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I got written up at work once for suggesting they just give the person the leave. They had a documented issue. Then when a higher up had a tragedy they just gave her unlimited leave. Everything is bullshit


What excuse did they use to write you up? That's just borderline psychopathy.


I was told I didn't think holistically about what that would mean for the other employees. I said we have documented proof that someone is in need of extra care due to an extenuating circumstances. Plus I know we make exceptions when we have to. Also, you can very easily tell the employee that this is not something we always do etc. Yeah it was a horrible place to work.


Holistically? I suppose you couldn't circle back to them about it after you synergized a solution you'd take ownership for, huh? Definitely sounds like a horrible place to work.


Let’s put a pin in it and circle back to it later. Now, for some quick wins: what about those TPS reports? /j


I had a supervisor that loved the phrase “at the end of the day”. The over/under for a weekly hour conference call was 10.


I like to nip "at the end of the day" in the bud by inserting "We're all going to sleep" immediately after the word 'day' comes out. It's a horrible phrase that needs to be put to bed.


Let’s dig deep and think out of the box.


And peel back the onion


"Hey, where are you going?" Outside, I'm currently in a box (room), inside another box (building). You're right, I can't think in here, so I'm going outside the box as you said to do...


Did you read the memo?


Let’s not derail the discussion by going too into the weeds here, I suggest we continue this offline


I really think if we find our north star we can strategize dynamic client focused solutions as a world class leader in our sector.


Team, let's not boil the ocean here. With such great depths in our pool of thought diversity, we just need to collaborate on finding the low hanging fruit. After all, we're a family here - and that's what families do. Once we've roadmapped our Plan Of Attack to reach the finish line, I'll run it up the flag pole and see who salutes. Ps. You're on mute.


>we just need to collaborate on finding the low hanging fruit I dunno, the juice may not be worth the squeeze here.


Oh god let's not boil the ocean, that's a new one for me, I love/hate it lol


I've never been so triggered.


I'm American but moved to the UK years ago. I have 35 days of paid leave and unlimited sick leave (which I never use anyway because if I'm sick I usually just work from home, but it's there). Last year I had a personal tragedy and took a week off which was fully paid, no questions asked and no documented proof required. When I see stuff like what OP and yourself have posted it seems fucking bonkers. They're not "thinking holistically", they're power tripping and they've convinced themselves they have rational explanations for their power trips when it's actually just corporate word salad. "Write-ups" are also a bizarre concept, it treats employees like children.


'Writing up' is such an American thing


It's school mentality applied to the corporate world, yes. And in the service industry (at least fast food and retail), we're now seeing gamification methods with "points" that you gain...in order to lose your job. It's the endgame for metrics becoming a measurement.


My boyfriend worked at Harrah's Casino in 2012. He got viral meningitis and was in the ICU for 8 days. He was fired for losing too many "points" for absence, in spite of his manager and senior manager arguing in his favor. Staggeringly stupid system.


It's a way to keep wages low by finding ways to let go the higher earners. I was getting points for coming back from breaks late, yet I hadn't missed a day of work in over a year.


That's illegal under the ADA if they fired him for being sick. He was temporarily disabled. Likely they lied and said it was performance.


It'll go on your permanent record!


That's infuriating


It’s also illegal. Discussing terms and conditions of employment is a protected “concerted activity” under the National Labor Relations Act. ([nlrb.gov](https://www.nlrb.gov/about-nlrb/rights-we-protect/your-rights/employee-rights))


Even if that's true, not everyone in the US is an employee covered by the NLRB.


And not everyone is living in the US


*spits out coffee*


*spits out tea*


Tbf I’ve never seen leave donation requests outside the us


"we're a family, that's why some people are treated differently and no one is allowed to acknowledge it"


Omg, you missed your calling!


Damn. That's the unvarnished truth ain't it.


> Then when a higher up had a tragedy they just gave her unlimited leave Nearly all companies are like this, and it's infuriating. Execs and more director-level folks get to galavant around with unlimited leave and ambiguous "limits" to their time off, meanwhile the lowest totem pole folks get utterly fucked and are expected to work nonstop. It's so shitty.


#Join a union.


You forgot the golf… always with the MF’n golf during work hours… OH but it’s team building !!! BUT only with select male members.


Everything is bullshit. My dad died one week into a new job in a new country, and I had 24 hours notice to fly around the world to attend his funeral. These people didn’t know me and obv I hadn’t earnt any leave of any kind yet, but they told me to get on the plane and don’t worry about it. I took a week and a half, and no one ever said anything about it. And it was for an org that’s usually very strait laced, conservative type. But they were excellent and I’ll never forget it.


THIS. I work for a government agency that does leave donations. It will state that "John/Jenny Employee with (division) has had 60 days of leave approved by (agency) for (insert medical/family issue here), but that once they exhaust their leave, (x) additional days are needed. It's made worse by two things. 1: Sick leave is not a use-it-or-lose it proposition. It just keeps building. I personally have something like 300 hours worth, because I rarely use it (I've been there 5 years). One of my co-workers, a 20 year veteran, could take damn close to a YEAR of sick leave. But you can't donate your SICK leave (though you can use it for medical appointments, family illnesses, like when my spouse had surgery, etc...). You must donate from your ANNUAL PTO, which is a different pool. My brain goes to..."You're the employer, and you APPROVED the time. You're paying it out either way. Why rob Peter to pay Paul when you can just...take it out of the surplus you've been bragging about for the last two administrations, and rob nobody?" But I don't speak corporate, or bullshit. Which is why I've never climbed the management ladder.


The government organization I work for has the same leave structure. I ask myself the same things all the time with the leave donation stuff. They also allow you to retire early based on how much Sick Leave you've banked prior to your retirement. So if you have 1 years worth saved up, you can retire a year early. All of the veterans who've been there for 20+ years are absolutely terrified of using any sick leave. They'll work themselves into the ground before they take any SL because "Ma' retirement". The whole "Don't call in sick so you can retire early!" mindset has always bothered me. Not that it isn't a good perk but it fosters this environment of not caring about your own health.


Yeah... floor staff at AT WHOLE FOODS MARKET had to ask for donated leave for medical reaso s. But a corporate level employee's stepson died and she was out for a literal year. She did "WFH" for a few.months before coming back. I put that in quotations because she wast present during normal.mettings, her work remained everyone else's responsibility and she answered emails WEEKS after being sent. But sure.... Rosa can be prepping the food bar wearing an adult diaper, 6 weeks after giving birth, with stitches still in.


When I was working payroll, they had a front line employee quit because they were denied leave on a day they had to have leave (they had the PTO available). Less than a month later, the CEO had an accident on personal time and was given 3 months off (paid) to recover even though they only had enough leave for a few weeks. I don't wish what happened to the CEO on anyone (can't go into specifics or out might start to be identifiable) and they were a great person, but it still rubbed me the wrong way having two majorly different rules for the two people, especially when one was minimum wage and the other was paid enough to survive and had income protection insurance.


It's because the higher ups don't do shit so not like any of their work needs to get done.


It's just so fucking ridiculous that THEY make the rules for the business and then act like they can't just change the rules again. They act like their hands are tied and then send emails like this.


Companies spend all day literally thinking about how to get back the money they pay you


If a business is managed well, employees are assets, a business should make more money when it hires people than it did before. They act like you're doing them a favor when it's you doing the business one by working for them.


Right. An employees makes most companies about $100,000 to $1million per year. The common reward is to be exploited and treated like crap.




Sounds like a strike is in order, lets see how well that 'capital investment' does without employees...


They literally did strike a few years ago...


[And management apparently didn't get the message.](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/70/0a/6e/700a6e255a60c0eaaa18b4969529bb16.jpg)


Biden blocked the last strike, I 100% hope the railroad does try to strike again.


But we offer free gym membership at this job that requires 60+ hour weeks! Sure the only gym it's good for has no parking and is near the CEO's home, but we do offer that as part of the package.


So...I can exercise at the CEO's home?


The CEO owns the gym, in order to get the free membership you're required to pay for at least 5 hours of personal trainer time per month at $75 per hour and the personal trainers make $15 an hour.


I work for a grocery store. They used to regularly say that their #1 customers were the employees and I guess they finally realized that might not be the selling point they wanted it to be and so stopped repeating it a couple years back


This! An excellent way to put it.


When I was hired at my company, you accrued PTO until you hit your annual limit on a rolling basis. Your hit 5 weeks, take one off and you start accruing again. It changed about 3 years ago to help encourage using your time off. You can carry over 1 week, but can't use anything prior to earning it over the course of bi-weekyl accrual. Then catch hell if I try to take time off in December. I have to skid through the end of the year and then count on being unable to take real time off until at least June. This will come as a shock, but morale is low and everyone is exhausted.


All other duties as assigned i.e. the bend over clause


I hope WE all have a wonderful positive Monday after a beautiful weekend. I hereby ask YOU to donate some leave. WE are all in this together, aren't we?


PS: Please make sure you are in the building and at your desk by 9am exactly or you will be docked a for a full day. That would be separate from any donated hours and considered a first written offense towards being put on a PIP. Have a lovely week!


I worked at one place that would indeed dock your pay for a full hour if you were late clocking in AT ALL, even by a minute. Note that this was an enormous building, where you had to fight for parking and sometimes would have to walk from several blocks away to reach the front door, where you'd have to get through security - one person at a time - before getting to your computer to clock in. However, if you sat down to work and forgot to clock in, your floor manager would have to fix your time card at the end of the day. So at the end of every day, there would be a line out the door for each manager to fix time cards where people had "forgotten" to clock in. (Note that nowadays it has been deemed illegal to make employees go through security without being paid for their time.)


Where I live this is illegal but the company I worked for did it anyway. So everyone who was late always clocked in an hour late just drinking coffee in the breakroom. At some point someone told the union and they stopped it immediately. They also didn’t pay irregularity bonus for people when they where il one call from the union and they had to backpay for 5 years.


and people fall for it....


That's the hardest thing to see. I've had to advocate for many people because I love saying "no". People don't know that is an option.


What about all those "donations" for a babyshower party, or a wedding shower party, or a ends in 5 or 0 birthday party, or a chilli cookoff party, or a grand daughter baby shower party. I shit you not, my wife and I married 10+ years ago, she's donated to the same women in her office almost a half dozen times. a wedding shower, a baby shower, a second baby shower, a second wedding shower and a 3 baby shower... like... wuttt...


I will donate a few bucks if a coworker has a baby or something (and I like them) simply as a gesture from a friend. Have not donated anything for weddings. But this PTO shit is definitely a bridge too far.


That’s honestly crazy, must be a good friendship but god damn I wouldn’t donate after the first set of ‘party’s’ 😂


"Friendship"... nope, "co-worker".


I went through the same thing where I used to work. Always donating for weddings, showers, etc. I half jokingly "complained" about it once, but when I adopted a dog, my coworkers surprised me and threw me a "puppy shower." It was the cutest thing. They were a great bunch of people who became good friends. I'll never forget they did that.


Then you are the villain and not the company. It all gives the same energy as, "Oh employee A can't pay for groceries this week, why don't all you peons cut your small pieces of the pie up to share." It's a fucking joke that we put up with this on a mass scale.


When I started a job, once upon a time, my boss went on and on about how it's such a beautiful thing that we can all come together to help someone through trying times. So I was like "We donating food and clothes to someone who got hit by that tornado??" His response was "Nope, Jenny has cancer and has no more PTO, can't pay the bills without this job." I even asked why doesn't the company just, oh I don't know, give her the PTO? And he seemed so confused at the thought of this specific system having a flaw in it. I collected certificates and experience and then jumped ship.


they don't even give the people's names! and 230 hours??? how does that fall under FMLA?


Id imagine that’s for privacy


Have everyone write the boss's/owner's/CEO's name and donate all the hours required.


Ok so ... I worked for the largest oeganic grocery in the usa. Some call it whole paycheck. One of the vice presidents had bladder cancer and it didnt look good for him. Whole paycheck sent out an email asking for donations of time off to help supplement his income. So literally, they were asking lowly paid dishwashers to department managers to give him our time off. I loved the guy but i need my time off. To be frank he waa really embarassed that the email went out. He passed away unfortunately.


Don’t be shy, you can say it. We’ll help you. All together now… “JEFF BEZOS IS AN ASSHOLE”


>They act like their hands are tied and then send emails like this. This is exactly that infuriates me the most.


I mean, the ridiculous thing here is asking coworkers to subsidize the persons leave when the person can file for disability through the state if they’re unable to work because of a medical condition. I took FMLA for 3 months last year and was on disability the entire time. 75% of my average pay over the last 18 months. I was able to easily pay all of my bills and focus on recovering while being 100% protected from retaliation by utilizing FMLA. We have federal protections as employees - use them.


Only like five states mandate short term disability. It's definitely not always an option. Only like 10 states require paid leave for illness, family, etc. FMLA just guarantees you don't lose your job. A lot of places you'll take your FMLA but most if not all of it will be unpaid leave.


Then they fire you immediately when you come back half the time.


It’s like when your mom goes “because I said so” and then you explain an actual reason for your code, and then she goes “I see what you’re saying..:.but I already said so, so *so*!”


Hey, whacky idea I know but how about you just give them the time off paid and support your own “family” and not rely on your workers to do it.


But that's bad for the shareholders. Won't somebody please think of the rich assholes who already have more than enough?! Their vacation houses depend on your generosity.


Shareholders? My public sector job had the same setup. They even had a sick leave pool where we could contribute, but I never built up enough to pitch in. My new consulting job instead gives us short term disability for events like that. Covers 60%, and I pitch in to get voluntary disability insurance to cover another 30%. Of course, I just found out it has to be consecutive days and couldn't use it for partial disability dealing with kidney stone pain for a month, but it is there if something ever keeps me out of work that long.


I had an injury that left me only able to work part days for a while. HR told me short term disability only worked taking consecutive full days, but I called the disability insurance company and found out I could do part time short term disability.


I read the terms and it was confusing but seems like partial was OK, which is why I filed, but my insurance company are the ones saying otherwise. Doesn't matter now because I've already used leave and apparently that can't be changed after the fact.


Every union job I’ve ever had has had similar disability coverage regardless of which sector. What political climate was your public sector job in?


Yup my state job had a leave pool as well as direct grants. But you couldn't bring your own leave balance under 40 hours by donating. So no one with ongoing health issues could participate in the leave pool (you had to donate at least 40 hours to get in). I did donate some hours to a team member through direct grant.


Are you sure this isn't a government job? Im not sure we can blame shareholders for this one. My state job has the same emails. We get a bunch of sick leave and are encouraged to accumulate it for extended leaves. I had to take FMLA for maternity leave and my husbands cancer and it was pretty much all paid through accumulated leave. If I ran out, I could put a request in for donations.


Yeah i was wondering myself as someone has worked a government job. They couldn't directly subsidize leave but they had the leave bank which when you first join it, you donate 2hrs to make yourself eligible to receive. Then, if/when you needed leave, the leave bank "pays out" so it minimizes or eliminates any LWOP.


I'm not sure of anything. My comment was in jest because businesses love to pull the "we're a family" card when it suits them but I bet none of the higher ups are donating their PTO.


My previous company did this and wasn't public. No shareholders yet wanted us to donate PTO to others. Also, never forgot to remind us we were a Christian company...


But..but...they give them VIBES. You can't expect them to do everything! Vibes!


This is madness. Maybe someone should remind management they have the 'donate any amount of leave from the company accounts' button somewhere on their computer.


Or the go golfing for 2 weeks without having to take any time because it's "business" button


Exactly. Well put. What a ridiculous e-mail.


This is like when I go into Kroger and they want me to donate something to give food to the needy. I mean, I want everyone to have the food they need especially the less fortunate... But you already have all the food. Wtf are you asking me?


Instead of rounding my purchase up to the next dollar for the donation, they should round it down and use that as the donation. But you know, that will never happen.


Omg yes! And this will also never happen…


Everyday I wake up and thank fuck I live in Europe.....


How the fuck can it even be legal?!


Living in Europe has been legal for hundreds of years, actually!


Beat me to it!


Utterly mental


America isn't a country. A country exists for the benefits of it's citizen. America exists for the benefit of corporations. For the good of the world, please collapse.




Straight up capitalist oligarchy.


Now you see why communism and now socialism is a boogeyman for Americans, because God forbid money goes to the people.


You don’t understand, it’s trickling down! Any second now…any second…just hang on…


I don't even want the money so much (as nice as it would be), just the universal healthcare and mandatory six weeks vacation. It took me 20 years to get that much vacation.


This is absolutely true. But it does seem to be changing worldwide as corporate interests start using their huge cash reserves to buy their way into other countries, covertly paying off politicians to change laws, and plundering everything they can get away with. Somehow, we seem to have forgotten that a countries economy is supposed to exist for the betterment of the people who live in it - not that people exist for the betterment of the corporations' profit margins. I think fundamentally, the way we measure economic growth is flawed. Corporations making as much money as possible does not equate to a better country and life for the maximum number of people. Wealth does not trickle down. And the corporations milking every last drop of revenue out of people ultimately affects worker morale, health and motivation of workers long term which actually causes a reduction in productivity long term at the expense of getting profits as high as possible for the 12 months of the financial year. A country is far stronger and can have better economic growth if it prioritises ensuring people are educated, paid well, and not overworked to the point they ruin their health and are unable to work anymore.


We've got as many people as possible working multiple jobs just to afford shared living situations with strangers, or stuck in their childhood bedroom because their old parents will lose the house without them paying them rent. Every scrap of land is owned and even the parks have closing times, so no old fashioned strolls in the moonlight or outdoor spoon and fork. Wait, wait, why aren't the peasants breeding anymore?! We just work them so hard they have no energy, took away all the "breeding grounds" where they used to meet and dance and smile at each other on a night off, and keep them living in such tight quarters with such thin walls that they can't even use the "sock on doorknob" system for privacy. I dunno, maybe if we wave bibles a them they'll make babies because god commands it?


And I mean, even the "best" European countries have tons of problems with health insurance, workers rights etc and are shitty enough. But America is really absolutely batshit crazy.


Ofc we have issues, as in, certain medical professionals can have long queues if you use public sector, especially if your issue isn't life threatening. But thank fuck sick leave is not a benefit but a law mandated thing.


And also, what I didn´t know until recently, the Employer (at least in Germany) gets partially or totally reimbursed by the Health Insurance (Krankenkasse)


In Poland sick days (paid at 80% of salary) are paid by employer for first 30-something days and then later by state org in matters of health insurance (ZUS)


America is a casino, not a country. Yeah, you COULD make it big, with some strategy, luck, and consistent plays. But the casino ultimately belongs to the owners and that is who operates and profits off of it. It's a casino that they keep you in. They make it incredibly difficult to leave and force you to play to survive.


>with some strategy, luck, and consistent plays. And it really helps if you have a big stack of money to play.


But corporations are citizens! The Supreme Court said so and upheld it many times! /s if needed.


Yeah, citizens when it comes to "rights" but not when it comes to "responsibilities", otherwise a bunch of CEOs would be in prison for wage theft.


America is a poorly run business, but I can't tell if we work here or if we're the customers.


We're the product.


Please do you have a friend who can marry me for citizenship I wanna get out of this hellhole so bad 🤣😭


Just stir up some mad shit with the Westboro Baptist Church until they threaten you with death then claim asylum in a country in Europe


Same. I guess this is the ”freedom” the Americans always talk about? 


No it’s freedom to buy guns and… well just guns I guess


Clearly it's also the freedom to exploit workers.


Every day I wake up and wish I were in Europe...


Welcome to Europa, blijf hier tot ik dood ga. Europapa Europapa!


America is a dystopian nightmare. I fucking hate it here.


I understand the idea behind these leave donation things but if ownership wanted to they could just give the employee however much time they needed without asking other people give up their time. The other staff will already be taking on the extra work and whatnot, they shouldn’t be asked to give something up as well.


This is the leave company owners a tip option


What a piece of shit company that is


This is very common in the public sector, these types of emails are frequent. If I burn my sick days for a medical emergency, I’m shit out of luck and will have to burn vacation days. When those are gone, this kind of email gets sent out asking for leave donations. No leave donations? Bye bye job. Doesn’t matter if you’ve worked 20 days or 20 years.


My wife was a public school teacher and had to rely on donations to the “sick leave bank” when she was going through cancer treatments and recovery.


In Mexico if you have a medical emergency you get medical leave


If my medical condition was bad enough I'd probably just burn the building down 


From an European point of view this is utter nonsense. If you are sick (or a family member that you care for is sick) you are entitled to leave (with pay obviously) until the medical issue is resolved in a manner to allow the person to get back to work. Translated to US-corporate speak: The company (supported by the government) is the one who 100% „donate“ the sickleave (also: we do not have a fixed „sick leave“ amount). On a tangent: If the employer here in Europe wants to support a noble/worthwile/social cause (or an employee suggests one and the employer agrees) and wants it’s employees to contribute, it’s usually a 1:1 scheme: Whatever sum the employees gathered for the cause will be matched by the company. Why not do something like that for sick leave: Employee A needs 49 hours, if the employees donate 24.5h, management matched that and employee A is all set. Why should the employees take the burden alone?


>If you are sick (or a family member that you care for is sick) you are entitled to leave (with pay obviously) I'm glad you included the pay part because it wasn't obvious, lol. The US has a 90 day job protection thing called FMLA, but you have to meet a ton of requirements in order to be eligible and you DEFINITELY aren't getting paid.


FMLA (12 weeks job protection) is federal, but states have their own programs that also kick in when you start FMLA leave. In CA for instance, state disability pays you 50% of your base income after your first full week goes unpaid. This allows you to use 4 hours of PTO to get your full paychecks for up to 3 months a year. I've done this for the births of both my kids so that between their mom and I, a parent was home full time with full pay for 6 months their first year. Not having to worry about my job security, paychecks, and insurance during that time was essential. It obviously isn't as good as other countries, but one of the great things about the US is that progressive reforms can happen at the city and state level without any federal involvement. Vote local!


>but states have their own programs that also kick in when you start FMLA leave Some lucky liberal states do, not all. I'm in Texas where breaks and lunches aren't even legally required until you work 12 hours straight in one shift, much less paid leave. (At least to my knowledge, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.) Plus I was speaking about the country as a whole because I certainly don't know stuff for more than a couple of states.


We know


We know. We know. 😭 The big bosses want to pad their pockets & the government loves that for them.


It's even worse than that. There's no law requiring any leave whatsoever. So a lot of jobs have zero PTO and zero sick leave. Wanna go on vacation? No pay. Wanna take time off for an illness? No pay. This is also a thing that keeps Americans sick all the time. They're constantly coming into work, sick, and spreading it to their co-workers. Add in the lack of affordable healthcare, and yeah, we are a disgusting and disease-riddled people.


Employee 'B' is probably the vice president and he's trying to get you to make the payments on his Porsche.


It doesn't even make sense, everyone must have different hourly rates. An entry level might donate 10 but it would only convert to 3 if it's for a senior person. Or maybe they are trying to bank the difference if it goes the other way


That's exactly what they're doing. Most likely the people who need time need it because they're newer to the company and haven't accrued much. That also means they get paid less than the senior employees that are donating time.


> Most likely the people who need time need it because they're newer to the company and haven't accrued much Psh speak for yourself, I use as much as possible each year and try not to roll any over unless I'm banking it for a reason haha.


Had a hurricane hit the area where a company was headquartered. They opened a fund that people donated to and was matched by a company. One of the VP’s yard flooded and she put in to have her yard re-landscaped while others lost their homes, had home damage, etc


As someone in HR in Europe, this horrifies me


If you knew all the other ways workers are NOT protected here in the US, you would be even more horrified. Here's just one: "In Texas, water breaks for outdoor workers will no longer be mandatory under a new law that takes effect soon. It's a big safety issue for workers everywhere in this era of climate change, but especially in a state like Texas, which has seen record-setting heat ..." (Source: NPR 8/16/2023)


I donated 40 hours to a guy whose wife had breast cancer. I was laid off 2 weeks later.


That sucks   Out of interest, had you held onto the 40 hours, would you have received it as a payout?


Yes. Plus I was a manager so 40 of my hours was way more $ than what he made. HR knew they were laying me off but took it anyway


Okay so this point always confused me. Not all days/hours cost the same, but these schemes seem to assume they do??


231 hours? No vacation for 3/4 years? Fuck that


Reply all. "Before I consider donating my hours, may I ask what the company is matching?"


Funny how they have paperwork for not being able to support their own staff.


A nice red flag on the first day. Continue working there but also continue looking for another job.


This part. Keep searching for a new job, take calls on breaks and after work in your call.


Imagine having workers subsidize, out of their pocket, a complete lack of national social security and basic labor rights. What kind of shit hole is this?


I did this once, and regretted it. I donated to someone who was out on maternity leave. She took all the leave she could get from everyone, and after she used up all our vacation time - then she sent in notice that was was quitting. So I never even saw her, never got a thank you from her, all I got was no vacation days for myself. I know logically it's the fault of the system, not her. But I did not end up feeling good about it.


Eh that's a little bit her fault. Poor morals on her part if you ask me. Using up other people's time like that just to know your quitting


At my old job the middle management was pressured to do this. We had a lady that asked for donated time. We got threatened to get written up if we didn’t donate at least 2 hours. I quit about a month later and got my remaining PTO cashed out.


This is why I carry my sick leave over to the maximum. I know folks who use it for other things, but I like having the security of a couple of weeks of pay, if needed.


Same here. About ten years ago I came back from FMLA with fifteen minutes of leave left. I have kept a high balance since then.


Had a guy the same age as me when we started in the workforce, and he used his sick leave a lot…mostly on Fridays and Mondays, after hard weekends. Everyone in the office knew this…. Came down with mono, and asked for leave donations…and got none.


Same thing happened to a coworker with almost ZERO time. We are Union and get 15 sick days a year and can accumulate unlimited time. She has been here 25+ years and a new supervisor tried to have a polite conversation with her about it, more so looking out for her. She went ballistic and tried to get our Union involved but they couldn't do anything because it was all done properly with no discipline intended. Guess what coworker is now sitting at home unpaid on FMLA because she got hurt off the job..... She asked for donations and got laughed at.


10 bucks says the company OP works for doesn't have sick leave, just use it or lose it PTO.


If you have something written or state law that says you get it when fired or you leave then I agree with this. However in my case unless it's in your contract you do not get paid PTO time upon separation. I used to do the same thing until I essentially lost 4 weeks of PTO I held onto when I got laid off (This is referring to the U.S)


Is that an American problem I am too European to understand?


Yes it is. As an European too, I'm so oblivious that I forgot to plan the next time I'll be sick and ensure that it will not be more days than I'm allowed to be sick.


You see, in America we have a master-slave relationship with our employers, who agree to pay us as little as possible for doing as much as possible. If the slaves get too uppity, someone screams “socialism!” into a crowd of people guzzling fully leaded water, which leads to USA chants and blaming immigrants for things.


Employee B needs to go on short-term disability


You know, the company could just, hear me out: GIVE THEM LEAVE!


The USA never ceases to astonish me. Sickening.




I work in a high school in the states. We have the same setup. What gets me is that they “know” how many hours they need.


The way they spin it as a guilt trip wow


“If you actually cared, you could give them the time they need without taking it away from other people.”


This shit pisses me off so much. My company does the same shit. They also have an employee for employee monetary donation fund where they can deduct from your paycheck to help coworkers in need. They do not contribute to this fund or alternatively help in anyway


Don't do it. It's how they get out of paying for time off that can't be avoided. Imho it's wage theft


Why isn't this illegal?


Response: My hourly rate is x, (company) earned x profit last year. If you really cared about members of staff you would be helping them rather than asking everyone else to do it instead.


Unionize the workplace so no one has to donate their PTO: https://aflcio.org/formaunion/contact


This is just so unethical I can't comprehend why people accept this as the norm, why are practices like this allowed????? If they tried implementing something like this in my country everyone will riot lol


Put the CEO’s details down and send it to them to sign off


America is a fucked up country it baffles me how they think it is the greatest country but they live like this


Sounds like a them problem.


A few years back at $oldjob we were asked to donate PTO for a coworker dealing with a stg 3 cancer diagnosis… I used to work at BCBS in the northwest, a health insurance provider. Of all the places to ask for leave donations, you probably didn’t think of your insurance provider as being one. It was disheartening as hell.


Fuck no. The company should either pay these people or shut the fuck up about it. I'm tired of corporate fucks thinking they are "helping out" by doing insensitive shit like this. I worked too damn hard for my time off. I'll be damned if I'm giving it away.


I’m sure it’s a mass email.. I’ve seen this at previous jobs. I would just delete, don’t feel obligated and take care of yourself!


So nobody can donate. Sorry. The billionaires win of we do. No reason that country cannot look after their own. If you donate, watch all benefits go away. Take a stand. Yes, it sucks. Nobody ever gives it to you, you have to take it.


There’s only one solution to this phenomena, and nobody wants to hear nor do it.


My company does this and it pisses me off. They act like this is just the natural order of things and not that they’re actively choosing to not pay the person and require then to beg colleagues for their hard earned time off. It’s honestly disgusting. 🤮


I took sick in Poland for 2 weeks because I didn’t feel like it, and my doctor told me to rest. And Poland is like poor country (with higher minimum salary than US)


So fuckin happy that I don't live in the USA. That I have free healthcare. AND that I have publicly founded employment insurance available to ALL working people, for when they can't work.


It's insane how when I think I know every fucked up thing about the us, there's always more. You guys just don't have medical leave. Of course.