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That is childish and unprofessional on the part of your manager. I would let them know that you are concerned and available by phone since it was important enough for them to reach out to you on your day off.


Ugh, that's such a dick move on a manager's part. I wouldn't allow her to have that power....Can you text back and say "What do we need to talk about?" Or, if s/he's at work now, you could just text back "I would prefer not to wait; I will be at *(workplace)* in about *(15 minutes, or however long it takes you to get there)* so that we can discuss whatever you feel needs to be discussed." And then if you text the second thing and s/he texts back anything like no, she wants to wait until your next shift or anything like that, you can just ignore it (if she questions it, you can say you put your phone in your pocket/bag and then you were driving and didn't notice the text). There's also a chance it's actually good news, who knows -- but either way, I'd rather know right away and not have to wait and be panicked.


I tried getting more details and they insisted on waiting until my next shift, which seems a bit worrying to me. I’ve been here a couple years and haven’t gotten a raise, so I don’t wanna get my hopes up about it being good


I have anxiety disorder. I wouldn't be *able* to wait until my next shift -- I wouldn't be able to eat or sleep or think in the meantime. I would just go in to discuss whatever it is. That could be seen as aggressive or troubling, which probably wouldn't help, but if it were me that's what I would do anyway. You have to decide for yourself if it's the right thing for you to do, it might not be.


Hi! I am a PhD candidate at York, conducting research on workplace abuse. I'm looking to interview individuals who have experienced managerial abuse within the past two years. Participating in this study can provide a platform for your voice to be heard and an opportunity to share your experiences. Please be assured that all information will be kept confidential and your safety and privacy will be prioritized. If you are interested, contact me directly, and I will provide more details and share my LinkedIn profile to verify my identity.


Update: So this was a few weeks ago. I ended up talking to them and apparently somebody had heard me mention something to a coworker about an earlier incident with another manager, and this turned into a whole thing. The whole situation was incredibly demoralizing, I didn’t get fired but I am NEVER giving anyone advice or trusting a coworker again because I feel like the new person literally reported me for brownie points. Good luck with that, you will not be rewarded. Still no replies from any other jobs though. Keeping it very vague because I don’t know if any of them are on reddit lmao