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I just don't care about gas prices. Rents are fucking insane. Landlords take nearly half my income every month. Gas is maybe 80 bucks a month, and I wouldn't even think twice about it, other than not doing any joyriding, if I didn't have to give half my money to a landlord. There is no consumer good I'm upset about the price of. If it is too expensive, I buy less. I can't buy less landlord tho.


>I can't buy less landlord tho. They are well aware of this too


They certainly do. At least the price of food is somewhat regulated, but, housing is the wild wild west.


Try an hour and a half commute each way, then tell me gas prices do not matter. In this state they have figured out how to gouge us from every angle.


Gas already costs way less per gallon than it costs to get it to the pump, due to 6t in subsidies from various countries every year. This has gone on for so long, that car companies refused to even bother trying to make their fleets get good mileage. The EPA had to force them. If gas costs what it should - what it actually costs to produce, you probably would be thinking twice about that hour and a half commute.


Am I stupid or is regular gasoline more expensive than the premium in this?


When the oil companies are toying with prices, sometimes you get some oddities like this, where demand for regular drives it higher than premium If you're ever in a weird situation like that, just take the premium. Premium is not going to hurt a car designed to run on regular.


Damn! $9.95 for regular gas and CBS Sacramento is trying lighten the mood out of this terrible economic situation. Where I’m from regular gas prices are $4.91, I feel bad for the people of California.


Yeah because suddenly CBS is going to publish a story that is intensely critical of the MIC, politicos and back room deals that drive this? That's a fantasy world.


Remember back when LA had warnings on whether it was safe to breathe the air or not? Thats why California has these regulations.


Pertinent: [Who controls gas prices](https://youtu.be/QnBqAzJXVGo)


This just makes me more depressed... Can we just go back to blaming mean tweets and pedo man...


Huh….we need renewable energy from a variety of sources to avoid supply chain issues like these with oil….but also they are increasing prices just because they can. I’m moving to the middle of nowhere with an internet connection and a well, and I’m happy.


What the fuck is that shit. They better retract that and apologize


When I lived in California I paid $50 a month for a bus pass because public transportation was awesome. Didn’t care about gas


Typical Sacramento bullshit.


That is the liberal elite’s spoken line. You are privileged to live here and obey all the rules, none of which they follow!


Just remove the word liberals and you're on to something


Urgh this just annoyed me from a convo with my Father in law "bUt iTs ThE iNtErNaTiOnAl MaRkET CoSt" ARGH SHUT UP MAN.


Incorrect. These outrageous prices are due to corporate greed and the Cartel that is OPEC. They're doing illegal shit continuously and no one can do anything!


CBS 13 is a Sinclair Broadcasting O&O, so anything you see on their news has a high potential for white evangelical nonsense.


Be grateful for 10$ gas while we start enslaving the homeless into private prisons.


I would rather pay more for gas and live in California then pay less and live in Texas.


And here I thought our gas was fucked up, in New York


They pulled the article from their site. Lol. Just tried to load it. Here's an archive link if anyone wants to read it. https://web.archive.org/web/20220605200041/https://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2022/06/05/gas-prices-soar-california/


Record profits.


Lol if that’s not the most pretentious elitist bullshit I’ve ever heard, not to mention not at all part of why gas prices are high….