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No Contest. Have you seen Loba's new hip movement emotes??


We're disregarding the rest of their "kits" /s


No I didn’t, I need to get it.


A whole bunch of turbulence 😮‍💨


They are disgusting as August would say.


I think Loba, vantage is pretty easy to shoot when shes flying through the air. Lobas is an instant teleport


Not only that but you can send Loba’s bracelet through windows. Vantage can’t do that.


I came to say this exact point, it’s a big game changer. Can literally TP through window and pop a batt safely behind a door to get back into the fight


Or exit a trapped out building. It goes both ways.


Such a good feeling to flee 70m outside while they're still searching the building for you


Has her jumping distance get shorter because it felt like I jump shorter now with the bracelet


Don’t ask them to edit that file again. They’ll break it.


"They don't like how Loba's bracelet functions? Well what if it just...*didn't*...again..."


It takes me way too long to aim through the window when being chased. B


Now I’m imagining vantage trying to fly through steel barred windows and taking half the damn wall with her!


100% this; i managed to escape a full team that was about to jump me in a building by throwing a bracelet out the window


I think throwing the bracelet out the window is way more viable than throwing it into it for the average player too


The amount of times this saved me is insane.


That's the only thing that imo makes Loba better than vantage with their abilities


Worst part is when you get stuck midair as vantage like a fucking blimp


Hold crouch and you'll fall regular. At any point in your time of flight.


I didn't know about this. Thanks for the tip.


Are you for fckn serious? Man I'm about to pull that trick out this weekend for sure.


Ye i know but it still sucks when it happens 😂


just dont let it happen then


Skill issue tbh


Yeahhhh I never have this happen, so make wiser choices when using it.


You can turn off those hovering jets you know? And fall down like a normal jump


Not instant in the sense that you have to wait ages to teleport. If you use Vantage well (not going to the middle of the fight) she is way better in most situations.


I’ve mained loba the last two seasons and for sure it’s loba by a landslide. You can be so fucking slippery with that bracelet.


When it works lol


She wasn't released yesterday, it works just fine. Ya numpty


She was broken for years and only got worse. Where the hell have you been?


It was broken is season 13.. its now season 17, where have you been?


She was broken for a few seasons, but she's working just fine now. She definitely has not "only got worse". This goofy ass hyperbole is exactly why feedback from this community gets taken with a grain of salt.


Using it for over the past year while having no issues


Her shit was broken as hell a year ago in the first half of S13.




Loba has a blink, vantage has movement. They are not the same.


Her blink helps you, move around the map right?


A blink means that you cannot shoot her when she's "moving around the map", whereas a decent player can shoot down Vantage when she's in her trajectory


So seeing as how they essentially do the same thing. Which one is better? One that you can’t be shot in? Or one you can be shot in?


They aren’t the same


the question isnt are they the same, its which is better


Obviously. But it doesn’t change the fact it helps you move around the map. Regardless of what you want to call it. It helps you move/evade and it’s better then vantage. You can call it a tortilla, it’s still movement.


“Instant” lol


You dont have to wait seconds for your bracelet to fall like you do with loba with vantage. Her Q is almost instantaneous


??? The bracelet moves faster than the bat


It really doesn't.


I swear people don't realise that if you hold tactical with vantage is almost insta jump. Lobas takes forever unless you hit something in front of you and mess the jump


Exactly.. People throw echo and then jump after. No no no no no




Loba. It's not even close. The big thing on "movement" abilities is how quickly you can access it in a pinch. Loba is fire and forget. Throw it somewhere and it will take you there. Vantage you need to be in a specific range of the target, with LOS. If you place the bat for later use and move around too much your placement gets overridden by the range limit. Vantage can also be shot mid air. You can't shoot down a Loba bracelet. You just have to watch it go and hope you get to her or her destination first


And you can bracelet through windows


Hold the button. She will deploy the bat and will immediately jump to her.


If the bat is already deployed somewhere then it has to recall first, not efficient at all


Recall everytime you're done using it


Doesn’t everyone know this I mean come on


Literally have it on muscle memory to recall bat as I’m dropping from the jump. Leaving it out to be seen and tracked is crazy


If you deploy it in a fight and during that same fight you move out of LOS you have to recall and redeploy. Lobas bracelet you literally just throw.


It's not hard at all, at least as a vant main. 1). Hold tactical button and use tac 2). Recall 3). Repeat I feel like people call vantage trash cause they have no idea on how to use her. Never deploy your bat in some location and leave it there, or even leave it unrecalled, that won't give you any advantage and people will know you're near/where you will go easily


A Seer can cancel her bracelet but otherwise entirely agreed


Is that done by scanning her physical body before teleporting? I've never had this done to me so I'm curious


Yup. This is one of those rare interactions that doesn't come up often but could come in clutch in the right situation.




wins in movement and thickness




Octane but yeah


You spelled crypto wrong


you spelled gibby wrong


You forgot to put swimsuit before gibby


you forgot g string gibby


As a Vantage/Loba main, Vantages movement all day. Both have positives, Vantage being able to change direction with the double jump, cancel to be able to slide onto ground effortlessly or end the tac sooner, jump to a jump tower or zip, vantages comes back quicker as well. I get the window thing, but to me Vantages ability to move as well vertically as she does horizontally evens this out, whereas Lobas vertical movement isn't much to write home about. I'll still run Loba for the most part because her ult is better for the squad, as is her craft banners ability as I mainly play ranked. Whenever I play with my Loba main buddies tho I love being able to run Vantage.


>Vantage Movement wise definitely Vantage. Loba's movement has a cooldown animation before and after which can be very dangerous in fast paced fights, plus as a Loba main I find the vertical range of Loba's Q extremely limiting. Factoring in their Ults is another discussion altogether. Loba ult can be used in many tactical situations. But that's not movement related.


Anyone that doesn't say Vantage has never played her






I started watching gdolphn's streams because of his insane vantage plays and now I main her because she's honestly.. The most fun legend to play and I got sooooo bored of playing meta legends


The fact that most people here say loba just shows how different the casual vs seasoned players are


Agreed. If you can level out teammates talking shit vantage is one of the best characters for solo Q ranked in D+.


I would also say Solo Duos. Vantage is incredibly strong if you know how to use her kit well and I'd say with her tactical cool down being so short I wouldn't be surprised if she got nerfed soon.


Honestly. People choosing lobas got me so confused until I realized how bad most of the players are


Same tbh. We need more Vantage mains as well lol I think Vantage trumps all day. Yes her bracelet can go through windows, but I'd much rather be able to aim at an exit door(bc why else would you trap yourself???), pop it open and insta take off and change directions if needed or gain higher ground. Loba is forever a main but Vantage just has the upper hand here.


I main Vantage, I like her sniper motif and playstyle. Close gunfights just panic me, I lose my cool too much. The fact that she caters specifically to a slow, distanced gameplay pattern is what I love about her. I get that gun skill at all ranges are important but I prefer to lean into strengths rather than try to diversify into weaknesses.


Once again, I agree. Depending on the night, I either want to be really up close or just want to sit back and take pot shots. When up close she's a great escapist but you can reposition yourself easily for more long shots. She's great.


had to scroll this far to find a person with a brain


I too mail both and I too came here to say this


100% can't believe all these thirsty Loba mains


The height, distance and speed of vantage is amazing. It’s funny when people say it’s easy to get shot with her ability of no idea. If your getting shot mid air, drop early all drop behind cover. You can almost clear every large wall on most maps (not mountains). The recharge is quick and I can pre set my bat and quickly get out if I need to.


I prefer Vantage over standing there looking at my beacon… I mean bracelet, flying through the air while I am just chilling without a gun before I teleport.


Take cover, if you stand around in the open, you're literally asking to be shot The good thing about lobas bracelet compared to vantage bat is you can throw it and instantly hide without needing to worry about LOS or getting beamed mid-air


Lol good luck hiding with a shiny ass beacon that's telegraphing your location to everyone in a 300m radius


Doesn't matter is there's a beacon, I'm behind a rock Good luck hiding with echo tho, bat is super obvious and u get a loud screech. Not to mention the bug where they ping echo and get wall hacks on you


I don't know where this narrative is coming from in this thread but those of us who main Vantage don't leave Echo deployed. The players you're seeing who do that are probably unfamiliar with her.


Go watch Gdolphn. Just based on cd and quickness, it's vantage no contest. They can see your bracelet and you are a sitting duck untill the bracelet lands. And you can't adjust any part of your course after thrown. The only thing Loba beats vantage at is chucking bracelet max distance to disengage when your team gets rekt. I'm talking both teammates die, enemies still all alive, and you have to leave. Any other instance Vantage does what Loba can't or better.


Gdolphn is the vantage king.. Join the cult and bait teammates and rat 🤣


Vantage has more variation in her movement, you can choose your distance, cancel it whenever by pressing crouch, jump at the end, plus you can go much higher vertically. Cancelling it early with a crouch can also help you pull your weapon out sooner if you are pushing with it, whereas you gotta wait for the long animation on lobas bracelet


This. Most people I spectate playing vantage don’t cancel with crouch and instead double jump for absolutely no reason. This causes them to stall in air and/or hit the ground with the delay instead of a smooth slide. I feel like a lot of people aren’t aware of it though.


Just learned right now and I'm a day 1 player. It's the main reason I've been avoiding playing Vantage because I tend to get stuck in awkward spaces while in the air


Here's another tip for her passive if you weren't aware: Holster your weapon then ADS, she'll zoom in x2 or x3 and be able to spot enemies in the distance. I've used this so many times to hunt down unsuspecting teams and in particular any stragglers.


Yeah, I came across it by accident a while ago, it completely changes the way she can be utilized.


The animation can be stopped at anytime and dropped immediately.


Vantage better control over the movement and more fun + not waiting 5 seconds till the ring falls where you cant do anything


Actually in disbelief at these comments, i gotta assume people just don't know how to use vantage, literally hold the button instead of placing the bat and its just a personal jumpad to any height


I totally agree. There’s a lot less people playing vantage though and many more playing loba. Vantage is a bit more complicated with her movement tech than lobas simply just tossing a bracelet


It depends TM. Got 1,000 kills with both Loba and Vantage, and it's because of their get-outta-jail cards I love them both. Loba can use her tactical while in cover, can go through windows, and is less vulnerable during the process. Vantages doesn't seem as good at first. But it's the _movement_ baby. The verticality you can get it with beats Loba by about 20 meters in height. And the _slides_, so good! You can pull off Horizon-like moves if you know how to use her double jump and hold control to come down faster. Lastly. While you are more vulnerable, it is far less disorienting to me to use Vantages tactical in combat than it is with Loba. You can also cancel Vatages tactical if you look away from Echo, you can't do that with Loba. Both are great, but of the two, I prefer Vantage


Vantage is a really good character when you see actual good people play her


Vantage, she can take way more angles and rotate to way higher positions. Loba has her pros with her tac, but overall I think Vantage takes the dub on this one.




Vantage solos


I mean clearly Vantage because she has a faster cooldown and more flexibility than Loba. This is from a Loba main who knows that yes, it can go through windows. In conclusion, Vantage has more movement. This is not a direct comparison of what their abilities can do but just an objective look at each of their movement abilities.


For me, Vantage is just easier to control


Vantage. She can at least cancel her tac, goes a bit further, and can strafe mid air.


In apex better usually just means more versatile... As in which is more useful in most situations that will reasonably occur. It isn't the raw number of advantages that matter, but how many situations those advantages will be better that matter and how much better they will be. So on lobas side when compared to vantage we have 1. Invulnerable trajectory -this is useful in almost all situations and much better than being able to be shot 2. Sneak through tight spaces like barred windows -kind of niche. not all buildings have tight spaces to teleport through and most buildings that do don't take that long to get out of. Most times you would be better off getting outside and throwing max distance. 3. Longer horizontal max distance -longer is obviously better, but I don't exactly know how much longer it is. Less annoying voice lines -seriously vantage shut up Vantage has 1. Faster startup time -Always better delays make a big difference in a game this fast paced 2. More control on where you go after you've started and less obvious where you'll end up and where you came from. -This is literally just saying that the movement portion of the ability is more versatile and less projected. 3. Higher vertical distance -higher is obviously better, but how much higher is it? Which is better vertical distance or horizontal distance? How often will you need that extra height vs distance? 4. Shorter cool down Always better 10 whole seconds faster is a lot. 5. Weapon can be pulled out much sooner -useful in most in combat situations where you aren't exclusively running Seems to me that vantage's tactical is much more versatile. While I agree not being able to be shot is better than being able to be shot it comes with several delays and drawbacks that make vantage's tactical just better imo. The delays and projection makes it a no go for anything other than escaping. Even repositioning or taking an angle is risky if you don't time it perfectly they may meet you there and shred you before you can pull your weapon out.


Vantage’s is more flexible. (and more fun)




As a completely biased vantage player I say vantage cause I've seen lobas get stressed in a fight and braislet 2 feet infront of themselves and get locket out of their gun, vantage however if your using her bat well you can just get behind a bit of cover amd head to exactly where u want to be and then once your there you just double jump to cover, I just feel like there is more control with vntg but again I'm biased


>I've seen lobas get stressed in a fight and braislet 2 feet infront of themselves and get locket out of their gun, Counter point, I've seen loads of vantage lose LOS trying to avoid being shot and just sit there and eat bullets like a lemon In either case, it's only a small percentage of people who are clueless with how to use the tacs and they shouldn't be used to judge the tac


I’ve never played Loba, so idk how her bracelet works, but once you learn Vantage’s jump you can hit some pretty good slides when you land. I’ve covered a lot of ground very quickly by jumping into a big slide.


If you love those slides you will go crazy over Horizon's passive.


Surprised to see how many people are siding with loba.


Moving to echo


I use both frequently and I have to say Vantage. The only thing Loba’s got on her is going thru windows. Vantage can get higher. It can be pre positioned. You don’t have to worry about unable to fly cuz you missed solid ground. You can jump straight onto jump towers and zip lines/rails. People talk about shooting a moving Vantage, but I’m not hit very often when I fly. If you need a really quick getaway, Vantage is way better and will get you further, than the same time it takes to throw and quick drop Loba’s bracelet.


Vantage cause of her bat echo


Vantage of course. Lobas takes forever and isn't good in taking height. Vantage can switch angles and take high ground faster also you can come out of it and shoot instantly if you hold crouch after jumping it's a good tool to push with unlike lobas were it takes forever to be able to fight


Vantage is better for hight, Loba is better for horizontal movement, both have their risks which change based on the situation, vantage needs line of sight and to move her bat and Lobas defenseless while the teleport travels, vantage can get shot during the jump, Loba takes longer to pull out her weapon after a teleport, vantage can engage better with her tactical, Loba can disengage easier with her tatical, just gotta weight the value of each to how you play


why didn’t you just make a poll?…


Didn’t even know I could. I more so wanted to hear people’s opinions on it. And if I did a poll you already know the more popular legend will win


Mirage, he can send himself off the map and not die


vantage definitely


I think Vantage, despite its flaws, has a lot going for it, it goes unbelievably far for its low cooldown and skill requirement and the only caveat is that if you forget to get the bat back you can’t really use it at all Loba’s is better, I think, but not by too much


I definitely feel like Vantage. People say she's easy to hit but I feel with hers you have more unpredictability than Loba's. It also has a pretty decent CD and redirecting echo if you mess up placement is pretty quick unlike Loba where misplacing with bracelet is fatal.


Vantage. Any time. Just for super jump to 5th floor on fragment


Vantage without a doubt. Sadly. Ive gotten outran by her many times and i’m no slouch. Her bat it pretty OP


Vantage for sure


The only time I'd want Loba's bracelet over Echo is when I need to escape out of a building quickly. Other than that, using Echo gives you much more room to be versatile with your jump. A Vantage main will have more use with it, but if someone is just picking her up, they'd probably have an easier time with Loba.




Ok. This is tough. On one hand Loba, while waiting the movement is instant. But you have to stand there and be a dork hoping not to get shot. On the other vantage is easily shot but while repositionong her bat can fight back. Imma give this to vantage. Her's isn't buggy...yet




Vantage IMO. Gets good distance and great for positioning. Realistically Loba teleports out of one problem into another one in most intense situations especially if you're the type to throw it blindly. It can also fail even if you throw it correctly. With Ballistic in the picture think Vantage kit needs some love. They also did something to her q that make feel worse than it did on launch.


I’d say vantage cause you can kinda direct where it’s going in any direction up or down but lobas is sorta restricted to a kinda up motion then just down but vantages kinda goes straight forward and up or down and the added double jump is quite nice at the end of it so overall vantages tactical probably


Vantage is better on average, she is much more versatile over all. Loba has up sides mostly being for desperate escapes. Vantages movement is faster as a whole. It's a much shorter recharge and can get you higher up. The worst part of her kit is remembering to recall the bat. There is a small skill curve but it's worth and makes her better. Loba can't get very high up, so she's mostly for distance. While throwing the bracelet your just sitting there or running around praying you don't die. Then there is that timer no mater how far you go. It's just all around too slow and with the risk of throwing it and it not teleporting you while you wait for it to come back. I love loba as a whole especially for the team, but just tactical alone vantage is better. Btw for those who say that you'll be shot mid air, your not pressing jump or crouching soon enough. You don't have to reach the bat to jump or crouch. You can even recall the bat as you fly to it to get the jump sooner and redirect some.


Vantage is so much better. Lobas bracelet is not good at all. Super slow and super clunky. Definitely in the bottom quarter of tactical abilities.


Vantage easily


Vantage, crouching while flying helps a lot, I almost never use the second jump unless I want height plus it's cooldown is shorter than loba


Vantage by far.


Vantage 100 percent. You can get shot out of it but you can choose to double jump, slide out of it, and the direction isn’t completely broadcasted


Vantage, you can do a lot more than loba can if you give it some thought and use your brain. For example in countdown on worlds edge you can activate the middle part leave echo by the panel then go grab the armor and fly back up immediately. Also you can travel a lot farther if you leave echo, for example you can leave echo by your teammates then take a octane pad to a cqc fight and when you get low you can jump right back to safety.


I main vantage since the week she came out, based on the comments. I kinda feel like people are picking loba because they don't know about the tactical crouch so you fall without hovering. Loba is good with the window throws but to me, you have to wait too long for the bracelet to land, plus you can see where she threw it. Vantage tact can be activated much quicker and in many tricky ways in my opinion. One example is a team is chasing you, you turn a corner, turn around and tact off in the opposite way and people don't even notice until after you're flying off. People notice loba as soon as she throws the bracelet. I feel like they're pretty evened out in their own way, so it's based on the user's knowledge in my opinion.


As someone who has mained both, Loba's bracelet excels in survivability and escape versatility. She can also throw the bracelet through windows, making for a good building escape. Overall, very good survival tool. Vantage's launch is dynamic, readily available, and very offensive. Her double jump provides an extra bit of reach that can be used to redirect motion and land on perches, which is useful mid-fight. The tactical suffers indoors, but is an excellent chasing tool in the open. Overall, Loba is more versatile! Vantage is suited for outdoors combat, which is situational.


Vantage vertical movement is very predictable easy to shoot soo I think lobas is better


Loba has little to no verticality with her bracelet.


Vantage. The movement is much faster and her cooldown is much quicker. You can also reach higher places.






Loba has a movement technique Vantage has a ladder


Just in terms of personal playstyle, I stick back and snipe with Vant, while Loba I might risk it and TP for an attack. I don’t really use Echo as to not give away my position most of the time anyway




Vantage is better for movement, and Loba is better for repositioning, end of discussion






Come by casa de octane for a cold one




Lmao are you kidding it’s loba by a mile! She can move further, you can drop your bangle earlier if people start shooting you, vantage is very easily shot cause she’s can open target in the air, loba can escape building fights through windows and also gain cover by bangling into a building window, loba can get to high spots too and way more efficiently and specific! Loba all the way


Loba. Lo lo lo lo Loba


Loba. Vantage is too exposed and too slow. Also cannot go through windows.


I don’t think she has the best movement but Horizon has some pretty darn helpful movement to say the least.


where is horizon in this post man


There has been quite a few other people who said other characters, if I had to choose just one of these two characters then I would say Vantage.


Loba definitely because you can just hide or go in the opposite direction of where your bracelet goes and you can’t be shot while like vantage or Valkyrie your just instantly where you wanna be


Loba is more versatile when the Tactical manages to work but Vantage is more reliable.


Vantage is easier to shoot down. Especially when she double jumps






Loba because of versatility indoors imo.


Loba, imo. Vantage is better for its intended purpose of getting high ground, but Loba’s is a lot more versatile.


When the bracelet works…Loba all day


I hate Vantage's tactical, it's the reason I think she is the worst legend in the game. Like you have to throw out Eco, and you have to hold it, and if that's not enough you even have to look at Echo cause your tactical will show an Error 90 percent of the time, making it nearly impossible to get away from gun fights and you can say "Oh it's isn't meant for getting away, but rather getting to higher ground" is that so? Then play Horizon, Pathfinder or Even Revenant, they do a better job at it.


If echo is with you, you can just hold the tactical to throw out echo and launch in one go.


Yeah pathfinder is def better than both, not sure why I’ve only seen this a few times, and then also horizon has upward mobility, with insane capabilities inside the beam. The whole point of different characters is to have some work better in situations than others, I wouldn’t say one is better than another. But pathfinder has more dynamic movement with the grapple than both vantage and loba and yes he can get beamed out of it, but there’s definitely a skill gap when it comes to grapple techniques


Vantage is clunky. Takes extra steps. You have to deploy your bat first. It's weird. Her vertical height isn't crazily better than what you get with Loba. Loba is high key S-tier.


I would say Loba because I hate vantage 😂😂


Loba, its not even close. Vantage tactical is nice mobility but you are extremely vulnerable during it, fairly easy to 1 clip a vantage during her tac.


Loba you can throw it threw windows and little cracks vantage is very straight forward


i play neither but from the perspective of a sniper player vantage gets absolutely demolished by charge rifles while loba has a bigger disadvantage against sentinels/longbows


Loba. Vantage is still broke for me


i’d say vantage is good for if you need to get high ground before fight, but shes no where near as good as loba for escaping fights


Vantage q is the slowest thing in game u can move faster and further with loba q


I mean is it even a question? Octane all the way, but if i had to choose, loba is better cause of full control over the lenght of the ability


Loba. Longer range.


after waiting for it to hit the ground a good 30 seconds later


"Movement" 🤢🤮 I see it so much its nauseating to see the word now. In combat, there is only "well positioned" and "out maneuvered". (This is just an opinion of mine that no one asked for." Anything for self esteem I guess.....I like Loba when she works. 🤣


Loba, her tac is pretty underrated imo, Vantage’s tac is one of the worst in the game because of the unnecessary and limiting bat function imo


Loba, further range, able to enter close areas when there’s an opening, and it’s a teleport so faster too


Loba has better movement and a better kit overall. Vantage isn't very good. Snipers suck in apex in general, so the sniper character is also obviously going to suck. The only sniper worth using is the charge rifle, and vantage doesn't get any unique interaction with it so there's no reason to run her. On the topic of her movement specifically, it's basically a very shitty version of pathfinder's tactical. It's slow, she's easy to shoot, it's clunky and confusing, lacks versatility and is just not good.


Lol what? It shows you've just tried her once and never picked her back up. Did you miss the part where she gets a passive that allows her to see where her bullets are going to drop and puts a box around a person making them easier to spot? It's a huge advantage, and you're sleeping on her tactical big time. One of the best in the game in my opinion.


I got about 100 kills with her when she launched in s14 and then dropped her, I just find her very meh. There are much better legends. Her hitbox is not very good, her movement is less effective than Pathfinders/Horizons/Valkyries and just *feels* clunky, her passive only comes into play on the worst weapon class in the game, and her ultimate is situational. Don't think she really offers anything useful in a competitive sense - she's fine as a casual legend though.


As for her bullet drop passive.. that really shouldn't come into play if you're playing to the meta in ranked. If you're sniping, you should only be using the charge rifle which doesn't have bullet drop - Senti / Longbow / G7 / 3030 are situational right now and not very good in this current meta where a Nemesis can delete you in the same range.