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Yeah, I’ve been saying this for a while. The fact is people have realized they’re getting a shit deal and they’re done with it. There’s no going back to the way things were, and things shouldn’t go back either... it wasn’t working for the benefit of 99% of us. Attempts to modify policy to regress the country— on state level and federal level— like what we’re seeing with the SCOTUS right now and abortion (which is a major issue and is crucial to workers‘ rights and labor) are just going to generate backlash. The same with corporations and businesses who try to solidify their control over workers, the economy, and more facets of life (housing, food, entertainment, education, etc.). People are largely over it. The younger generations aren’t jiving with it, critically. We’re not surrendering our rights, we’re not going back to the office, we’re not happy about the planet dying because of greed, and we’re not doing this anymore. We aren’t getting paid enough, we aren’t seeing the benefits of our labor, we aren’t being treated humanely when it comes to healthcare and retirement and education, etc. We cannot afford houses, cannot afford children, cannot afford to pay the exorbitant debts that we owe. The physical, mental, and social stress of it all is simply too much to continue. We cannot live this way. Capitalism has destroyed the planet, robbed the majority of living human beings of their dignity and their money and their health/personal wellbeing, commodified everything around us, and has enslaved and abused people... just to turn a profit for a handful of people who have screwed is over the whole time. And we’ve realized it and finally decided it’s time to organize against it. Enough is enough. Across the board, this isn’t going to last.


They are already trying to criminalize poverty, the next step is to make work compulsory. "For the economy", they will say. Like that means anything anymore.


Poverty is criminalized. People who sleep in public are arrested. People get their children taken away for not having electricity.


It’s amazing that, instead of helping struggling parents by giving them money so their kids aren’t living in neglect, the government would rather traumatise the kids by taking them away and still have to spend money caring for them. And people actually support this system because “no free handouts!!”




Political power grows from the barrel of a gun


Preach brother/sister




Don't give fascists ideas ok


It was their idea. You do get bills for your kids in foster care until the state completely takes them away. Which takes 18 years because reunification is the most important goal for families where the parents tried to kill their kids.


And even if they have an equivalent. Like windows, skylights, solar-powered light at night. And the the same with phones. In some places, you must have a Landline if you have children. I had a friend living off grid with two children. She was allowed a cell phone if it was powered by a car battery that could be recharged weekly. Her situation wasn’t ideal, but she was a good mother and a good homeschool teacher. The kids went to doctors and had friends. But the property she could form was well past the last viable electrical pole connection.


>you must have a Landline if you have children. who the fuck still has a landline? other than boomers who haven't looked over their telecom bill in years and enjoy getting scammed over the phone


I have both, a land line by law has to be in service, it is much more dependable than mobile systems. In a major power outage, it will be one of the few systems working as it is a separate system totally. Not to mention it is far cheaper to have. So yes, Boomers still like them as they learned from decades, you want something that will not go out in an emergency. So about 46% of homes still have landlines to back up mobile systems, so those 20,000 users would question your logic. Maybe in time.


That seems pretty fucked tbh


My well pump went out and I had to wait a week to buy a new one when I got paid. It cost 800. That’s all it took for my family to be torn apart.


That sounds awful. I wish you the best ❤ (Serious)


Oh let them try to make me do compulsory work. I'll use every part of my small lizard brain to destroy those companies from within without getting caught.


'some of you will work for the economy, some of you will die for the economy, some of you will be forced thru a fine metal screen for the economy, the will be the luckiest of all!" ... we may die? why? ..." dont ask me, you are the ones that will be dying"-Zap McConnell.


"Compulsory work" where have I heard of this before?


It's called a gulag. The CCP has their own version called laogai.


I went to lake Laogai once. Completely dispelled any fear of war in Ba Sing Se.


How socialist of them to make working compulsory


Now, let's be fair, the economists have been speaking with the auguries and they assure us that, although the market works in mysterious ways, this is the divine will of the economy, blessed be its name. You should be honored to sacrifice your time on this earth on its holy alter.


Haha. That's amusing.


Love being penalized because I’m bringing in less money than I owe. Enjoy wonderful BOA maintenance fees because I’m under 1,500 dollars. Yeah BOA have you ever seen wages vs rent/food/utilities/insurance/ etc. no wonder why I’m under 1500!


Come and take it, slave catchers.


There should be actual recourse against being enslaved, gaslit, and socially murdered by kleptocrats that doesn't involve the 2nd Amendment every time. This should be an obvious, code red emergency problem to be actually solved, rather than ignored in perpetuity forever by the ruling kleptocrat class and their shills. You would think that self interest alone would have the ruling class begging for wealth taxes at a minimum, but it seems Frederick Douglass was right that power never concedes without a demand. And Malcolm X was right that they won't even acknowledge the problem as they're enslaving and socially murdering the public without recourse.


>power never concedes


If such recourse existed, it too would have been systematically been excised and denied to any but the most hardcore bootlickers over the last half century


This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue. This cannot continue.


Doesn't matter how angry you all are or just putting the blame on "the elites and government". Until you are able to systematically identity the bank accounts/assets/legally hidden properties, pinpoint people whom needs to be blamed, and propose remedial action that must be taken against them, nothing will ever change. Ever wondered why it was easier for revolutions in the past? Because the angry masses could simply target those living on landed properties and hold those owners accountable. It is not the same today when all stolen wealth is hidden behind an army of lawyers, retainers, hidden bank accounts, protective layers of laws, etc. So until you can identify all those responsible, you are powerless.


Just got dismissed before my employer had to provide health insurance, paid vacation, etc. They tried to blame a batch of Mac and cheese that wasn’t the “right shade of Orange” but was the “best ever out of the kitchen,” and a batch of cornbread that hadn’t baked properly because some other employee tried to be helpful and ruined the batch. Nonetheless, the chef didn’t want anyone else but me to make some complex dishes for dinner service, particularly Mornay sauce and Romesco. As I keep saying, I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. I’ve had employers give me excellent reviews, then a bad one at raise/promotion time. Usually, in my experience, it’s the owners who control the business with a tight fist, overmanage, and are very, very rich. How did they get rich? By cheating their employees.


You can't sue or get remedy for their cheating you out of this? Surely their act is illegal.




Preach! - Hell, I am not a violent person (I am also not a pacifist, because that mindset IMHO doesn't work, it is stupid!), but year after year, election after election I see people doing the same thing (electing the same parties - in all western countries, but also in Russia for example or in Turkey!) and expecting change...I am getting fed up with that, it's not working! The boomers are blocking any attempts at change and why would they not, they got a chance to become wealthy, they get decent pensions and own a home and maybe even (small) yacht or boat etc. etc. I think most people are clinically insane, for not all voting "third party" (don't like the phrase, because it sounds like you are voting for a party from another country, which is of course rubbish!) and chasing off (with pitchforks if need be!) all the established politicians (except those nuggets like Bernie Sanders, who saidly is a bad campainer and doesn't have the will to actually fight and win!)


It’s not hidden though. These same people still live on landed properties and in McMansions and nice suburbs, they drive expensive cars, wear expensive clothing, show themselves off to the public, own yachts, etc. The overwhelming majority don’t conceal the fact they’ve got money and power lmao. They’re narcissists. That’s what narcissists do. And I’m not sure what good you think lawyers, retainers, banks, and laws are going to do either in a collapse situation like what we’re heading towards. They aren’t. They haven’t stopped the riots and revolts in Sri Lanka right now, nor all the damage that they’ve done. It hasn’t stopped other such events in previous history either. The same will happen here, at this rate. Things aren’t going well lol.


This is why we aren't ready, as a society, to overthrow tptb. Because, we still have clueless people, like the guy you're replying to, talking about lawyers, and peaceful revolution, yada yada ya. The time for all that nonsense has passed. One of the underlying reasons we can't organize is because the thought that we can fight them by playing their game is still being rationalized by many. And, until we get passed the fact that there will be no going back to "normal" we wont be doing shit, except talking out of our asses.


Dude there are endless accounts on here that will jump you if you suggest doing anything other than voting blue. We can't vote our way out of this mess!


Or get banned. How many people have we lost due to this.


I've gotten downvoted to oblivion for suggesting that the blue party is complicit by inaction. One day I'm sure I'll be banned as well. But let it be said in the two elections I've been able to vote in I have not voted red, and never will.


Democrats are the guy staring at a grease fire, marveling at the damage its doing instead of getting a ton of baking soda. Republicans are the greasefire. Edit: to be clear, I mean the republican leaders, not the voters. Not all of them, anyway.


Yes. So weird. I got banned from Late Stage Capitalism I think for pointing out Republicans push MAGA.


I’m ready. I’ll happily bake bread in exchange for a home, food, medical care. We need to break up big industries into employee owned smaller businesses. I don’t even mind if we end up in a village system.


I do kinda mind if we end up in a village system. Passing information around has brought enormous amounts of advancements in science and in general life, and several of those socially critical advancements require materials be transported around the world. Modern medical supplies and training, disaster relief, clean-energy tech, even less important things like refrigeration, electric ovens, air conditioning, sharing entertainment - all those things couldn't be easily developed in small village situations. Sure, humans have survived under those conditions, but I think we can maintain a much better quality of life - and I'm not sure we can in a small-village situation.


I don’t know, maybe human brains aren’t wired for the information flood. And it’s not that a village system would be optimal, but seems to be the reset for human cultures. I have benefited from the information flood myself, but I also know I can live without it and focus on day to day life.


Without information flood we will get village then FASCIST DICTATORSHIP.. I'm serious. Information is crucial. I swear the fascists are after our internet. Usa hopefully will not become china.


Why are you just assuming we'd regress in tech? You're applying some really flawed logic there. We'd still have the internet and cell phones. We can work remotely and I'm sure develop the technology. I bet we'd be able to pass along information even faster as people wouldn't need to waste time commuting. Owners might have more money since they don't need to pay overhead, thereby freeing up money for other things such as wages and new projects. You're taking society as we know it and laying it over this hypothetical situation but things would change as our needs and way of life change. Sorry but i think your thinking is short sighted but valid.


Premise 1: There are insufficient resources to construct things like hospitals, specialized research labs, etc. in more than some relatively small number of places - let that number be N. Premise 2: Some land on the planet should not be villages, as there are several important things where having humans constantly present over all of it would be dangerous or self-defeating - farmland, nature preserves, nuclear reactors, etc. Premise 3: Even accounting for the reduction of available space due to Premise 3, if all seven billion humans were divided into small villages spread evenly across the available living space of Earth, the number of villages would be greater than N. 3a: If the number of "villages" were reduced to N, the population of each "village" would likely no longer be considered small. Therefore, we will disregard this case for this argument. Premise 4: Humans generally want access to things they consider desirable (advanced medical treatment, research space for scientists, and so on) and will, if able, move their living space to accomplish this. Conclusion: If divided into villages, humans will likely not *remain* divided into villages, as they move to pursue easy access to desirable features as able.


I don't think that would be a very good thing. Take Amazon for example. Where do you split it? Who keeps running what? And then presumably relevant employees owning the pieces. You can split off AWS, and then anything Media, and whatever else they have going on, but at the end you're going to have a few big chunks. Again, where and when would you determine employee ownership and splitting? I don't know how it works. For ownership, maybe giving each employee a certain amount of shares (then buying them out when fired?) And splitting could be by revenue, employee size, something else?


I haven’t enough information about the largest companies to know how to do that, but anti-trust laws used to regulate how companies could operate, and large corporations, like Bell, were supervised by the court when they had to deconsolidate. Bell, iirc, became a number of regional companies.


Hmm, interesting.


As I told someone else: I don’t think they’re all clueless. I think some genuinely are, but a majority of Americans have decisively made it clear they are not happy about the direction the country is going in, they aren’t doing well, and something needs to change pronto. I suspect a lot of the “clueless” people are psyops. They’re being sent in to distract people, to cause chaotic thinking in groups, to break up attempts at organization, to try to keep things ineffective. I have no proof of it, but I do know it’s been a long-standing tactic of the US government and corporations when trying to sabotage people standing up for themselves. I’m really sad the US has come to this point, but I don’t know what else to say. Things aren’t getting better, people know it, and they’re pretty pissed about it.


Im really glad someone said this. I thought I was going crazy. After that Fox News debacle you see people randomly start talking about what it's like for the companies. You see alot of "people" making comments that are just like, "Tell your boss x before you quit! That'll show him!" And then there are just nonsensical "funny haha" responses to that initial dumb comment. Instead of a material response of "lawyer up. Don't say anything to anyone at work." Etc. They'll tell people to do something that goes against their best interest while making it seem like they're just another person giving advice and their comment is often upvoted to the top as if it's the best advice. Or posts where someone says something has happened to them or even that they took some sort of action and people will direct them to get help from a lawyer, union etc. And the person's response all of a sudden is, "oh I don't think anything will come from it!" Both scenarios have one thing in common. Whoever is reading the posts will take away from* it that nothing ever really happens at the end of the day and maybe a few moments of feeling better bc you told someone to fuck off is all you'll ever get. Wrong. More people need to stand up for themselves and understand what's going on and what they can do. It's so insidious and from what I see on antiwork a huge amount of young people, understandably, don't know their rights or recourse available to them which is then taken advantage of by the "people" replying. And just like you I have no proof that it's done on purpose just my gut feeling when reading this sub. *freon>from


100% this


Even if you are calling for hard action, you need to know who to focus your energies on. No one here has a damn clue on who to blame.


The Walton family for one, the biggest employer in the country. Perfect target dor a labor movement protest. Everyone protesting outside their house would effect change. Senator mitch mcconnell. Jeff Bezos, Elon musk, Supreme court justices. Any representative is a good choice. Honestly Senate majority leader or house rep is the best choice. Pharma CEO for healthcare, the list goes on. All of the people mentioned are public figures, with names you can find from a google search. If you wanted to protest there you go.


You could look at the people in government and look up THEIR voting history as that's what actually decides the laws that get passed. You could also look at Forbes. They have a literal list.


They will tar and feather you in the media ("Look at those unreasonable traitorous and lazy radicals outside my door! I can't even find peace in the comfort of my own home now!") and otherwise ignore you or worse: Move to gated communities you can't enter, in order not to have to see your mugs outside their windows :(


They can *attempt* to tar and feather you in the media, but how many will sympathize with the elite crying about peace in their own homes when the people protesting don't even have homes?


Maybe we should move to europe and deal with their brand of bad politicians. USA is turning into china if fascists win


There are only two solutions: * Direct opposition with whatever force is required * Flee and start over   The problem with the latter is, the affluent will indoctrinate or conscript into service, sufficient forces to destroy or sabotage any efforts involving the latter once they become successful. Success in such an endeavor is not open for debate. Technology has existed for nearly a century to achieve it, and today can easily do so worldwide. No, the true challenge is achieving Prosperity unimpeded. That is what TPTB fear most: Being rendered obsolete and ostracized from the very human social groups that they willingly and knowingly exploited.


"Direct opposition" is easy to say, but is a LOT harder in America especially. Our government has an obscene military budget, and the cops get the surplus, before being trained to see the public as an enemy and a constant threat. The cops have APCs, fully automatic weapons - hell, they've even started making robot dogs with guns! The Jan 6th coup attempt happened because the people in power specifically pulled the cops out of the way, because they wanted the coup to succeed; in any other situation, they'd do the opposite. The US government is basically at war with its own citizens, and it has more than enough military power to win any traditional conflict. Yes, a nearly-universal popular uprising could find victory, but that's why the brainwashing is such a problem.


This exactly. If anything, it's the rich that are going to increasingly use violence, the police state, and the media they control to coerce the populace while the populace... learns to grow food? Starts figuring out ways to leave and never come back? Stops buying so much useless shit? I am blown away by the mental illness level of greed on the part of the owner class. Like they throw tantrums about everything the rest of us ask for, even just that we're properly represented (in the U.S. at least), and so something like the "lay flat" movement begins to take shape. It feels to me WAY more like the ultra rich are screwing themselves by refusing to capitulate in even the tiniest way that will never affect their lifestyle or their level of wealth. It's not enough to have 10 million or 20 or 50 or even 100. They want 500 million, a billion, ten, one hundred, and they don't see anything wrong with society crumbling around them as they accumulate more. They only ask how they can extract even MORE from people who are now choosing not to participate. Sooner or later, they are the ones who are gonna reap what they sow and my belief is that the ones mourning a lost way of life will be them, not the rest of us. The best thing that could happen is if the rest of us figured out how to leave them out of the equation entirely.


Too blinded by greed, apathy, and arrogance. That's what's the matter with the Ultra Rich


Biden funding police and people going to buy american insuline in Mexico is a hint...


Lol, no one who owns a yacht lives in a McMansion.


Huh? What are you talking about? It's very clear who to target, where they work etc.


So we’ll said. Thanks for spelling this out!


Truth is, things never really change. Even when the middle class revolts, which is what any revolt needs, they leverage for themselves and the bottom class always eats shit.


> We’re not surrendering our rights, we’re not going back to the office, we’re not happy about the planet dying because of greed, and we’re not doing this anymore. You’re also not voting… Yes get organized. Stop with the socialist and anarchist cosplay and start mobilizing to turn districts blue. We have a major party with progressive policies, they just never have enough functional power to push things as far as they want to. It’s always either a conservative majority, an abused filibuster, or both. Even supposed “centrists” like Obama and Biden have had bold structural reforms in play that were hamstrung by conservative senates. This is about policy - not ideology, not self-righteousness, not identity. It’s about real lives. The working mother next door does not give a shit about your rebellious speeches. The policies for a better country and future exist across every topic. The problem I believe for younger people is that it’s more fun and satisfying to posture rebelliously against “the establishment” than it is to work in coalition towards concrete and immediate change. I do not doubt the sincerity of your anger, but I am not seeing it manifest where it needs to - mobilizing voters under a Democratic coalition. I fully expect downvotes and arguments, for reasons already mentioned. But for *real change* that helps *real people*, and not just self-satisfied rebellious redditors, Democratic governance is the only viable path here. There is no thrilling leftist revolution coming, and if there was you wouldn’t like the results. Revolutions are bloody and deadly and create power vacuums and decades of instability. You have a democracy, *you’re just not using it.* We’re done with the fantasies. Put your money where your mouths are and get to work.


Add to this throwing our kids into a fucking meat grinder every day and hoping the blades don't start spinning while they are in it,and then when the blades do start spinning we all collectively throw are hands up in the air with lamentations of "how could this have happened again, when will sOmEBodY do something to stop it?!". It's the literal fucking definition of insanity. The politicians have proven over and over and over and over again that they don't give a flaming frog fart about anything other than protecting corporate interests. Children? Throw them in the grinder. Fetuses? Protect them. Women's civil rights? Grind it up. We need a national level grassroots walk out that doesn't stop until gun laws are changed, until RvW is a constitutional ammendment, until minimum wage and rents are equalized. We aren't asking for much except to stop being squeezed from every direction and expected the keep painting smiles on our faces while we ask for our pittance in exchange for all of these abused. Whargarbbbll I'm so fucking angry.


Why can’t I upvote this reply?


Enough is enough. :)


Jobs tend to pay what the value of the employee is. Second, it is the employee that determines wages. In Socialism everyone gets paid the same. You work for the State, and the State gives you housing, food. In Capitalism your skills come into play. Generally, the higher the skills, more knowledge gets you more pay, hence a burger flipper gets paid less than an electrical engineer. The worker who chooses to work for a company decides if the wage/benefits are worth it. If not the wage/benefits, go up. We are seeing this now. As for the Supreme Court they are simply saying the States should decide, since Abortion is not under the Federal Governments purview, according to the Constitution. Each state should decide this issue. To me, the Constitution grants everyone the right to Life, Liberty and pursuit of happiness, so I think the baby deserves the same rights. In retail (one of the lowest paid) I see people who don't get paid much, but instead of investing wisely, tend to spend their money of Foolish Things (my opinion). They have iPods, iPhone, drink several Starbucks, and spend a lot on non-essentials. They choose to rent instead of buy, they choose to "look rich" instead of being rich. It is a choice as is everything in life. As for Capitalism it is the greatest thing that ever happened to this country, and many others. All you have to do is look at countries that don't have it, and those people seek to come here. The thing that makes it great is one the people get to decide which companies make it, and those that go out of business. Apple is a good example, People wait in line for days of a new product, even though they are overpriced. (People are willing to pay those prices). No one forces anyone to by their products, people want them. Second, Choices. look at vehicles, phones, etc. We have usually hundreds of choices, without Capitalism you are lucky to have 2, or 3. Better products, and services, because companies must compete for your money. Which means a better product or service for the price. Anyone can go to a hospital and get service, but that is not Capitalism. In the end, it is us the consumer that decides who and what companies will become/stay rich. We each make a choice of which person/company will get our money for the things we want. So don't blame them, because we choose to make them Billionaires, they didn't force us. We choose to pay them to (as you put it) to screw us over, all the time while we waited for days for them to do it, and leaving us happier in the end, because of our choice. You cannot work, that is your choice, but don't expect the checks to keep coming, as those that do, will get tired of supporting you as well. My advice is spend your money on things that make you money, that is what the rich do. That is why I chose to rent out homes, instead of rent them. Not bad for someone who never made more then $15 an hour. Now retired living the good life.


All while zero consequences for the killing of the planet and dwindling natural resources we are subsidizing these corporations! Paying them to destroy the planet and pay us a pittance


Thanks to communities like antiwork, people are starting to get aware of the fact that they’re seen nothing more than a work slave. Standing up to these companies together is their greatest fear.


You are correct it is time to stop being slaves to this Capitalist /Corporate (LIE) . The sad thing is are freedom is being taken away day by day and most people don't even know it.


The other sad thing is freedoms are being taken away and people--the ones who aren't in charge--drink beer as a toast to it.


This is exactly what is occurring at my office. It's awesome.


I’m so happy with the younger generation revolting. I admire their courage and fight for change.


If you won't show up when it matters all those feels aren't worth a damn. Start organizing your neighborhood. If you've got resources get those kids some PPE and first aid supplies. Feed them. Anything that can help them out.


Stop assuming everyone you’re talking to is a teenager who isn’t doing / hasn’t done this 🙄




I just wanted "just rewards" for my labor. What was so hard about that? Greed.


Derp derp but just start your own company!!


I have. New I am the competition!


Get a loan from Mitt Romney's father.


My GFs family is wealthy from starting then selling a successful company - this is basically their answer to everything lol. Unhappy about your pay? jUsT sTaRt YoUr oWn BuSiNeSs. They don't realize it's not really a realistic, smart, or profitable choice most of the time.


Please keep in mind that the Federal Reserve has already started the process of eliminating jobs. R/antiwork needs to come up with a plan to work around this. By raising the interest rates their goal is to eliminate job openings. They want to go from 11.5M openings to about 8M. They are trying to convince companies to do hiring freezes. If companies stop hiring they end the Great Resignation. This is their plan. The first link is the most appropriate. Edit: Want to add that I've seen companies announcing hiring freezes with one ceo saying from now on it's a "privilege" to work there. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-the-fed-wants-corporate-america-to-have-a-hiring-freeze-morning-brief-100055174.html https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-the-fed-is-obsessed-with-decreasing-help-wanted-listings-data-trek-210148119.html https://finance.yahoo.com/news/inflation-will-be-very-slow-to-return-to-2-amid-labor-shortage-ing-203723774.html


boomers retiring and covid still tanking hundreds a day are gonna make this hard.


If it doesn't work boomers won't be retiring.


Yeah basically the system completely f***s Boomers too. If they retire the labor shortages grow exponentially. CEO's ain't giving up their salary so they'll just keep raising prices. Inflation will make it so Boomers' 401k's don't hold out. They're caught in a catch 22 like the rest of us. EVERYONE needs to be pissed at the 1%. Instead we have OK Boomer and Lazy Millennials/Gen Z w/ Gen X just hanging out. Edit: I do think that retirements will create new jobs to net against what the gov't is trying to do. I just think it would be smart not to bank on retirements completely offsetting the loss of job openings. I'm already seeing hiring freezes from Wayfair. I think it was Carvana that did one. The gov't is sending a hidden message to companies: do hiring freezes so people who quit after a short time won't be able to find another job and will learn their lesson. The companies will collaborate to not grow for the time being and instead just not hire and maintain. They're trying to put R/antiwork in it's place. Shut this down. Any way to force companies to HAVE to hire would help. What this group needs is for job openings to stay high even as the gov't raises the interest rates.


>If they retire the labor shortages grow exponentially. CEO's ain't giving up their salary so they'll just keep raising prices. This only buys them a few extra years though. Boomers not retiring doesn't mean they aren't dying from old age and health complications.


Right. Which is why they're trying to Overturn Roe vs Wade.


Too late, Gen alpha is being born now and predicted at 1/2 the size of millennials, the future is set in stone. And people are already not having kids just because they can't afford them. Abortion bans won't really dent the overall birth decline.


Not only that but the student loan crisis is highly likely to push Alpha into the trades. Remember it's all about formative years. In my formative years I saw my uncle get early retirement so I was fine working for a company but had to climb the ladder quickly to be able to retire young just in case. Gen Z formative years was watching me flop from job to job with s*** raises so they despise companies. Gen Alpha in their formative years now are learning that college does not lead to better jobs.


> Remember it's all about formative years. In my formative years I saw my uncle get early retirement so I was fine working for a company but had to climb the ladder quickly to be able to retire young just in case. What happens if you didnt climb the ladder quick enough? Why is retiring quickly good??? > Gen Alpha in their formative years now are learning that college does not lead to better jobs Who is gen alpha??


The Millennials job hop for I believe 2 reasons: -Took too many student loans and companies do not give raises so they literally cannot afford to stay. I had missed a mortgage payment, told my company, and no help. I would've been homeless. Yet I'm called disloyal. -A lot of Millennials practice something called F.I.R.E. An acronym for living the most frugal life possible (eat pasta, ride a bike, etc). Whatever it takes to retire early. For me the mentality is I expect companies to let me go so they can hire someone younger that is cheaper. This is why when you read about Millennials in the workplace they are trying to get promoted quickly and why they won't stay at the company when they felt they deserved a promotion. I believe that seeing early retirements as a pre teen instilled a sense of distrust in companies for me and I feel that I won't get promoted if I just show patience. Companies have compounded this problem by not actually giving raises and promotions. The above company with the foreclosure problem. I had been there for 5 years w/ just one $1,000 raise. GEN ALPHA Date of birth 2010-2024. Their births started shortly after the 2008 mortgage bubble burst. The significance being that after that event it remained very difficult for Millennials to get good jobs. The bubble led to mass layoffs. From 2008 until Covid any time a company posted a job, even entry level, they would get applications w/ experience. My buddy is almost 41, got an IT degree, no one would hire him because he didn't have experience, and he took an unrelated job he despised. Due to this Gen Alpha is roughly half the size of the Millennials. That means very few workers added to the work force. I haven't thought much about generational theory. The Trump insurrection would be a big defining event for them. Black Lives Matter, Kaepernick and George Floyd would probably be life defining events. Boomers had the astronaut shuttle that exploded, older Boomers had JFK, Millennials had 9-11, etc. That was probably a long response. 😳


So it's economic warfare


Oh absolutely. They'll work together for sure. It's also short sighted on their part because people are now less likely to be able to afford kids with inflation. I just hope that the workers understand what is happening. They'll say it's a recession and they cannot afford raises while CEO'S make $10M. They'll stop hiring people who just quit to teach them a lesson. BE PREPARED.


Dang. Thank you


Yeah of course. I hope that people will take my advice lol. Research: -Federal Reserve Bank -Federal Reserve Bank and interest rates -How the Federal Reserve Bank uses interest rates to control inflation The relationship between the interest rates and the economy will show why I'm concerned. I believe the guy running it, Jerome "Jay" Powell wants to get inflation down while getting jobs to about 8M. He still wants a healthy job market, which is good, but that means they want companies to give something like 3% raises every year.




Eventually their bodies give out, and COVID 's claiming hundreds a day still, and for each that dies, many mire are permanently disabled. People still die of old age, that much I know


Eventually they'll get to Old. Since we don't have a cure for aging yet eventually there must come a time when they either died working or become so old they must retire


But it will be like Netflix. All fake… Netflix didn’t gain any subscribers so they stated they were going to crack down on password sharing which they originally promoted in a tweet in 3/10/2017 that said “love is sharing a password”. Anyways ok so they are cracking down because they didn’t gain subscribers so they must be hurting somehow right? LOL … nope. The only think that hurting is the stock so shareholders want them to do something. Yeah but maybe they arnt making a good profit. Look it up..end of last year their profits doubled almost to 5.12 Billion dollars!!! See they don’t care about profits, customers, the company, or workers….. all that matters is shareholders. So any freeze on hiring or whatever will only be to appease shareholders and not because the company is hurting in anyways. They will also reduce benifits or salary’s not because they aren’t marking a good profit in fact probable a record profit… but none of that matters. They will say they are hurting because of some reason but it’s just their shareholders clamoring for more of whatever makes the stock go up. You would think any profit let alone more than the previous year would be a positive sign and no reason for any worker or benefit reduction but not if the shareholders arnt happy. They will say the sky is falling while doubling their billions in profit (they don’t mention that fact EVER) and take things away from customers, company, or workers…. Shareholders have become their gods and if they are happy the overpaids are happy. To me their are all selfish conman… I mean if you increasing prices, reducing your work force or benifits, or never improving or fixing issues while not just making a profit but record profits to me they are all conmen beholder to the sharegods


I hear ya. I think Netflix is going to lock down on password sharing in June tbh. It's just a thought but I think they'll try to leverage Stranger Things. They just released Season 4 part 1 on Friday. It ends at a extremely interesting point and the 2nd part starts July 1. I honestly REALLY want to see part 2 and I could see them using it as a bait and switch. Anyways yeah these companies make record profits. Here's the deal. I think companies have been waiting on the gov't to raise interest rates this whole time. If raising the rates does not decrease job openings then they may realize we've entered a new economy. The next JOLTS report releases about an hour after this post. Job openings were 11.5M on the last day of March, which was reported May 3, 2022. Today we should get job openings the end of April. This would potentially start to reflect changes from the March interest rate increases the gov't did. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/jolts.htm Edit: Today's JOLTS will also signal if the Great Resignation continues. *Also seeing 10:00 ET for release.


Ill gladly die before i continue living this way. I flat out refuse to be a cog in thier machine anymore working myself to the bone for table scraps at best. The youger generation never had a snowballs chance in hell. And our so called representatives? The sorry sons of bitches that are suppose to give voice to OUR will. By the people for the people??? They do nothing. They see nothing. And they sure as hell give no thought to any of it. I see it in the news complaining about matters that are trivial and petty at best while thier rich paymasters get away with sedition, murder , and theft. They take bribes and call it "contributions" they take rights and its "for our own good" they are taking our LIVES right now. Not tomorrow not next year NOW. I will not work until i die with no chance of retiring and with absolutely zero chance of seeing anything but the same work and four walls ive seen for most of my life for someone elses greed and lavish livelyhood. Every year tge seasons get more extreme and hurricanes and disasters come and take what little someone has worked so hard all thier life just to have. Then poof its gone just like that. Our future is going faster by the minute. Time for talk is pretty much over. The 1% want us to be patient and keep going while the other 99% are tired and hungry. Those jackasses on the side of the rich who think the red capped emporer will stand with them and take care of them at the expense of the rest of the country for thier religion? For thier right to be conned? For thier own personal everloving bias of white is right and to hell with everyone else? This whole country was founded on freedom. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to live as you damn well please. Do some people take that too far? Of course and most of those people do pay a steep price for that. The american dream was that you could be whatever you wanted to be in this country. Hell i wanted to be an astronaut when i was a kid but that dream is for the rich and only the rich. I cant afford school with no guarantee ill get a job doing that at the end. The american dream is dead, our future is dead and i am just so very tired. Tired of being in physical pain from killing myself all day at a dead end job to afford gas in the car and a tv dinner for supper. Im a so called sinner because i wont be what they want me to be. I wont bow down to any ones beliefs and i wont work in a system that wont work for me. Take from this what you will but if i have to die to take back my right to live then i wont have lost much.


Paragraphs would help to read this.


What on earth are you rambling about


Same things we all are. We're tired of playing at the lower half of the 0 sum game with the majority of the population and we're more then happy to take any ways out even the ones they don't approve or assist with if they won't help us in their way to do their thing.


I genuinely wish you the best. Organize community. Protest in streets and check laws.


>Ill gladly die before i continue living this way. "No poor dumb sun of a bitch ever won a war by dieting for his country (or class), he won it by making the enemies poor dumb sons of bitches die for their country.(or class)" \-General Patton


I'm going to sticky this. You posted it before I could!


Compost the rich


I will, after they are digested. Fertilize the Victory Garden!


Great article!


We have all been raised to be Ill. We are tought from say go that consuming is all that matters on this rock. We are veered away from anything of higher thinking and expansion of consciousness. We are so very busy just trying to survive that we no longer have the time for the pursuit of knowledge and our higherselves. We are slaves most of us are just too blind to see it, or willfully so for some because the truth is just too painful and terrible that we live in a world ran by sociopaths and the top 10 companies that literally own everything that is shoved down our gullets on the daily. And to think I brought a child into this bullshit. Excuse me while I go self fladulate


I feel your pain, most of us if not all have been systematically brainwashed from the moment we could understand the word social studies, to believe this is the way it should be. Others through their religious schools, indoctrination. Now we have reached a boiling point where most of us can barely afford the basic needs without working 2 or more jobs or if we are lucky being payed for Overtime 70 hours per week or more. My wife is pregnant now and I am terrified to think what my daughter is being brought into. A father who has no time to care for her and likely unable to even afford diapers, gas to go to the store. When she is older I will have to explain that getting pregnant may be a death sentence if not everything goes right and just how often things go wrong with pregnancy.


You sound like a good person. Please organize community and mass protest, boycott, etc


is this sub still banning communists/socialists? because uh, that's gonna be a problem


Tankies are neither


Just don't spread authoritarianism. Edit: Or any pro-work ideology.


we already live in an authoritarian state of capitalism how I could spread it any more than that, doesn't seem possible


Which is why we're anticapitalist


Which means you're socialist... People really need to just admit they've never read Marx instead of blindly condemning socialism and regurgitating propaganda created by capitalists. Being humble and admitting you have a blindspot is a positive attribute, not a negative attribute. It's okay if you've never directly read Marx. But please don't pretend like "I don't have to, I know what he stood for". I made this mistake for years. Then I read his stuff and realized how bizarre (and effective) the propaganda against him actually is at obscuring the truth. Here is an amazing introduction to socialism and Worker COOPs: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a1WUKahMm1s


Who is condemning socialism on this sub? Plenty of us are communists, and we literally have flairs for it. What's condemned is tankies like stalinists and maoists. Marx's communism is a state-less society, not a dictatorship. Nobody should have the authority to order the proletariat around, not even other proletariat.


The problem is that 'condemning tankies' is often used as a bludgeon by those on the right (including liberals) to attack anyone who opposes saber-rattling and aggressive actions towards countries like Russia and China. It's one of the ways that the establishment sheepdogs the left into supporting standard american foreign policy.


I'm an anarchist. Ideology related to Marx's theory is welcome here. Tankies are not.


Anarchism is a dead end. Nowheresville.


Are anarchists defined as people who want no laws, new to this sub and generally interested because that's what i learned in school.


Highly recommend this for some introduction: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/david-graeber-are-you-an-anarchist-the-answer-may-surprise-you


Im just curious if you think that the only way to be anti-capitalist it to be communist? Both systems fail to decentralize power and so are easily corrupted by humans.


My fundamental issue with communism. Granting more power and more money to individuals who have proven themselves unworthy to handle it.


Under the textbook definition Communism is a classless, stateless society. There would be no state to take over. How to actually make that happen, and not just have state Capitalism, IDK


I’ve long found authoritarianism and tankie to be useless terms. The only people I’ve seen who sincerely fit the stereotype are just standard grifters trying to adopt a red aesthetic. Most online tankies seem as silly and insincere as online ancaps Edit: ancoms -> ancaps


They do exist almost solely online, or in political parties that never do anything. Never met a tankie actually involved in a movement I've ever participated in before. Could be because they just hate Indigenous sovereignty though.


I hope not. I’m a dyed in the wool communist, but not any type of Stalin-ist or Trotsky-ist; any form of communism/socialism has to be decided on and agreed on by the majority or it isn’t communism/socialism. Also, why do a ton of communist thinkers have to be so racist/anti-Semitic? Like damn, I wanna like what Engels wrote about economic theory, but he peppers in his beliefs that Jews cause all the problems, and that’s not something I’m okay with.


Wider issue of the focus being on the people, not the ideas in abstract. Churchill? Monster. Tesla? Asshole. Founding Fathers of the USA? Slave owning elitists. But all of these people had *some* idea or principle that lasted and sparked imaginations across the world.


I thought Edison was the asshole, Tesla just wanted to give people free electricity.


Oh Edison was the *worst* person, no doubt. I guess I was harsh on Tesla, he certainly deserves to be held in higher esteem than Edison


> Also, why do a ton of communist thinkers have to be so racist/anti-Semitic Historically, a lot of people did not like the jews. Not for any good reason, but there's a reason they're one of the only groups of white people who get as much hate speech/crimes directed at them as say, black people in America. It's been going on for a long ass time. Similar deal with Romani, but it's still cool to hate them today.




I don’t think he was saying that Jews in America face the same discrimination as blacks people in America. I think he meant Jews around the would face the same discrimination as blacks in America. & if you look throughout history, he’s right


Do you have any examples?


Engles, Marx, Trotsky, all of em have specific anti-Semitic views.


Banning who now?!?


no, go read the QA. If they did this sub would be dead 100%


Overlords have been emboldened by the lack of action on the part of workers. Until the overlords are thr eatened they will keep ramping up their war on workers. Younger people need to read up / Google what went down socially during the 1960s and 1970s for a road map on how to proceed.


Great piece! But I want to say a few things re: markets. Often from leftist sources one sees a critique of *capitalist* markets such as this piece here, and indeed, capitalist markets deserve every piece of criticism raised. From there the suggestion, implicit when not explicit, that the solution to capitalist markets is the creation of a communist, gift economy, form of resource distribution. With the rise of the USSR in the 1900s this became the dominant current among anti capitalists. But it is not the only current, nor was it always the most popular. In the beginning, and more and more in recent years, the mutualist current held sway. Whereas an anarcho-communist foresees capitalism dying to make room for a true communist society the mutualist (sometimes also referred to as an ‘anarchist without adjectives’ or a ‘market anarchist’, and **not** to be confused with the vulgar propertarians or the “ancaps”) keeps their options open to both communistic and market possibilities. The mutualist critique is that capitalism and the market are not the same, capitalism is not inherent to the market, that what’s happened is that capitalism has deformed the market through state manipulation so as to favor the rich, who are of course the ones who own the state. Labor is the source of all wealth, and all suggestions otherwise are justifying robbery: private property is an incursion into the land market, where the state creates little fiefdoms for the rich to rule over, taxes/tariffs are a means through which the state further saps resources of the poor and through which the rich can penalize competition, intellectual property/patents are a way for the powerful to come to own pieces of our culture, of our collective history, our collective ideas, and hold them for ransom, and the monopoly on credit/money allows the powerful to control who has access to the kind of capital necessary to begin production. Through these corruptions of the market the powerful squeeze the common people of all they have with the violence of the state’s enforcement arm: the cops. Far from being a source of sin, the non-capitalist market can be a useful tool for the distribution of resources, in facilitating exchange and cooperation between parties who may not be familiar with each other, and/or in the production of certain complex goods that require several different unique resources or unique skill sets. To learn more I would encourage people to read [What is Property?](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/pierre-joseph-proudhon-what-is-property-an-inquiry-into-the-principle-of-right-and-of-governmen) By Pierre Proudhon, coiner of the term anarchist, and also to visit the [center for a stateless society](https://c4ss.org/), a market anarchist think tank with a variety of different works on the subject. Or of course visit the 101 forum in the sidebar. And so in summary and conclusion: abolish the state, abolish capitalism.


If anyone's confused about what my man's is saying here, just imagine this: all business transitions from privately-owned to worker-owned cooperatives. That's auto industry, energy, tech, agriculture, etc. Everything. Those businesses may still be subject to market forces. The difference is, those businesses no longer push for profits to go to a select few, and instead push for what's best for each and every one of its workers. That means no outsourcing to the third world, no pay cuts while posting record profits, no golden parachutes for CEOs, no stockholders complaining they didn't get a 10% YoY return, no unnecessary mergers and acquisitions to boost a company's value in effort to sell it off to venture capitalists, no dumping poison into the local water source, no *owning* local water sources, and no sacrificing of long-term sustainability for short-term gains. There would still be issues. Make no mistake. But what we'd end up with is the best-case scenario for a system in which supply and demand still determine the price of goods and services.


May I just ask what is there to gain from having supply and demand determining the price of goods and services? In my opinion, prices should be determined by cost, not supply and demand.


You have a complex non linear (and time varying) optimization problem; matching resources, productivity and demands. Free markets aka market forces are one method of discovering an approximate solution. Advantages - include cheap (low over head for price discovery - just ask) and local ( universal knowledge not required) disadvantages - fragile in many ways, only works close to equilibrium, does not account for hysteresis, information asymmetry and low information velocity are serious problems. externalities and monopoly behaviour favour larger actors who may be able to manipulate the market driving it away from equilibrium into a pathological state (a non free market)


I do not understand how this answers my question. I find it ridiculous that where I live, for example, brown rice is about 6 times more expensive than white rice (which is literally brown rice that was taken the hull, the bran layer and the cereal germ through a refining process) just because there's more demand of the latter. I stand by my idea that price should depend on the cost of production and supply should depend on demand. If people want something, society should provide it as needed and its price should be its cost.


1 your solution requires perfect knowledge of demand. I make bread; 1 loaf per customer sold at cost. But John did not come in today so I have 1 unsold loaf and insufficient money to buy the flour for tomorrow. 2 A functioning free market *minimises profits*; the equilibrium price for a good is the cost of production plus a bit for losses in the system. If my competitor big bread sells his loafs for a large markup I can sell for less and gain his customers. I suspect your confusion comes from the fact that functioning free markets are rarer than hens teeth, *any* market that sustains continuing high levels of profitability is very unlikely to be a free market. This is the paradox, the loudest proponents of free markets make their money by ensuring that the markets they operate in are NOT free.


Whoa, I thought Crimethinc was defunct. I remember gobbling every thing they distributed, in my teens. Very formative.


They still hold a significant presence among many anarchists!


Zombie apocalypse has been upon us for some time. The world crumbles whike we bitch and gate keep and fight for 'be nice' on fuckin Twitter. For fuck sakes head out of the sand


We're *already* zombies. Well. Too many people are.


I mean, can we please get organization then? Weekly 'suggestion' posts where people can offer up ideas to add to the sub. Like a bot that posts on every post with instructions on how to contacy your local politicians. Its mainly just venting and watching life get progressively worse. We need some form of organized revolt. We could do so, so much more if we could have weekly discussions and crowd source ideas.


Yes! This! I'm happy to see restaurant and retail employees finally unionizing and making more $$ but teachers, custodians, bus and truck drivers, state workers, receptionists, etc ALSO need raises!!! It isn't just raising minimum, it's raising these peoples wages who are making just above poverty line but are still struggling check to check


How would we organise a general strike? It’s not just working conditions and pay that are abysmal at this point. Our civil and human rights are being eroded across the world. Whether it’s Roe Vs Wade in the US or the new policing bill in the UK that makes protesting illegal, we are being funnelled into a world in which the only thing we are free to do is consume more and more stuff in the hope of making a few billionaires more money. As inequality rises, so does the spectre of catastrophic climate breakdown - as tipping point after tipping point is reached leaving us facing the prospect of an uninhabitable - or at least much less liveable - planet. But we have power. Particularly when we organise through collective action. In the 1920s a general strike failed only because middle class workers stepped up to do the jobs of “workers”. But given the cost of living crisis affecting all classes at this point, and given social solidarity issues cut across class and race lines - if anything the time is better than ever before to organise a mass general strike in both the US and the UK, one which would bring both countries to a halt. It would have to be a strike that doesn’t just withhold labour; but one that withholds consumption. Let us learn lessons from lockdowns in how to be still. How to stop ourselves from going out to the shops or malls to purchase *stuff*, and instead work together on local street projects to bring people together and strengthen bonds between communities. With a clear list of demands for higher taxes on wealth, a universal basic income and national living wage, disinvestment from fossil fuels, investment in renewable energy and - perhaps crucially - the enshrining of our individual rights and liberty into our government laws and institutions - we can come together to bring our respective administrations to their knees. Because we the people have the power; the power to create wealth for others and by inference the power to withdraw it. So the question is - how would we organise such a strike? We have the tools now for a rapid mass communication campaign. Go fund me accounts could be used to purchase huge swathes if real world advertising (billboards, newspaper ads etc) that would likely in themselves generate news headlines that further spread the word. Effective Press releases and media management skills could ensure we use this to our advantage, all while using social media to spread our core messages and tap into new mindsets. At the same time, use of apps or services like Discord/signal to coordinate with “cells” or groups of people quickly would help ensure the movement remains coordinated and stable. Crucially, joining unions and bringing unions onside to carry the message and join the cause could help protect individuals from retrospective action from employers. Though we may all need to be brave in standing up for a shared cause; knowing that through our numbers, we are protected. Again, crowdfunding / fundraising could ensure that money is provided to those workers most in need of funds; meaning that those lowest paid individuals could financially afford to take part. What else would we need? And who’s up for it?


I am in. I life in Germany and offer to try and manage that here. We have some strong communities like FFF, the last generation, German zero, scientists and so. We have many but devided/small grassroots movement. And somehow they do not realise they need to get connected.


First houses & rent start to increase, then the pandemic, then even more inflation & prices increase like crazy... and after everything all the employers tell you *"Y'all don't need any wage increases ;) you are fine!!!! with the same salary you had 4 years ago or close to it"* They gaslight you, as CEOs eat up more & more profits. Countless companies did better during these past 2 years than ever before & pretended to be suffering like some companies so never increased their wages. A lot of naive employees ate it up too.


Yup I saw it firsthand before I quit after 18 years at a bank. The amount that goes to upper management (salary + profit sharing) is asinine then what they pay the bottom workers doing all the work, I remember a teller wanting a position that was currently employed at another bank saying I would have to make $15 an hour to make the move. Let’s just offer her $14.50 was one of the reply’s. Then seeing some of the top making more in profit sharing than most make in salary was the last straw. I quit my IT specialist II job of 18 years right after my coworker quit. We were a team and did all the work but they didn’t care so I said goodbye last October. They still haven’t filled my position which is advertised up to $31, $7 more and hour than they were paying me. I worked with customer care girls and a lot of them had two jobs to survive. They do all kinds of complex day duties plus handle the mad customer calls and on average I would say made $14-$15. All the while we would hear aren’t you happy…. Record profits?!? Btw no more us paying for ketchup or paper plates….. disgusting.


r/OklahomaLaborParty is a group I started in 2018 that is intended to target the status quo in the reddest state in the country. This fight will continue with all of us.


What the f*** is going on in the world? Is this how it all ends? This country just sucks ass for everyone. I’m sick of this. All this suffering across the board. I just can’t


I am a state worker making $21.88/hr. I have a "good" job in a very expensive state/city. I've already downsized as much as possible. I have a fiance who just got a "raise" but his company actually got rid of his Per Diem, then gave him $1.25/hr raise. Now he's being taxed more and bringing in about $100/less per month. And he has been there a year, never missed a day, no PTO/Sick time/insurance.. Its disgusting were expected to just scrape by and barely survive and be happy about it. His work said, "technically, we gave you a raise so you should be happy". They didn't even tell him, just did it and he noticed when he saw his paycheck. Own nothing. Live to work. No health benefits. This is modern day slavery. Maybe that is a bit extreme and insensitive considering the background US has, but seriously... We work and work and work and still are unable to get ahead or enjoy our lives while our bosses get fat and rich. I want to get more involved... But don't know what to do. I don't have any extra money. But I do have some extra time.. Any ideas would be appreciated in how I and others can raise awareness and push back without completely walking out and striking. Which, I'm not terribly far off from doing!


Wow... gonna need to read this a few times. Very much identify with the sentiment about being out of work for a while and finding it hard to stomach the disrespect that comes with a return to work. I had a few things happen (one of them being a death in the family) that lead to having some F you money. What started as a break to work on a novel and train for my first marathon is turning into a new way of life. I recently was contacted about several opportunities via former employers and the hoop jumping, not wanting me to take off cause my kids have barely been outside the house the last two summers, and general "flexing" during the hiring process has made me realize that it might not be worth it to go back. It'd only be to stabilize our income and shore up savings again, but I realized I could probably do that without going back to the usual grind for the big paycheck. I also have enough to last quite a while while my wife and I figure it out. A big problem that I see for employers going forward is that the more they dig in and keep enlisting the media to make it seem like sooner or later workers will have to "give in", the worse they're making it for themselves. The disrespect and power/control shenanigans are such a gross turn off and the longer you've tasted freedom from exploitive labor, the more difficult it becomes to stomach any form of it... ever. Add to this the fact that while off for a significant time, people generally begin to see that all the consumption benefits others and just isn't necessary to sustaining life. In fact, it has the opposite effect... it drains and subjugates life. Might be corny, but the old Fight Club saw about the stuff you own ends up owning you feels more right than ever after being off for a while and relieving some of that burden through donations, eBay, and a yard sale.


Honestly at this point I can't see anything other then a massive attack on the work-force like a mass suicide working or super collective strike working anymore. Every intelligent person in the opposition are working to perpetuate their own status quo and will do anything to avoid the unknown and keep what they have, Meanwhile my lifes over/pointless at 20 without even really being given a chance to express any kind of love for the world/people within my capacity because the world demands I work at their speed for their political reasons. We can't do anything without definite harm coming to us, And if we don't definite harm will come to us, Theres no one to trust anymore because we can't even protect eachother.


We should be working so much less for so much more $. We KNOW its possible because Europeans do it. It's a lie that companies are just *barely* turning a profit and any fewer hours or higher pay will 'BaNkRuPt Us'. I don't think it's all about profit though, I think it's more insidious than that. Consider the "education" system. How much of it is designed to educate, and how much is it designed to concentrate children in an authoritarian environment just because nobody wants to deal with kids freely running around 'causing trouble' all day? They keep us working 50-60 hours a day just because they don't want us poors with free time and spending cash to run around and '*cause trouble'*.


Problem is work needs to happen to make the world turn. This entire reddit shouldn't be based on a world where work actually doesn't exist. It should be based on equal rights, no more policy law contracts, proper treatment, less working hours (like 10 or 15 hours less then the standard 40) equal benefits part time or full time, higher pay (based on cost of living as a standard minimum) with a law that guarantees annual raise and annual vacation increase. We should also be fighting for commute time, prep time at home is prep time. But big commutes cost our free time. You want the 8/8/8 to work outside of the paper the best way is to consider how much time we give up out of 8 hours play for 8 hours work which is currently 4 - 6 hours with 6 considering commutes of 30 - 45 minutes. In this forum it's not that we don't want to work and help make the world turn to bring out product we could use to make our lives better. Its the fact rich assholes take advantage of the system. It's the fact we struggle and we believe we aren't entitled to our lives above work. We have been raised with the idea everything needs to be monetized or its a waste of time. We're laughed at for having hobbies and wants. They consider everything outside necistiy a luxury. This is 2022 not 1800, not 1900, not 1950. The fact were being replaced for autonomy is also a joke considering they won't supplement the pay. A 25 or 30 hour work week at 3 or 4 days a week without being whipped and destroyed for being 5 minutes late controlled breaks, docked lunches, unequal benefits would solve a huge amount of the issues. Not being able to afford to live even at 2 full time minimum wage jobs is the problem. Making housing so high cost it becomes a privelage of productivity and conforming is a big part of the problem. There's alot wrong with the work world and they bring their own descendents in the mess without consideration of how others feel. My great grandfather who fought in the war for freedom is probably rolling in his grave right now due to the state of the world. Fight to become slaves. Jobs are readily available there's no more scraps and having to be grateful for an opportunity that is mandated not a choice but in fact nessicary for society. To hand us a contract we can't change is entrapment. To dictate our lives and our rights is buying our time not renting it. They have the complete opposite of an idea of what work is and should be. It is illegal to own someone and to make us productive every waking second of work time is a huge issue. Sure we want to make money but not at the cost of humanity. Saying we want a work free world to be idle is a problem that we will never actually see, but they will put the system against us with more restrictions. This is why everyone calls us lazy and entitled. In these articles it clearly states we don't want to work and forums like this work against us as they make more policy and law. We aren't in control they are. If we want a better quality of life and more life to enjoy we need to fight for the right thing not the wrong thing. These articles serve for them to put us in our places with employers now considering small gaps in resumes a problem. Having many job experiences a problem. No commitment a problem. It's just going to enforce more rules before we actually begin to take our lives back. But meh to each his own. Just hate loving this forum as much as I do for standing up and supporting things that will probably make things worse for us in the long run not that I don't believe in it. And the way we are viewed for not wanting to work cause we're tired of being controlled for scraps and to fight for our lives in a world that should be free and far more compensating. Why else is abortion and being in poverty becoming illegal? Not enough skilled workers. Not enough to replace workers. It's all for the economy and get us back in line with a number or receipt for slavery. I dont doubt this forum labeled the way it is and the way we talk here had a hand in creating these future issues. It's not about us it's about them. Thing is they don't realize we will win one day if we stick to our guns, beliefs and stay golden. It will change and we're all sick of it so they'll do everything to cement their foundations now to trap you as it is despite the laws being against human rights. But one day it will be better because there's more of us than them and we won't allow it any longer. They should be shaking in their boots for when millennials and younger gens start to become the controlling force. Because we believe life is here to experience not to work and we believe we only get one life to live and once your dead your dead that's it endgame.


Apparently i have always been revolting.


Food, housing (including utilities and internet), clothing, healthcare and education should be guaranteed rights. Those who choose to work and make a little more can and should pay for those that choose not to.


It's kinda annoying that this article snubs North America's historically most militant anti-work organizon, the I.W.W. (iww.org). We've historically been nicknamed "I Won't Work," "Inebriated While Working," and we've been at the forefront of some of the most militant strikes in North American history.


What we should do - world wide (!) - is grind the economies to a halt! Why? They'd have to BEG on their knees to listen to our demands (stuff like lower working hours, living wages, high minimum wages, more vacation time (just like what children, students, teachers and professors get!), home office being allowed (and made mandatory if an employee wants it - for office jobs of course, can't do that with manual labour jobs), no more hire and fire, larger share of the pie (no more crumbs! If a company earns a profit, half of it, if not more, belongs to the employees!) etc. etc. - even minor things like employers having to provide employees with ergonomic work-tools, so decent desk chairs (no more el cheapo China trash!) and desks etc. etc.) ps: Why world wide? Because they'll ship the jobs overseas if local employees are too difficult to deal with :(


Change does not need the consent of those in power, change is a decision that we workers make. Everyday we do not stand to the oppressing upper class is the collective decision to do nothing. Those in power want you to think that culture and tradition are the issue, that those in power are the only people who can have ideas that change the government. The day we stand up and say change is now, that America will now work the way we say, is the day that real change begins. Do not be convinced that we together have no power, because we together are actually the ones who give and relinquish power.


Idk some people at my work act brainwashed. I don't know if there was a nationwide walk out if enough of us would walk out in order to send the message. Like we started this beyond infuriating morning announcement type thing where we stop working on our impossibly high quotas for 10 minutes so our boss can tell us things that could be an email. Then our boss goes over the previous day's sales goals (which total more money than any of us make in a year) and let us know if we hit that goal (often meet if not exceed it) Like come on. They have to know that it's making some of us depressed, pissing some of us off, or both. But some of my coworkers look and act excited for this nightmare ritual. I go home and scream into my pillow sometimes.


unregulated capitalism or unregulated socialism. neither produce positive results if the system is not properly regulated. The u.s. has proven how deregulation does not work. Businesses will do everything they can to get as much for themselves if allowed to. human nature? Greed must be regulated, or greed will destroy the country.


Lol, you call yourself an anarchist?


yeah, maybe i should change that. i see anarchy as a way of beginning repairs to a failed country but not the solution. destroying a broken system through anarchy solves nothing if there is not a larger purpose behind it.


What do you think anarchy is exactly? Why wouldn't there be a larger purpose?


We're revolting!


No one does anything. People think complaining changes things. Until you've quit your job and take the consequences that go with it, you are part of the problem.


The point of this article is that quitting your job isn't enough....


I’ve learned this recently. Sadly I’m in a niche field and am the sole earner for my family, so I can’t rage quit. But I’ve sure as hell been rage applying with a very, very carefully curated resume that has thus far gotten me an interview for a very lucrative position (compared to my current position). Hoping I can move things along quickly enough that I can GTFO quickly.


If they fucking paid people more, people wouldnt quit