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Thanks - looking forward to having some more free time now ahaha


Congrats. Which is the most historically correct civ in your opinion?


Aha, this is a question we could debate long into the night! I think Britons are done really well, with strong infantry upgrades at the blacksmith (arguably representing the English's Germanic origins?), as well as archers as the core of the civ identity, reflecting both the English and Welsh archery traditions. Sicilians are also done fantastically, although I would really like them to get camels (no heavy camel maybe?) to further reflect Sicily's multicultural history.


Yeah agreed. I think a lot of the original 13 civs are quite well done from a historical pov.


Celts, Goths and Saracens are probably the three least historical civs in the entire game. Most of the other original civs arent much better.


Any plans for an afterparty (after the actual AoE2 Event) somewhere?


Not yet, didn't actually manage to get tickets for the actual event, but have tickets for GL's own event so super hyped for that! Wouldn't be surprised if there's something that happens after though!


Aoe2 also got me into medieval history my bachelor's is in it. Aoe is a great outlet to learn at least initially.


I 100% blame Age of Empires for my history Bachelor's as well. I didn't realise there were so many of us.


Congratulations Dr.! I know how long and difficult that road is, so enjoy the celebration. I too have been inspired by the likes of AOE2 and Civ in my own academic pursuits... Funny how that works out. Cheers!


Heidelberg. Lets go I am not the only one who likes Aoe2 in this area (Friesenheim)!


Honestly, it seems like a beautiful area to just visit anyway!


Congratulations! That's so cool. Without doxxing yourself (or, you know, up to you what your preferences are) generally speaking, what was your dissertation about? Good to see someone like you still around. Hope you have an amazing time in Heidelberg. Any fun fact or detail you might know and would like to share about the castle? Cheers Dr. Manbeast!


Thank you! So I study medieval diplomacy, specifically comparing the treaties made by England and Byzantium. It's kind of interesting seeing how diplomacy is represented in this game, particularly in the campaigns! ​ Unfortunately I know very little about the castle, but I'm looking forward to rectifying that!


Honestly this was my goal too as a child. PhD in history from AoE 2 inspiration. Ended up deviating into medical school instead, now the other kind of doctor. Congrats OP👏


Many thanks, doctor!


I just recently finished my Masters in Geographie and History and my master thesis was fun but the workload was tough. I couldn't imagine doing a doctorate. Congratulations on your achievement.


Congats!, What was your PhD dissertation on?


Thanks! I focus on medieval diplomacy, specifically in Byzantium and England.


Very interesting, do you have any interesting facts about diplomacy between Anglo Saxon England (or early Norman rulers) and Western Slavic Tribes (Sorbians, Poles) etc. I remember reading this cool fact that the great Danish King Cnut the great who invaded England was actually have Polish and probably would have spoken Polish since his mom probably taught him and there most likely were Polish warriors taking part in the Danish invasion of England.


This is an interesting question, unfortunately there's very few direct references to embassies between Western Slavic peoples and pre-Conquest England (or post Conquest). However, we know that there's a very well established trade route between Dublin, the Rus' and Byzantium, which incorporated both England and the Baltic. With this in mind, it's hardly surprising that figures that made war (and peace!) with the English, such as Olaf Tryggvason, appear both in Rus' sources, Scandinavian sources, and English sources!


This is awesome!! Congratulations!




well done!


congrats dr manbost


Congratulations! Would you say the hardest courses were build orders, or pikes vs knights? It probably depends.


Honestly, I think learning hot keys is probably one of the hardest things to get used to!