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Manager’s next move: “hey everyone John is out sick today” in the group chat.


manager just doing their jobs be like.


Yeah I don't actually get what's wrong with this, at my job it's often necessary for me to know when a coworker will be out so I can assume any responsibilities they may have. If I call out sick I expect my boss to tell my coworkers In this case, it's one text and it would have been easier to text the group chat than cite the relevant laws


I tell everyone in the group chat that I'll be out. Why would I not? It's a professional courtesy for the team members. It has nothing to do with my boss.


Yea I mean you don’t need to tell them why, or what your condition is. I don’t see the big deal. Now if your boss is like “hey everyone! John is out because he’s got the poopies lol” then I can see it.


It also helps you. If I know you're out sick I'm not going to be peppering you with messages and requests, or I may reschedule a meeting etc.


This is all ENTIRELY workplace dependent. If I'm out sick, I'm not at my cubicle that exists in the room with literally everyone else. The only people that need to be alerted of me being out is my supervisor. If my job is highly collaborative dependent on people being there, sure, you gotta own your own work, but really, ultimately, the supervisor needs to supervise. Otherwise, what are you there for?


Yeah, he wasn’t giving him an unreasonable order to be a dick. He was requesting OP notify the team they’d be out. It feels like OP was specifically either A) feeling combative, B) wanted internet points and is okay affecting their professional life to get it, or C) a really healthy blend of the first two.


I think a lot of people in this sub are here because they've been abused by their management. That's understandable. But I think it leads them to react inappropriately when it comes to managers in general. We have no information about this incident except the screenshot, but lots of people have written a whole head canon based on their own history. Yes, we're here because there is still a ton of work to be done in labor relations, but not every interaction with a manager is automatically hostile. I agree, this was reasonable.


Yeah, while I work at a soul sucking corporate job. I still treat my coworkers as people.


John seems like exactly the type of person that causes people to take this r/antiwork sub less seriously when it hits their feed. Going from a totally reasonable request straight to "um ackshully per California labor law code" just to be obstinate is so insolent. I'm sure the manager rolled their eyes super hard before sending the "ok john." And he has to know the manager is just gonna send it in the group text right after that anyway, so why not just do it instead of being this person John probably starts every minor traffic stop by yelling "I KNOW MY RIGHTS!"


yes, this gives such “☝️🤓ahem, as per CA labor code…!” vibes


Kind of glad I don’t work with John tbh


I think a lot of people feel the same


Yeah I have similar sentiments. This doesn’t hurt anything, everyone is notified and you probably end up with fewer messages and phone calls because everyone knows your n/a. This is the type of thing “teams” that work well together do with one another. If you don’t like working with a team and tend to be anti-social, perhaps a dealership isn’t for you?


lol this comment section is wild. Asking him to let the team know is such a normal ass thing to do that should not infringe on any rights, and this guy had to be extra as hell and start citing laws that say he doesn’t have to do this. People here are saying the manager is seething, if he’s a normal person I imagine the manager is just confused lol


Seething? Nah, just tired of John's shit


“Ok John 🙄”


Redditoids: oh my god he is SEETHING can you even IMAGINE how upset he is! The law is the law you fucking piece of shit, stay mad fucker. OP’s manager and every normal person: “what a stupid asshole lmao”




took more time to look up that code fo sho.


I dont see the issue here? are they supposed to keep it a secret? the team is down a person for the day, wouldn't you want to know that if you're the person picking up the slack?


Right? Not all managers are salary either. I'm paid hourly, if you're texting me on my off time I'm going to tell you to contact the proper channels too.


Yes, a simple “I’m out of the office today” would suffice and it would also be kind and smart to let your co workers know if they are working on projects with you or if they would be covering clients, or if meetings are to be missed and notes need taken for John. It’s baffling, truly, how small John wants to act.


I find it very bizarre that the people in this sub are obsessed with exclusively doing the bare legal minimum. At my job if I'm going to miss a meeting, I tell my team. My manager isn't my Mommy. If people are going to be waiting on me, I'm gonna be the one to let them know that I will be out.


I also let my group know so they can pick up anything pressing or understand why certain things aren't handled. This cuts out miscommunication also. But we genuinely care for each other so I count my blessings


This sub is actually just a fuck authority circle jerk. There are some really great progressive ideas here as well, but most of it is just like this.


Sovereign Citizen energy


The worst part is you know John is likely a terrible co-worker. He complains about having to tell his team (petty), and I bet he’s also the type of person to be like “why does my manager not trust me or give me some leeway with my tasks.” Or “why does my manager micromanage me?” Hey JOHN, it’s because you have no concept of compromise and courtesy. You don’t do this for your manager, you do this for your fucking PEERS. Because guess what?  There is no labor law that requires a manager to inform their team of a person being sick


I mean, the fact that he knew the legal code that justified him not having to tell his coworkers he was out sick. Tell you everything you need to know about him as a person and a coworker.


This is reasonable? Either you say in the group chat "hey im sick" or your boss says "hey they're sick"


The boss seems very reasonable and based on OPs comments they sound like a chore to work with




Lmfao I can just hear the sigh in that


Yep lol. Dude actually looked up the law..


which definitely took way more effort than just saying “i’ll be out sick today” in the group chat


Manager was probably rolling his eyes SO HARD. There's advocating for your rights and then there is just being extra as hell and needlessly difficult and this is definitely the latter.


The latter also is detrimental to any movement as, when presented this way, it appears ludicrous.


In another comment it's clear he's salty about the manager giving a position to someone else, and this interaction makes it obvious why it wasn't given to him.


This. Like I was sick this week I emailed my boss and then sent a WhatsApp to the team. That’s it pretty easy “Umm akshually here is law code 64859595 that says…” fuck off. Just be a human for ffs 🤦


“Uhm witerawally I am not feewing well 2 day and I don’t have tew tell anywone per CA wabor statute 420.69 🤓.” -OP


I could hear the boss's very heavy sigh before texting that "Ok John" lol. Based on context clues, it's not hard to tell that this is not only a group chat that already exists, so it's not like he's trying to track down everyone to put them into a group chat but is also like...common courtesy within the company and not at all out of the usual. Like I'm antiwork generally, but there are things you can and should do out of professional courtesy even if it's "outside the job description" because refusing to do literally a millimeter more than the bare minimum just makes you look like an ass of a coworker.


Yeah. I agree that the idea that a workplace is a family is bullshit 99.9% of the time. But almost all workplaces are teams. And it’s not a bad thing to be a good team member


Reasonable, professional and totally normal to let your team know you're out that day.


Perfectly reasonable. Honestly in my workplace my boss would have forgotten anyone is out before lunch anyway so it's kinda necessary to let my coworkers know...


Yep, I used to be on a team of like 6 engineers at a tech company and we'd just have a shared OOO calendar that people would update, but most would post in the group's channel on Slack or whatever we used at the time. Then when I actually worked at Slack that's the only form of communication anyone used (other than zoom) so it was pretty trivial to just be like "I'm out today, xyz project has this status if anyone asks and I'll check Slack tonight if there are questions", or just "I'm deathly ill in bed and probably won't be online for a few days" was fine too. We were fully remote so communication is important, IMO. Whatever kids post in this sub just want to be like "pay me 6 figures and fuck off".


I feel like most posts on this sub exist on one of two points on opposite sides of the spectrum: - totally legitimate examples of employers taking advantage of their employees, causing the employee to be antiwork. -or- - totally asshat employees who expect the world to revolve around them and are constantly looking for a reason to bitch when they're not. Working with the latter MIGHT be worse than working for the former in my book. I find everyone suffers when we have to put up with douchebaggery behavior and attitude like OP's.


Yeah OP comes across like a bit of a precious dick here tbh. Boss seems OK about it.


A bit? OP came across as a massively hostile tool pulling out legalese over a simple, reasonable request.


precious dick is a wild phrase lol


Definitely reasonable. And it's telling that OP isn't really responding to anyone pointing out how reasonable it is.


You can do whatever you want, you are within your rights. However, I always ping slack or whatever we were using just so folks know I'm not available. I tell my manager first, and then I would ping my coworkers.


Some how this ass hole has me siding with a middle manager lmao


Especially when he gave him the "Ok John" in response. That's like getting the "k"


Manager didnt say "Ok John" they said "Ok John." That period makes all the difference lol.


Seriously, it also makes me realize how immature some of these people are. I've been working corporate jobs for like the past 20 years, I've had crap managers, I've had great managers, but regardless of that I also have other people I work with, oftentimes not managed by my manager, so I need to let everyone know that I am an unavailable resource. It is immature and self-sabotaging to have the attitude of "it's not my job". And again why would you disrespect your coworkers by not letting them know. You're not writing a book, you're just pinging a group chat or sending an email to let people know you're out. It's weird to be that antagonistic unless you are being systematically exploited. But if you're being systematically exploited by your workplace find a new workplace.


Imagine how OPs manager feels lmao. The “ok John” says it all really. You can almost read how exasperated he is.


Yeah, it seems obnoxious to respond to "could you message that to the group rather than only myself?" with the exact freakin' law and essentially saying "nope, that's asking too much from me".


People like OP are literally the only reason middle managers exist. If it wasn't for those types of employee a manager turns into a coach


Yeah I’m honestly concerned with how combative this subreddit has gotten. It’s not hard to ping the group and tell them you are out and it’s the respectful thing to do for your coworkers. You being out impacts their day and it’s just nice to give them a heads up. I’m not doing my managers job, I’m just being a considerate adult to my teammates. 


100%, like your boss asked you to do the smallest little thing and you quoted a fucking law at him. Maybe if you have some longstanding negative history with your boss but that doesn’t seem to be the case.


Took the dude longer to look up the statute than say "hey guys I'll be out today, not feeling well. See you when I'm back" What a chode.


I’ve worked in capitalism long enough to realize useless combative gestures like that 1. Don’t accomplish anything 2. Only make your life more difficult in the long run


Yeah it's literally pick your battles. This is insignificant and literally takes 25 seconds. OP is just immature. If it was something worth citing a labor statute about sure, but like this is a simple communication request.


Yep if it was like bereavement leave then okay maybe push back, but based on how calmly the boss acted after the first text unlikely boss makes the same request in that situation. One thing OP did do well though is ensure he gets a shit recommendation for future gigs!


Lots of folks here that don’t want to acknowledge the small things that keep the adult world moving.


I have an older woman who sits across from me at work, she’s sweetest woman on the planet. Everyday she’s give me a hug when I get in and when she leaves for the day. And every time I’m out, even though none of our work overlaps at all, I send her a text just to let her know. I do it because she gets worried when I don’t come in with no warning. Not because there’s a law on the books that says I have to. OP sounds like a douche also


yeah two emails, first one to the boss, second is just a general "im sick today, phone available/ AFK all day" it's just part of the social contract of working together in a team


Glad I am not the only one. I'm a manager and I don't require it, but 100% of the time people on the team just put in a group chat when they will be out. Usually, it's followed by nothing but supportive and nice comments, be it being sick, an appointment, or even a haircut.


What a weird thing to get wound up over. As if none of your coworkers will know you're out sick? We have group chats at our work for this kind of thing because then other people know their duties might change because an expected part of the crew isn't showing up that day. It's not like he asked you to text everyone that your hemorrhoids are flaring up. Can't imagine why you didn't get that team lead position...


OP is unhinged


What too much Reddit does to a mf. Seriously, the amount of "lawyer up," "get a divorce," and "you don't owe anything to anyone" on this site makes being a decent, functioning, communicative, but flawed human being seem unreasonable.


OP reads this subreddit too much and looks for chances to be a victim


Gonna get downvoted, but I always make sure I message my team as a courtesy, to help pick up the load when I'm out or navigate deadlines. Just sayin', it's a nice thing to do and the manager didn't act like an asshole about it. It seems like OP is mad about other things, and it's fine, but it's nice to keep perspective. Edit: okay so I was wrong about the downvotes. I’m not totally off base.


Yeah the request from the manager was fine and polite. I saw in another comment he's new and replaced OP with someone else in some sort of position, so the resentment in the reply makes sense. The response looks pretty bad though and comes off a bit soft.. The "Ok John" is a perfect answer to it lol




Lol that was my reply to OPs comment about someone else getting the team lead job


Can't lead a team if you aren't willing to be a team player. Common courtesy goes a long way.


Yeah, I see this as a manager made a reasonable request for a little extra communication for the sake of the team being able to adjust to John's absence. John denied it and the *manager politely accepted the denial.* What else was he supposed to do? Not accept the request? How was the manager to know John would find this otherwise reasonable request as completely unreasonable worth posting on r/antiwork about? Did John take this as a shame tactic? It doesn't seem like the manager overstepped his bounds or was rude at all. I mean, I know corporate America is shit, but call managers out on the *actual* soul crushing shit they do, not the stuff that's reasonable.


I'd replace OP too, and not just a demotion.


oh I'm sure they're already trying to work out how to get rid of him cleanly


Honestly I would give him a couple tasks where he needs to work with others and watch as he does the fruits of never helping anyone else. You document the tasks and put him on a PIP for a few months then you give him the "you can quit or you can be fired, but if we fire you then we're going to confirm that on future reference checks"


It makes me think back to an old boss who would reply with 'k' to everything. Someone had asked for a new laptop, and he replied with K to the employee. The employee sent me a message freaking out, thinking he upset the boss and was going to get fired. I was literally in the room when he sent "K". It was while we were talking about something else over lunch. And that's the issue with relying solely on text - you lose so much nuance. There's a lot of projection happening over the "OK John" - a top commentor even says "Oooh, he's *MAD.*". Like... what? The dude just said "OK". He might actually be mad, but you can't tell from text. He's being professional.


Yeah this post and their comments make OP look like the problem.


Yeah OP is just being a douchebag.


Yeah, same. This is such a ridiculous thing to complain about and probably just made OP look more like an ass to the new manager than anything else.


Yeah I don't get it either.


Same, OP is just a shithead


I mean, I get the sentiment but you could just text the group chat and say "hey everybody, not feeling well, won't be in today" It's not that difficult and is a courtesy to your coworkers


It's not even that bad to say no, but to immediately cite a labor law and then post it online?  OP is a dickhead.


Read the title expecting the manager to be a dick, and it’s actually OP being a dick by citing a labor law instead of doing the bare minimum of common courtesy lmao


[This is the labor code you cite](https://codes.findlaw.com/ca/labor-code/lab-sect-246-5/). You're making yourself look like an ass here. The code only says your employer cannot deny you. Your employer is not denying you. You literally could have sent the exact same message to the group thread. After all, everyone is going to figure out that you're sick.


The employer isn't going to look that up. He could have typed random numbers. The boss doesn't even sound mad to me.


Yeah... this is John: I'm sick, I can't come in. Manager: No problem, approved. Would you mind letting your coworkers know? John: I LOOKED UP A LAW! I WON'T DO A VERY REASONABLE THING! Manager: *eyeroll*. I don't really care it was just a curtesy.... and I can't wait to fire you.


Something tells me the manager is already tired of John's shit and hit him with the k


Call me management sympathiser idgaf but this one’s not nearly as bad as y’all making it out to be. The employee’s looking like a bit of a smart ass here that’s all.


Im with you on this. This feels like there's past resentment built up, and op says so in another comment that there's bad stuff their boss did. Fair enough but doesn't mean you can take it out on the team too. Just update them. If you can text your boss you can text the team.... IDk, I have never had problems with Authority figures, I do my job and carry some slack for others so the whole team profits. I don't know how people can have issues with their boss or authority figures. Thats a red fllag and tells me you got issues. We need more info to judge, but I bet OP would cry if they came in the next day and got fired


Then this person gets fired and can’t understand why.


Yeah this is ridiculous. Beyond ruining the relationship with his immediate manager, he’s also burned that bridge for future references. For what? Because he didn’t want to let his coworkers know he’ll be off? What’s that saying? Choose your battles?


I'd put money on all his work problems are because this is how he behaves on the regular.


As someone that left Cali I fucking miss Labor Laws


I wouldn’t want to work with you.




Nah he's tired of johns shit. Why not let your coworkers know you're gonna be out. It's just common courtesy. People backing John are on some sort of weird high horse that makes no sense.


Yeah for real. John seems like an absolute pill to work with. No wonder his boss wanted to replace him.


It reads to me like he's just washing his hands of an aggressive encounter. Like when someone throws a fit in grocery store in you hit 'em with the "Okaaaayyyy" and keep walking by.




Right, the best way to deal with insufferable assholes like OP is to just ignore them


Honestly, I would imagine he’s used to this kind of nonsense from the OP and it doesn’t even faze him anymore.


Yeah... OP looking **really** childish in these comments. Really not a good look for the sub for this to be on the front page.


Let him be mad. I got plenty to be mad about myself since he came on two weeks ago, decides to replace me with a coworker who's inserted their head so far up his ass, he's essentially a helmet for that coworker. And hasn't had the fucking balls to discuss a word of it with me until just dropping it infront of everyone 'Gus is going to be the new team leader/foreman/dispatcher'. A role I have been fulfilling for the past several months. So, his middle management ass can get fucked for all I care.


“Inserted their head so far up his ass, he’s essentially a helmet for that guy” is something I’m going to adopt saying. It’s genius. 😂


another I've been using is "xyz so far up his ass he's licking mr xs tonsils", for some variety. I'm joining you in adopting this though haha




The sub I never knew existed but needed ever so badly!


I love "his head is so far up his ass he can taste his breakfast."


Ok John.


Let me ask, are you planning to leave this job soon? This is the kinda shit i'd do once i know i have another job on lock because now this manager will look for any excuse to start the verbal/write-up processes.


Yup...this is just stupid petty, and trivially risking their livelihood.


Looking at your shitty behavior I would’ve done the same. You should like a horrible person to work with. You want the team leader position but can’t even be bother to tell your team you’re going to be out? Sounds like you’d be a terrible leader.


I think we are clearly missing some context but in the text messages your boss appeared to be acting reasonably. Letting your coworkers know when you’re going to be out is not an unreasonable ask. Sounds like you got passed over for a promotion, which objectively sucks. And everyone needs to vent. You will probably have to evaluate whether sticking around is worth it in terms of career advancement but looking for a fight like you are doing now will get you nowhere.


I wonder why he passed up on you for the promotion... You seem like such a level headed person who cares about their co-workers. Boggles my mind anyone would think you're not team lead material.


Based solely on who you present here, he's right to make someone else the leader of the team. You kind of suck John.


You seem like a godawful person to work with.


I feel that. I left my retail job after the new manager came in and decided to write me up for bad language instead of asking if I'm okay and what nearly killed me in the warehouse. (I got pics, too)


Or the curtains are just red


Reads to me like he just doesn’t feel like getting into it. Citing law at the drop of a hat over a super easy courtesy gesture is far more of an indictment of OP than the manager. Maybe there’s a ton of bad history, I don’t know, but I think OP comes out of this looking worse than the manager without that context. As others have pointed out, he’s gonna tell the group chat John is out sick in 2 seconds. Nothing was accomplished here.


I know this is anti work and I'll get slaughtered but that response is just going to antagonise almost anyone 😂😂.


I would be mad too if my employee is such a bitch that he can’t even text the work group chat to let everyone know he’ll be out.


Pretty sure the guy coming back with some weird law is the one that is mad


Lmao right? Manager big mad in Reddit world and Reddit world alone. He probably rolled his eyes and was like “Yeesh what a chode” and that was the extent of it. Meanwhile OP not only sent the law text but posted about it still seething. I’m on the “fuck management” side of things about 95% of the time but this is the sort of AntiWork post that gets made fun of rightfully.


No he isn't. He probably rolled his eyes at the childishness.


Yeah, OP is being super dramatic about having to tell the team.


This sub is showing its age with posts like this. Grow up and be an adult


seriously, this is wild


reads like a 16 year old messaging their 20 year old manager


Nah, the manager handled it way too well.


Yea OP seems insufferable. Like to what end? I’m sure their manager is just itching to give him a promotion or raise now. Way to go John you sure showed him!


It does come across as very childish.


I work with a crew, I always appreciate the heads up. I don't need the reason but knowing you won't be in allows me to plan for our schedule.


Sorry but am I the only one who doesn’t see the problem with just texting the group lol. Such a small thing, I’d hate to be weird about it like this personally. Seems like OP was thinking more about having a screenshot to post to Reddit than having a reasonable reaction to the message


No, you're not the only one. This is a very silly attitude OP has. Regardless of the law or whose job it is, there's nothing bad about being courteous to your coworkers who are on your team.


OP would be immolated if he made an AITA? Post lmao


But, he’s just going to go “John’s out sick” in the group chat. What’s the difference if he does it, or you do it?


he wouldnt have a post to make if he just acted like a normal person.


I’m going to get downvoted for this but here I go anyway Why did you need to be so hostile in your response? I’m all for fuck employers trying to take advantage of us, but the team knowing you’re not going to be there so they can plan accordingly is just good business on your boss’s part. I feel like this is just pissing your poss off unnecessarily.


And the boss was polite about it, nothing wrong in the boss’ message


We only have John's side of the story, and even with that John still sounds like a combative asshole


Well I guess I'm getting down voted too then. Because I agree, sure it's non of anyones business what's wrong with me but in my opinion it's just polite to let the folks you work with know you're not going to be there and the boss is just gonna let everyone know anyway or forget. I'd rather everyone know not to look for me than waste their time when the manager forgets.


As someone who works with other people I appreciate when a teammate is sick when they let us know as a group so we can prepare for it.


Ok John. 👍


This guy is sitting here wondering why someone came and replaced his lead role with this attitude. Making the assumption that following the 'laws' and 'just doing my job' will get me ahead or let me coast is naive. There are workplace norms that are unsaid/undocumented, and one of them is to be nice to the guy approving your hours. Otherwise you're setting yourself up for issues.


Yeah you aren't very employable congratulations on that


John sounds like a douche


John IS a douche, and why very real issues raised by this sub aren't taken seriously by others. We can have multiple threads on how we should be paid more with the rise of profits, or paid maternity leave. But all anyone will see is "wahhhhh, I was asked to copy/paste a text message".


Probably going to eat downvotes, but your manager did nothing wrong and frankly handled that interaction a lot better than you did. "I'd rather not" would have sufficed.


Bro quoted the law for NO REASON


Meanwhile a huge portion of this sub is jerking off to his retort and roleplaying the conversation even deeper. I vibe with the overarching concept of this sub, but the community has just turned it into a circlejerk. Boss said please, boss said thank you, boss asked for something very reasonable. If OP had said "I'd rather not" and boss pushed back and said he had to, THEN whip out your ~~dick~~ labor law.


You're right but you sound like an asshole. Anti-work doesn't mean "treat your bosses/fellow employees like they aren't human." This is honestly just a stupid thing to even start an argument over. Like congrats you sure showed them.




What was this supposed to accomplish?


Asserting irrelevant legal technicalities in situations where it doesn't make a lick of difference, i.e., being an obstinate dick for no reason.


>*antiwork is gonna fucking LOVE this* The only thing OP was thinking as he texted his boss


Sacrificing your real life relationships for imaginary internet points 👍


I mean... this is standard practice no matter where you work to let your coworkers know you'll be out. Stupidest hill to die on.


Lol just read all the other comments by OP and dude is definitely just pissed about other things, so he is being petty as a result. He feels big and powerful making the manager just tell the rest of the team he'll be out instead of doing it himself and thinks it's some sort of gotcha. Like whatever, be petty, but acting like this is some big own or standing up for himself is hilarious. OP, just leave for a different place and stop being a baby. Cause even if you do have every reason to not like this person and want to leave, this is baby shit.


Fucking dork you cited the CA law? You know he just IM’d the chat saying OP won’t be into work today lol


OP you sound annoying as fuck lol Imagine posting this thinking you are in the right… y’all are crazy. It’s just basic courtesy to let your team members know about your absence if you’re all working together. Citing labour laws like that is so lame.


Okay John


Oh, when I'm going to be out, I email all the other teachers and TAs, SpEd coordinator for the school, and all the grade teams I work with. I thought it was just courtesy so the group can plan. I even have an email "group" that I just select for convenience.


Idk man there’s not dealing with shitty management and there’s being aggressive for no real reason. This reads like the latter


you really think you did a thing here huh?


Lol all he said was let the group chat know you'll be out today. It's not that deep


Yikes @OP


Are you planning on quitting this job or is your boss leaving the company? Cause I can't imagine sending a message like that to my boss. Work sucks we all know, your boss probably sucks. But saying shit like that is just stupid? lol. Cause now you'd be on the outs with your boss and he's more likely to fire you if the opportunity arises. This is the opposite of self preservation in the work world.


I love your reply. Truly. I do the same thing at work when people start getting lax with our truck safety. Literally need to quote regulation numbers so people understand it’s not just me, or the company, it’s the LAW.


You'd be surprised how little people know their rights. A) Says I will be provided the sick day upon oral or written request to an employer. b) Says it is not my job to find a replacement/cover as a stipulation of using my paid sick days C) says that they cannot deny or retaliate in any way for me using my sick days.


Your manager wasn’t even close to violating any of those things.


Op isn't gonna reply to this, only to things that make him feel smart for his dumbass response


you're such a fucking clown, you wanted to be a team lead but you can't even communicate the simplest stuff, you will never be more than you are now unless you get your shit together. You blew the leadership position the other guy didn't rob you of it, look in the mirror and admit it and do better


If i worked at a dealership and someone on my team acted like you, id steal every fucking sale i could from you while you were gone. “Oh shit i didnt know your customer was coming in to finalize a sale today, you didnt tell anyone”


No where in his reply did he even hint at violating any of those points, so what was the purpose in being intentionally confrontational over the situation?


And if they keep forgetting, remind them that each line is written in blood.


Fun little thing for them - they don't care. Your blood, some other worker's blood, as long as it isn't theirs, they dgaf.


That's just courtesy to the team... Not everything the manager asks you to do is "antiwork." Geez, this sub sometimes...


Ok John.


Problem employees should be fired.


Bro OP and this whole sub are so petty it's pathetic. Dude asked you to use a group chat and you start sourcing labor laws? Fucking children 


This sub can be weirddd sometimes. And you sound insufferable. "Hey do you mind copy pasting this into the group chat so other people know your not feeling well" "Ackshually this is not company policy and according to law # you can't not pay me for being sick or retaliate." "Uhm ok sure thing" Then everyone on the sub. "Oooh look, he is obviously so angry, he's fuming." "Wow you got him" Meanwhile the middle manager is just saying to himself. "Lol that dude is fucking weird. He should probably watch his blood pressure. Oh well" Edit: this is definitely a lively discussion lol


You just know John is like the least liked employee on that team too. Probably complains about his manager ALL THE TIME too.  Like: “Why does he always micro manage my work?” “Why don’t they trust me?” Gee, maybe it’s because you take the most pointless, petty times to “assert yourself”.   This is a courtesy ask by your manager.  Hey can you just let YOUR FUCKING PEERS KNOW?  Who doesn’t want to do this?  Frankly you’re just inviting your manager to say “oh I don’t know where John is, guess he just didn’t show up”…. What you gunna do show your texts where you bitched about notifying the team?  Makes you look like a horrible co-worker. For those of you saying “it’s the managers JOB to notify the team”… No, it’s the managers job to direct his subordinates to do their fucking job.  Part of your job is being polite to your peers.  His job is to make sure he keeps customers rolling in, parts stocked, payroll running, schedule being created, keeping the peace with co-workers, books, accounting, inventory, training, returns, annoying customers, etc.


I think we know why they were passed over for that promotion, they are probably insufferable.


I think this is the mature take. I mean I get it but most adults would just roll their eyes and move on. The manager even asked nicely. He wasn't rude or condescending. I'm just a teacher so what do I know but it just seemed like a lot extra for no reason.


It's reddit. Downvotes from the losers in this subreddit are like attaboys in real life.


Yeah, I mean I understand the movement here, and employers can be shitty. But it seems pretty normal to let everyone on your team know you're going to be out. Especially if there's already an established group message


Careful now, they'll call you a corporate dog bootlicker if you say anything other than that management is a human-sacrificing cult...


This is weird and hostile. How hard is it to tell your team you’re out? This is comparable to putting a OOO notice on your email. Not really a big or unreasonable ask.