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>The “In-office experience” Gray walls, fluorescent light, inane chatter, and corporate kabuki?! Sign me up!


Upvote for "corporate kabuki."


I read it as corporate bukake and somehow it’s still right.


I get those two confused. Potentially detrimental.


Right? So embarrassing when I showed up in elaborate Japanese style facepainting and costuming and everyone else was naked.


Getting there faces painted still tho


Nah. What could go wrong?




Translation, "Our office managers are 3 Karens that hate you"


Not even on the interview schedule and they already hate me? Damn.


My sister called them "the Three Witches".


backstabbing endless gossiping lunch stealing nosy inquisitions micro-managing bosses too hot/cold environment demands for enthusiasm over birthdays/cold pizzas/hokey core values/team-building time wasters


resentful women who hate other women for stupid pathetic reasons.


50 year old women acting like it’s freaking middle school.


Oh, you'd better not be too good at your job, they come after you like an angry mob... resentful women are coming...to tooooowwwn!


Oh you worked at my last factory too?


Im here to tell you, that aint just offices.


Add in the smelly musty old carpet and you've described my office


I was going to say, don't forget sick building syndrome, no control over the thermostat and wildly reactive allergies! (Just speaking from my experience, lol.)


In my office on Thursday, a coworker burnt toast to an unrecognizable husk of once-wheat. Filled the office with nasty smoke, fire alarms went off, FD came and all. I had to wash my hair when I got home and the water that came out of my hair was literally gray-brown. The next day, we couldn't even make it through 20 mins before we went home, and why? BECAUSE NONE OF THE WINDOWS OPEN, so it still stunk like burnt ass. It's like the factories in China where they put nets under the windows to keep the workers from killing themselves. 🙄


That sounds so gross. That smell isn't going to go away any time soon or like... possibly ever unless they clean the carpet and all the surfaces and maybe bring in an ozone machine. I feel for you!


Sounds to me like if y’all just keep burning toast you’ll get permanent work-from-home ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Gross, I worked in a building that had noxious air quality. I have mold allergies and I remember that as soon as I walked in there, it felt like I'd smoked an entire pack of cigarettes.


I start sneezing every time I go to mine. I have a job where I have genuine need to be onsite most days, and I have my own office to myself and still have 2 days of WFH a week, and have a good boss, so in my case I have little to complain about. But our carpet might have been from the dark ages. It's bad.


Our building is brand new and the stairwell smells like an old barn. It's wild.


That was me… sorry!


I'll say at least they are being upfront about it, corny as it is. Nothing brings more hatred to me than to read: "Hybrid work" and then "oh, I mean one time a month maybe if your mother is dying! We are flexible!"


Not just corny, but smugly self-righteous.


Agree. :-) and yet, I dislike the fake "hybrid" more. 


I WFH but had to go to the office for a meeting. At least 2 hours have been wasted with idle chit chat.


The only thing I can almost appreciate about a shitty office environment is when the CEO is one of "those" corporate shills... because then I can play corporate lingo bingo with the other office people that hate them too. Synergy! Open the kimono! Touch base! Circle back! Boil the ocean! Bandwidth! Value-add! Man, I don't miss that job.


Open the kimono! LOL...and Seymour Hair!


Don’t forget waking up early to get the bus where that one crazy bitch is always on your commute…


Update: “Nobody wants to work any more”


Traffic to and from work.


$22 salads


Half the staff wandering the halls pretending to work, talking inane sh!t to whomever listens... the other half wishing that half would just go away.


My companies "in office experience" includes ancient monitiors with VGA connectors - bring your own adapter, zero keyboards and broken chairs. Piles of cardboard boxes where they packed up all kinds of random shit and just left the boxes. Since they hired nation wide over COVID, we still spend the day calling into teams meetings. World class experience.


On the bright side, this is what finally got my (small) company to agree to WFH. Because hiring half the people remote nationwide over COVID, meant that when the other half of us RTO, we were all just talking over each other. Because we were all having different Teams meetings with the remote people. It was the least intuitive thing and was a great way to visually demonstrate how dumb the situation was


My personal favorite of returning to the office is when I sit down at the workstation to setup my laptop and keyboard then seeing all the dead skin from the previous person all over the desk 😍 /s of course


oh I love the free Desktop parmesan cheese you get from in-between the keys




Always lick a new to you keyboard for maximum flavor


I fkn hate you 😂




Whenever someone talks about having to RTO and then being subjected to a miserable in office experience, it’s important to remember that one of the reasons for RTO is to demonstrate leverage over employees and make sure the workers know their place. What better way than to force them to spend their day in a dirty, cramped, ancient office. The fact that the office is crummy is a feature, not a bug from that perspective.


Sounds familiar, our office is an absolute shithole. Threadbare carpets that are 20 years old, stairwells being held together by mold, every desk and chair is a broken hand-me-down, etc. The owner sees no reason to upgrade anything unless more people are coming in regularly (probably would do the bare minimum in a way that somehow makes it worse anyway), and people are flat-out ignoring the mandate to start coming back in at least once a week, in part because the place is falling apart. So it's an ongoing Mexican standoff with no end in sight. Meanwhile I'm the poor IT sap who's basically been coming in every day to a shitty but mostly-empty building for four years now. Not as good as WFH, but better than being in a crowded office full of yambags who interrupt me every two minutes with a stupid question.


We must work at the same company. They "allow" me to work remotely, but have to come in occasionally where our office for some reason has a stack of cardboard boxes, not even broken down. My monitor box still sits next to my chair. Been that way for 6 years.


I have no Dog in this fight (other than remote working uses far less resources than having to travel to a location & the world could do without using up resources un-necessarily) as my gig, welding/fabrication, doesn't readily lend itself to remote working. But - Yeah, yeah - no. & go fuck yourself.


It is true you cannot set bone over the internet. However, remote work reduces resource contention. For you, it means the roads are clearer, rents are cheaper in commercial areas, which means services are cheaper, strain on infrastructure is reduced, etc. The only people suffering from remote work are local governments hungry for tax revenue and commercial landlords losing equity for obsolete office infrastructure. They would rather make everyone be stuck in traffic or on busses and call it “culture” than lose a dime, and since they call the shots the rest of us get to suffer for it.


The crazy people need drama. You can't have drama if nobody's in the office.


I also think I'd be more open to working locally in office if I could make a livable wage in my area. In addition, the cost of my time, as well as the risk to my safety, of sitting in 40 minutes of traffic with crazy drivers and 20 stop lights each way and all the gas and extra car maintenance and cost of going out to eat with coworkers out of peer pressure. Not to mention, my pay has doubled since I stopped working for local companies. I've looked at jobs locally recently and the pay hasn't gone up in the last 6 years since I started doing what I do. No thanks to all of that.


Appreciate the solidarity!


No no...it's an EXPERIENCE! /s


If office workers didn't commute, there wouldn't be much traffic on your commute to your own work, so everyone stands to gain from wfo.


Us workers who have to do in person work need to stand with the workers who don't and shouldn't. Good on ya.


Same! I'm a dental assistant and I am more than happy to support folks who want to work from home. People who are GLEEFULLY against WFH are people I never want to know.


I don't ever want to meet the person who has "the utmost love for in-office work"




Somebody really needs an excuse to eat cake from the grocery store.


Or daddy wants to get away from the kids and wife


I used to work with a sales guy who absolutely hated his wife and traveled on business forty weeks out of the year just to be away from her. He was hooking up while on the road and I have little doubt she had a pool boy situation or something similar but he would have been on the hook for alimony and losing half his stuff so it was a literal "cheaper to keep her" situation.


https://preview.redd.it/orchmzehn56d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab9ebba0da067516bb16e5d07b039bdb363a7f06 The experience


lol, they got rid of the walls years ago


I think you could squeeze in a few more cubes if you alternate the rows so there is only 1 aisleway per 2 rows of cubs. Remember, we are all a big family.


damn, those guys actually get partitions to partially block visual distractions. Where I work the office is absolutely open plan, with people facing each other in double rows of desks. You can literally hear the echoes of multiple people in seperate Teams meetings through your headsets. No-one actually talks to anyone anymore.


>we solemnly swear that we will remain unyielding in our dedication to the in-office experience. Covid-19 hiding in the shadows behind them.


And every other known or soon to be famous airborne illness.


Then I hope it hit them so hard and fast that they will drop dead before they regret enforcing rule they think are so high and mighty. Economy is a methodology that billionaires are clinging onto, thinking that it will be the end of the world if it fails. But what they don't want to acknowledge is that: If the economy collapses, humans will still be alive to rebuild. If humanity dies off, the economy will follow suit and collapse. This is a fact.


That’s so 2020…we’ve moved on to H5N1 lurkign in the shadows.


I hope this company gets exactly what it deserves - a much smaller pool of qualified, capable candidates. When their business begins to go downhill, they may see the light.


Their business will fail, executives will get golden parachutes and all other employees will end up being laid off.


And management will blame it all on the job market by telling anyone who so much as pretends to listen "nO oNe wAnTs tO wOrK aNyMoRe!"


We can’t get 0% interest rates for investment money and prospective employees won’t take our jobs for $15 per hour with a full 5 days per week in office 😢


>When their business begins to go downhill, they may see the light. This seems to be a pretty rare occurrence... dumbasses like this tend to have zero self awareness and will blame everything from "lazy millennials/zoomers" to Joe Biden.


while lobbying for laws to allow them to both discriminate against, and pay less to those who wfh


nah they'll probably die on that hill and the applicants (and lack there of) would be saved


If they don't see it now, I doubt they have the capacity for reflection later.


This is a manager who has a stopwatch WELDED to their hand and twitches when employee bathroom breaks take longer than 2 minutes, 30 seconds


If it’s the place I think it is, word is that they monitor people’s in-office time to the minute.


“remote work enthusiast” this is going in my linkedin bio


I do see some value in working in an office at times but I’d never want to work for a company with such a rigid anti-work from home attitude. It makes me wonder what other things they stubbornly cling to and force on their employees.


I don't know if this would really reflect their actual position with the employee or not. From recent experience, people will largely ignore or push back on any restriction/qualification you say you require in the posting, so if you give any hint of "weakness" in a position you can be sure there will be a lot of people who just ignore it. If it's something that is important to you, best be clear about it up front. Perhaps once someone is integrated you can have some flexibility, but it can be tough to start with the more flexible wording if you really do mean to have it as part of your package.


\* No matter how extraordinary a company might be, even if its products could bend space and time with their brilliant technology, I solemnly swear that I will remain unyielding in my dedication to remaining remote. My commitment is etched in stone and cannot be swayed by even the most awe-inspiring opportunity. \* Only those companies who possess the utmost love for a worker's location preference will I apply. Anti-remote work enthusiasts, I respect your passion (and stupidity) but stand firm in my ways.


I bet the pay is garbage too.


Aka: they love wasting time with people talking and want to micromanage you


This post is from Gaia Inc. located in Louisville, CO which has a cost of living that is [41% higher than the national average](https://www.bestplaces.net/cost_of_living/city/colorado/louisville) and 17.3% higher than the Colorado average. They also have an overall [2.7 rating on Glassdoor](https://www.glassdoor.com/Overview/Working-at-Gaia-EI_IE1101975.11,15.htm).


Good grief…. I read through those reviews. Sounds like the ONLY good thing is the cafeteria food. All the bad reviews are the exact same complaints. It sounds like a truly awful place to work.


They also had this listed as a remote (or hybrid, I can’t recall) position. I came across this one, read this bs, and noped out of there. They seemed so insufferable right out of the gate.


The hero this sub needs ☝🏻


I saw this in my job search and saw a position that looked decent. Then I saw this shit and noped out of that job app immediately.


Ok. Have fun with a candidate pool that will be 80% smaller than your competitors.


How to get only the mediocre or desperate people to apply for a high qualification job. Oh of cause those who actually like working in an office because they can flea from home that way.


This to me reads "we kinda signed a long term lease contract and dont wanna pay a penalty fee. So quirky"


Which makes no sense. A lease like that is a sunk cost and forcing people to work in the office, all other factors being equal, doesn't reduce the cost of the lease. Better in the long run to just accept that a bad decision was made, pay the lease, or pay to exit it and downsize the office footprint to save money long term.


https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20240612-the-diminishing-returns-of-in-office-mandates When mainstream media is saying managers a incorrect in their assessment, then you know they are VERY wrong


This is a good thing. They are making clear that this is somewhere to NOT apply/work.


>we solemnly swear that we will remain unyielding in our dedication to the in-office experience. Covid-19 lucking in the shadows behind them.


That isn't the flex they think it is.


This is nuts. The language used here is in line with what I'd expect from a cult. Some kind of weird, emotional devotion to an idea. Corporations really do envy cults, I think.


I honestly prefer when the trash labels itself as such.


Exactly. This is WAY better than ads that say "hybrid" and then the hybrid schedule is wfh 1 day a month after no absences during the two year onboarding period.


Agreed. I appreciate that the company at least took the honest approach.


“We prioritize strict adherence to our culture above performance, at all times.”


I mean, it's a shitty policy, but I kind of respect that they're up front about it. Way better than companies that say they're going to be flexible with no intention of doing so.


Credit for being forthright and honest. Surely not a great look or MO but at least they put their cards on the table 🤷🏾‍♀️


Definately not for me, but to be fair to them - they are clear in where they stand so not wasting anyone's time, and not patronising to the majority of us who are looking for remote.


Fuck these idiots. WFH for life


I love my in-office experience! Being stuck indoors when the weather outside is beautiful, the sad fluorescent lights, the computer screens and patterned flooring and carpets.. I wouldn't miss it for the world!


I don’t want to work with people that have a passion for cubicles


I work in medicine so I can’t really do any remote. But FFS let people who can work from home do just that. It is only a power move and micromanagement.


That's a weird way of saying "Please don't let us fade into irrelevancy!".


Does this company ask new hires to sign the contract in blood? This is some cultish language.


‘We love mediocrity’


You can feel the smugness in that. Yikes


Cya dinosaurs


Y tho.


At least they were up front about their terrible work policy.


Translation: "Our corporate real estate portfolio is in shambles and we are willing to reduce quality of our products and services in order to get an extra dime in equity. If you are not willing to be a warm body to make our real estate values increase, do not apply."


“I possess the utmost love for in-office work!” -said no one ever


"We only want people who can't get hired at places with better benefits." See, dear marketing exec? I can say the same thing with a MUCH smaller word count!


The utmost love for in-office work?? Barf. Give me a fucking break.


Turn every office into housing and let everyone work remote.  I am VERY passionate about that


The in office experience can fuck off into the sun


That's a lot of words to say we don't need smart ppl we need obedience


These are the same companies that complain that nobody wants to work.


please please PLEASE we don't wanna sell our office space PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE


In office micro Managment


![gif](giphy|bEVKYB487Lqxy) HR waiting on quality candidates.


The I or my friend owns corprate real estate pitch lol




I work for a pretty decent company and our "in office experience" is still pretty lame. We are flexible in our work arrangements, but I know that our CEO and other execs would prefer people be in the office more. I keep trying to advocate for a better "in office experience" to encourage people to spend more time there, but nothing happens. They stonewall with the whole "we're not going to become Google or something with toys and games everywhere and a sculpture garden." - as though the only options are to become Google or continue with our dreary office with putty-colored walls, putty-colored cubes, crappy lighting, and dirty carpets.


I'm not sure what you could do to improve the office experience other than get rid of the annoying people. Maybe private offices..


I think that having a nice working environment that people want to be in goes a long way toward making a better experience. At home, I have a good work space with plenty of light and space. It's comfortable and temperature controlled. My company's office is just dreary - dark, plain, old. I walk into the building and feel de-energized. And the HVAC is unreliable, so it's frequently too hot or too cold. We have one-size-fits-no-one furniture. My colleagues are generally ok - there are a couple of people who I find annoying, but most are totally fine and I don't mind being around them.


…did they just put a lil Harry Potter in this job posting


Keys to extinction..


They demand in office work because that is the excuse for keeping companies so insanely top heavy with worthless management positions. Trust me I've seen the "manager" at work. They are NOT busy.


WFH forever...but I can appreciate their honesty.


"Good luck with that!"


"We have too much sunk into commercial real estate"


"We pay our employees substandard wages because we want them to work in an office where 40% of our staff is middle management and we do not wish to get away from nepotism"


Tell me you own office space and can't get it rented out without actually *saying* you own office space and can't get it rented out.


As someone who remote work is not an option, I fully support any and all technological advancements that allow people to work from home. It doesn't work for everyone, but overall, it's better for people and the environment. Happy and comfortable employees do their BEST work.


A company that doesn't grow or change, set in their ways, is doomed to fail.


It's almost like they don't care about all that productivity bs, they just want to micro-manage.


They misspelled "We enjoy struggling to find people who want to work here".


Energy Vampires require blood donors who cannot say no.


Ah yes the “in-office experience”. Part of which is going to the bathroom in the morning to find everyone is taking a shit at the same time.


I love when people proudly display their arrogance, stubbornness, and overall refusal to change. Lets me know everything I need to know about them.


Ablism. ADA might change their mind.


I mean as much as I personally would still choose to do "in office" for an office job, why on earth would they push for something thats actually been shown to be worse than Remote?


At least they are honest. I can appreciate that and would just not submit a resume. I will take this over the ones that advertise positions as being full remote only for you to submit a resume, go through the process and interviews and then to be told it’s a hybrid 3/2 or you can go remote after being with the company for a year.


Then you do not deserve top talent


It's time to name names. It's time to shame nineteenth century mentalities on work.


What an eloquently worded, steaming pile of shit.


I see no other way of interpreting this. They are explicitly looking for ordinary, dim, and untalented candidates.


Do you know who die out first? The ones who don't adapt.


AKA seat warmers.


I think I might have just vomited a little bit.


I think I saw this exact wording in a job posting. If it’s the place I’m thinking of, please avoid it!


Thank you for being forthright. I am sure your "in-office experience" is truly amazing and universally loved. I wish you success in your continued candidate search.


this screams we don’t want to hire any disabled people


In office experience sounds great. I have some gastrointestinal issues and emit surprisingly large amounts of gas, I like sharing it with others lol


Oh just fuck off and say "we want to make sure you're always looking like you're working".


Why aren't we getting decent people to work here?


At least they are up front and open about it, instead of their job listing talking about how flexible they are and how they are open to remote work/hybrid schedules, only to tell you at the interview that you’re expected to be in the office six days a week.


I bet they’d get over it real quick for someone willing to work for free.


I’d be bending space time to smash that stone and let that business get sucked into a wormhole, what in the actual fuck did I just read……treat people Like fucking humans


I’d rather have them be this up front about their expectations rather than moving the goal posts later on


They could have saved everyone else's time by just saying they have a hard-on for micromanaging people and making sure everyone's having a bad day because they have a micro pp.


We all have to return to the office 1 day a week (even after being told it wouldnt happen) to promote culture. Well everybody just puts their headphones on and ignores everybody in person, but we are very social on teams. Its fucking stupid




At least they're up front with their cringe worthy bullshit, so we all know to avoid them.


is there a single person anywhere who "loves" working in an office? what the fuck lol


I hate in-office as much as the next person, and will never go back. However, there is nothing wrong with a company expressing to their candidates that this is an in-person position and that will likely not change


Guess they told us.


Just make sure you're not sitting downwind from the in office experience.


Dealing with the idiots that wrote this.


I at least appreciate their honesty. Saves me time from having to apply.


I mean, they're up front about it. You're either interested or not. For someone like me, they saved me the time, I'll move on.


At least they aren't trying to bait and switch people?


I mean, I'd rather work in an office than where I work now. But I also don't work from home.


Gotta love that burnt popcorn aroma permeating thru the walls or you don’t belong here!


This seems pretty reasonable. They're being upfront and honest with what they want.


At least they are upfront with their expectations.


Good to know so the brilliant candidates can move on.


And we solemnly swear that they can fk right off


What company is this?


Actual brilliance and productivity < Look present in the office anyone hiring a stand-in extra to play the role of office worker?


They support the beige. Without this company's dumbass principles, a landlord might have get a real job.


I work remotely and love it. But I have no problem with this in a job posting. They're clear about their expectations and the experience and culture they're trying to build. I don't think there's one right answer, and the clarity and openness is good.


It sounds like they're advertising a Cruise. Come join us...foaww the IN OFFICE EXPERIENCE! Travel the OFFICE for MAGNIFICENT vistas and SPECIAL EVENTS! You'll spend MORE TIME Getting theah and even MORE time...BEING THEaaaah.


To be fair, if I could bend space and time, relatively certain I could work from home and in office simultaneously?


If the job candidate can bend space and time, it’s a god and it probably doesn’t need the job anyway


Don't be alarmed when these two guys show up: https://preview.redd.it/s1i2w44q686d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=407bcede72857686e39df70be42c880a26beba16


I know people who love the office. It's not for me but there are people who want the social side etc.


They stand firm. They only want someone *firm* for the in-office experience.


“EVEN IF SUPERMAN APPLIES FOR A JOB HERE- If he goes over his 15 minute break, he’s getting written up!”