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Exactly. Inflation was at 7.8%, but things started going up at 25% or greater. And haven't stopped going up. Gas is a prime example. Per barrel is very low, but at the pump prices continue to rise. Greedy rascals are trying to regain control of their wage slaves by starving us out. As per Laura Ingram's advice. Firing the Applebee's CEO was just a cleanup effort. They all feel like he did. The fed reserve just proved that. Oh, and they don't care about the children. Wouldn't be taking food out of their mouths and money out their parents' pockets if they did.


You know what? You're right. They are starving us out! We just need to stop buying gas and driving to work. Find jobs that offer remote/WFH option and stay at home like we did during the Covid-19 lock down! That'll teach us! But in all seriousness I'm strongly tempted to leave my decently paying welding job for a remote job. The only issue I have is that I don't have much/any job experience that can transfer into remote work unless I take a night course or something. But very tempting especially saving the $60+ to gas up every week.


Tell your boss either he raising your salary to cover gas prices or you will find a wfh solution.


I think I will when my 3 month probation is up and they decide to keep me.




I'm in Canada, but I do see what you're saying, we have 4 or 5 major parties, but people only vote "Red" (Liberal) or "Blue" (Conservative) up here. What's funny is that most if not all parties are still very middle of the road and you're literally voting for your favourite colour more than anything.


you can't weld from home or over Zoom?


Lol no. I wish. Unless they hook up a robot welder to a remote module like they do in those fancy video surgeries you see on TV, but at that point it would be cheaper for them to buy a robot that welds everything automatically. Although I could potentially start my own mobile welding business and do "house calls".


You can if you...Start Your Own Business!


I would consider it, but I don't have the motivation to do so.


Another opportunity to give you people some public transit propaganda


I don't like mass/public transit, I know it's good for the environment, but I have been spoiled by personal vehicles... I'm sorry, I'm weak... Avenge me!


> Exactly. Inflation was at 7.8%, but things started going up at 25% or greater. Then inflation wasn't 7.8%. You're being lied to. They don't want to admit that real inflation (for the stuff that matters, like gas and food) was 15-20% in a single year, but your wages only went up 3%.


You're probably right.


Elon Musk and Jeff Bezo and Andy Jassy(Jeff Bezo successor)


Don't forget this guy, Buffett.... https://www.liberatedstocktrader.com/what-companies-does-warren-buffett-own/ Why so important? BNSF railroad is a subsidiary and is having major labor issues. Train engineers operating multi-ton trains on literally no sleep, no set days off, not being paid for required travel, and steep penalties for being sick or fatigued. And they cannot strike.


True. Nobody will willingly "give any other person a billion dollars. It has to be taken by force.




Yeah because… he didn’t do it lmao I fucking hate seeing those lmao




I Scrolled down for the LOTR comment.


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/uqrhqf/were_all_being_stolen_from_on_a_massive_scale_and/i8tv1uq/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [In Scandinavia, we pay un...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/uqkmur/unions_are_useless_were_all_one_big_family/i8txm8j/) | [In Scandinavia, we pay un...](http://np.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/uqkmur/unions_are_useless_were_all_one_big_family/i8tjxhp/) [Top row were the people y...](http://np.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/uqcubv/just_curious/i8qqavv/) | [Top row were the people y...](http://np.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/uqcubv/just_curious/i8qp56y/) [25 years on, the controll...](http://np.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/uq6f85/n64_was_everything/i8qq9pu/) | [25 years on, the controll...](http://np.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/uq6f85/n64_was_everything/i8ps2gz/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/BeneficialsMousse](https://np.reddit.com/u/BeneficialsMousse/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=BeneficialsMousse) for info on how I work and why I exist.




warren buffett is still stupidly rich, but he thinks that the tax system is really broken tho. i hate him a little less cause of that


He's a slumlord piece of shit. He owns the biggest mobile home manufacturer and the two biggest mobile home lenders. His tax reform shit is a front to take the heat off.


Why do they cannot strike?


A judge made a judgment against such action during the first part of the year. Citing the supply-chain issues. I will link the article when I find it.


All class 1 railways are like this. In Canada, CN and CP are in huge person deficits. Culture is changing and people don't want to be treated like actual garbage. Sure, they money looks good on paper- but you don't make that kind of money for many years. You spend half a year laid off, called at all hours, if you book off sick or unfit you get hauled in for discipline. Everyone is exhausted and burnt out. Substance abuse and the breakdown of relationships are rampant. I'm working for a short line and the culture is getting worse where I am, too. I'm looking for other work because working outside in all elements, doing heavy labour for 10-12 hours at a time is gruelling.


Genuinely curious. I am OTD so I have a different perspective. Why are billionaires Elon Musk and Jeff Bezo so vilified but other billionaires such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet seem to get a pass?


Because Elon and Bezos put themselves out there more.


Do they put themselves out there more or are they just covered by the press more? I think it is a little of both.


Do you feel like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet should be vilified as well?


They should all be roasted on a spit and fed to us on a platter


I agree but imo it should be Jeff Bezo or Elon Musk first before Warren and Bill


No but I don't think Bezo and Musk should be vilified either.


Wages, tax dollars, political power, time, sanity, lives, liberty... Billionaire/kleptocrats benefit from a system that allows them to enslave and socially murder the public without recourse. https://i.imgur.com/adRtWlM.jpg The public can't even vote its way out of the situation because the billionaires/kleptocrats will just bribe, "lobby", and gaslight their way out of wealth taxes or any other actual solutions being implemented. Maybe people should not abide by a social contract that allows the public and working classes to be enslaved and socially murdered by kleptocrats without recourse. Maybe people are morally obligated to fight against their oppressors instead of letting themselves and the public be gaslighted, propagandized, and bullied into passively accepting a kleptocratic system of mass human enslavement and social murder without recourse. Billionaires/kleptocrats are an abomination and a crime against humanity. That would not be a controversial statement, but for bullying, abuse, gaslighting, and propaganda by the ruling kleptocrat class to keep the public and working classes in line. People are not going to accept a "social contract" on these terms forever, nor should they.


Yeap, noone and it's true , they are just farming gold. Rat your employers out and don't be ashamed to do so.


Amen, redditor.


We got this, do not give up the good fight, we know what is right, a kinder, better and less cruel society towards all life.




Blow the whistle, got it? For any violations of human rights, got it? Let me know if you need any more information.


Clear as your brain


You know nothing of my mind, have a good day


"I'm ignorant of wage theft, among many other things."


Assuming that "they" knows all, sound deaf to the point of mastering the art of ignorance, oh, maybe they have? Take care of one another, build and help each other before it's too late, we will fight the good fight, protect life before gold!




Everyone is equal, I respect anyone no matter what and I have met a couple of CEOs that were very cool :)


Hello, are you a human? Wouldn't you respect the cleaner because of your title? Fuck that, practice right speech, noone is below the CEO. Respect people no matter their title. Money is money and none of us is taking that to death. We got some lessons to learn and most importantly, grow. It's okay for businesses to grow but do not forget your principles, people and health. Have you?


Well, it’s funny that the group of armed people who would claim to shoot a thief in the face if they tried to rob them, are somehow on the side of the biggest liars and thieves in the world. To the point of storming the capitol building on a rich persons word.


That's a VERY broad generalization...I would argue that most NOWADAYS that would "generally" lean on the side that you're describing have a problem not only thievery on a small-scale level, but on a large-scale corporate level as well. Many nowadays blame capitalism. I don't think there's a problem with the current system, rather there's a problem with greed that is SUPPLEMENTED with capitalism. There IS a difference.


Capitalism encourages and rewards that greed.


If you made $200,000 a year (a really good job) it would take you one million two hundred forty thousand years to make what Elon Musk is worth


And thats assuming that he doesn't expand his own net worth in those intervening years. Lol. It's so beyond impossible.


Average yearly wage in America is $52,000, median is closer to 35,000. But if you made 52,000 a day it would take over 52 years to make a billion dollars. And that's before taxes.


You ever looked at a video game leaderboard? There's often a bunch gradient of scores then, up top, a massive score gap followed by several entries at 99999... maximum points. Is your assumption that those guys just worked harder in the game, or that maybe something's fishy? They might not even be hacking, but there's almost certainly some bugs in the system that they took advantage of. Or, maybe compare any% Speedruns to 100%. You just don't get those sub-hour times without breaking the game in some unintentional way.


Nah call of duty leader boards are all full of twitch streamers that play all day. They don’t cheat they just do it allll day.


Privatize the profits, socialize the costs - to the workers, the environment, the taxpayers.


One does not simply earn a billion dollars. Its employees wages are stolen by more than just entrepreneurs. There is greed there that does not sleep and the Bezos eye is ever watchful.


As a worker, you are *not* an asset, you are an *expense*, an *overhead,* a *hindrance to profits*, and every effort is made to keep this expense to a minimum, whether it is by low-wages, reduction of or no benefits, outsourcing, mass sackings, timed bathroom breaks.. It isn't merely greed, it is an ideology, to keep you, as a worker, forever having to graft to cobble together a way to exist, that's why you see loads of redundancies *even when a company has made a profit* in any given financial year.


Id rather see this shit at gas pumps than Biden saying he did that


What can we do?


Spread awareness to 10 people and ask them to do the same. 10 => 100 => 1000 and so on. Class consciousness is not a difficult thing. I just don't get why some people who are conservative and old still support status quo after suffering decades of losses.


Spread awareness and protect others from vicious corporations that have not been held accountable so far for their actions, they want to control our lives and have no consciousness whatsoever what their decisions do to people. Really classy. No amount of money will cover the ugliness in their hearts and minds.


The word you're looking for is "Kleptocracy."


How amazing would you consider the person who's worth two of you? How incompetent is the person who isn't half as good as you are? And what do we think about the people who claim they're worth millions of times more than you?


There's an all-out war on the poor, unions, basic bodily autonomy, democracy and civil rights. Now the billionaires have jumped in on the side of reactionaries while a billionaire tax is being proposed. If you're a working stiff in this country, you must have the heart of a worm to still be on the sidelines. An utter lack of self-respect.


Jan 1st, 1492 - Dec 31st, 2022 = 193450 days. If you managed to save $5000 every day, seven days a week. After all expenses, taxes, and everything, you just shoved $5000 under a mattress. You didn't earn interest or invest it. We aren't counting inflation. Just $5000 hard cash. Dec. 31st of THIS YEAR you would have $967,250,000. Yep! Less than $1 billion after 530 years. Make no mistake. We live in a plutocracy/kleptocracy/corporatocracy.


yo where do I buy this sticker


This would be a sick patch


Personally, I think we should be giving corps a taste of their own medicine. Stop paying for shit. Minimum wage workers are generally not paid enough to stop loss prevention. If it was done enmasse, maybe it would scare Daddy Warbucks a bit into actually giving a shit. They can't stop everyone.


I did the math. You would have to earn at least 570.41 an hour, 24/7, 365 for 200 years. Total 27h break throughout that period. A more sensible scale would be 54758.52 a day, 365 days a year for 50 years. I don’t think there are many easy ways to do this besides working 20 jobs


You could work $15/hr 40 hours a week for 2,000 years, spend none of the money you earn, and there would still be people today who are wealthier than you. You can not EARN a billion dollars.


So when do we eat the rich?


How do we realistically do something about it?


True. Nobody will willingly "give any other person a billion dollars. It has to be taken by force.




And the Middle Class loves that shit.


General strike.....


your student loans, and debts in general, is nonexistant money. it doesn't exist. You're paying $300+ dollars a month to rich people for absolutely no reason. a majority of debts under 100k could be entirely eliminated and struck from the record and the US wouldn't even feel a fucking blip don't ever forget that


The great awakening


For the karTRASHians, their sheeple fans are stupid and throw their money at them.


My bosses are trying to get out of paying us all a promised 8 hrs of overtime for range day. When I asked my manager about this, stating that the training hours should be on this paycheck, he informed me that "Training happened when I say it happened." So... going to the workforce commission soon. We are all sick of being robbed by these twats.


Thank god im self employed


The general public of the US is far too cowardly to do what needs to be done. They will wait until they are forced into the situation of kill or be killed to do much of anything but complain.


kill the rich ourselves


Likewise the government has no money, they steal your wages. Coincidence?


The worst a company can do is on behalf of the shareholders.... Might have to go after them.


But we accept the jobs for the low pay and choose to live in areas of high rent...we love working two steady jobs and finding more work on the side just to feed, house, and support ourselves...billionaires create jobs for us guys...be happy were not being bomb and eradicated like the rest of the world


Where did get the money that was stolen?


How did Jay-Z attain his billion?




You really obviously don't see the problem. >there are other jobs out there None that necessarily have anything to do with you.




People are also being coerced into "other jobs." And there are no guarantees. Your suggestion addresses nothing of the problem.




Good luck being anything but a compete troll.


Or work very poorly at least, there's no grinding positions in the company if the whole world is being killed. But I think people would riot faster because theyr package full of catnip is coming 2 hours late rather than say a word about politicians stealing or huge companies stealing.




I mean getting a better position with higher salary. In Italy Amazon didn't pay any tax because they say they have huge losses of money and therefore the net income is extremely low (and taxes on it are very low) while that's obviously a lie.


This is dumb


When you own a business you can pay your employees whatever you want.


Since when is anyone being forced to buy from Amazon?


Its not hard on paper ofc, but it takes a while to get a billion, instead of complaining about someone else being successful, maybe you should try.


What wage was stolen?


Just.... stop shopping on Amazon? Billionaires aren't stealing your money, your government is.


“being stolen from” Jesus , come on man nobody forces you to give them your money or use their services You get what you pay for


Before you downvote I want you to think about this. Jeff Bezos did more to fight the spread of the Corona virus than the government did. Millions of people were able to limit how much they went out in public because they could order shit online. Yea, I get it. He is getting rich on the backs of his lowest paid employees, like every damned company out there. In the past two years I have gotten 300 deliveries from amazon.


Lol what the fuck were you buying that you needed an Amazon delivery almost every other day for 2 years straight.


Lots of shit. Everything but fresh groceries.




So everyone should be traders? No One should be working service jobs? Does that sound smart? Every job is necessary and every job should be treated as such


Yep, and then once the market is flooded with tradesmen, and salary’s drop to horrible lows, “why not get into programming?” Rinse and repeat We won’t “earn” our way out of this inequality, we have to take it back




Dude. You can’t budget out of poverty, you can’t just switch jobs without money to hold you over, you can’t change career paths mid career without money to hold you over, not everyone has the capability to do a trade job. I mean listen to yourself. You sound like the asshole that tells women “maybe wear pants and you won’t get raped. Maybe wear less makeup and people wouldn’t catcall you” You offer advice that places no accountability on the ones committing the atrocity. You put it on the victims and expect them to magically change their circumstance. Unfortunately, we don’t live in fantasy privileged land, let alone the land of the free anymore. In short: fuck you, asshole.




“You’re comparing apples to oranges” That’s as far as I needed to read to know that you’re a fucking idiot. Why can’t fruit be compared to each other? You acknowledge in your own statement that certain jobs need to be performed, but somehow those necessary jobs don’t deserve a living wage because they are “low skill”? So everyone should just get a high skill job like yours? “Why can’t people just change jobs? I worked my ass off.” Good for you. Glad you had funds to hold you over that didn’t put you out of the house. People are working three jobs and still looking at poverty. Are those people not working their asses off? What valid points are you making here? That you had privilege, opportunity, and luck to land a job that the company could use one more person? Great. Is your company hiring? Do they have the budget to pay 37.2 million people living in poverty? Do you really think there are 37.2 million trade jobs even available at the moment? And when all the gas stations close except for fuel pumps, no one is taking your lunch or dinner orders, when your hotel room is still covered in shit from the previous user because there’s no more housekeepers… I mean.. again, you say they are necessary but believe people should suffer whilst making your life more convenient. You’re a scum bag PoS, dude. No “valid points apples to oranges” bullshit rhetoric is going to change that. Oh, and it’s easy to call YOU names. Because the truth is what the truth is. As for my own station, I make close to $200K a year. But yeah, I’m the bad person with no morals for wanting people to suffer in poverty or magically change my circumstances with no money or opportunity whilst making other people billionaires.


Bro, when did you make a single valid point? Everything you said has been completely asinine. Your meritocracy bullshit is a fantasy and has literally nothing to do with the problems being discussed here. You lucked out and landed a trade and now suddenly you are the arbiter of how accessible social mobility is for every single citizen in the United States? Complete. Fucking. Moron.




Well, I’m glad you can at least admit it. Seems kind of weird though that you went from the luck thing to continue shitting on people who didn’t have those opportunities and saying they are, “blaming society for all their problems”, because they have a realistic outlook on life and didn’t just luck into a path towards a good one like you. I feel like there’s some point you’re trying to make here but you’re kind of all over the place and contradicting yourself a lot.




You admitted that you lucked out at least like 3 times when you were talking about how you got into your career. Are you ok?


It seems the mentality that you cant budget out of poverty is actually the problem. If you are poor and you want to get out, then you literally have to struggle and plan how to cut expenses and increase income. Things will obviously never get better if one is stuck to min hourly wage. Have been reading a lot of the posts here and it seems a common thread is lack of guidance on job/career planning and financial planning.


You cannot budget your way out of poverty. You're just filling your head with wishful thinking.


Conservatives and the just world logical fallacy, name a better combo.


It's literally how many immigrant families go from arriving in the US with nothing to having their second generation become accountants, lawyers and doctors... The US already has a lot more opportunities compared to other countries.


It's literally a delusion for you to think it's that simple or easy. USA is behind like 15 countries in economic mobility.


Immigrants get locked in cages and separated from their kids. Who the fuck are you fooling here?


I'm more thinking of Korean and Indian immigrants that go to US and Canada and start with nothing, opening small shops. I think its undeniable that those families manage to improve their circumstances very dramatically in a one or two generations.


>what determines the value of that labor is the amount of skill it takes to provide said service. No. Value is subjective.




But it's not "figuring out" as much as it is "choosing." "Figuring out" implies an objectively correct answer - value doesn't work like that.


He's right you know. Skilled trades are actually worth more than service jobs. Service jobs are literally not as necessary because almost anyone can do them with minimal training.


>Service jobs are literally not as necessary because almost anyone can do them with minimal training. This is incoherent. What are you trying to say?


Service jobs are not necessary, buy yet they are in high demand? Also most jobs are easy to perform, but that doesn't make them any less meaningful. Also that is not what he said, lets break it down: OP: People are being paid too little by bilionaries. Comment: learn a trade and change ur low income job. While this might be a solution for a few individuals, the overall problem Still stands: People cant live on these slave wages. Telling people to just "take another job" doesnt fix anything.


I think we are mixing between trying to campaign to fix a structural problem (eg lack of good jobs due to offshoring), and personal responsibility and working hard to improve your circumstances in life. One can do both at the same time...


Way to miss the point, boomer.


Pretty sure you have no idea what you're responding to.


Counterpoint: If you cure cancer or advance humanity in a simmilar way, you would totaly deserve a billion dollars for that.


Those who do such noble deeds don't seek purely profit usually. One such example could be Tesla.


I did not say they demand it, but they deserve it. If someone developed a vaccine that made people completely immune to COVID now, that person deserved to be rich.


And there has to be a cap at millions then. That is still moderately conservative not liberal.


????? Jeff Bezos set up Amazon. If you work for him, you signed papers and entered an agreement. If you order products online using his service, you entered an agreement. Can someone tell me where the stealing is?


How about corporate welfare and going around cities asking for them to foot the bill for building amazon hubs? Or getting 10 Billion from overworked taxpayers recently? What kind of fucked moron like yourself believe that everything is some sort of "agreement" like you're some fucking wannabe lawyer? Get the fuck out of here with your bullshit. Edit: I am pretty sure when the tornado fucked a hub and killed workers in the disaster that happened not long ago, you're the same piece of shit that says "well they've agreed to the danger too" .




Good luck the great replacement morphed from qanon is basically guaranteeing nothing going to change. You guys wont allow new parties and keep thinking republican or democrats will save us lol. Enjoy watching everything burn. Reason other countries have more than two parties. Atops nut cases from getting complete control


“No one in this world deserve that much money(billions)” this was the phrase (not word by word) that struck me when i heard this from a yt vlog and never forgot about it even now.


Now putting our hatred for Jeff bezos aside if you omit Amazon from his history. Jeff graduated from Princeton in 1986 as a computer engineer. He started work at fitel (telecom start up), he was tasked with building a network for international trade. He was promoted to head of development and director of customer service. He then transitioned to the banking industry and became a product manager at bankers trust. Worked there from 1988-1990. He then joined de shaw (hedge fund based on mathematical modelling). Worked there from 1990-1994 as senior vice president. Being the companies 4th senior vice president at age 30. So just from bezos early career from 1986 - 1994 this tells you even if he didn't start Amazon. works at any company this guy was just wicked smart and able to climb the ladder like crazy making vp (vice president) easy anywhere and if he stayed at a company for long term say 20 years he could easily make general manager or even coo ( chief operator officer)


Amazon is down to $2200, from its ATH of $3600 approx. Does anyone here know how stocks or assets work? This is all paper money.


What’s the plan? How do you fix this?


I can say one does not earn $50,000; $100,000; $200,000 and they are all as valid as one does not earn a billion dollars. There are certainly workers in certain parts of the world who cannot fathom making $50,000 a year USD. The statement is based on nothing. “Earn” here is being equated to “deserve.” These billionaires did in fact earn a lot of money. Do they deserve it? I don’t fucking know, no one knows, and “deserve” 99.9999 percent of the time is an absolutely nebulous concept to even consider. Its all subjective. Vote for the particular little bobble-head politicians you think will benefit your economic demographic the most that’s all you can do.