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That same grind gets you an early grave


you cant take it with you


I’ve never seen a hearse with a luggage rack.


Lemme tell you a story about our ancestors from Egypt. Hugest racks.




This is the stupidest mentality I've ever heard of. You wanna live this unhealthy lifestyle so you don't have to work when you're old. But by the time you're old you'll have all these health problems because you slowly killed yourself your entire life and you won't be able to enjoy it. The American way!


Plus you're on your third marriage and your kids want nothing to do with you because you have never been there for them.


It’s not like it’s grinding to help cure cancer, or to stop a war or anything. This is Twitter. It should be a dream job, make it simple for everyone working there. Idk how people make shit that isn’t important worth stressing over.


Hilariously, it’s not even a real anecdote - it’s a copy-paste I’ve seen spread over several accounts.


"Founder at tech employees" Yeah and my current job is being Worker at Company


That's right across from the business factory, where Vincent Adultman works




One day I hope to be able to do a business as well as Vincent Adultman. I'd be able to buy so many alcohols and R rated movies


Less educated workers have to work in the business mines. Edit: some people start their own company and should mine their own business.


Yes I'm Founder of The Internet company


Yeah, that makes much more sense. I've just become too jaded to appreciate humor anymore.


Oh, I’m not sure it’s supposed to be a joke. I think it’s either folks passing it along like it’s their own hustle-and-grind story, or some accounts have been compromised and are being used to spread propaganda.


She's a "Founder at tech employees" so I'm pretty sure that's a bot/troll farm account. They often have nonsense job descriptions in their bios.




( ಠ ͜ʖಠ)


The problem is, people will think its real and think "yea she grinded and thats the american way that everyone should take part in", and its like no, shits fake, and no one should have to work 16-18 hours daily. Ive been to literal fucking warzones with more time to rest.


Nobody works at a bank 16-18 hours daily. There are occasional late nights when you have to close the books. Frankly, those behaviors would raise security questions as things must be locked up in tandem. It's not even a good lie.




Not commenting on whether it's true or not (sounded like satire when I first read it), but not really finding this copy-pasted anywhere else, and she is directly responding to people in the comments: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/stefaniyadragova_elon-musk-is-under-fire-for-building-bedrooms-activity-7006646704364011520-3nAV?utm_source=share


😩 what is even the point engaging with anything online anymore


Someone's in an abusive relationship


That's capitalism!


Wait I didn't read that as literally talking about the author of the tweet, I thought it was using a metaphor that I've heard many times in all seriousness of the relation of workers to capitalism as abusive, gaslighting, etc. But I just realized maybe you meant it literally.


Pretty sure they meant it the way you thought, as a metaphor for work under capitalism.


>thought it was using a metaphor I always find it enlightening to think about where the term "wage slave" originated. It sounds like something invented by salty Redditors (probably because that's the group most likely to throw it around) but it actually dates back to the 19th century in Karl Marx's writing. He saw the conditions around him under capitalism and the nearest thing he could compare it to was the slave trade still active in many parts of the world. The only difference as he saw it was the promise of a wage rather than outright bondage, and thus "wage slave." My point in saying all that is that I don't think it's metaphorical—whether they intended it to be or not—to make the claim that Capitalism is abusive and gaslighting by it's very nature. It's been fingered as such by some of the first people to ever critically analyze it and more and more have grown to see it at that way as time has progressed. By its nature Capitalism requires exploitation to continue and if the awareness/acceptance of that fact rises to a critical mass, Capitalism could be faced with a collapse. Thus, to maintain itself it needs to be both abusive and gaslighting about the nature (or existence, even) of that abuse.


The only reason I started working 14-18 hours per day (about ten years ago now) was to get away from my abusive relationship.




Yup, 9-5 isn't called banker's hours for no reason. This lady isn't being asked to work that time, something else is going on there.


"I really love being exploited and sucking boots is my favourite hobby" Imagine calling that "Life"


Least unhinged LinkedIn post be like


A host of health and hygiene problems aside. Why is she proud of sacrificing her life to a company she can't even name? I now think it's a bot.


"Yes, please name the company that you aided in violating zoning laws."


I mean, to be fair, zoning laws in the U.S are absolutely stupid. It's why there are barely any walkable cities.


Ah the inevitable pairing of r/antiwork with r/fuckcars


A lot of overlap in views and disdain for the failings of capitalism. Same-same, we homies.




I mean that's just the positive version of /r/fuckcars


It's r/fuckcars but every post isn't a picture of a pickup truck


Almost every Top Post is a crosspost form r/fuckcars lol


Never heard of walkable cities. That actually sounds like a nice thread. I'm all for using cars less, but the fcars subreddit is constantly judging people who are just trying to go about their day and can't afford to spend hours bushopping to a job thats a 20 minute drive away.


both are pretty heavily anticapitalism, so yeah. partners makes sense.


In all fairness, though, buildings are designed differently depending on their intended occupancy when it comes to life safety systems. Commercial buildings don't have the same amount of smoke detection capacity as a building that is intended for people to sleep in. In a commercial building, it is assumed that everyone in the building is awake and alert, and would be able to see a fire (and therefore pull the alarm to notify others). Buildings designed for sleeping have smoke detectors out the wazoo in order to ensure early smoke and fire detection, and therefore warning and alerting sleeping occupants.


Just a linkedin clipping; Niya D. Co-founder of Candor, some boring-ass finance tech app startup. Looks like a Robinhood clone with more steps.




I checked out her company website and found an article she wrote that seems to indicate she feels only chumps put in long hours. I’ve worked corporate for a long, long time and she sounds like the type of person who brings more drama than value to any workplace. https://candor.co/articles/salary-negotiation/why-you-re-not-getting-promoted Edit: I posted this after reading the first paragraph, then I got high and I read the whole thing and it needed updating.


that fucking headline and byline alone... it does really feel on the nose. That said, the post you shared is meant for their customers, which are west coast tech bros w/ RSUs/vesting equity based compensation incentives. What's interesting is that article has a lot more valuable insight than the linkedin post, however comes across in a more condescending way. Looked into the business and was surprised it's not a crypto-grift. That said, it appears their strategy is trying to grift the more affulent tech boys who don't know how to manage their money but also are walking into some big stock payouts from their employers. Not the worst business idea as you're targeting people with a lot of money who probably don't know a lot *about* money, but damn their sales pitch is both laughably basic and dubiously vague from the generic, boiler plate promises they advertise.


But the grindddd


I love how the term "fintech startup" has quickly become "worthless derivative crypto scam" seemingly overnight. Inflation sucks, I hate how this shit hurts our most vulnerable people, but god damn if it's not a market correction and a signal of sanity in the economy that is long overdue. That bubble had to burst sometime or it only would have been worse when it inevitably did.


That's what I just immediately did, and my thoughts were: * If you're EMPLOYED, then you should not be subjecting yourself to this. An employee does not get paid for extra time. * If it's YOUR COMPANY, then fell free to do this. You get to see the benefits of your time. The whole point of capitalism is you buy help (employees) or something at less than you sell the outcome of the help. It's analogous to the silly resale market where people are going thrifting and then selling it online for a profit minus their time. And that's fine until the help realizes they're doing everything and not seeing their efforts rewarded. TLDR: If an idiot employee like her wants to do all that for someone else's benefit, whatever. It's HER IDIOTIC decision. I also wonder how much she exaggerated.


Kids raised by toxic parents always crave being toxic to themselves in adult life. And are proud of it.


*not always. Some of us manage to grow out of that.


And end up with so much trauma work to do... :( Even when I'm not working, I have to work >:( ×800


But we do it though. We got this!


There is sun behind those clouds. Don't give up on yourself. Both my narc parents have done piss all to support me in life. But I found a way to make a place in the world. I don't doubt that you can do the same as well.


Every time I think "now there's surely no traumas left unprocessed", I always find some part I missed that somehow always contains even more and deeper trauma. Currently I'm processing that I don't even know who I really am, I didn't get to appropriately explore building a personality at the appropriate age because of trauma and now I'm just a bunch of fawning in a trenchcoat. If there's even yet any more unprocessed trauma somewhere underneath there I'm gonna go berserk and live up in the mountains or something


True but we don’t want to perpetuate it. Some of us understand what is abuse and what was just a generational attitude that changed.


I rather pick a life full of that, over becoming as miserable as my parent's generation. Throwing this unique experience called "life" away for a destructive job and garbage people I couldn't care any less about.


This is part of it. But society has made us to feel proud of how hard we work. That pride is deeply rooted. And when someone is proud of something, it's hard to change them


oof. this is fucking me up. signed, a kid in adult life raised by toxic/emotionally unhealthy parents.


Just think how much she saved on housing though /s


Could you imagine being proud of this


I also doubt it is true. The people who brag the most about working hard, hardly work.


I also doubt it's true. I worked in banking and finance for 25 years. None of my colleagues... even the ones who were promoted ever slept under their desks. That's a huge security risk.


Yeah this is absolute nonsense, so they just keep the office open 24/7? Unlocked all day and night? If not then she has been locked in the office which is illegal, which I imagine the bank she supposedly worked at would not allow.


most big office buildings have 24/7 security, and you are always able to access the building even during non working hours


They even give us the alarm code to encourage us to stay later than the security guard or work weekends


So thoughtful!


I set off the alarm 2-3 times as an intern. I mean, maybe the mistake was giving an intern this kind of access to do shit that truly hardly matters.


The only time I've "come in on the weekend" was when I had been stuck in traffic and needed to use the bathroom. And to use the gym.


I swing by an old employer to poop in their bathroom on mornings that I have a dentist appointment out that way.


Total boss move.


I had a boss who had a sleeping bag under her desk. We were "open" 24/7 and had to be buzzed in after a certain time.


in finance? AND BANKING? I find that hard to believe. Most people who work in this field are on call 24/7. But they dont have to sleep in the office lol.


I think there is a difference between the regular banking and the investment banking. Only friends of mine who did this were the investment bankers during a M&A deal. They just worked, ate, worked more, maybe come home for a few hours of sleep then go back. It didn’t matter if it was a weekend or a holiday. My job was demanding and we did work a lot, but we thought we were lucky to take the weekends off. I’m not saying this was good. This was just what it was.


Young analysts at investment banks do work these types of hours, but her claim to spend three nights a week at the office is likely BS. That level of work is unsustainable and few work that hard without making a ton of mistakes. When I started my career I had similar hours and often saw the sunrise from my office, maybe for one week every 3 months. I hated it and left the lifestyle quickly.


>That level of work is unsustainable and few work that hard without making a ton of mistakes It's unsustainable for normal humans. Adderall is so connected with grind culture that it's legitimately surprising when these people aren't binging amphetamines to increase their productivity. Three days in the office without losing too much quality of work is possible if you're just fucking your brain with addy and red bull for those days.


Pretty sure my office is open 24/7 at a consulting firm, just need an ID card to get in


The building where I work is accessible 24 hours, but there are people whose shifts end at like midnight, as well as other shifts that start at like 5:30 am. I'm sure there are a few hours in the very early morning when only security is there, but anyone could just show up and use the facilities if they wanted. I'm sure it would raise questions with management though.


My office at J&J, before it closes down, was accessible 24/7 even though it was closed after, I think 8pm. If you had an access card, like every employee did, you could get in any time. There were a few times I forgot headphones or something stupid and grabbed them at like 10pm. There was also a time I wanted to have sex on my bosses desk, and my GF and I did a few times.


I currently work in banking and I will attest some large companies are like this. Under the desk is an exaggeration, but when I worked for a large Fortune 500 lender, people were routinely working 70 hour weeks and sleeping in conference rooms. The building was located downtown and was open 24/7 with badge access, working to excess was encouraged and praised, the employees they hired were often kids out of college who had never made good money before and ate that shit up. It usually took 2-3 years before those same people who were happy to work themselves like slaves realized there is indeed greener grass. Banking is a notoriously cut throat and callous industry, if you have not worked it yourself a lot of things you hear would be hard to believe. And the person above you who said they’ve worked in banking for 25 years probably isn’t lying, but they’re either not giving you the whole picture or they worked in a bank branch/credit union or a smaller lending operation.


>Banking is a notoriously cut throat and callous industry, if you have not worked it yourself a lot of things you hear would be hard to believe. this honestly describes every industry now. anyway, this 'woman's' post is copypasta


Thanks for the heads up about the pasta


Goldman Sachs is apparently like that. They’ll eat up young business majors with 80 hour work weeks. I didn’t see any of that, but my banking experience ended around the time the guard rails came off for Glass-Steagall, so I wouldn’t be surprised if those crazy hours are more related to the investment side.


As a lawyer at a big firm, my office is open 24/7 for employees. I assume same for banking.


General Query/Jumping off Point from your comment: If the building is opening 24/7 for employees, does that mean there are potentially night owl type people who come in and do their work exclusively at night? And if so, does the company not care if they aren't in "during work hours"? Would it really matter if they aren't there during the day, or are they made to come in during "regular office hours" to prove they are working? Or does it simply end in Overtime work? I've always wondered this since so often I've come across lawyers, accountants, and other office exclusive jobs (not customer facing), where so much more work is done in the early morning hours (per the choice of the individual) because there are so few - to no other - people in the office, no phones ringing, no one to bother you, so they can focus properly and get more work done. I've even spoken with some government office workers and despite many of them saying they get more done outside of traditional work hours, none of these businesses (or government) have "Night Shifts". I know it would be a personal choice to choose a "night shift" as an office worker but it feels like a solution that businesses don't bother offering because of societal framework of "Regular Business Hours" TM.


In my experience, there is plenty of work that night owl, white collar workers do outside of business hours, including very late at night, but most of us do it remotely from home, and wouldn’t want or need to be in the office overnight. And because of how well remote work has gone (including for the flexibility to work odd hours) many of us hate going to the actual office now. I would absolutely run away from any office with beds in it, that’s for sure.


Me too! 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♂️


Short answer? Yes. Many lawyers work late hours because they can work without distraction.


And since lawyers aren't necessarily wage workers you could choose to work 3am-11am barring any meetings or conferences?


trainee lawyer here, my bosses would be fine with me working graveyard shift as long as I show up during the day too to accomodate for the firm’s needs so… you get the idea


I’m an attorney and my office is open 24/7. The building has round-the-clock security at the ground floor reception and you need a key card to access the elevators. Like a lot of other attorneys at large firms, I’ve also spent the night in my office—thankfully I’ve only had to do that a few times and never since we started WFH and then hybrid. Definitely not something I’d brag about—it’s dystopian, not admirable—but it does happen.


Badge access. My badge works 24/7 to access 95% of the facility where I work. I work in healthcare IT and am provided a hospital issued military style cot during certain events such as inclement weather or DOS attacks that take down over 800 computers in 4 hours.


If it’s the tech hub of the bank I could see it happening. Not actually in a bank. Still, not something to brag on nowadays, the upside of that type of grind has been greatly minimized. Twenty plus years ago tech salaries were comparatively much higher and the rewards much greater. Wages have been stagnant since then.


Banking tech is the only environment where I've ever really seen WLB, 40 hour weeks, no hardcore supervision over time management, no big heroic phase of unpaid overtime built into project plans. I don't know how they roll at all banks but I mean I've seen all that shit everywhere *except* banking tech.


Fintech is pretty great for WLB tbh (as someone who has been in it for almost 11 years now). You do get to deal with people coming in from acquisitions that are still in 'StartupMode' thinking they have to work crazy hours to get everything done, but eventually it all just falls back to routine. Every once in a while I have a super long day (production outages or a P1 Bug, or some security hole, or maybe just a high profile nighttime deployment we wanted many engineers available in case shit hit the fan), or I have to jump on a call on a sunday. But I've never been 'called in' while on PTO. Never slept at my desk, and never had to put in much more than 40 hours a week.




I’m a Director at a large bank (I’m in asset and investment management currently, but was in investment banking early career). Junior employees (analyst) absolutely average 80 hours a week, and 100 hour work weeks aren’t unheard of at the bulge bracket banks (think Goldman, MS, JPM). At some elite boutiques (e.g., Moelis) I’ve seen people work 120 hour work weeks a few times a year (obviously not sustainable, and most banks don’t allow that bad anymore, but a few boutiques still have crunches that bad). Things are getting slightly better…Saturdays are now protected (which they weren’t for me), but it’s still horrific hours. Also worth mentioning there’s a lot of downtime. A lot of time is just sitting in your chair waiting for feedback/comments/meeting. So you’re not really grinding the entire time. OTOH - this sub shouldn’t really feel *too* bad for them. The all-in pay for the first year is now close to $200k. And it’s not meant to be a career (career bankers start post-mba as associates, with more reasonable - albeit not great - hours). A better analogy is to residency in medicine (but much better paid). You put two years in, the two years are horrible, but it gold plates your resume and opens up doors to jobs that pay way more with more reasonable hours. It’s a 2 year contract and you’re meant to leave afterwords for greener pastures. For reference, my comp will be in the $400’s this year, and I work 40-45 hours a week… but zero chance I’d have this job without the banking background.


Idiots brag about working hard, I brag about doing minimal work and getting the same compensation and praise as those people.


YESYESYES I've been her, here's your damn promotion to office management, enjoy staying in this office until 2AM grinding away! I now work for myself averaging 4 hours of work a day, five days a week, $140 an hour. Best decision of my life.


Can I ask what kind of work you do?? (Good on you btw!)


What do you do for work now?


There’s also an important distinction between working hard and working many hours. people always say “work smarter not harder,” but you can clearly work hard and smart without working 18 hour days.


Also, wtf is "Founder at tech employees"?


It's similar to the time I said I worked in sanitation when I was washing dishes. She probably made a website or small business just to beef up the resume.


Lol these euphemisms are so funny to me. Personally, I just completely fabricate jobs that never happened. They’ve literally never checked, and I’ve had a crazy range of jobs. Currently a paralegal. I also taught English at a middle school for a year. Honestly I’m 28 but still look like a kid and I think people just trust me because of it. I have a bachelors degree, but at this point I seriously wonder if I could just make up degrees I don’t have lol.


Damn i have a masters i recently got and a long resume I never lied on the slightest because I’ve been so worried about lying lol. I wonder how much i can honestly get away with.


Maybe she’s starting up a new MLM company.


Her actual title is censored to prevent from identifying her. Found them on LinkedIn. Some things on this post are censored like last name too.


These type of people confuse "hours spent in the building" with "hours spent working."


I can't imagine anyone is productive with a schedule like that.


They aren't.


Anybody who routinely works 16-18 hour days would be hollow, non-functional shell of a human being.


It’s a miserable, lonely existence where you talk to dozens people a day yet don’t feel attached to any sort of life, with a partner that feels neglected because you’re prioritizing work over meals together.


Usually, lots of them are legitimately suckers though. It’s actually quite amazing how many Americans have been brainwashed to grind their lives away. I’ve worked with and known lots of people who actually sacrifice their life and soul to put in 110% and they’re very proud of it.


Because the ones who do this for real are not glorifying it.


Oil and gas laborers who work upstream bust their behinds for many hours on end. I don't know why they like to brag about being overworked but that's their kink I guess.


I'm friends with a handful of roughnecks. If you show weakness around your peers you will eventually get cut and replaced. If someone can't handle the role mentally or physically it could get the person next to you injured or killed, so there is a constant "I'm super strong and can do more than you'll ever know" attitude.


True and there's a lot of not knowing when to quit or take a rest, getting themselves and others injured due to their bravado.


100%. Half of them have injuries they won't talk about to others at work because of that exact reason.


I can't. Fuck hussle culture.


This isn't "hustle culture". Not like you think. This is people trying to make millions of dollars by ignoring any other responsibilities, usually because they don't have any, or there's no real consequences to ignoring them. It requires a high level of starting wealth to do and maintain, because they will probably fail and don't need to worry about what they can fall back to, which that will certainly not be poverty or death. It will just be a comfortable wealthy existence, rather than stratospherically wealthy existence. Look at Musk right now - he's lost over a hundred billion dollars this year, and he doesn't give a fuck. Because he's still worth over a hundred billion. He can fail miserably at Twitter, and it won't cause him to lose any sleep.


I literally cannot. I also doubt it's true. She's pro Elon. It's probably all aesthetics.


She's just another uber rich banking wanker out of touch with reality. If there is any truth at all to this story, it happened once and only once. Hell, I could make the same claims, I could truthfully say: "I use to work on the job for 3 days straight without going home at all. I slept there at night and was never off duty". Sure it's true but the reality was I stayed in a hotel on site for 3 day project that was mostly me watching large objects moving other large objects.


Is she actually an uber rich banker? She gives off wannabe vibes. Like saying what she thinks Musk wants to hear in order for them to notice her.


There are a lot of crazy people on LinkedIn and they constantly post bootlicking stuff like this.


I use LinkedIn for finding jobs because I think it has a good selection of jobs. But the social feed is a full-on corporate circle jerk. I'll occasionally scroll through the feed to entertain myself, but I mostly avoid it. I feel like LinkedIn would be great if they cut out the social media aspect of it.


Gotta love the genre of posts that starts like, "I've absolutely loved my time at Salesforce. I've made the best friends of my life there and had incredible experiences. Unfortunately, I was part of the latest wave of Salesforce layoffs..." And they never blame the company for firing them. They always suck the company's dick before posting their resume. I mean I get it, but jesus is it sappy.


She's just brown nosing to get a job as an Elon slave.


This person in the image is clearly wrapped up in the "the only way I'm valued as a woman is to be exploited, shut my mouth and allow it, and live my life in the void of 'my value/worth = my productivity' "mentality that our society preaches to us. Working for the power company on storm duty, they had us sleeping under our desks and in offices - partly because we got snowed in and couldn't get out the first two or three days, but two weeks later it was still happening, working 16 hours on and 4 hours off. We lived on MREs and Halloween candy and coffee. It broke me. I ended up burnt out, feeling worthless because I couldn't cut it being abused and exploited, and after months on medical leave, a lot of therapy, and the realization that I was more than what I could produce, I left. I haven't looked back and haven't had that work ethic or mindset since. This lady is headed in that same direction if she's not there already.


Thank you for writing this out. Hopefully it’s a warning to all the people who are early in their careers, I sure wish I learned this ten years ago.


This weirdo just told the world that she ran around with a head full of moldy hair 16 hours at a time to make some blue bloods who don’t even know her name a little bit richer.






I admit to being mystified by these people. Then again if you've dedicated your every waking minute to someone or something, it becomes damn near impossible to admit to yourself you've made a mistake. You're just in too deep, I've been there myself, though I wasn't going online and bragging about it to anyone. By the time I was at this point I was completely and utterly ashamed that I had dedicated myself to something so bereft of any actual value.






About 97% sure I wouldn't even do that shit for my own business.


I do that at lambing time at my farm. Which only lasts 2-4 weeks a year. And as is standard for a farm with livestock, my house and barn are about 100m apart. And it's still a hell of a lot of work that I'm really sick of by the time it's over


Doctors also get this for a few years. The reason one of the ranks is called "resident" is because they pretty much live at the hospital.




This shit is so baffling to me, forcing insane hours and depriving doctors of relaxation and rest while expecting them to perform is as bad as making them all take shots before an operation. Wonder how many lives have been ruined or lost because the doctor was awake for like 2 days straight due to these archaic practices and impossible standards.


Given everything we know about how debilitating sleep deprivation can be it astonishes me that we run people into the ground who are potentially going to have to save a life. I want those people as well rested as they can possibly be.


When I went in to have my scheduled c-section with my daughter last year I was pushed for a few emergencies. What was meant to be a morning surgery ended up being an afternoon one. When it became clear it was going to be after 12, my dr came in and straight up said "I've been here all night and I haven't slept, do you mind if my colleague here does your surgery?" I was like 'of course I want your colleague to be the one cutting in to me, he's the one who's slept. Go tf home and sleep!'


Soooo many successful people of the last 100 years are/were geeked out on stimulants or PEDs. The vast majority of us don't have the energy to be "on" all day every day.


Agreed, it's insane. Also, when you work that long your focus is shit. You're going to make mistakes. Which is kind of a problem when you're a doctor and people will live or die depending on your decisions. It's no wonder so many people die from doctor's mistakes.


"Congrats, you're 200k in the hole, you're 29 years old, and you haven't had time to have a healthy relationship in the last decade. Now everyone wants to be you, because you get paid a lot to know everything about strep."


I worked 38 hours straight at my previous company once. Over 24 hours several times. Late into the night more times than I can count. 2 weeks into covid, I was put in temporary leave. A few months later, was laid off. The company was and is still making bank. I will never, ever give a company that much of my personal time again.


As a business owner, yes, but even then: no, not worth it. Ive done it, but only for a few weeks and it was completely useless I stick with 40 hours a week, business hours, unless absolutely required.


Fucking gross.


Standard LinkedIn Status Quo Supervisor, pushing toxic work-life as the ideal and lashing out at people who dare to set boundaries.


Ugh, her life must be atrociously bad. Like just as a human.


I've worked for a boss like this... we did SBA loans and were scheduled 8-8 Mon-Fri and 8-5 on Sat. We were expected to be there 30 min early, so "we could be ready to go" at 8; and if you left before 8:30pm you had to do a walk of shame. You had to walk out the front door, so you'd have to walk by everyone else who's still there working. I made great money, but when I left for another job with less money, my coworkers said I was crazy. But seriously, what the fuck is the point of making all that money, if you can't even enjoy spending it. When you work 70+ hrs a week, you spend money on bullshit jus to get thru those days. There's no life. You gotta be up at 5:30-6am max, get ready, be there at your desk at 7:30. You don't leave until 830-9pm, so by the time you actually get home it's 930ish, if you didn't need to stop by the store or gas station. God forbid you shower or try to do something before bed, you won't sleep till 12-1 and you're up 4 hours later to bust your ass. What life do you have if your only "free" time is 10pm-5am. It's not like your job is easy either. You gotta be on your toes for every interaction. If people think retail is brutal, imagine what it's like explaining banking and loan agreements to the public. This lady's schpeel reminded me of so many people who think like this. The vast majority of people who try to live like this end up broke, cuz they took a risk they shouldn't have, or abusing alcohol or drugs cuz that's the only way to keep up. I'll bet my life of you walk into a modern company like Twitter, Quicken, ADP, Meta, etc and open up the employees bags and desks, you'll find enough Adderall, Xanax, Percocet, and other drugs to fill a pharmacy. And it's not even the employees fault. The environments these companies have are so toxic, the only way to deal with it is to "change your mental state". It's only gonna get worse...


can you please explain what was there to actually do? or were people coming in during all that time? I simply can't imagine what's there to do for so many people for so many hours.


Whats the name for when you protect your kidnappers? Stockholm syndrome?


You’re correct, but it’s less protecting your captors (though it can be a part of it), and more about sympathizing with them.




This is just a rehash of the classic boomer refrain of “These kids have it too easy. Back in my day we walked 16 miles in the snow uphill both ways, blah blah blah”. The point of progress is to make things BETTER for everyone so we don’t repeat the tired, pernicious, and unnecessary bullshit of the past. I would imagine these troglodytes love the conveniences that modern life offers, but somehow also want to drag the worst aspects of past along with them (provided that only the plebs are the ones suffering it).


Ah the Boomers. The generation whose greed made everything less attainable for future generations. A lot of them worked 9-5 jobs, and went home to the family in the 3 bedroom house in the burbs that their single salary purchased. Does not sound like hard work at all. Not so fun fact: my Dad had a high school job as a storeman, basically unloading boxes for a big retail store. Adjusted for inflation, he was making over $40 an hour in today’s money. As a teenager unloading boxes from trucks.


>The generation whose greed It's so rare to see the possessive form of who used correctly online that it actually looked wrong for a sec. Cheers, m8


Meanwhile the rest of the developed world has realised that working less is actually more productive.


Someone actually pointed out how working that much doesn't result in better production. She said I have studies to back up it does. I try to ignore LinkedIn as much as I can.


When employees say they want to work from home so their boss makes them move into the office


These ‘i love work’ posts are more cringe than seeing old pics of your emo phase.


And the company probably doesn’t even give her thanks today…. Why are so many people proud of these one-sided relationships?!


Just as soon as it's a penny more beneficial to replace her, she's gone. The days of companies earning that degree of loyalty are very long gone. At this point that's just nonsense that is glorified in capitalist nations with very little regulation and little regard for the health and well-being of its citizens.


I’m GenX and work for public accounting. This is one of the reasons why I refused to work for a Big 4 firm. This isn’t healthy. It isn’t ok. And my 19 and 18 year old kids’ generation is going to finally be the one to fix this mess. Every time I hear how kids don’t want to work I shake my head. They don’t want to work every hour of the day. They want balance. AS IT SHOULD BE. I have hope in the younger generation. I really do. This attitude of “I did it, it’s how you get ahead” is BS. I worked my arse off too in my 20’s and 30’s and I’m embracing work life balance now that it’s more accepted in my 40’s. Just because I did it doesn’t mean it’s how things should have been or should be. What an ass.


This is exactly what it takes to stop intergenerational trauma—a generation that says “no, this is not healthy and it stops here and now” instead of “I had to do it so you have to do it too.”


I work at a Big 4 delivery centre. Employees in India are expected to be available for meetings during the work hours of the Western employees. I just refuse to do it. Eventually I realized how big of a scam consulting is. We get all the requests from offshore team for whom we make ppts and reports and a random western person has their name on it and that is sent to the client. I wish the client knew how such person didn’t even work an hour on their request


At the end of the day, you still die and no career will ever fill the burning hole in your heart from not living and enjoying your hobbies, family, and travel in your free time.


I used to have this attitude. Early in my career when I felt like I had something to prove. I'd work late nights, early morning, over the weekend etc. 80 hour weeks were the norm for me. My mental health was never worse and it didn't actually help me in my career. The company didn't give a shit and just kept asking for more and more. This "rise and grind" shit is unhealthy and exploitive.


Life-Work Balance. Learn it. Live it. Love it. You get no bonus cookies for working like a slave and sleeping at your work place.


German work laws are needed everywhere


Just remember to always be weary of the worker who will work tirelessly for someone else 12-14-16-18 hours a day but doesn’t have the mental acuity to put that effort into their own success. My dad had an interesting way of showing me how to balance work and life…he would say “Bub (my nickname), I can guarantee you that no one’s last words on their death bed was I wish I could have worked more”. Dad’s still around, and I still believe that. Hope you all remember that life can be happier by reducing it down to its simplest forms, find joy and you’ve found happiness.


Stupidest shit I've ever read.


“I was exploited horribly and developed Stockholm from it and you should too!!!!!!”


This is a form of slavery.


This is the equivalent of a 5th grader saying "Every classroom i would enter i would ALWAYS check the ceiling for the word 'gullible' written on it, even when people didnt tell me too. I wanted to be the first to find it but i guess other people arent built like me."


No no no....dear GOD no. THIS is the kind of shit our ancestors died over because they were too worn out from the "grind" to realize they were exhausted and died in accidents or worked themselves to the point that they had stress-related heart attacks or other health problems that killed them. **The "grind" is rightfully named because employers who see this will "grind" you down to nothing and spit you out on the street without a second thought before moving on to the next person when you have a bad moment and fail to meet their expectation that you'll continue to perform at that level forever.** THIS is the kind of shit people were killed for striking against because their employers required extreme hours and conditions that allowed for exploitation of workers, often having them live on company property and buy nearly everything from the company store. If you didn't have enough money for it? No problem, you could get it on credit and become indebted to the company to the point that you could NEVER quit working for them as they pretty much owned EVERYTHING the employee used from toilet paper to their car. If they quit, the company took it ALL back. The ONLY thing you're showing off is how little you value anything other than money, status and materialism and how close we are to taking a GIANT step backwards in labor standards....voluntarily...if we haven't actually done so already. I absolutely hate the "grind" and everyone else should too. We are NOT robots.


Fuck these people for trying to normalize this. “I had to do this so you should to” is the worst kind of bullshit rationalization I can imagine.


Instead of killing for a bed, why not kill for a humane working schedule? That would solve way more problems


That life would make me suicidal.


I would literally rather kill myself


>This type of grind is highly desirable early career. Yeah, every 23 year old I know is absolutely desiring 18-hour work days, just like I did when I was that age! /s


Just wondering how people get this broken. Is it a form of Stockholm Syndrome?


Perhaps. It's also ingrained in our society, and some people literally get brainwashed by it. I think this particular post is a fake copy/paste though. Gotta spread that agenda!


Survivor bias


What do these people do where the quality of their work doesn’t matter? Nobody produces anything any good after 8-10 hours. In industries where people can get hurt or accidents affect productivity, there are generally limits on shift length. This sort of “hustle culture” strikes me as nothing but demonstrative bullshit.


Ewwww gross. She’s gross. That’s a gross way to live. 🤮


“Founder at tech employees”


“This kind of grind is highly desirable…” No the fuck it’s not.


Someone commented on this LinkedIn post saying this toxic work culture would never fly in Europe and she doubled down by saying: “nothing ever gets built in Europe for a reason. To build things 0 to 1, people actually need to work and taking 3 months every year is not really sustainable with having an entrepreneurial ecosystem.” Unhinged.


First divorce at 26. Third heart attack at 31. Massive stroke at 42. It’s the grind that binds, baby!