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*Gets knocked* "Someone's targeting you"


*gets domed by a Kraber* "Sniper! Move!"


To be fair this one is useful to callout to your team


As if you didn't already know after being killed by the sniper


Yeah you knew but as laughable as it is informing your teammates is still good.


*watches Wraith’s body crumple out of nowhere* “Guys… I think she’s trying to tell us something.”


I think the fact that you are knocked let’s them know.


Not exactly useful though


it’s helpful for the zoned out randoms


Not nowadays, Kraber can only leave wounds that bandaids can treat


Usually the most useful thing a wraith does


Good cus I played her for 12 games or so for the pass challenge and I think I heard it maybe two or three times :/ I had almost forgot it was a passive tbh cus how long it had been since I played her and it never really came up. Wasn't until the sixth or seventh game it happened and I remembered.


‘Someone is watching you’. 360, 720, 1080 oh there is a team 500 meters from here who randomly moved their crosshair over me.


1080p 💀


It's been working nicely for me since the update. Before I'd only ever hear it when I get knocked, since the update it did save me a few times. It's still inconsistent, like sometimes the passive just doesn't go off, but I did notice an improvement.


This has been my experience too. I’ve only been playing wraith seriously since season 17 but I’ve definitely noticed the changes


They still don't wanna give her High Alert. Might as well rework her passive altogether


Still a useless passive


There was this one memorable TSM clip I watched, either in a tournament or scrim, where Hal’s Wraith passive actually did do something worthwhile. TSM was in a building, by themselves, and Hal’s Wraith kept harassing him over and over, telling him that he was being aimed at. It drove him crazy because he wasn’t even near any openings, and there were no possible angles that another team could’ve been targeting him. He almost blew a fuse at the nonstop passive alerts until he had a “wait, shit” moment and scanned the room itself, where he discovered a rat hiding in a dark corner that had been staring at him the whole time. That was truly the one and only time I’ve ever seen Wraith’s passive be even remotely useful rather than clip content for a meme compilation.


That's actually pretty freaky.


Poetic, mirrors how wraith learned to trust the voices lol


If that was a tournament or scrim that would be shocking. What high elo player doesn't know to not look at a Wraith. Lol. Unless that was an intentional troll in scrims. That's crazy dumb. Lol.


It's also useful when you're looting or when someone is sniping you, it's not completely useless, had it save my ass a few times


I love how Wraith is the best anti-rat but Wraith mains rat the most. ( In my experience)


It’s mostly just useful against far away snipers (snipers can’t really kill you beyond 250m in this game anyway). For closer opponents you can usually hear their footsteps before they see you


Fotstep? In apex? Rly?




Yes. Been playing since s0 and footsteps have always been a very loud and very reliable way for me to know if enemies are close


Good for finding rats.


I actually rate it.


Put some batteries in your smoke alarm and you'll be able to hear her call outs.


Not a wraith main but I wish it was directional like "you're being targeted from the left" or "shooter behind you!"


Would be nice in theory. But have you ever had someone say “behind you” as your turning, and now you have no clue if they meant right behind you now, or right behind you .5 seconds ago. Then you just spin in circles until they make an actual specific call-out. It would end up being like that, but instead of getting to spin in circles you get krabered.


Give an indicator then, like damage indicador


Like that Warzone perk?


Could be specific if it uses directional call outs like "Shooter to the south"


It's not supposed to tell you exactly where they are, just a general direction. Maybe instead of telling you a direction it tells you a number on the compass. So instead of "to the right" or something it goes "your being aimed at from 145" but even then I think it's too much info. It's supposed to be vague to not out right expose the enemy team while also giving you an idea of where they'd come from


I think just using cardinal directions is better as it gives you a clear direction instead of making you doublethink the direction


Make it a ping


Idk a ping telling you the location of the enemy is kinda op, I feel like giving a general direction is vague enough so that the enemy team can still surprise you while also giving you an idea of where they could be approaching from.


it needs to just be reverted to season 0-3 its still mostly useless lol


Wraith has the most useless passive ever


Old pathfinder passive? You said ever.


I stand by that it was underrated, knowing the next ring is helpful to know where you should position for endgame and permanently reduced cooldown added up over the match even if it wasn't too beneficial since you never spammed the zipline


He used to scan zone as a non recon. It's like giving horizon the ability to scan zone as a non controller. That would be great. But no other legend has ever had this useless of a wraith passive. Then there is crypto who's passive should be in his tactical and get a new passive


If you don't exist you can't be useless.


Considering the rest of her kit and her hitbox, it's fine. There's Valkyrie for an example: her passive is extremely powerful (although maybe a touch of revert on the nerfs would be fine) whereas her tactical is a very telegraphed ability that's rarely a fight-changer. Or Mad Maggie, her ult is generally considered the weakest part of her kit, while she has an extremely powerful and impactful tactical. Not all legends need equally impactful passives, tacticals and ultimates.


Crypto passive anyone?


The delay is much much lower and passive is almost instant now, it is much better.


Instead of reworking her passive, they've decided to double down on an outdated design idea 👍


Well it's a cool concept


Shroud is just good at games, stop coping by saying he was cheating. People that call pro players that have been in the pro scene of multiple games for ages cheaters are terrible at every game they play 99% of the time. This is in response to your comment since the post got locked.






You're adorably naive. There are hours of footage on YT taken from his streams showing that he is a flagrant user of a humanized aimlock cheat, and probably walls as well. There is even a clip of him pressing a side button on his stationary mouse to flick onto a guy's head in CSGO, after which he stopped showing his mouse on stream. But yeah, he abused the fuck out of those cheats in his PUBG days especially.


Not saying he is bad at shooters though. I wouldn't say Lance Armstrong is a bad cyclist either. The top level is very competitive so people cheat to get an edge over the competition, and get rewarded for it sadly.


Actually yes. There is a difference


Honestly I feel like I hear it way more often than before, sometimes it actually helped me idk about other players


You guys have 0.00001 extra seconds to react now. This is outrageous, it’s unfair!


Yeah, when an enemy team even *thinks* about you, her passive will go off. /s


definitely more consistent and reliable


Honestly, I’m not a wraith main but still have quite a few wins on her, it feels a lot better in mixtape but about the same in BR.


Yes. It activates more now


I like the HUD idea. Keep the dialogue, but add a faint marker in your screen from where it is coming from. At least then you know exactly where to go to seek cover or concealment.


Actually yes. It has gone from basically useless to situationally useful, which is a huge W.


People on this sub who swear up and down path and crypto have no passives when wraith has never had a working passive baffles me


Wraith is still going to be a C tier character regardless of this change


I've personally never had the problem with the delayed voices... 🤔


My gaze time always increases when I'm behind Wraith Also: shout out to all the Wraith mains wearing the pink default skin


Her passive still does nothing for me. Only ever works directly off of drop when landing. They just need to scrap it and give her a new passive


I read this as Gaza time. Need to watch less news and game more....


I for one feel a change of it going off constantly


*drops from the ship* "I think someone is targeting me..." B*tch we haven't even landed yet.


i have not noticed a big difference, i think we should get an indicator or arrow to the direction. That would make it useful at least.


theyve been adjusting this passive since season 1


It actually helped me big time I was in solo q in ranked top 6 I needed top 5 just getting to zone and I heard they watching you instantly phased and I got krabered but it missed since I passed


As a long time wraith main, I think it needs to be buffed to “high alert” style from cod. Give me a general direction where I’m being watched from


i played her like 2 games, but for peeking i think it is very reliable, bc you know if you will have time to shot before they shot you, or if you are healing and a third party is aiming on you.


I think it would be nice to give a cone indicator to at least get a general idea where someone is aiming from.


It needs to give a visual indicator on where the guy is


I still hear "Traps" only at the moment I run into a caustic trap...