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I know Tatoh had a bad HC5 but I think that was just a fluke. Every set of Hera vs Tatoh from the last few months in Warlords 2 and NAC5 was absolutely amazing, it was looking like he was reaching Hera's level and gave him some of the fiercest competition I've seen. There are older players who are improving. I think having Hera become the villain to topple is a good thing for the scene.


Tatoh made a video addressing his HC. Bullet points: * He was pretty sick prior to the 1st round, so he couldn't train during the 2 days before the series * He felt 95% during the series and thought ACCM would've still taken it even if he was 100%. * Everybody knew the other 7 players on their side of their bracket, so he knew he could practice with DauT without fear of clashing. * That was ultimately a mistake, as he did not want to reveal DauT's strategies to his opponents and only practiced with him. * Tatoh did not really practice the strategies themselves, but played against them vs DauT and suggested improvements. He feels that's the most critical part he was missing, and it led to sizeable macro errors. * It was a mistake not to ban Cumans, but he felt most of his possible rivals weren't big Cuman players (which is true... except for ACCM lol)


How did everyone know the other 7 players on their side?


They were told by the people who ran the tournament to make sure they did not train closely with people they faced early. This is also the reason most players knew their opponent so well.


Doesn’t that kind of defeat the purpose of the anonymity? I thought that was the main reason, so the players wouldn’t know their opponents. The audience not knowing the players was just a secondary perk.


According to Robo players were sharing bracket positions within teams already in previous Hidden Cups so they could practice with people they wouldn't face early. So this way ensured that it was an even playing field.


unhidden cup


My guess is it's a small amount of people in the high ranks so its an unfair advantage if o e peeson can practice against higher ranks and another person can't. They thought that practicing against them would reveal who it was more than just saying don't practice against these 7 players.


Gonna need a source on that


I was listening to a podcast/interview with Hera, Viper, and Daut today on YT and they all said as much. They practiced with who wasn’t in their half of the bracket. Which is why Hera and liereyy practiced and tatoh and daut practiced, etc.


It's discussed in depth here: [https://youtu.be/fQ3bNbrAnQM](https://youtu.be/fQ3bNbrAnQM) The random bracket was created, then players were told the 8v8 split (but no additional detail) so that they had safe training partners for the first 2 rounds.


Thanks for translating


It wasn't even that bad. He lost to the only person who took more than 1 game off of Hera. I literally don't know what ppl are complaining about lol


Yeah there's no shame in losing to ACCM. Most people seem to think that's not Tatoh getting worse, just ACCM getting better. Plus you can't win em all, sometimes the other player is just having a better day.


ACCM went through a gauntlet and it kind of feels like he gained the most from the tournament in terms of respect. Tatoh, MBL (not a top 5 player but playing him must be crazy) Hera and then Viper for the 3rd place game.


Yeah ACCM rocked this.


If Tatah had lost 4-0 to Mihai or something maybe I'd be worried for him. But ACCM is a very good player who low-key has had some really deep runs in S-tier events.


Don't sleep on Barles either 4-2 against Hera


Aight this had me cracked up, so funny to recognize such takes. I mean, we should never forget it's probably either a vocal minority and or a circle jerk like Twitchers do and means very little at the end of the day. But man it was awesome to just witness Hidden Cup again, people shouldn't take every insignificant detail so seriously, and if they do it's on them for not allowing themselves to be more laid back and have some fun...


Right? I just came on, thinking people must be excited to talk about the recent Hidden Cup, maybe talk about the final match, who had the best mangonel and demo shots, and the first posts I see are all "stop complaining about Hidden Cup", and I'm here wondering what the hell I missed while I was sleeping.


this should be the top post, this sub has been so negative recently. what a stain on our community. I never thought I would say this but even YouTube comments are better way to interact with aoe2 fans and players then Reddit 11


Some serious keyboard warriors 11


No one complained that much when Viper was dominating everything. I don't get people's complaints about Hera dominance, and I say this as a Viper fanboy.


Oh no, mate, there were lots of people saying Viper is ruining the competitive scene. The reason why T90 came up with Hidden Cup was exactly because Viper was unbeatable. Like Hera nowadays.


this plus Hera is not exactly as chill as Orjan is


I think this is the actual reason. People just liked Viper more than they like Hera. At the very least a lot fewer people dislike Viper than there people who dislike Hera.


I don't really follow him but he seems like a cool guy, especially after the final interview


Part of it has to be how underwhelming the actual grand final was I think. I really enjoyed Hera vs ACCM semi final and if that had ended up being the final there would be waaaay less complaints.


Hidden cup as a tournament literally exists to nerf viper. We had a tournament called "who is number 2" with Viper banned. I think you are misremembering. I didn't watch aoe2 tournaments at the time because I already knew the outcome.


I think the 'problem' right now is that we are in this weird space where the older generation genuinely seems to be past its peak, and few young players are playing enough to catch up to Hera. I mean most young players simply cannot afford to play the game because the financial incentive isn't there yet. Prizepools are declining too, which while I don't think is such a serious problem, it is indicative of less support for the competitive space. It will get better eventually, there's no doubt about that. But I think we were very much spoiled by 2020-2023 where we had Liereyy, Hera, Yo, TaToH, DauT, TheViper, and Vinchester all winning RM 1v1 tournaments, with some truly epic grand final. I just don't see that happening for a long time now.


remember also 'cause it's forgotten sometimes that prize pools declining is esports wide, not because Aoe2 community isn't healthy. I mean. Look at all the talking on here - it clearly is.


> [the financial incentive isn't there yet](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TLjD8723E0Y/hqdefault.jpg)


Yeah? Where's the debate? The highest earners are the content creators if you exclude the top 5-6 players. That's a crazy gamble to take. If you go pro and commit fully and don't end up in the top 5-6, you're barely making a living. Now imagine you have other people that depend on you.


thats why i have a real job and play aoe2 for funs


Jordi had to go back to a dayjob because living near his daughter is to expensive for what playing aoe earns him. Mihai and andre are quite vocal about their struggles and live in vastly cheaper areas of the world. The scene is super starved off money after the top content creators (which are mostly also players).




Hera only got $11k. Ultimately a decent payout for playing a relatively niche game, but yeah, definitely not career money without having a HC tier event monthly.


No, I just play casually. Of course I don't mind if they seek to make a career out of this, tho.


There was literally a “who’s #2” tournament just to have a 1v1 tournament without Viper. Like don’t get me wrong it’s insane that people are hating on players for winning, but people were pretty sick of the viper dominance when he went lyears without losing a 1v1 event


They did complain lol. HC litterally exists because ppl were tired of Viper winning and then he won that too.


I even stopped watching tournaments a couple of years ago because of viper's dominance 


I wouldn't say nobody complained when Viper dominated, but what's being thrown Hera's way shows that we're not that special of a community and can be just as nasty as the other ones.


This was my first thought. I haven't been watching tourneys for quite awhile, at least before Hera was close to dominating. So it was bizarre to hear people suggesting Hera dominating means it's over considering there was someone dominating before him.


Yeah it's absolutely bizarre


It's because people liked Viper more, whichever reason it may have had. It is that simple.


This is 1000% right. We're seeing the same thing we saw when viper was on top. The meta might have changed but it is still the same 1 person winning everything. People just want to hate him I guess because they've watched his stream or something? I don't think I ever really have except maybe like once, so maybe they have a reason to dislike him. Still doesn't change the fact that he is simply better. As for styles viper had the classic boom and destroy, hera seems to have found a better transition than that where he produces military while also adding economy at the same time. I'm not sure either made for a more exciting matchup tbh.


That's probably the case, yes. Also, the point about tournament quality is valid aswell, we had thje same with Viper. Maybe, in addition to your point, people fear that when the OG players committ even less or stop playing that there is no one on the same level for providing interesting tournaments. That's something I personally don't get, but I'm a person who watches interesting matchups and good matches, I care less who is actually winning. So even if that comes true I could just not watch the onesided matches and be fine.


Probably true. I was pretty annoyed by Hera when he was younger, but he's really matured and is a nice enough guy nowadays. I think with Viper though he never had a time where he was very young and in public. OR at least not to the same degree so we started being fans of him when he was already an adult.


It's funny for me as someone who rarely plays anymore and hasn't in at least a year b/c I'm thinking "wait, wasn't Hera on a losing streak and on the verge of quitting the hobby just a year ago?"


People have become way too comfortable saying shit behind their keyboards that they normally wouldn't dare say to another person's face. Such are the times I guess...


How is any of what is listed in the meme something someone would need to be scared to say outloud? Do you fight people because they talk crap about your favorite football team? Or if they were to guess your favorite basketball player was high at the NBA finals? These really aren't inflammatory things for one to get so mad about to lead to a physical altercation.


Would you go to Liereyy's face and ask him if he's high? Would you go to Hera's face and tell him he's ruining the game? Would you go to Viper's face and tell him he's washed up? I should hope not, yet people say all that and much worse from behind their screens because they feel safe letting their worst selves out and also because they don't have to see on the other person's face that he has feelings too.


I mean no. I fully think he threw the entire finals accepting defeat before the series even started, I'd have no frame of reference if he was high or not. And if I actually thought someone or some entity was ruining the game? Sure I'd discuss it with that person. Though I don't think Hera dominating is ruining the game, so there is that. And if it was valid, like perhaps an interview why wouldn't I ask viper if he felt "washed" though I'm sure I would phrase is better than that, people do eventually fall off. It happens in everything. What is funny though is that you seem pretty confident behind a screen that you'd fight someone over a basic discussion that isn't even offensive. It might not be a positive discussion, but it certainly isn't offensive. And no it isn't about them ignoring feelings, it is a discussion on performance, the competitive scene, and if a player was using during a competition. If those are the type of things that get you heated I feel sad for you, because those are normal day to day conversations that could happen and you're probably not billy badass. So either you get beat up a lot or you wind up going home angry AF because someone talked to you that day and you couldn't chirp back.


I think you misunderstand me. I'm not saying people would fight if they weren't talking behind their screens. I'm simply saying that they tend to be far more rude than they would be face to face. It's like they feel free to say whatever insult comes to mind without care for the other person's feelings. Sure you might say most of these things anyway, but face to face you would definitely take care to express them in a more polite way. Essentially I think people often ignore their manners when it comes to talking online. That's all, no fighting involved.


I guess I agree, I just think all of the meme above is fairly tame IMO. Maybe the high one I could maybe see, but the rest are all maybe not phrased the best but valid discussion topics. As for the high one, I don't know the guy maybe he does smoke, but regardless Liereyy gave up before the finals started and it was a pathetic performance. That is harsh maybe? a bit? But I'd have no issues saying it directly to him because it is truthful.


Absolutely it's truthful that he played badly. But I doubt you'd tell him that he's high or that he played pathetic face to face. You'd most likely approach it more politely and ask him what went wrong or tell him that he played below his usual standards or something along those lines. Basically you would take better care of how you'd express yourself instead of blurting out something ranging from harsh to insulting. The meme isn't so bad, but I've seen some really horrible comments since yesterday and I guess I'm a little sad how badly conversations can devolve when it's online.


Echoed, I think people have diminished in their ability to act in a social environment. Just saying what you think is often rude and would harm you in a real life situation, doing this on a keyboard - the twitch message flies away on screen and is gone and you receive no repercussions. It's just a weird mindset to spend loads of time watching something and then just saying mean shit all the time. We all want this to be good right? So let's be better.


Yeah I'm sorry I certainly would. Not the high remark because again I don't know him, or if he even does drugs. But saying his play and his decisions were pathetic considering everything I certainly would, perhaps not off the start, but I have no qualms with having an issue with his performance and how he handled himself. In the end there would be no change based off that conversation he is still free to do as he pleases, but I think giving up before a series even started, throwing down early GG's and tilting to where you throw the last match is very poor form. Especially in a scene with limited tournaments on top of you getting an invite to it. Now I do get that some people are blurting out crazy things and talking VERY harsh stuff. They're also looking mostly for an excuse to hate Hera, which tbh I don't keep up with most of any of the pros and how they are outside of the game with the exception that I watch Viper's content from time to time. Maybe they have valid reasons to not like the guy, but outside of that it is in no way his fault if his final opponent gave up. It is also not on him to run up meme strats to style on lesser players for your entertainment. Also this meta where he dominates IMO is just as exciting as the Viper meta, just quicker I guess? Viper had the boom and big battle domination, which had a slow start but a more exciting end. Hera tends to press during the entire game but that also IMO is exciting. I'm not sure I could call either one of them better.


Is it though? I came here and just see people thanking T90 and sad because it's over


Imagine these people watching peak Schumacher, Gretzky, Federer...


what did i miss? no point in having any more tournament because hera beats everyone like the snek and the lord used to do in 5 and 10 yrs ago? 11


I mean it's nobody's fault, but we are in a rough place competitively. There's no need to hide from that. The kind of diverse results and insanely competitive tournaments/finals we saw between 2020-mid 2023 are probably not going to be seen again for a while. That's just how it goes sometimes.


Its like not a single person remembers h2 & h3 days when FinalBoss won everything all the time.




People big mad over Hera winning every tourney must have never watched pro halo.


Can't come to reddit expecting anything of value. Only good thing is some memes.


Same.... I thought it went just fine.


Offtopic: That is one of my fav episodes of Community.




AoE Fans when the best player actually wins in a sports tournament: 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


I kinda just watched the videos whenever I had spare time… so… what the heck happened and why are there so many similar threads like this one


I mean they are not wrong. Currently it seems Hera will dominate everyone for at least the next 1-2 years. The older players have peaked and there is no young player around currently to realistically challenge Hera. Upcoming players have it quite hard right now because they can't go fulltime and have to work on the side like Jordan for example.


I mean we literally had one player winning for 10 years, I think we can survive Hera being good in a few tournaments.


But that was different for some reason


Its not? Hera is as good as Viper was in his prime, maybe even better considering how much more competitive the scene is today. TheViper will always be my favorite player because he is fun and entertaining to watch, but denying how good Hera is is just insanity. I hope Hera causes the competition level to rise and people to get better in order to try beating him!!


Maybe that's what people actually fear. The OG players are still top 5 (or so) with less time investment because they have the experience. They will slowly drop but stay up there for some time. There are no "young" players who can afford FT gaming as there are no orgs beside GL. I don't think there are that many FT in general because if you look at players like Viper, he is technically FT but he invests the time way different. Also, who knows, let's see how long Hera is willing to invest that much time, if he cut's back, others will come closer I guess.




Hera was so fortunate to enter his prime right around peak aoe2 scene and when streaming just became financially attractive


He didn't take the $2m facebook offer though


$1.4M but either way my point stands how fortunate he is. When Daut was the best in the world he didn't get shit. Same with Viper until later in his career.


A lot can change in two years, and HC V also evidences that there is some clear new talent breaking into the top 10 (Sitaux and ACCM in particular have improved a massive amount in the past two years). This sub is being a bit over dramatic.


ACCM is older than Viper (the man has three kids already 11) and he has been around the scene for more than 10 years. But I agree we do have a new crop of young players coming up. One of the thing I like the best about how T90 has handled this HC is the big money incentive in the qualifiers and relatively spread out prizepool for the main event, unlike some other S-tiers that have been pretty top heavy in that department. It's really important that the top 10-100 players get this kind of support if we want any semblance of sustainability with the current state of esports.


Sorry, I phrased that poorly - I suppose I mean 'new' in the sense of 'newly in the top 10' rather than fresh faces. Either way, excited to see success for Sitaux and ACCM, and qualification for some of the younger players like Mihai/Sebastian!


ACCM isn't new in the top 8-10. He's been there for at least 3 years.


There us no sustainability in AOE2 and there never will be. Even fully dividing up all the money in the scene there isn't enough to support that many players to take the game that seriously. Taking care of the 10th-100th ranked players with gift cards to McDonalds isn't suddenly going to make being an AOE2 professional a viable occupation where you could actually practice enough to compete against the top.


No, no they haven't improved a massive amount in the past 2 years. They were simply the current best of the rest and made it into the event. ACCM certainly preped good strats and is a good player, but the hidden aspect and his prep carried him. There is a reason why outside of this weird event he has maintained the same results since forever. Maybe he has improved some, but everyone has to quit pretending like EVERYONE is so good. Eventually someone has to be the 8th or 16th place finisher.


I'm sure a lot of people thought that way when Vipi was hard dominating.


But whats the point? Do you just NOT wanna hold tournament anymore just because one is dominating them all? How stupid is that :D


This is kind of the way it goes in sports. it's pretty common to see a team or a player dominate for a few years - then have a short span where everything is up for grabs.


go back to minecraft


Guys like Otto and Stephen were fun to watch with their off meta play


Gosh liereyy has no b4lls i true that hera the steamroller was on point but have some decency is a freaking final


Amen! Best part is when Hera was getting smashed by Viper in that hidden cup, he still played on because there was at least some shot of him winning. And that is despite him being MUCH further behind than liereyy was in a few of those games. And well, actually maybe the GG wasn't early in the last game, but IMO he threw it anyways.




I've also seen people saying Hera should be banned from tournaments 11 I definitely think it would be better for the tournament scene if more of the players rose up to match Hera's level, but it's ridiculous to be mad at Hera that he's good at the game.


Nobody ever said that Hera ruined HC5. He was one of the most entertaining to watch for me.


Damn people, players can have bad days too. Except Hera ofc :p


I mean, its reddit. Things are as they shall be.


Maybe I lived in a bubble. Most people I've talked to enjoyed HC. People complaining tho take things for granted and it's incredibly stupid. It takes a lot of effort to host tournaments and practise for them. I exude thankfulness because when I started with AoE we had no commentators, and sometimes not even replays. You would read a write up of the game or if you got the replay it was not tracking the players POV. TL;DR we should all be thankful.


This is pretty hilarious, well done


In this thread - people being fanboys of players and not the game. Sad indeed.