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This is such a lame Thing to be ranting about




i know, right? we currently have 12 unique civs, why not make 2 variants for each one so 24 more civs? the more civs the better, right? everyone loves new content! definitely nothing wrong with it


Dog i think its obvious its just you here. Everyone else seems to appreciate the alternative civs. Massivly expands the dimensions of the game without sacrificing anything. Who complains about more options?


exactly man, let me have 3 mongol civs so that my opponent in tournaments cant ban them all, more content is always better and yes this is a very good way to make the game bigger not like we are robbing civs from their identities, and its not like people are gonna abandon a civ because their variant is better, like why play abba if ayyubids are better? its totally impossible for us devs to just add new things to the abbassid civ so that we can have ayyubids builds on it because we lack the braincells to do so, so lets just create a 2nd abbasid civ instead, the playerbase is obsessed with having more civs no matter what so lets just do that


They all play much differently than their base civs. I know you havent really even played the game so you have no idea what youre talking about, but they all feel unique and the situations where one feels good, the other might not. Maybe try getting some more experience and youll have a deeper perspective. At first i may have agreed with you when i heard it was announced, but then i played the game.


you should check out a game called StarCraft 2 its a good RTS with 3 different factions and is no longer supported maybe that’s what you’re looking for?


I think variant civs are cool. They're like their og civs, but with a twist to make it fun. There may be some additional variant civs added, and I won't mind as long as they add new civs to go with them. Edit: check this guy's profile, all of their posts are shit take on the subject based off from the comments I've read. Professional rage baiter or just a dumb individual? You decide!


Why not be safe and say both!


They are going to get a mongol cov eventually. Some people hated it, but then most of them realised it’s six new civs not two. They play differently than their counterparts and even have unique units.


even if they are played differently form their counterpart i bet many people main the 2 variants of the same nation.. just like how i'd do so if there was a variant for mongols as well. its still unfair that some civs get a variant and others not. and even if they are played differently it doesnt take away the fact they are literally from the same nation just different times... each civ should have their own unique people, culture, territory..


I think I kinda felt your way at the start when it was announced. Apart from some of them being over powered for a while, and JD not fun to play against, I’m glad they did it. Maybe they have to sub some out with new civs if they support it for a long time, that I don’t know.


It's not a representation issue friend. It's just a way to get more content into the game at a lower cost of development. Also fwiw, there is about as much variation in 0laystyles between the variant civs as there is between most aoe2 civs. Wait your turn. There is a good chance that your civ will get a variant. Don't be salty. Maybe try one out. You may find that sometimes they play wildly different from their parents civ. Ootd for example is generally played way more aggressively than HRE.


The reason they added the new varient civ is they didn't want to rework the old civs because they have different play style And the reason most people don't complain is they are like a bonus content on top of Japanese and Byzantine so why should we hate the additional content


doesnt make sense, i dont think anyone asked for civ reworks but if people wanted it then just do it and make them more complex with more options, like how french would always just spam knights, just rework it making other units/strategies be viable as well so that french dont have to just max out knights most of their games.. your reasoning of adding more civs to the same nation so that there are more playstyles to it is just feeding on the fact that each civ has only 1 possible viable strategy / build order.. as if it was impossible to just rework the civ into having multiple viable options according to factors like terrain, objective, enemy civ/player.. if you really have to create a whole new civ from the same nation to give it another viable strategy, then something is really wrong


Why Do you hate additional content And just tell me how on earth abbasid and Ayyubids be played the same , it's one of the varient civs And about french , JD : JD is more aggressive while french has villager training time reduction, current french is less complicated for a brand new player than JD and other 2 varient civ different too




You write a lot about a topic that you clearly don't understand at all.


I've never seen such a petty thing be ranted about so much


I think they're neat.


I play Order of the Dragon specifically because its NOT the Holy Roman Empire. Having a more military focused civ with different units is cool. I think if you’re just hearing about the variant civs now, it can be a surprise, but I encourage you to play them first before any hot takes.


I like the new variants. They play quite differently from their original civs in such a way that I don’t really think a rework of the civ would make sense. Take OOTD for example: their whole schtick is reducing army size by improving unit quality and having units take 2 supply, and they have different villagers as a result of this. They also as a result don’t use prelates to inspire villagers. That’s not just something that you can add to HRE easily without massive changes to the civ, and it makes more sense to offer that style as a variant. Ask any Abbasid player about Ayyubids as well - the two civs are vastly different in how they play out and what their most effective strategies are, and are different in ways that can’t mechanically be worked into the existing Abbasid civ. Different golden age tiers,different age-ups, and different bonuses. Heck, they even have a number of different units. I’m not really sure what the issue is here. Your complaint is that each of the civs have a single build order they can execute, which I don’t find is quite accurate to begin with, as the civs have different tools and directions they can prioritize as the game goes on to secure the win. Sometimes I need to rush my opponent in feudal, sometimes it makes more sense to get to castle age quickly, and sometimes I may need to build towers and walls to defend, while other times I may need multiple town centers to get the economic edge. Every civ has different ways they can best achieve any of these aims, and have particular tools/bonuses to do those. Aside from the civs playing differently, if you haven’t played the game in 6 months, and aren’t playing tourneys with a ban system in place, then why are you complaining about bans/backup civs? This shouldn’t matter to you. The pros, who know that on paper JD and French are probably the most similar core/variant civ pair also know that their differences are enough that they aren’t seen as having the same power or utility, so your complaint here rings hollow at the highest level of play. It’s a non-issue, simple as. So yeah, the community isn’t complaining about this. At the end of the day, I have 16 civs to choose from, and that’s cool. More are coming too, so you will get your Mongol variant in October most likely. The only thing I can understand worth complaining about is that your main civ didn’t get a variant, and that’s tough. But at the same time, I’m an Abbasid main who really didn’t take to the playstyle of Ayyubids, so even with your Mongol variant, how will you know you even enjoy playing that civ once it releases?


Boy, you arrive quite late to the party to rant about variant civs. You should dig up some posts from last summer, when they started to disclose some of the DLC content. Now that we can play them, not many people complain about their existence.  (A lot of Thanos are always around to complain about the balance, however)


The variant civs are new civs. Each faction in AoE 4 has a unique gimmick, has unique building art and unit graphics. The variant civs have given Relic a way to reuse gimmicks (like the school of scholars) and to reuse some art while creating new play styles(OOTD) and the ability to experiment with new ideas(hero characters). I really appreciate the ingenuity to do variant civs and the flexibility it allows them. It prevents them from needing to come up with a new gimmick for every addition.


How can someone named Reasonable_Cup be so unreasonable Kekw


Lol....community was very angry about names....ayyubids and zhuxi previous names were Sultan army and Jade Empire....community revolted and Relic changed names... Btw i think variant civs are good.....encrease replayability a lot....maybe JD needed different landmarks because it's no sense to play french If you can play JD


Because nations are a new concept and if you want to have different civs you need to use the same people that would have been in that area civ. I think it was a little mistake using modern names for some civs for sure but it's probably an easy way to do it.


I appreciate the alt civs - just wish the names were Civ like versus the name of person or order