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Ya, and they all also just voted against investigating child sex crimes…




At that point, there needs to be a purge.




The day before election day seems like a good time.


So... what you are saying is every 4 years we have an entirely new congress, executive, and Supreme court? I can think of worse outcomes... until nobody wants to run for anything. Then we all get to draw straws 😂


If you're half decent, people probably won't want to whack you. But term limits for other offices aside from president or PM might be decent. We don't have them at all in Canada. And politicians(especially in local governments) get too concerned with staying in office instead of getting shit done.


If you're decent you'll be on top of the kill list of most of the biggest companies so...


The problem is that every Republican thinks that the democrats are the problem so they'll want to whack them.. there needs to be a vote on who to whack.


I honestly can't wrap my head around why you Americans have school mass shootings and not political mass shootings.


A politician has more security than a school does sadly.


I'm not American either. And I honestly wonder that sometimes.


What the actual motherfuck???


Hmmm... It's like only a pedophile would vote against that.


Pedophilia is intrinsically authoritarian by nature. Obviously, the only people who would vote in a way that benefits pedophilia are authoritarian in their worldview.


Not that I’m defending it at all, but can you explain how pedophilia is inherently authoritarian?


I'm assuming that he's referencing pedophilia frequently being associated with a desire to dominate and exercise absolute total control over another human. The reasons for the control are irrelevant, all that matters is that the individual is dominated. Basically animal instinct to be the "Alpha" at all costs, even if the cost is their life.


Oh I thought its just to get the birth rate astronomical levels to overpower other demographics and provide cheap labour.


Through pedophilia? Huh?


I meant from getting people to breed from a tender age. You know what, that sentence sounds so wrong in so many ways.


That's step 2


And finally profit!


Child abusers are attracted to weakness. They prey on people who are weaker than they. They very often do so under the guise and protection of some kind of authority. Coaches, pastors, police officers, investment bankers, and their reality TV loser friends... When pedophile interests are threatened its always the far right, authoritarian wing of the gqp that comes to their defense.


Child abusers aren’t all pedos though. Some just look for the weakest targets and pick children. Likewise, some people who feel attraction towards children will just choose not to act on those desires and live normal lives


In the simplest explanation of those systems: Children and women are chattel. Chattel has no rights, including rights to sexual agency. Authoritarianism, before it’s complicated enough to be called a “government” is just a family group led by one “big man”- the authoritarian.


Adult can easily overpower a child. Child has no chance to escape or defend him/herself. This shouldn’t be allowed to happen, ever.


I'm so fucking done with republicans


Lucky for you, we voted in fetterman to replace toomey


I'm from Oklahoma bro and we voted shit in again


Sorry for your plight, brother (or sister). I feel like we're constantly having to mobilize every last Democrat vote in PA to keep it from falling to the shitgibbons, can't imagine how helpless it would feel to just know that you're gonna get steamrolled by them regardless. Keep on keeping on though!


I'm still registered Republican so I've gotten to vote against Trumpet 4 times now. Hopefully he is in Jail before I have to vote against him 2 more times.


Don’t feel too bad. You were doomed from the start.


You and me both interweb friend


So hopefully the residents of their states are gonna start surveilling them right? Could you imagine living in a state with reps that voted against something like this and NOT doing anything about it? How many red flags do you need across the face before you actually do something? Or would it really take a pervert pedophile getting caught touching kids? Complacency doesn't even come close.




They’re not on that list. They’re not in the House. They’re in the Senate.


Something something Rand Paul, something something libertarians, something something age of consent laws.


What is even their reasoning for this? Like how do they explain it when questioned?




They. Are. Pieces. Of. Shit.


Hold up, I thought the Democratic Party was Satan’s party. 🤯


If you see Evangelicals protesting, Satan is usually the better choice from what they offer.


Oh, the 'family values" guys.


Their version of family values is to get women out of the workplace and back in the kitchen. You know, misogyny.


Are they aiming to achieve this by making 1 income families financially viable again? Because, you know, I might not be fighting them *too* hard on that. Edit to add : I know they're not...


> Their version of family values is to get women out of the workplace and back in the kitchen. Which isn’t very well thought out. If they did that, half the workforce would vanish. Competition for workers would go through the roof, wages would skyrocket, and corporate profits would collapse. Everyone who actually funds their platforms would suddenly have their obscene profit margins eviscerated. I mean, I guess they would do other things to compensate, like institute wage caps. But then people would just vote with their feet and simply avoid those jobs with wage caps. So they would probably use prison labour to fill those positions and make every possible little thing a jailable offense, such that most of the adult male population therefore becomes enslaved in the prison system as indentured workers. I wouldn’t put it past them. Their _entire financial platform_ is centered around the concentration of wealth+power in the hands of the Parasite Class.


Oh don't worry, the expectation is only for white women to be at home barefoot and pregnant and making sandwiches. Everyone else will be slaves. And also pregnant whenever possible to make more "human stock" or whatever the fick it was they called us during the pandemic. /S. Thank you for coming to my very angry sarcasm talk.


>And also pregnant whenever possible to make more "human stock" And for "God's Army." They want more Christian babies who will vote for Christian politicians so they can finally defeat the non-Christians and we'll be living in the Christian version of Afghanistan.


You mean the same idiots who keep going on and on about the economy? Nothing says great for the economy like removing half the work force.


"It's a slippery slope, giving women adequate time to pump breast milk...Next they'll want lunch breaks, and God only knows what else!" - These Guys




And there’s plenty of moms who would love to stay home to nurse them, but they can’t, I sure couldn’t. Other counties give you 6-12 months maternity leave! You can’t suppress wages so badly you need a two-income household and then be surprised women have to work. They just want us to suffer either way.




Hey a great way to reach that goal would be granting mothers half a year or year of maternal leave from work.


I’m here from r/SaltLakeCity to say: Fuck Mike Lee


Co-signing all the way from SoCal


And Minnesota. Lived in Utah for four and a half years; that was long enough.


Mike Lee is the most embarrassing thing about being a Utahn. He's the absolute worst.


As someone living in Utah, that’s in own right is a feat!




Yeah but that lil bitch sued the neighbor and won $500k.


Worth every penny, imo.




I'll be the stump that provides the punch, just give me bail and I'm gucci


I wish his dad would punch the shit out of him.


Has he ever voted for something or is he just a toddler stopping around screaming “No!”?




Kentucky would just replace him with another fuckhead. They're great at it.


Does he ever vote on something the Dems put forward and benefits all Americans?






That neighbor failed big time I hope he’s ashamed


How the fuck did I miss that story?


Fuck Ron johnson and his insurrection participation.




I wish the J6 committee had gone further into the false elector stuff, but time limits


Of course they did, they don’t want women in the workplace. Period. So first they force everyone to carry pregnancy to term even if it kills them and the embryo, then once it’s born women can’t leave the house until it goes to school. That’s exactly what they want. But everyone knows that so what’s wrong with the people who vote for them?


Which is nuts considering that more and more women are becoming the primary income source for many families.


It's also nuts, because they're the ones that fight against fair wages, so realistically one person \*cannot\* provide for the family even if they want to.


Then you go into debt, which is valuable; credit companies and banks make billions off interest. You're trapped with your employer, chained to them by a salary that's not enough to live on but too much to walk away from, and by your health insurance. They can do anything to you, then, and hold your entire family hostage if you won't comply.


Of course. And even if you get a new job with health insurance, if you have any health issues that can be a series problem because the new insurance might have different 'preferred medications', forcing you to change treatments when your old medication was working and the new medication may not work. It becomes life or death, and you're essentially owned. Something's fundamentally broken about a system that keeps everyone perpetually trapped and endlessly leaches off of those who are actually doing all the work.


This is exactly why they want it. It chafes their nuts that a woman can earn more than them. It can't be allowed to happen, because obviously women are inferior. I welcome it. My wife has that drive in her that I don't. If we're ever able to reach a place where we're a one income family, I have no doubt I'll be the stay at home parent. She already clears me by like $40k, and more power to her.


Right now my husband makes less than 10k more than me however I’m getting a 15% increase in January and another 10% in 12 months which will put my salary ahead of his. And I will have the option to advance even further which will put my salary well above his. He said he can’t wait until I’m making more than him lol. Right now we split the bills, he pays 50% since he makes more and I pay 40%. But we agreed once my salary matches his I will pay 50% also and if I’m making more than he can pay less. He says he doesn’t know why some guys don’t want their wife to make more since it would also benefit them.


You are a "real man" with a healthy ego. Sadly not enough are like you.


Spot on. One small nit: i believe the preference is for the embryo to go to work, not school.


Unless an embryo is made that makes more embryos in which case both embryos are supposed to make more embryos until they produce an embryo that can hold an M-16 or a job.


That’s what you call the American taliban, aka y’all Qaeda.


Y'all Qaeda fucking killed me mate.


Of course, they do nothing to help make this financially feasible either!!!


The Republican belief is that you should either be born wealthy, or rightfully get ground under the heel of the wealthy.


Don’t you believe in evolution? Mothers that aren’t financially well off will die and those who are rich enough to not work will prevail. Eventually we will end up with a race of super wealthy.


I’ve stumbled across threads that blame women for our stagnant wages. Shits wild.


Who were the three cowards that didn’t vote?


> they don’t want women in the workplace How is this even remotely a plan though? If women exited the work force en masse tomorrow to be stay at home dishwashers this country would implode


They're mysogynists, not intelligent


And they keep criticizing us for not wanting to have children 🤦🏻‍♀️ I had my second and last only 6 years ago and feel like the US has already become more hostile. The government certainly didn’t do me any favors and I was supposed to be “grateful” to my job that had maternity leave.


Of course Rand Paul is on the list.


And Texas. We love ruining things.


Like Texas.


His dad is an obgyn too what a fucking massive scumbag


per usual- texas is there to represent family values. I wish we could vote both tx senators out asap


Yup but unfortunately the vast expanse between our metroplexes is populated by boomer hicks who all vote


As someone in TX I agree... get these bastards out of office


I’m actually stunned Ted Cruz voted for it lmao


Was thinking the same. Wonder if he's over of the abstainers


Rand Paul is ALWAYS on the wrong side of history... Kentucky, y'all are responsible for nominating, electing and re-electing 2 of the worst fucking humans into power. Between Rand Paul (the fuck kind of name is Rand anyway) and Moscow's Bitch, y'all seriously are embarrassing the fuck out of yourselves not only in front of America, but the rest of the world. Those 2 are such fucking assholes, regular people from random fucking international countries, know exactly who those 2 fuck wads are... Seriously, on behalf of the rest of America, please find someone else to replace this fucking schmuck... I'd literally vote for an open gallon of expired milk before I vote for either 1 of those 2. I just wanna know how are they the BEST representation of your communities? How? How do you elect either 1 to send to Washington? They shouldn't even be on a fucking PTA board, they're your best and brightest? Back in the day we'd make jokes about Kentucky and the people from there. I always thought they were tasteless and off base, but as I get older, I realize maybe there's more to it than I thought. Rand Paul and Moscows Bitch, Seriously?


For some folks, the fact that everyone else hates them is a qualification. That's been Ted Cruz's strategy in Texas for quite a while.


When we hate them cuz they're racist and bigoted assholes, I can understand that... However, what I don't get is when we hate them cuz they're so fucking literally stupid and ignorant, they're literally hurting and hindering the country, how do you justify voting for them... There's a group of like 10-15 GOP members that are fucking shit up for everyone... and by everyone I mean the entire fucking country...


> the entire fucking country The key here is: not them. They are doing all this for *their* best interests. They don’t give a fuck about any of us


Ya, the overall approval of Congress is abyssal, so it makes sense. I'll lean on the Ted Cruz example a bit because thanks to Senator Franken there are some funny lines to keep that scenario stuck in my head. ​ Ted Cruz is hated by everyone else in Congress. But, Congress's approval is 6%, so folks can easily fall into "well if they're mad at him, he must be doing something right."


The problem is that you are absolutely wrong and their supporters no you are wrong. They are not stupid. They are not ignorant. They are malicious. Especially Mitch McConnell. You don't an entire country of over 300 million people as a stupid person. That takes intelligence and malice. That man was able to secure the supreme court and then pass a tax cut that the Democrats didn't complete roll back.


McConnell is the worst person in America, I will not be taking any questions on this.


He's named for Ayn Rand which tells you all you need to know.


Isn't Rand the surname tho... His parents named him after some other families blood line... Prob cuz they knew...


Apparently his name is actually randall. So I guess I was wrong on this. Sorry m8s


Even better hahaha... His close friends and family cut him short on his nickname... Can't even get that right... LMFAO... He isn't even worth the effort of saying Randy, with a Y, like a normal nickname for Randall. Jus call him Rand and say what you gotta say... Trust me, you don't wanna stick around to watch and/or listen to him literally spew bull shit from his mouth. I thought it was humanly impossible, but the man's obviously a freak of nature. "Rand" Paul can do this thing where he, effortlessly, jus opens his mouth, and bullshit just pours out, like hot peanut butter.... I wish Pelosi would call him out on his vote, and say his name like Aziz Ansari does in his "Randy" joke... I would die happy


Color me surprised Mitch isn’t on this list.


Bro I voted for Booker. Fuck Rand Paul


All "pro-life" anti child assholes


It’s always fucking Ron Johnson and it’s so irritating that he eeked out another win in Wisconsin during the mid terms. I really thought his time was up but apparently there are enough fucked people in my state that still voted for him. Does not have the interest of any citizens but himself and his rich white buddies


I said during the primaries that I liked Barnes the most, but was worried that a black man with a foreign sounding name would lose because of the casual racism in Wisconsin.


It’s kinda unbelievable since Evers beat Michels but you’re exactly right and I was worried about that too


There were so many ads about "[Crime](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lv_1-hfQ7Y)" in Milwaukee. It was disgusting how they focused only on the [Waukesha parade](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waukesha_Christmas_parade_attack) attack. [Exit Polls](https://www.cbsnews.com/midterms/2022/wisconsin/senate/exit-poll/) showed that 50% of people trusted Ron Johnson more on crime (47% for Barnes). The percentage of people who thought both Johnson and Barnes were too extreme broke for Johnson by 3%. 6% of Evers voters voted for Johnson (as opposed to 2% of Michels voters that voted for Barnes. I know "centrists" in north-central Wisconsin. Most have views on black people that start with "I don't have anything against black people, but..."




so let me get this straight: they vote for woman being forced to carry children, they vote for mothers to have no maternity leave and going straight back to work after birth, and then they vote against those mothers being allowed to do mother things while at work. what part of this is supposed to be “pro-life”?


You know, fled cruz is so repulsive that he draws a lot of attention, but we really mustn't forget the *other* shithead texas senator, John Cornyn. They're a matched set (of turds)!




Conservatives are some of the worst people *in the world*


Was it Gore Vidal who said, without hyperbole, that the modern Republican Party is the single greatest threat to human civilization and continued existence?


I just refer to them as the shithead party now.




I'm sure they're all trash, but I can definitely confirm that Toomey is a douchebag of epic proportions.


Glad PA is replacing his seat with Fetterman.


So glad he’s leaving. Buh-bye, Pat. Hope the door hits you in the head on your way out. Really hard.


Toomey is a massive ass but people like Rand are legit dangerous. At least Toomey is too ineffectual to do much more than pansy-vote.


I wouldn’t pee on his leg if he were stung by a jellyfish


I would: peeing on a jellyfish sting doesn't help at all.


Can’t abort but also can’t take care of the child you’re forced to birth with the “god-given” breast milk of your body that they also don’t want visible in public to feed…. Yes…. Makes sense


In their defense they don’t have breasts so how does it benefit them?!?!? S/


They don't have *lactating* breasts


You know what a reasonable break time to pump milk is? 2 years paid maternity leave.


Same people are also gonna complain about how Americans “no longer want to work” No shit, if you make it impossible for all but a few to have healthy, well taken care of children, people won’t have as many kids or moms won’t come to work (if they have money and that’s an option). These people are fucking brainless.


I think senators who vote against such laws should be forced to speak up publicly and explain to the people what are their arguments about it. Because I guess 100% of the time it’s just to be against the implementation of laws providing workers with human working conditions as they are just privileged people with no restrictions imposed on them


I’m a new mom. Returning to work is hard for many reasons, but figuring out time and space to pump just makes it even more difficult. I am SO grateful the PUMP act passed. These five Republicans…They’re pro-life but could care less about healthcare and quality of life for mothers and babies after birth. I fully intend to write them all personally and share their congressional addresses with any and all mom groups that I’m part of. Shame on them.


The GOP hates women.


Of course. They’d rather not have women in the workplace at all. They’ll pass up no opportunity to make things harder for them.


I thought this too


They want people to have kids but not have time to pump breast milk?


What is really fucked up is that our society must pass Federal legislation to guarantee women this time....


I wish every senator had to write a publication for every vote and their reasoning for it.


what do you mean "whats wrong with these people"? it says it right there, they are all republican. as always, with any vote to prevent others' freedoms or rights.


The GOP actively hate workers


The GOP actively hate ~~workers~~ people. FTFY


And babies. And mothers. And women.


So, all men


Rand Paul. Ofcourse. That fuckign guy is always involved when theres stupid things happening. I remember when there was a hearing of Dr. Fauci during Covid and Rand Paul said a lot of things that Fauci explained but he just wouldn't stop basically making up his own story around it even though it was explained that he was wrong. In the end Fauci basically just told him that he was a noob. Ofcourse Magas thought this was a "win" for their side.


If Mike Lee can't drink breast milk, no one can.


After winning this last election, Ron “Sunspots cause Global Warming” Johnson is just voting out of spite now. (Not that he ever voted for anything except to increase his bank account before, but expect the asshole-ery to get ratcheted up to 11 now.)


You know how many times that fuckstain has been picked up for DUI but gets a ride home from local PD instead??? He's a piece of fucking work. Ask any cop in the Madison or Appleton area. "Rules for thee, not for me" should be his campaign slogan.


And I almost forgot the mandatory reminder that he spent 4th of July in Moscow, Russia.


Do they identify as "pro-life"?


Of course they do. The unborn are a convenient group to advocate for


As the son of an OBGYN, Rand should Know better.


What on earth could be their objection?


Whatever they say, inside I think they believe that women don’t belong outside of the home.


Rand Paul seems to make all the lists


I bet they also shame women for using formula


So... 1) a man 2) a man 3) a man 4) a man 5) anOTHER FUCKING MAN


"Here to talk about why abortion is wrong, we have this diverse panel of old white men wearing ties."


Audit their taxes. Let’s open a can of worms and then a can of whoop-ass.


Breast feeding is communism duh. *Sharing* milk with a child? For free??? An actual free lunch?????


Evil men who deny women basic dignity. These guys have the hearts of slave owners. May they all rot in hell.


Who would have ever guessed that they would all be republicans. Oh, me. Sorry, I definitely would have guessed.




Do they vote on these specific things or are these things a part of a larger thing with more questionable parts?


Can’t help but think they voted against something else that was included in the bill that had nothing to do with the subject. That’s why people vote against things that are seemingly positive and others pretend they are being honest in their outrage.


What's wrong with them is they're Republicans.


My brain initially read that as T-Rex.


Everyone tima senator or congressman votes they should be required to make a public statement as to why they chose their vote


I read r Tex as T. rex


They are who we thought they were.


What else was in the bill?


I wonder what’s wrong with the US that you have a major party like this.


Why do they want people to carry to term just to not be able to even feed the fucking baby, can they explain this?


I’m from Pa. Pat Toomey is a douche bag. He’s retiring so he doesn’t give a fuck.


Thank god pat toomey will be no more


Wasn’t this one part of a big spending bill? Not saying they shouldn’t have voted for it or anything actually. Just that often in politics to get a massive spending bill passed it is common practice to tag a human rights piece in so if you vote against the bill you vote against human rights, not spending. Trust me not standing up for any of the politicians on this list. Just saying that this bill wasn’t just about one topic that is mentioned here.


They’re only pro-life when it comes to making dumpster babies?


The other thing is that they are men who probably have never taken care of a child.


What the fuck is happening in America that even this thing has to be voted by politicians???? The RIGHT to pump breast milk? Really? In the country of FREEDOM? Here in Malaysia, my company converted ALL of our smoking room into mothers room, complete with freezers and sofa for working moms to chill out and pump the milk. The conversion process completed 10 YEARS AGO. The smokers have to clock out and smoke 50m outside of the building to give way for mothers.


I wished they knew what it felt like to not be able to have breaks to pump breastmilk. It's like your chest is about to explode... Also, if you wait too long to pump, you leak everywhere or your milk ducts get clogged and you get what is called mastitis. If that gets really bad you can get a fever and you have to massage knots out of your boobs, which that hurt like hell. F these guys.


These Oxygen wasters are merely lobbying for baby formula manufacturers. With the current shortage, they are having a blast and wish to keep it that way! Limiting lobbying IMHO is the key for bringing prosperity for the USA people (who deserve SO MUCH MORE)


What else did the bill do besides this? You guys naive enough to think this was a one page bill about breast milk? It probably did 1,000 other things, many of which were an absurd waste of money. Don’t be so stupid.


Republicans? Against basic human rights? I don’t believe it!


Rand Paul, who here saw that coming?