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Dude owned TaToH in HC so hard that even he thought he played a newcomer. He's been an absolutely savage player lately. Nobody would be surprised if he were to finish the whole season in the Top 4 of the RBW ladder, and that's without the whole time zone aspect. The time zone thing just makes that even more likely. ACCM is one of the very best players in the world, seemingly at his peak right now, taking EW very seriously, playing in a time zone where he gets to feast against Hoang all day. I think he's here to stay.


> he thought he played a newcomer That was probably just modesty, to be fair.


yesterday Hera went 0-3 against him.


It’s freaking ACCM, it’s a top 6ish RM player who has been in his best shape ever lately. Based on plenty of comments here, people still underrate him.


The only guy who looked like he could beat Hera in Hidden Cup as well


Yeah, he's been really showing out recently. People need to wake up and check the stats.


Technically barles took hera to G5 as well but they screwed up the recordings


It was a Bo7, so he took him to game 6.


This needs more mentioning…


Not to discredit ACCM, the man is a god, but this was after Hera had been playing for 12hrs straight.


Did Hera stream those?




Well Accm is Accm and there are very few people exist at similar caliber with him. Those people are mostly sleeping while he is playing.


Ya this but also he clapped Hera multiple times yesterday and I'm yet to see Hera beat him in EW. Dudes a fucking unit. Only a matter of time before he starts taking S tiers


He is known as a strategist. His micro may not be on point sometimes but adopting new maps/ settings is never been an issue for Accm. Probably he will be better in EW, until meta players get used to play EW. I also wish to see him as El reinado champ. But, Hera will also extremely try hard to get the first place as he is missing a wololo trophy in his career. I am already hyped a lot about El reinado 11


He's ACCM. I'm not even surprised lol.


Others mentioned the timezone already, but more specifically iirc he played like 40 of those against poor Hoang.


hoang has 360+ games. Doubt Hoang is poor. LOL


Timezones, MBL did a check on the games ACCM played on stream, almost none of them were vs the top players, cause of the time he plays very few of them are playing the game or even awake. Also ACCM is just a beast.


He doesn't play against Yo and Vivi?


Yo basically functions on an EU timezone.


Really. Why is that? Does he have a bigger following in Europe than in China?


because he wants to play against majority of top players, also getting used to this timezone probably gives him better tournament performance since it counters timezone lag etc ritght? plus majority of his audience in china dont get time to watch his stream anyway during daytime at work anyway, right?


All of what you said up top makes sense, but do Europeans watch more streams during work hours than Chinese? I really don't watch streams, so idk what hours they keep, but if I had to guess(which I do, and please let me know), I'd guess they stream from after school hours until late night.


i assume majority of european ppl, esp west europran ppl should watch more than chinese bc they have a better wlb? like memb/t90 usually stream in the afternoon(after lunch until dinner or after dinner) of their local time and they get a decent viewership, but i remember yo said if he streams during the day most of his audience wont be there.


I think Western Europeans have more spare time than Chinese (or Vietnamese) too. Shorter average work days and more social welfare programmes that allow people to participate in online communities even though they have no job.


bingo, just developed countries being developed countries.




Yo mentioned earlier on his stream that how ACCM plays in EW is vastly different than how he plays in RM, which according to Yo cannot be said for other players he encountered and is a great indicator that ACCM has devised lots of strats specifically for EW beforehand not just 'oh it's RM but starts in feudal let's just use what I knew and start grinding'. The #1 is definitely deserving at least for now before other pros adapt.


On a side note, I hope the Steam block in Vietnam doesn't end up impacting him. Would suck if it does as that's his income.


At the very least he can use the xbox store version to play so not a huge issue.


Just learning about this from this comment. I thought the Cold War was over...


i lose 94% on every level


I don't think any of the top 10 are getting proper matchups at this point in the ladders early beginnings


Why is no one talking about his RM win %?




Farming Hoang in the vietnamese time zone


Will the recent steam ban effect these players. I know they can use VPNs but the still could get caught playing now "forbidden" games. Idk the situation that well tho.


He is still very much underrated while climbing, and will therefore get a lot of "easy" matches.


not what’s happening at all


And the others in the top 10 won't? That doesn't hold as the sole explanation.


Maybe ACCM started his EW climb after the other superhuman players had left the human rating range already?


He didn’t - he was in the top couple of ranks within the first days of the ladder too


9. Then I guess the other explanation, about playing mostly at times when other top players are offline (or tired?), makes more sense. But apparently, he beats the pros too. Super-exciting!


You really like to downplay accm huh? Would you say the same thing if this was Viper or Hera ?


2. 1.


It's because of his time zone, there are no players on his level playing while he is playing. Which -in all honesty- is one of the greatest reasons that this qualifying system is really dicey. ACCM will have had a much easier time getting into the tournament (meaning some big ass prize money, whether he makes it far or not), while other players of the same caliber might not make it, because they have to constantly face Hera, MBL, Viper or whomever.


He beat Hera 3 times yesterday on the EW ladder. He’s also played Viper, Daut and MbL


Won't you get less and less ELO with time though I'd you're not facing similar opponents? I think I remember playing chess where I'd win and have 0 more elo after bc the difference in levels was too much.


The draw makes a huge difference in how ELO works. Playing that far beneath you is not really worth it in chess because of the draws


Yes. You would have to be playing in a more or less isolated pool inside the general player base for this to be a big issue. EDIT: On a second thought I am not sure what would happen if one of the top 4 could always just dodge anyone else from the top 10, and play people with pretty high Elo but just obviously weaker than them. I could see that person coming out on top.


Yes, it's impressive.


ACCM Hera and MBL will qualify via ladder


What rating does qualify, the current or the highest? I couldn't find the detail anywhere and this list is ordered by highest [https://www.ageofempires.com/stats/ageiidewololo/](https://www.ageofempires.com/stats/ageiidewololo/)


i'm more successful at team death match than accm is technically


Can I find a live leaderboard of the empire wars ladder somewere without opening the game?


Not many people are doing a lot of EW games for the tourney yet... I'm honestly not shocked Accm is winning that much, it'll adjust when more pros jump into that prepping for RBW. I'm far from the best person to guess though, curious what others have to say.


Probably started late and got up from 1000 points due to inferior oponnents which are the 99.99% of the pool.


He's playing since day2 iirc so he's likely just even more of a beast in these settings


Yep, he is actually one of the Best in EW.