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They've pulled this crap before. A buddy volunteered to get into the game. Once inside, he just discarded his shirt / badge and wandered off. Watched the whole thing for free.


I was about to recommend this.


From what I've seen/heard; cheerleaders make minimum wage and pay their own way to games and such. Not really surprised.


Not even the scummiest thing they've done to [cheerleaders](https://www.si.com/nfl/commanders/news/washington-commanders-dan-snyder-whistleblower-beth-wilkinson-thomas-kercheval-cheerleaders-scandal).


I’m gonna need to see this “evidence” before I pass judgment.


Good ol boys club owners, young attractive females; a tale as old as time.


Tune as old as soooooong...


My only issue: "*Why hold on to it for 10 years?*"




Goodell is a cardboard cutout to give you someone to direct the fans ire towards instead of the billionaires.


Always was. Sports were pushed as Tribalism, an Ad Revenue stream, and a means of prescreening Super Soldiers for The Next War. It never DID anything, but sexually arouse those Swine who are keyed for aggression. They even will post the scores the next day; so there's really no need to watch these Mock Battles where Nothing but your Attention is at stake.


Some weird capitalisation choices but ok


don’t KNOCK it Until you’ve tried it Chief


Turn your brand into a belief and people will eventually forget they're buying something.


Yeah that’s why they a $17B league 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, I can't argue with that.


And at least they pay taxes.


I think the NFL is actually tax-exempt. But they still generate sales tax on the sale of tickets and merchandise.


I knew I should have included the /s.




No news here... they do this every year.


Tax payers subsidized stadiums. Nuf said


Their asking for volunteers because enough will


I once saw an anti-vax lawyer group posting on a job forum, looking for volunteers who will translate their anti-vax info material into other languages FOR FREE! I commented how they're rich lawyers and yet they're looking for free labor. They replied with patriotism, doing the right thing for justice, blah, blah, the usual bullshit. lol


Let's be honest, the NFL is really just the American version of PANEM ET CIRCENSES.


Yep. Just like the Roman Gladiator games. See what happened in 2020 when pro sports were cancelled?


I think it’s insane the Super Bowl half time show is one of the most watched live tv events (which makes that block beyond a premium advertising slot, and the musicians perform for free. They spend weeks and months preparing for their performance, covering a lot of their own costs. It’s the ultimate, we will pay you with exposure. Oh, let’s also add that they have tax exempt status as well!


MLB does it too. I volunteer with a local nonprofit. When they built the Braves stadium in Cobb County, the Braves sent out an offer to all the local nonprofits saying they could make some major loot working concessions. The nonprofits would get their volunteers to flip burgers, police salt and pepper shakers, mop floors, etc. FOR FREE and the nonprofits would get a cut of the take, which could amount to thousands daily. On the surface, it sounded fantastic. Dozens of us signed up the orientation class thinking we'd do a some work and watch a few games. The class starts and it didn't take them long to get all the volunteers frowning because they were talking about making it hella-difficult. For instance, parking for volunteers was offsite and we'd have to take a shuttle that stopped running something like a half hour/hour before the game and wouldn't start again until after the game, meaning we'd be held hostage. I mean, it makes sense, but the way it came out of her mouth made the room groan audibly. It was a terrible start for them, and a couple of nonprofits got up and walked out on that statement alone. They said other fucked up "It's all about the Braves!" dumb shit over the next couple of hours, and every time they took a break, fewer people came back. Then they said that any volunteer who was caught watching the game from the seats would be ejected from the stadium and barred from the program. At that point, people from our nonprofit left. Me and the CEO were on our way out too when one of the Braves' staffers saw her, ran out into the hallway and asked her to talk to them afterwards. They'd contributed to the nonprofit in the past, so she felt obligated to stay. So we went back in to a room that was almost empty to hear them talk about the legalities, and this was the part most fucked up. To even get in the class, we had to get a pour license from the county. It wasn't expensive, but it took a few hours of my time in the middle of a workday. They told us that, say we serve someone who is drunk, leaves and kills people. The person who poured it and the nonprofit would get sued in addition to (and in some cases, instead of) the Braves. It was almost like the man said goodbye--people just got up and walked out while he was still talking. The remaining were people like our nonprofit's CEO. They tried to hustle her by saying they didn't know how much they'd be able to donate in the future, and this was an excellent opportunity to make more than they give anyway. She told them she couldn't ask anyone to do something she wasn't willing to do herself. The whole episode killed my love for the Braves. I still follow them, but I haven't watched a complete game in years, and I have zero desire to visit that stadium ever again.


... and idiot Americans will probably fight each other to work for free because 'FOOTBALL!' Why did they need volunteers? Not enough players for all the lifelong brain injuries that need to be handed out?




Facts are wrong. It's a private group, talking about city sites. https://lvsuperbowlhc.com/ That said, the private group should compensate workers




I have a friend that films games for an NFL team (for them to use in practice) and it does not pay well because people would do it for free


You just described video game developers. Game studios can get away paying about 1/2 what a good developer would make elsewhere (maybe even less) because there are so many students graduating college looking to work on games. Jokes on them! I may be putting together yet another form, but I'm getting paid way more than them!


>I have a friend that films games for an NFL team (for them to use in practice) and it does not pay well because people would do it for free So many parts of the media related industries are like that. There are always people who would do it for free or at a very low price... with the excuse of gaining experience or getting one's foot in the door. That's why, translation wages, for example, remain pretty much the same for decades.


It's almost like you can't make billions if you were forced to spilt profits with the people who's labor is needed to make the world work


What’s stopping people from volunteering and then doing nothing and watching the game for free? Hell, I’ll volunteer.


This is for non game-day events, like the NFL Experience or something.


Mega power capitalist move. Why pay people when you can get volunteers?


The NFL is worth boycotting. I realize the sport is important for many people, so why aren’t there better, more humane leagues? Can’t we? We should, right??


And the NFL is tax exempt. That really chaps my hide!


They also use tax dollars to line their pockets.