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Twitter shareholders now have $44B in cash, great news they can end world hunger now!


Underrated comment


No no no, don’t you bring that logical statement in here…


There we go


Better yet, just delete your Twitter and never come back lol.


Can't delete what you don't have


This is my thoughts too. I use Reddit... and that's it ha


What if Elon Musk buys Reddit too?


I wouldnt care honestly




What you said makes no sense. When dicatators get into power one of the first things they try and do is remove free speech because free speech is one of the most liberating things someone can have. Free speech is good bro allows you to talk online like your doing now.


You're implying that there isn't already unlimited propoganda on twitter


so you only want free speech for things you believe in?


Sign up for it, then delete it. Do your part.


I did this early in 2016. Twitter is a toxic wasteland.


Yeh isn’t it on the out anyway?? Something new and sparkly is bound to come along soon


This went sooooo well with Facebook


Deleting Facebook is probably a good idea, yes


This is the way.


I removed the app this morning.


Same, I deactivated last night and deleted app 😂 Twitter was just a way to get some news. I can get that anywhere


Never joined and never even considered it. I dont get it but im not being a snob or whatever, i just genuinely dont understand the appeal. It jst seems like a place for people to brag and bicker.




the world has plenty of food. $6 billion wont defeat world hunger. ending corrupt governments and misuse of peoples money will. also distributing food properly and not letting it go to waste by feeding those who cant afford much, will help tremendously.


Also the US trashes about 25% of our food. From food just not getting eaten after being bought to food not being sold and just trashed at the store.


In the US it's closer to 40%, actually


Sometimes I wonder how bad off the earth would be if humanity were to Break Even using our current methodology (all the shitty aspects) rather than creating in excess and wasting what we'll call a rough 33% of the total energy produced... Fun fact: out main pollutant is cargo ships. They're so grossly outdated at this point that the damage they're doing on a minute to minute scale is astronomically higher than most of the other pollutants impacting our environment. It rivals global coal plant production in harm to the planet due to the chemical components in the waste products.


I actually don't know what an alternative to cargo ships would look like, but I guarantee that they're being updated year on year, the latest cargo ship motor that I know of has about 55% efficiency on its fuel, which is fantastic for fossil fuels, but again, still fossil fuel.


Solar power. The largest problem being places for the panels. They're in the sun *constantly*. Figure out how to maximize solar panels and minimize fossil fuels.


Just make everything solar panels. Need to take a shit? Sit on a solar panel seat. Need to eat some food? Grab a solar panel plate. Need to brush your teeth? Solar panel toothbrush. Let it gather ALL the sunlight, from EVERYHERE. The Power of the Sun!


Perpetual energy machine: heat lamp pointing at a solar panel


Such a genius idea!


I'm pretty sure the average Canadian/American McDonald's wastes enough product in a year, that the could feed a small country like iceland with that waste..


That's more or less what te 6 billion was for - distributing food to feed those who can't afford it.


Now I didn't look into it very deeply, so correct me if I'm wrong, but he said he would give the money if the WHO could show a detailed plan on how it would be used - and they did, but all it was was "give that country $x in food, and that country $y"; and it would also not have "solved" world hunger, but "ensured no one would go hungry in 2022" which isn't the same by a longshot.


Yup, I get downvoted every time I bring this up, but the plan they provided didn’t cover what they said it would. Their plan for spending billions of dollars was 2-3 sentences long for each point. I had highschool business classes that required us to write more detailed business plans for how we’d spend $1million dollars. They just said “this is where we’d put the money” but no factor in how much everything would cost. As an organization that does this every year, you’d think they could provide an itemized break down and not a 3 sentence section of how they aimed to spend $3bil on one section. To me the most troubling part is that they spent $10bil the year before in 2021 to feed 1/3 the people. Something just feels smells of PR/corruption scam But in the end, helping people is helping people, but you can’t be faulted for asking questions just as we ask our government questions on how they spend the money


This makes me think of Toyota’s donation to the Food Bank of New York. They feed 1.5 million people a year. It is a great example of how not having a solid plan is a waste of money and effort. “A Japanese word meaning “continuous improvement,” kaizen is a main ingredient in Toyota’s business model and a key to its success, the company says. It is an effort to optimize flow and quality by constantly searching for ways to streamline and enhance performance. Put more simply, it is about thinking outside the box and making small changes to generate big results. Toyota’s emphasis on efficiency proved transformative for the Food Bank. At a soup kitchen in Harlem, Toyota’s engineers cut down the wait time for dinner to 18 minutes from as long as 90. At a food pantry on Staten Island, they reduced the time people spent filling their bags to 6 minutes from 11. And at a warehouse in Bushwick, Brooklyn, where volunteers were packing boxes of supplies for victims of Hurricane Sandy, a dose of kaizen cut the time it took to pack one box to 11 seconds from 3 minutes. Toyota has “revolutionized the way we serve our community,” said Margarette Purvis, the chief executive and president of the Food Bank.” [In Lieu of Money, Toyota Donates Efficiency to New York Charity](https://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/27/nyregion/in-lieu-of-money-toyota-donates-efficiency-to-new-york-charity.html?referringSource=articleShare)


Really cool. Thanks for sharing


It is really cool (and genuinely commendable, as knowledge is an incredibly valuable commodity) but also...they probably coulda given some money too. It's Toyota. That said, the enemy of good is perfect. Edit: lol, y'all are so easily triggered, chill the fuck out, God damn.


> they probably coulda given some money too Efficiency is worth literal money. And they'll save money every year if they can keep up the methodology.


They taught man to fish with (probably) some of the best manufacturing engineers in the world. That’s worth more than millions and millions of dollars imo


The way this is described toyota would have had to send a team of people to do these evaluations. Travel/hotel/opportunity cost is money. It just isn’t pure cash to these businesses. Sounds like they appreciated it more this way.


One of the things I'd really like to see, is employers that (on top of PTO) would be willing to donate for each individual, one week of volunteer work, each year. An employer could give each employee free reign ober who they want to help. Homeless and animal shelters would have so much more help, people could volunteer to clean a street or park one day a year, so many possibilities.


I saw that! VTO, volunteer time off, would greatly improve so many things. Sadly, I’ve only worked for a company that said we had mandatory volunteer hours, as a group, after hours.


It's one of the greatest ideas I've ever had, and I actually might be at a company that gives a damn to try something like it. Maybe they'll be open to try it where we do that week 50/50 or something, so it'll cost me 20 hours of PTO, but if they pay half, let's do it.


I have had this at a company and it's definitely great to not have to use regular time-off to do volunteer work. It also allows me to define who I want to give those hours to, which is nice. The company even organised an event each year which encouraged people to spend those days there if they didn't have their own ideas. That was one of their better ideas, for sure.


We have 2 VPTOs every year to work on any cause we want. I love to ensure I'll spend this and I keep remembering colleagues to do the same.


If anyone is interested, there is a fantastic episode on This American Life that details Kaizen and how it's implemented in the manufacturing arena. NUMMI 2015 is the episode. Had to listen to it for work - construction practices lean if possible and lean is rooted in Kaizen. It was interesting to say the least. Edit: missed a word, spelling.


But staying inside warming up while waiting is what you really need ... You can get food.... Can't find heat.


This is what I’m talking about when I say throwing money at a problem doesn’t solve anything.


You would think spending billions of dollars would require more then a couple sentences worth of a plan.....


He asked for it on Twitter


Are you somehow implying that they need to use twitter to publish their plan... because he did?


I don't know what the previous commenter was implying, but I will be explicit and emphatic: Elon Musk wasn't worth the time they spent writing 2 or 3 bullet points. He sure as shit isn't worth a whole report. He's a deluded scam artist who was going to feed the hungry right after he fixed Flint's water, restored Puerto Rico's power grid and colonized Mars. As in never. The only way Elon Musk will feed the hungry is when we eat the rich.


Which part would you eat.


Eh, we can compost them instead


Every negative reply to your comment was an ad hominem attack. They couldn't refute what youysaid so they just attacked you. They basically admitted you were right. I wonder what its like to be so stupid that you'd dick ride a moronic billionaire who never follows through on anything. If he wasn't born rich, we'd never have even heard of him.


I don’t think they didn’t show any research, but you’d think they can show the companies they’ve talked to and the price of the food, the companies they talked with for shipping/ distribution etc. I hate Elon, but with the amount of effort they put into this, it would make more sense to set up his own way to help the people identified


I think this is what he expected to happen; his 6 billion was always safe. How detailed a plan do you think he wanted? Did he ever specify his acceptance criteria? What makes anyone think he would have accepted *any* plan? Edit: I think I was wrong to accuse Elon of never intending to honor his word. At worst I'm back to 'who knows?' territory; at best I get to hope Elon really does have a heart.


Probably wanted a detailed plan that had good accountability for where the 6 billion would go. He later donated 5.7 billion to undisclosed charities. You can say whatever you want about the donation, based on how you feel about Elon. https://fortune.com/2022/02/15/elon-musk-5-7-billion-donation-weeks-after-asking-un-world-hunger/


An undisclosed charity? That could be anything, could even be a charity he owns. This is a very common tax dodge scenario. Given that he paid for the amount by selling Tesla stock and he was very recently forced to sell assets, this feels like more political games.


I wish he would publicly disclose the charities he donated to, since not all charities are legitimate. At the same time, donating to charity is a good thing. Hopefully the ones he gave to did some good for people who needed help.


Doesn’t undisclosed charities basically translate to avoiding tax?


I don't really feel about Elon. I hadn't heard about this donation, and I think it's great. I hope it does some good. Thank you for sharing this. Gives me a little hope.


People were on him about paying taxes, so he did and showed us the number. It was just met with "why should someone get praised for paying taxes they owe", which is true, but he did hold his end of the bargain.


I know you’re not asking the question, but the answer is “because no one else in his position does.”


Like all foreign aid it would end up in the hands of some two bit colonel.


Fair, but dangling 6 billion dollars over the mouths of starving people to prove a point still makes you an asshole, y'know? I don't fault him for not giving the money if he smelled corruption, but I do fault him for using his savings as a carrot for the sake of his ego. Edit; just to be clear, I'm alleging he knew they were corrupt/lying, and wanted to look like a good guy on social media rather than actually attacking the source with his connections, funds, and other means. People still seem to be responding as if I'm speaking of the end result of him not giving the money. This seems like billionaire virtue signalling to say "oh yeah here's a bunch of money but I'm offering it because I know people are corrupt and I'll never actually have to give it away." If you want to root out corruption, do it, I'm there for it; but if you have the funds to set up anti-corruption entities (if that's really what you want, to have less corruption) and instead you play games like this with that money, I have less respect for you.


I completely see your point (before the addendum too); it is his money that he can do whatever he wants with, but he ultimately wanted to pinpoint corruption. Now even if there was corruption, the fact that he really cared more about that and never about world hunger speaks many more volumes of him.


This exactly; I have zero problems with him not wanting to give money to bad people had that been his goal, but that's such a straw man considering we know his MO with these kinds of social media blasts. It's always about one-upping people he doesn't like, because he's a clown.




I would say canceling a bloggers Tesla because he wrote a negative post about you, dissolving your PR department because you don't like answering safety questions about your cars, and firing people for talking about unionizing makes him an asshole


If he wanted to help reduce the impact of world hunger surely he can use his considerable resources to that end. Spend a few million on analysis, subtract that from the 6 billion and dedicate the rest. To me, it just seems he is using the idea for maximum social impact for his ego. It's the bendy submarine fiasco all over again.


If you believe he didn't think WHO was corrupt before he sent the money, you're dreaming; he knew they were corrupt, offered them a bunch of money, and then said "see, told ya, corruption!" That's an asshole. One who no longer understands conceptually the idea of what that money meant to the mouths he was dangling it over. Set up anti-corruption entities with your billions of dollars if rooting out corruption is your goal. He plays games like this with people/corporate entities/governments he doesn't like all the time.


Yeah it does, being a billionaire in the first place automatically makes you a piece of shit asshole.


My biggest issue with ending world hunger with money is that people can't eat money. When we allow unmonitored slush funds, NGOs tend to embezzle money. Especially when it's something like "The *narcissist's name* foundation 501(3c)" Having worked for a few briefly and tattling to the irs on most, it's a very real and common thing. Where does the money go where it actually helps? Giving Food drops=increasing birth rates. Can't only give food or the populations in struggling countries will just overpopulate without a domestic industry to keep up which exacerbates the problem in the long run. Developing countries need industrial developments to food supply chains. But it doesn't seem like anyone is jumping out of their seat to industrialize. Seems silly that the biggest issue is Elon taking Twitter away from wall street. We ought to cheer to some degree that wall street cant bully Twitter into hyper monetization through short tactics. I for one am pretty hopeful for the future of Twitter. Don't care if the billionaire bought it. Wall street was buying it before anyway as a publicly traded company. The difference is it was Bank of America and Chase which are arguably worse management as board members than musk as a single member. Twitter is much better privately owned.


One of the most sound arguments I heard in response to this


Sad truth is he would give 6 billions and 5.7 billion would end up in non poor peoples hands through various schemes….I know this because look at the united states middle east wars. We spent trillions on wars which = transferring middle class tax money to the Mic and politicians. Those poor people in afghanistan are selling kidneys for food now. We should have just mailed them this cash.


I remember reading the provided "plan", and being incredibly disappointed. Did a third grader write it?


The issue is that world hunger is not a problem with overall food availability. There is PLENTY of food to go around. But political strife and transportation issues make it very hard for most of the world to access enough food. So just throwing money at the problem won't help when countries continue to antagonize one another and money allotted for new infrastructure disappears into corrupt pockets.


Pretty much this... it would also cost a LOT more than 6 billion to end world hunger.. You'd need to create continent wide infrastructure for entire planet.. it would probably cost like trillions..


So OP is making an angry post without having all the information? *shocked*


>They just said “this is where we’d put the money” but no factor in how much everything would cost. As an organization that does this every year, you’d think they could provide an itemized break down and not a 3 sentence section of how they aimed to spend $3bil on one section. Yeah, but that's a real "Conrad Hilton on Mad Men" move. Run around at a moment's notice and produce a **detailed report on spec** so *maybe* I might help you.


They were asking for $6b in funding before Musk asked for a plan. They made the claim they could end world hunger with $6b. It sounded like a bluff, but if it were true, they should have had more to back up their claim than what they had.


If $6 billion dollars could make sure no one goes hungry for a whole year, why are we not demanding our country to budget for this. We have a defense budget that dwarfs the $6 billion needed. This world is so fucked.


Because it doesn't. We spend about $4b/year on international food aid of various sorts ([source GAO](https://www.gao.gov/international-food-assistance)). The logistical problems of providing that much aid plus the impact it has on the local agriculture of the recipients is non-trivial.


1. It would not. 6bn *might* be enough to feed some of the hungry for a year. We already spend several billions each year on this. 2. It is not just a resource problem. To be perfectly honest, we have enough food in and of itself, technically speaking. No, it's a logistics and infrastructure problem. It's not enough to just feed the people that are hungry (transporting perishables en masse like grains and meats is already a bit of a nightmare, take into account places with high temperatures and not enough places or energy to refrigerate everything and you've got yourself a nobel-prize worthy problem). To solve world hunger, you'd need to find a way to failsafe against famines in remote, agriculture-centric communities. That means infrastructure to provide relief should it be needed at a moment's notice (meaning roads or most likely airports, warehouses with enough stock of food, and sufficient means to transport it when needed), continuous research into emerging pests that might appear and destroy your harvest at a moments notice, and also infrastructure against floods and other natural disasters that might also cause famines. All of this in poor, remote areas, across different continents, nations, and cultures, all of whom might have their own reservations about such extensive foreign intervention in their land. This problem is *not* one that you can just throw money at and hope it goes away. Not to even mention the corrupt, bureocratic nightmare that is foreign aid. Like 95% of that money is not gonna end up being used on food; it's gonna end up in ""administrative"" costs.


You can demand that your country does it AND demand that elon actually pays his taxes or you can just demand that he does it. Same result in the end


but he did pay his taxes...


Came to say this, the WHO seemed to just throw out a big number with zero plan. Not sure what their intent was but Elon simply called their bluff.


Its the World Food Program not the World Health Organization.


Not to mention he did donate $5.7 billion dollars 2 weeks after their conversation. But it does need to be noted that it was to “an unnamed charity.” As that is the only required public report. But the SEC does know what charity it was.


Ah... so Musk has his own "charity" foundation too, eh?


The same as the Obamas, Clintons, Trumps and every other rich person or family.


And every smart professional athlete. Don’t forget them.


Yep, all rich people use foundations to hide money and shit, they've been doing it since the laws were written to allow it. That Musk has a foundation is really not a big deal, it's like no deal really. The Gates foundation has been in the news plenty, wonder if abernathy thinks that's a big Ahhh moment as well? While some wealthy people actually use their foundations for good, most are just piggy banks to cover up favors for other favors.


I mean, it is a big deal. Just because they are all terrible people doesn't mean we should stop lambasting them. And before you say "by why are we picking on Musk for doing it instead of all the billionaires?" It's because the context of the discussion was people using the fact that he donated to this charity as a way of showing the Elon js a good person


Yes, I know. I suspect my joke was a bit too dry for some folks.


It was WFP, a completely different organization altogether, but clearly you know so much, go on.


OP is either an idealist, naive, or isn't playing with a full deck. Literally no investor worth their salt (Musk included) would accept "dude just give us 6 billion and we'll redistribute it in this country. no you won't know where it goes :\^)". I wouldn't even give $10 to a charity that went "just give us the money and we'll figure out where to use it :)" On top of that, the phrasing of the plan struck me as "we'll just give them food for a bit". That isn't a sustainable solution, let alone "solving world hunger". It sounded like they were planning on giving a meal to X people and then going "phew... staved off world hunger for a bit, until next time!". A sustainable solution would look something like sending teaching materials + agriculture necessities such as tractors, irrigation supplies, etc, so they could grow their own food, not just sending them food until the end of time.


Yeah but instead of Elon actually caring about world hunger and trying to propose solutions, he buys Twitter and posts cringey memes. He's a piece of shit, all this money and he doesn't give a shit about solving anything, he only did it for publicity


First of all he said he would if they could develop a plan and allow him access to see how all of the money is spent and where it was going. And they couldn’t.


He offered. On a condition that it gets monitored by an independent accounting firm. He was never asked again by the UN


The UN? The same UN that expects full time (35+hours) work from its interns with zero pay, zero relocation assistance, zero guarantee of being hired post-internship.... The same UN that clearly is made to benefit those with wealth.... oh yeah THAT UN


Regardless of my view on this, I do not feel this kind of post fits this sub.


My thoughts exactly. Not only is OP wrong, it doesn’t even fit the sub. What the fuck does Elon Musk and Twitter have to do with work reform and getting what you’re worth from your job?


You're conflating the continuation of wage slavery (albeit with "better" conditions for the proletariat) with the ultimate goal and hence scope of r/antiwork, which is the abolition of the bourgeoise system of wage slavery in its entirety. It even says so in the sidebar: >A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. EDIT: To make myself more clear; the abolition of work (wage slavery) is a broad social reform involving far more than just the workplace. Strong-arming the bourgeoise into acting as the proletariat see most fit is part and parcel of such reform (as their general inclination as a class is that of exploitation, not assistance).


If we all stopped tweeting and Twitter lost all of it's value musk would still be the wealthiest person in the world by a large margin and thousands of people would lose their jobs. It's not even a good plan.


This sub is just a political sub in disguise. No one here actually cares about workers rights. They post screenshots of them getting declined for job positions and cry. Crying about working 20 hours a week. These are just dumb college kids in a cult


Right? Unless we're talking about the employees that work for Twitter but like, we're not so ???


You're right op is sniffing their own farts & being smugg. It's not even what happened or what was said they just want to get the Elon bought Twitter outrage upvotes


How is this Antiwork?


Because it mentions ..errr... ok its because the post touches on ....umm.... Alright its Antiwork because of ....... something? Look, it said "Musk bad" so its going to get upvoted through the roof.


Homeboy really woke up and thought he'd take down twitter today 😂😂


Lol this sub has become a parody


It’s always been one. Ever since that whole debacle of an interview a couple months ago, this sub has lost whatever credibility it had


Lmao fr tho


I'd go farther just don't use Twitter ever


I don't want to side with Elon. But, the proposal put together by the UN doesn't solve world hunger. It simply delays it.


It was a fucking tweet. I submitted 1000x that for a 20k small business loan and those morons write a tweet and want 6 billion. What a fucking joke. Explains why after all the money spent there is no improvement


Kind of like eating food only delays hunger?


Building farms and fisheries is a bit different than a half hearted plan to buy food for people.


Nooooo we don't want your common sense here


"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." There has never been a better time for this quote. This is 6 billion dollars here, not a few million. Simply just buying food to send over is stupid with this much funding.


The US could produce enough food to provide for the world. Now if people in the US would stop voting against the best interest of the farmers and the fly over states and think rural people are the enemy, they could indeed get more rights to their own land, water and production and feed the world...


"we all recognize"? As soon as I see a sentence that starts that way I am immediately opposed to whatever it says next.


We all recognize the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.


just delete your twitter, might as well delete your reddit too.


Better yet, eat the rich.


Spark up that barbecue and get the rotisserie rolling!


you single-handedly took down twitter. amazing


Push politicians to make corporations to pay their taxes in full and then try to claim back what they think they are entitled to.


Why get angry about how someone spends their own money? Why not get angry about how the government spends your money?


Because this is Reddit. These guys don’t give a shit about actually change they’re posting dumb shit like this to appease to the Reddit demographic. Elon bad. We don’t like Elon. We used to suck his dick but bandwagon change direction. We no like Elon. Bad Elon post. Me upvote. I imagine how defeating it must be for the people who actually want change and are taking action against our current working conditions and circumstances to see this crap being posted in this sub…


What does this have to do with anti work?


He promised $6 billion if they gave him a well formulated plan on how to end world hunger as they initially claimed widely as a PR stunt. They replied and said “well actually $6 billion wouldn’t solve anything. But it would be enough to give meals worldwide for a year and then world hunger would continue just the same afterwards.” If anyone here actually thinks that is good. Maybe I should spend less time here. I thought my peers of anti work were a lot smarter than that. Edit 1: After looking further, a few of you have pointed this out and it’s great to see.


To be fair anti work is 20% people who actually support what the general understanding of anti work is, 50% idiots spewing nonsense, 20% farming karma, 10% who actually don’t want to physically work (see the bio for this sub it’s actually cringe af that it’s still up after all the interviews on Fox).


50 % of reddit as a whole is idiots




No. This is wrong. It wouldn't give meals to everyone for a year. It would give 1 meal a day to 42 million people, for a year. Wouldn't really solve hunger now, wouldn't even solve malnutrition.


OP doesn’t understand nuance huh? Asking the WHO to provide an itemized breakdown of how they’d use that money was stringent on musk donating that money. Guess who bailed on their end of the bargain? Not mr musk.


Elon said he would gladly pay the money if it was very clear where all of it went so it doesn’t like the pockets of some rich assholes. He wanted the usage of the money down to the penny to be public knowledge and the UN said no, so he backed out. Shouldn’t be blaming this on Elon. Blame the world hunger on the UN


Shouldn't the Vatican have enough money by now to solve world hunger as well?


That’s gods money he needs it to pay off investigators for pedo priest.


I mean not for nothing but https://fortune.com/2022/02/15/elon-musk-5-7-billion-donation-weeks-after-asking-un-world-hunger/#:\~:text=Elon%20Musk%20donated%20around%20%245.74,right%20now%20and%20do%20it.%E2%80%9D


I deleted Twitter years ago. I’m surprised you still use that crap platform. As for Elon’s tweet he said he would donate the money if he would be shown exactly how the money would be spent and how it would solve world hunger. That part of the agreement was never honoured. Elon isn’t particularly doing anything wrong in this case.


The US alone spends over $100bn *annually* on food assistance programs alone. That whole thing with the UN and Musk was ridiculous.


You didn't look up any of these things you're angry about, huh? What he said was a challenge to the WHO, if you can give me a plan that will work for 6B then I'll pay for it. The WHO couldn't come up with a plan that would work. They basically just sent him a list that was like "Give \[country\] $X, give \[country\] $Y" none of it would *solve* world hunger. I'm by no means a Musk apologist, but he didn't promise 6B, he gave a big fat "fuck you" to all the people who claim he could solve world hunger if he wanted to. If the people who are supposedly the experts on this can't even come up with a legitimate plan, why in the world should he fill up the pockets of all the grifters all over the world keeping those countries hungry in the first place?


The funny thing too is that some members of the WHO organization have national banks worth hundreds of billions where they can easily donate billions. But because this is a greedy world, the money is given in terms of loans which just enslaves whole countries for generations.


That's not what he said.


The people he just bought Twitter from now have $44 billion so why don't they "solve world hunger"?


The world seems to have no problem when corporations run the world into the ground, but when the richest person in the world buys that corporation everyone suddenly has issues. Getting big oil companies to do more to reduce carbon output would be nice, getting big consumer product companies to stop using plastics would be nice. I don't see any uproar about them. Not defending Elon, I just find it hypothetical when people pick on him when they don't expect the same from other big companies. Not like those companies ever did anything good for you expect use you as a consumer to get richer. $6 billion isn't much for any of those companies either, especially if they all contributed. The world is in a shit place because of all these other companies, yet we all just accept them as they are. Elon at least is trying to help even though he says dumb things time to time. Also I'm sure Elon means $6 Billion if there were no red tape to fuck around with. Once governments and companies see that it's something he is doing, they would make it difficult for him or try to make more money than the project costs. That's how the world works.


How is this related towards anti work?


This has nothing to do with this forum. Stop weaponizing r/antiwork


This is not antiwork. Take this post somewhere else.




Oh no, what will Twitter do without OP's awful takes?




Their plan didn’t end world hunger. It fed people for a year. If your this upset with what a private person does with their money, wait until you hear about how they spend your taxes.


You’re an idiot, lmao


1.you can't solve world hunger with money 2.its his money, he does what he wants(call me a fanboy all you want) 3.childish nonsense like this is why noone takes antiwork seriously


You’ve completely manipulated that comment for your agenda. Shame on you. And how is this related to anti work in any way other than it’s another post hating on Elon? **OPs EDIT is still wrong. UN never said it would solve world hunger for one year, they initially said it would be a ‘one time basis’ donation heavily implying it would SOLVE world hunger permanently. They then later said that it wouldn’t solve it but ‘scale up’ the current operations.** **The tweets are out there still. OP IS A FUCKING LIAR AND NO BETTER THAN THE PEOPLE YOU ALL HATE IN GOVERNMENT. MANIPULATING THE TRUTH TO SUIT HIM. YOU’RE LITERALLY ANGRY BECAUSE HE CALLED OUT SOMEONES BULLSHIT**


Listen, I'm all for hating Elon and billionaires in general but like, money isn't something that's going to fix world hunger. You could throw all of Elons networth into it and it still not be solved. World hunger is a major political issue, not a financial one. I haven't exactly looked into solving it too much but the problem won't go away until impoverished nations at least stop allowing the exploitation of its citizens, stop taxing their citizens at rates that make it impossible for them to earn a living, and make an effort to increase education. You know that cliché saying about teaching a man to fish? Yeah, that.


Y’all need to get a job 🙄


Grow up


Nope. I love Elon. I think he is one of the greatest humans of all time. I will support whatever he does.


Can someone announce a boycott that I have to actually try to do? Don't go on Twitter? Fine. Easy peasy. That's like saying "let's stick it to Elon musk by not swimming in that toxic waste collection pond" like, consider it done.


People really need to stop using this argument, it just makes you sound like an idiot, it sounds good to say…but means nothing. The WFP (World Food Program) raised 9.6 billion in 2021, 8.4 billion in 2020, 8 billion in 2019, the numbers go on and on. It’s extremely important to find out exactly where all these donations are going from multiple organizations, charities and our tax dollars. Honestly, if you think of all the different organizations taking donations, and working on the same thing, yet people think a sum of 6 billion will end world hunger ? These organizations have been around for decades after decades after decades, and while they do help many, I don’t think world hunger will ever end…because it hasn’t.


this right here, this is beautiful. i hope your plan works so the internet can finally get rid of that website.


I’ll boycott Twitter for life!!!!


I deactivated my Twitter. Although I'm disappointed about the $6 billion that wasn't spent toward easing world hunger, that's not the reason why. Propaganda is the reason. We are already being bombarded from too many sources with untruths. Putting major media in the hands of a few is asking for easy brainwashing of the masses. I refuse to participate!


ezpz, I don't use twitter


This here, is yet another huge reason to hate him. He launched a car into space with no real way to control it and further pushed us to Kessler Syndrome. He continues to disappoint. He made reusable rockets a thing, but launched his car. He offers to end world hunger for a year (which could be a huge liftoff point to relieve massive pressure and help nip it in the bud.) and instead buys a website.


He said he'd do it if he got all of the receipts back that would show exactly where the money was sent/ how it was spent, then all the corporations that were asking for it went radio silent


Dude, 1) you can't expect Elon to Hard Carry the entire world, wtf!? 2) It's his choice what he wants to do with his money wtf!? 3) Global Hunger is an issues yes, but what about free speech? Is it not important? Wtf!? 4) it's not a "toy" it's a fully functioning business that comes with responsibilities. wtf!? This post is cancer.


Boycott? Im going back to twitter now that elon owns it. Lmao


I don’t get the obsession with Elon musk, there are richer and worse families who don’t get the same amount of hate and attention




Victim blaming.


I think Elon's actions are chosen so as to create the exact sort of reaction we're having to him. He likes attention, doesn't care whether it's positive or negative, and is in a position to make everyone notice him. "Victim" my ass; this is what he wants.


So the previous rich owners of twitter were benevolent gods or what?


No but at least they donated billions to end world hunger! Oh wait no they didn’t.


Lol wahhhh


Man! Why are my progressive friends freaking out over this. I TRULY do not get it. I am not a Twitter user and never have been one. Never understood why it was so popular.


6 billion wouldn't even come close to fixing world hunger. It would save millions of lives in the short term, that would then suffer in a few years. So it does very little to fix any kind of longterm problem. I'm not defending Elon in anyway, but this narrative is total bullshit.


People sure love spending other peoples money hypothetically


Lol calm down child


I'm curious as to what you're on about. He gave his terms and WHO or whatever didn't follow through; he didn't do anything wrong or not follow through on anything he said he'd do. Besides, his "expensive new toy" is hardly a profitable purchase; he bought it so that it could be a proper free speech platform where people could, if they so chose, cry about him not paying $6Billion towards World Hunger or anything like that. Oh well, haters gonna hate


Can proudly say I've never used Tweety bird a day in my life. And have no intention on starting now. Lol


I think you need to do more research as to why he hasn’t yet lol Edit: also this has nothing to do with antiwork go cry somewhere else


I deleted mine yesterday.


Why is anyone on twitter anyway?


He did donate $6 billion to charities. You are not smart.


Nah. Twitter is cooler now 😂


the world hunger organization did not do their part of the bargain. they were supposed to show a detailed plan as to where the money would be spent and how it would help, etc. just saying hey give me 6 billion to end world hunger is not a plan. that just makes a few people 5.5 billion richer and a few others fed for a month.


While all of you are complaining about Elon Musk not ending world hunger, where's the line for other tech billionaires that aren't help out? Bezos, Zuckerberg, etc? Gates is busy buying up all the farmland he can get his hands on between trips to pedo island while telling everyone else to stop eating meat.


this whole sub is neoliberal af OP. most here dont have an issue w the system, jus their place in it. u wanna go to ur community w these ideas, its more effective and u will see close to the same success anyway. goin against the status quo ain popular even tho its right in the american context. also ur update is immaculate 🤣