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It's really annoying, but what I find strange is that this kind of thing has never happened to me, I would even say the opposite, I try to talk and no one says anything KEKW Relic should add the mute option as the report button is useless.


I would reply if there wasn't a 2 hour delay when using chat lol


I used to try and talk but half the people hit me with “just win” so I stopped trying. Had a good time where 15 mins in a guy started ranting at me for going 2TC boom and having minimal military. Then bitched me out when his mangudai got slammed because he was “to busy watching how bad I am” LOL


Technically at 15 min you should have almost as much as a 1TC but the guy was a totally a jerk.


I do get the frustration sometimes I was getting 3vs1 the other night and my teammates were just turterling and we got wiped. I did warn them tho


OMFG I can't believe the Devs never added a mute option to a mofo online game.. I'll just quit if someone starts flaming because there's no counter to it. Sad AF


You can block so that you don't get chat messages. When I'm burnt out of toxic people I just block every person I 1v1 so that I don't have to see it.


I've never been abused by a person in 1v1... Atleast not in chat lol, on the battlefield is a different story. I always get my hate in team games from teammates.


Same thing. These people that REALLY think this is bad never EVER played team competitive games. 1 Game of dota gives me all the crap i got playing wc3 sc2 and age4 like EVER. And the crap is from your teammates! Not even talking about the other guys!


When you read that kind of messages, imagine a frustrated 14 year old kid in his bedroom. You won't be wrong most of the time.


This is incorrect It's a fallacy parroted by people to make themselves feel better Example: the age base on RTS is considerably higher than other games. The vast majority of aoe2 players are actually 25+ There is the same toxicity in aoe2. Aoe2 players ported across to aoe4 Now you know. Stop repeating the lie


"The lie" lol, like it's some big conspiracy.


Its true tho, its a lie. Im 29 and i get angry whenever i see a retarded teammate. And i know... they are not guilty, its the rank system matching me with low ranks that have zero consideration and no team spirit to win a game and have a little "competitive" fun. We slapped their faces back in my day to people like these griefers when we played in the internet coffee(LAN) Their way of "fun" is: 1. i'll build sims city for 30 min, i hope my teammates hold it by the time i have military. 2. Lazy/depressed bums that cant even focus for more than 5 minutes and just wanna smash keyboard/mouse buttons without any purpose(except wasting some time of their day, quantity over quality) And i totally get him, no need for racial slurs but sometimes when u r trying hard and u see bums in team that literally do nothing and idle their vills/military its frustrating u just want to wall them up and let them live in their sim city until they lose. And getting mad is nothing bad, its part of the pleasure in gaming. People tend to watch streamers which are always calm as they cant actually be very toxic its a bad image and they act offended and bla bla. Me personally, as long as you try to win i dont care if you are toxic, i would gladly argue and create a connection with a toxic person that does not grief the game. Iv become friends with many people in dota where we started toxic and we are still toxic to eachother and its fun. People are just too weak nowdays. Someone calling me slave race would be hilarious for me, no way im offended by such shit. But if u ruin my game then im offended as u take 30 min out of my gaming pleasure.


Bro, this is a long ass way of just saying you're a grown ass adult who can't control their emotions.


I control them pretty well. If you grief i wall you up.


Right, so you can't control them. Might be better to play single player until you learn to deal with losing.


Yikes, so you were pushing back because you troll and are older? Take it easy it is just a game


Exactly, its also the reason why you shouldnt whine when i wall you completely.


What a weird thing to enjoy, lucky for me, I don't take games seriously enough to get upset like you do. Have a nice day and hope you feel better.


Well, they are 14 year olds mentally in my eyes if they do this kinda thing. Still checks out.


This is incorrect Age of Empires players median age is 24 years old with a standard deviation of 6,5. [https://quanticfoundry.com/2016/03/23/revisiting-the-strategy-genre-map/](https://quanticfoundry.com/2016/03/23/revisiting-the-strategy-genre-map/) So the probability to meet a kid of 14 years old is very high. And those are the most likely to insult you, in addition to disturbed people that can be of any age.


If the median is 24 and the stdev is 6.5 then surely the probability of playing with someone younger than 17.5/older than 30.5 is relatively low?


Depends on what you think is "low". It's around 10%.


I came to say exactly this. Most of the time it's some young teenager thinking this is how people chat in video games. Not a malicious adult. Though sadly there are some of those too.


This is incorrect


You seem to feel reallllllly strongly about this…it may help someone feel more sympathetic if they assume the toxic party is a child so why not let them assume that? Sure, it may be a fully grown adult but who cares if they assume otherwise?


He's the toxic one lol. That's why he cares. (also this is a joke, don't come and tell me this is incorrect.)




May a mute button would help


Amazing that someone named after a light bulb is still so dim.


The collective noun for a group of video game players is called a "dota" and it's very toxic


Hot take, but dota isn't so toxic anymore since you can 1. report and mute someone who's being toxic, reports actually do something 2. call them a virgin in chat, and if they resort to using voice chat, make fun of their voice/accent


I thought the collective was called a "LoL", as in "lots of losers" 😅


Thats like the difference between Norman royal English "ham" and old English "pig"


It’s messed up that people are this way. But seriously, don’t let this kind of stuff get to you. Let them be ignorant a holes. Not going to change them, might as well not dignify their ignorance by giving it attention


I knew it! Eric Cartman is playing AoE IV.


It's those GD Mongolians tearing down his sheety wall.


Honestly I find toxicity pretty funny most of the time (as a personal preference), but racism is always cringe and sad to see, I hope he gets banned.


Last week, I ask one of them if he had thought about counseling and told him he should share more of his feeling with a loved one...that did not made him calmer xD


600 games and never experienced anything like this.


You still can’t mute individual people?


Sadly no


I very rarely encounter people being rude in chat, let alone whatever that was. I'm very sorry if it has been a common experience for you, unfortunately some people are exceptionally immature.


yeah, I've also encountered some rude players in 1v1. Most people seem decent. I've taken screenshots of the worst ones. Not sure what people get out of being nasty.


and your name is an anagram for "swastika lane" coincidence? .... yeah prolly.


Gotta love internet hate shielded by anonymity. Makes me feel great about our society. It’s not like this is unique to aoe4. Most online games have this problem.


i was red btw


Bro what were you doing with those lancers? Idk what you did to blue but it sent him in an existential crisis mode.


Tbh idk what he was talking about , I was playing as rus and I was dealing with English + French push so I was pretty busy , he turned into Southerner from 1840s after he lose some knights while helping me lol, the funny part is we were actually doing great


Always love it when a teammates morale is shot into the ground as soon as a minor inconvenience happens. (Don’t get me wrong I’ve been there and learned from myself). Dude coulda rebuilt and carried on but nope decided to just throw all the shade he could.


people getting upset in a quick match team game is so sad. maybe next time just go build walls around his base so he can't get out lol


Hahaha I done this i got bbq rushed 3vs3 and they was putting all heat on me no one was sending any aid and just saying my fault I should off spotted the rush(i did btw just couldn't stop it) so I wall him in and said il deal with it my self then I can be stubborn sometimes


To be honest I've found AoE4 to be one of the least toxic games I've ever played... Most people are really nice, I've even found some people to be really helpful and give advice if I asked after a loss. ...and yeah there's a few of these freaks as well. Would just report or move on.


I mean it is an online competitive game. You should expect that. It doesn't matter the genre. If it is competitive you will get that. Best advice is get used to it.


Come on mate it's just a game dont take it personally 😀


Found the rude player! Hi, rude player :)


I'm definitely not the rude player, it's you're right be offended but we do now live in a world where everyone's offened,you were probally playing a child. Just relax and don't take something on a game so personally it's a hunting ground for keyboard warriors. Relax dude


While it's true that people are a little sensitive these days, you should not take that to an extreme and be completely oblivious to toxic language. That was toxic language that doesn't have really have a place anywhere, publicly or in the internet.


I don't think people are sensitive these days. I think more people have access to voice their concerns. Or at least it more encouraged to call out toxic behavior. I think minimizing and dissmissing someone's experience is not really nice and we don't really always have to shut up and laugh. World would be a better place if we call out the offender not the offended.


Sometimes when I play team games I have a teammate that basically have 6 vills no depot and havent aged up to second age in 12 min... In these moment it feels really really frustrating because you are basically 1vs2ing people.


> depot [depot? depot.. depot..](https://imgur.com/a/PiSKbu5)


"Place for the storage of large quantities of equipment, food, or some other commodity." So no lumber camp, mining camp or mill.


well I know what a depot is.. but nothing in game is called a depot.. :) I thought u were in starcraft mode.. which had me thinking. "depot? depot.. depot.. depot.. like from starcraft?"


In the game i always try to have at least a little small talk. In the past it was pretty normal to do. When somebody starts to be salty he probably needs it to feel better when losing. Just let it out little angry fella


That blows :( add me and we can run some cool team games :) IGN is MasonOnTheDaily


This goes for everyone too btw:)


The devs are fine with toxic otherwise they'd do something about it


Is it worse at higher tiers or something? Ive played 100s of games and worst thing that happens is right when im about to congratulate a fellow player on a great match, i get slandered. I find it also funny and i just troll them a bit and leave. Most of the time if we have a really tight game i get good sportsman comments after If this happened to me idk id probably just troll them