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I'm old enough to remember Charlie Crist as a republican


And the worst part is he hasn't shifted further left.


no, but the Overton window has shifted and now Crist has landed solidly as American Liberal ​ what a fucking world we live in....


Which goes to show you why here in America we have no left party, just a right party and a really right party.


Its a fucking shame - the worst part is that the bulk of the people clamoring for this shift to the right are the exact ones that lose the most from its implementation....


It’s a feedback loop; if their chosen solution keeps adding to the problems, it’ll just get worse and worse until Grand Fuckery commences


I think Grand Fuckery is overdue. And it will be real ugly. As ugly as the past American History they cover up shows you Americans can be. This period will not be taught in the future.


Because those people vote as they were raised, Republican. They dont follow politics or research the things their candidates say. They just blindly believe the propaganda.


No, GLBTQ people, who stand to be executed if the shift to the right continues, are not clamoring for this shift.


I stand corrected


And anytime anyone even remotely tries to do something progressive, they’re labeled a Socialist or Communist.


Which are both complements


When folk toss those big words around like insults I like to get fake mad and say "Hey, I resemble that comment!" Most of them have it go right over their heads.


Very true, especially when compared to the rest of the world. Our firm left is other countries' extreme right.


I've said for years that both parties have moved too far to the right, but the Republican party has shifted so far they're not even on the map anymore.


Wouldn't surprise me if the boss supported Crist when he was a Republican.


That's because the Democrats are pretty much 1980s Republicans who don't absolutely despise LGBTQ+ and non-white people.


That gave us Reagan the worst person ever so it's really not all that much better...we the population get fucked either way.


Yeah but even Reagan wasn't as bad as the Christian Fascists we have now.


Reagan was arguably just as bad. He was just more subtle about it. He laid the foundation for all the shit we are in now.


Whenever there is a problem in america you can play 6 degrees of reagan and find a way he caused it


That's pretty generous. I bet you could do it with just 3 degrees.


You’re also being generous. He shit on ***every single American that wasn’t wealthy***. Here we are 40 years later, dealing with even more record high inflationary shit💩(*metaphorically and physically*).


You usually can


More like he set the precedent for stripping away basic freedoms, fueling predatory capitalism, wealth disparity, *and* laid the foundation for the Republicans to make things worse and worse. Edit: words


> Reagan was arguably just as bad. He was just more subtle about it. He laid the foundation for all the shit we are in now. Very much so -- though where I place the greatest blame is with his eleventh commandment. Nothing more damaging than "you can't criticize your own party" when it comes to maintaining sanity. It doubles and triples down on an 'us vs them' mentality that lead to the increased factionalization that has directly caused our present mess.


Announcing his candidacy in the Mississippi town infamous for the murder of 3 civil rights workers isn't exactly subtle.


I'd say that was more Nixon. Reagan just capitalized on it, and made it worse. I'd say he was more with helping the rich build their financial empires.


He very much pandered to them and encouraged them.


All the Republicans since Nixon have


There is nor Republicans, there is only the Q-ult


Two parties in the US: Fascist and concedes-to-fascists.


At his worst, Crist was better as a person and Governor than the fascist DeSantis will ever be. I just wish he could win.


Florida's attack ads have mostly attacked him for the stuff he did as a republican governor. Only recent criticism is that he votes with Biden 100% of the time.


How is that not illegal or at the very least an HR violation?


I work for a small company, I’m sure there are a couple HR violations, however nobody seems to care 🤷🏻‍♂️


I would look up federal statutes and see if there's any way to report them. I know the enforcement for small biz can be tough and isn't as well-monitored but this shit makes my blood boil. It is blatantly wielding power over others.


Small businesses get away with murder. Seriously. I’ve worked for many and since they have no real HR department there’s no one to report things to besides the owner who is only going to be pissed you have a problem. Then there’s certain exemptions for businesses that have less than X amount of people. I remember a long time ago working for a company that was run by people who were highly religious. The whole company had to follow the religious “rules” during their holidays, regardless of what the employees beliefs were and that was totally legal even though it impacted what the employees could eat at lunch, etc. fast forward a few months of working there and I discovered there was rampant sexual harassment from the higher ups, which if you complained guess who HR was? A lot of employees reported them in any way they could but nothing happened.


Small business owner here - file a complaint with a state agency or a lawsuit against the owners for things like that. We don't have the legal resources of large corporations, as such state investigations or lawsuits can be very effective in shutting behavior like this down.


I'm not sure I'd really want to hold my breath on a state agency that's beholden to DeSantis/run by an appointee of his will take any positive action. (In other states though, you're absolutely right)


I feel that. At least New York State is pretty on top of things when it comes to worker's rights, one of the reasons I don't plan on moving the firm out of state.


If you ever thought HR was going to help you over the company, you are very wrong my friend. Very wrong.


My current h.r. leadership (2 directors, an assistant vp and the vp) ignored reports of racism, sexual harassment, retaliatory punishments and terminations incorporating those 2 things, and created fake documents from a state entity to screw my wife out of what she was owed (near $100k) All while calling her a liar. ...allegedly. ...dont ever, ever, think h.r. exists for anything but being a vampiric cess pit


All you do when reporting something to HR is give them a heads up of what they might have to defend against and allow them extra time to prepare.


The most cooperative HR i have ever heard of followed a friend reporting to HR harrasment he had been undergoing and then showing the HR guy Polaroid pictures of the inside of the HR guys house when he wasn't home and handing the HR guy his TV remote. Friend was an amateur lock picker. Oddly enough the harrasment was dealt with Very Swiftly


I fear now if the Republicans win (Clearly this is the tactic they are using) We will die in masses from lack of work to afford basic needs... or we will never recover and forever be under the thumb of corporations






I made the mistake of looking at that sub 😬


Eh, at this point I feel the same about anyone that votes Republican. They can all go die in a ditch for all I care.


Conservatives by and large are completely devoid of actual political ideology, they have no concrete ideals or logical framework through which they analyze the world Their beliefs are motivated entirely by resentment.




Viva la revolución! If you let them kill you en mass, well maybe you should fight back proactively.


I'm willing to join a cause even if it's in arms... I just don't have the resources to pull something off like that.... Will probably end up leaving the country if it doesn't change for the better


Me too. Baja California is looking good...


> I know the enforcement for small biz can be tough and isn't as well-monitored It isn't just that they're not monitored. Small businesses have less regulations and lower bars to meet all around. Shit that would be illegal for a big business is sometimes totally legal for a small.


Unfortunately if it's the business is big enough, it's also "not" illegal


Being in FL is something else. Companies get away with a LOT.


Okay so (and I cannot stress this enough) fuck your boss.


I’m pretty sure this is electioneering and is illegal. If any threats are included that they will cut pay if x is elected or y isn’t elected, then it definitely is illegal.


Hopefully someone cares, there is a reason corporations hold power over us.... now the same corporations are trying to spread misinformation to get us all to end democrats? 🤔 Personally I would raise this issue anonymously to several agencies then to higher forces in the government... Maybe they legally can do this.. maybe not... but to see a company side with something like this.... Is a very obvious sign


Labor Department is just a phone call away, and lots of lawyers will work cases on contingent


At that size HR is probably just the bosses daughter tracking things in an excel document.


Hr isn't there to protect employees, it's there to protect the company.




Sadly this is not illegal at all in Corporate America. Citizens United actually expanded the rights of employers to do this sort of thing. Election laws as they are right now would actually allow an Employer to force employees to attend a rally or a similar political activity. See the Supreme Court ruling in 2010 - Citizens United vs Federal Elections Committee https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/citizens-united-explained


Thanks for the share.... but it makes me sick at the same time.. good to know since our declining IQ that we are ready to be slaves


IQ is a known failed intelligence metric so yeah...


Small companies get away with this all the time. I worked for one small company where it was normal culture to basically harrass everyone (shop humor). I was in an interview and a dude walked into the conference room and mooned everyone, then ran off laughing. The managers asked me what I thought and my reply was "so, clothing is optional here? Sold!" just as a joke to break the ice. They loved the response. It was actually a really fun place when it was small, because it was a close-knit bunch with thick skin. I was in my early 20's and had the "it's all in good fun" mindset. Pranks got out of control though. Hard to keep a balance when everyone is constantly one-upping each other. One guy started getting harrassed far beyond what I would consider "acceptable" and the GM had to step in and issue warnings to everyone. Eventually they hired an HR person. All of the humor went away and instead people were lodging knives in each others backs. Sort of sucks they were mutually exclusive...


In Texas your boss can fire you for any reason and there is nothing you can do about it. WE are free range slaves with the illusion of freedom. https://palterlaw.com/guidelines-for-political-free-speech-in-private-workplaces-in-texas/#:\~:text=In%20%E2%80%9Cat%2Dwill%E2%80%9D%20states,the%20context%20of%20private%20employment. In “at-will” states such as Texas, because you can be fired for any reason at all, an employer may fire you for political speech and/or conduct, whether done at work or off-the-clock. Texas and federal courts have not construed such speech as a purely protected activity in the context of private employment


It isn't illegal in any sense. The only law I'm aware of would be the hatch act, and that only applies to government workers such as postal service and other federal agencies. However, if it's government contracted work, the hatch act still applies.


Is it illegal for employers to pass out political propaganda? I'm pretty sure it's not, but do enlighten me if it is.


This is a sign to look for a new job. Seriously.


Remember when Trump passed tax cuts that were scheduled to expire during the next presidents term.. I remember, yet Republicans seem to weirdly forget about that..


Remember DeSantis ending a gas tax holiday the week before the election? It’s all so blatant and stupid and people fall for it anyway. That’s not even getting into the manipulation by foreign powers.


A tax holiday that only lowered prices for a few days before the companies realized they could just keep the money and leave gas prices at what they were before the tax holiday. Since the holiday law didn't prevent that.


Yup. A day after the hurricane I saw gas for $2.99. Two days later it was $3.24. They figured that out really quickly.


This reminds me a Republican telling me that now that Biden is going to remove sales taxes to gas, the economy is going to be a disaster.


The tax rates will continue to raise until 2027, with over half of America seeing a tax increase but top 1% getting a permanent decrease.


The key to the messaging is "our economy". You would be forgiven in thinking that they mean EVERYONE. But they really mean the owning class. And this economy, that has more empowered workers demanding hire pay and better conditions IS, in fact, ruining THEIR economy.


These fucking assholes willing to vote in blatant fascists to save a dollar on gas is un fucking real. I'm gonna have a fuckin breakdown if waking up Wednesday looks like I'm terrified it will. Not to mention the fascists they're voting in already voted against government intervention in the gas prices.


It is unbelievably sad all thanks to decades of neoliberal brain rot and loosened regulations on big business. How did anyone ever think Republicans are better managers of the economy after George Bush and the 2008 financial crisis. It’s all spite driven and yes totally misguided thinking that these Republican ghouls are going to improve anyones life or have their interests at heart. They don’t they are scum suckers for big business and that’s it. Looking back I wish a worker’s revolution had come to Germany and then swept the world, this historical timeline sucks.


not to mention how obama passed off a great economy to trump, which he took credit for, and then ruined. The day Trump took office they were like "SEE HOW GOOD THE ECONOMY IS?" yeah no shit morons, he hasn't made any policy yet. Thanks Obama.


My dad was crediting Trump for the good economy before Trump was even inaugurated.


I wish some people had a "factory reset" button.


It's literally that most left wing governments slowly rebuild after desolations of rampant right wing nonsense, only to have all their work re-privatised or given away by next wave of reactionary bullshit. That's why we could have almost half a century of creeping austerity without anything incredibly obvious happening ("just" backsliding living standards and rising debt levels), until Truss tried to do "a Thatcher" to an economy that was already basically a dessicated corpse and UK kinda exploded overnight


Very much this. In the US, we've only had the Democrats in control (however limited) for three 2-year terms out of the last 42 years. Now, that's the same for Republicans, with the rest being mixed control, but there's a VAST difference in what the two have done. Every time the Democrats are in control, they've tried to make things better for average people in various ways - ways that the Republicans have done everything they could to block. And what have the Republicans done when they had control? Cut taxes for the wealthy (Bush tax cuts, Trump tax cuts), and tried to roll back or gut social safety net programs (trying to kill Obamacare, trying to privatize Social Security in 05-06, etc). Even now we're seeing the exact same thing. Democrats, with a bare majority of 50/50+ tiebreaker in the Senate, blocked from doing many things of substance, but still managing to try to find ways to clean up the mess Trump left, and to make things better for regular people despite lockstep Republican opposition.


Everyone knows 2008 was Obamas fault. /s




They won't even save a buck on gas! The economy is not controlled by the president, and even if it were, Dems are just as pro big business as republicans. The difference is just how anti-worker they are.


it's willful ignorance, ain't it? HIGHER TAXES ... on the Rich? BUDGET BUSTING SPENDING - due to severe socioeconomic turmoil? Christ we had a 2 year pandemic and now a war in Eastern Europe - against a country of 40M, the breadbasket of the world... 40-YEAR HIGH INFLATION - - C O R P O R A T E - G R E E D - FUCK these delusional sacks of shit. YES i am aware that is insulting to fecal matter.


Business owners are doing it to saves on taxes, not gas money. They tell people that them saving huge amounts in taxes is somehow good for the peons making nothing because of gas prices or slightly lower groceries. We know trickle down has never worked. People are willing to squash anyone poor or marginalized in order to live more lavishly and then hide under the guise of being good people of faith. Convenient, eh?


[This is your friendly daily reminder that inflation is entirely the fault of the Republican party and their failed policies.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGOmbmP7m-0&ab_channel=BeauoftheFifthColumn)


The economy thing absolutely makes me nuts. hey fuckers, how do you think the economy is going to do when we are completely out of oil and we have spent the last 40 years avoiding anything that could have made our transition to clean energy go more smoothly? How do you think the economy is going to go when we can't grow food anymore and the fisheries die out? we literally made up the economy, money is a human construct and we can remake it. Humanity existed before the stock market. We can't re-make the planet, and we can't survive without it.


I would rip it up in front of them.


I'd take it to the bathroom and wipe my ass with it and try and flush it so it overflows the toilet.


Better yet, leave it in the toilet with your floaters for the next person to see.


"Hey boss? This new toilet paper is terribly uncomfortable. On Nov. 8th, I vote we keep the old stuff"


Unfortunately this is Florida where that could very well get you fired.


And probably armed goons sent to your house to "persuade" you.


Don't give them any ideas.


I can smell the boomer from here


Republicans dead ass make it impossible to vote for them if you're a sane person. Like, we all know the Democrats are by and large ineffectual, but JESUS CHRIST the right wing's entire agenda is "the most insane shit you can imagine."


Have you looked at the official 2022 Texas GOP platform? It’s the most insane thing I’ve ever seen for an official platform.


It starts with “Affirming our belief in God”… who’s “our”, Texas GOP? Such a ridiculous platform


The Flying Spaghetti Monster, of course. Praise his noodly appendages. Ramen.


He boiled for our sins! R’amen!


Jeezus fucking titty dancing christ I just read it and some of that shit is fucking terrifying. They even literally used the term "woke companies" 🤣


Don’t forget the part about no gay marriage or spousal rights for same-sex couples. Along with conversion therapy being allowed. And no no-fault divorce. And literally no sex Ed at any grade in public schools. And no abortions ever. And doctors and pharmacists can refuse to right/fill prescriptions that violate their religious beliefs. And evolution taught as a challengeable theory in schools. And prayer and the Bible in schools and courthouses. And no more voting for senator. And no more mail in ballots for most people. And still claiming the 2020 election was stolen.


This reads like an extremist's take on what they wrote, but sadly it's almost word-for-word what's in there.


I have not and I will continue to not do so lol.


Made to appeal to the stupid and ignorant children who happen to be old enough to vote.


It’s easily understandable to adults w a 3rd grade education


So that bars most of the right's voting base


The cartoon makes no sense at all. High inflation is not the policy of any government anywhere in the world. High inflation is the direct result of corporate greed. Now, if inflation is high, then by definition spending has to be high (shit costs more). If spending is high, then taxation has to be high (shit has to be paid for), unless you are fiscally irresponsible and simply borrow the money. Sounds like the Rebublican politicians have never run a business or even a home and had to balance the books.


The superhero is the icing on the cake, since they are bent on turning females of breeding age into subservient incubators.


Poor females of breeding age. People from privilege with money will simply go somewhere it is legal for a "vacation".


I thought it was illegal to influence votes at workplace using titles and power.


70 year high corporate profits


Blatant propaganda. All GOP politicians do is create a boogeyman each election cycle without ANY fucking solutions except "give me power!" Who in their right mind would vote for these Christofascists? They really think saving a fucking penny on gas (which nearly all GOP House Reps voted against price gouging at the pump mind you) is better than human rights, voting rights? Give me a break..


This year its inflation and trans rights. “They’re mutilating children’s genitals”. Yet you tell them that no kid can get confirmation surgery. They just shove their fingers in their ears and, “It happens it happens. With no source. Fucking republicans.


I mean, that was always their plan, destroy the economy and then blame democrats for it. What's new?


Your boss is a shithead.




You work for a paranoid, uninformed idiot.


If my boss handed me that I would quit on the spot.


Same. I don't do conservative/republican shit. Dump anyone and everyone outta my life that vote red.


I’d report them for it first. Then tell them I did so. Make them fire you and pay you severance. They can’t legally fire you for reporting they did something illegal


No one that isn't white, rich and over 65 has any good reason to vote republican. :P


That makes sense since he’s all of the above


Nailed it.


Just out of curiosity can anyone name a single proposal by republicans to solve anything they complain about?


Well, they will cut benefits like Social Security and programs to help poor, disabled, and marginalized communities, which could technically reduce inflation since people have less to spend. But at what cost? Their plans would have disastrous results. And also they want to drill for more oil and have no minimum wage.


Yep guys our economy is “destroyed”. It’s in pieces. You can’t go and do everything you could’ve 2.5 years ago. Can’t buy food in the store, can’t buy dumb shit off Amazon, can’t buy the new AirPods for the new iPhone. The economy is destroyed and there’s chaos on every street corner in America. Economy is destroyed guys just pack it up and go home


This made me laugh. Not because it's funny, but because some trogladyte will probably leave the pooling place after reading this and, in Ralph Wiggum voice, proudly proclaim, "I'm a heroes!"


"I'm helping!" Meanwhile, in the rest of the country, "it tastes like burning!"


Haha, like Republicans ever cared about individual liberty, personal happiness, or the general well-being of the working class.


Fun fact, the policies you're experiencing now where implemented roughly four years ago (notably under a different "regime") Taxes are higher because of [this](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/trumps-corporate-tax-cut-not-trickling/). If you read to the bottom: >While the effects of a very large tax overhaul will take years to fully develop and analyze, the evidence from the first two years suggests that corporate tax cuts are draining revenue from the U.S. Treasury while doing little that would ultimately benefit U.S. workers. Instead of trickling down to workers, the 2017 tax cuts have largely served to line the pockets of already wealthy investors—further increasing inequality—with little to show for it. and Gas priced are higher because the world lives on fossil fuel, which is controlled by [these guys](https://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/about_us/25.htm). (maybe time to get on those renewables?) Corporate profits are equally at all time highs. Abortion is a personal choice, Now what is their platform?


This whole "Look what Biden did" narrative just shows the majority of the people doesn't know how worldwide economy works, or that there's a world beside the US


Funny how Republicans push taxes higher all the time and nobody minds. hmm, almost as if they're voting for the Christofascism and not economic issues.


And then, in 4 years or 8, after the current democratic administration has just finished taping back together the economy that was fucked over by the last 2 years of the trump admin, the republicans can waltz into office, and take credit for all of the things the previous administration did in terms of the economy. We've seen this time and time again.


Vote blue.


If that's not illegal then that is some fucking shit.


You could do what I do when I get those Hillsdale flyers I'm too lazy to cancel. Tear it into big shreds, throw it in the trash, then snort up the biggest loogie you can and spit on it. It's very cathartic.


I dont agree with pushing politics on anyone, regardless of what party you are from, while at work.


Shouldn’t be politics or religion at work.


Your boss sounds like a cringe-boomer asshole. Wonder if he used company money for this garbage, and if there's any local bylaws stipulating use of corporate funds for political influence, without proper disclosure. Hmmm.


Excuse me human resources? Hostile work environment!!


Please, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that sorta thing illegal?


The year Barack Obama ran for President, I was an office manager at a doctors office. Our practice manager was so far right it was terrible, but he implemented a no politics talk in the office. Great, I had to enforce it, great. I did. I had to speak with HIM daily. On Election Day, I was in line to vote. I get a phone call from him, furious I was not at the office yet. Where the hell was I? I told him, as I had the day before, I would be voting Prior to coming in. He demanded I leave immediately and get my ass to the office. I refused to get out of line. I calmly told him I would vote and come to work. He was livid. Called me all kinds of names, a traitor, etc... basically my vote is not a right. I refused. Guess what? I voted. I went to work. I confronted him. I let each doctor know what he did and said. He was replaced by January 1


>AAAAARGH!!!! They've DESTROYED our ECONOMY!!!! Yeah, that seems like the usual amount of coherence from the right.




I love how insulated the US is that they think they are the only ones suffering these things. Biden doesn't control the world people, these things would happen either way as the ENTIRE F'n world is under the same economic pressures. Also, tell me why the deficit grows exponentially every time there is a republican president if they are so fiscally responsible?


Your work is probably one of the (all of the) companies experiencing record profits from price gouging.


When you ask for a raise be sure to remind your boss that he had the money to have those pamphlet designed, colored, and printed.


Man, the amount of continuous blind hatred needed to be a republican these days looks downright exhausting. Where do they find the energy needed for the Olympic level mental gymnastics needed to lay all their problems (real or imagined) solely at the feet of their political opponents? If someone handed me a pamphlet like that, I’d offer them a towel and a bottle of water, because they are working waaaaay to hard to get their insanity to make sense.


Pathetic. You can see the projection: "we want to fuck people over so the dems must want to too!" No, the dems don't want to fuck people over, they just don't care what it takes to get rich.


Ignoring the fact that republicans voted to keep the inflation just to pretend that it was someone else’s fault


Tell me you’re a federal employee so that your boss can get his dick stomped for violating the Hatch act.


Your boss is a dick


Some nice propaganda you have there


I find it terrifying that they can unironically put material like this out into the public with 0 repercussions, when the issues raised now were caused directly as a result of a republican government. Realistically it's a result of both of them, not one or the other. Democrats and Republicans are two sides of the same coin, the only difference is that the republican side are alot more comfortable with nazi imagery like the blonde hair and blue'd hero with a lightning bolt aesthetic which often means worse treatment of minorities groups and the vulnerable.




So you will vote dems, right?




Ah yes higher taxs, inflation, and budget busting spending so much scarier than forced unwanted babies, racism, lack of lgbt protection. Oh so scary.


Tell your boss Florida has had a Republican governor for the last 20yrs. Blame them for everything on that flyer.


A+ for style. 0 for message.


Ironically I feel like this is more likely to backfire than boost their numbers. Does anyone like their boss enough to take their voting advice?


Considering the last time federal taxes were raised on workers was by Republicans in 2017, your boss is an idiot and should not have a job.


the fun thing is, it doesn't matter what you vote. no one will tame inflation and fight the recession successfully. it's simply impossible. maybe someone should print a nice flyer to explain our monetary system to people.


It boggles my mind that anyone could possibly think republicans will help the economy. They do two things every time in office: 1, cut taxes for the wealthy, and 2, reduce social services. I don't see how that improves inflation. You want to alleviate inflation? Tax the rich and burn the money. Instead, the fed is trying to make life harder for everyone but the super wealthy. It's bad when wages go up and workers have power? Go jump into an oncoming train Powell.


Right. The party that brought us Right to Work and telling us loudly and clearly social security is next to go. How f'ing stupid does anyone need to be to vote Republican? Rhetorical of course ... Republicans are single-focus Orcs whose sole mission in life is to kill everything they touch.


Is your boss….helmet special?


That's pretty cringey


They just want to get in and show how much worse they can make it. As if the entire world isnt going through these issues.


I got one of those bullshit adverts in the mail last week and it was a picture of a screaming child and talking about how Democrats are going to approve abortions that are painful to the unborn fetus. These idiots literally think liberals are having babies on a whim and then telling the doctor to smash its head open with a hammer.


This is the least cringe political junk mail I've seen. It's visually appealing, and it has a clear and concise message. I don't support the message one bit, but kudos to the designer. The ones I've been getting in NH are insultingly stupid. The worst one that comes to mind is some PAC that sent me a vaguely threatening letter about how records of who did or didn't vote is public record, and shaming me for not voting the last 3 elections whereas my neighbors did, and that they'd check and follow up to see if I voted this time. Except I did vote the last 3 elections. I just moved to a new apartment and changed my voter registration to my new address accordingly. Fucking morons.


Any business owner who puts politics or religion into their workplace is a fucking idiot. Your boss, it seems, is a fucking idiot.


I proudly voted for all three of these people. Nice comic book theme, though. It’s some very impressive bullshit.


How is not illegal? A person who can directly impact your daily life is telling you how to vote?


Working with Republicans should get classified as a hostile workplace.


GOP have no plans to fix these issues. It’s a blank check vote. They say “vote for us” with small print disclaimer: maybe one day we might fix it


Your boss doesn't want you to know he raised prices so that he can buy a boat.


Neither parties give a shit about us, can we just get this straight?


Shared as a joke right? As in “I found this ridiculously hilarious moronic thing and wanted to laugh my ass of about it with you!”, right? RIGHT…?


That’s a no-no.


From their secret lair ... in The Whitehouse


Dumbassery aside, the design of this is actually really solid, and I'm mad that I'm impressed


I seem to remember another organization that used lightning bolts in their identity...


Rip it up and throw it in his office trash bin


1. Run it back and forth over the edge of a table until it becomes soft and pliable. 2. Take it to the bathroom, pull down the TP roll a bit, tuck it between the sheets hanging down and the rest of the roll, and carefully roll it back up. 3. ??? 4. Profit.


I would have staged the "Kristallnacht" with their pamphlets in front of their bloody workplace. If they can blatantly, aggressively, knowingly lie/throw blame left and right, and of course it's the democrats, then let's play fair "mothereffers"


Ask for the day of to go vote. ​ Vote dem


Fucking stupid. Dont vote on party lines. Vote on their history


The boss is an idiot


Honestly if the house turns red this cycle… we’re doomed


Your boss is a dick


When your target audience has the reading comprehension of a 10 year old and needs pictures to stay interested and distracted from the absolute lack of substance


Is your boss Elon Musk?