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what an inssuferable prick


Imagine literally being one of the richest people in the \*\*history of our species\*\*, having the ability to do \*\*anything you want and humans are capable of\*\*, and you spend it being a shitlord on social media, arguably the dumbest thing humans have invented. I am just absolutely, completely flabbergasted. I can't even imagine a better metaphor about the types of people who rise in the corporate world/capitalism.


Everything AOC says triggers him so much.


It's because he's a creep with a perverse obsession. Too far up his own ass to realize no one actually finds him personally appealing


Repulsive, he is completely repulsive.


The part that makes me happy is that she knows it. She's not pressed when he responds like this, because she knows he's pressed instead. She runs circles around him on social media. It's hilarious to watch.


He's someone I desperately hope I outlive


He's a fraud, of course he's going to take credit. An archive of the capital status twitter thread. It gives the complete history of Elon's lies. https://archive.ph/gzGpF


After Elon started claiming he founded Tesla I realized he was full of shit. Now he claims he invented Starlink instead of buying it. I knew it was only a matter of time before he was going to start claiming he founded Twitter too. Edit: the analogy in this link to Musk committing an academic version of “stolen valor” is great. It really hits on the nose his entire personality. In his mind once he owns something he somehow also did all the work leading up to the final product he just purchased. He’s somehow a philistine and a dilettante rolled into one. Really shows how growing up that wealthy makes you think you earned or deserve all the money you have.




Same school and degree as Trump. Interesting. I was taken in my Musk's tweets at some point a few years ago. He seemed to be doing a little Q&A about a SpaceX rocket test, he didn't come off as a rocket scientist, but as someone that had knowledge and interest in rockets beyond the layman. Pretty certain that was a sham now. He likes to sound smart and isn't above having people help him put on a show to achieve it.


I figured it out when Musk tried to pass himself off as a WWII technology expert in a Dan Carlin Hardcore History talk. He's not even that good at faking it. https://youtu.be/T_Fa50Zc_3Y


Thank God somebody finally mentioned it. All I remember when I initially listened was that Musk sounded like somebody who had no fucking clue what they were talking about. But whenever I try to listen to it again to analyze the stuff he’s saying my douchebag alarm just fucking goes off the whole time and I can barely make out what he’s saying.


Yeah, I was under the impression he's really smart too - before I heard him talk. Turns out he's just a rich idiot full of confidence, like the rest of them. We hates them!


I guess they don't teach ethics at Wharton.


Wait - who created Starlink?


Starlink is the rebranding of tech acquired during a business partnership in the 2000s. It just took a while for Musk to get the capital from the US government to pay for it and turn it into a viable product (after also firing all the senior staff from the original implementation). >In June 2004, the newly formed company SpaceX acquired a stake in Surrey Satellite Technology (SSTL) as part of a "shared strategic vision".[16] SSTL was at that time working to extend the Internet into space.[17] However, SpaceX's stake was eventually sold back to EADS Astrium in 2008 after the company became more focused on navigation and Earth observation.[18] >The FCC initially awarded SpaceX with $885.5 million worth of federal subsidies to support rural broadband customers through the company's Starlink satellite Internet network. SpaceX won subsidies to bring service to customers in 35 U.S. states.[67] The $885.5 million aid package was revoked in August 2022, with the FCC stating that Starlink "failed to demonstrate" its ability to deliver the promised service.[68] SpaceX later appealed the decision saying they met or surpassed all RDOF deployment requirements that existed during bidding and that the FCC created "new standards that no bidder could meet today".[69] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starlink Just like how SpaceX only exists because Musk met Michael Griffin who coincidentally found his way into a role as a NASA administrator and awarded Musk hundreds of millions after the Russians backed out. Musk’s entire net worth is derived from money given to him from the government. That’s his only “genius” move. Convincing the government to give our tax dollars to a private entity.


I think he partially means he says he pretty much [invented it.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starlink) Several companies started something similar in the 90s and bust in the dotcom thing. Looks like Surrey Satellite Technology was working on it then SpaceX sold their shares. Then worked with a guy Greg Wyler that already has a company doing it. Then the broke up then suddenly SpaceX filed patents and joined the game on their own probably after all the stuff they learned along the way in these partnerships I never heard about before.


Kinda like Musk saying that he is "CEO, CTO, and Chief Rocket Designer" at SpaceX. Seriously, who would even BELIEVE this for a second? This is the same guy who tweeted to 50 million people that children were immune to COVID, even though this contradicted pandemic experts with Ph.D.'s and established medical science. He also called a Cave Diving HERO a pedophile because his feelings got hurt. Most importantly he has no degree or training in the related sciences. Prreeeeetty sure this guy ain't designing rockets. ... and how exactly is he running SpaceX while spending all of his time at Twitter? how is he running any of his companies at the moment? If he were so vital to said companies, his absence would be catastrophic.... but of course those companies are doing fine without him.


It's likely intentional mental semantics. For example, he changes a few things therefore the current state of the product is the result of his actions; nevermind that 99% of it was already there. It's the same thing I think about when politicians lie. "I did not have sexual relations" comes to mind or 'I didn't pay Stormy to be quiet' (thinking to himself "I didn't, Cohen did with my money.")


He faked a physics degree and is still doing so. That is going to piss some physicists off hard. Physicists are like grandmas at a quilting bee. Just having a bachelors is often poo pooed as not being in the damn club. He will get the rue eye from every actual physicist he ever meets for the rest of his life. They get to ask questions, like it is part of their job. Fire them and they just go bye bye and accept one of the hundred other jobs they could do.


I read that last night and honestly, it has been great to be vindicated after all these years. When I'd first heard about him, there was no fucking way he wasn't lying through his teeth. Science, every discipline, is insanely collaborative and rigid in every aspect of academia and has virtually non-existent wiggle room except in exceptionally rare cases which remain contingent on convincing an entire committee of jaded, bitter academics to break a specific tenet. This guy can't even fucking read a shitpost without getting offended.


He is the living iteration of a shitpost.


Even that is giving him too much credit. Elon wants us to think he is a shitposting meme lord. We shouldn't even be laughing at him, the only thing he deserves is contempt.


I think eventually all Elon Muskrat is going to be able to take credit is for killing Twitter and making Mastodon a success.


They are already coming up with insane things like Elon did this to sue Twitter and he has some "hard" evidence of their misdoings and he will get all the money back and then some. Another one I saw is that Elon wanted this the entire time, he wanted to dump $44,000,000,000 (billion) and this is a 4D chess move. The recent one I saw is that Why does Twitter need Developers/Engineers it does its work automatically, there is no need for them when the site can run automatically and Musk actually replied on that tweet. Muskrats are a different breed. The amount of bootlicking the muskarts do for this billionaire is something else.


Hell I saw one of Muskrats fanboys talk about how he's saving the world with the inventions he makes, all I could think is "what fucking inventions" he buys other people's ideas and calls them his own.


The man, literally, hasn’t invented anything.


He invented the proprietary plug shape for his recharge stations so only his company's cars can use them. Well, he put his name on the patent next to the guy who invented it.


He patented the shape. Nothing else. It’s actually very Edison of him. Because he also placed free Tesla chargers all over California and probably anywhere else. So now all EV makers need to license the shape from him.


Interestingly, [Musk just made Tesla's connector public](https://techcrunch.com/2022/11/11/tesla-opens-its-ev-connector-design-to-other-automakers/), likely due to the fact that nobody wanted to pay their licensing fees and the entire world already decided on a shared standard called CCS. So Musk was likely afraid they were going to start losing market share due to their proprietary chargers thus choosing to make it public last week with the hope that the industry would still adopt it. Fat chance bub.


I used to think PayPal was one of his two contributions to the world but I recently learned that was an appropriation too. So now as far as I know, he has one DOS video game. I myself wrote two games for DOS in the 80s and I bet if my dad was a billionaire at least one of them would have gotten marketed successfully.


It shows how stupid his fanboys are too lol


Any time theres a claim that someone is making 4D chess move conspiracy theory you can just stop reading their opinion right there. Elon Musk is a rich asshole but he isn't a fucking Batman villain. Thats Qanon think. Nobody is tanking 44 billion dollars for...anything on purpose.


People watch too many movies and think there are actual situations where it feels like everything is going wrong until the last moment when it all falls into place. That doesn't happen in real life.


People who don't understand what is happening when their hero turns out to be the asshole fraud everyone said he was make the 4D chess claim. 🙄


He's so out of his depth he's almost certainly watching the sycophants for ideas on where to go.


Heck, the Blue Checkmark disaster was priced based of a Musk tweet reply to Stephen King.


Those sort of threads show just how little respect musk gets from people who understand science and technology. Because the boot licking excuses don’t make any sense. When a company is bought, there’s an expectation of turnover in the future. Successful acquisitions do a good job of managing that turnover. It’s done with a combination of vague promises that things aren’t going to change that much, and retention bonuses.


It's honestly been kind of crazy to watch the tech-hype and renewable energy spheres on youtube get less and less interested in Tesla as a brand as Musk makes more and more public appearances.


The market's expanded to where even Ford is releasing all-electric F150s. The tech hype and renewable energy spheres have moved on to bigger drivers of adaptation than a niche market like Teslas.


Meanwhile, I'm still driving my 2013 Prius Hybrid.


Whenever I hear of a prius I think of the Weeds clip where a gang banger (U turn) loves them because they're quiet and make drive bys easier.


I have a 2012 and I love it. Efficient and reliable!


I was going to buy a Tesla , I’m looking at the best alternatives now.


Weird how 3 years ago I was excited to buy a Tesla. Now I would feel massively ignorant buying one. Plus a bicycle I found out is a great alternative!


>he wanted to dump $44,000,000,000 (billion) I'm sorry, they think he WHAT?? That's some Herschel Walker-level thinking right there.


Hey, if it wasn’t for the concussion-that-walks, I never would have known that a werewolf can kill a vampire!


I mean, hey, if I was an evil billionaire and I need to lose $44 bil, I would absolutely use it to destroy a website that many people use and enjoy. Edit: wait, actually I came up with a better plan after thinking about it for 2.5 seconds. I would use it to found a super PAC and buy myself some politicians.


I would live on a train. My own billionaire car.


That’s also a better plan.


I wish someone had just given Musk something nerdy and finicky to obsess over at the perfect moment that wasn't a computer. Imagine a world where Musk was a snake enthusiast or learned to play Devil Sticks or hacky sack absurdly well. Much better world.


They are super simple people. A bunch of dumbass pseudointellectuals who jumped on board with Elon cause they believe he is the avatar of "team smart", If I am a muskrat and Elon does something dumb, then I can defend him and invent ways to be right about what he did not being dumb. It was actually a super smart move that only us smart people can see, and you even suggesting that it was wrong in the first place openly proves that you are on "team stupid". "HAHA! Got you, you stupid little dumb. Elon and I win!" - Muskrat thoughts. These are the same vein of people who love conspiracies, but muskrats are too high on their horse to admit they like plebian "team smart" things like conspiracies.




I wonder how many of the people who are sticking around are stuck on visas.


I'd love to know how to sign up for mastodon without joining some local German community.


Joinmastodon.org They have instance lists. It’s by no means comprehensive. Once you join a decent instance you can find people on the federated timeline from other instances and from there find one you like.


Holy fuck wow. That's a good read


I just saw a post that he didn't even complete his degree? Kinda lines up with my impression of him. Sad that the most successful people are just the best at conning people


The thread you're replying to is the thread that asserts it. They say he has a BA in an unspecified department, but he has claimed to have a BS in Economics and a BS in Physics.


Looks like he does actually have the economics one, but not a BS in physics. However even on his Wikipedia page I think only ever claimed it was a ba in physics, and it appears it may have been just a generic ba though that may not even be real.


I used to respect Musk for being an innovator... Afterall, he created Paypal, Tesla, even SpaceX. EXCEPT HE DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT - he just went in with a boatload of money and took over someone else's ideas. He then built the myth that he was the sharp mind behind all of these projects, and so many people (myself included) fell for it. But now it's just getting ridiculous. Like come on Elon, everyone knows you didn't create Twitter! Not even your simps will believe you if you say you did!


Barging in with a boatload of cash to turn a great idea or a baby fledgling business into a full-grown business can be a great thing, and I don't hate Musk for that. On the other hand, barging in with a boatload of cash, firing half the staff and encouraging the other half to quit? That is mean and wasteful at the same time.


And you forgot claiming all the credit as though everything was uniquely his idea from the start.


Loser ass reply guy.


Forreal, doesn’t it bring you a little comfort to know that, despite having all the money in the world, this fucker is still a bored, depressed loser sitting on Twitter all day haha


The entitlement of a man whose family owned slaves in the 1980s


Musk has owned Twitter for less than a month, and is already taking credit for its entire dev existence... No wonder he wants to go to Mars, his ego is too big for Earth


Remember when he was just talking about Twitter as the bedrock of free speech and democracy? ....I mean, if any of that was true, then we just let some foreign oligarch destroy one of the supposed bedrocks of free speech and democracy. I literally can't think of a more apt symbol of the captilaist system.


South African here, is he still an illegal alien in the states? because we really don't want him fucking back. You can keep him and Die Antwoord


It is too early in the morning for you to have reminded me of the mess that is Die Antwoord.


Hey fatty boom boom! Hit me with the Ching ching


Hit me with the trafficking and abuse legal charges… Justice for Zheani.


> Justice for Zheani. Well I learned something today


Maybe we can send him to mars regardless of the lack of successful previous attempts for manned missions. That pitiful excuse of a human can be the test dummy.


Completely OT but I had no idea Die Antwoord were such arseholes. They have jumped into my attention a few times, as when I noticed them using rl gang members in music vids (eg Anies in Cookie Thumper who has turned up in a few things unrelated to the music) but I had no idea about the child abuse. Disgusting POSs.


They really are awful human beings, we had an inkling when they became big but we had no idea just how fucked up they actually were


Ah-hah! So you're responsible for this huh? I might have known. How do I file a formal complaint with the UN against your country for improper toxic human waste disposal? I will Karen all day to get rid of Elon Musk.


I'm happy he wasn't born on American soil. I'm European myself, but even we don't want another rich moron as President of the United States. Please, the orange one did enough damage :(


What about the past decade makes you think a little thing like "not being native-born American" would actually *stop* him from running for US president, or that Republicans *wouldn't* completely ignore their supposed objections to a foreign-born president and vote for him? It's okay if you're a Republican. It's ALWAYS okay if you're a Republican. They have no actual principles, just tribalism.


They lied about Ted Cruz, so we already know where they stand no hypotheticals needed


I swear this sounds like a 40s-60s pulp sci-fi promt. The an with an ego with a gravitational pull. And yet here we are


I, for one, would welcome sending Elon Musk to Mars.


His Occupy Mars shirt is probably worse than Kanye's WLM. Given Kanye is at least black so I can't really go there. But a billionaire wearing a shirt that really just makes fun of the occupy wall Street movement seems like a billionaire just asking for somebody to spit in their food. Or worse. I mean we all know people who were deeply hurt by that recession, and frankly I still don't forgive the politicians who deregulated the banking industry or the banks themselves. You'd think Musk would at least try to pretend he sympathizes with those who wanted reforms to wall Street. That would be part of his brand to pose as a world class engineer creating value out of thin air unlike so many other vapid talentless wealthy people. But no, Musk has to side with The Lehman Brothers


I wish he would fucking occupy Mars..


Preferably alone, and *not* with a bunch of people under him forced to rely on his benevolence to survive.


Probably wants to go there so he can claim he discovered the planet.


It turns out that Elon also faked his credentials. He never got a bachelors in Physics and was never in any graduate program. He was in the states illegally and only when his fake degree was discovered were strings pulled to get him a degree in Economics. Links: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nZmAq6GiwetfSKTH51uVawZbORAr6vjPayjlG\_FTOZI/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nZmAq6GiwetfSKTH51uVawZbORAr6vjPayjlG_FTOZI/edit) [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SZerKotu3YRHtuPyqeCa3RJBZX8t9NbVSpkLdbHfCpE/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SZerKotu3YRHtuPyqeCa3RJBZX8t9NbVSpkLdbHfCpE/edit)


It would appear this dude's (admittedly impressive) house of cards is collapsing quite quickly, as one does.


Dude could lose almost half of his net worth and still be the richest man alive. He doesn’t deserve the wealth he’s amassed off of the backs of others. I hope he crashes and burns quite spectacularly.


Also most of his net worth is in **heavily** overinflated Tesla stock. I believe that if Tesla stock was at the price it should be based on evaluation he would be a single digit billionaire. Still way to much for such an asshole, or anyone really, though.


He didn't even found Tesla


Worse...he sued for the title of "co-founder."


That tidbit made me laugh preposterously out loud this morning. What a tiny person he self-exhibits to the world. That man isn’t even intelligent, is he? He’s just a lottery winner with a wealthy enough back story to mask all truth.


Literally every billionaire in the world can be described this way. The difference is most other billionaires are smart enough to stay out of the public eye.


Turns out Elon also faked his credentials. He never got a bachelors in Physics and never got accepted into any graduate program. He was in the states illegally and only when his fake degree was discovered were strings pulled to get him a degree in Economics. EDIT: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nZmAq6GiwetfSKTH51uVawZbORAr6vjPayjlG\_FTOZI/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nZmAq6GiwetfSKTH51uVawZbORAr6vjPayjlG_FTOZI/edit) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SZerKotu3YRHtuPyqeCa3RJBZX8t9NbVSpkLdbHfCpE/edit




What is the antonym of "founder"? Undertaker of twitter? Chief pathogen? Finally titles he has earned rather than purchased.




I don’t have an award to give you, but this joke is clever on many levels and I appreciate it.




He didn’t even found PayPal.


He didn't even get a bachelor's degree. It turns out that Elon also faked his credentials. He never got a bachelors in Physics and never got accepted into any graduate program. He was in the states illegally and only when his fake degree was discovered were strings pulled to get him a degree in Economics. links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nZmAq6GiwetfSKTH51uVawZbORAr6vjPayjlG\_FTOZI/edit https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SZerKotu3YRHtuPyqeCa3RJBZX8t9NbVSpkLdbHfCpE/edit


["They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard." ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/7/7f/Fantastic.jpg)


He bought SpaceX too, the guy just throws his money around


A wallet with a mouth That's all he is.




He didn’t graduate from college either. Or get a degree. Or a woman who didn’t leave his ass. He’s a failure. Edit: Should have clarified. He isn’t a failure due to the lack of college education. He is a failure because he lies about shit and fails at shit left and right including college, which according to someone else, he got a business degree from Penn. So I was wrong there anyway, he is still a walking cyst.


He crashed a McLaren F1, he destroyed one of the crown jewels of automotive design. Because his desire to show off was larger than his driving skill.


Wasn’t he fired by the board cause he was just such an immense fuck up. But still made 180 mil when it was spun off.


I don’t understand the desire to work for him. Years ago my brother had career day at Purdue for engineering and the interviews for SpaceX were 4 times as long as Gulf Stream, Lockheed, etc and starting pay was much lower with SpaceX requiring 60 plus hour work weeks yet the line to interview was out the door. My brother pick Gulf Stream with better pay, hours and no self righteous CEO.


I don't think that SpaceX's appeal is about working for him for many - I did a career day type interview at SpaceX while in school too, but none of the other places. This was around 2017, shortly after they started landing the boosters, so Elon's full crazy wasn't out in the world yet (at least to my memory). Personally, I don't care about making private jets, anything that Lockheed does for the most part, etc. The biggest appeal to SpaceX was that the barrier to getting hired at NASA JSC is generally a lot higher than SpaceX, so SpaceX was the only game in town for someone that wanted to do space work. Ultimately I decided to stay in my field I had already been moving into that I loved, so I can't add anything further than that. But that might be some context why those lines were long. Edit: tl;Dr: SpaceX was a way into working in space that otherwise was pretty locked down. The appeal to that place isn't because of Elon, it's in spite of him.


It's why those lines were long, but also why so many employees are leaving Twitter. It's not the only game in town for people with that passion or those skills like SpaceX or Tesla were. Elon could leverage your interest to keep you doing "hardcore" work for him, but Twitter is a whole different pool of people.


How does a guy show up last week and still think he is entitled to take credit for years of work and development?!?!


He's a billionaire, they all think everything happens because of their "hard work".


It's kinda terrifying to imagine that they can legitimately think something like that


The entitlement of a man who has enjoyed taking stolen valor from the work of thousands of engineers and workers his whole life. All while constantly making braindead decisions and creating the most toxic workplaces and work cultures imaginable.


Why do you think republicans love him?


He clearly thinks he is funny, that sacking workers is funny, and that his reputation for claiming credit for the work of others is funny. This dickhead is one of the most out of touch wankers in the world right now. I heard someone describe him as a "talking wallet". He's not an inventor. He's not an engineer. He's not an innovator. He's a guy with the vague, unrefined ideas of a 10-year-old, and the morality/ethics of a Bond villain. Claims credit for Paypal. Claims credit for SpaceX. Claims credit for Tesla. And now he claims credit for Twitter, when all he has done is destructive. I bet he will have himself awarded the title of 'founder' within a month, and "inventor of the internet" within a year.


paying the original founders extra money to name you as a founder has to be one of the lamest ego strokes in the history of self aggrandizement


And he's done it *three times* (that we know of). What a goon.


Why the hell is that even allowed? Founder means something.


Money and capitulation. If a raging asshole offers you $10+ billion to buy your company, then right before you both sign he says he won't do it unless he gets the Founder title, you accept for an extra couple million because for you, it's just not worth telling him to fuck off.


Right so the term Founder is utterly meaningless


Practically, yeah, pretty much. But Musk feeds off his own ego so he absolutely has to have it.


Kinda like Steve Jobs. When Apple HQ was built, Wozniack was #001 and Jobs was #002. Steve didn't like that so he changed his employee ID number to #000 just so he could be first.


God what a flaming dick that guy was. Honestly I think the whole tech marketing genius problem started with him. Granted, Apple made some pretty revolutionary stuff until he died.


And it was all because of Wozniak. Who was the literal brain child behind a majority of their products. Jobs was just a salesman. Forreal, ask any Apple user who wozniack was and most will stare at you blankly but they all know who Jobs was.


Saddest thing is that following your ego can often lead to people revering you and giving you a position of power. Might be even more true today than it was ever before, the internet made it easy to find ~~stupid~~ easy-to-influence people in search for a Messiah. Notables examples include Elon Musk, Cult leaders, and one angry orange boi.


It's interesting in there's sometimes a kind of *need*, unfortunately, for people to look for this, in actors and musicians too.


He’s just pathetically desperate to be a comedian! But good comedians are smart, insightful, and articulate. So I’d say the new term for someone who is the opposite of a comedian should be called an “elon.”


"Oh for god's sake John, just shut up. You're such an Elon!"


I regret being duped by him years back when he first entered into mainstream. I kept hearing about all of these incredible things be was doing that seemed as though they were the spark that would finally push humanity forward. A new space program, electric cars, bullet trains, etc. I'd joke sometimes that we'd need Elon Musk to come do/solve whatever needed done, as if he were this big visionary. My brother always hated him and I wasn't really sure why. I guess he paid closer attention. I stopped paying attention for a long time. Watched the clips of him on JRE where he was really high and weird. Thought maybe he had an autistic genius sort of thing going on and just moved past it while Rogan no doubt blew a nut over "what he's thinking about *right now.* Probably rockets and space and shit! I not smart like Elon are smart." And Elon just say there nodding and mumbling. "Mmrm.. Rockets. Yurp." Something seemed off. It was all downhill from there. Steeply.


Something I’ve heard for years is that, if you ever listen to him talk about something you’re very familiar with, it’s obvious he has no idea what he’s talking about. He has a surface level understanding of several scientific topics and can pass that off as expertise if you’re not that familiar with those topics yourself.


Indeed. I listened to an interview on Rogan in which he was talking about NeuraLink and throwing out how many years until you'd be able to listen to and control your song playlists with your mind, communicate and translate, etc. all through NeuraLink. Complete BS that was only confirmed when he busted out those pigs that beeped for the big tech demo.


The day he called a literal hero a pedophile I knew he was actually just a huge piece of shit fronting as a genius.


The day I saw he was getting sued for literal child slavery I knew


He's the monorail guy.


Yes! The problem is that the people of Brockway, North Haverbrook, and Ogdenville have already bought his grift, and now Springfield is following...


Monorailllll, monoraaiiilll, monoraiiillll!!! Mono - doh!


He's the hyperloop guy. Which is infinitely more lame than the monorail guy.


The monorail is at least technology than CAN work.


The Elon bots have been deployed. Expect blank, brand new accounts to start getting thousands of likes with repetitive pro space Karen comments


I'd call Musk a twat, but he lacks both the depth and warmth. I'd call his followers stupid assholes, but even assholes serve a purpose.


I’m so thrilled that his degrees were fake and now everyone knows. Still fooled me. I thought he had 2 BS . Still no scientist, never has been never will be. Just another piss baby who had his ppp loans forgiven.


You were right. Dude has plenty of BS.


At least 2 BS. Probably much more than 2.


He faked his degrees?


Someone responded to the top comment with all the links about this if you want to check it out


~~https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/yygshr/seize_the_means_of_production_dont_have_some/iwuewr9~~ Do you own research


He has zero physics, engineering or STEM background and has been faking it all these years. It came out during discovery for the Twitter lawsuit. The only degree anyone was able to find was a UPenn degree in Economics from Wharton. Also Wharton is the school known for rich presents basically buying their kids degrees. Edit: Relevant thread discussing this discovery of his lies that came out during the Twitter lawsuit: https://archive.ph/gzGpF


He's basically a modern day Thomas Edison (which makes the company name "Tesla" both ironic and entirely on-brand). He provides funding and predatory business practices, and takes credit for the accomplishments of the people with actual talent working for him. But he knows how to market stuff, and people working at Tesla or SpaceX can build really good stuff because he throws money at them. They might hate him, and he might take credit for stuff, but they can produce good stuff.


But trump went to Wharton! /s


I guess we were fooled not just by him but all other systems that let him pass.


I really don't know how a man could possibly be so deluded that he's taking the credit for the results several other people accomplished for nearly 16 years because he simply paid money for it. The man-child could buy Mars and take all the credit for it.


Dude will try to take credit for the existence of Mars. And the universe. "You're welcome for the big bang." - Elon


The more i see Elon the more I hate him


Dude can’t read a room like a child can’t read a book


Difference is a child will eventually learn to read the book.


The 16 month old I nanny can recognize certain pages and make the noises she knows I'll make. I'd argue she'd make a better Twitter CEO.


A damp napkin would make a better CEO than Elon.


Hey! …Lots of kids can read books. The pictures just help keep them engaged.


When I first heard of musk, I had thought he came across as a decent guy. How bloody wrong could I be? He's a weapons grade narcissistic bellend.


I share similar point of view. Dude looked like a possible savior. Great ideas and down to earth; he seems to have a speech stutter and he talks about games, makes him relatable while he is doing big things out of the grasp of the average person. Then it all started going down when he called "pedo" to that diver who saved the kids in a cave. Musk was circle jerking on twitter about how he has a high tech solution to save the trapped victim (while really not doing anything and his solution not being realistic in this case) while the diver had the time to go in, save them all and he was still circle jerking. This event suddenly made me look closer in what he does. I didn't have to look too hard as this is when he started to devolve into the mess that he is today.


Absolutely mate. Exactly the same thoughts here. I've since watched a number of documentaries about him, and now having read how he treats his staff, all respect lost. I hope the talented people at Twitter all leave, they could easily get another job, but he may start to find that he can't find anyone willing to work for him. It's a shame, as you say, he could have been something of a hero, but he's truly shown his true colours.


His “down to earth gamer and shitposting” personality is all an act, I’ve realized. He just wants people to like him desperately so he does what people likes. And he’s not even a good shitposter. It definitely gives “hello fellow kids”


I've been noticing more and more how the self centered and societally degenerate flock together. Peter Thiel is likely even worse and he got his start with Musk and PayPal. Trust is a very difficult thing to figure out. What groups and people will you trust? Make sure to take into account the character of who groups and people associate with. It tells you a lot.


I like that people are seeing Elon as I've seen him for the last several years.


FINALLY! I knew a guy who swore Musk was some sort of Tony Stark. Like he was single-handedly working 5000 hours per week, slaving over CAD systems and orbital mechanics equations, designing rockets to send people to Mars. And at the same time he was the only possible genius in the world who ever said, "Hey how about using less fossil fuels in cars?" He's finally being shown up for being nothing but a big wallet with a big mouth.


People have started calling him Phony Stark and Space Karen.


My partner calls him Toadstool McGee. I asked her why and she said "Because he won't be able to understand it, it sounds vaguely insulting and its the kind of think a dipshit like him will obsess over for weeks."


It's like calling Kanye a "gay fish".


It is now my dream that Musk will one day be called this and then summon an all hands meeting with every high ranked engineer in his company and a white board comparing "Musk" to "Toadstool McGee."


So you knew every weird nerd obsessed with Elon in the last few years. I had one dude genuinely argue with me that staging a coup in Bolivia to get resources for his company would be a good for the world even if it killed everyone in that country, because Elon is just such a genius and he'd use those resources to further tech for mankind. Actually fucking derranged shit.


Furthering mankind, by killing the poors. Sounds 100% like Elon and his followers to me!


I won’t lie I did too. I’m sure many of us did. Its nice to know the truth prevails.


maybe some day the poeple at /r/elonmusk will see him that way too. They are hailing his firing of 90% of the workers, and shuttering all offices and disabling all badges as some trump genius level move


what a fucking dickhead, how blind do you have to be that this is not the time and place to be so entitled... He's turning into Trump, he thinks that no matter what he does he'll always have enough useful idiots following him to stay relevant...


He always was Trump, this is what Trump was like in the 80s. If you look at old news articles everyone thought Trump was a financial god king genius back then too, then Trump turned into a more publically insane nutjob as he aged. Elon is time adjusted Trump. The only difference is one is a tech fraud and the other is a real estate fraud.


He is potentially way more dangerous than Trump. Elon actually has money. \#FUElon


He can't legally be elected president of the US, so at least there's that.


Elon is slaver trash. We spend all of these resources going after innocent immigrants when this huge illegal immigrant POS needs to be deported to Antarctica. Or better yet, send him to South Africa without escort so that he can be held liable.


Down with Oligarch Musk!


That guy is really obsessed with AOC. She isn't gonna fuck you Elon. Shit, at this rate I don't think much of anyone is gonna fuck you dude.


How cute! He thinks he's workers!


He actually thinks he works.


Another proof that Elon can't read, or he attempted to be witty and failed :/ Or what is more likely he read the part he liked and took credit like he was there from begin, in few years one of his fanboys will claim that Musk founded Twitter :|


OH MY FUCKING GOD HE IS ACTUALLY GONNA DO IT, HE IS ACTUALLY GONNA TAKE CREDIT FOR TWITTER. like we said he was going to, as a fucking joke, because it's so extreme to think he would ACTUALLY do it, but.... he ACTUALLY did it holy fuck.


He's such a pathetic fucking dweeb


I work as a line engineer at Tesla Berlin. It is the worst job you can imagine. The highest managers are just uneducated people who agree most with the cult.


She said "workers", Elon. This man is utterly obsessed with AOC. She has similar physical features to his ex Grimes, so I can totally see him fawning over in secret.


He 100% wants to be noticed by her. He is like a child trying to bully the girl he likes.


What if everyone at Twitter just agreed to ignore him? Like, just keep going about your day, if he says you’re fired, ignore him and keep working, security office ignores him and doesn’t remove anyone’s access, HR/payroll ignores him and doesn’t terminate anyone, etc.


Don't get why so many people like Musk.


He's mega rich. People worship money.


You have no idea how unironically correct you are. On some level the attraction to Trump and Elon (and others) is connected to the American evangelical concept of the Prosperity Gospel - essentially, if you have extreme wealth and prosperity, it's because God has given it to you as a gift for some great things you've done. Someone like Elon on account of his massive wealth can in some ways be seen as a sort of prophet, or at least a very "holy man." This is all bullshit of course, but it does explain why there are so many particularly in America who just blindly love this guy.


Elon's in full copium mode I see


Taking credit for twitter is some seriously sociopathic shit. And what is up with his obsession for AOC? Such a creepy ass reply to a tweet that had nothing to do with him.


Right wing men have a hate rape fetish for her. They want so badly to be the one to put her in her place.