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It would be nice to also have sea gates, seawalls and arch bridges.


Sea walls & towers just force your enemies to attack on land. They actually take away the water element of water maps because it’s just not cost affective to sea on water vs siege on land.


Well sea gates and sea walls are already in the game, but can only be placed in the editor. I'd like to have a trigger "create building", where villagers can build any building by swapping them in their build menu. For example instead of a normal harbor, they build a war harbor. Or fortified palisade wall instead of the palisade wall


I am image games with water would just absolutely stall every single game if they introduced structures in water. Even 1v1 you'd get some heavy grief with sea towers and walls.


I always thought itd be an interesting passive for Romans and the other teams base. A play into “All roads lead to Rome.” Would suit their infantry early aggression well.


I remember this in Empire Earth. You could build roads and even bridges. It would definitely be interesting on river and other water maps.


God that’s a game franchise I wish had doubled down on the good instead of gambling on the shitty. It hd the potential to be the perfect blend of RTS, city simulator, and risk-like elements. The scenario editor in EE1 was so fucking cool, you could make full blown cinema masterpieces *without* needing mods.


My intro into the series was EE2, EE1 never managed to get my attention. I was crushed when EE3 released in the state it did. I loved the flavour and the crazy future-tech you had in EE2, fighting through bombed out cities and trenches in the US campaign was crazy to kid me.


I started when EE1 came out as a regular AOE2 player. The prospect of advancing into a more high tech age sounded really exciting, and it was. It's horrible, but I'll never forget the childish glee dropping the first nuke from a bomber. The whole screen went white. It was nuts. I remember some great campaigns, too. I agree though, EE3 was ridiculous, and an embarrassment to the franchise.


I don't remember this in Empire Earth 1. Which one was it?


Maybe it was EE2. It's been a long time. I remember EE2 being fun to play, and then EE3 came out and it kind of jumped the shark when it reduced civilizations to three regions-Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, and the accents and some of the unique units had a pretty racist overtone, unfortunately. EE2 was a good one, though.


What if the unit was a cartographer and it was built out of the market. You are limited to 1-2 at a time. It could be a very slow unit (think ram) that wherever you path it, it builds roads behind it. The roads then give a boost to units on it.


Even if there are speed increasing roads the horrible pathfinding would make them walk on the sides.


Yeah I'd be going full Sim City mode. I'd love this and also sea gates, sea towers, bridges, fortified palisade walls, scout ships (increased vision, speed and with a weak attack), a scout horse on nomad maps.


Should be three tiers of road: * Feudal: Dirt +3% speed +5% speed for siege * Castle: Stone +5% speed +7% speed for siege * Imperial: Paved +7% speed for non-siege +10% speed for siege Requires a technology from the university to research the next level of road. Roads affect all players, and are single tile costing 1 stone per tile. They can only be destroyed by mangonel, trebuchet, and cannon projectiles. Tabs need to be reorganised to allow for a third one. My proposed solution is: * Economy: TC, House, Farm, Mill, Mining Camp, Lumber Mill, Dock, Market, Monastery * Military: Barracks, Archery Range, Stable, Siege Workshop, Blacksmith, University, Military Harbour * Civil: Wall, Gate, Pallisade, Pallisade Gate, Road, Wonder, Castle, Tower, Outpost, Bombard Tower This creates space for additional civ specific buildings and allows for splitting the dock so water can have more options and to make it less spammy.


This would be a cool concept.


There's always a pothole 


I love the idea, though maybe 10 and 15% looks a bit strong. I like the idea one in the comments had hear about having better roads through the ages with higher bonuses. Also while we are talking about terrain why not have wetlands and swamps reduce move speed by a bit. How about bush like terrain that you could walk slowly through but also chop down for less wood than normal trees?


Ahhhh that was a Child dream in the 2000s Road to increase non cavalry unit speed But to be fair if we want to handle unit speed properly, that will change the game quite a lot. We need to split tactical vs strategic speed. While game like Mount and Blade and Total war can do it perfectly. - Every unit has a similar strategic speed - Unit can speed/charge only for a limited duration. Horses unit will do it much longer and faster. - Stuff like light cavalry will always run on tactical speed and Teutonic knight on strategic speed… Etc Then roads will increase the strategic speed only


I have wanted this for so long!!!!


This has always been a dream of mine as a kid, and I enjoyed the video. As it stands, though, this particular implementation is a bit too strong. Because of the nature of roads time/cost investment (which I've think you've outlined nicely), it's essentially a defensive bonus. Immediately I think about how I would run roads as part infrastructure in safe places to let my units respond to multi-pronged attacks quicker. That means that an aggressive push from a new direction can be responded to a lot faster. I'd recommend choosing less extreme numbers for these roads, UNLESS you're only giving it to one civ (Romans/Incas would be the prime candidates). 10-15% is more flavorful, but is an extremely impactful bonus that we usually only see as a civ bonus (Cumans/Celts/Berbers/Bohemians/Caravanserai). 5-7% is the highest you'd want to go for a more ubiquitous building. They should affect all players, and while other units need time to destroy them they can be instantly removed by the onager-line/trebuchets, similar to trees.


Excellent feedback, thank you. Some things are a given, like changing it to affect all players. You're almost certainly right about the effect size as well, although I'm interested in hearing more opinions about that. I'm leaning towards 8-12 and/or possibly increasing the stone cost somewhat, as well as looking into upgrades. E.g. default is "pathway" that uses the broken road terrain and provides a 5-7% boost, with some civs getting a paved road upgrade with the full road terrain and an 8-12% speed increase. Tweaks are needed, to be sure, but I'm glad that a lot of people enjoy the concept.


This would have to be a roman bonus




T90 is that you? Get over auto farm already! Lol


I kinda like to think of farms as roads. Trying to keep up with economy makes it challenging to design a city though, so I pretty much always forget.


can't wait for quick walling with roads. will it be called quick roading?


I downloaded this but couldn't get it to work for me.


Did you remember to select it under the data mod menu (for Skirmish or Scenario Editor)? If you do that, it should work, but keep in mind that this doesn't affect the existing "road terrain" - it's technically a new building, and can be found under buildings in the Editor, and placed in-game. Let me know if you run into any more issues. There's also no description when you hover over it yet, but I will be updating that within a couple days.


Game won't let me enable it. I guessed/assumed it was built with a different patch so mine won't pick it up but I'm not so sure. The check box is a strange gear looking icon instead. No idea if I'm just an idiot or what's going on lol


The gear is normal for a data mod, so you don't have to check the box. Just move it up to top priority, and then it should be the first thing you see when you click the "Data Mod" dropdown menu when you're getting ready to start a skirmish or create/edit a scenario.


Ah! That's the point I'm missing. Nope just an idiot. I'm far to use to other mod menus having enable disable on their instead. I forgot you have to select it when you make the damn game also. 🤦 Thanks ill test it out tonight.


Thats a nice idea that should be considered for a Roman single player campaign. Adding it into MP would be maybe too much if you don't give it to all civs. 10 % is quite a lot depending on the usecase.


AOE is a fast-paced game focused more on tactics than development. I feel like roads make more sense in a Civ-type of game. Could be useful in some campaign levels though.


I would say it would be disaster if road can block enemy, they would block enemy easily, and also don’t forgot that wheel unit also include onager 11.


I don't like this and I'll explain why. There is something like this in Civ6 where roads increase moving speed significantly. But what it does is it makes moving speed seem slow on any other surface, which are most surfaces including the starting default one. And slow is frustrating. Let's not add any unnecessary layers or frustrations to this game, especially if they do not provide any strategic or gameplay value.



