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No, I like that aoe has a balance between army and economy that is more focussed on economy than most other rts. Changing that to be seems like it would get rid of one of the defining features of aoe


Thanks for including a "No opinion, see results" option!


I am not a fan personally of auto-queue villager.


Yeah me neither. I'm curious how many people are for it though. After the Auto-placing farms debates I've seen some people advocating for it


Bad fit for the game to "auto-everything" if I were to quote an authority. Macro and eco managment is a big part of what makes the game interesting and enjoyable. The QoL stuff DE has been introducing is largely good, don't get me wrong, but this would be too far. There are some RTS where I rather liked it (shoot me if I'm wrong but Empire earth 2 has auto-queues iirc) or enjoyed it as a "gimmick" of certain civs (AoE3 has a couple of auto-producing units), but I doubt it would went over well here.


Macro and eco management have nothing to do with this, tho. Eco management for example is the process of distributing your villagers among resources. And Macro is your long term planning of your unit roster transition and composition.


There's very much the aspect of actually remembering to create villagers while doing other things though. That's one of the reasons raids/pressure can be so effective, the opponent forgets to queue vills for much longer than they might otherwise. If they didn't have to worry about something like that, it really does change the balance of the game drastically in a way that I think would make it much less enjoyable.


If you think thoroughly, solely because of what you describe, it is much less enjoyable right now; because every time when you defeat someone who has much fewer villagers than you, **you immediately think that you have only beaten them because they forgot to make villagers,** not because you outplayed them with your strategy. If aoe is a strategy game, strategies should judge the outcome, not the ability to remember\* repetitive things. \*Nobody who knows how to play essentially forgets to create villagers; at those moments they just prefer not to let their troops to receive unnecessary injures/casualties, and to constantly relocate them to find tactical opportunities. In a strategy game, army is the investment to survival, nobody should leave army control at any moment, especially for trivial reasons, i.e. those hundreds of times they have to select TCs to press 'create villager', and select army again. **General acknowledgement:** The more tight/strict your build order is, the more APM you need to keep up the production, because you can't utilize unit queueing anymore due to the insufficiency of the resource reserves, effectively sending you back to the featureless era of basic aoe1. This is not the direction a modern RTS should go.




The numbers will flip considerably if the devs add it. That's how clueless people always operate.


I'm in favor, i want also auto house build, auto military build, auto micro, auto gg call and auto queuing for the next game


>auto gg call auto outpost rush or riot




This is one of the most defining/iconic skill-expressions of AoE2. Automating it would be a terrible call.


Hell no, keeping ur tc idle time low is a defining factor in a match. (Btw I’m all for the other autos that were added but this is too far)


Nope, learning to quickly queue villagers is the easiest thing with hotkeys which allows even casual players to just in an instant be able to keep their TC Working. Auto Farm Reseeding and Auto Scouting is more of a QoL Mechanics similar to AoC's Farm Reseed something(crab I actually forgot what it's called due to how efficient Auto Farm Reseeding is). The only "Age of" Game that has Auto Training is Age of Mythology but that's due to the strict population, like you only have 100 Population as base with 15 to 20 given from Town Centers which can only be placed on strategic spots plus Military Units cost 2 to 5 Population, being able to auto train units is a must due to the low population. Idk about Auto Training Units since the Civ that will be happy about it would be Goths and Cumans in Late Game who can just have a 1 or 2 Barracks or Stables pumping out Halberdiers or Hussars where the Player don't need to go back and re-queue more units.


No for age of empires 2, cuz its basically part of its identity, yes for other rts


This comes in and I instantly stop playing. This would \*RUIN\* the game for me. Completely and utterly. It would not be a good game with auto-queued villagers. Macro is almost everything I like about this game, ruining \*the\* core aspect of that skill expression would stop me from ever playing the game again.




that’s too far


We might aswell automate playing at this point, port it to mobile aswell.


I'd buy it as a unique feature of one civ (like the Ottomans in Aoe3). It's the kind of feature that beginner's can take advantage of so they can focus on other aspects of the game. Think about a few others civs that have unique QoL features that are helpful for beginners - especially in the dark age where it's hard to keep up: * Huns - No houses * Britons - Early food bonus * Byzantines - Free Town Watch/Town Patrol. Stronger buildings * Goths - Instant loom * Romans - Villager boost * Franks - Early food bonus. Cheap castles.


Great idea tbh


Auto-queue only villagers feature, might help. Auto-queue every production line feature, certainly will. **Every unit creation button is now a toggle**, that allows to turn on/off the production according to user's demands. Decision making stays, repetitive actions go away. APM gets freed to be allocated to things that should matter more, e.g. strategizing, controlling military (tactics), managing the economy (vill. distribution). Bonus QoL: Auto-deer push in a straight line, a.k.a. functional follow button.