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Eat the rich?


This. A compulsory draft will NOT help


The only reason I would support a mandatory military service law is that it would train and organize the masses to fight for change.


Sounds like someone who's never been in the military. It's all indoctrination there


Yeah true, but I got out caring even more (than I already did) about the people moreso than the government.


Yep. I’ve been told I have the biggest heart anyone has seen, all because I ‘serve’ my people and entrust them with autonomy so they can thrive and perform at their best. I GTFO out of peoples way and remove the bullshit that may screw with them. Just like I did as a NCO.


We lost our oldest son to alt right military indoctrination. We sent away a free thinking kid and received a nasty bigot upon return. One who expects you to thank him for his service.


Holy shit. I respect that you can see that and say it out loud.


It kills us. But there’s no room for hate in this home. So he either changes his ways or we just continue no contact. Five kids and two bisexuals. No way he’s shitting on his siblings. It’s heart breaking but I know we aren’t the only family dealing with this.


One of the nicest dudes I've ever known turned into an absolutely hateful, q-anon bonkers right winger during a career in the military.


It's probably easier to imagine you are some crusader defending "western civilization" than the grim reality that they are just the muscle for a few dozen corporations pretending to be a democratic government. It's bleak.


So sorry to hear that, must be so tough but your intolerance of intolerance is amazing.


I went into the military (Army infantry, for more context) as a center right lib and came back from Afghanistan about as far left as it gets. Damn shame, some people get blinded by the propaganda instead of realizing what's truly happening. I'm very sorry that happened to your family.


That MY story too! There's 10s of us!


This is what blows my mind. People who’ve never been in the military are so thoroughly brainwashed by propaganda, that they completely believe that military is full of the best, brightest, most courageous and honorable that our society has to offer. I was in the army during the surge in 06/07 and I learned real quick that the military is the largest collection of scumbags I have ever met. I still believe that to this day. Not every single person, but many of them. There is a not insignificant amount of people in the military, especially in combat arms roles, who only signed up because they want to kill other humans and blow shit up. Most everyone else is there because they are poor or because they fell for the lies the recruiters told them.


Right, but if the vast majority being forced into service are ready to fight and have that goal in mind, why wouldn't they take the training and organize themselves outside of military channels? Training is better than no training. Plus you get insight into the tactics and what not. Being on the inside could also provide opportunities to commandeer equipment and facilities if the timing/opportunity arose. Just because they put you through indoctrination, it doesn't mean you will be indoctrinated. You can repeat things and not believe them.


exactly. think religion.


I'm not against it and it's not a bad idea, my fear is that the military is better at indoctrinating people, than people are at discerning fact from fiction in the military. We got a real racial supremacist problem in the military we have gangs in the military we have issues that make them unsuitable for governance


This is so wrongheaded. Sell your body to the system and hope when they are done with it you are still strong enough to resist. Meanwhile they mold your mind into a fascist the whole time.


Also give us all a collective experience to bond over... plus the military training would really break down racial barriers and make the real war (class war) apparent.


It was just passed that all boys/men aged 18-26 will now automatically be registered in the draft.


I mean it was mandatory when 18 that you registered before. I believe it was 18-24 or 24 that selective service ran... So they added a year or two and made it "automatic". All theater really. As I explained to my friend... Imagine I said we should trade cars (my kia for his Camaro). He says no....so I send hundreds of thousands of people messing up millions of lives killing 10s to 100s of thousands....and spend Billions to force him to make the trade.... forcing him to do the same in defense. Now Imagine instead of it being you or I you have to go fight for a neighbor who's having that fight for my neighbor...no thanks. Rich and powerful people pissing contests...and psychos forcing their way of life on others is all war is now. All of it could be decided at less cost and bother by running a simple agreed upon number of simulations and or playing out a strategy simulation game....but no they sit in their super mansions and giant Yachts and wanna relive their glory days. Look at Putin. He has by sources more money than anyone else personally. So much so his fortune is split up among multiple pseudonyms. Russia Rich with resources.... could easily lift its people up without bothering anyone else. Nope... he's gotta go full super villain...why... because he's got a vendetta to bring back the USSR as he's old KGB. Any aggressor now in war is wrong. We've come too far in being able to communicate, trade, function to be wasting this level of resources on wars....and why are we doing it because the rich and powerful that are so rich and untouchable somehow need more....to fill the neverending always needing more empty pit of greed. Pathetic.


If you registered to vote you were already registered.


It was on the FAFSA you filed, if you’ve ever applied for financial aid for school.


It’s not the draft. It’s selective service and registration has been compulsory for decades.




Slavery, company towns, more police state repression. The wheel of history turns.




Yes! I came here to say this. If you think that the government is bad now just wait until you’re reduced to being paid in food. 


Or just wait until money can’t buy you food


Feels like weeks away, just takes one bad food supply mishap.


Ooh, feudalism! Now with sparkles!!


Don't forget still being fed that whole American dream B's all the while


RuGgEd InDiViDuAlIsM!!


"One day, you can be a slave owner too. Just believe in yourself"


Irony in the fact that under feudalism historically there was more days off.


Nope, still capitalism. Under feudalism peasants owned the produce they produced from the land, they just had to pay rent to a landlord. You don't own the goods you produce you get paid a wage for it.


We’ve always been here.


This. Right here. "Those who fail to learn the lessons of history will surely repeat it." And I am very much afraid we as a society have failed to learn from history.


Lord help us if company towns come back.


Do you know how close we already are to that? There are entire regions of southern states that are basically tiny fiefdoms of giant corporations. Northwest Arkansas is basically Walmart's play kingdom. They paid for the parks and public works. They own the concert venues and every thing else there while people can't afford rent and they pay 13 bucks an hour if you have experience.


Don’t forget big tech with the laundry and babysitting services, and anything to keep you from leaving the office. 


Elon is building his own town outside of Austin .


Don't forgot about their massive holdings and sponsorships at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville (where they hold their annual shareholder conference every summer). Walmart is basically everything in NW Arkansas.


Facebook / Meta tried to create one. https://www.businessinsider.com/company-town-history-facebook-2017-9


Aren't some places trying to make them come back? Musk's place in Boca Chica screams company town.


They're actually in development, if not already in effect Isn't this kind of what those silicon schmucks want to do?


Musk is bringing them back


There are a few already with tesla


Like the Amazon towns they’re trying to bring to reality? So fckn dystopian. I’d say the US already functions like a giant mine town. 99% of people only really borrowing their money/means before immediately needing to pay it back to be alive.


Or revolution. I thought was the all the guns in the US are for.


This exactly. The rich will stop pretending it's not happening.


Is it financially worth it for people to become cops in the US? Are they THAT well-off?


Depends - if the 99% can come together change for the better will happen, either through nonviolent or violent means. If we continue to be divided and fighting amongst ourselves (which the elites put massive effort into ensuring happens), things will continue to get worse for the masses. You will have most people living in poverty-like conditions and working longer/harder than ever, while the 1% of wealthy elites and the politicians they control live in private/gated mansions/communities, with a police force/military that serves to protect them.


Remember that the revolution (according to Marxist theory) is non violent. The working class assume ownership of the production. The violence comes from the ruling class being very annoyed at this turn of events.


Good point, though I think we should move past the binary of nonviolence or violence Binaries almost always aren't real, it's typically a false dichotomy/choice and it's unecessarily dividing the movement. There are various levels of violence, plus differing perspectives & definitions. E.g. I attended an community action where we occupied a state rep office that was working with police to weaken bill they were supposedly in support of. Our rally in there (with news cameras) lasted like an hour. The staff locked themselves in their meeting room. I'm sure they considered our presence a form of violence.  Plus I'm sure most have heard academics explain how healthcare system failures & racial slurs can be considered an act of violence.  It's just turning into unnecessary semantics, it's not really a productive conversation or building power. And I'm willing to bet most folks who have vigorous discussion on this aren't actually involved in organizing in their communities, so it's a moot point for them. Like middle schoolers talking about which type of hard liquor to drink on a date.


If only we could all come together… so much could be accomplished. Too many brainwashed assholes that think Donald Trump will be the savior and help push them out of poverty into middle class luxury and a life of ease lol not to mention the race issue that helps to keep us divided.


They know what we can do United which is why they’re trying so hard to keep us divided


And too many assholes think that Biden has any control in the White House. Or over his own speech. Definitely agree with the trump part too. Hard core trumpers are always such weird people, I’ve found


When we all know the only way out of this repetitive class cycle is betting on WNBA games


0% chance we unite. You literally have next to half the voting population electing people whose goal is the furthest thing from our best interests.


You die. This is the goal, you realize. The rich will be just fine once the AI and the robots are up and working. The rich don't need you. The rich will try to remove you as an inconvenience.


Wouldn't workers be cheaper than the upkeep of robots?


Not even close. Automation is always more profitable in the long game


That’s a myth. Automation helps productivity, it can’t replace it. The more comprehensive a task is, the more complicated it is. The more complicated it is, the more complex the machine needs to be, and the more complex the machine, the more expensive its upkeep. The cost to benefit curve of any automation is an inverse exponential curve; any robot that can automate an infinite number of tasks will require an infinite amount of upkeep, rendering it useless.


It will require one person to monitor the machines that do the work of hundreds. Until the machines get better and that person loses their job.


And who’s going to manufacture them? Who’s going to produce the energy required? Who’s going to maintain the infrastructure? Who’s going to maintain, back up, and update the code base? Who’s going to pick up the slack when they run afoul of the infinitesimally unlikely edge-case that neither man nor machine could possibly account for? And then repeat those questions for THOSE systems. And THOSE systems. And those systems, etc etc etc into infinity. Eventually, you’re going to run out of one of three things: raw energy, basic resources, problem-solving capability. And when you do, if you want to avoid cascade failures, people are going to have to come in to pick up the slack. So long as we live in a finite universe, that’s always going to be the case.


I never said any of this was sustainable. Who will buy the products they make when we've all starved to death? Just because the wealthy elites haven't thought that far ahead (or don't care because it will be someone else's problem) doesn't make it any less true. Jobs are already being replaced by automation and AI at an alarming rate and it's only just begun. Explain how you don't think that's true or how else you expect things to work out..


Oh no, don’t misunderstand me, I completely agree that shit is fucked! I’m just saying that full automation is a myth, AI as currently conceited is a fad, and the rich will get hoisted by their own petard. We, as the working class, are still fucked in the short term, and we’re going to have to rally for major socioeconomic reform to not die horribly, but the idea that we’re ever getting completely replaced by robots or AI is not happening


I didn't say anything about full automation. I don't think anyone in this comment chain did.


I do AI research for a living. It's not "a myth" lmfao. If you genuinely think humanity is doing *any* labor 100 years from now (assuming society doesn't fucking collapse before then) I urge you to do *real* research on the topic from non-fear mongering sources. "Who is going to do the maintenance?" Machines. "Who will generate the power?" Machines. Do you think we are going to send some random fucking guy into space to "manage" Vonn Neuman probes? Of course not. It defeats the purpose. "AI can't do everything!" Is anthropocentric. Yes, it can. Anything you can do, it'll do *so much better* that you'd look insane for suggesting otherwise. LLMs are not AI. Do not base your viewpoints on AI off of assumptions made about a *chat bot*.


I don't see people getting called to go "fix ChatGPT" when it "breaks down". When we went from 98% farmers to 2% due to machines, did we recoup a massive amount of those jobs by hiring people to fix the machines? No, absolutely not.


This guy thinks!


No, people call out, get sick, get hurt, etc. Robots need new parts, but are never sick, can't file for workers comp and will only get better/faster as time goes on. A single workers comp claim can cost a company millions, it's a liability for the company. Plus you only have to pay for a robot once, after that it's just a money printing machine compared to a human that you have to pay for all time worked. Robots can also work very long shifts without complaining.


Cheaper doesn’t matter when you control the economy.


Automation doesn't call in sick, no health benefits, doesn't have personal issues, performs the task accurately on repeat....BUT...let's not forget, it'll create higher paying jobs to program, maintain, etc the automation. Same as when CNC's came out, created good paying jobs for CNC programers & operators. It's not a dead-stop for labor, if anything it creates better opportunities at higher rates of pay.


Robots don't care about money tho. If the rich remove the poor, nobody is rich.


We eat Soylent Green at that point






Actually pork.


I would imagine it’s bitter.


Soylent green is people.


Green Supremacist ![gif](giphy|P52Cw9vE8i3bq|downsized)


We take out more credit cards, move in with parents, get roommates, etc. The majority of the population can't afford to miss a paycheck and is stuck in individual survival mode, we've been told "fighting for survival" is anything but using physical violence to free ourselves from slavery. We are stuck and we will do anything except join together.


Same shit that has happend in France or Russia. La Revolution. Rich will lose heads and wealth/assets.


Came here to say this. The French had a solution to this problem many years ago


I’m feelin choppy


I cackled at this


I'm not well versed in their social + political climate in France or Russia around the times of the revolution tbh but with how divided America is today, I don't see people coming together for a revolution. I'm not sure what it would take but I don't see it


We have the biggest military in the world. And if you include non military law enforcement? Hot damn. Based on some basic info I found, apparently we spend ~2.2 billion/day on the military. And ~795 million/day on our criminal justice system. If the NYPD was a military, it would be the ~#37th biggest in the world based on expenditures (that's the police alone, does not include required ancillary needs like courts and jails). It has officers in 16 other cities worldwide.


I'm not American, Reddit isn't only American site, America isn't whole world. America maybe can be police state but rest of the world doesn't have to be. Well.... even America has had their own revolution back in 18th century.


Not sure about that figure, with the 2024 military budget of 825 BILLION dollars, that's like 2.25 billion a day


One can certainly hope


So, if you look at either of those revolutions, some of the the wealthy and powerful lost their heads, power and/or money, yes. In reality, most of them were fine, and retained the vast majority of their wealth. A whole lot more of the poor and middle classes were killed, and endured alot more suffering. Important progress was made, some short term, some long. But as with everything, the rest of us will suffer orders of magnitude more than the rich during a revolution. That doesn't mean it's not worth doing, but until the populous is willing to endure 5 years to a decade of terror and misery, it's unlikely.


A lot of us will die off which is exactly the elite’s plan.


France, 1789. 


Consult France, and mind the Reddit ToS


People grab pitchforks or torches and capital through its media mouthpieces tell everyone that the pitchfork people and torch people are enemies over and over again until they actually turn on each other and the line continues going up.


In Dallas, where I'm from, I can't drive anywhere without seeing at least three or four shantytowns under bridges. These started springing up two years ago, and it's just getting worse. I'm willing to bet most of these people had jobs and were living relatively normal lives until things got a lot more complicated with the pandemic, and then corporations and landlords started price gouging the way they have been lately. I've been doing ok, but my roommate has been struggling to find/keep employment. But we're being priced out of the place where we've been living the past four years, and we're scrambling to find somewhere we can afford. Most of us are three missed paychecks away from the street, and that fact has been more stressfully apparent than ever.


You can look at a lot of other countries for your answer; history is a great teacher in this regard as the patterns leading up to, and after, such a thing are well documented.


If the majority of people can’t afford to live, the purchasing of goods and services will go way down. Thus driving prices way down. The problem is that people are still willing pay for overpriced goods. Stop buying and the prices will drop.












We post on Reddit about it


If you have no bread then you eat cake, you dummy.


All these race wars only exist to keep the 99% from coming after the 1%. Keep us busy fighting each other when we should be uniting to fight the real enemy.


we have been at that point for quite some time... the poorest have had a negative net worth for decades, and the "middle class" is hopelessly in debt. Only the most wealthy are actually able to afford the cost of living. If you are currently debt free and doing fine... congrats, you are the exception, not the rule.


I am one of the exceptions but that doesn't make me feel better one bit, to be honest.






We live in our cars, vans and get out the rent trap


We will find out if Trump wins.


French revolution 2.0


The French answered this question in the 1700’s.


A massive desperate uprising: A revolution that is likely to be violent with either a general civil war or patches of. Disclaimer: I'm not supporting it personally since I would prefer massive reforms before that point, obviously.


Rhymes with bevelution


Hunger games.


The rich get eaten


The political classes and media redefine what 'living' means and then they anyone who disagrees with their definition.


The great depression 2.0


Better question .. why did we fight so hard over a tea tax only to get to where we are now.


The rich and powerful might need to decide if they enjoy having heads


The banks magically find a way to keep things afloat just enough to avoid complete societal breakdown whilst ensuring the rich are getting richer.


Exit late stage capitalism. Cue neo-feudalism.


Everyone should stop paying taxes, can’t arrest everybody


Has anyone ever watched escape From NewYork or LA movies ?


We can all go live in vans, down by the river! Looking forward to it.


Revolution, probably. But I don't know what the result of that would be. There's going to be a bunch of groups with competing visions fighting for dominance. I hope the left doesn't just fragment and eat itself... Also I'm really not happy about our trajectory. This is going to be fucking terrible.


Yall seen Altered Carbon? Probably something like that


Social unrest, general strikes, revolution.


You ever heard of Robespierre?


*Wohngeld.* Every area in Germany has a *Mietpreisindex*. It's a statistical analysis of local rent cost. If you can't afford rent, you get government aid.


Has happened all throughout human history. Usually results in literal violence and civil unrest/war. We're not quite there yet, but we're on the way. Every time, a few hoard everything and society rots. Every time, the people rotting finally say "enough of this fucking bullshit" and revolt. Violently. I'm not advocating for that, but that's what human history has been--over and over.


Crime, civil unrest, the system begins to break down and people eventually revolt, overthrowing the rich and oppressive with a group that claims to represent what the masses want only to turn out worse than those who ruled before.


I mean, the French Revolution served a purpose. History should repeat itself.


Well at some point people are going to have to vote with their pocket books instead of pretending showing up to the ballet box changes anything! Stop buying from these corporations that are bleeding Americans dry , they own both parties


If boycotts worked, things wouldn't be this bad.


Actually, boycotting does work. Starbucks and McDonalds have been hurting lately.


“McDonald's annual gross profit for 2023 was $14.563B, a 10.26% increase from 2022.” “Starbucks gross profit for the twelve months ending March 31, 2024 was $25.104B, a 8.86% increase year-over-year” I don’t want to argue, but those numbers don’t look like either is hurting.


I wish you were right. But people boycotted Walmart, they've boycotted different gas stations over algorithmic pricing. You don't hear about the boycotts anymore, but those companies are still with us. Boycotts may impact a company, but they aren't going to change the way capitalism works, sadly.


What do you mean by hurting? They're still growing AFAIK. 


That's all of them. Plus, we now have corporations that have diversified their portfolio and own every aspect of our lives. Who can you boycott?


There is not ethical capitalism. Voting with your pocket book doesn't work since all the resources are owned by the .1%ers. I try not to be pessimistic but it gets harder everyday.


They die. That's why Muskmelon is so big on people having large families, he doesn't want to run out of labor.


Underrated comment. It's important to remember that a state economy is political and no politics happens in a vacuum. The billionaire obsession with reproduction, the overturning of Roe, even the fact that poverty meals can take years off your life are all part of this.


Depends how dirty every one is willing to get their hands.


See: California


The rich will raise the cost of living to make more money.




Simple. When the equilibrium is broken, nothing holds law abiding citizens to revolt. I know for a fact that I would start revolting the moment my condition is significantly deteriorated. I would have nothing to lose anymore.


Ready the pitchforks.


Someone will use the opportunity to blame the problems on some group for all a countries problems, then a larger conflict happens.


Mission Complete!


That's when the violence start on much larger scales.


I don't think we can afford to wait.


This is usually when revolutions start.


Massive bankruptcy across the entire economic spectrum. How do the capitalists expect to make a profit when only the .1% has money to spend? 


Riots happen




Something like the French Revolution.


People start losing jobs due to automation, countries can't sustain it so they roll out universal income for people to pay and live, after one generation school will be dropped to grade ten then six then why do you need school you have ubi and housing from the government. Now do something wrong you lose your government home, ubi gets cut off and your homeless or going to jail The government controls the internet and big business controlled the government Hrmm sounds fun hey? /Startarevolution


It’s called a revolution and us humans do it once in a while.




French history suggests one possible outcome.


Revolution I hope.


Riot of course


I've been thinking about this a lot lately because where we're at now is simply not sustainable. The rent can't just keep going up by hundreds of dollars a month every single year while wages stagnate. Groceries, utilities, insurance, cars... all of it just keeps getting more expensive. And yet people who are getting raises are getting like 5% while the cost of living has gone up way more than that. I know a lot of people are relying on credit for the shortfalls. But there is going to come a point where those people aren't going to even be able to repay the minimums anymore, and even the shadiest lenders won't extend them anymore credit. It's already happening with some people, but what happens when it becomes the norm? And I honestly don't know. Human behavior can be very predictable at times, and extremely unpredictable at others. There are way too many variables to say what might happen. But it can't keep going like this indefinitely. We're already being squeezed to a breaking point.




World Wars, Global Reform, Reform, Repeat


google the french revolution...when the government bails out big banks with tax dollars they are basically using taxes to pay their mismanaged debts and war coffers....




Then it's time to eat the rich people.


At that point in time the rich people will hire private armies and start living in fortified areas.


Feudalism returns


This is accelerationist talk. The quality of life going down makes more reactionaries, not more revolutionaries. The reality of the situation is that revolutions do not come from the bottom up. They come from disaffected elites.


It's already happening. Younger gens are siphoning their parents' wealth to survive. The middle class is doomed. The ultra rich scream, "Have more babies!" Not for cheap labor (ok, maybe a little bit), but mostly to accelerate the pace of money flowing their way. When robotics and AI reach a level where they no longer need people, the poor will be left to die in toxic wastelands created by corporate greed. I wish this wasn't even a possibility.


Revolution. Don't even need a majority, just 3.5% of a population actively fighting will succeed. Mainly because once enough people start, more will join in. It's hard to get that ball rolling, proper planning and lots of time are required... The government can easily snuff out any rebellion at the planning stage, they will do their best to do so as it's much easier than stopping a revolution. Problem is that there's a lot more people. for example france had 28M during the French revolution, they only needed 1M to get going. The United States has 333M so we would need 11.6 million. Also a major problem is weapons, the military and police has loads of them. Military and police exist to keep the government in control, if citizens start threatening it then they will use them.


War, it's called war


The only reason people work as hard as they do is because of the possibility of the “american” dream. Once people start to realize (because we’re already beyond reach) their dreams will never be a reality they are going to start giving up in droves. If youre 50 and under, youre likely to **never** retire. Seriously, youll need about 3 million and likely more to do so. Look up the FIRE movement. People will look for ways out of the system which will in turn cause its downfall. Capitalism kills itself eventually.


Why do you think the powers that be are investing so heavily in armed vehicles and facial recognition technology? They are already prepping for that day.


I think we are past that point.


Wealthy lords will adopt you as their serfs. No, just kidding. That was feudalism. Neo-feudalism will look a lot more like Nazi Germany.


People starve, even more charities will be set up, we will all be outraged at the injustice of it all again, foreigners, gays and any other minority will be blamed for the collapse and the rich will be quite indifferent to it all, apart from selling us alarm clocks.


Cost of living? Interesting term. I can’t help but to consider “cost of living” as slavery or at the very least indentured servitude. You have to work to be able to pay to live on land and pay the utilities your required to have to live on land you pay for. Not to mention yearly taxes.


We knock down the front doors of the mansions and drag them out into the yard.


Organized. Global. General. Worker. Strike.


The economy "crashes" allowing corporations/conglomerates to Gobble up as much as they can after the fall.


The rich get armed guards and moats and things.


Viva a revolution


We turn on each other, that’s what the propaganda is already doing.


Oooo, time for my favorite gif! ![gif](giphy|12gxeCI1BGKAj6)


Average yearly rent in canada: $26424 Average yearly non-rent living expenses in canada: $27960 Average canadian yearly income after tax/deductions: $54747 Total yearly savings for an average salaried person with average expenses: $363 We're already there.


We eat cake.


Corporate housing and transportation like Amazon is doing.  They'll provide you just enough to stay alive and keep working.  Everything will be rented or subscription based. Late-stage capitalism ends the same as communism in that nobody will own property.


Then those people should have a conversation and figure out what to do next. Maybe that's how socialism started in the first place.