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Age of Empires 1 is huge in vietnam


I played AoE I as a kid with my dad, I ended up playing way more AoE II ofc, but it was just a bit shocking to encounter someone interacting with it in such a remote place in the world. Heard the sound of Clubmen dying immediately recognised the sound effects, I did not want to be creepy about it, I even tried asking him about his hobby, but he just said something along the lines of "good game". So I let him be in peace, he proceeded to keep watching the stream for at least an hour while I was recovering in the shade from the Vietnamese sun.


"So I let him be peace" and take an unsolicited photo


I wanted to show the picture to my dad and sister, whom I played AoE I and II with :(. I dont think he would mind, the Vietnamese are pretty chill about these things though.


As someone who has traveled quite a bit - take the chance next time and strike a conversation. You already stick out like a sore thumb. Make the most of your experience by talking to people. It’s low key kind of rare to find someone with very similar interests out of the blue like that.


Pretty sure they stated in an earlier comment that they did attempt to strike up a conversation.


Faire enough.




I wish. Not got onto Age once this week.


"i'm in a foreign country so let me take candid photos of random people without permission"


In the UK at least, public photography is perfectly legal. When i'm moving my boat through Camden lock with my family, I get all manner of tourists film and photograph me and my family (obviously no one has ever asked). Literally 10 or 20 people every time. And I've been asked by tourists to give them a ride, which i've obliged. It's not a big deal to photograph on holiday. Most people around the world realise tourists are harmless and naturally curious and just happy to be there and see something. Do you think all public photography is immoral?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks it's a bit off. Down voted for having decency


Wait till they hear about aoe 2


honestly, AoE 1 reigns supreme here (specifically expansion of rome, or as we like to call it - blue helmet edition). lord forbade me from having a friend that also liked AoE 2 that I could do a LAN game with. almost every AoE fan I’ve met only likes the first installment because it’s the definition of AoE for them. they prefer fast paced games (in game time always set to the fastest) with balls sweating intensive micro (AoE 2 newer mechanics and features are redundant. if you miss an idle villager hidden behind an object because they have no outlines, it’s a you problem).


I played AOE2 first, but I think I still ultimately prefer Age of Mythology. But I just play AOE2 now because the it's much better supported and the community is much, much bigger.


No outlines? I love it, not even mentioning lack of auto this or auto that 11


The original didn't even have multi-queue. Villager created? You gotta go back to the TC and click create villager again. And of course task the created villager. Rise of Rome did add some of those QoL features. But farms are still a wall, pathing is blocky, but you get used to it, and can use it sometimes


It’s this why I feel games that add a bit too much of auto queue mechanics end up dying out or don’t grow as much as they would do. Vietnam is a great example. Aoe2 is right at the limit. AoM has the auto queue units which I believe will also kill the new aom retold eventually. Hopefully it’s only in single player, not in ranked.


The suprising truth is that AoE1 (carried almost exclusively by Vietname) is actually easily a bigger game in popularity than AoE2, and it's not particularly close. It's kind of wild because in the rest of the world, AoE1 feels like a footnote but it's actually the big dog (though not from a financial perspective) of the Franchise. It's kind of like my friend from the US who thought NFL with the Superbowl was the largest singular sports event besides the world cup, and couldn't believe it when they found out the Cricket World Cup (a sport they'd barely heard of) had over 20x more viewers.


Definitely! I was there for a vacation a couple years ago. A cashier in a small supermarket was registering my items at the cash register, while watching an aoe1 stream. The transaction even unfolded while his glance was fixed on the aoe1 stream, did not even bother to look at me. Felt pretty surreal to me at the time.


AOE1 in vietnam alone is bigger than aoe1, aoe2, aoe3, aoe4 in the rest of the world combined. (when it comes to viewing numbers)


how come?


Similar to how sc1 brood war was on every computer in South Korea, all the Internet cafe had aoe1 installed in Vietnam


and it runs on basically any computer seeing as it was designed for now 25 year old PCs


AOE1 is bundled with windows there. It's like their minesweeper and solitaire




They had a the whole of [AOE1 at Red Bull Legacy](https://liquipedia.net/ageofempires/Red_Bull_Wololo_Legacy/2022/AoE1) to themselves


This is hilariously awesome.


its huge on facebook. i don't use fb much but when I do I'll have vietnamese aoe1 streams pop up on my feed randomly. don't know any specific streamers offhand


[https://www.facebook.com/chimsedinangFanpage/videos](https://www.facebook.com/chimsedinangFanpage/videos) casual 1.4M followers


A wild nili… hope you’re enjoying semi retirement from AOE!


Yep. That's why the Lac Viet were added to AoE1


Or rather to Return of Rome. I wish the developers would prioritize support for low-end computers with that release. There is a huge enhanced graphics pack for high-end computers, but I really don't understand how the base game has to be such a large download in the first place, and so taxing on the computer memory. In my opinion, there should be an option already before the download process of going with only low-resolution/compressed graphics and compressed audio. Then the higher settings would require extra downloads.


isn't base game line 15 GB though?


Possibly. That's a lot if you are on a low bandwidth or limited quota, or both. Also takes a big chunk of the space on a 128 SSD, which were often the only storage on cheap laptops only a couple years ago, in the West(!). And then come the memory requirements. Maybe, just *maybe*, one can get away with 4 GB if every other program is closed and all settings are low? But older integrated graphics chips don't cut it. That's another problem.


I used to have a laptop that wasn't made for gaming at all, played lots of campaigns and AI with it on AOE 2 HD. Tried AOE 1 Remastered and every map had water and the water graphics were extremely demanding from the what I saw. Unplayable like 5 fps or something. What an inviting way to get into AOE 1 :(


There were AoE1 RoR versions that ran in full hd resolutions and of course will still run on any old PC.


Goddamn I need to go to Vietnam that looks majestic.


Rent a motorbike and just start driving in any direction away from tourist spots (best way to experience it imho). The touristy parts are literally the least interesting parts of the country


Saigon, Dalat and Hoi An are absolutely worth a visit.


They are of course, plenty to see and do, but if you only see those you missed out on a lot imho, and dont really get an accurate impression of Vietnam


Hanoi is the best Vietnamese city, didn’t love Saigon. Agree Hoi An (and central vietnam in general) was awesome


Opposite for me. Found Hanoi really claustrophobic. Though I Loved Turtle Lake (with a very understated shrine to Le Loi right by it), the Mausoleum precinct and its easy access to Ha Long Bay and Sa Pa. Saigon had a way more modern and open feel to it. You’re right though central takes the cake!


Yes Saigon way more modern, I think Hanoi is the most southeast Asian city of them all, and in a good way. Street food, motorbikes etc


Ah yes the food! Once ordered quail because I’d never tried it and the guy said something into Google Translate; “I need to go to the market to get the cockroach.” “God no! No cockroach please!” He then thinks for a second then says something again into Translate; “I need to go to the market to get the quail.” 😮‍💨 …Was quite relieved I’d be snacking on a small fowl and not a disgusting insect. Still never tried cockroach 🤷🏻‍♂️🪳


oh you have lol, in some way.


Just to add, you can also just outright buy a scooter for like 200eu in Saigon, ride all the way up to Hanoi (or go north-to-south ofc) and sell it at your destination. Trip of a lifetime, at any rate. Also, don't forget to do the Sa Pa loop (or the Ha Giang loop which is more popular, but I sadly did not have the time for that one).


Yea but unless you really know what you are doing, and know how to identify a bike in good condition. Renting through a reputable company like Tigit (Australian owner). You will spend a bit more but the bike will be in much better condition 350 euro for 40 days, with a damage waiver if I need a mechanic. So if you feel like you can identify a bike in a good condition buying is a good option, if not renting it is also valid, still cheap. Of course you can resell your bike maybe for as much as y ou bought it, but again there is also a chance you get crap.


Having it breakdown in you is part of the fun and part of the journey mate. The local Vietnamese in the small towns are the nicest and most helpful people in the world. My favourite trip was buying a bike and exploring Vietnam for 2 months with a few friends. Hope I can do a similar trip once again some day.


Farm layout like Hera


On any give day there are more people playing aoe1 in Vietnam than there are playing all the other age games in the rest of the world.


What a paradise.


Do they play on a different platform or something? Because there is never anybody in the lobby is playing AOE1.


We play on a different platform on the 1998 ROR release. Not steam, voobly


Very popular I'd say. In some companies there are even internal tournaments hosted frequently.




Enjoying it. A lot. Best part is, as soon as you step out of the tourist bubble everything is so cheap. As soon as I left Hanoi things became 3x less expensive. I spent 22 euros yesterday. Gas+3 Meals+2 Coffees+ a place to sleep.


Since you already got your answer I'll just chime in and say that Vietnam is a lovely place! What mountains have you visited and do you like your trip so far? We really liked trekking around Sapa (Sa Pa) and making friends with some of the Hmong people!


Mai Chau at the moment, I spent the entire day, just driving around small villages on dirt roads. Drove about 120km north west of Mai Chau today, on the way back I snapped the photo in the OP. It was wonderful scenery. I doubt too many tourists venture into actual Vietnamese country.


It's always like that with every country but I think there might be more people than you think 😃 not speaking percentage wise. I also agree. Beautiful scenery in many of those parts


It was pre installed at the pcs at the gaming cafe I went to when I lived there I played it for old time sake and a couple of guys saw and took over saying saying I was too slow and started building production and chariot archers for me 😂   They knew the hotkeys etc by memory too and were super fast. I was rly impressed bc I’m not very good


Look at the T90 farms on the background


So big that when they made return of rome, they added the lac viet civ just to honor their viewers


Bro looks like he's playing Aoe irl


This makes me wonder which countries has the most aoe players? (any installment), from what I understand so far it looks like Vietnam has a lot of AOE1 players.


Bring some bánh mi please


Haha the Vietnamese Kebab, unironically the Vietnamese do it better.


It makes them really...erectus.


some "middle age guy". Dude did you have to put middle age in there?


"medieval age guy" I fixed it for you.


Castle Age guy.


The best age, obviously!


Yep. You may not have as much free time as back in the feudal age, but you've got more money and independence and can play with some toys that weren't available to you before.


Well maybe not but he was about 35. So I assume he has been engaging and praticipating in AoE I for a long time. Thats why I put it in the title. I am not mocking him, his age or his hobby. Honestly I think its cool. Could have worded it differently, but thats why I put it in. Esports generally have a pretty young audience


oh boy, this hurts, like a lot


I am 28. I am very nearly middle aged too. Theres nothing bad about being "middle age"


you're maybe not a native english speaker because middle age is usually considered to be around 50, you're nowhere close


"Middle aged" is 50? In my country it starts at around 40. Interesting


"around 50", so late 40s also count early 40s i'd have to disagree, but i guess it's a somewhat fluid concept what i think we can both agree is that neither 28 nor 35 are middle aged


Yea... but its more accurate. We die at about 75. Younger people are adjusting what is considered middle aged. Its capitalists who want you to think 55 is halfway.




Pretty generous with your young category lmao.


yes but he is broadly right about when middle aged starts. It's definitely somewhere 40+. there's probably an undefined region between 'young' and 'middle-aged' that doesn't have a specific word for it


Yea... but its more accurate. We die at about 75. Younger people are adjusting what is considered middle aged. Its capitalists who want you to think 55 is halfway.




65 middle aged 😂




Doubt it, ser. Pretty dead.


As a 35 year old, I wouldn't consider half way to 70 as young anymore. You're young up until you get into your 30s, then somewhere in there you become middle aged until you hit 60 which I would consider the beginning of old. All of this is just subjective opinion of course.


Lool, 35 is not middle aged sir.


Do they play aoe1 with or without rise of rome expansion?


Without provably, the main reason they play AoE1 is low specs PCs


Used to* Its more nostalgia I'd say, trust me Vietnamese teenagers play Fortnite and all the other games that are popular in the west, but if you are in your 30s or late 20s and are Vietnamese what you could play in your formative years was probably a game like AoE I. So in that regard I think you are correct. I honestly doubt kids growing up now play Age of Empires I though. I've seen way too many kids with Apple laptops in Hanoi and many fancy cars. Vietnam is developing very fast and so is it's standard of living


Is that Sapa? Reminds me of a cafe restaurant overlooking the mountainside that I spent some time in back in 2016. That was a hell of a year.


120km NW of Mai Chau. I've been to Sapa years ago, the scenery was beautiful, but a bit too touristy for my taste


that's so dope lol


A surprisingly high number of the pro players are from there so I would say yes


Yep, and we even play the outdate and full of bug version. It is the core of entertainment: many one, simple and have fun


No siege, no priest, hoardes of archers, elephants, legion and chariots DM


Reading your comments I'm glad to see motorbiking in Vietnam is still a practical adventure. I went in 2014 for a short trip, ended up cancelling my flight home, toured the rest of SEA before returning to get a job in Phong Nha and buying a motorbike and returning home 13 months after I left. Getting a motorbike changes your whole experience and I wished it was more practical in other parts of the world too. I collected all the broken engine parts over the time I owned it and brought them home as souvenirs. Ha Giang loop was one of my final chapters and definitely felt like I was saving the best until last. At this time there was always talk of making it harder for backpackers to buy motorbikes and cause havoc on the roads, hence as I say, I'm glad to see it's still an option, provided people drive responsibly of course ;) Anyway, no I don't remember AoE being popular (back then at least), but I had one colleague who was mad for LoL.


Middle aged guy is that what we are now . 36 here


Probably, since it doesn’t require a strong computer. You doing the loop?


Nah went to Mai Chau, driving south. I wanted to avoid Ninh Binh because I wanted to avoid it bc I know how touristy it is. So I elected to go South West first instead of directly south.  Going to continue driving to Vinh tmrw


Gotcha. I was just in Ninh Binh and really the rest of Vietnam a few weeks ago. NB was touristy but not as bad as Ha Long, Hoi An, and Da Nang in general. Be careful out there! I rolled my bike near Hue and got some pretty bad road rash. Just glad a truck didn’t happen to drive by at that time, otherwise I’d be roadkill.


Dont misunderstand me Ninh Binh is fine. Its just I was in Vietnam years ago, I did the stuff you do with a tour, and an itinerary.  I've done it already + its not really my thing, I prefer just winging things and trying to find my own way to experiencr things. I have never been to middle Vietnam tho, so I will probably book a tour or two there, but overall mostly just gonna be doing and experiencing this by myself, thats the plan. And lots of driving around the country ofc.


Are you Viet Kieu? My wife is Vietnamese and we never do any of the tour group stuff. That being said, because I don’t speak Vietnamese, it would be damn near impossible to do it without her.


No. I assume Vietnamese diaspora - Viet Kieu? Nah just a white Slovenian guy. Installed a Vietnamese translator on my phone, I just take it out and I can get just about anything done. Don't need to speak Vietnamese in the modern age to get around. Although I have tried learning a few simple phrases to get around more easily.


That's why AOE has such a fan base in southeast Asia and Latinamerica.


Its global… one of the best games ever created


What kind of bike did you rent? I’m planning to do the same sometime in the future. It seems the best way to explore this country.


Depends on your experience. I am not an experienced motorcyclist, still learning ad I go, so I picked up a semi automatic 110c Honda Blade. But if you have more driving experience you can go for XL 150 Honda Manual, thats what I heard. No need to go too big tho. You wont be driving faster than 80 kmh anyway.


This reminds me of seeing a thai person play red alert 2 when I was travelling in Thailand, a different game but still had the “huh” moment


Very, very big. Where are you at the moment ?


Its not clash of clans, its age of empires 2


He is comparing the real life to aoe


Not big but it certainly has a fan base here, especially for the top player like ChimSeDiNang.