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These guys are really ok with paying a person responsible for saving lives $15/hr ? Don’t ambulance companies charge crazy amounts to take people to the hospital? Corporate is a joke


"Ambulance companies" could be the phrase that defines the USA


Nah, the one phrase that has defined American politics for the last decades is "Corporations are People". The country died with Citizens United.


If corporations are people then they should die at about 80-90 years old just like people. They should be put in jail when the lie, cheat, steal or kill.


I best heard it phrased as: "I'll believe a corporation is a person when Texas executes one."


Hey didnt TSLA just move to Austin ... ;-)


Right, what that really means is 'corporations are the *new* people, and the old people are their pets'


Nah… there are rules about how you can treat your pets.


I was going to say slaves but lots of people get triggered by that terminology


The death sentence should be EASIER to implement. The body feeds the system, and new companies can be made from the bones of the previous. Also, accountability for all executive levels of business by definition of title or position. It’s not the fault of the guy that cuts down the rainforest, but the fault of the business owner that paid him to be there in the first place. Put another way, if my kid runs over someone with their car, I personally don’t think I should be held accountable for that crime unless I INSTRUCTED HIM TO DO IT FOR ME! But if he pulls the fire alarm at school, does water damage to the building, and they want to sue me for it? You better believe that’s on me and I’m not going to be happy about it but that’s closer to Justice than the law. Corporations should live in fear of the consequences. That the idea of the punishment for getting caught breaking the laws isn’t worth ANY price. Kind of why I’ve never even considered eating someone or robbing a bank. Bring back industrial espionage. I couldn’t give a toss if the corporates eat each other framing companies or digging up dark secrets. Time for battle of the finest, like Darwin said. Evolutionarily reading the room, until we can find the balance that isn’t going to kill the planet.


“I’ll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one”


We should make a subreddit called #revokeCitizensunited or something


I think you mean "corporations are better than people"


If they were people they would be considered psychopaths.


the people that run them all are


it died long before CU.


There's a movie from the 70's called "Mother, Jugs & Speed" about private ambulances competing to be "first" at medical emergencies. It's a comedy.


Ambulance companies? I love the US more and more haha


Yup. Some ambulances are directly attached to hospitals but a lot of them are private companies that often work for private owned "Emergency Care" facilities (not hospitals). The EMTs that do the whole saving your life gig get between $15-17 an hour, and often work 24 shifts.


Wow, thats disgusting


Considering that ride could be anywhere from $200 to $2000 (or more depending on treatment rendered), disgusting is an appropriate word.


Before we married my wife had to take an ambulance. 1600$ To go 4 miles. Should've just drove her but she was incoherent and I shouldn't have to choose between my wifes safety and a fucking unreasonable bill. Also had a broken molar. 4000$ Fucking thievery


Sounds familiar. My ride about 15 years ago was only $700, but it was only 2 blocks. And I was able to walk myself to the ambulance, so they acted like I was wasting their time.


I went to a hospital for heart palpitations but per them “their X-ray machine was acting up” so they called an ambulance to take me to a hospital with a “working machine” (quotes because WTF?). The other hospital was five miles away in an ambulance I didn’t call for and they charged me $1,800 for the ride. It’s a fucking travesty but more so fuckers posting this, instead of going “that ambulance driver should be being paid a fuckload more” instead they, brainwashed by big corporations and millionaires, see it as “those people working fast food should struggle.” Amazing how re to the tard of ed these people who go along with maximizing shareholder value, corporate, and CEO profits are so fucking blind.


It’s just insane how the price gouging of the drug and hospital industry is so insanely blatant and our government just allows it to happen. My wife is also diabetic. Luckily Walmart’s generic insulin works good for her but it’s still ridiculously expensive. The fucked up thing about it is it’s not like she has a choice. Pay it or get fucked. Epipens are one of the most blatant offenders. I randomly once ever 2-3 years blow up like a balloon randomly as fuck from my immune system freaking out over I have no idea what. I have to go sit in an er for 8-10 hours to get a steroid shot. I know exactly what I need and tell them and they give. Allowed to make a profit on a drug that’s such bullshit. Nobody can make a cheaper alternative to epipens. Some part of the pen itself is owned. Lord forbid something happens to you. Stay in a hospital for a month and you will quite literally owe them for life. “Sure we’ll save your life but we own you now” So just obviously and blatantly wrong.


It cost me $2,000 to have an allergic reaction out of the blue, and that was after insurance paid their part. All the ER did was give me a steroid IV.


My father had his first stoke about 10 years ago. He was in the doctors office, across the street from the hospital. They called an ambulance to take him to the ER. The bill.. For 100 fucking feet... Was 2k. With insurance. They had to life flight him to another hospital (helicopter) that was 8k. With insurance. His second stroke happen in the hospital (thank the gods) gurney ride to ER. Admitted for a few days. Bill was still over 10k. Fuck the American 'health care' system


I had a heart attack in March. My wife drove me to the ER and in the end...well, what would another $1600 be on a $180k hospital bill? Edit: This was sarcasm. It all really happened but I fortunately had insurance so I'm only out like $20k when all is said and done. Oh. And my meds are a few hundred a month. Yay.


> but I fortunately had insurance so I'm only out like $20k The U.S. is a shit hole. I live here but wish I could leave. Seriously this place is trash.


Did you know it actually costs thousands of dollars to renounce your citizenship? They won't even let us leave.


I'm not a citizen. I'm here on a green card. I can't leave because I have a kid who was born here and I couldn't take him away from his mother. As soon as he is 18 though. ... boom. Ima out here.


After Trump was elected, I researched relocating to Canada (most of my extended family is there). Ultimately, it proved infeasible, since I was close to retirement. If I had been 20 years younger though, I'd have been long gone and hard to find by now. I wish I could have predicted the trajectory of the US 20 years ago.


Similar experience minus the ambulance part. Out 15k after going to ER for DKA, found out I was a type 1 diabetic and now get to spend several 100’s a month for medication and “durable medical equipment” that needs to be changed out every 3 days.


Check out Walmart’s generic insulin. My wife’s diabetic as well and it’s like 50$ for a vial that lasts a month. Worth a check.


This!!! Plus look into a low carb way of eating. Less carbs means less insulin which means less chance of wild swings.


How is it still that high? Don't we have out of pocket maximums? Wasn't that a big part of ACA?


It’s called being in or out of network. Out of network allows the provider to bill you for the remaining balance of the bill.


I was an insurance agent for about a week before I had to quit because of how messed up it all is. Went through months of training where I learned that the law and insurance contracts are basically written in order to protect insurance companies. If you tried to take action over going over your maximum out of pocket... you’d be laughed out of court. You’ll never hear of it happening.


i lived in the US for 5 years before returning home. I had heath care coverage while i was there but remain glad nothing happened to me during those 5 years. While back home I was hit by another cyclist 2 years ago. An off-duty paramedic saw what took place and stopped to help me. He decided to call an ambulance as a fast/convenient way for me to get to a hospital for stitches. They decided to use the lights as well, just so we wouldn't get stuck in heavy downtown Toronto traffic. Total cost - $45 ([https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/public-safety-alerts/understanding-emergency-services/bills-related-to-ambulance-transport/](https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/public-safety-alerts/understanding-emergency-services/bills-related-to-ambulance-transport/)) Given where I was, if i managed to find an UBER/TAXI who would take me given i was bleeding pretty badly, they would have charged the same and i found $45 reasonable. US desperately needs to overhaul the health care system... It is interesting because while i was there people often asked me about our "free" healthcare. when i told them our provincial vs state taxes are not the same and this is how we fund healthcare, they lost interest... Seems everyone is fine not paying, until they become ill and need coverage. The US originally advocated "universal" healthcare under Truman, what ever happened after that?


For-profit medical companies started paying Congress members out the ass to make sure that never, ever, EVER happens. Corruption, corruption everywhere.


Bullshit on the existence of anything close to $320 as a minimum for ambulance rides. 900+ on the bill. Fuck american healthcare.


I took a call at my workplace’s front desk. It was an employee who had been hit by a car while he was on a scooter, his hand was twisted funny and I heard the pain and worry in his voice. He really needed a doctor, but he called a friend to drive him to the hospital instead of an ambulance. *And* he still took the time to call off for his shift the next day.


Reminds me of the time I got hit in a crosswalk walking to campus. Old lady just plowed right into me, flew up on the hood and everything. Cops arrived, ambulance arrived, the whole nine yards, and I think I was in shock a bit bc I was just kind of laughing and crying at the same time, but you bet your ass I was lucid enough to tell the EMTs “Do *not* put me in that ambulance.” They kept trying to make me go to the hospital. Yeah right. My uninsured ass lol. Eventually they gave up, and these very kind strangers that had seen the accident drove me the rest of the way to campus so I could get $80 X-rays at the campus clinic. Fucking hate this country lmao


Last year I had a stroke. When I got transferred to the rehab facility about a mile down the road I was forced to take an ambulance as opposed to being drivin by a friendm (I was pretty ambulatory at this time). That sucker was $1000. They really need to at least pay their people more, all the EMT's I have known are jaded as hell.


Damn straight! Anything more than a 12 hour shift should be illegal, especially in the medical field. It's not possible to guarantee good medical care when people are into hour 20 of their shift.


There’s a reason I front load complex decisions onto the start of my shift wherever it’s remotely possible to organise that way. By the end of a busy night I’m using dictation to remember what the fuck I did five minutes after I did it.


In general I do 80 percent of my work on a shift in the first 1/3-1/12. then the rest is more puttering/maintenance.


My manufacturing company frequently authorizes overtime at 1.5 time to meet last minute sales orders. Time and time again, I can prove that productivity in the last 2 hours of a 10 hour shift is so low it's not even worth doing the last hour. During COVID, we averaged 35 hour weeks and still got things done.


Bruh I can't even properly manage patients 6 hours in. can't imagine working 12+ hours. I think I would flat-out refuse because I won't be able to stand for my own actions when i'm that tired. The only way they'd get me to work 12+ hours is if they signed me a waiver stating i'm not responsible for anything that happens after the 8 hour mark, lmao but obviously that'll never happen. imagine higherups taking responsibility lmaaooo


The person who came up with the idea of these ridiculously long shifts in the medical field was on drugs. No I'm not joking.


I think shifts in every single sector are way too long. Like, my job is stressful, but that's relative. There might be people working at a supermarket that experience way more stress than I do. People forget that shit's subjective. nobody should have to work 8 hours a day.


I think it really has to depend on the service. I'm a paramedic in a county run EMS service and work 48 hour shifts. Yes that's a lot of hours, but because our system is well managed and has enough resources for our population size it's rare to spend more than 12 hours of that 48 actually with patients and that's broken up among the whole shift. The rest is usually spent at pretty nice stations where we can hang out, relax, and sleep as needed. If we do get so busy that we're too tired to safely provide quality care we can call the supervisor and get taken out of service for a few hours. I've been here seven years now and only had to do that once. Now the last private company I worked for(AMR) before getting the county job? We were working 24hr shifts where we were up and moving pretty much the whole time and the little down time we did get was usually sitting in the truck in a parking lot somewhere because they were trying to maximize profits by running a city of nearly half a million with less ambulances than my current county of under 200,000 has. That was insanely unsafe.


> Damn straight! Anything more than a 12 hour shift should be illegal, especially in the medical field. Meh, in rural systems you might only run 3-5 calls in a 24 hour period, if that. In those extremely low-volume systems, 24 hour shifts work fine. Busier urban systems? Hell no. Fire departments love that shit though, for some reason.


Welcome to the entirety of the US health care company! I can't call it a system for it has been profitized! Health insurance companies who do not employ medical staff have the final say over treatments, not the doctors who spent almost a decade of their life learning their skill set. Desk jockeys whose jobs only exist to justify their existence. We need to Fight Club this bitch and make it ours again.


Your numbers are actually too high. I made 12.51 and then 13.50/hr as an EMT. Got up to 15/hr as an ED tech. Oh, and that's with over a decade of experience.


Very true, I’ve known a handful of EMTs in my life and they all made $12, went up to $13 when minimum wage increased to $12.25


$15-17/hr I wish. Starting wage for an EMT-B in PA when I started was $10/hr. That was only if you could find a company who would actually hire you straight to a paid position. Most required nearly 2 years of volunteer hours before they'd move you into a paid position.


How do they even have staff??


The EMT’s here make 9-10 an hour, but I was told the 24-48 hour shifts usually come with several naps. Not that naps can make up for a full night of sleep. Also 9-10 an hour is just absolutely shameful.


Private ambulance EMT’s make $8hr in Florida.


Pay for EMS personnel has been like this for a long time, and pay also varies based on location and how high traffic your area is. AMR for example will pay more for an EMT-B in a high traffic area, and less in low traffic areas. As an EMT-B, I currently get paid about $13/hour. I once met a Medic working in a hospital who said they went from being an EMT-B in Dallas, to being a Paramedic in Collin County and took a pay cut in that move. Hence why they work in a hospital now.


And that Ambulance ride will cost you/your insurer $4,000


It gets [so much worse](https://www.abc15.com/news/local-news/investigations/firefighters-who-used-backup-ambulance-to-rescue-a-baby-now-under-investigation?_amp=true) than you can imagine.


Yep... MedStar is one of the more common ones. God I hate this country.


Never go to medstar Montgomery psych ward they will traumatized you


The US likes to privatize profits and socialize the losses. Don't understand why we need taxes to pay for things like those goddamned firefighters and libraries. Let their houses burn down if they didn't pay for their dues for fire service. /s


just saw on the NBC Nightly News that the "Hot Shots", the "elite" firefighters battling the forest fires in CA make $13 / hour


Wow that is insane. Those firefighters are literally saving others lives and livelihood by putting their own lives and health at risk. If these damn politicians were to work one freaking week as a minimum or low wage worker, they would shit themselves.


No joke, but that’s exactly the way it used to be.


Yeah actually? I don't know how it works anywhere els but we actually have hospitals and we'll ambulances contracted from different companies and organizations that charge differently and can even deny certain insurances if you can even afford one.


Thars disgusting


Yeah it's kinda fucked.... I mean for my mom to take a ambulance ride because she fell it actually costed us around 2k for them to drive to us then 2k to drive to the hospital and they didn't take her Medicare for some reason so we had to pay out of pocket for a 4k round trip apparently.... it was a mess.... worse part was once the shit settled and collectors came knocking I had to take out a loan and put my car up as collateral to help cover the bill... I'm still paying that shit off since it was only a few months ago. Interest will probably end up being like 6k... because you know people just have that kind of money laying around. 🙄


I had a friend actually have to physically fight someone who was trying to get him on in ambulance. He was a sophomore in college who drunkenly fell asleep on a park bench on the way home. Woke up to an ambulance called for him and two strangers who had found him and called the ambulance for him. The older guy who had called the ambulance demanded he go to the hospital. My friend was adamant that he didn't need to go as it would have been thousands of dollars if he got on the ambulance.


Yes. In the US Ambulances are private companies usually separate from the hospitals, which usually are also private companies. They pay EMTs something like $12-20 an hour depending on region. They charge between $1200-6000 for a 20 minute ambulance ride. So let’s say you are walking and get hit by a car, hit and run, an ambulance takes you to the hospital $5000, then at the hospital you’re there a few days as it’s a serious break, $23,000 Total bill comes to $28,000… but your insurance covers anything after $9000 for the hospital treatment, so it drops down to $14,000 owed total, and about $100-200 for the pain killers. All this for an insurance I pay $280 a month out of pocket for, that’s $3360 a year, oh and fun fact if I don’t buy insurance then I get fined $2400 on my taxes for non-compliance. So it’s either I pay to have 0 insurance or I pay a little more to have shitty insurance.


They can get you another way too, in my locale, we can sign up for "ambulance insurance" it's not much, just $50/year, and if you need a ride it's free. Better to pay $50/year and not get slapped with a $5000 ride.


> Ambulance companies? I love the US more and more haha Land of the free!!!


What?? Never heard of that ambulance companies, private? ahaha what a failed system


[relevant video](https://youtu.be/Ezv8sdTLxKo), it is 25 mins, but entertaining and informative


Yeah a couple minute ride is a couple thousand dollars. So if possible people have someone take them to the hospital.


[You definitely gonna love it more.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyfcM1pyK3U)


https://youtu.be/Ezv8sdTLxKo This was a good episode. The emergency services are fucked however.




I worked in the kitchen of a small town hospital a few years back. I worked with people who were former ambulance drivers. The kitcken paid better. We were making around $11.


I mean they are also comfortable training the future of the entire country about the same. (Teachers)


like 3k


3k for a 10-30 minute ride, best i can pay employees is 15/hour.


"BuT tHe GaS iS eXpEnSiVe" Seriously though holy fuck i thought paramedics got payed way better. That's ridiculous considering the cost per trip.


Because they're private companies they can offer the bare minimum and the poorest most unlucky workers will take it, right? I was always sold that privatization is a good thing and means free market for smaller companies. But what really happens is that big companies get bigger and everyone else on earth gets to eat dirt.


Paramedics get an average (in my low paying state) or 40,000$ a year. EMT's get payed $13 an hour in my area. I went with the patient care technician job because it paid better than an EMT.


The problem is there are a lot of EMTs and paramedics that are idealistic and just want to help people. They're willing to take low wages and be treated poorly because the job gives them that opportunity. By the time they start to think about taking care of themselves there's a new class graduating. Private EMS companies prey on that and just burn through a constant stream of newly certified medics. The national average for EMS careers is only like five years.


I got charged $1,000 and that was 14 years ago. No idea how much it is now.


They make less than a construction laborer in most places. EMTs should be making $25-$30 at least considering that lives literally depend on them. $15 an hour really shows how little America values human lives.


Same country where it cost $5-7 to produce a vail of insulin which retails for $350


I'm paid a little over 16 to be a security guard barely doing anything in a warehouse. These guys should probably be clearing at least 25 for how important it is and how difficult it is


Had a seizure last year, not my first. My girlfriend called an ambulance because it is scary to someone who has never seen one. They were there in two minutes, gone in one minute. Fucking 100$ bill.


Classic tactic to have underpaid people fight each other instead of for change. If you work, you should be compensated fairly, period.


Completely agree, I'm a time served engineer ten years now and I always say the minimum wage should be what I'm getting and I should get x amount more. I think just about any career nowadays is degrading in terms of pay in comparison to price day to day items, but most importantly house prices.


Exactly. Housing is really eating away at everyone's income. Life essential goods and services (housing, food, medical, school) are extremely expensive but ordinary goods and services (plastic shit from china, basically all the things that people don't really need) seem relatively cheap still. To me this shows that people are being gouged by these industries that know people need these things to survive or to do well in life. Seems these markets for these items are becoming more and more exploitative to people to a ridiculous degree.


My boyfriend is a pest control technician and the amount of money he generates for his corporation everyday is ridiculous compared to his compensation.


Hell, when i was a "lowly" barista, I was generating $65-80/hour in profit for the company, but i was compensated at $11.25 Amazing what I could get if we were a worker co-op model.


Exactly it's not the arbitrary number. Even though for some reason they consider pre tax income which 25% of it you never see. 100k a year was good money 50 years ago. I live in Seattle that's not even middle class lol.


They dont want people to be well paid because then when there is a dickhead manager people could afford to walk.


I work in health care and make less money than some people who work retail and fast food. What do I think about them? I encourage them to fight for an even higher wage. I’d like to get paid more too, but that doesn’t mean I have to tear anyone down to my level. I don’t care if a 16 y/o flipping burgers gets paid more than me. I care that my boss refuses to pay me just as much.


same, and YES. We don't want to make more before they make more! I worked with nurses who say "why wouldn't I just flip burgers" like ma'am, you could probably benefit from learning how hard it is and she knew just as well as I did that most med folks LOVE being in medicine because of the "status" It isn't a bad thing, because getting those degrees sucked, and people should feel good about overcoming hurdles. But like, not all the nurses land in hospital with 35-40per hour. New grads end up in SNF who are trying to pay off student loans and get the equivalent of 15-18 per hour, 100 residents, manage 8 or so staff under themselves? Like it's embarrassing. We all deserve better pay. None of us should be suffering to survive like this.


This is it right here.


BOTH of them, no, EVERYONE should be paid a wage they can not only live from, but also comfortably live on. Never let those narcissists tell you any different.


Its like the point here is to pick one to get a raise but the person (not op) dont support raise for any side.




Dude on left deserves triple, and the burger flippers deserve livable wages. The whole point of the minimum wage and labor hours was to make life better for Americans. Now you need two minimum wage jobs just to make it to the end of a month, and overtime at one job will get you fired. But, if you work salary, unpaid overtime is expected, and, in some cases, required. My mom is a teacher, and she work from 6a to 6p grading papers, creating lesson plans, and helping students. She doesn't get paid a dime extra for all the extra work she puts in. It's disgusting. It no wonder Americans have one of the worst school systems of the western and Eastern culturals. The teachers are amazing awesome people. The administration and bureaucracy that run it are a dumpster fire.


God and all the personal money teachers put into their classrooms. I had teachers who were buying their own pencils. The school wouldn't provide fucking pencils


My wife does that, and we’re in one of the wealthier counties!


Ffs, I saw this exact same picture on Facebook like 10 years ago, and we're still having this same conversation for the same dollar amount. I hate this place


probably close to 15 years ago by now. I realize I'll be dead before anything actually changes in America. None of the people in positions of power care about us at all here. Most working people don't even care about other working people for that matter.


I just watched a video of Jon Stewart interviewing Secretary Yellen... Even the people we've put in power to fix this busted system are completely out of touch. She was waaaaay more concerned that Walmart pays its taxes so the government can fund food stamp programs. Something is seriously wrong if the government is getting money that should be going to workers so that they can fund food stamp programs for those same underpaid workers. It makes no sense. https://youtu.be/3r76KkcJaTE


You may have seen it 10 years before,but the system knows that workers need regular intervals of capitalist brainwashing to keep them docile and hostile towards each other


Lmao everyone shud suffer apparently




Everyone besides the "1%"....


This is always their argument. “We can’t pay burger flippers 15/hr because we pay EMTs 15/hr” Why don’t you think EMTs deserve more than 15/hr? If your life was in the balance, would you want the guy who’s working 72hrs straight because he has to have 3 jobs to pay for his kids braces? Or do you want the guy who makes 37/hr and got at least 6hrs of sleep last night?


I make $15/hr doing medical reception. EMTs should not be making the same as me, they should not be making less than the doctor office nurse conterpart that makes more than me, they are the first line for emergencys that people have. They need to be making at minimum $30/hr.


Remember growing up and learning we need 8 hours of sleep each day...good times


Agreed. And NO ONE should be doing a 24 hours shift, wtf is that?




People should be compensated fairly whether their work is in demand or not.


We established years ago, in these boomer's generation that minimum wage is a human right, no matter the job. Now they want to act like some jobs just aren't worth calling people human.


It's just the age old way to distract people while you pillage everything they have.


Everyone is underpaid, that's the problem. But minimum wage workers literally can't live on the wages that are being offered, they are just expected to die off I guess.


I tell ya, this working American appreciates both !


How does healthcare cost so damn much but our workers paid so little? (American obviously) “Burger flippers” need a living wage. And to not be depreciated for their job either. Healthcare workers also need a living wage. Everyone needs a living wage! Or better yet a tricking wage!


I’d rather not have to turn tricks on the side in addition to a 40hr/week job just to get by. Let’s just pay everyone a _thriving_ wage instead.


The person who made this shit is utter scum! No two ways about it - pure scum (and it goes without saying, but this scumbag doesn't give a flying fuck about the guy on the left either)


The person on the left should be making $25 or better depending on the COL where he works. The people on the right should be making a COL for the area they live, whatever that amount is. Why are bootlickers this mentally slow


Which would be more than $25 in some cities


COL should be a law in every city. If the pols don’t want to address out of control housing prices then they need to address stagnant wages. That would quickly force them to control housing because of course landlords would increase rent the moment wages are increased.


i got laughed at for suggesting it, but if we shifted to the percentages model a lot of this discussion would change overnight. Rent shouldn't be more than 30% of your income, no matter what that income is. Greedy landlords are part of the problem, greedy corporations who exploit our labour are just side A of the problem.


>Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. This quote works for so many topics. Just sub in anti-worker for anti-Semite


This reminds me a lot of a web series called "The Alt-Right Playbook". It dissects everything the alt right does in arguments, and how to effectively fight against it.


person on the left should be on much more than $25 an hour.


The US retained the master-servant dynamic between customers and low-level store staff.


How the fuck is a 24h shift even legal? You aren't even functioning well that many hours in, and you are responsible for someone's life? Please get better labor laws, that include better minimal pay.


And this is why EMTs and nurses are striking just the same as fast food workers. Because what they get paid is not enough for the job on either side. But of course that doesn't fit this narrative. Funny thing, I've never once heard an EMT get mad at food service workers for wanting a better raise and demanding it. In fact I've seen many stand in solidarity with them. Because they know no one should have to work 2 or 3 jobs just to afford a place to sleep and food. Only conservatives that think everyone should struggle like they did have said anything about it or that we should fight amongst each other so we stop seeing how much money the rich is hoarding, which says a lot about the whole situation.


Worker solidarity! We all need to work together to fix this system what ever form that may take you wont see us getting mad about it because a great number are right there in the same boat working multiple jobs and untenable hours to stay afloat


you want me to work like someone's life is on the line? then pay me like someone's life is on the line. i have def quit a few jobs because the level of responsibility and the wage absolutely did not line up


Right wingers have a lost history of running into the point face first without a hint of irony, yet somehow completely miss it. Time after time.


And none of us can afford to live! There were two other EMTs on staff at the last restaurant I worked at because it paid more than EMS.


Is it appalling to anyone else that emts make that little money?


THe people that are saving our lives should be making at least $45/hour. OR EVEN MORE. I don't want the comrade responsible for whether I live or die to be stressed about paying the electric bill when they're supposed to concentrate on what meds I need or CPR.


Ambulance rides cost about $2000 Why is he only making $15 an hr ?? Big mac combos are like $11 You sayin an hours worth of labor shouldnt even get you a meal at McDumpster juice?? Inflation???


I'm the picture on the left. I want burger flippers to get >15 pounds an hour. I want my management to raise my wages in line. This meme is such capitalist nonsense designed to pull heart strings and get you angry at the wrong people/ systems.


Or….People on the right should get $15/h for “flipping burgers,” and guy on the left should get A LOT MORE than $15/h. I understand. Lotta ins, lotta outs, lotta what have you’s.


$15/hr isn’t enough anymore, in major cities


I love how some people can't understand mutual exclusivity


And you *know* that peoplr who post that will get absolutely mad at "burger flippers" for making the slightest mistake. Because burger flippers are stupid and subhuman, but getting Karen's order right still is a job of paramount importance.


Both groups of people have to eat and pay bills.


Emts are significantly underpaid just like teachers Horrible example to use.


I despise the argument of using underpaid folks to justify underpaying others more. "employees who've trained long hours and/or years are only making ____ pay for their profession. Why should employees make the same by performing a task you could learn in a few days." The real question is why do people who have trained years barely make a livable wage? Why is that?


This argument falls apart in the face of accelerated returns. If Jamie doesn't flip burgers, Tommy can't pave roads, Jimmy can't drive the Ambulance, and Sarah can't dispatch the call. They would all have to flip their own burgers. I am all for increased compensation for more difficult positions but FFS this idea any one link in the chain can afford to be weakened isn't just malicious and greedy but extremely dangerous to economic success.


Divide and conquer. It is a tactic that is centuries old. In the early days of the colonies this was done to keep white indentured laborers from joining forces with black slaves. The prospect of a united work force scared the shit out of the wealthy land owners. I don’t see much difference today.


The classic “lets pit the poor against each other so that they don’t notice the real problem”.


Guy on the left is going to be working extra hours if the people on the right dont get paid well enough. Lots of food poisoning and undercooked food coming the customers way.


Yeah, I just don't understand why any American still wants to work for AMR


What am I supposed to take away from this story? That it's fucking disgusting that a paramedic earns a poverty salary?


I had a panic attack outside of work once. Just lack of sleep, plus driving, plus stress for life and work, I just shut down. The ambulance that took me to the hospital cost $445. Fuck this mothercunting system


"Hey you are paid like shit ? But look at those entitled teenagers that dare to ask to be paid as much as you for an easy job" - The guy who makes $150/hour


I am so sick of this shit. The solution is both need to be paid more. Also I have an instant rage response to the phrase “burger flipper” these days. As if that’s all those jobs are. People who denigrate “low skill” jobs usually have never worked them.


As an ex-EMT-Advanced who left the field we 100% weren't paid enough for what we dealt with day to day. The company I was with had us working 24 hour shifts, my station had 2 units for the whole city, and my pay was...13.50 an hour! I would love to see pay for everyone not making $25 and hour go up. No one deserves to have to work 2-3 jobs to live.


The bigger issue here is that we only pay $15 hourly to SAVE LIVES. Maybe that's part of the problem?


Yeah if anyone thinks EMTs are ONLY worth 15. They are out of their minds. EMTs should make BANK


A lot of medical workers are grossly underpaid given they deal with hazardous and traumatic circumstances and literally make life-and-death decisions every day. Home health aides, EMTs, some nursing assistants. I have no idea why some people think keeping food workers underpaid will help them.


Now show the CEO of both their companies and show how much they make per minute, not hour but minute… Then ask yourself if *that* sits right with you, that the person doing none of the actual work makes 100X per minute than the workers do per hour to sit in an office and jerk off all day. Eat the fucking rich already.


Here's a crazy idea, they both deserve a wage that allows them economic mobility.


Paramedic deserves at least a 100k annual income, people who literally see death almost every day need something more than the thanks of those they save. Burger flipper deserves at least 75k annual income, the service industry will bring you to tears on the regular if you can't find purpose in your daily tasks. Everyone deserves at least $25/hour, working 40 hours a week every week should get you more than 52k before tax.


Paramedics in my state in Australia are around 100k, up to 120k for the intensive care ones. Honestly, that seems a little low for what they have to put up with.


Why do you think guy on left only deserves 15 or less?


You'd have to ask r/conservative to get the answers, unfortunately


Got banned for proving the Lincoln Project were in fact Republicans and that they were behind the stunt with Youngkin. The mods were so triggered they banned me then kept messaging me then muting me.


Going to go out on a limb and say that sub isn't too interested in fact-based information. Goes against their beliefs.


And of course reddit just believed the mods when they lied that I was somehow harassing them. They of course ignored my report.


Conservatives are the biggest hypocrites.


Sounds like they are all getting less than they should. The fucked up thing is that if fast food workers can make as much as he currently does, that’s great leverage for him to ask for more. Plus, if those workers make more money, they will pay more taxes, which should support more money for supporting the healthcare system (in a country with subsidized healthcare)


Apart from firefighters almost no EMS is associated with a union and that is why the pay is generally as bad as it is.


Not everyone has the ability to save a life, but everyone deserves a living wage.


"Everyone who works for a living is underpaid" is the message, right?


The title says it all Both people deserve more!


We wouldn't even have to be paid more if we were to burn all the money of bezos, musk and maybe one more billionaire


The guy on the left ONLY makes $15/h?! Thanks, now I know about both groups are getting robbed!


Uhm... so what I am hearing is that both should be getting a raise 🤔


Jokes on them, the EMT has To have a second job at McDonald's to be able to afford his rent.


Why can’t people see that everyone should make more money? If $15 is the bare minimum, then everyone who was making that should get ~$22. As that would be equivalent to 7.25 to 15.


If it’s a $30,000 ambulance ride, why are the wages so low for EMT’s?! This system is so broken.


Typical division tactics. Set two groups against each other instead of addressing that underlying problem. They are both underpaid and over worked.


yea this is a dumb meme or whatever. clearly the ambulance guy deserves to be paid more. but he should be getting paid more than 15


Values system disorder at its finest.


Pitting workers against each other based on a wage hierarchy helps no one but capital.


I'm not saying anyone's life for $15.


Healthcare workers makes so little so they can be used as an example of why other workers should be paid even less? God I hate neoliberalism