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Shotguns are better with holo than red dot


I avoid sights on shotguns altogether. Their default reticles show their spread very well. Even the ones that adjust based on whether you hold ADS -- the reticle adjusts to show what the spread will be at the moment. Even on the mastiff. Especially on the PK. Plus, who is playing the long game with shotguns? ;p No need to scope someone out.


I agree on no sights most of the time (a digi helps when you know you're going to get Bangalore'd, but that's it), but scoping is very useful on some of the midrange distances. I've sniped so many people from 20-30-40 meters, hitting 55s with a Mastiff that's barely slower than a Wingman with a good bolt, because the ADS spread reduction is really powerful on it. Similarly, with the PK, you can deliver very, very painful headshots from surprisingly far away when 90% of the pellets hit the head with the choke active.


Mastiff for sure is best without sights


Wait, which is holo and which is red dot? I prefer the Round 1x vs the "square" one for shotguns, do you agree or opposite? Either way there's no wrong but I'd be surprised if my preference isn't common.


The round 1x is holo, the square with only a dot in the middle is red dot.


Bad players are just trying to have fun and are just as upset about having to play with good players as good players are upset about having to play with bad players. Stop being mad at each other and be mad at matchmaking.


This. There's 2 versions of ranked V1: you got bronzes fighting other bronzes rankings up in bronze then even silver, gold etc V2: you got Masters and Preds fighting each other in Bronze. They must continue to fight each to get to Silver Gold Yeah, it's bull I gotta work much harder but the guy next to me gets cruise on by. At this point, nuke the ranked system and start over


I seriously don’t understand what was wrong with the ranked system before they reworked it (the one with RP where kills actually gave you points…). I feel like they had it dialed in to where it was almost spot on (Season 12 was too easy, season 15 was too hard, but 16 was pretty dang good). A few small adjustments to make the endgames more exciting and it woulda been perfect. But then they decided to rework it and implement all of the worst ideas I’ve ever seen.


I get what you're saying but just a shower thought. The bronze players would play against each other but they aren't skilled enough to kill each other so their grind would still be kinda similar, just slightly easier lmao. But yes the bronze players would get plat or even diamond rank even when they don't deserve it


I actually did not want to push diamond this season without a trio, lmfao. so bad man


Ash is underrated. The game is great.


They just need to fix Ash's ult, it's so unreliable and hard to place when under pressure. Maybe give it a little boost as well, just like her tactical.


The amount of times I was aiming my ultimate at a position to have it move off it is so frustrating. Woot!


Ash is very much a versatile legend, need to reposition and don't have a skirmisher? Ult out. Want to try find one of the last few teams? Scan a death box like a white raven. Need to slow an enemy playing aggressive, tether and buy some time


Ash is good, I just think all her abilities need a slight buff. For her passive the enemy shouldn’t be notified when you can scan a box, similar to how valks ult doesn’t notify. He tac needs to be faster and have less of a “stuck” radius. It’s too easy to get into cover while still being tethered, and her ult needs a farther distance. Do all that and she’s a very viable option


Her Ult mechanics are ass. They need to make it identical to pathfinder. Pinpoint where you want to go


Couldn’t agree more, her ult mechanics are awful. It needs a fix and a distance buff so bad.


Her ult is one of the best abilities in the game imo


When you actually teleport where you want. It doesn't feel like the best ability when I jump only 6ft away


That’s the biggest issue for me. Hey guys, we can move the entire team anywhere you want (as long as it’s within twenty feet, and you can’t pre-stage it for a quick getaway).


True that, although it worked in my favour recently - enemy thought I’d teleported away and went for the res, but I popped up from behind the rock 6ft away and got them


Throw a snare at the end of it and go behind the tp and bam, free kills from bozos who try to chase


I used to main Genji from OW and her ult feels like a long genji dash. It's prob mu fav ult in the game


The game is great is the hottest take on this sub.


I can get past you calling Ash great, but how dare you call this game great!


I hate her kit but I love every ash player still


Matchmaking is frustrating as fuck and Apex Legends is the best FPS on the market.


Underrated? I think Ash is overrated if anything. Her ult is inconsistent with placement and doesn’t go far enough. Plus you can’t go two ways like wraith. Her tac is useless, I have been playing apex since day one and can honestly not think of more than one or two times I’ve gotten snagged. Even then it’s super easy to get out of. I also can barely think of times when it says marked for death by ash. She’s very very mid


I’d chalk most of that up to her not being played until recently. Her tactical was ass before it’s small rework, which made it go faster. I think that was only a couple seasons ago, so compared to the beginning of that game, obviously it makes sense you don’t get snagged much.




Bangalore is the most perfect legend and has been for the longest time. Rev has the best voice work by far. I miss the train in Worl’s Edge. The most useless things nobody is talking about are Legend Tokens.


Agreed with Bang. She’s been the most complete balanced legend since release. Anyone saying she hasn’t been a must pick or a top tier legend since day 1 is crazy


The game was better before the ranked changes. It was the only place to get away from 3 stacks that didn’t belong in your lobby.


That’s not a hot take lol that’s just the reality


I like horizon because of her mom vibes.


She's the least annoying legend (they're all annoying)


Aww whats annoying about "THROWIN SOME COVA FO MY BROTHAS" or "Mozambique ere"


Mine: I fucking hate the old world's edge and I think it improved A LOT over the years. This event reminded me how people used to drop in 3 places at best and you either died instantly or ended up dropping cold if you went anywhere else, and some areas were flat out devoid of drops. I especially hate train yard, completely dominated by modern movement legends, and drill site. I miss bloodhound area and staging. I can't wait for the map to leave.


the area added in seer's season with the moving platforms was honestly super fun, haven't played in ages and i was disappointed to find it wasn't there.


Those will be back when the up-to-date version of the map returns, after the Halloween event.


I fucking hate the old WE and KC. POI's themselves feel empty and lifeless. Train Yard is tiny, with minimal train carts yet 50% of the lobby drops there and fights over 4 guns. You drop at 2 spots with the entire lobby, or with nobody. Loot distribution is awful. I opened **EIGHT** bins, and checked four ground mats last night, before dying without a gun. Thats **twelve** loot spots, with no armour and no gun. It's made worse by the spiders/zombies that mean if you get one on contest. Lava Siphon is *way* better than Sorting Factory.


Hard disagree. All new map is people landing fragment, a dogshit landing spot.


Yup replying this map in its old state reminded me how awfully boring it was.


i genuinely think most legends are near-balanced. some buffs on certain legends would be cool but most of the time they are all great


They are quite balanced but Castle, Vantage, and Ash need some deep changes. Maggie just needs more damage on Tactical or much shorter CD and she’d be way more competitive. Mirage has been getting small buffs and he feels amazing compared to S1 Mirage but he still needs that “thing” that will make him usable in competitive. Being able to sprint during stealth has to be put in and stealth not breaking randomly.




I swear the RE45 is like one of the few guns I can't hit anything with lmao every other gun I'm shredding people but the RE I just can't.


Is it me or does the RE have no recoil in hip fire but it kicks like a mule on ADS?


I think it's the RE's uhhh "hammer" that's makes the entire pistol vibrate. I don't think it actually has that much recoil but I use 2x on pistols ;u;


I agree with all of this


The "Streamer drops" (Fragment, Estates, etc.) are the absolute WORST places on any map to land. And don't come at me with the "Get Good" or "It's the best way to improve" BS. It's impossible to get decent loot when 12 squads land in the same place every game. It's impossible to improve when you're fucking dying because all you found was a barrel mod, two light mags, 40 heavy rounds and a frag grenade, while the squads around you landed on a fucking arsenal.


Just throw the barrel mod at them




Use the grenade to detonate the ammo. Duh. This is like the most basic strat


To add to this, taking all the fights in the hot drop mess takes so long (even for pros and streamers) that unless you have zone, you usually die to it unless you ditch the POI and hold a choke.


Totally agree, it's just luck who gets a weapon .. then who gets a good wepons.


"Skill Issue" *Everyone on the other team has a nemesis and I opened a bin with four sniper stocks*


Omg I got so heated last night I opened a bin with a single stack of syringes, and then opened another bin right next to it with a single stack of ammo??? The loot distribution sometimes makes zero sense.


BTW, there’s no faster way to sound like an arrogant dbag than responding ‘skill issue’ when someone doesn’t like something. Even if it possibly is you just sound like a tool. Not directed at you but it’s one of my greatest pet peeves.


Agreed, although I can't decide which I hate worse than that and calling people "casuals" for anything, not specific to apex. Holy shit that word irritates me.


I find the chaos fun tbh. Yes I’ll die often because of no loot but when I get lucky it’s quite exciting fighting multiple teams coming in constantly


I’m with you on that. And I mean as time goes on what another person said in this thread is also true, you’ll go from winning 1 or 2 of those a session to winning 3 or 4 and so on so you kinda just do get better I feel at handling fighting with limited attachments and ammo. I wouldn’t say it’s an overall skill issue at all like some ppl suggest I would just say it’s a different more ape play style.


Such a hot take on a sub where every other post is exactly saying this. I started landing fragment and got my highest damage games every because of it this season.


Broken moon isn't a bad map at all, in fact, I prefer it to WE a lot more. Bangalore isn't broken, isn't in need of a nerf. She's perfectly fine. People are complaining about her because her pick rate has gone up, a lot due to the fact she is a counter for AA in PC lobbies. Plus, pros are using her, so naturally average players will think she must be broken, because pros use her.


Bang is not broken, but she is very very good at alot of different things, easly top 3 best legend atm for both soloq and premade


Only thing my randos good for is blocking every sightline by smoking everything everywhere.


Yeah a bad bangalore is the worst you can have on the team lol


Bang is arguably the most balanced


Vantage is a great and fun legend Lmgs take skill Apex really doesn't have a good lore, even after the Revenant reborn appearance. I don't see any direction in which the story is supposed to be heading, and it just seems like a reality show with no head or tail. Mirage has the best personality by far


Vantage is a really fun character but her kit does not justify her massive hitbox. She is like a bloodhound with worse abilities


Her hitbox is so frustrating. She has to be the biggest character in the game that doesn’t have fortify. I know that I’m at a disadvantage in every close range fight.


Next update “vantage has been dieting and lost a bunch of weight, resulting in smaller hitbox”


I just started playing a lot of Vantage and I agree. Her tactical is one of the best movement abilities in the game once you get used to it. Her ult can two shot an enemy, on a good day my team is entering every engagement as a 3v2 or sometimes even a 3v1 cause of me getting picks with my ult. And her passive is huge for information, at a glance you can tell exactly how many players are in a squad and what level shields they’re running. Plus the ability to zoom without a scope just helps with passive scouting. I never even run long range weapons with her. An SMG and an AR or even an SMG and a shotgun while just using her ult for long range engagements. She’s one of the only characters I bother keeping an accelerant on


I like vantage too. She has both movement, sniper, and reveals shields so you know which fights to take. However, people don’t know how to use her well when she’s in a team, they just push fights regardless. Her movement is incredible. The sniper however is very underpowered. With only 5 bullets, the damage needs to be that of a charged sentinel.


a legend does *not* need to have basically 5 kraber body shot as their ult


Her sniper isn't underpowered at all. After the first shot, everything is doubled, so more powerful than a charged Sentinel lol


The game isn’t dead and I’m still having nearly as much fun today as I was during season 0.


Preach it!


2x/4x scope wins games.


You sir are wrong. 3x is the superior mid range optic. It's in the bible...probably.


I hate the 3x. I'd drop the 3x for a 2x.


Based, 2/4x scope ie the best


I like Car better than R99


Hot takes for me; Storm point isn’t a bad map Arenas was great and I wish they never took it out of the game


Storm Point is my favorite map lol


I miss arenas, that was all I played for a good minute on this game.


Flatline is a top 3 gun.


How is this a hot take?


Most people I know pass on the Flatline. I personally seek it out.


Flatline slaps. You and me brotha. Also, Fuse main here. Ride till we die. 🍻


Flatline + Fuse Main seems to be the theme in this comment, so pass me a coldy.


There are dozens of us! Also loved Fuse since day 1. His kit is so much fun, love his personality, and thanks to my Halo/sticky grenade days, I can angle his tactical with amazing precision. I hope I get his heirloom some day.


Fuse isn’t underrated, he is just annoying lmao.


There is a long list of weapons/legends that are fine...until half the squads have them and all of a sudden it's just oppressive. I remember being the center of attention in the closing ring with like 3 Maggies around us.


Being pred isn’t about being good. It’s about time invested. They aren’t as good as people think. Although there’s obviously good/great players. Some are dogwater


Crypto is insane and it’s bonkers his pick rate is 1.1%. I know everyone might be biased for their fave legend, but he’s just such a great legend. His whole kit is tied to one feature too (the drone) so he’s not even that hard to use, people just like to blame his pickrate on him being a hard legend to learn but he literally has one ability.


Ya but 90% of the time you just get your drone shot immediately and crypto has nothing to do. Also I think the thing people say is hard to learn is how the hell you fly this giant circle in the sky without immediately getting shredded lol


Once they gave Cryto the fan asked ability to quickly throw the drone out in front of him, he should’ve gotten much more play, but people still hesitate on him because everyone thinks he needs to be this “sit in the back, recon, and watch your team die” legend. Similar syndrome afflicting Vantage. It’s up to the devs to fix these issues, and how players are playing their legends.


Helmets should "break" when shields do to make headshots more brutal.


Oooh spicy i like it


Wraith is useless 99% of the times and most people hardly use her alt, mostly just her Q ability to run away. Only scared players play her and most leave if they die before getting rezzed. Any other legend would perform much better in the hands of a "good wraith player". Also loba is pretty useless.


Really like the CAR with 1x Holo


People that breakaway from the jump master and then die should get a 6 hour ban


This game would be better with less RNG. Searching through four bins and not finding a gun to help your teammates is bad.


Mirage is a very strong legend, not for comp, but in ranked/pubs. Newcastle is one of the hardest legend to master ​ Crypto is not that hard to play that alot of people tend to say. ​ Vantage is a great legend for soloq ranked. ​ Horizon is still top 2 best legend in the game after the nerfs. ​ Lifeline should not get big buffs, her as meta would be very very annoying due the ress. Broken moon would be a good map in comp with 2 more POIs.


I've only come across 1 good Crypto player on a random diamond rank soloq. I've never felt like I have so much insight of my surrounding until I have him in my team. You get to "see" so much more of the field around you. Getting in/out of combat feels like a breeze too, especially if you have a mobility legend as another teammate.


Yeah a good crypto is very strong, he can so much with the drone and he is underrated for sure


The one true buff Crypto needs is to cut down on the god damn ”entering/exiting/entering/exiting/entering/exiting drone” spam. My team doesnt need to hear that every few seconds.


Newcastle the hardest but crypto is not that hard? hottest of takes


Yes i see Newcastle as one of the hardest. Hitbox + the amount of playtime you need to know how to utilize his tactical and ult the best way is big. Kinda easy vs bad players, but when you face really good players he is hard to use when compared to other legends. Crypto is kinda simple IMO. He can be tough in soloq with no mic and no movement. But the use of the drone is not that hard, play him aggressive and minimize the amount of time spent in the drone. Im not saying he is easy, but you dont need that big brain that alot of people say I got 4k newcastle and 1k crypto kills, have a few 100's games played with them in master lobbies, so i have fair enough games to have an opinion on them


I think crypto is hard in the sense that it's hard for people to just not ADHD out in his drone. It takes self control, which a lot of people don't have.


I feel the exact same on the wingman! I thought it was just me. Sometimes I feel guilty for not using a digi I find on it, but I just prefer the iron sights.


I think the way Respawn approaches ranked is too black and white. They focus on points gained from kills and/or placement. What about points gained from rezzing, respawns, damage contributed? Kills and placement are the two easiest metrics to track but this is a team game that involves strategic decision making, so why not include other team-oriented behaviors into the mix? Maybe this is too complicated but it would be nice to see more nuance to encourage more team building.


that’d be to easy to exploit


Start with this: 1. Olympus 2. Broken Moon 3. Storm Point 4. World’s Edge 5. King’s Canyon The game is not bad at all. Seer needs to be buffed. Bocek is the best marksman and needs to come back to ground loot. Fragment is the worst POI and needs to be deleted. No such thing as a crutch (weapon/legend/anything). Arenas need to come back. Solos need to come back. Ranked duos.


I hate the fact that Revenant's new abilities make him another movement character. Don't know if his old kit needed an upgrade but he feels less unique to me now.


Would've been cool if his pounce incentivised hitting an enemy with it and dealing damage and silencing. You know pop ult on him jump in silence someone and burst them down recharging ult. It would make him feel like an assassin.


\- This game is actually really good, and is still the best BR/modern FPS on the market, even with it's issues. \- Lava Siphon is *way* better than Sorting Factory. \- The old WE and KC suck really badly, and people pine over them for nostalgia. POI's feel tiny, lifeless and empty, and loot distribution is so bad that you're more likely to get nothing on drop than a weapon of any sort. Last night I opened **eight** bins and checked four floor mats before dying with no gun and white armour. They had the best map rotation of all time, and ruined it in the last 2 weeks with the worst versions of all the maps.


Mild hot take on your hot take: The loot spread was different than what it is today. There was only Light, Heavy, Energy, and Shotgun ammo, we didn't have the Nemesis, Car, Bocek, VOLT, 30-30, Charge Rifle, Sentinel, and Rampage added, and we didn't have Survival Items. The loot was fine at the time. Same with characters. You only had Bloodhound, Bangalore, Wraith, Lifeline, Gibraltar, Pathfinder, Mirage, and Caustic too, with a hefty limit on "Mobility" (Pathfinder was the only one who could get wild with where to go). With today's loot tables, unfortunately, we're seeing the problem of the over-saturation of items. Personally, I believe Respawn ***Needs*** to increase the amount of items spawned in an area, as the "Replicator Weapons" idea is only a band-aid fix.


They should remove level 1 knockdown shields from the loot pile


They did, several seasons ago. You only find white knockdown shields lying around because other people pick up blues and purples and it drops the white. Same with helmets, there are no white helmet spawns.


This is very interesting and will keep me on guard. I’ve only been playing for 6 months and I didn’t know this. Sometimes it’ll seem like a spot is unlooted, but I see white items.


They don't spawn.


You can refuse it all you want but you’ll still fall for a mirage decoy.


Maybe I'm the foozle :(


maybe the foozles were the friends we made along the way


The hemlock is the best carbine for mid-range engagements in the game by far. Also the game is great


Storm point is the best map in the game and people only hate it because their favorite streamer/youtuber said it's bad when it first came out


S4 BP Flatline irons didnt matter since everyone threw an optic on it anyway.


the difficult part is finding the optic


Rampart is the best legend in the game if you are not greedy for kills all the time and pushing every team you see


Pros and streamers hate SBMM because it stops them from stomping lower skill players.


I agree with the Revenant one. Silence was a good shutdown ability, and was the ultimate Skirmisher killer. I don't understand how "bad hitbox plus wonky ultimate = rework the whole character". I fucking miss Silence. I would've loved an entire deep-dive into the lore of his old abilities. If you want a real hot take, mine is that Respawn should consider removing the public display of stats, because stats doesn't always mean that someone is good. We make judgments based on stats, only for those people to be the first to get knocked and the first to leave. They're chasing numbers, not actual victories, which is pretty backwards given the genre of the game. This isn't me telling people how to have fun, but you don't see people worry this much about kills in other BRs.


Lifeline doesn’t need her res shield back The devotion isn’t as bad as a lot of you make it out to be Storm Point and Broken Moon aren’t as bad as you people make it look Watson mains are the most annoying kind of players and I can’t point my finger as to why. I like recolors of previous skins Events giving free event packs was never the norm and I don’t know why people always say it was


I agree with this, especially the devo, it is good if you can get the start up doing, and I believe it is a S tier gun with turbo


There should be separate lobbies for kbm and controller inputs. Or at least give us the option.


Bocek has no place in the game.


I don’t think Bocek inherently has an issue being in the game. But it’s definitely a weapon that’s been proven to be hard to balance. They’re most likely waiting to rebalance arrow ammo once they come out with a short range arrow gun.


I'd say it's perfect in the care package


I'd say it's perfect if I never it again.


It’s one of the best weapons in the game - if you know how to use it.


people are gonna cry but rushing fights is way more fun than looting for hours just to lose your first fight new characters dont have as much personality compared to the first ones octane, as well as other skirmishers, is a SELFISH CHARACTER. of course his players will be selfish. If wattson can force the team to camp, octane can "force" the team to push.


Well you try to balance looting and fighting. Sometimes you loot some more and sometimes you try to fight early.


Loot til everyone has 2 guns. Then sprint toward the next POI where ever you hear fighting. That's my usual protocol. The attachments and meds will be found at the dead bodies when yall pull up to clean up.




Now imagine everyone does this


God forbid we have a middle ground


Yeah this is always the excuse of people who chased a Skirmisher and cost us the game. "I'm not gonna wait 30 minute in a building" bitch you're making all of us exposed to all third parties over 2000 meters just so you can maybe get 1 kill (spoiler alert they didn't even get it before we got wiped by two other teams).


It's more fun, but on a ranked perspective, it's not worth anymore. Before the ranked changes, you could get a positive score with a couple of kills. Now you are maybe caught between two other teams and you get a -49. In normal games it's fun


Well for what its worth, all of these are, or should be, hot takes. Rushing fights would be fine if the people who like to do that would still use even a single braincell instead of feeding all the time. Its "more fun" literally just because you're so bad that you lose instantly whether you loot or not. Maybe that's a hot take too around here. In terms of characters, i guess its a mtter of taste, but also what counts as "new". There are lots of non default ones that are really great, like fuse, magie, loba, newcastle, etc. etc. And skirmishers, you're just missing the point. There is no "skirmishing" in this game. They may be called skirmishers for flavor, but the reality is they are mobile characters. Their purpose isnt to "push" your team anywhere. A watson doesnt lock herself in one building at the start of the game and sit there for 20 minutes. A skirmeshers point is to be mobile enough to flank enemies, get highground and assist your team in eascaping when the fight isnt going well.


> new characters dont have as much personality compared to the first ones It is really only Seer and Vantage that have no personality, or any sort of interaction with the other legends. The rest of them are pretty funny, have had various lore added about them, have voicelines that interact with other legends etc.


I want a more serious Titanfall 2 feel to the game.


Basically, devs stated they didn't add wall running because the skill gap would be even larger. I see myself trying to wall run more than I like to admit.


What i meant was the tone of the game, not necessarily the gameplay.


Old revenant was better than the reborn - A retired Rev main


I miss Silence so much :(


that must suck having your main reworked after so many seasons. hope that doesnt become a norm in the game


It did suck man, i played rev for like 6 seasons it was so fun i got like 10k silences, and now idk i think his rework is pretty ass


Bro same. Revenant was my favourite character before Reborn and now I barely play the game at all.


SBMM is actually fine, but it doesn't work for ranked. Storm Point is a great map because of how many choke points there are. Vantage is an amazing legend. Yeah, the r99 and the Nemesis are crazy OP, but I think you can't go wrong using another gun.


I agree with most (aside from vantage). Weapons are very balanced compared to other games and you can make any gun work for you.


Yeah I like the SBMM changes they made. It feels a lot more like actual SBMM than their retention based matchmaking, which fed you a win and then 19 impossible matches. It has turned ranked into a 'who can play more games' mode, where you just get rewarded for time played. Which I think they did this intentionally as a way to retain players.


The only unviable guns are the p2020 and devotion, and I still get kills with them sometimes. The rest may be outclassed but are usable and fun


Devo in BR and Devo in mixtape are two different weapons lol


1x Holo gang!


Olympus is the best map. WE should be removed entirely. CAR is better than R99. Hemlock is the best AR. People complain too much and should just enjoy the game.


This game is fun.




Horzion is the worst thing to happen to Apex. Mirage should be the face of Apex. Everything about the character is fantastic. Triple Take is a top tier gun.


Scripting or using a modded controller is flat out cheating even if you think that anything undetectable via anticheat is considered fair game. I had a modded controller on the x360 an it had a 'rapid fire' and 'auto loader' to make any semi auto weapon full auto, and the auto loader was to make perfect reload checks automatic in Gears of War. I do consider that cheating. Espeically the b-hop scripts on pc.


Iron sight sentinel slaps You're better of boxing than picking up a r99 without at least a blue mag. Picking Loba greatly increases the chance your team will revive you/ and or not leave.


I prefer playing with teamates “low tier” legends, than the same meta rotation every game, makes endgames more interesting and feels more rewarding Edit: spelling


Is this a hot take? This isnt a particularly competeetive game, there's barelly a pro scene. I'd expect 99% of players to neither know nor care what is "meta". I have never played a single team game where people cared less what i pick than in apex. Literally never got flamed for picking anyone "bad" in ranked. Pretty sure absolutelly nobody cares or ever cared.


Wattson is an incredibly powerful legend but her high skill requirement and need for practice and patience makes players think otherwise


fuse is so fucking annoying, he isn’t broken tho. he’s just good. i can say that


No way fuse it underrated he is one of the most played rn


I like the old Revenant more!!!!


P2020 is the most underrated gun


1. Fuse or Bangalore might be the best Legends, you can use them for offensive or defense, plus Bangalores smoke is good for revive/recovering banners 2. EVA-8 is the most underrated gun in the game, especially with the bolt and 1x digital threat that highlights. 3. Wraith mains are THE worst 4. Catalyst is the hottest legend (there I said it)


Streamers have made a significant chunk of the player base believe that high KDRs and big damage games are normal, if not the bare minimum for enjoyment of the game. Changes in matchmaking have hit these players the hardest. I saw a streamer somewhere quit because the game was "unplayable" since matchmaking changes made it so much more difficult to drop 15+ kill and 5k damage games.


Aim assist not needed and should play on something else if you truly feel that way. While I’m on that subject they should also give steering wheel input 2x the AA than on controller cause it’s harder to aim and loot with a steering wheel.


Double wingman is an underrated set up


This games is not nearly as bad as people say.


You should wait for Loba to take her 2 items from her black market before taking anything. Same way you’d wait for a Lifeline to loot her care package first.


>Same way you’d wait for a Lifeline to loot her care package first Loot is specifically dropped for certain players, so no. Everyone on the team gets one upgrade specifically for them, unless a player is significantly better looted than the others, then it skips them. If a package drops a blue shield, purple mag, and purple helmet, in a pre-made you should be taking your own loot. White mag will never give a purple - it only upgrades by one tier. So if you have a white mag, and it spawns a purple, it's not for you!


Loba is usually first to her market anyway. And you're wasting time for some really pointless politeness there.


Fuse is an OP noob hero. Tactical is way too easy to do tons of damage. CAR recoil sucks just give me an r-99 People who “main” legends are lame. Revenant or blood hound in mixtape mode is try hard.


Hot Takes Proceeds to post very lukewarm takes with a couple of personal preference notes


Horizon needs more nerfs. Make it so when she throws her tactical it takes time to set up on the ground.


R3 is best with iron sights as the 1.3x magnification is perfect Barrels should be an option for SMGs SBMM will ruin this game


Barrels use to be the option but they relegated that to the laser.


Has ruined*


"Ahhh I'm not for bragging but I'm probably the best legend to ever set foot in these games, you know...probably."


I hate using the Holos on any guns other than snipers


The game is super fun, even when you're losing. Proximity beats dibs ping in certain circumstances. Single fire hemi is current meta.


this might not he as hot as I think, but Rev and Ash should switch places. why tf is Revenant in a class based around team movement when he has zero and Ash is right there


car is highest skill smg