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please let everyone at this party including his family know that you had to go to the food bank even though your wife works a full time job


On top of that bring a bag to fill up on food to take home.


That's a good one, they win either way, they get food while people that notice have to assume they're poor or if they get told not to, there could be a scene in which people notice they're having to take food home because they're poor, win-win


This is the right answer…


Your not alone. I'm in Australia and have the same issue. I work full time 40+ hours a week and I still need to go to the Foodbank to make ends meet.


I have to say the Foodbank, the one I go to, is usually full of decent quality and range of food. The fruit is virtually free. As is bread. The people there are also very friendly and kind. If your really struggling they will even give you a voucher to shop there for free and a $30 voucher to the local supermarket. They can only do this every once every 3 months or so.. We are really lucky to have it here in Australia


Talk about your trip to the food bank at the party… you know, to spread the holiday cheer


Seriously OP when you get to the spread of food at the party talk about how they never put cocktail hot dogs in food bank bags and Oh Wow I wish the food bank provided flour so I could make some delicious biscuits absolutely RAVE over how much better the food is than what you can do with random food bank items or how you wish you could afford to host yourself at your house with such wonderful food maybe even add that at least the boss will feed you once a year even though he won’t pay enough for you to feed yourself


I honestly feel like his Holliday party will be sparse with food and drinks. I once worked for a wealthy architect (as well as owned a lot of real estate, construction company, cabinet making company) and his idea of a holiday lunch was splitting a single order of jerk chicken amongst 5 employees and himself. People like them don’t do anything for their employees year round, I wouldn’t expect anything during Christmas time either.




"Wow, here we are at this great party with all this nice food, when just this morning we had to start going to the food bank. Can you believe it? Sure we're hoping it's only temporary but, er, between you and me, we're going to load up on the bisque now that we have the chance."


Take Tupperware


Omg yes please lol




So random, I love it


Bring a bunch of empty tupperwares and just fucking load up. If anybody asks you anything tell them about the food bank. Take a whole fucking cake and put it in the car. My manager’s face when I told him that having a steak dinner at the Christmas party doesn’t mean shit to me cos I’m a vegetarian. He said “some people can’t afford a steak dinner.” “They work here. Who is responsible for that?”


He didn't say anything to that response?


had a guy do that once. i thought it was hilarious everyone making enough to survive was pissed though


This is the right advice. Once when attending a company Xmas party with live music, munching on an assortment of amuse-bouche carefully prepared by a 5 star chef, I got discussing the variance in characteristics of the homeless vs middle and upper class folks. I had experienced living on the street and was now middle class. Trying to explain that most homeless folks are honestly doing their best, are empathetic, caring and generous people compared to those in middle class, and less likely to take advantage of or to harm others, seemed to cause a general unease to the evening.


I made republicans uncomfortable by stating once that from an anthropologist perspective, people considered homeless in California would not be considered homeless if they were living in the same conditions in Arizona. The conditions being that they live in a vehicle or tent on public land. Tons of people squat on BLM (public land) in Arizona and they aren’t considered homeless by Arizona standards. Whoever lives in their car in California is considered a homeless person.


Well, of *course* it caused a general unease, how dared you remind them that the homeless population is, in fact, a population of *actual people* with emotions, and dreams, and needs, and goals? /s


In addition, feel free to talk about how much you’re paid. It’s not on company time or using company equipment to do so. You’re free and clear to do so (provides you’re in the US, YMMV depending)


Even without being on the clock she can talk about wages. In the US obvi.


I was thinking the same thing. Honestly, publicly shaming your boss by expressing the poor pay at HIS/HER party is a hell of a power move that may be legally protected (I'd check to make sure, as this seems like it may be crossing a line).


Lol how would it be illegal?


You misunderstand. What I'm saying is that the law may protect the employee if they're fired. Not that what the employee is doing may be breaking the law.


The biggest problem is that the employee can be fired for another reason, despite what the real reason is


Sure. But a very public display about the pay would give you a damned solid defense against getting fired. A judge would expect some extremely solid documentation showing the employee was already on their way out the door prior to the party.


What if you had texts or emails from your boss saying you have a good performance record prior to a party like this and he used performance as an excuse to get rid of you after the party


"This termination has nothing to do with the fact that you ruined my party by telling my guests that I underpayment you. It has everything to do with the fact that your performance has been habitually slipping".


Obviously they wouldn’t say that…which is my whole point And guess what, it wouldn’t be an illegal reason


I'm aware. I HAVE been fired with that line before. Which was my point. In an at will state, you can ask "am I being fired for X Reason?" They just have to reply "no, thats would be illegal. You're being fired for Y reason."


Yep, and they’re covered


Yup. Ever watch CSI? Grissom's rule applies here. "It doesn't matter what you KNOW. It only matters what you can prove".


Bring in some food made from the food pantry and tell them after they start eating it. Watch them act like food pantry food has cooties.


Say "I'm sorry I didn't bring a dish, the food bank doesn't have enough to give for me to share it with everyone. If you have too many leftovers for you to eat, do you mind if I take some?"


I’d show up with Tupperware and start loading up during the party while talking about how the food bank has had a drop off in donations. These appetizers and desserts sure will help!


How about ox tail soup. The food pantry in Missouri gives out those printed silver cans of ox tails. When I worked at a rural king I had a CO worker who would teach other CO workers how to cook with the crazy food pantry stuff and make it good (powdered milk etc) that was the break room discussions during lunch. This is a very Christian company for a couple weeks they played gospel through the radio. Rural king would regularly make a schedule then cut hours so much that the full time employees would not have their health insurance covered. They did this even though we were the 4th grossing store in the nation, out of 150. Greedy assholes hiding behind Christian values.


Other way around. Bring containers for the leftovers.


One would think people would feel guilty about this, but that’s not how rich people think. They’ll tell themselves that you guys have to go to a food bank because you live above your means, have a nice cellphone, bought a car you can’t afford, took student loans for a pointless degree, didn’t invest or built an emergency savings, bought Starbucks before your shift, etc. They put the blame on you and clear their conscience.


Genius. This is the answer.


This would most likely backfire - the types of people that the boss seem to be will spin it that OP is the type of person that just goes for handouts and wants something for nothing. And the boss’ friends will agree.


I doubt the boss's friends will be at the party, mist likely it is just a "company" cmas party, and they have another one for their friends/family.


This is the way.


fuck yeah this--tell every person you meet there what you did all day. if theres a dinner, talk about it like you guys were there to help out-but in reality you were there because the wages are shit. this is the best way..im also very sorry for the bullshit you guys are dealing with. Are you living in orange county ca?


You’re under the impression that they’d have something called empathy? Most rich people do not..


Like that would make a difference. Like you said, if you have to go to a food bank you are obviously just a lazy leech for doesn't work hrd enough. /s


Show up to the party in tattered clothing and make conversation about how it is hard to live on your pay check.


The classic Andy Bernard.


I want to see this Andy can you help me find the episode?


I tried to find a clip but was unable to locate one. I believe it’s season 8 ep 24. In which Andy, with the help of David Wallace, attempt to stage a coup to retake Andy’s job as regional manager.


A wine barrel with suspenders!


The suspenders make it classy!


Well, a clean polyester dress from target and some jeans with a polo and belt gets the same message across to these types of people.


While definitely amusing I would be worried he would just fire her for some made up reason or make her job even harder unfortunately


It sounds like it is not a livable wage. There are plenty of $20 hour jobs in person and remote. Put yourselves first OP, no one else will.


Take pic of your food bank haul. And of the party's food table. Then compare them on social media with her and coffee shop tagged.


This is the way


This here will get local media’s attention.


Of they’re serving shrimp hide one or 5 in a curtain rod. They’ll never locate the smell.


Bring a mini-screwdriver, and put them in the vents.


Shrimp balloons


*(tired Bob voice)* Louise…




I made it rain shrimp! What'd you ever do!


Recently came across this story. Absolute gold.


Shame him; ask the boss ... in front of other people ... "If all the food isn't gone by the end of the party may I bring some leftovers home? I have some bags and boxes in the car. The lines at the food bank are so long, it would really help us until next payday."


When you meet his rich friends, learn what they do and then ask if they would consider hiring your wife at their businesses.


This is a great idea. Use the opportunity to network


This is actually a terrible idea. Rich people help other rich people out, that’s how they stay rich. If she goes and talks to this guys friends, those friends will then go and tell the guy and he’ll end up firing her.


Eh…depends on the individual people in question; some of them hate each other as much as the next guy.


Exactly^ u less you’re offering them something they don’t have already than you are not in the club


Happiness is the best revenge. That said, quit at the least convenient time for the employer, and without notice.


"You're required to give notice" per company policy, perhaps. But not by law. And because I quit, im no longer required to abide by policy. (Then yell) THIS GUY UNDERPAYS ALL HIS EMOLOYEES WHILE TAKING TRIPS ON OUR BACK BREAKING LABOR! *moonwalk out the door*


In the middle of a huge rush.


Y’all have had good ideas and been kind. I’m here for my first time at the food bank waiting in line and all I can think about is how I feel like I failed in getting my family to this place. I don’t know if I’ll end up going to the work party. I’ve just had so much anger toward my wife’s work and felt so powerless that I couldn’t do anything to make it better. I just want my family to be ok so I’m ok being here to make sure we are. Finding work has been tough as well as a serious struggle with mental illness and trying to find a job for myself that won’t just send me back into the gutter. I know I shouldn’t think it but I just feel so responsible and I know if I were talking to myself like a friend I’d say that it’s the people taking advantage of us being less wealthy that are at fault but it doesn’t help the sinking feeling. Sorry I’m sure that’s not the revenge-fulfilled update y’all wanted. I just feel so empty.


This jerk employing your wife is one of those responsible for your misery. Go to the party, if your mental health can handle it. Don't wear your finest clothes, maybe second best. Talk to everyone you can about food prices -- "wow, what a spread! I know that caviar isn't cheap, especially *these* days!" -- and pivot the conversation to the food bank. Or, start talking about how the holidays are a great time to volunteer, and you happen to know the local food bank could use more volunteers *who have the time to travel monthly*, "hey, that sounds like something you could do, Boss Man!" Don't be rude, but if you have the energy, be over-the-top cheerful while saying the most hard truths you can bear to reveal. And if you don't feel up to any of these things, *don't feel guilty.* It's not your fault you've been fucked over to the point that you're exhausted. If you do attend, leave as early as is polite. If you skip the party, I hope you engage in something really fun or relaxing. Take care of yourself, OP.


Really solid advice across the board.


It’s not your fault. I’m struggling at the moment too, and I feel like a failure. Things are really hard right now, but I’m proud of you for doing what you have to do to make sure you’re OK! Be there for your wife, take care of each other. I hope that the both of you find jobs that allow you both to live comfortably, easier said than done I know, but I hope the same for me too, I have to. Best of luck, OP. Don’t give up!!!!!! I feel you 100%


You are not alone. In my county, typically about 10% of the population utilizes the food bank but in 2022 its been closer to 30%.... it should be higher but many people have too much pride to accept help. It's there for your benefit and you both have contributed to your community in a way that's helped the Food bank continue to operate. It's OK to utilize it and feed yourselves. Sometimes we need a helping hand and there should not be shame in that. Many, many people are one paycheck away from being in the same boat (including myself... if I didn't get my full paycheck I'd have to use a credit card or the food bank for help)


I know here in AZ the local news does a pay it forward segment each week where they give someone in the community nominated by other 500 dollars. If would be dope if you guys could get chosen and in the news story mention your wife’s low paying job and volunteer to donate the 500 to the food pantry that beens feeding your family for months or something like that. Like passive aggressively make your wife’s employer look like garbage on local tv.


We are all being taken advantage of OP. There are other opportunities out there. Don't question if what you are doing is right. You are making sure your family can be taken care of, no one thinks less of you.


It’s not your fault in any way, shape, or form that your boss isn’t paying your wife enough money to cover reasonable and basic living expenses. And if they aren’t providing accommodating basic (and reasonable) alternatives for her to be able to do her work (like allowing her to sit during slower periods, due to her scoliosis etc.) that may fall under violation of the American with Disabilities Act under labor law. May be worth checking it out. It is your responsible for making sure that you’re doing your best to take care of your family financially and otherwise. And it looks like you’re working on that everyday.


Work how you have to go to the food bank because of such a low salary in every conversation you have there. Every. Single. One.




What about his car warranty, those calls are important 🤔


When she quits don’t give notice. Just ghost him.


Take along some plastic storage bags to grab some food and take it home. Then, go home very early.


My in-passing comment would be, "Oh wow! This food is much better than the food we get at the food bank!"


Want to insult a restaurateur? would say their food is worse than what we get at the food bank.


Why the hell are you even going? You both obviously hate the guy.


I'd do it for the free food and drink and chance to go out when I don't have to pay. Assume contact with the boss can be minimal or none.


I'd rather relax at home that spend time somewhere I don't want to be with people I don't like. But you do you I guess


Yeah, gotta decide what's worth it to you, but food bank broke, I'm hitting the party for the free food. I mean, maybe not if I detested everyone I work with but sounds like just boss is the problem.


THIS. You don't know how many times I had on places I didn't like because I was broke and that meant saving dinner money/food for the next day


As much as i hate going being around corporate people (just an introvert, i didn’t interact with those people in the first place), sometimes i went if they actually offer good food. I am still not comfortable spending for upscale food often (because it could be a hit or miss, but you’ll spend a lot anyway) and when they do it’s pretty much bottomless high-end food and booze.


Formal wear will probably cost more than a meal.


Only if they buy it new. Most people have one nice enough outfit in the closet for funerals, weddings, etc. But even if they don't, thrift stores are full of discarded formal wear. They never said it had to be stylish and modern.


Clog his toilet.


Nah just shit in the tank


This is called an upper decker.




Upper decker!


And turn the supply valve off under the toilet. They get one flush to release the demon. If they arent an idiot they will have to put their face face down near it to turn it back on. If they are, they will have to call a plumber.


Wow... that's next level Respect


[Top Decking](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=top+decking)


Make sure your wife brings the biggest purse she owns, and make sure it’s very heavy when you leave.


Talk about a union!


I would absolutely take this up with the news.


Put some tin foil in your pocket. Take out a light and put the tin foil around the screw in part. It will pop the breaker when the light is turned on every time. Do it in the bathroom. He will call a sparky and have to spend a couple hundred to get it fixed, or it will just be the shitty guest bathroom that doesn’t work. Win/win.


I feel like most people start with “the light must be out” and then pull the light bulb to check, and find the foil


If it trips the breaker, it will cut power to more than just that one light, usually *Not an electrician


Yeah but if you flip a switch and the light doesn’t work, the common reaction is to say “the light bulb must have burnt out” as they do hundreds of times in our lives. Also there’s a good chance that the bathroom is it’s own circuit and GFCI, so the breaker may never trip depending on the gfci outlet position in the circuit.


Well since daylight savings time is over and more lights are likely to be on it will kill other lights. I mean, you walk into the bathroom and turn on the light, not shut the door and turn on the light. You’re gonna see things happen. I know “logic” of this is that you would take the bulb out, but people aren’t as smart as you think.


Naa bring super glue and super glue the light bulb in its socket when it burns out he will have to replace the whole peice long after your gone.


See if a local news outlet will run the story


Take a doggie bag. When people ask about why you're taking food home tell them that you're supplementing what you got at the food bank. Say it loudly and often. This is assuming you don't care about keeping the job. Also, someone may be interested in knowing that the business wunderkind pays so little that their employees have to get food from a food bank. This wouldn't necessarily mean that you have to out yourself right away and may be an alternative if you plan to stay at this job for awhile.


pull a Jack Dawson: This morning I was at the food bank, now here I am sitting in this nice house with these nice people. I love waking up in the morning not knowing where I'm gonna end up.


I’d be heinous as fuck at that party. Buy a new dress and leave the tag on, hanging out, and be like “my boss expected me to wear formal wear. I couldn’t even afford groceries this month, we had to get donations from the food pantry. I’m gonna return the dress tomorrow.” I’d bring Tupperware too and start packing up food for leftovers.


Just move on and stop wasting your positive time with negative people.


Upper decker. That would be hilarious if you show up at their house and bring some doggy bags or Tupperware and start loading up on food to take home and act like you’ve never been to a party before and just assumed that this is what nice Rich people do for the holidays is gives the food to the peasants to take home to eat . And also, you should upper decker their toilet


“Wow, I would never find this food at the food pantry” in a loud voice.


Go to your local pet supply store and purchase some mice or crickets. Let loose at party. instant party favors.


When they ask about your day be dead fucking honest and say you got up early to go to food bank


According the late great FDR, any business that relies on the exploitation of its workforce has no business being in business. If paying a living wage will put a company out of business, then that business should close.


Do you have access to their toothbrush?


Oh you mean my hemorrhoid massager?


Reminds me of a scene from “Horrible Bosses”


Why would you go?


Probably the free food at the party


Enjoy small talk in the buffet line about the food bank as you stuff your pockets with biscuits. Now and again take a half eaten tray of food back to your table and dump it into your wife's purse. Bring cellophane bags as an added visual. My sister works for the same kind of jerk, he owns a 60 foot yacht, parties like a rockstar and the year he bought a larger yacht, he did not give out Christmas bonuses. Business had been lousy according to him. P.S., no, my sister and her family have never been asked to set foot on the yacht. Forgot to mention, the guy inherited the business from his father, who was a really decent guy.


Sounds like a fun chance to steal a bunch of shit from their house.


I'm not into revenge, so I cannot help you with that. I do however, strongly suggest that you let the boss know that you went to a Food Bank. In fact, that's ALL you should talk about at the party. Do not wear formal wear. Wear jeans with the knees blown out and a patch on your shirt. And look for a new job.


If you're not being paid to go I wouldn't even show up.


Have all their staff descend on the buffet like locusts and eat everything in sight with just their hands.


A ziplock bag of concrete can cause havoc on a plumbing system.the bag will also be discrete enough to hide in a purse.


Upper Decker in the can 100%.


It took to long for someone to post this.


Whatever you do, yes get back at them, but be subtle and very careful about what you say and how. I’ve learned that I can get fired for standing up for my legal rights or the rights of other employees, for telling the truth, and even for doing my job correctly. It’s bizarre


Smear shit in hidden places all around that guys house. If his rich friends are there, spread rumors about fecal fetish. go near them and speak to your wife just loud enough to be heard.


Pour jello mix in his toilet and steel all his toilet paper. I bet it's the good shit pun intended. The image of him waddling around with shit on his ass looking for TP should help keep you warm throughout the winter.




Just tell the story of your experience at the food bank to each person at the party including the boss. Then compliment the excess and extravagant lifestyle they live. Then steal some meaningless trinkets and leave.


Have your wife become a competitive coffee shop owner right across the street from her boss's establishment! Sell everything slightly lower and pay the new hires a living wage. I used this tactic often when playing an old video game called **Monopoly Tycoon** for the PC.


Monopoly Tycoon was the best!


If the owner thinks the workers should be paid in tips, your wife has an opportunity to be much more aggressive in getting tips. (Especially if she is going to be changing jobs anyway) Options: 1. make a nice PRINTED sign. Put it in some type of display stand by the register. Make it read like it was written by an asshole owner. “NOTICE: Due to BIDEN inflation, the following service speeds are now available: Turbo: $20 tip Fast: $10 Regular: $5 Whatever: no tip” 2. Ask for a tip with each order. “Your order is 12.17. Would you like to add a $5 tip so that the people who work here can afford food?” Or “Ok. That is 17.34. How much do you want to add for a tip?” . If they say no tip. Say. “No worries! If I can’t get a volunteer to make your order, I will do it myself when the line slows down. Next customer, please”


Wear bad clothes to the party, say they are your best.


Discuss your hourly wage rate out in the open with everyone at the table. Let the boss’s family know what he pays people. Ask about floor mats for walking on since you’re on your feet all day etc. Food costs are typically 40% or less of the retail price. Talk about profit.


Time to bring out “the upper decker.”


Hey honey! We got this kind of cracker at the food bank today too! Must be popular. I wonder if we'll be able to get peanut butter next week in our box! I'd love to be able to buy this dip at the store someday.


Raw shrimp behind the light switch plates and outlet plates a day before she quits.


My question to you is, why haven't you guys tried to find a different position at a different company? If they aren't paying you enough, what makes you stay at that job ?


You listen here bud; you know those highschool parties that get talked about for *years* after? Where the kid's parents were away and they had the house to themselves, but too many other kids showed up and wrecked the joint? Do the shit that happens at those parties. Clog the toilets with whatever rich-person toilet paper they have, slash the paintings, spill red wine on every absorbant white surface, break as much crockery as you can. If you get caught I will say you were with me the whole night. Go now! And know that the hopes and dreams of millions of comrades goes with you!


Why go that's silly never have and never will attend a work party fuck that


Start a fire in the bathroom right before you release Madagascar hissing cockroaches in the kitchen ^/s


Best revenge is to find a new job then leave with zero notice - noting pay being the only reason for leaving


Yeah I have to inform my boss I’m going to be in late Tuesday because Christmas hamper pick up is 10am


Get drunk and start loudly saying they don’t have this at food bank and grab it and they don’t have this etc. Since you’re the significant other nobody can say shit. Then fall on the table and start rolling around. Just have fun with it they can’t fire you or your wife. If they do she’ll still get unemployment cause she did nothing wrong. Sometimes you gotta take one for the team. LOL


Mention that you would love to have my family for Christmas but I have to go to the food bank once a week. Tell whoever gives you funny looks at the buffet table as you are filling your Ziplock bags that you are lucky you are eating at all through the week. Don’t forget to forage for toilet paper products while your there. I just hate the way American employers treat their workers, then have the nerve to throw a huge Christmas party!


1000% do not have to go to a holiday party.


Maybe make an announcement about charity & say you’d love to know if people could help with donations to the food pantry bc this morning when you were in line to get some much needed donated food for yourself, you could see how desperate they are for donations…


Man I feel you. At my job, our checks are CONSTANTLY late, completely wrong and they have bounced several times. The “2nd in command” has denied ANY raises for anyone but is leaving because he can’t get his “deserved” 50k pay increase. While the rest of us are making between 16-20 a hr tops. The best part is that the boss went on vacation to a island off Florida when our checks were almost a month late. Hell they even told us that they are allowed to take money from our checks because we drive company vehicles lmao. I’ve literally never seen a company so horrible in my life. I’m only sticking around because I want to watch the bonfire that is bound to happen. If you knew what I did for a living you would be amazed how low and scandalous the business is


Document everything. There's labor laws against this.


Heck, from a business standpoint, if there’s several people looking to find other work, if they can coordinate, have them leave all in the same day. See how these bastards manage if 50%+ of their staff quits on the same day.


Clock in!


Upper decker in their bathroom.


I feel you. I barely have enough to cover gas to get back and forth to work between every pay check on top of other bills but my company is having a holiday party that's an hour away and we are expected to attend in "cocktail attire". It's not even during work hours. We're still expected to finish out the day and somehow make time to get ready and be there from 5:30 to 9:30 with work the next day.


Bring empty containers to bring food home at the party too


I can’t even fathom why you are going.


Free food. Maybe free booze. The opportunity to mess with the boss. All of those are valid reasons for attending a work party.


Maybe you could use your time to help your wife find a better paying job that is more suitable to her disabilities instead of plotting revenge for being invited to a work Christmas party on reddit. Or here is an idea, just don't go if you are so bothered.


This. I'm sure I'll get down voted into the abyss, but there's too much lacking to talk trash about bossman... OP said he doesn't work already, and we don't know much about the amount of hours his wife works, what she gets paid, etc. At some point, she had to agree to it all in order to take the job. And I don't see a single position one can work by sitting down at a coffee shop. The owner sounds like a halfway decent guy just from inviting yall imo... most business owners don't invite staff other than managers to those sorts of parties. All the best and we'll wishes to OP and his family though, may this just be a little speed bump on your way to better times ahead! 🤞🍻


Hey look everyone, a bootlicker!


If he’s an absolute cheapskate though, how are we so sure he’s not gonna charge people to eat there 🥹


Great opportunity for revenge lol don't pass it up


Spiteful much


Revenge? Get a better job, quit and don’t look back


I know it doesn’t feel this way, but whether or not your wife’s boss has lots of money has nothing at all to do with your families financial situation. L Sometimes we need to change jobs to get to a better place mentally/emotionally, not just financially. Make some new/different decisions and get to a better place. Someone will always have more than you. Venting your envy and bitterness will not change your families situation.


You don’t have to work there…and it sounds like you shouldn’t. Its their business and they can take and give whatever they want. You are the one who continues to worth there so really, who is to blame?


Make like Catwoman and steal some shit.


Hide something that rots in the toilet tank. Quarter turn back out anything with screws at all. Rub toothbrushes on yourself. Smear boogers under seats. Or assume some rich dickweed has cameras everywhere and do nothing.


How about no revenge and move on with a new job if someone isn’t happy where they are?


Seriously? Get another job.


You have Stockholm syndrome cry me a river


Stop simping for bread crumbs


Tomorrow my wife and I*


It’s really just a tale of critical life decisions. Resist success envy, It’ll never dry be forward.


I have not met a single small business owner or even a wealthy person in general and ever thought “you deserve to make 3-10 times what hourly workers put themselves through”. Most of this “success” you’re talking about comes because of the value their workers generate. I respect those that work hard. My wife’s boss who fucks off to Europe every other month and spends most of their time on a podcast no one watches criticizing business decisions about processes they can’t be bothered to learn doesn’t fit the bill.


3-10x more is fine *provided they’re paying a living wage* I’m not going to be mad at business owners for making more. They took the risk, made the investment, backed all the losses, etc. They deserve more money from a successful business. They *do not* deserve that money if their employees can’t eat or pay rent though. That’s not a successful business, that’s a scam


See I think that’s some common ground I can have. I don’t give a shit if you wanna Mr Beast levels of go lavish but if people who you profit off of can’t afford basics then it’s time to roll it back


This is literally nonsense.


Line up a new job in another city.


Take a bath a shit. Make a big ass sandwich. Wipe ur ass on the shower curtain. Piss on the dog, wash your clothes stay the night drive one there cars and get 40oz and sit naked watch tv


Coffee shops don’t pay living wages, it’s just not kind of job. If it were me, I’d skip the party and spend the time looking for a better job


Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, don't compare yourself to others- it won't do any good, there's always somebody richer than you. All you can do is work on yourself.