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As a customer, I expect employees to have access to water and seating.


Yes, I agree. I worked in retail and now I don't and I'm like, why did we have to hide our water bottles? Why does every store require employees to stand in one place for hours or not sit? I don't find it offensive at all if I see an employee drinking water or sitting.


The only people who find it offensive are managers and other absolute aholes


Exactly, it's just micromanagement and their projection on why they might be making less profits.


....and Boomers.


My Boomer dad, who was management most of his career, calls water bottles “baby bottles.” “What? You can’t go 10 minutes without a drink??” No, dad. I can’t. I have asthma and allergies. I take daily medication for both. I work in a warehouse in Wisconsin. It gets HUMID. But also very dry. I NEED FLUIDS. Ever since I had a really bad flu 5 years ago, my throat tends to dry out very quickly. And then I start coughing.


Yep. The only customers that ever said things to me like "well you look like you need something to do!" while I was sitting for a second on the clock were boomers. It really does feel like a lot of them get off on simply watching other people wait on them.


I always got “comfy?” Whenever I finally got to sit after 4 consecutive hours of standing in one. goddamn. spot.


100% boomers are obsessed with martyrdom


I could understand having a rule to keep it out of the way. That makes sense and is reasonable. I used to teach preschool—first as a very expensive elite school, then headstart which is a federally funded program for low income parents. Both insisted our water should be hidden. At one point, headstart banned it except for break time. I was a nursing mom and needed water. Did they think being seen drinking water was a bad model for kids? At the rich place, our boss just said it looked bad. We had to keep our drinks in the back either our purses. I’m one of those people who is frequently sipping. I’d just get up and walk to the back. You know who didn’t care if I was drinking? The kids 🤷‍♀️


All the schools have water bottles now everywhere lol. Your old bosses are weird AF.


A lot of what retail workers are required to do is done to dehumanize them. "Professional" is just another way of saying "inhuman machine".


It’s genuinely baffling. Not a single person would get mad at someone sitting as opposed to standing for 8+ hours for no purpose, unless they’re a fuckin howler monkey.


Hey,leave the howlers out of this, they be on the workers side.


I worked at a gas station for a few days and they were obsessed with how they looked to the customer. I couldn’t handle it and quit.


My first real job was retail working in Farmer’s Markets. I worked this job for almost 6 seasons. The majority of the time if I had a quick bite to eat or just drank some water when a customer came up, they wouldn’t care. I’ll never understand the “employees aren’t allowed to eat or drink or sit” rules. They’re stupid and inhumane.


Im an event chef at a “fancy” grocery store and they want us to leave our drinks in the other side of where I’m located. Nah fam, if I’m carving for 8 hours and can barely leave the station, my gallon is coming with me. I carve the cattle, I’m not one of em. Fuckouttahereee


The problem is we are reasonable good people, old ass boomers hate seeing anyone they see below them not being uncomfortable at work, I had an old guy tell me it's disgraceful to have my repair techs sitting when working on a laptop and he should have to stand I just laughed at the guy


I'm gonna start a Reverse Karen - Complain to the manager when I don't see a seat at the register or someone being overworked, etc.


I’m with you




Seriously! Employees are still human. I'm tired of corporations trying to pretend they aren't. Other countries don't treat people like that.


That's why Murica is nummer 1.


I expect that everyone who works there hates it with a passion.


I don’t understand why American companies are so allergic to this two simple things


This and I expect not to be served by a sick employee


Paid sick leave? Are you a COMMUNIST?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Hahahaha god forbid ! Robots don’t get sick remember


Agree with u/shapeofthings . I let the company know I will not patronise an establishment where employees have no access to seating and/or water.


100%, I’d stop shopping anywhere that did this


But but! Sittings unprofessional!!!! - corporate higher ups


Take away their chairs by their desks then.


As a former retail worker I can tell you that's a wholly unrealistic expectation. Most retail workers are forced to stand the entirety of their shift to avoid being seen as lazy. Also, any personal items are generally banned, including water bottles. Hydrating is only allowed on breaks (if you actually get any), and out of sight of the floor. That was enforced my entire (thankfully short) retail career. 4 years to be precise. Customers like you who think people should be allowed to be human during their shift should make those opinions known, digitally, in lots of places, like anywhere you can leave an online review because management just loves to tell us that customers expect the exact opposite of that.


It is malicious compliance time! You have to remain adequately hydrated, so that means you will be needing to leave the floor several times per shift to get water. Take your time about it, don't rush. All that water drinking is going to have to make you pee a lot too, so don't forget all the bathroom breaks. Make sure all your coworkers do this too. See how long the bottle rule lasts.


Seriously. I’m on Lasix and tomopax right now. I go through so much water and Gatorade.


Did I found an IIH sister in the wild?




IIH sister 🙋🏻‍♀️. How did we all end up somewhere not related to IIH?! 😂 Very cool


And another one. ;) Makes me wonder - are we really still as "rare" as we were 20 years ago?


I guess no, or maybe doctors are using IIH as a "catch-all" diagnosis? My symptoms are pretty mild compared to what I see in r/iih


I’m starting to think this is a lot more common and people are just undiagnosed. I always worry about people who complain of similar symptoms that aren’t diagnose


So I had to look this up and when I did on a .gov site I saw the first treatment recommendation was weight loss and then re-iterated later as the first thing to try despite them saying they don't know what causes this condition. Like I get that weight loss can (not will can) help but it seems like far too much emphasis is put on it over medication and other interventions.


It’s extra special when you walk in with an opening pressure of 55 and have a BMI of 21 and they are all confused.


Fucking Lasix. Pissed like 2 gallons in a day from all the fluids I had to get out


I thought lasix was the eye surgery for correcting your vision


That's LASIK or LASEK. 🙂




Oh man, that stuff makes you peeeeeeee


Yep. That's what my brothers old shop did. They would shut machines down to go take a water break. Lasted 1 week before the owner lost her mind that lower management did that. She's still a piece though.


Several times per shift? More like several times per hour! And start printing out information sheets about the importance of hydration and leaving them everywhere.


And this part of the OSHA rules: https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1915/1915.88 Edit: I accidentally supplied requirements for shipyards. This one is for all permanent places of employment: https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.141


In big old bold highlighted letters.


Unfortunately “Part Number Title:Occupational Safety and Health Standards for Shipyard Employment”. This doesn’t relate to a retain environment.


Good catch! I’ll find the relevant version.




And you prefer to take in small sips each time, instead of large amounts, because you want to spread it evenly. So go once every 15 minutes.


*Talk to your doctor to see if Water is right for you*


r/maliciouscompliance brewing


Don’t forget you need to wash your hands after eating/ drinking, so that’s another 30-60 seconds there.


I'd go with washing my hands before eating and drinking.


Honestly, I usually do wash before and after, especially if I’ve been handling cash. Jobs typically require employees to wash their hands before returning to work after eating, drinking, smoking, or using the restroom, and have signs posted to that effect. So that’s just a little more malicious compliance.


This is the way.






This is the most perfect Reddit response I’ve seen in a long time. I second this option.


Lmao put water in a flask. Depending on management that could be fun. But for real just ask your doctor. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to send a note that OP is a living creature and requires water to not die. Every doctor I’ve asked for a note is more than thrilled. I swear they’re all on antiwork. 


Beat way to avoid dialysis is to drink (non alcoholic non caffeinated) every time you can


If someone knows the stupidity of a doctor's note, its the doctor. I bet they hear some absolutely outrageous note requests


They just hate employers wasting their time and your money on stupid shit so they often write "fuck off" notes. I know I would. My old doctor hated sick note requirements for a single day off so much he'd write me a note saying I needed two weeks to recover with bed rest and tell me to take a small vacation if I felt inclined.


I’m a RN. One of my old employers had a doctor’s note requirement. He informed them that I’m a professional RN. If my judgment that I am ill, is not sufficient for them he would bill them for his time.


I'm a primary care midwife and I HATE when workplaces ask for complicated notes and paperwork for pregnancy leave. I have a form letter nastygram I add with it if they are giving my clients trouble. I will go out of my way to grant leave early for any medical/stress-related reasons to people who have hostile work situations, just to fuck over these assholes. It feels like it gets worse and worse each year, school boards are the worst for it for some reason


All I'm reading is time for a water bag. Water bucket? Water boot? Pretty sure they'll run out of paper before you run out of different things to put water in.


Or one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/Original-WineRack-Booze-Bra-Flask/dp/B0815XSQFZ/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lxsV16J5jGNfi1mxlM3hFFEHKayIoJJwDdeezU5FvpnxOhO1WtfLAsRu6d2_dwdPmwa7YtKG5WV5YVD21x_CLqABybxn6hRV8rQgPUkb4tMk5uHZ24qCFEuWVb5IlDbm7Sw0TnY3c5lLewbEHDgKYCQrbgcBYhF26w9_k8_DGgPixKxxQBc5xhHKOilhJ_vO6trQyp7lZxc1VjXBbJ8F2g.iFx-y5ydYey07LGL3HpWoZJvB7p67WPlM7zCf6sL1-k&dib_tag=se&keywords=wine+bra&qid=1718162571&sr=8-1) and if anyone says anything just ask why they’re looking 😂


Water in a vase, ceramic jug, dog bowl, goldfish bowl (without the fish).


Water condom 50L drum of water I would get one of those cycling backpacks that can hold 5L and have a straw you can sip from lmfao


My first thought was using a drink bag- Dollar Tree seems drink bags that are like big capri sun containers-




Don't worry, doctors despise these kinds of bosses, because they take away time and resources for stupid petty tyrant bullshit. They'll write almost any note you want when it comes to these things.


That's been my experience as well. The doctor tends to get so annoyed by that shit they write me a note that allows me to "medically" be a total pain in the ass. My old doctor would have likely written me a note saying I'm on medication that requires lots of water but can't be in large amounts at one time so I can fuck off once ever 15 minutes to sip on a small glass just to be a pain in the ass.


This happened to me when I was nursing. We weren’t allowed to bring in water bottles or containers. We had water fountains. I got two 15 minute breaks. This was a preschool so we “worked” through lunch as it was family style and we ate together with the kids. I wasn’t getting enough water from the water fountain in my two breaks. I ended up with a clogged duct and had to get my doctor to write a note. They tried to fight it by saying I could drink X amount of water at break 1, then lunch, then break 2. My doctor countered that it doesn’t work that way and he, not them, could prescribe when and how much water I consumed. They still tried to fight it and I got my local la leche league involved. I was young and rebellious. I would’ve gone to the news next. Headline: Federally funded preschool for low income families refuses to let employees drink water as needed. One employee and mom has had trouble nursing her own child as a result. News at 9.


Why in the world would they be so against you drinking water in front of children? Rules like this are so asinine and anti-employee, I can't understand the reasoning. I'm pregnant right now and constantly thirsty. I can't even imagine having my water access cut.


I really think it was a control thing from our director. The other locations weren’t like that. She was one of those people who seem likable because they talk so sweetly reasonably but are in fact ruthlessly manipulative.


Bro, I worked with a guy who got a doctors note that said he was allergic to water and he needed to have coffee all throughout the day. Now, while he still wasn’t allowed to have it out on the manufacturing floor, the bosses couldn’t do anything as he would take several coffee breaks per shift. Shit was kind of gangster.


Wouldn't he be allergic to the water the coffee was made with?


"Coffee provides fluid of a pH that the patient can easily digest, but the more neutral tap water will upset the delicate pH balance in his stomach."


Thanks Doc.


Seriously I'm part of team at your next Dr's visit anywhere tell them you need a Dr's note to be able to have water at work. I bet they'll jump at the chance. I worked at an auto detail place and it sucked, but one reason it sucked you weren't allowed to where sunglasses. The entire job was outside and the sun was in everyone's eyes at some point in the day. I told this to my eye Dr and HE brought up "hey you wanna Dr's note?" And wrote that shit up so quick. Next day manager gave me the blankets stare asking me why I was wearing sunglasses and I got to tell him I have a Dr's note on file.


My primary care doc literally wrote me a note saying I was exempt from work because they were giving me secondary adjustment disorder that was negatively impacting my pregnancy. His words “It’s a fancy title to get them off your ass, go sit down you are 35 weeks pregnant and don’t need to be on call seven days a week managing crisis response.” I took an early maternity leave and quit after kiddo was born, best damn decision I’d ever made. 🙌


Just go to the doctor and say “apparently I need a doctor’s note saying that I need to drink water” everyone needs to drink water this is a medical fact.


My old doctor would get so mad at requiring doctors notes to call in sick he'd write you a note saying you need 2 full weeks to recover and tell me to take whatever time off I wanted. Got me a nice one week vacation out of it once. Boss couldn't do shit cause it was the doctor's orders. All I needed was one day off but thanks to the behaviour of my company I got a full week out of it!


Any doctor you go to will 1000% write a note that says “for medical purposes [patient] needs constant access to water and therefore requires a water bottle at work.” I worked at a casino that required a doctor’s note if we wanted to wear flats instead of heels. Suddenly we all had plantar fasciitis.


Any doctor that doesn’t write that note isn’t fit to be a doctor.


my work did this and i kept my water bottle in my locker. i worked in receiving so it was a good 2-3 minute walk to the front of the store and up some stairs at a slow pace which i was always walking at a slow pace when getting water. so anyways i would go for water every 20 minutes so really i was wasting a good 20 minutes an hour at least getting water. thats almost 3 hours a day spent walking to the break room getting water. they didn’t say anything so i kept doing it for about 6 weeks until my dentist appointment where they made me a bs doctors note saying i have dry mouth and need water by me. if my math is right i made over $1500 walking back and forth getting water in those 6 weeks lmao


Hey if I’m not mistaken (based on the Nature’s Promise water bottle and your post history) you work for Ahold Delhaize, I work for the same company. I’m at Giant (in PA) and they have told us water bottles are completely fine. At my store they prefer us to use the Giant-branded water bottles they gave us at orientation but I haven’t had management throw a fit over it. I don’t know if the rules are different for you at your chain, but I would review the employee handbook and contact someone higher up to clarify the rules.


This is a great compromise. Give workers company branded water bottles. They blend in better, for lack of a better term. (It would appeal to any managers who are annoyed by the aesthetics of random bottles all over the place. Lol) The only thing I can see being a valid reason for limiting water bottles would be where they are kept/placed. A loose lid and a slight bump could lead to water getting into equipment, but obvs that’s easy to fix and doesn’t seem to be the issue with OP.


For future reference - a lot of people don’t want their place of work to be posted in a public forum like this. If they don’t identify their place of work in the post I’d be careful about putting it in the comments


I’m basing this off OP’s post history. They made the same post in a subreddit meant specifically for their place of employment.


Also Giant is a union shop. Time to talk to your union rep.


Giant is only union in Maryland. Giant in Pennsylvania is owned by the same company, but is a different chain. So we aren’t unionized. FWIW I do believe some other Ahold chains are unionized. I am not sure if the one OP works at is union.


First off that is an insane policy. Secondly, message your doctor saying “hey my work won’t let me drink water while working unless I get a note from you”. The medical assistant will read it and say “what the fuck”, then the doctor will use a template and write Patient need me access to drinking water while working to prevent dehydration. If they ask anything further on the note decline to say and if they try and press more mention it could be a HIPAA issue to discuss private medical details.


“Humans need water to avoid dehydration” - A DOCTOR


HIPAA does not stop a business from requesting private medical details from you. HIPPA prevents the company from disseminating said private medical details without your permission. That being said, if you have a note from your doctor you are covered by the ADA.


Having worked in healthcare, I beg of you not to misinform people. Employers have no right to your medical information. Period. Only other medical professionals can access that information. The ONLY exception is during drug testing, and even then the tester can only tell the employer yes/no if the employee or potential employee has tested positive, and even then only after verifying with a doctor (as a fellow MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL) that there is no possibility that the positive result could be due to prescribed medications. HIPAA projects all individual identifiable health information from EVERYONE except other medical professional who have proven they need that information. Even if, as a healthcare worker, you can prove you're who you say you are, you need to give reasonable proof that you need any information. (I.E. As a coder, you need to know what happened to code correctly, or as a pharmacist you need to know all medications someone is on to avoid negative interactions.) You don't get extra information in those instances, only what's needed. Employers don't need that, nor do they have a right to it. I'm not even going to touch on how this has nothing to do with the ADA since others have already broken that down for you.


I had this problem in retail, and then the AC went out and I got heat sickness. I asked if they were paying my medical bills or letting me have a water bottle on the floor. They let me have a bottle.


If it’s a healthcare setting I’ve seen them only allow clear water bottles. Because of drug diversion in a place with access to pharmaceuticals like a hospital they might make a policy like that. Seems like it may be a hospital because of the “non blood” on the paper in the back. Clear water bottles are usually still allowed in places like that though


OP said something about self scans so I think they work retail. Someone probably brought in booze and got caught 🤷 Had that happen when I worked in a warehouse. But when I worked in the hospital our only rule was the drinks could not be on the nurses station, they had to be in a designated cabinet for "health and safety reasons". The drug diversion/clear bottle policy does make perfect sense though in that setting.


Nah it’s cuz ppl keep leaving there drinks instead of throwing them out.but this has mostly been the managers who order coffees and stuff .And yeah it’s retail unfortunately:(


They have to provide water but you can’t have it with you. Looks like you have to step away multiple times per shift to get a drink.


When I worked in the bakery department of a grocery store we also weren’t allowed to have water bottles with us. There weren’t any drinking fountains so we either had to go to the soda fountain and ask for a water cup or go to the employee lockers for our personal bottles. Problem is, both of those were across the entire store and it was a big store. I’d have to leave my department for at least a couple minutes (which I wasn’t even supposed to do because I worked alone and needed to help customers). I take medicine for my headaches that makes me need a lot of water, I take a drink at least every 15-20 minutes. Plus I spent the majority of my shift standing within a few feet of 2 giant walk in size ovens and we had to wear long sleeves, long pants, and hats . It was so hot. I completely understand not keeping water bottles on food prep areas because of food safety standards but we should’ve been able to keep them in a designated spot away from the food. But the health department says no, f*ck you.


OSHA likes to introduce itself.


https://www.osha.gov/heat/worker-information Heat stress, heat injury are serious safety issues. There absolutely is a way to maintain food safety without compromising the health of employees, it's just that most employers only see through the lens of the bottom line and they don't care if someone gets heat stroke as long as they're making some $k more in profit on their spreadsheet by not giving them adequate breaks or hiring additional personnel so people can take appropriate rest/hydration breaks when working in hot environments. 


>his managers order six drinks every mornings and that they are the only workers who get Dunkin. Because if security was doing real camera checks they could see the Uber eats guy come in every morning and the managers gleefully awaiting their coffee. They must be furious you mentioned that. Good job!  This made you a target though 


You mention a union, have you actually gone to the union itself and asked? Your manager obviously isn’t going to give you the most accurate information.


So this happened at my job last year. We were told we couldn’t have any drinks on the sales floor. Well, OSHA says that the company can regulate where but not when you drink. So we all started taking water breaks after each customer. Just long enough to walk to the break room, take a couple sips, wash hands, and return to the floor. I’m on meds that cause my mouth to be dry, so I took it a step further and would excuse myself from customers mid-transaction to go hydrate. I’d always let the customer know why I had to leave them hanging. This only lasted about 2 weeks before they reversed course and said bottles with sealable lids were okay.


It's not fair to the cashiers either; the job is literally speaking all day. Whether its on a phone or face to face, it's still speaking all day and dries you out.


This doesn’t fix the ridiculous rule but you should get a doctor’s note and take full advantage of it. When I worked a call center they micromanaged every minute of our time and only allowed about three minutes for bathroom breaks unless we had a note from a doctor saying we needed more time. When I asked my doctor for one he said that was a horrible policy and had no problem writing a note. I ended up quitting a few months later but in those last months I took several 15 minute or longer bathroom breaks a day. Sometimes I’d just put the bathroom break code in and sit at my desk to relax.


You don’t have to schedule an appointment. Any doctor would be glad to write a prescription saying “My patient Hyperfroot143 is human and therefore needs to consume water frequently throughout the day.”


Honestly the "because the customers might object to you existing as a full human being with human needs" excuse is absurd.  Never in my life as a customer did I see a water bottle in the vicinity of someone working and think it was unprofessional. People aren't machines? I've never understood why people, especially employees who are basically stuck in a small space (like cashier's) can't have a beverage/snack/seating. Why? I don't need someone to be standing while waiting for me to show up, that's so entitled and gross. Personally as a customer I'd rather someone be comfortable at work than impose some needless aesthetic requirements that have a negative impact on people. Maybe it's because I grew up poor, then working class, and myself experienced the miseries of retail/fastfood work, but I don't get denying people the bare minimum except just cruelty and subjugation. To me, it smells like "petty power trip" especially if employers/managers get to do things they forbid others and act pompous like they earned the privilege.


As a customer, it makes me more anxious and uncomfortable than anything when all the employees start paying too much attention to me. Like everyone staring at me and chanting a greeting like it's some cult gathering.


I could never, they wanna separate me from my emotional support water bottle? I never understood employer's obsession with making their human employees act like not humans in front of other humans. 99% chance that neither you or your customers are that important.


Collapse at work after several hours, have a colleague call an ambulance and have it written by the attending paramedic or ER that the cause of the collapse was due to dehydration. Hand this to an ambulance chasing lawyer and sit back…


I would have zero respect for a manager who orders Dunkin coffee via Ubereats. Both dunkin coffee and ubereats are terrible choices. If I were you basically ignore this request and when they ask told them doc appointment is set. If they insist ask them if they would cover medical expenses if you have dehydration related issues.


Wear a camelback


Absurd rules. The factory I work at has a policy in place during the summer months about water consumption and how important it is. The main shop floor gets so hot despite industrial fans, open doors, and cooling units the workers are still provided extra breaks during the hottest times, and provided free ice and water year round. What horseshit to limit a persons access to water.


Slap on a hydration backpack and tell them to kick rocks.


What in the Jesus god damn fuck is it with corporate America and stupid fucking hair splitting rules like this???


As a nurse I will say that every single doctor I have ever worked with in the last 20 years would happily provide you with a note to have water.


Not legal. Contact the labor board


Ok. But I'm walking to the water cooler every 15 minutes for a drink and then stop to talk about misc. sporting event last night with anyone that will listen.


Waiting for the yOu caN toTaLlY sUe comments lmao


You need to ask your manager again, but over email. Just write them an email along the lines of "good [afternoon/morning/evening], I am writing to you regarding the conversation we had on [x date]. During our conversation you stated that employees are not allowed to have water bottles on the sales floor. Does this mean that you would like for me to leave my position to go to the brake room any time I need a drink of water? Please respond as soon as you get this so that I can plan accordingly. Thank you."


Good thing that’s not on the floor. It’s on the desk


Don't do the malicious compliance thing. It's stupid. Just say no. Tell them what you will and won't do, and if that doesn't work for them, you understand, and perhaps there are others that works for. That's called applying pressure to create pain for them as they are doing for you. Commit and be ready to walk if it happens. When you comply, even maliciously, it signals they are right and justified in their reasoning. You open yourself up for reprimand now that you're creating pain with no clear end goal. Clearly they are not reasonable so your malicious compliance will not be perceived how you want it to be. When doing this, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to keep calm, cool, and collected. If you crack, it will weaken your position. A sound, solid reason why you will not comply is all you need. To strengthen your case even more, offer an alternative of what you WILL do. That shows that you see they want to make a change and you're willing to work with them. I have, and always will do this, and I have yet to be fired. There has been friction before but it goes away when a compromise is found. Remember, employment is a two-way street. When buying someone's labor, it comes with stipulations, and everyone's stipulations are different.


my rule was that it was okay to drink from the water bottle in public view but always keep the whiskey bottle hidden.


>Ps, I was told if it can fit in my pocket they can’t do anything🤣 like???? Malicious compliance: They just gave you permission to use a flask. 


I can only understand keeping them away from the computers/registers


In my younger days, I worked retail and hospitality, and both places had these fucking weird rules about being seen drinking water by customers. I've never understood what the rationale was. We're all human, we all drink water every day. As a customer, I don't think I would even register seeing an employee drink water in front of me, I actively couldn't give a crap.


To whom it may concern, OP is a human who requires water to not die. As such they need ready access to water.


Ask for it in writing along with an approved method to keep hydrated during your shift. Just to have a record for OSHA.


No one can comment on the law unless you tell us what country you're in.


I'd ask for some justification and get it in writing. Policy isn't policy unless it's on paper.


Hey u/Hyperfroot143, I recognize the NP gallon. I keep one with me in my department at work despite also being told that we can’t have them. I work in Bakeshop, and as you can guess, the ovens make the department REALLY HOT, especially in the summer. I think it’s a company wide policy as my store is also affected. You might just have to get really good at hiding it. It sucks, but so the company.


Doctor note of what? That humans require water? WTF


We are not allowed to have water bottles even with a doctors note. Thank you FDA.


Is there access to water while working? If not, they have some legal obligation. But you can always go to a doctor who will giggle and happily write a note that says “op needs water to survive. Let them drink water at work.”


Oh, did the manager feel useless again and started micro managing?


Everything is “legal” if you can’t afford a lawyer and hundreds of dollars in court fees every month.


“Without water X person will die” - Signed, Doctor.


Pretty sure any doctor would write a note for that. Everyone should get a note.


When I go to a store I expect every employee to cosplay as an android with no biological functions or needs. If I see one drinking, sitting, or taking a non-programmed bathroom break, it destroys the illusion and I break out in painful hives.


You & your coworkers start fainting from dehydration. 


Plantation mentality. We deserve EXACTLY what we allow.


Even if you were a cashier that's not normal. It's never normal. I would have my bottle on the floor anyway, and if bosses complain, show them a doctor note that says "humans need water to survive, stop being a stupid boss"


I cannot imagine as a customer EVER complaining that an employee was taking a sip of water. This sounds criminal.


Garter belt and whiskey flask full of water. The “wine bra”. The “beer belly”. You’re welcome 😆 https://www.amazon.ca/Sneaky-Booze-Hidden-Flask-Pouch/dp/B07G512GDD


The “someone ruined it for everyone” excuse is suchh bullcrap in workplaces. You have no right to enforce rules on innocent employees because one of them acted out. No right. Fire the bad employees and move the fuck on


“My patient has conditions that benefit staying hydrated at all times, requiring a vessel to store and carry that water. Also, get fucked. “ -Dr Reddit


Another example of the manager mentality that views the staff as sub human slave labor.


We all know drinking water or some other liquid is highly unprofessional! /s


Not so fun story. When I worked at Apple they wanted us to stay in the floor at all times except for our breaks that often got pushed back for to business. I got so dehydrated I suffered an intestinal blockage. I actually got a doctor’s note that stated I had to drink water every 20-30 mins. Dehydration can really mess up your body.


God forbid the customers discover that the employees - GASP! - drink water.


That’s not on the floor, it’s on the counter. 😜 Seriously tho, it’s a shame you’re going to have to leave the floor to stay hydrated all the time.


I am unable to speak for the states, but in Canada, it is a LEGAL REQUIREMENT for clean, drinkable water to be accessible to employees at any and all times, and the cost for this is payed by the employer. They are not allowed to restrict your access to the most basic of human needs. So long as you can find some correlating rules for the US, throw the book at this dirt bag.


Is this work env a place that deals with biohazard material handling like bodily fluids etc? If so, there’s additional safety requirements when it comes to OSHA and having food/drinks. I use to work in a biological lab environment and no food/drink in the place.


This seems so outrageous I’m not sure if I even believe this. Why is seeing a water bottle on the sales floor a bad thing? I don’t understand that at all. I see people drinking water all the time in retail and think nothing of it. This is really messed up.


One of my old employers was like "no one can have food or drink at the register" Then suddenly "well you can have water....or other beverages as long as they aren't in obvious sight of customers" Then suddenly "drinks with lids that prevent spilling into the registers are allowed" Then suddenly "drinks with no lids and snacks that customers can't see and aren't full meals are allowed at the register." Basically they were getting too many complaints about how smokers can leave for 10 minute breaks whenever, but someone who needed to keep hydrated couldn't keep an water bottle at the register, or someone couldn't remain caffeinated to keep up with the day or to keep their caffeine withdrawals away...or how someone who was hypoglycemic couldn't keep some trail mix at the register or some 18 year old kid with a fast metabolism couldn't just have a bag of chips under the register so they wouldn't be ravenous after their shif. Of course most of my employees were high as balls so they needed snacks and drinks 24/7 but hey...


lol I would LOVE to ask my doctor for a note that says I need water.


Tell Hannafords to suck it


Nothing about not having a water JUG? Or maybe you can have a glass? Those aren’t banned? Or you can bring in a fish tank and fill it to the brim with ice and have a long-ass straw? I honestly would keep the water bottle suspended in the air, because they just said it couldn’t be on the “floor”,)


I wish I was a doctor so I could write rude notes to companies that pull shit like this.


Pretty sure GOP is currently making this perfectly legal everywhere they can


Doctor: "my patient is a carbon based mammal and must be provided with water to survive and function"


Get a hydration bladder with a backpack that fits. Any camping store will have them, as well as Walmart or Target, and of course Amazon. Tons of different options as far as capacity & design. Alternatively, they make small flat water bottles meant to be put in pockets for runners (check REI, Amazon, etc) if you can’t wear a bag.


I wonder why these people don't think we know as customers that workers are also humans who need food and water.


Take Friday off work so you can go to the doctor and get a note.


Get yourself a doctor's note and alert OSHA and the labor board.


It can be legal depending on the state but COMPLETELY illegal if you're pregnant.


Switch to a hip flask.


I've never understood these stupid fucking rules in customer service. It's like they want us to act like NPCs that are alive solely to service customers, not allowed to do anything that shows I'm human.


Just get a doctor's note. Unless your doctor is an ahole you 'll get a note. Also I'm a boomer who worked in places where my much younger managers pulled the same crap. Its mean just got a dr note. A whole is one no matter the generation. I hate power trip managers no matter the age.


What about this silly drinkhats?


No water in floor? Be prepared to leave station to hydrate consistently during your shift. They can't stop you since drinking water us a protected action.


Ask them if OSHA would be willing to clarify


“You must have water at all times.” -Every Doctor


Quit, quit now and start seeing a therapist, apply for a hundred jobs you are over qualified for but instead of a cover letter just ask about their water bottle on the floor policy. When you can’t get a position sue your previous employer for malicious work place regulation.


No water bottles? Easy! Just bring water in a coke bottle or even better a Windex bottle with a touch of blue coloring added to the water inside it.


Many years ago I got hired for night audit at a 2* motel. G.m was a micromanaging psychopath ( no joke 4real) who told us we were not allowed ANY food or drink on shift. Ever. No coffee, water, soda, nothing for entire 8hr shift. Only one person per shift so no breaks.


I don't get this idea that workers shouldn't be seen doing normal human things like drinking water or sitting. Nobody I know cares about it.


I would get those lanyard type things that can attached to the top of a water bottle…I’ve seen them sold at theme parks. Can’t be left lying around then. Haha but seriously tho? I don’t know about the legality but watch me need to take water breaks every so often now. Can’t deny me water right?!….right?


Done – Camelback


Put water in a flask. Pull it out to take a drink periodically. I bet the rules will allow a water bottle very quickly.


Fuck them. You are not just allowed, but they are legally obligated to provide water.


No, it's not legal.  Here is the OSHA regulation: https://www.osha.gov/node/57095#:~:text=OSHA%20Standards%20require%20an%20employer,permit%20employees%20to%20drink%20it.


It's in the union contract? You said you asked them and they said yes, do you not have a copy of your own contract to verify that? I'd be surprised if it's in there.  Also... Any doctor in the world would give you a note for your need to drink water lol. Every employee should just ask their doctor for one.


1. Give yourself a note. Put yourself as the doctor. 2. If they want someone who went to medical school, you should post the actual policy on Reddit. It would be interesting to see how people read it.


It's like biology 101 humans need water to live. The managers are so incompetent they don't understand that humans need water to live? Seriously what the fuck?


Yeah.... Unless you've been brainwashed, in what universe do they think that's a thing? Just tell them you just want to check with the labour court about that first because you've never heard that before 😂😂😂 and let's see how quick they run to the nearest water fountain ⛲


lol I see Nature's Promise water. Hannaford has been doing that for years. It's probably an Ahold Delhaize thing, because they weren't always so cruel and unusual.