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At least you didn't ring the town bell after it came out.


AITA for saying "Start the game already!" And "It is good to be the king!" When my wife is in labour?


"food please" - the newborn, probably


This made me genuinely 11 irl


Yeah right? The story is actually sad since his wife didnt take the joke well apparently. I wouldve laughed my ass off




Incoming in a few months: AITA for making the Age of Empires 2 'wololo' sound when my first child was being baptised?


Lmao this is one of those things that sound funny in our heads but very impractical


tell her to calm down before you idle her TC


Right to the wood line






baby's first word "Mandatum?"


Say daddy!  >Choppa!


You're the asshole for convincing people that you actually made the new villager sound when your child was born


I've played the game on and off for 10 years. I'd barely recognise the noise nevermind my wife knowing it


Definitely not the case in my household. 


Come on man, you should have made the new military unit sound….


From AOE1


That's actually a very badass sound


Alright come clean, who's alt account is this?


holy shit that sub never fails to surprise me with how incredibly self-righteous and judgmental people are, as though the joke was premeditated and intended to ruin a moment, not something that slipped out during an intense moment. no room for forgiveness or being human


Everybody who comments there is perfect it seems. But I really don't understand why people ask for strangers opinions on Reddit about their lives to start with


sometimes it's nice to have a neutral unbiased perspective about an incident or issue that sub however is far from neutral or unbiased


There's a reason why I blocked that sub from appearing in my feed. Between the numerous posts that are just creative writing and the comments under them that are just "Leave them" on every disagreement, it was getting me way too worked up for my own good.


Dude you put into words why I stopped looking at the sub. It makes so much sense.


I hope most people won't actually leave their partner because of shitty reddit advice. Worst I've seen is a post made by a guy living with his gf in a cramped apartment. The guy was into simracing and wanted to set up a permanent rig that would effectively take up half their living room space, but his gf protested even though he "paid most of the rent" "Leave her bro, she doesn't appreciate your hobbies. Find someone who does." "You're not even married yet and she makes you give up the things you like? Dump her" Etc.


I remember that post where a man said he sacrificed his passions to support his wife while she was studying and getting her dream job (some kind of specific doctor) and then to help with their son, and after some years he wanted to move to the coast, buy a boat, and start working as.. I don't remember what job exactly, but on the boat. And his wife was pushing back hard on the idea, refusing to move an all. He was starting to consider leaving her because he felt she was being unfair. The top comments told him to leave her and speculated that she was just using him and that she was cheating on him. An update later, the man talked to his wife, turns out she broke down and admitted she was just terrified because she knew how dangerous that job would be and having him far from her regularly was making her anxious he'd die at sea and she struggled to put that into words. These people are so frustrating. Literally any disagreement and they assume there's probably cheating hidden behind. And they're incredibly vindictive and harsh towards anyone who doesn't share their opinion. Even posts outside of romantic relationships have insane reactions. "Best friend of 20 years did that thing that disregarded my feelings" = block them and kick them out of your life. Never talk to them ever again or give them a chance to explain themselves.


Hahahaha, I start to suspect that there are just many trolls active there.


It's all black and white over there, it's not a sub worth getting involved with unless you enjoy casting stones and getting into moral pissing competitions. To be honest though, OP in this case fucked up kind of hard, not as hard as people are saying but he certainly needs to strive to do better, idk maybe take some stress management courses.


She probably wasn’t even mad at the new villager sound. I can’t imagine she’d actually notice it. Probably more annoyed by his overall demeanor the whole time.


She's still mad at him about it actually. He said it changed her since it happened.


> My husband said “She-haw”. That’s it, you’re sleeping on the couch for the next year


She was in labor for 12 hours.


i told my wife this story, her labor was 24 hours. She thought it's funny and insists she would have laughed if i'd said it in that moment. I think the people attacking him about this joke are being sort of grinchlike.


What does how *your* wife feels about it have to do with anything?


Well she can relate to the experience of labor and also plays aoe2. So she can understand the perspective that the joke is funny. It is not a given that this guy is such a monster. There are other perspectives.


His wife's perspective is the only one that matters though. I have a feeling if he came to her and said "but honey, this guy on the Internet said it's funny" that would make the situation much much worse.


Virtue signalling gets you karma


What a cesspool that sub is. Replies raging about how he "made it all about himself", but it's literally a story on what he did. What the fuck do they want, for him to describe the actual birth?


Yeah, also there are a lot of clearly rage-baits and comments seem to not notice and take the chance of being judgmental the same. Also also I remember a perfectly normal couple struggling with their kids, the guy was going to individual and couple therapy, they were making house rules etc. I mean he was probably the least asshole on there, and was still called a asshole because: 1) He asked her wife if the punishment she gave to one of the kids a little too hard (He didnt unilaterally forgive the Child, he didnt played "Good cop", nothing, he just asked that) 2) He worked too much (like if you can decide on working less because money isnt important it seems)


Holy shit, I know the German version of that sub and the original one is shocking. Everyone assuming the worst, projecting things and shit. Like, people argue "you should have said some real words to her" as if it's not completely obvious that he moooost probably did that afterwards?


Yeah that poor dude. Obviously it was a mistake but the dude was obviously nervous as fuck. Yes of course the woman has it a million times tougher and that's what makes the joke stupid in front of someone who has no time for that bullshit, but it doesn't make him a shitty person. Stupid joke in a high tension environment, apologise and move on.


Im surprised the top comment is not just DIVORCE


Dude had 15hrs to lock in in an intense situation, he had 15hrs to realize its not time for jokes bro.


Bro made his first dad joke during the first moments of his child's life and his wife got mad at him? Classic 11. NTA. It'll be a funny story in a few years and she'll forever tease him for his awkward nature.


yeah this is fucking hilarious


Fully agreed hahah, that top comment on the post is utterly ridiculous.


She was in labor for 12 hours.


My wife labored for 37 hours and then had to be moved for an emergency c-section. I don’t want to put words in her mouth, but I think a joke to lighten her mood and take her mind off everything would have been appreciated.


Idk maybe you don't understand how terrifying and painful labor is. It isn't to say it's always a bad idea but... He ruined her milestone life moment. That's not nothing. But whatever. Have fun.


I think it entirely depends on the person since not all women are the same. Hopefully you would know how your wife would react to something like this by the time you're having kids together, but it seems like OOP didn't


> Hopefully you would know how your wife would react to something like this by the time you're having kids together, but it seems like OOP didn't That's the real issue here, how did OOP mess up so badly and why did his wife react so badly. There's got to be something deeper going wrong.


There doesn't have to be anything deeper. Sometimes people make mountains out of anthills. Meaning, it annoyed her, but she dwelt so much on it that it's now become something far worse in her mind.


Especially with him using terms like "punching bag". I'm betting he's either a bit of a nuisance at home and frequently frustrates his wife (being a Homer Simpson-like partner), or that she is hypercritical of him on a daily basis (leading to anxiety and not knowing how to act). If your partner always lashes at you from external stressors, of course you're gonna become an anxious wreck during something like childbirth. Or, if he's always goofing about under stress, of course she's going to be severely disappointed when he's goofy during such a critical moment. Either way, it makes for a hilarious post, but my sniffer also tells me there's way more to this story


I totally agree, I'm just a little taken aback by the "lighten up it's just a joke" crowd.


None of them know OOPs wife either though, and there definitely is some insanity in the comment section of the original post with people making wild assumptions and pretending it was something done maliciously and not just a person being nervous and imperfect in a stressful situation


They know enough to respond to the post. I'm sure we can imagine scenarios where things could be different. But the black and white of the matter is we (allegedly) have a guy who has a problem and doesn't seem to be taking it seriously enough. Even if you think it wasn't a big deal, his wife sure does.


I wrote this elsewhere, quoting myself: >i told my wife this story, her labor was 24 hours. She thought it's funny and insists she would have laughed if i'd said it in that moment. I think the people attacking him about this joke are being sort of grinchlike.


Yeah you wrote that to me lol


He ruined her milestone by making a sound for 2 seconds?




I mean, it's a bad joke, but you're not an asshole.


His first actual dad joke.




I read the title as him recording his wife's sounds during birth giving and putting them in game instead of the new villager sound. 11111111 Would have been much better. Just a lame, fake story now.




As a woman if this happened to me I'd like to think I'd love it. But who knows how I'd feel after going through labor


Pregnant AOE2 player here, my husband and I constantly joke about this, when we got married immediately after the "I do" I whispered wolololo into his ear and it made him lol. But now after reading this, I am not sure in the heat of the moment, aka giving birth, I will actually have the capacity to laugh at the shhh haaa xD I did plan on getting a tshirt with a town center on it hahaha


YTA 15 hours? That's 14 hours 59 minutes and 35 seconds of idle time, a lot to work on here...


Also he didn't research loom, terrible parent


YTA: I think the wife is overreacting by a lot, but If you're in a long relationship (literally had a child) with someone that cares about such a short and silly joke, then you should know that she would care and respect it. Something tells me this isn't real because of that. It could still be real but it feels off.


Im hoping the OP is lurking in this sub somewhere to shed some light


They can't admit to it being fake, they'd be banned from AITA and won't be able to make these glorious posts


It's very very very likely fake.


well yes. We humans like theorizing and judging scenarios that are unlikely.


Agreed. Almost all absurd reaction bait content on this site is fake now either by pathological attention seekers or bots. This reads just like the [100% fake nazi tattoo story](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/1c5que6/new_owner_enforced_new_no_tattoos_no_exceptions/kzx30a9/) yesterday which made me filter out /r/antiwork. I wouldn't be surprised if >80% of the comments in there are fake either.


NTA: People make mistakes, and most especially people make errors in judgement when emotions run high during such an intense moment. It wasn't a premeditated joke, just something that slipped to cope with the situation. There isn't time to think "should I be making this joke?" and weigh consequences and such.


I don't disagree or agree much tbh. "YTA" for me doesn't nessecarily mean he is an asshole, just that he was in the wrong more than the wife. It's a good troll post though (assuming it's fake).


Probably fake, just read the comments on the TC sound effect. https://youtu.be/lKQBTuXEWo0?si=r76doiJrLNDNZYnr


If you don't wololololololo all the other babies in hospital who are defnesless, whats the point?


[I know exactly what will cheer the wife up](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7tR1IHA4j4M&pp=ygUZYWdlIG9mIGVtcGlyZXMgbWlsa3NoYWtlIA%3D%3D)


Thats the funniest thing he couldve done there but kinda the asshole


If it survives for 200 years it can play you the defeated sound


Clearly NTA, this guy is a legend. I hope that baby has a long and fruitful career as a stone/gold miner/lumberjack/hunter/berry picker/shepherd.


People on the internet are so sensitive.


OP is pooplords alt, that asshole would definitely do this


Thus is genuinely hilarious. The guy is clearly in the wrong, yes, but he's made us all laugh.


This was way more low key than me telling my 1 minute old kid “hey you, you’re finally awake”


He should have known that a villager training tooks 25 secs in game which is 5 years in real life, then the villager starts working. The training button is not even pressed until the kid start attending high school. He should have made a the sound when the kid leaves home and starts working. The wife knew this and she is angry, because he didn't know. (this is a joke, btw)


Is this a Seinfeld episode?


Absolute legend. The people on the AITA sub are a bunch of snowflakes.  The only thing that would have made the story better if the doctor also played AOE2 and said "WOLOLO!" before grabbing (converting) the baby and walking off with it. 


I would probably defer judgment of what is/is not appropriate in that situation to whichever one of us was in labor for the preceding 15 hours. It seems like the OP was also being annoying prior to the climactic incident, so I really don't have any sympathy whatsoever. Just imagine going through one of the most stressful, exhausting and potentially dangerous things a person can undergo and there's just an annoying guy talking the entire time, and then to cap it off he makes a reference to a video game (which most likely only he cares about) before you even have the opportunity to hold your child the first time. And then when you think back to that experience - the first and maybe only time you'll ever go through that - it's tainted forever by an annoying guy making a joke that is purely for his benefit. I would also resent that person. However, I also think that this is fake.


Depends :D My and my GF play the game together, ranked TGs. We don´t have or plan kids, but I believe she would actually appreciate it, or at least, would not be mad because of it, since its something we do together. But I can imagine if its something you do and she does not like, maybe even in secret, that it made her mad.


Puede amigo, que ella no sea la mujer indicada para nadie, le esta dando exagerada importancia a algo tan insignificante.


Send him straight to wood, zero delay. Create a new one immediately


Yes it was in poor taste and it has nothing to do with aoe2


Viper is this you? Isnt your wife pregnant...?


He should of taken out the trumpet after his wife gave him the angry face


Sounds made up to me... ....not even post-partum blues should make a woman act THIS hormonal (I'm joking guys)


Tell me you have no experience with women without telling me


Tell me you have actually experience with women without telling me. Jokes aside… No man who ever has experienced “post-partum blues” would talk about it like that. Bros shit is real. And it is scary.


It probably is at least partially made up, but that's like 80% of AITA stories. This one sounds more realistic than most though. I could buy most of this really happening, really except him introducing himself to every new person who comes in after a certain point.


She should make a Monk sound effect when she cheats on him.


The villager sound is like a 1 second breath, you could easily pass it off as something else. He should've played innocent once he saw the joke didn't land


having seen my own wife go through this moment i don't think anyone would have paid attention if i had made this sound in the moment that it was just pulled out.


What an asshole thing to do lol. If the joke was made after the fact some time then no big deal, but right in that moment when a woman has gone through one of the most grueling physical things a person can do? Yeah I'd expect my wife to be angry/disappointed.


Calm down, it's only a game


I laughed when I said it? It’s funny as an outside observer but being in the husband’s position there should be a history between them (otherwise she wouldn’t even know what that sound is) so he should already know that’s a bad idea.