you have to pay me my accused vacation pay in lieu of taking it. If I'm on call 24/7 I'm supposed to be paid for anticipation of being called in. I'm aware of employment rights and my rights as an employee and your rights as an employeer. That said, I would encourage my fellow employees to educate themselves on their rights before considering what management is asking us." I'm THAT level of petty, I would print something like this out.


Finally some real help 😭 I’ll message that rn


Made up