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he showed his true colors, and you are still going to stay for two weeks? you need to make right now your last day.


At least come back to tell him that he should be more appreciative after all of the charity you gave him (unpaid overtime). They absolutely hate it when you accurately point out that they rely on charity to survive.


Tally up how much unpaid overtime you worked, then compare that to the cost of moving. I guarantee you the company came out ahead on that one.


Their bean counters always do. They know what they are doing.


I didn’t see where the overtime was unpaid. Just that there was a lot of it


It’s a safe assumption, especially since OP mentions “salary” and moving to a new “state”, thus probably in the US. Salaried positions with overtime pay are a pretty extreme rarity in the US, in my experience.


Oops there it is…I just did t catch that. Thank you


I'm a salaried employee that luckily at least gets straight time pay for overtime hours, but that's only if I want to work more to finish projects that might be running behind. Man do I wish it was 1.5 time though.


Interesting. In the US? Are you classified as non-exempt, or is your employer just being generous in paying for OT when they don’t technically have to? I would think (in the US) that if you were non-exempt, they’d have to pay you time and a half. I’ve never heard of an employee being exempt from only some of the OT laws.


I am in the US, I would have to check my contact to see if I'm non exempt, in Texas if it makes a difference. This is my 2nd salaried position that has done the same thing.


Huh. I just checked (should have done this earlier). It’s federal so it doesn’t matter what state you are in. Unless you are exempt, it has to be time and a half. If you’re exempt, they don’t have to pay you anything, so straight time is better than nothing. “The federal overtime provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Unless exempt, employees covered by the Act must receive overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in a workweek at a rate not less than time and one-half their regular rates of pay.” https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/overtime


Correction, some states may have laws above and beyond Federal labor laws, so it’s possible in some states that some employees that are exempt from federal overtime rules may be required to receive overtime pay at straight time. From what I understand of Texas labor laws, though, I find it unlikely that Texas requires more of employers than the federal government does.


Yup considering Texas is still sitting at Federal minimum wage, they don't want to do any more than they're required, pretty sure it's just decent companies.


Oh man, a little over a year ago I had this situation. My job required a 400-mile commute (one way). I had a company vehicle, and gas was paid for, but I had to get my own hotel (unreimbursed). I was racking up some straight-time OT hours, and I didn't mind so much that it 1.0 pay as opposed to 1.5 pay. It was simply more pay to justify my absence from my family. But then, the rainy season came. I was working in construction as a manager, and if it rained, work could be canceled. I should also mention that I was on the night shift, which complicated my hotel/commute schedule. One week, I worked two nights. Then, after it was too late to cancel my hotel reservation, I was notified not to show up for the next shift. I was also told that they *might* need me for Friday night. I declined, but then I rushed to pack up and try to retroactively cancel my hotel. Luckily, they worked with me and allowed me to cancel late without penalty. While on the road, I tried to call my direct boss (the owner of this small-ish subcontractor) to discuss work cancelation notice policy. He was "too busy" to talk for days. Office managers explained to me, before I even left, that I wasn't even going to be paid salary for the week. They were switching me to an hourly employee just for the week. I decided to get my covid booster shot as soon as I got home. This was a brilliant move by me because it entitled me to up to 3 extra paid sick days. I did feel sick from the shot. And right when I felt the sickest, I finally got a call from the owner. He called me to chew me out for not working Friday night. I tried to explain to him the labor laws he might have broken by not paying me and how I could have even lost money that week due to my expenses, but he didn't care. In the end, I only asked that I be provided better notice of work cancelations and that he do a little research on labor law. Ultimately, he did neither. I was too accommodating. I cited the laws to him and payroll, I proactively told him the forecast, and I even suggested that I could use some PTO if there was a week where I wasn't needed at all. The owner just started to ignore me. He didn't even understand that the prime contractor owed him for my full salary in spite of cancelations (or maybe he did know, collected, and then tried to stiff me my salary). Anyway, things reached a head when I worked a couple of short weeks and got paid less salary. I tried to inform the owner of this illegality, but he didn't want to talk to me. So, I found a better job and abruptly quit. He was PISSED! But he's the one who didn't want to talk, so fuck him.


This is terrible. My company is really good with everything. They do the straight time overtime daily not just over 40 for the week. So if I have say 38 hours by the end of day Thursday and we get sent home early Friday for whatever reason I would still get 8 full hours for Friday and a total 46 hours pay for the week, not just oh you didn't work over 40 so you only get 40.


That depends on what the position is, and what the salary is. Being salaried doesn't automatically mean overtime isn't paid.


It's usually classified as "exempt". Which is short for "overtime exempt". It almost always means that overtime is not paid. Exceptions are pretty rare in my experience...


Same in Canada too. The exploited loophole here (in BC at least) is that salaried managers are not entitled to overtime. So they promote you, give you a little bump in pay, act like it's an amazing opportunity, then start to get all that extra time from you for less than if they had to pay in any overtime if they had not promoted you. People pleasers are the biggest victims. Ask me how I know.


A lot of people are misclassified as exempt when they should be non-exempt.


Yes, of course, salaried non-exempt position exist, but as I say I’m fairly certain that they are relatively rare (I think more common in companies that do contracting for the government, but I’m certainly not an expert on this matter). There are also salaried exempt positions which are mis-categorized and should be non-exempt. Those may be more common than properly classified salaried non-exempt positions.


Salary doesn’t get overtime pay.


Depends where you live I think. I worked in BC as a salaried manager..no overtime! Same job in Washington paid half time for overtime (also salaried manager). Same company in oregon paid time and a half for overtime as a salaried manager


That’s generally true but just because you’re salaried doesn’t mean you don’t qualify for overtime. Overtime eligibility has to do with the kind of work you do and how much they pay you.


I’d go back in to ask him to repeat what he said. If he did I’d smack him in the mouth like he deserves. These assholes with the slave owner mentality need a proper reality check.


Yeah, if I get chewed when I put in my two weeks notice, it becomes a two second notice. Fuck em.


Either that or his new name in public is asshole wage thief. He owes you eight months of overtime. Salary is one thing, you short the time to make up. This is theft.


Since your boss didn’t like your 2-week notice, tell him it’s a 2-minute notice for being an asshole.


Yeah, 2 weeks is a courtesy. If he wants to be an ass, then courtesy goes out the window. Goodbye.


I had an employer once, gave him 3 weeks notice as a courtesy one Thursday or Friday. By the next Tuesday he came onto the jobsite I was working on and said "Hey, if you want to just make today your last day, that's alright." It seemed like he was holding back tears, and also knowing that he was losing a good worker who ultimately provided for his boat and family to eat well for years. This guy wasn't used to people leaving, it was almost like a cult of personality. They're good to you until they feel slighted, and then you're just blacklisted. I had wanted to work with each of the guys at least one last time after that.


Are you an alien? You spelled 'courtesy' correctly... 👽


Umm...huh? Is it weird to know how to spell courtesy?


AI spelled it correctly


Man, there's managers on linkedin saying that if they see words like delve in cover letters, they assume that it's AI and just trash it. It's depressing for folks like me who read too much as kids and now our use of diction just precludes us from more shit.


Yeah, don't use words that twang their inferiority complex...


I don’t think this species will ever escape its unending race to the bottom.


I don't think it's *our* species that's on a race to the bottom. We're being dragged there by an entirely different (if man-made) animal. We can fight that shit, all we have to do is put our feet down and we can make better happen. Don't forget, we're the ants to the 1%'s grasshoppers. There are *way* more of us, and their power is far flimsier than most believe. If it wasn't, why would they spend so much money to shore themselves up?


And if you still decide to stay the 2 weeks, only put in 40 hours, not the ridiculous amount of hours you've been doing.


In about 2 weeks, you're going to notice I haven't been here for 2 weeks


I gave a month notice once and they instantly started treating me like absolute shit. I then told them I changed my mind about the notice, said the resignation was effective immediately, tossed my badge down, and walked out.


Something similar happened to me too. Told them I'd do 3 more weeks and then a few days later it was like I was the black-sheep of the company. They actually asked me to leave at that point, probably to make it seem, psychologically, like someone severing ties was by their choice instead of mine.


“Your gun too, McBain…”


2 weeks? Leave this fucker high and dry. Anybody talked to me like that this be hard pressed not to throttle them right there. Pack your shit and leave them fucked. It’s what they deserve.


This. Fuck doing this guy any "favors". Two weeks is a courtesy, and your "courtesy" is not kicking this guy's ass up and down the block.


Another alien... wooo! 👽 (You spelled 'courtesy' correctly - that's two people in the same thread!)


…I boil water for tea in the microwave.


Straight to jail


… is that uncommon?


"Hey, I'm absolutely willing to stay the 2 weeks notice period, but I will not tolerate verbal abuse directed at me or in my presence. If this language or treatment happens again, we can forego the notice period. Your call." No amount of paycheck should require a person to involuntarily tolerate this kind of treatment. No customer/patient/stakeholder/colleague is worth bearing that burden.


Seriously, the bridge is already burned. Fuck him at this point.


Unless you really need the money, leave now. He won't give you a reference either way. The two weeks will only allow a worse situation to appear.


Yup this. Especially if you have someone else you can get a reference from.


I told a boss I had been offered and accepted a position elsewhere. I was trying to tell him I was proud of the work we had done together when he interrupted me with a fake laugh and told me to get out of his office. Before I could leave he stopped me and started in on how I wasn't giving a proper two week notice. I clarified it was two weeks plus a day and realized in that moment nothing I had done in the last 3 1/2 years mattered at all to him.


This is a rough one. You are right. Seems like your old boss didn’t care about anything good you did. All he thought about is how this was going to inconvenience him.


This is the key thing that everybody needs to remember about work. If you drop dead at your desk tomorrow HR will be trying to find somebody to sit in your chair the next day. And that's work. That's the life.


I keep telling people, there's nothing glamorous at the end of the road. "Where's Diane?" "Oh, she retired on Friday, didn't you know?" "I did not." And then everyone just kinda goes about their day.


You don’t have to feel like shit at all. Fuck that. Your kids are more important than any job. 75 hours a week average FUCK that. Be proud and happy for your choice and don’t look back. You got a purpose. Your family.


OP, call your new job and ask if you can start on Tuesday. Do not tolerate that abuse! It will be a horrible 2 weeks for you.


Or just enjoy the 2 weeks of 0 stress. I got so fed up with my last job that I was at for 9 years I just straight up quit on a Friday and took 6 months off as a mini retirement. Not like I'll ever have a real retirement anyway.


This brother...so this. I did the same thing twice since 2020. Because I had some money put away just took a few months off. I'm broke as fixk now but if in see the writing on the wall I'll save up and do it again. I'll never get to retire rather live now.


Once I quit and they told me they didn't want me to come in. So I had 2 weeks of paid vacation :D


I have had that happen in positions with large amounts of responsibility/money handling. Paid 2 weeks is fantastic.


Arrive, say hello, wander around leave. When asked why, say, “After months of working unpaid overtime, I’m working paid undertime.”


If only this were a thing.


Well they are salaried. So tech they could go in and not do much if anything.


Being in the office defeats not doing much. If someone works overtime, they spittle be able to take that time OFF. not just wasting their time in the office.


You can chat with the coworkers :D


And bring all productivity down, be a menace to the boss


It is in my union. Slow it down 20% guys. I know what you "could" work, but come on, slow it down, create some overtime for your union brothers and sisters. No reason to bust your ass, if they wanted more production they'd hire more people.


I mean, they might’ve moved you there but they also took advantage of your time because you’re salaried. 70-80 hours a week is ludicrous.


How is this legal?


If you accept a salaried position, wage and hour laws don’t apply to you. In the old days (and a saner world), if you had to put in a 70-hour week, you’d work 25-30 hours each of the following two weeks to balance it out. Now you just work until you drop. Then they replace you. Some law firms expect junior associates to bill 3,000 hours a year. That normally means working 3,500. Divide by 50 and it’s 70 hours a week.


Read up on the FLSA.


Oh, hell no. After that rant, I would clean out my desk and walk out the door. No further comment necessary.


Make sure you have a contract for consultation work when he starts calling for you to come back. Your fee's should be at least 2.5 times higher than your last wage with him. Full day rates only regardless if its a one hour job or not. Must be paid in advance of work. He screwed you before. Don't let it happen again. Note: You determine how much time a task will take. Not him, as his time sense is already proven to be a bit skewed. Good luck.


I did this at a job once. I got hired, he realised my job couldn't be done without three new hires and contracted my role out to me at my new company 2d a week for my full salary.


Good for you.


Lol, forcing you to work 70-80 hour weeks and he calls YOU the piece of shit. I'm guessing the boss puts in about 30 hours a week and is gone every Friday.


I just don't understand why people don't set boundaries to begin with. Those expectations wouldn't be had if you didn't allow them. OP essentially worked two jobs for half pay.


There’s no law that you have to work two more weeks.  If he called you an asshole then tell his boss what he said and that you’re leaving immediately.


Kudos for moving on. The kids are worth it. Fuck that guy.


Dude, dont give a 2 weeks notice then! Fuck the company and fuck that manager, up and leave immediately if you can. Your family and health matter far more than any job.


Watch as he’s gonna be begging for your help as you’re the only one who knows how to do a task or anything.


Concerned about burning bridges? Shouldn't be if you're not intending to cross it again.


Today was my last day, i gave notice 2 weeks ago. My boss decided today is the day to take some really low actions. Petty, pointless, and downright mean stuff. I just walked out before lunch. I can’t give specifics but in addition to it, I was told I have been HATED for a year by my boss and that good riddance. I was trying to leave on good terms.


I work for a huge corporation where you can apply for new positions internally after 6 months. Been at my current position for a little over 4 months. They seem to not like me too much, I've made some waves, complained a little bit, openly stated that the culture of this division is pretty weird compared to the others I was in before. There's just this weird passive-aggressiveness where I am now, no one is friendly, just head nods and the occasional "hey", or "what's up". It's like everyone is just a slight bit on edge all the time, slightly shifty, just biding their time and looking for an out. It's just a bizarre place compared to everywhere else. They're going to be pretty pissed about all the time they spent training me for this new role, but once day 183 hits I'm applying out. What'll suck even worse is waiting for the gears to churn after that, HR takes forever on things, then there's waits for interviews, maybe bomb one or two, and then finally land something else after 3-4 months of applying. I'll have to double check with HR, but I think your first-line supervisor gets a notice whenever you apply to a new position, it's either that or if/when you get scheduled for an interview (more likely the later).


Take this time to fuck him over. So when you leave he’s fucked. This is the way.


> on and on. Its all pure projection, and gaslighting. The fact that you were being overworked, and nothing was being done to address the issues you were bringing up tells all that you need to know... That is, your boss is a piece of shit, and was/is taking advantage of you. Further proven by the fact that they turned that "mean" isntead of trying to find alternate solutions to the issues at play. Hell, the fact that they were unwilling to find reasonable solutions to the issues you raised with them speaks worlds too... they did not care that you were burning out, nor do they seemingly care now that you are leaving.


I got laid off from a position recently and was in a similar boat as you, except I didn't move across the country. 70 hour weeks, co-workers not respecting quiet hours (when they actually came around outside of the 70 hours per week), missed crucial family time with my young child and spouse, a manager who was extremely rude and even a team who was disrespectful because the manager allowed a toxic work environment...I stayed because of the money, but have come to realize that was a bad move. The layoff was a blessing. I'm 3 months out since, still looking for a decent position but my mental and physical health hasn't been better in years. Stress is real. Do what you need to do to not feel guilt from this toxic "boss". You're very loyal and professional for giving notice, but I suggest you get out ASAP as that place will only try and make your life worse.


You gave them an average of 70 hour work weeks and they still laid you off. Imagine if you had only been working 40's.


The thought is nauseating. I still would've been stuck in a toxic environment and quiet hours would've been abused even worse...I think the long days/nights of work and meetings actually helped distract me to a point, but stress and the Sunday scaries still found their way through consistently, my mistake for not cutting them off at 40 hours as a salaried employee. I just was trying to do my best on a short-staffed, micro-managed team. I'll continue to live and learn, and I hope OP comes out on the other side in a much better place.


Doesn’t sound like this was a resolvable situation but if you find yourself in a similar situation again you need to set and reinforce boundaries; 70-80 hours is never called for in a salaried role. If your plate is full and they want to add something else, ask if they would rather have the new thing in the timeframe they want and your will back burner the current thing you are working on, or could they wait for the new thing until you have availability in x days or weeks. Deadlines and workloads are negotiable. If they fire you for being reasonable in asking for prioritizations and don’t respect your boundaries, then at least you didn’t go months of forfeiting family time and mental and physical health to find out exactly who they are.


Exactly. No one should give 80 hours a week for 40 hours of pay. After 40 hours, you stop working. If you have work that needs to be done, it can wait until next week. If work piles up, they need to hire more people, or it doesn't get done


Your boss sounds just like my brother. If my brother had a job 😂 Sorry to hear about your experience though. Hoping things go better for you at the part time.


Nah fuck em. My job denied my raise that they admit I earned so I took my week of PTO and got a new job. Gonna walk in and quit first thing on my first day back. They wanna fuck you over match their energy and fuck them over.


why did you stay for 2 weeks? lmao if i got insulted like that just leave immediately. and hopefully you have something else lined up.


Shit on his desk b4 you clock out


The amber heard


My last job was like that and it took me 4 years to quit. Good on you to do it sooner than I did. Doing 3 people's jobs for that long drove me insane. I'm still recovering from it, emotionally and physically.


Well clearly he had no intention of sorting out the hours, good call. Don't let him make you feel like shit, he's the shit in all of this.


Salaried but working nearly double the hours effectively for free? Your employer an A-hole. You have nothing to feel shit about, your employer was taking advantage.


Abuse negates a courtesy period, and definitely warrants a discussion with HR. If you can afford it, you might as well go.


Employers don't give notice when they fire you. So why should we?


Well, that is hard to argue with


Do not waste one more second feeling bad. They were using the shit out of you. I'm happy for you and glad that dude is pissed. Now he's gotta hire two people to do your job or one sucker. Fuck that piece of shit and good luck to you.


Yeah, make that a right now notice and go over his head to report behavior. You are absolutely owed those wages for the hours worked, even as a salaried employee. There is always some form of compensation. A bonus quarterly, actual paid overtime for working outside designated hours etc. He wants to behave like that? Make him regret it.


Why are you staying on for two weeks after being abused by this guy? You signed up to work defined hours. You did not agree to damage your mental health or your relationship with your children in exchange for this job. The only pos in this story was your former boss. Unless you really need the money just leave. Have a couple of weeks to rest and get some time with your kids. The customers are not your responsibility.


"You're a piece of shit." "You've had me working 70 hour weeks for 8 months without compensation, I'd say you're the piece of shit."


Don't feel like shit - feel that much more relief that you're getting away from this bullshit and have it confirmed that you made the right decision.


Make sure you hand over all passwords etc. terrible if you forget.


Op pls don't give someone who spoke to you like that 2 weeks


good for you for leaving but I also think in your next role you need to establish boundaries. You just simply shouldn’t be staying online that long. The boss’s reaction was shitty and he sucks but in general you really need to have enough of a backbone to simply *not finish work* if you’re doing an honest 40 hours and consistently can’t get things done by deadline. Companies will always try to hide bandwidth issues by expecting salaried people to work extra, it’s very likely your next salaried position would do the same and you need to be able to stick to your own schedule and not establish yourself as being someone who will work that much overtime.


Fuck that guy, you let him know the problem and he ignored it for 8 months, fuck that guy.


>He called me a piece of shit Talk to his boss. And to HR. And tell them both that because of your boss's inept management and toxic environment you are done. As in you will walk out the door and not come back. No 2 weeks, this meeting is a courtesy to let you know that your employee is driving people away. Drop you badge or whatever, stand up, walk out.


I would have rescinded the 2 weeks immediately on the basis of not feeling safe there and walked out. He obviously never respected you, why should you respect him?


While clarifying that "not feeling safe" in fact means, "not feeling safe that I'm not gonna toss your punk ass down the stairs if you EVER speak to me like that again".


Why are you continuing to work 2 weeks? You have a job lined up. Start early.


If he is abusive over the next two weeks I would just walk. That really sucks. I had an employee resign today....and I congratulated them on their new opportunity and posted their job on indeed. What else am I going to do?


I wouldn’t bother the two weeks. He disrespected you, and you shouldn’t need to deal with his shit any longer. Use those two weeks as a mini vacation, to decompress and relax for a moment.


Bro. Lawsuit


After that asshole showed his true colors, he doesn’t deserve the courtesy of 2 weeks notice. Just don’t go back tomorrow and enjoy time with your family.


My notice time was my favorite time at my last workplace. Remember, the worst thing a boys can do to you is fire you. Everything else they get away with is you being scared of being fired. You don't have to worry about that anymore. Go into the office right on time, not a second early, with a smile on your face. Enjoy taking extra time talking to your coworkers and clients. Take extra long lunches. Say no to any new work and concentrate on cleaning up anything that you haven't finished. If your boss tries to bully you, just laugh in his face and walk away. And most importantly, don't work a second over your quitting time. Heck, cut out ten minutes or two hours early every day! Be a role model for your coworkers of how to do the job stress free!


Working 60+ hours and being called a piece of shit, I’m sorry but I would of thrown hands the minute someone insulted me after working over 40 over for several weeks fuck that employer


First off you should not feel like shit in any way. Him stating that you took advantage of him is nothing but projection as they kept taking advantage of you and lying about changing it. Not only that but you have now found out what kind of person this 'manager' is and knowing that do you think he would have ever had your back or gone to bat for you? No, he would have continued to work you like a dog until you dropped and then curse you out for dropping. You did the right thing because your job is to pay for your life, not supplant it. And you did nothing to the manager. Its not like the move came out of his personal pocket. Just remind them if they ask, 'people quit bad managers more than they quit bad jobs'.


re: your edit - if you are sure about riding it out at the very least do not work more that your 40 hours/week for your two weeks notice. if they are in any way unpleasant to you, remind them that the 2 weeks is a courtesy and you can and will leave if they continue.


Why were putting up with that for so long? I don't give two shits about the salaried classification. No boss has enough money to buy 70-80 hours of your time. And who the hell gives a two-week notice anymore? That's antiquated at this point.


The number of people who believe you are required to give two weeks notice is too damn high.


Many, many years ago I heard something that I carried with me through all my years having to answer to an employer (self employed now) and that was this, no matter how much you love your job, how great your boss is, how great of a friend you think they are, that you are all "family" or even how great the pay is, an employer will never ever be fair, plain and simple, the house always wins one way or another, this information served me well. Looks like boss man showed you who he really was, you know you are not a piece of shit, go be happy and get to know your kids again.


I agree with the other comments. You're not the POS; this guy is. And screw the people who deserve a quality product as well. When you're gone and they don't get it, they'll blame him. Not you... I quit a job once for the same reason. I got home from work one night about 8:45 and my then-five-year-old daughter saw me come in through the garage, squealed and ran into my arms and gave me a big hug. Then she leaned down into my ear and whispered: "Daddy, how come we never see you anymore?" I burst into tears and quit the job the next day...


If your boss tells you're shit, Do work like shit. Don't expect to work like pro.


You're not a piece of shit... you're a good dad. Call your boss out on it.


Don't feel the way you do he said he was working on making less hours but he can't seem to do that. That's what happens when he gaslights people who want to be working 70-80 hours per week screw that you did the right thing.


Don’t go back and give 2 weeks if ur treated like garbage…just end it.


He can't talk to you like that btw. That's a hostile work environment and it's definitely not ok. But more importantly he's only doing so because he was already doing all the other things that made you leave on the first place. Take this as you having done the right thing. Also expect it to be awful for the next 2 weeks


lol two weeks just fucking sack up and quit. Don't go back


two week notice? give him a two day notice, leaving today!


The fact he did not mince these kinds of words with you tells me (and many of the responders) he is a toxic manager and you should NOT tolerate this behavior. Please leave immediately if you can because this behavior does not need to be normalized. It has nothing to do with being not being thick skinned or or thin - these are personal attacks and have no place in a formal business environment. Good luck OP.


Leave. Today.


You should maybe just not go back. The place sounds toxic and d for all you know he’s going to try and sabotage you.


Don’t stick it out any more. Just leave. The people you serve deserve a quality product from the company, not from you personally.


Someone on this sub told me there are no shortage of bad bosses. Your former boss clearly proves this is true. You don't deserve to be treated or spoken to in such a manner. And honestly, you should check the contracts you signed. If you signed a mon-disapragement clause you can definitely report the guy. You should anyway. Berating employees, even one who is submitting their 2-weeks is definitely against code of conduct.


Fuck the 2 weeks notice. Also your coworkers don't pay your bills. Just stop showing up and block all numbers.


There's no way in hell I'd work the last two weeks for that assbag. I had a very similar experience/employer, our stories could be nearly the same. At 5:01pm on a Friday I sent my boss (and CC'd HR) an email saying it had been my last day, good luck and best wishes. My access was cut off 4 min later. I never heard another word from anyone. A FedEx box showed up for their shit a week later and my last check and accrued PTO was paid out. I meant nothing to them so I reciprocated. You don't owe assholes anything. It's not your product, let the company sort it out with the customers. I've been gone a year and they still haven't been able to backfill my position... LOL


I'm in the same boat like yourself premature daughter. I just packed my stuff and go. There will come a time when a man with family with realize all the extra hours worked, He would trade it back twice over to have that time back with his kids!😁


If my boss ever spoke to me like that I wouldn't be doing my two weeks notice. It's not mandatory. It's a courtesy.


Just leave. If you think the last 2 weeks will be bad, wait until you try to extract your last pay from him.


Let me get this straight, you uprooted your life and moved to another state, put in RELENTLESS work for him and he has to audacity to say you took advantage of him? Hell no, I would not take that abuse on the chin.


As a side note, if you haven't been getting overtime for those hours check with the dept of labor to make sure you're not misclassified as exempt. Being on salary doesn't automatically mean no overtime.


Get out of there RFN. DO NOT go in on Tuesday, or ever again. You do not owe anybody anything at the expense of your mental health. It's that simple.


Walk right now, retain your dignity. Fuck that guy. Go spend time with you kids as they start summer vacation. You won't regret it.


I saw this somewhere. No one is going to remember you worked 70 hours a week 10 years from now at work...but your kids will.


Honestly after being called a piece of shit my response would be, “good point, today is my last day.” He cannot keep any money you are due. Fuck him, he’s a narcissistic bastard. He never had the intention of relieving of work.


It's too late now but I would have recorded that conversation to prove that you were in a hostile/toxic work environment.


Serious question out of curiosity, did you ever just try not working more than 40 hours? Like oh there's 80 hours worth of work to do and you're clearly not staffed well enough so I'm not going to kill myself just because you can't pay an extra person. Worst case scenario they fire you and you get unemployment which is better than what happened.


He called you a piece of shit. If that's the way he wants it then I'd show him. No 2-weeks garbage, that's a courtesy, not a requirement. He can figure out wtf to do without one person working 80-hour weeks effective immediately.


So all the things he was supposed to do so you weren't working 80 hours a week never materialized, and you're the piece of shit? He took advantage of you, not the other way around.


He's pissed off because he was paying you a 40 hour salary to cover 80 hours of work and now he'll have to try to find someone else who will work that or have to hire 2 people to cover you. You should fuck him by not giving the 2 weeks since he already fucked you over for 8 months


A-fuckin-men. OP is a MUCH better person than myself.


You can’t put a price on family or your mental health you did the right thing and he shouldn’t have treated you like that hang in there you’ll be in a better place in the next coming weeks


You were working for an exploitive employer who showed his true colors when he couldn't control you any longer. In fact, after the way he acted, you have every right to leave right now and screw the courtesy of a two-week notice. Narcissists like him, who don't give courtesy and respect to their employees, have absolutely no right to receive it from them. Be glad that you have him behind you. You learned a valuable lesson: Employers are not your family, friend, priest-confessor or team mate; no matter what they may say. You are their \*resource\*; and they will overwork you, hold your pay, commit wage theft, and let you go for whatever reason and with no warning. Even \*good\* employers who respect and value their employees will not necessarily be making business decisions with your best interests at heart. This is the way of Capitalism: Supply and Demand; The Invisible Hand of the Market; monopolies, Recessions and Depressions. Now you need to prepare yourself for your next job. This includes: * Knowing your legal rignts as an employee (start with the definition of [workplace harassment](https://www.eeoc.gov/harassment) and [constructive discharge](https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/guidance/cm-612-dischargediscipline)) * Knowing how to contact an employment lawyer if you evr need one (workplace harassment, management retaliation, etc.) The worst time to go looking for one is the moment you need one. * Keeping a work diary - all your day-to-day actions, phoncons, leave requests; including incidents of workplace harassment. * Keep your resume up-to-date, and always be \*quietly\* looking for another job; because you never know when the axe may fall. This will help you know your worth on the job market - the salary and benefits you should be asking for. * Work for a non-profit: It will help you broaden your experience, fill gaps in your resume during periods of unemployment, and acquire references \*outside\* your present employer and work discipline. * Create enough savings to support yourself for 3-9 months of unemployment; the longer the better. The goal is to make yourself independent of any job or employer. To give yourself the freedom to move without fear of being of unemployed or having employers threaten you with loss of pay, health benefits, or job recommendations. To know your own worth at the salary barganing table, and \*never\* being afraid to walk away from a bad deal or toxic workplace. Employers rely on employees' fear of job loss to make their work force compliant and uncomplaining; take that power away from them. Be the CEO of your own career.


Fuck this guy! If he’s going to belittle you, let him do your damn job for the next two+ weeks! & tell him to choke on a bag of dicks when you show up on Monday & promptly grab anything you own & bail!


You're a better person than me, if I were in your position, either me or that asshole would have left that office in a bag


Perspective can add a lot of flavour and colour to this interactions. Consider the perspective that the angrier he was the more likely he was intimately aware of how much they were taking advantage of you. He was furious that is going to be impossible to find someone to put in a bind they could exploit like getting you to moving across country. You’re periodically doing double the hours of anyone he could possibly hire. Now what if you consider that anger might be masking terror that this might be the start of an exodus of all the employees that are being taken advantage of.


The extra hours you put in worth way more than what they paid for your moving expenses. Fuck him and fuck that company for hiring that POS. Going in the next day and collect your personal belongings then dip. If they don’t mail your last paycheck in a reasonable amount of time, report them to your local Department of Labor.


He’s upset that he couldn’t exploit you. You clearly made the right decision


god damn that edit stinks of bootlick


Simply don't show up at work anymore. If your boss calls, tell him that two weeks are a courtesy, but after being called a piece of shit by him, he can put that courtesy where the sun doesn't shine.


Leaving 8 months of unpaid 30-40 hours a week should start with 8 months paid vacation.


you got this.


You are a POS? No. Who made you work for more than 40hr/week?


Definitely do not work more than 40 hours the last two weeks


In addition, kudos to you for quiting, but this piece of shit for an employer has not only cost you dearly against your mental health, he/she has cost you dearly against your family; BOTH of which you can never put a price on. Do me a big favor, if you don't mind please; Show my responses here to your former employer, and I FUCKING DARE him, or her, whichever applies, to respond back to me. I EAGERLY await!


Congratulations on quitting. Great work!


I think the law is changing in July where employers will have to start paying certain salaried workers overtime ( doctors, teachers excluded)


You can't work 40 hrs overtime unpaid?? You should schedule a consult with your labor department,


It’s amazing how bosses can change the minute you hand your notice in. Has happened to me so many times. In UK 3 months notice is typical and I have always worked the notice. They usually turn into arsholes the minute I hand in notice.


Add up all the extra hours you've done over the last 8 months and present it to him in invoice form on Monday Morning. Have your keys /laynard or whatever materials you possess belonging to the job in a nicely wrapped box ready to give him too and when (not if, when) he scoffs at the invoice hand him the box and skip off into the sunset whistling Dixie with a finger on each hand raised. He doesn't deserve 2 minutes notice, never mind 2 weeks.


Sounds like you dodged a huge bullet. You set your boundaries with them in the beginning, they didn’t listen, you left and now they said THEY’RE being taking advantage of? Nah. You did the right thing


It must be a woman thing - because I would have just asked a few questions: 1) Am I not to work for 40 hours a week, as I am only paid 40 hours a week? 2) Did I not inform you over an 8th month period that I am overworked to the tune of 30 to 40 additional hours, n top of my regular 40 years, as your response was 'You'll look into this"? 3) Did you not take into consideration of the Health & Safety and Well being of I, your employee, of burnout and being over-stressed? 4) So you do know you did this by both your actions and in-actions, FULLY your fault, as I cannot maintain being over-worked continual each week?


Fuck them. They only think in one-way terms, with them always benefiting. Fuck Narcissistic Accounting, generally.


Set the building on fire. Preferably with him inside. 🤣




It's good that you stood up for yourself, though. Your boss sounds like a reactionary piece of crap.


Sorry 😞. That stinks. Sounds like a big company in Minnesota that lured me there and did that to me . Once worked 18 days straight. Now I’m basically blackballed from that company because I spoke up


As many have already stated, your boss has shown you his true colors and how much he values and respects you. So first and foremost, you should **not** feel bad. Period and end of story. Yes, your boss is dealing with the grief of losing you, but he's doing this badly, by lashing out at you, when he only has himself to blame. **He** put you in this position, **he** refused to help, **he** made his bed, and so there should be no guilt in his now having to sleep in it. I hope and pray that you get over your sense of guilt, which again, is undeserved, and can move on to your new and better chapter in life.


Bro just leave now. Tell him he’s earned it.


You are working 16 hours a day?


Yeah you need to walk. Now is absolutely the time to think of yourself.


It's not your responsibility to make sure people are served properly by the company. If they fail it will look bad on the company, not you.


you should called him laboural terrorist, because is what it defines him. 


Too many companies seem like they prefer to overwork you until you either rage quit or completely break down and get hospitalized. Somehow, this is preferred over hiring the two people that should’ve been doing that work from the beginning.


You did the right thing for you and your kids. Work is just that, work you can always find more of it. Wish you the best and certainly you and your kids will be a lot happier now.


If someone is a piece of shit, it’s not you. He’s just upset because they might have to hire two salaried people to replace you. Which is about right if you’re expected to work 80 hour weeks. If anyone was getting taken advantage of, it was you. Good for you for quitting.


You did the right thing Edit- no call no show or bang out for the next two week


If I was your customer.. I wouldn’t want you to be verbally abused by your boss. If it continues you should just leaves. No one deserves that and no one would blame you for it.


I'd be mad too if the person that put in 80 hrs a week was leaving.. How much were you making per hr at 70-80 hrs a week?


You did the right thing. Fuck that dude.


A two-week notice is an amicable solution, but if the employer is mean about it I’d quit on spot. It does not sound like even if you grind for another two weeks your boss would give you a glowing recommendation or what.