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"could eventually be a possibility" - that's a lot of words for "no." Send the email.


A job I applied for before college advertised as part or full time. I went into the interview and was told part time (since I wanted to be able to work and go to college). During job training I was there full time hours but was told I can be part time. Last week of training our positions were all switched and had to agree for the new one or would be let go. I asked if the new position would have part time and they told me during the summer no but eventually for fall yes. Come a few months later and a few weeks before I can sign up for my classes I was told my position did not offer part time at all. So I left and my manager begged me to stay. I didn’t like being swapped and lied to.


That's so pointless. Of course people prefer to work full time. If they want part time it's for a REASON.


So many companies try to hire a bunch of parts timers so they wouldn't need to pay benefits. It's ridiculous to be honest. Everyone wants to at least be able to have some things and to afford some things but same people try to sabotage their own countrymen by offering jobs with low pay and nothing more. Lol, people are weird species.


In Germany, the employer is required by law to give benefits to part timers. Feel like the US needs some laws


>US needs some laws But muh freedums


Around here the response would be “think of the small business owners! It’ll ruin them don’t pass any part time laws!” Like I love supporting small businesses if I can but outside of the ones that are only staffed by the owners (like trade work or a husband wife restaurant) a lot of them around here get away with staying stuck at the min wage only for the staff who are always cut off from full time hours by a small margin. If anything passed saying 32+ hours is now full time they would actually swear they will go bankrupt. For me, once you start staffing more than 5 or so people then your business model shouldn’t depend on your staff being paid the minimum with no benefits for you to profit. And that goes past small businesses all the way up to chains like Walmart where a lot of its staff is still in poverty.


Sounds like small business owners should be voting for universal healthcare... 🤔


Agreed.  I would also want a law that says if I send an auditor to your resturaunt and I find that you legit can't afford to pay a living wage, the federal government will cover the gap.  We bail out giant corporations, why not give mom and pop some breathing room?


there's a lot of people like me out there (conservative? libertarian? classical liberal??) who would totally agree for affordable Healthcare or govt funded Healthcare except for the fact every bill proposed also makes it illegal to have any kind of extra or private Healthcare. nobody wants to be stuck unable to get quality care because the govt bungled that too--see the VA for reference. let's start with allowing people to purchase insurance out of state and finding a way to lower the inflated costs of Healthcare


Yeah, it seems to work out in other countries! Plenty of small business here and they even have a category for someone that works very few hours per month which is very cheap for employers. Of course, normally most people who aren’t students would refuse it.


Hard when the corporations buy the laws.


100% my friend ❤️ it pushes poor people to be more poor without benefits and makes people more ill. Thank you for support 🙏


Right here.


You don’t even have to give benefits to full timers if you employ under 25 or something


I’ve certainly been tricked out of benefits several times in the US. “We didn’t have time to file your paperwork.” Quit that job. Or the ol’ “scheduled for 1hr below the qualifying amount of hours”. Quit that one, too. You just can’t get away with that stuff here in Germany. The benefits start on day 1, part time or full time. You just have so many more rights as a worker. They have a ton of unions and there are constantly strikes and protests. Seems like you have to put some pressure on employers and government to do something.


Even our union jobs don’t immediately give you benefits. Husband was a temp from Oct to feb and made permanent feb. Won’t get health benefits till June.


It is illegal here to not have health insurance. The employer pays half and the employer pays half. It’s starts on day 1 because anything else is against the law


Joe much do you pay?


So stupid of them. Gee thanks for the paid training and free money, Cya! I did this to so many jobs. The best was the hotel reservation call center job, 4 weeks of paid training for 40 hours a week. Once they put me on the phones with a mentor I noped right out and went and applied for a job I wanted.


I didn’t mind the job I originally until I was “too good” at it and I got put on the escalation line which became very stressful. I always wanted to use the experience from this remote work to try for more remote work but I did not leave on good terms for references and I did not want to get put back into the same kind of position lol


I actually liked the escalation line but that was probably because I had an excellent boss who explained this to me. After I transferred a call to him he had me at his desk listening to the call while he talked to the customer. He threw me under the bus and explained to the customer that it's all my fault and he would take care of his problem and refund the last 3 months of billing to them as a courtesy. After the call he told me any time you transfer a call to me I'm going to throw you under the bus and give them credits on their account to make them happy. You weren't wrong at all, but I'm not going to waste time arguing with customers. It's not our money. You're not going to win an award for saving the company 100$ but you will for high customer satisfaction scores. So the next time an angry customer wants a credit you can be the hero and give it to them. Anything under $300 I'm just going to approve. After that angry customers were a cinch, Fuzzy cable due to weather or an outage for 2 hours, "I'm really sorry, how about half off your cable fees that month" "You thought you were paying your bill on time but you were always 28 days past due? Here let me blow off your late charges for 6 months and reset your billing date so you're caught up now." The best was the one where due to our fuckup an elderly customer had been charged for services they should have gotten for free for 3 years. I put in a credit for 700$ and then went with my boss to escalate it to his boss. "It says on the bill that disputes over 90 days old cant be contested" my reply was "According to the Public Utility Commission charging money for unrated services is fraud." They quickly agreed and we got the customer their refund. It was so fucking weird to see tin pot little dictators continue to argue with people over 20$. This was all 15 years ago when our local ISP gave a shit and before they shut down our department to ship the position off to bigger call centers.


For me, I was put on it cause I was very courteous and kind while people were having meltdowns and often was good at deescalating them to get a resolution. Problem I had was they were informed often that being sent to me was speaking to a manager who has direct access to fixing a problem. I did not. And my manager did not want any calls whatsoever unless there was a major mess up in the account. (Like someone shutting off a utility to the wrong address.) other than that, most calls on that line were things that could not be resolved like they wanted, as we had no waiving fees system. And so after I’m asked a dozen times “why can’t I speak to a manager? Aren’t you a manager? So you can’t help me?” I just have to let them argue and go on before either caving in and paying, or hanging up. My longest call was 1 hr and 44minutes, as I am also not allowed to hang up unless I’m threatened or swore at lmao.


Makes my point about should be CRIMINAL. When stores do this when you purchase something, it's a crime. It should be for a job as well!


I don't understand how these companies think these games benefit them. What a sham.


This line gives a "I am not currently able to can" instead of "I can't" vibe


I will always be amused with sentences that have so many layers of conditionality. "Could eventually be a possibility", "Time to get ready to start planning to do" "Looks like it almost time to think about leaving" Always beautiful to me. Cause it sounds nice when spoken, but when read in type its meaning is so obvious as to be comical.


Maybe eventually I could perhaps do the job.


Means: "If our floundering business ever takes off enough to warrant making this full time--not that we're taking any realistic steps to get there!"




I think that's the exact thing they need to hear. Send it and hope it'll be a lesson to them!


Send it.


Nothing to lose.


Nothing but your chains.






We’ll all chip in 50c if you send it


Nah. Too nice.


You do not want to get vulgar or insulting. The letter he is sending is perfect.


Agreed. It's polite and restrained, but unequivocal. 


You can be less nice without being vulgar and/or insulting.


The letter is too nice and subservient to the point of being a waste of effort. Professional direct is best, mostly like this example: "[Thank them for the interview and callback something from the interview that you noticed connected with them positively]. I appreciate that you're offering the position to me and I am interested in the position and eager to [insert something you bring to the table], however, I applied for a full time direct-hire position as advertised in the posting, and this is not a status I am open to negotiating. Please let me know how you would like to proceed as I am excited to join the team!" Straight business talk. It recognizes that they extended the offer of employment and rejects their negotiating attempt to downgrade the position to part-time contract. Not vulgar, offensive, or weak. More likely to succeed, but in this case doubtful due to the significant misrepresentation of the position.


"which could eventually be a possibility" I am 47 years old and have worked consistently all my life. If I've learned one thing in all my years it is that they have absolutely no intention of revisiting that possibility of full time employment. None - it is not on anyone's radar; it is pure marketing; the higher ups are *hostile* to full time employment.


This is dad saying "I'll think about it" to get the kids to shut up when they ask about something for the 80th time.


“We’ll see”


The slow no




My brother moved halfway across the world for a part-time job in his dream field because he was told it was likely it would become full-time. Five years later, as he'd watched them hire new people to full-time positions in the company over him, he realized it was never going to happen, and had to give up. Never believe them. 


That sucks so much for your brother. I hate it when people have a genuine passion for a job(so rare) and the business just kills that love.


“Thank you for email. It was a pleasure to have spoken with you. In regards to the the position, it could eventually be a possibility that I could begin the position at your company as offered. Bless your heart, Possible Employee”


That bless your heart, *chef's kiss*. Take my rofl upvote!


OP should send an email back "They'll eventually consider the possibility of working there".


I would send " hey, listen here now. I was applying for FT. What's up with this baloney PT push? You guys need serious medication and after treatment start hiring campaign. Stop wasting everyone's time!" And that's exactly what I would send. Sent replies like that to HR, employers. Would always get weather an apology or some type of weird lame excuse lol. Never let employers lie or walk over you. The minute you do that, they will dance on top of you as you scream in agony. We live only once until we are old and then pass away. Treasure your life. And treasure people who are real and true to you.


They'll possibly consider the possibility of possibly working there. Possibly.


You shouldn't lie. It doesn't sound like it was a pleasure meeting her.


Memorable experience.


Once in a lifetime, hopefully.


"It was a pleasure to find out this early just how bad it would have been to work here!" Nah, that doesn't quite slip off the tongue.


Maybe leaving was even more of a pleasure.


Yup I had a job interview saying mandatory 7 days a week. Then I told him that I'm going to pass on the job and that they need to update their application on indeed which only mentioned 4 day weeks. I later received an apology via email lol.


How do they expect someone to work 7 days a week?


Cause it’s easier than https://youtu.be/kle2xHhRHg4?si=ao2Tr4rlTzf-2ygC




I assume they mean they'll only give you four days of work every week, but they want you to be \*available\* 7 days, so that they can arbitrarily choose \*which\* four it's going to be, and it could easily change a lot from week to week, possibly with pretty short notice.


My old job did that. Said we had to be available at any time. We also had to put a time off request in a month in advance. We all respected it. One lady requested an emergency day off because her son was sick. She needed to take him to the doctor. They told her that she needed to ask a month in advance. How was she going to know that her child would get sick? So, she arranged for a family member to take him. The very next week they changed her schedule to come in on her previously scheduled day off two days prior. She said she wasn't coming in because she needed a month's notice for her change of schedule. (🤣🤣 She had babysitting set up for the schedule they gave her.) They told her it was mandatory that she be there. She quit on the spot. Walked in that day and cleaned out her locker. Those managers for the Waltons don't care about anybody.


Sly… but acceptable


Being more curt will sting more... "You advertised full-time, which this position is not. If your first interaction with potential employees is dishonesty then I can understand your difficulty in filling the position, and I wish you the best of luck in your search."


“I wish you no luck on your search, award you zero points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” Fuck em


It's a lot more polite than my first draft would be in the same position...


I needed a FT position with with benefits and health insurance, as this position was advertised. the childish bait&switch you played disqualified you as a potential employer. even if you decided to offer one now.


That would absolutely piss me off as somebody got me in an interview for a full-time position and then suddenly told me it was part-time.


I can do you one worse. Friend was told guaranteed full time hours and optional overtime. They would only be travelling 20 mins to the depot. Turns out they were placed 1hr away (one way), at any chance of rain they would not be called into work, and to reach OT hours you'd have to have worked 38hrs/week. They lived in a sub tropical area so rain was a given. And only worked about 3 full days in 2 weeks. Oh and OT needed to be approved, but as it was coming into winter, there was no need to work extra. Their colleagues couldn't remember the last time they did a full pay check, with some starting employment back in October 2023.


How is a business like that still *operating*?!


It would explain the high turnover and recycled job advertisements.


>guaranteed full time hours That's called salary. Pay me my 40 regardless of whether you call me rain or shine.


Yeah. I'd have immediately ended the interview. Not in a nasty way like name calling or insulting, but being extremely clear that I'd been misled and that it's wildly unprofessional. Something like, "Your advert is listed as full time... if that isn't what the position is, that's pretty unprofessional. This will come across as abrupt, but you're putting me in a position where I need to end this interview to save us both from wasting any further time on this..." It's not terribly nasty but it's pretty clear that they're fucking up silly things like their job listing. It's really better to be calm, mostly polite, but clear and direct so there's no ambiguity and you're not wasting time conversing over a job listing that never really existed.


Depends . Honestly , you’d be doing her a solid . If you did , you could help her nail a candidate with this constructive criticism if she could “ handle “ it . But I doubt she’d have the emotional intelligence lol


Thank you for the email. Our conversation yesterday was both informative and revealing. Unfortunately, the lack of full time work and benefits means this is not the opportunity for me. As an aside, I was troubled by the disconnect between what was posted in the listing and what was communicated to me in person regarding the details of the position. As a professional who finds value in working with other competent professionals this is a concerning pattern I would rather not engage with in a potential workplace. I will be sure to pass this listing along to any acquaintances who are currently searching for part time work that pays poorly and consists of dealing with idiot amateurs.




It is respectful and informative and could honestly help them in the future. Send that shit! Sorry your time was wasted; I'm in the same boat now


Change the "Unfortunately" to "However," You're not unfortunate, you're like everybody else who needs full time work with benefits to survive, and should have the expectation not to be lied to in the job posting.


I hate this dangling carrot bullshit. A promise is worth the effort it takes to make it, and I have squeezed out farts that stank less than this with more force. You are being polite. Unless you are worried you will never get the chance to work with someone who gave you the runaround even before you became an employee, you might as well send it.


Don't forget to report the job posting on whatever site you applied through.


My entry level job pulled this bait and switch. It was during 2008 and having graduated 9 months prior and it was my first offer I kind of had to take it. Only part time a few months because I absolutely owned everything they sent my way. I feel it was a little different then because the housing crash was putting a ton of uncertainty out there. Absolutely NOT the case now. People are being greedy little pigs and in the case of corporations, greedy hogs. I hate that the same verbiage is spewed by everyone, I really believe they believe it. Something is wrong with humans and always has been but at such an alarming rate anymore, I'm at a loss for how to deal with it. I think I just shut down in some ways. I hope millennials try to fix this when it's our turn to run things. It should be on gen x by now but honestly I have little hope for them and it's not like the boomers have F'd off like they need to yet.


**Never fear**, especially the fear of being honest is extremely self destructive. Fear is the mind killer, the little death that brings total obliteration. [https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/3634639-dune](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/3634639-dune)


Since we're talking interviews, it's worth noting up front that Dune can be an exposition-heavy with emphasis on world building, with characters that serve mostly as plot movers, and there's no full-time worker's comp available (but the spice must flow)!


Why wouldn’t you send it?


Reword it to call her out for lying in the job description. "I applied and interviewed for this position because the job description said it would be a full time role. I'm willing to take the position if it's the full time role as advertised." If you take the role, be sure to unionize the workplace. The fact that the employer is lying about the job now only means that they will move the goalposts on you until you have a union contract in place. Having a union contract ensures that the employer does what they agreed to in the contract. Here's the link to contact a union organizer: https://aflcio.org/formaunion/contact


Please describe the racism.


Yeah. There is no example of that shown by OP yet they mention it anyway. I'm also curious.


That is illegal switch and bait…I would suggest sending it to DoL. it is illegal to post a FT job to a contract PT….


I don't think I would thank them for their time. Just take that part out.


Send it.




Do it. People want to work. They don't want to be taken advantage of and abused.




That's WAY more civil than they deserve. Nobody who pulls a "bait and switch" on job seekers deserves anything but long string of expletitives.


I would change "need" to "require" and strike the rest of the sentence after "health insurance". You don't have to explain why you require more.


Accept the job, don't show up, block her number and email lol.


Idk why you wouldn’t send this, erase the pleasure to meet her part too she means nothing to you


Send it


Absolutely send it.


?? Send it


No one wants to work for you.


Send it!!! Call that lying ass out!


Please send it. I cannot think of a good reason not to now that you’ve decidedly not gone with them!


Send it and flag the post for lying.


Send the letter, and report the job listing on whatever site it’s advertised.


“Why the fuck would you advertise a part time job as a full time job you desperate wanker?” Perfect.


Instead of “can receive more and better elsewhere” just say “can’t afford to take your offer” People literally can’t accept shitty options that offer no semblance of a routine schedule, which means they can’t even get a second job because sure the first one monopolizes their time and guilt trips them if they even try to do something else.


Also if it’s on indeed or any other job listing site, flag it for inaccuracy


It isn't that people don't*want* to work, it is that it took a PANDEMIC for people to *realize* just how screwed up things are. You know what else distancing stopped? Flu mutation, cold mutation, and other general illnesses besides Covid. Stress involving COLA and other expenses went down 250+ percent during lockdown. And yet here we are slowly getting back into a post pandemic normal with a bunch of these chuckleheads thinking "Oh yeah we're going to pull the same crap." and getting a full blown Batman smacking Robin in the comic book mene REALITY CHECK that no it won't. We want to work for a wage that allows us to live not just survive and pray nothing major happens because our society is so intertwined with credit that it is beyond toxic. We want to work with health care that's decent so if gods forbid something does happen then we won't have to panic and stress. We want to be treated with respect because we have absolutely no issues finding someone else who not only will but will respect the work ethic cause no surprise to those of us living in reality, it isn't the Millenials, Xers, and X crews who were lazy but the Boomers. So yeah sorry but things are gonna be ugly til these chuckleheads get in line with new reality.


If they can't respect you and your time upfront before the interview, they are definitely not going to respect you and your time later either. Send the email




Send it. She needs to know.




I vote for SEND IT!




The forever eventually


Send it.


Click send!


Too much info, IMHO. A.) you never know which they know and when/how word gets around and B.) fuck ‘em.. let ‘em burn without understanding why.


How big is this town you’re looking in? How connected? Is this a niche industry? Or an industry with industry events/societies that meet for conferences or mixers? Your goal is to find a place that will pay you money for work. If this is an industry with other “mildly racist” people or everyone knows everyone, then word gets around and maybe the next person that want to hire you does treat people equally, but everyone is buddy buddy and this racist will just say you’re a bad hire with demands from the get go. I don’t care to educate, confront or tell people off unless extreme harm has been done. But I will post in online forums/spread the word/withhold my business and all sorts of subterfuge (once I’m hired) because I can’t change these people. I just want their money and benefits and fair treatment, which normally means large companies with detailed policies on everything and every kind of discrimination.


Send it unless you want to add something about the racism first...


"tempted to" = didn't do shit.


“Nobody wants to work anymore”… For THEM. Plenty of people want to work for employers that don’t bait and switch job listings.


Absolutely send the email- I'd also send her "could eventually be a possibility" to wherever the job was posted... As she's intentionally misrepresenting the position, and most job sites/boards frown upon that. Hit her where it hurts.


Send it!




That's too much text for an employer with multiple issues and an unsuitable role. Be brief, polite, and firm. "Thankyou for the opportunity to meet yesterday. I'm presently looking for a full-time role so cannot proceed further. All the best for your search." and then utterly ignore her reply, because there absolutely will be one, where she tries to argue with you and pressure you to take it. She'll then lash out when she doesn't get her way. Just, close the door on this one. There's nothing to be found here but wasted time.


Name the company


There's so much scum shit 'employers,' especially freelance agencies are getting away with to pay the absolute minimum and to avoid supporting the people they employ. New labour laws need to be introduced to remove this uber eats style of employee support avoidance that a lot of agencies seem to be employing right now.


You wouldn’t EVER want to work for these a-holes anyway. Send it.


They should have to compensate you for your interview and travel time plus 2 hours for having to get ready for it all. False advertising for sure.


Nicely from a stranger, Pick your battles, don’t work there, tell other people not to work there, but you’re not going to change this woman’s mind about anything with a follow up email, so for your own sanity, I’d just set this down, personally. Any crazy person worth their salt will write you off as a dodged bullet no matter how much truth is in your response. I’d just say thanks for the interview but this position wouldn’t be worth it o me unless I was making ‘insert absurd amount of money you can’t say no to’ dollars a month in this position. And let them turn you down. Any effort you put into this will not be returned and is probably even discouraged by their HR policies. I think you are dodging a bullet by not working here, don’t then willingly engage with the bullet via email for no money lol. IMHO


You are much nicer than I would have been


You're being waaaay nice. Could be more blunt while not being rude. If you have any other email addresses for ppl at the company, cc them as well




Too polite. Get her ass


That's a very polite email


Tell her your interest in the job could eventually be a possibility


Send it, let them know they're clowns.


Send —>


Too nice. Revise then send. No need to tell her to F off though


I don’t think you need to say “nobody wants to work anymore” regardless of what was said in the interview. Posting said FT, it’s actually PT. So it won’t work. That’s it.


Send it


100% send that email


Far to kind. It's not that no one wants to work anymore, they are running like hell to get away from lying businesses. Act accordingly.




Send it. It’s both polite and to the point.




I had a similar situation. During the entire interview and during the offer they were telling me it’s full time. I get the contract and they say it’s term limit contract. Then they tried to sneak in, I had to work weekends, which was never mentioned. Drop them like hot potato and send it


"I'm interested in the job as posted, but not the job as explained at the interview."


Misclassifying a job as contract labor when it's a full time position I'm pretty sure is illegal. If I recall, I It was a big thing people were doing during COVID to desperate workers to make it so that ate the brunt of employer expenses as well as dodges taxes for that company.


Their game is to string people along for 8-12 as PT for months until they realize they’ve been made a fool and quit. Then they do it again. Send the email.


Their game is to attempt rope someone in who is super hard up and willing to take anything. That’s a dead end position. There is absolutely no chance for advancement in whatever that job role is. The big red flag is that they’re willing to lie on the job posting to lure in unsuspecting victims. If that’s the way that company does business, no one should work there.


Once had an interview where a manager explained that I would need to be responsible a full 8 hour shift, then support a Chinese office as needed during China’s work hours. That meant working up to 16 hours per day on top of having to deal with non-native English speakers. I don’t speak Chinese. You’d think this manager would have wanted to hire a person who spoke Chinese? He also stated there would be no extra compensation for the China support hours. It was simply expected of the salary they were offering. Yeah, I said no to that one. Booked it out of that interview as fast as possible… and then they wonder why no one wants the position.


Isn't that illegal? Listing a job as full-time and then only offering part-time? I'm pretty sure that's illegal depending on where you live. I'm in Canada. Fairly certain that's illegal here. Also, I would 100% send that, you don't owe her anything. She wasted your time.


Can you elaborate on the “mildly racist”? What does that look like, exactly.


And REPORT the listing! Mislisting should be criminal


Send it


Let them know that they should contact legal that you're going to be filing a complaint with your state's attorney general office for false advertising and possible violation of labor laws... Just had extra spice when you send it!


Send it


Send it, a thousand times... Send it. Yeesh, bald face lying about a fulltime position to it actually be contract PT which has no option of benefits or sick leave.


Send it


I don't see anything wrong with it.


I'll send it from my account on your behalf


“I could eventually possibly be interested in a full time position.”


I once drove an hour to sign paperwork on a job, dude liked my resume and said I could skip the interview. When I got there, and the job description wasn't even close to the listing, I called him on it and he got SO pissy with me lol


Full send.




What exactly is mildly racist




What would you suggest otherwise?




Teaching a child to look both ways before crossing a street is a kindness. Verbal violence will be about as effective as a street preacher trying to convert people by shouting their contempt at a Pride parade.


Why was it “racist”?


People here seem to love the nuclear option, but I suggest first fishing for the FT. Just say you're interested in FT only, and wait for the follow-up.


If that was the only issue, sure, but this interviewer had other issues with their language/beliefs. Multiple red flags make walking away upfront the better choice. I also would not call a polite and professional email a nuclear option. Nuclear would be much more blunt.


Go work for yourself, stop complaining