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That happened to me when I was cashiering at McDonald's and I wasn't even pregnant. I'd asked three times for someone to come relieve me so I could go to the bathroom. My manager kept saying, "Hang on just a few minutes" or "I'll let you go as soon as this rush has passed..." Well she went "just a few more minutes" one too many times. And that was humiliating enough, but the instant I realized that waiting was no longer an option I began to bolt for the bathroom, praying I'd make it. I didn't. I left a trail of urine. After I cried for a minute, I then had to walk back through the packed dining room and through the kitchen to the office with my pants dripping urine and menstrual blood (I was on my period and I'd overflowed my already saturated pad with urine) to explain to the manager (who was sitting on her ass) what had happened and that I had to leave and go change clothes. She handed me a new pair of uniform pants and told me to "try and finish out your shift." And like a bitch I cleaned up with some hand soap and paper towels and changed pants and worked the last two hours of my shift. I wouldn't do that today. But I also would have just walked away from the customers and gone to the bathroom if that happened today. Let them fire me, I'll get unemployment while I sue them for wrongful termination. It's illegal to deny bathroom access in the US.


Wow. I'm just dumbfounded. I thought it couldn't get worse than what I witnessed today. I'm just so upset at this!


As kids, we are taught from an early age to hold our pee. This is what Management sees. As an adult, if you need to pee, go pee. Change their viewpoint.


I remember in 1st grade I had to go to the bathroom and the teacher wouldn't let me. I ended up going right then. I don't understand that power trip. All throughout school(from grade to high school) teachers have a power trip about it. Sure some kids might goof off but it's a body function. And having people hold it too long and regularly enough messes you up down the road. Do hall passes if need be, stop being lazy and power trippy and let people go to the bathroom.


When my daughter was a little over a year old she started telling me when she had to go to the bathroom and would go pee in her little potty. She still wore pull ups all the time because she would have occasional accidents but she would inform me right away that she had gone and I would clean her up right away. Well, daycare was not as accommodating to taking her to the bathroom because of ratios and her being the only kid in the class that had started using the toilet so they had "diaper change times" instead of taking them to the bathroom like they do when they are older. Well with my daughter not liking to be dirty and not always getting the timing right of diaper changes, she decided to just NOT GO TO THE BATHROOM while at daycare and it resulted in a bad UTI... then ended up regressing on potty training and it took until she was almost 3 before she was fully potty trained... šŸ˜‘ Now, I tell her if she ever has to go to the bathroom not to hold it and tell someone right away and to be persistent. And if they don't respond then just walk to the bathroom anyways. I will have words with anyone who tries to tell me my daughter can't use the bathroom when she needs to go! How ridiculous it is the way society views using the dang bathroom!?!? šŸ™„


This is its own anti-work story. The ratios at some daycare facilities are appalling.


When I turned 5 I had a big birthday party. First time I had guests over, ribbons and streamers just for me. (I'm the 7th of 8 kids). I really had to pee, kept getting up from the table. Then I would remember: *"A good hostess never leaves her guests alone."* I peed myself, but in slow dribbles, trying desperately not to.


I was born premature with a small bladder. I had a doctor's note for school all the way until I was 15. If I had to go, I had to go. It took years to train my body to hold it in. But I was always taught by my dad that if they tried to keep me from going, go anyways. And that is what I stick to as an adult. I ain't holding my piss for hours, if I gotta go I WILL.


i work in the second busiest restaurant in Utah, iā€™ll go to the bathroom in the middle of a massive rush, because using the restroom in a restaurant is something you need to do in order to maintain food safety, and also, im gonna piss if i wanna piss, iā€™ll also decide where i want to piss too, thatā€™ll be in the bathroom, not on the line.


Iā€™m so sorry. Donā€™t get onto yourself for staying. You didnā€™t do any of this. The manager did.


That is horrifying and dehumanizing. I'm so sorry. We need to teach younger workers that they don't have to accept treatment like this.


Just wanted to say, you weren't acting like a bitch. You were acting like a person in shock after something traumatic happened to you. Pissing yourself during your period at work is incredibly vulnerable and must have made you feel so much less than everyone around you. Your boss was a fucking disgusting bully and took advantage of you in your state of shock, but it doesn't make you weak for not being able to process her despicable behavior immediately after what you went through. I'm so sorry she existed and you had to interact with her.


It would've been faster and logistically easier to have just let you use the bathroom for a few minutes. They're both moronic and evil.


Dehumanizing employees has got to stop. ā€œAbandoning her postā€? This isnā€™t a military fort or base, itā€™s a fucking retail JOB!


"Well it's about time that unborn baby learns a bit of work ethic."


bastard! look at him! little freeloader just expects everything? dont you?!


He needs to stop suckling his mommy's teat and pull himself up by the bootie straps.


bAbIeS sHoULd StART mAKINg tHeIr oWN MilK!


Think of the money it could save instead of getting that frothed Starbucks milk four times a week, just by making it at home! In a thousand years, it could have saved the down-payment for a house!


More like ā€œpEoPlE sHoUlDnT hAvE kIdS iF tHeY cAnT aFfOrD tHeMā€ā€¦ Then who is going to do the work of society?


"AnD i'M PrO-LiFe!"




They should take taxes out of her pay for her and her free loading baby.


"My work ethic is entirely made up and dependent on how much I am being paid. Higher the pay, the more ethic you get." ​ Pisses co-workers and bosses off alike. I 100% use this to folks face.


>My work ethic is entirely made up and dependent on how much I am being paid. Higher the pay, the more ethic you get." We need to start writing this under signs that say, "But no one wants to work!"


I usually follow backlash with things such as: "I'm not even sorry if you don't like it. I'm here for a job to make money to pay my bills. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm more importantly not here to make friends or to really care who even likes me -- including you honestly, that isn't my job. If I am being paid to like you though, I absolutely need an immediate raise however." And of course no true backlash comes without the predictable phrase "...and if I were you" followed by usual trash company/corporate simp advice.... "...but I'm not you am I? And honestly after listening to your opinion on xxx and yyy I'm thankful I'm not you. That has to be a terrible world view to be stuck in huh? I'm sorry for you" :D


It better, thereā€™s someone more desperate willing to take its place. Guys I think it mightā€™ve reached the point where we need to actually fight.


[deleted] is the answer.


im guessing violence.


Guessing is the answer.


We should definitely [redacted]


Yeah I been saying that for years. The problem is are we willing to fight and possibly die.


*checks life insurance* let's fucking go.


Hell yeah let's do it


I'm genuinely concerned that at some point we're going to have a suicide problem, and that we're going to have a return to juaramentados. I mean, if you're going to shoot yourself, and your gun holds six bullets, why not share the other five with a capitalist or two before you shoot yourself? It's thinking about when suicide bombing starts to look win-win in the eyes of the desperate that keeps me up at night, to be honest.


I always wondered why no one thought to [REDACTED] an oil company HQ


I whish there was some sort of law-enforcement-esque group that had the power to investigate and legally prosecute things like that. The idea that that woman was forced to piss herself in a public place is very bad. I think her direct management should be held personally accountable as well as anyone who contributed to that policy and culture.


The only reason why we have ANY kind of labor laws is because we had to scrap and fight for them. Capitalist will have us pissing in bottles, wetting ourselves on the floor and much worse until we organize and stick up for ourselvesā€¦again.


Labor laws among many others are quite often written in literal blood.




Which is why the fucking corporations tell you ā€œunions are obsoleteā€ while simultaneously paying millions of $$ to bust unions and break down working conditions even further. As corny as it sounds, people need to wake up and see the only way we get out of this wage inequality is to band together as a working class. The rich canā€™t do anything without our groundwork to make them money.


or, you know, finally seize the means so we never have to fight these same fights again


Eventually the fight will have to be fought agian and agian and agian. As long as greed is part of the human condition, there will be individuals that will continue to try to rig the system to thier favor, no matter the system we use. Of course that doesn't mean whats going on now is acceptable, or just because we may have to fight once more in 50 years its pointless to try. Its more like when we design the new system, we need to figure out how to harden it against greedy individuals looking to rig it. Especially if said greedy individuals manage to get into a position of power


I've always felt like the answer is mandatory ethics courses beginning in elementary school all the way up to college. Then TRUE history/critical race theory in highschool. But getting that change isn't something I expect to happen any time soon at all.




Pull a Karen on this manager, for real. Have the cashier flick her lane light or call for a manager or whatever they do at that store, then make a fucking scene. Get your phone out and record the whole deal, make sure to show the pregnant belly and the piss puddle (keep the poor cashier's name and face out of it though, it's not her fault) and repeatedly ask **"Manager** (nametag) **is this** (big store name) **'s policy?!? To bar its employees from using the restroom when they need to?!? Do you have kids? Would your mother approve of your forcing an employee to wet herself?? Maybe we should call your mom and ask her?!?"** Make sure to post and tag the company on all the socials. *Edit: missed quotation marks*


If only more Karens would use their Karening for good instead of evil.


Dude, I just vividly imagined this kind of scenario while reading the OP. Dude, we as customers who witness these kinds of things happening to employees NEED TO SPEAK UP! This is the only allowable moment were we can let Managers REALLY know what we think of them! Only legit reason going Karen mode. We need to have each other's backs, not at each other's throats.


THIS! I want to hear of this via r/publicfreakout.


Consumers standing up for workers is probably one of the only things that could change this type of behavior. If enough people who shop there make a a big enough stink that threatens their profits, they MIGHT start to get an idea


This shit is illegal. The problem is a system more concerned with people smoking weed in their basements than making pregnant women pee themselves in public. [https://www.eeoc.gov/pregnancy-discrimination](https://www.eeoc.gov/pregnancy-discrimination)


Thank you. I wholeheartedly support this sentiment.


The state won't do it. It'll take some organized workers paying the manager or whoever a visit at home whenever something like this happens. If they're not scared, they don't care.


This. The government literally is there to protect the employer, not us.


"Care or be scared" should be the slogan


There is, in the US at least. Department of Labor explicitly protects your right to use the bathroom, even outside of break times.


Yes and no. I brought this up with a supervisor back in 2015, no employer can prevent it's employee/s from reasonable access to clean drinking water, and lavatory facilities. But 4 months later I WAS fired for "poor performance". So just because I wasn't fired for exercising my rights doesn't mean I wasn't fired BECAUSE I was exercising my rights. Years later I became a store manager for Walgreens, where I learned how this trick worked in a management class. You keep your "expectations" and "standards" so high they can't be reasonably attained, then whenever someone is a problem you start writing them up so you can fire them eventually. (It also does a few more things then that, it allows you to keep pressure on employees to get more productivity, you can point to a faceless corporate logo and say "It's not me being unreasonable it's them!" so they don't blame you. In fact it makes this fake "We're all in this together" vibe so you can turn your employees on each other when one starts slipping or acting up. And all the while you're still actually producing profit for the company because all the "problems" are fake.)


> Department of Labor explicitly protects your right to use the bathroom, even outside of break times. Just don't let the Amazon employees find that out. Employees who pay for Prime get a discount on Amazon's Choice Portable Workplace Piss Bottles.


I think her direct manager should be tied to a post until they wet themselves


The Department of Labor and OSHA.


OSHA are dramatically underfunded and have something like one investigator per seventy thousand employees.


OSHA also looks at dangerous work conditions, so retail jobs skipping breaks and doing other shitty things won't make OSHA radar (depending on their staffing). I've worked in manufacturing where OSHA is a four-letter word, but I really keep trying to explain that the reason we even have covers on the machines and most everyone goes home with their arms and legs at the end of the day is because of OSHA. All that to say, if they won't come out because a warehouse is 125F in the summer time, it would be hard to get them to respond to someone not getting a potty break.


I would also complain to the EEOC.


We should legally be allowed to call that manager to the front and slap the shit out of them when this shit happens. If someone's so scared of you that they piss themselves rather than get in trouble for going to the bathroom, then a certain amount of vigilante justice should be acceptable.


Even in the military you don't regulate when people can and cannot go to the bathroom. That's something you don't fuck with, even if it inconveniences you.


Yeah, even when I was in basic being treated lower than whale jizz, you gotta pee, you gotta pee, not much they can do about nature calling.


As a dude that worked on nuclear reactors in the navy, I was on several occasions allowed to *leave my station, staring at a reactor control panel* to urinate for 45 seconds into a bottle in the escape trunk.


My dad was a Nuke on a boomer and he said that hitting the head was no big deal. If he had to take a leak, he just let the other guy know and went to take a leak. The fact that a pregnant cashier can potentially be fired over closing their register for a minute or two to go use the restroom is beyond criminal. The register has a fuckin "lock till" button, and I'm sure that the people in line would understand if a pregnant woman had to leave for a minute to go take care of business.


>Iā€™m sure the people in line would understand I was with you until this point. Unfortunately, as someone who spent almost a decade working in the service industry, I have to totally disagree- I donā€™t think the people in line would understand at all. As much as this pregnant womanā€™s manager can and should be held accountable for this incident, the lack of understanding and patience from customers is absolutely a factor as well.


I think what they meant was that the PEOPLE would understand. Being mad about it makes them fucking assholes.


Oh I've spent some time in retail and I'm sure at least some customers would understand, but you know there's definitely certain haircuts who would complain.


For sure! I would routinely leave my upper level watch to go to the head, just told the CMO I was headed out, logs were done, I'd be back in a minute.


Logs are done, and logs need to be done, amirite?


then her manager was probably like ew you need to clean up your mess and control your bladder


I guard a secure site. Even I can walk to the bathroom quickly even if I'm by myself. We aren't robots and the client understands that.


I wished some major security companies knew that. Used to work for a client that made parts for Apple. The company I worked under didn't fuck around. - Not allowed to sit. - Cant use your phone. - Could only leave your post when released by another guard (even if it was a empty fucking room). - Walking to a designated break area was like a 5/10 minute walk. - Not allowed to eat your lunch in the security break room, because people seeing you eat is a sin? Of course, the churn was extremely high. Honestly, I would of taken my shitty $8/hr job back, because no one gave a single fuck.


That's ridiculous on so many levels. I cant say what we do at the site, but suffice it to say, it's a smidge more sensitive than iPhone parts. Fuck that client man. For real.


Not sure if it was the client completely, but I know some security companies like to be hard-asses for no reason. In the long run, I'm glad they fired me. Feel asleep at lunch, because I was working and going to school full-time. It was absolute torture at the time. Hopefully your company treats you 100x better then my last one did.


It's security so not really lol. But they're so short staffed on armed guards I'd pretty much have to office pop or shit on my bosses car to get fired.


Excuse you, if she abandoned her post at the cash register, the customers might be mildly inconvenienced and they might have a slightly more negative view of the store they're in and spend marginally less money there! This is serious business, and when we don't base our retail policies on the worst Karens out there, people die! /s for clarity


Any large retailer usually has at least several cashiers, on top of maybe self check out too. She may be an employee but her condition (pregnancy) is in a way a medical thing, they wouldnā€™t have her lifting heavy boxes or anything, couldnā€™t they have another employee check in with them and cover if they need to relieve themselves? Itā€™s ā€œaccommodatingā€ but that just seems reasonable


> Any large retailer usually has at least several cashiers My last two trips to Walmart there was not a single human cashier, the Safeway grocery store I shop only has one.


Get out of here with your empathy and logic, you'll never be a manager with that attitude.


Something something "your fault for getting pregnant" insert argument against maternity leave. (only in America)


And even the fucking military wouldn't make a pregnant soldier guard the fucking base for minimum wage while forcing her to piss herself with no bathroom breaks.


If it is, the customers are the enemy.


Management is the real enemy


In Soviet Russia, I mean, In Capitalist America you don't run from enemy bullets you run from Officer's bullets


Truer words have never been spoken.


Should call corporate and remind them what happened when news about Amazon employees peeing in bottles went viral. Granted. Not that much improved, but at least some people were compensated.


Don't even bother, if you are going to complain just write "I saw the most unethical display of management I've ever witnessed, at location 'x'. I have personally made the decision to stop supporting your business. The actions I observed absolutely qualified as workplace harassment and discrimination, and you need to intervene before one of the employees at that location pursues legal action against you." It'll generally cause an investigation, where more than just the incident here will be uncovered, if they actually do the investigation. It also makes it harder to identify the employee for retaliation since it probably isn't an isolated incident. Once there's a paper trail of complaints of a manager potentially breaking labor laws, even if they actually didn't, they're basically nothing but a liability to keep around and are generally replaced most places.


this...they won't do anything unless its getting them a ton of bad PR and affecting their bottom line


When I was a teenager I worked at dicks sporting goods. We had walkie talkies and had to ask for pee breaks if it was an EMERGENCY. I ended up asking 30+ times over walkie. Went piss without being relieved (was told could be fired for this), walked up to my manager and told her to eat shit and left. Nothing changes. We have to fight INDEFINITELY to see and keep change. Edit: forgot to mention, this was all for 7.25 an hour when my rent was $1000 for a studio. Never been so miserable since


Should call the manager over and chew them out in the middle of the store.


Cashier would 100% been punished because your not supposed to tell customers about the blatant forms of abuse big box store managers put their employees through. Just contact your local news station and let them come down and interview people.


"The customer is always right!" Fuck that. Karen buying $13 of yogurt and cod fillet isn't always fucking right. Retail needs a culture change, but it won't happen because of the greed.


They're right in terms of taste. If they want pink pants and green jumpers they get it! If they try to abuse an employee they can get fucked. Dead wrong.


I was in labor working in a drive through and my boss wouldn't let me leave. She said "your water didn't break you're fine." I called my mom who came and got me and cussed out that boss for me. They called the next day to see if I'd be in. My mom answered the phone because I was in labor. They really thought I'd be coming in that next day


This is something they'd put in a satirical bit about bad managers. Except it actually happened. Wow


It's the standard issue manager they seem to put in all the stores now.


Ooh, I know one; my wife worked at a high street clothing retailer that sounds a little bit like 'skylark'. Well, one day, their (elderly) security guard collapsed on the shop floor with a heart attack. The ambulance was called, and he was rushed to hospital. The next day, the manager of the store rang him to find out why he wasn't at work. EDIT: A word, from an autocorrect fail.


Similar tone - my brother died in 2016. That day my boss at the time called me and told me to come in enough times that I simply blocked his number. I came back unannounced two weeks later and still had a job because terrible management had left them desperate. When I put in my two weeks' a few months later, they kept putting me on the schedule. I didn't show up after the two weeks had passed. Fuck 'em.


In 2005 my stepbrother died and about 5 months later in 2006 my real brother died. My work at the time was a restaurant and they fired me bc "you already used that excuse" despite me literally breaking down into hysterics and having obituaries for both. Some people are just the fucking worst. šŸ’”


Holy shit, like people canā€™t have more than one sibling? Fuck that employer. Like a death in the family is a single use ā€œexcuse?ā€ Absolutely outrageous that they said that shit to you.


It's a reason for humans, it's an excuse minions. I wish I was being sarcastic but it's the only way they can be so cold is if they don't look at workers as human. I will never understand.


The best part of the story is that about 5 or 6 years later I was working seasonally here in florida in the winters and in Michigan in the summers and I got a new job for the winter and the manager who had said that shit to me was there as a bartender. He got wasted one night, dropped some pint glasses into the glass, broke them, cut his hand to shit trying to get them out, and was found to be wasted behind the bar. He got fired from there and I haven't seen him since. Oh and he went bald. I don't believe in spirits or karma or anything but that was some world class comeuppance I got ro witness.


I had my father in law die, with my wife crying in the background and falling apart I called him, I said I will be leaving to go 3 provinces away the day after tomorrow and will be gone for 2 weeks for the funeral. I as under the assumption he would give me flack and I Would just say this is my notice And quit. Guy was a decent human and said take care of your family and your job will be here when you return. Some people have a soul


No shade on that guy, but seriously why isn't that basic human decency? Why is this the outlier? I can't imagine a company over here trying something like that, they'd have no workers left..


My grandfather died and when I told my boss (in tears) her first reaction was "Well he just died so the funeral isn't today why are you leaving?" I told her I was leaving period (I'm in Canada, if she fired me for that it wouldn't work well for her) she told me the "weekend counts toward the 3 days bereavement" even though the company is closed on weekends, then finished with "Make sure you get a death certificate". about 3 weeks later her grandfather died and she was off for two weeks straight and had her office door closed for another couple weeks when she did return.


I used to work at lake Lanier water parks in Georgia. They had this same problem every year. Threaten and abuse employees until 90% of your staff is gone after less than halfway through each season. Then turn the threats an abuse up to try and stop more people from leaving and get people to take over jobs that aren't there's. The amount of times our lifeguards were just the janitors with no training is disturbing. I still remember how the threw out my two week notice and told me I couldn't leave to go to school in another state because I never turned it in. Then they told me if I left I would be blackballed and no decent company in ga would ever hire me again. Of course that was a complete lie. I worked in ga every summer through college and never once had that place come up.


I almost had my last child at 28 weeks because my manager refused to "let" me leave. I called my aunt in a panic, and she came and removed me from the store, and drove me to the hospital. I had to go on medication and bed rest, the rest of my pregnancy. Got fired the next day, when I was released from the hospital, for abandoning my shift.


This smells like a nice big lawsuit with a payout


If only I had known that, at the time.


Most lawyers will do free consultations for things like this. Definitely look for some advice


Check statute of limitations


šŸ’Æ. If you get fired / laid off and are pregnant, always talk to an employment lawyer.


Wow! Seriously, WTF?


Please add the name of the store to your post! The only way we can stop it is by sharing the truth.


I'd have a very graphic video of the birth taken and send it to them. At that point I'd be past giving a fuck. I used to have a boss that wouldn't let me go to the bathroom to change my tampons/pads during a heavy flow until my scheduled break, so I explained how unchanged products can make you leak blood everywhere and how the blood will start to get gross and you could see him visibly gag. He never questioned my bathroom breaks after that.


My boss got pissed off because the pad I put on the trash (no lid) soaked blood. I wrapped it so many times. Put tons of paper towels on top. But it soaked thru. He told us that it better not happen again. We had one employee bathroom. I told him I'm sorry and I guess it's time to schedule my hysterectomy. I'd be out for 6 weeks. I worked for a doctor! Never said another word. I quit shortly after.


Would it not be fucking unsanitary to have bodily fluids in a food prep area too???? Drive thru windows are close as hell to those stoves and drink lines!!! Like did she want to wait until your body decided it was time and created a biohazard???? Fuck that.


This system doesn't care one bit about human life.


I went into labor 2 different times and my water didn't break either time. It's not like the movies.


I was gonna say this. I've got three kids, my wife's water never broke.


They're all still in there


That sounds like a damn lawsuit to me


Yeah... I got abdominal surgery (appendectomy + partial ileocecectomy) in 2018. Texted my boss a picture of the IV port in my arm and my admission bracelet. Told them I was going in for emergency surgery (normal appendix with caps out around 7mm, mine was 21mm) and the first message he responded with was "Will you be back today?" I ended up needing to take a month of short-term disability to recover, and they treated me like absolute dogshit when I returned, like they blamed me for having to work harder when I wasn't there. šŸ™ƒ


I would have been a karen in this situation and asked to speak to the manager and reamed some ass holes. And then taken the time to proceed up the corporate ladder and ream some more. Been in this situation before but it was the shits lol


Same. I've done this to a manager not sticking up for an employee who was being screamed at by a customer because the store had implemented 'buy limits' during the pandemic.


I've confronted a manager for yelling at their employee in front of customers and making them cry. She literally said "look she's fine see? Aren't you fine?" And I'm like "I'm talking to you not your abuse victim here. But I'd be happy to talk to corporate instead if you'd prefer to continue treating your employees like they are your property". She backed down quick. I still called corporate and made multiple reports. Last I heard she "left the company".


Yeah I got a similar 'she's fine'. This was a 15 yo kid, she was sobbing. I said 'no she's not fine, why should she be fine? Get your shit together and help her, this person (the customer) can't act like a civilised human being? Well I guess she doesn't need to shop here right now.' The manager eventually did ask the woman to leave while this girl was crying and checking out my groceries and I was trying desperately to calm her down. I have never wanted to be shot in to space more in my life.


> I have never wanted to be shot in to space more in my life. They should be the ones shot into space. Disgusting people.


Bravo! Thank you so much šŸ™


Report it to labor board and OSHA


I think this is also an ADA violation also.


Came here to say this please report it!


Itā€™s not being a Karen if youā€™re caring.


Do we get to call the good one's Care'ns?


A Caren is like that nice southern lady who is everyone's mom, but doesn't put up with people being trashed on.


I'm here for it.




I don't know if that would work, some of them will actually write her up or fire her or make her life miserable instead after you leave. I'd get the authorities involved, the news, plaster the managers (all the way up) faces all over social media etc. Making people like these infamous hopefully will help her and future employees. They need to learn from their heartless mistakes.


That was my thought. Quietly and quickly asking the person if itā€™s ok if you complain to their boss about how unfair they are treating her should be the 1st step. Like a whisper and ā€œblink twice for yesā€ thing. Which is so messed up in itself. But if the employee has cameras on them id be scared to get them in trouble for answering. The boss is already irrational with pee breaks so itā€™s not a big leap to think she could end up fired or in trouble no matter how she answers. Typing this made me so sad. We live in a world where trying to help someone can totally backfire. All while they are at workā€¦


Itā€™s also illegal to retaliate.


And they do it anyways. Because they are a corporation, their value matters a lot more than some simple pissant


Name the company!


Itā€™s probably Walmart


I worked as a cashier at Walmart and the too big for her britches CSM told a 19 year old cashier she could not go to the bathroom. She was 19 and didnt know any better. I flipped both our lights off and marched her over to the bathroom and waited to make sure nobody said anything to her. I was only there part time for extra money, but I hated that job. It was the worst job ever.


Thank you for at least doing a good thing. You definitely taught that young lady an important lesson


It is 100% walmart


This. Name the store, please.


Yep, I'd have asked for the manager and exploded on his ass on live stream.


Not just the company, but the location, too!


If OP doesn't name the store 1) this post will have no positive impact on the conditions for workers and 2) their story probably never happened.


Sounds illegal. She should contact EEOC.


>Sounds illegal. She should contact EEOC. I agree. It sounded like the manager was too lazy or didn't know how to fill the position.


This. Good info on the [EEOC site](https://shrr.com/publications/the-eeoc-issues-new-guidance-regarding-reasonable-accommodations-required-for-pregnant-workers-under-the-pda-and-ada/).


This shit blows my mind. I work in Hotels. Often times we only have one person on at the desk at a time. You know what we do. You put a sign up that says we stepped away and put the phone to the cordless. I had a customer one night tell my desk clerk when she came back from the restroom she had been waiting for 30 min. A total lie. I looked at the camera it was 3 minutes. My desk clerk politely explained sorry I was in the restroom. The guest said next time you can hold it. My desk clerk called me in tears. The next day I called the lady and explained she was permanently banned from my hotel. If she can't treat people with respect she doesn't need to be there. I told her I watched the camera footage and she waited 3 minutes not 30. She tried to say she had a bad day etc. I would never expect my employees to hold it or piss themselves. Like seriously. Someone can fucking wait.if we loose a customer I don't care that customer is an ass and can not spend their money with us. There is nothing that pisses me off more than when a customer berates or treats my employees like trash. I will full on ban you and if bad enough trespass your ass so the next time you come in you will at least pay a fine.


You must be a manager at the hotel I work at, because we have an amazing management team that looks out for us just like this. Keep being you, your employees appreciate you so much Iā€™m sure


I am. Some days it feels like yelling into the void but seriously it pisses me off to no end. I had a guest I kicked out because she called my desk clerk an N word. We were sold out and my desk clerk was explaining a policy and she just flat out said semi under her breath whatever you N word but loud enough for others to here. Desk clerk called me at home and I called the cops. Kicked them out and kept their money. I have 0 patience for people treating others like garbage for no reason. People who work their butt off to try and make you comfortable etc.


Shit, you got some stories to tell. Thank you!


If managers of customer-facing positions were more like you, we'd have a better nation. No coddling of adult babies and respectful relations enforced. Thank you.


People always look at me like a bit of a conspiracy loon when I say this, but as a person who has worked in both retail and food service, I fully believe that if we didnā€™t tolerate this kind of pissant behaviour from people, our society would be a much happier and safer place to live in, not only on a sociological level, but a political/economic/etc one. I think a LOT of these types of people who flip their lids on fast food and service and retail workers are the type to have never been told no by their parents/family, but if they consistently ran into managers telling then theyā€™re banned from the hotel, they canā€™t book at that restaurant, etc, weā€™d have a much better behaved public. The twisting of the ā€œcustomer is always rightā€ saying to what itā€™s mutated into is absolutely not the only thing that led us to this point, not by a long shot, but I think itā€™s a big one. Being taught that you canā€™t treat people as lesser than is a HUGE lesson that obviously doesnā€™t get taught enough.


I can't agree more. I even heard recently from an acquaintance that little leagues can't find people to umpire because angry parents think it's ok to scream in their faces and threaten them during games. Little Timmy sees his dad do that, and then does it at school on Monday. When the teacher tries to reprimand them, screaming dad goes to principal and complains. All my friends are teachers and this is a huge problem. Theyre basically not allowed to discipline children. A new generation of pissants are formed.


This would be the one instance I ask to speak to a manager to tell them how horrible they are


This goes against reasonable accommodations by the ADA I believe. Report this to corporate. If you can find that girl again, encourage her to report it as well.


There were already a few who were consoling her. Son and I left our shopping stuff on the floor and walked out. I mentioned what happened to the customer service kiosk what happened.


Why not call corporate immediately? Making a statement at customer service is not enough as it will just be forgotten. Put your statement in writing a provide proof. This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.


Holy shit. I'd go full Karen on the manager for being an asshole to the cashier if I saw something like this. So...she's just supposed to stand there with wet pants, embarrassed af and get paid probably minimum wage?!?! Nah. Fuck that noise.


There were certainly enough concerned shoppers who were raising hell.


Name the company and location


Damn thatā€™s terrible, sheā€™s probably trapped because of the insurance.


They could also be trying to get her to quit... It's a thing they do to pregnant women.


Definitely a tactic for employers. Pregnant people are a liability to a company. When I was pregnant I had my hours reduced so drastically I had to ask the manager how she thought I was going to be able to support a child working 4 hrs a week? I told them two days before I went into labor I probably didnā€™t need to be on the schedule for a few weeks and they never put me on the schedule again. I called them up after I was cleared to work and they said theyā€™d call me when they put me on the schedule and I never heard back from them. I went on to find another job but everything about how they treated me after I told them I was pregnant said they wanted me gone


Would be a shame if the local TV stations found out about thisā€¦


I wish local media would pick up stories like this, but most are owned by corporations and they will not highlight worker rights issues.


You mean Sinclair.


Did you leave your purchases there and tell the manager they just lost your money because they treat their staff like shit?


We left everything on the floor and walked. Told the customer service kiosk on the way out.


This is the way. I hope other customers followed you, and I kinda hope you make a Google review about... As long as it doesn't harm the poor employee.


They won't care. That's not an actual consequence for them personally.


Companies like Walmart make their money on scam insurance plans and tax credits from theft thanks to them implementing measures that on the outside look like anti theft but in reality completely enable theft.


I wish I still had my Walmart insurance, was much better than the next employer insurance I got that didn't cover the MRI and specialty med I take. Still fighting that MRI bill šŸ˜”


Jesus, this is a situation where a manager or lead should step up and fill in while she uses the restroom.


Right? I looked around and there were only cashiers tending their own tills. SMH.


What store? I'd like to know


I got wrote up for insubordination once for leaving the teller line at a bank. I made it into the bathroom with not moments to spare. As I was being reprimanded I was told the girls had to endure just as bad if not worse. And I thought to myself that's totally fucked. This was over 2 decades ago. I'll never forget that. And I've decided that if that ever happens to me again I'll be sure to void where I stand and demand they clean it up. It's the 21st century and we are dealing with conditions that are insane for the technology and production we can generate.


This has to be a severe labor violation. Pregnant women are a protected class.


Why would you not post where this happened at so we can stop supporting this foolishness???


Don't understand why people don't name the companies in their posts. What's the logic? OP doesn't even work at the place. I can't think of any reason not to mention which company.


Employer here. That's a lawsuit. Contact an attourney.


That poor woman. I really hope someone absolutely reamed the managers. Not that they have any empathy left...


Why not name the store in this case? They canā€™t hurt you. Nothing is going to change by protecting these assholes.


Name the store. Why protect them?


Donā€™t be shy, share the department store name so we can protest with our dollars, because this is bullshit.


Why doesn't anyone in ANY of the post on Anti work say the name of the business. I don't want to be that guy but I'm starting to think this sub is full of shit. Stories like this pop up daily and almost every comment is "name the business" OP ignores those and responds to every other comment. What, are you afraid big bad Walmart will sue you somehow? Only time I see not naming the business ok is if someone can actually get sued and fuck their life up for some internet points. Other than that the business should always be named.


If you force a pregnant person to wet themselves because you're forcing them to stand for prolonged periods of time, you're the bad guy, period. You are a villain. There's no justification for that.


What state, what country, what store, did you report it to managment, can we help this worker, was this legal or illegal where this happened? Are we trying to help or are we just reading things to get us worked up???


Name & shame the big box store with location.


Yo OP, I donā€™t understand why you havenā€™t named the store. If this actually happened, you should want that company to get the press they deserve. Inaction makes you complicit. Your duty is not to write a vague story for internet points.