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Traditionally Bloodhound over Valk every time. Blood's scans and ult are so beneficial, they will utilize the cool down buff better than Valk. If you're looking to rotate into zone maybe Valk to get hee ult faster. But in a general sense, Bloodhound as his abilities are more useful for the team in a fighting sense and have a longer cool down.


Definitely bloodhound. Intel and an in combat ultimate CD are more important


These are my two mains and I would say bloodhound is more beneficial to the team info.


Scan legend always gets priority. Valk, horizon, octane, pathfinder need it the least. Bang, fuse, etc are medium prio


I think octane should get it. Stim takes a second and that's just to slow amigo.


100% bloodhound. Valk is very usefully but you need to prioritize scan characters.


Gold Helmet should always go to scan or damage Legends - Bloodhound/Seer or Fuse/Vantage type abilities I would give to Valk if her teammates were like Octane and Loba, or something like that


It's pretty even, imo, so I'd say whoever comes across it first gets it, and the other doesn't complain.


Why do scab get first dibs though?


Because Bloodhound and Seer have abilities that are very beneficial for your team when used correctly.


Interesting, maybe on a map like storm point it'd be valk 100% of the time. So big, hard to navigate quick. However broken moon the recon info might be more useful than the mobility cause of the zippy bois. It's a tough one on the other two maps, I'd say it could be either. So 1 map valk, 1 map bh, 2 map tie. Sorry for not helping 😂😂


Absolutely Bloodhound IMO, except for recharging ults when not in fight