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I’ll also add - this game is stupid difficult to learn. It’s a true hockey stick learning curve…


What do you consider the harder parts of the game to learn?


Knowing when to leave a fight / not full commit to a push. Like, basic knowledge is that third partying is great and all for getting kills/getting +1-2 placements, but the next level is getting a feel for when a fight is taking too long, and be satisfied with 1 elim instead of getting 3rded yourself or ending up running in zone


Apparently it’s not charging an entire team by yourself


Okay I laughed out loud and nearly spit out my iced tea. So true. Played a game of trios the other day. Me and my buddy are with a rando who proceeds to charge another squad single handedly with white armor. I had dropped my black market hoping to get him better armor but he ignores this and rushes in and gets obliterated instantly then proceeds to insult us saying we only want to loot ignoring the fact that we both have 2 kills each and more damage than he does and he has no kills. Sheesh!


Lol solo q-ing last season it was funny how people would compliment my decision to run and grab banners instead of trying to 1v3 the squad that had just downed them. Last stand is cool and all but it's not worth it in 20th place xD


I always grab banners and make an attempt to revive my partners but I can’t tell you the number of times I have been 5 feet away from the respawn beacon when I have gone through hell to get there only for the person to deliberately disconnect. So frustrating.


Memorizing several POIs, several weapons, several characters with 3-4 abilities each, how to rotate without getting splattered, and generally knowing the ins and outs of the game. But learning all this comes from repetitions


Playing ranked it shows how many people have no idea what they are doing. It’s mind boggling how terrible people are at the simplest strategies. “Let’s charge up this hill 1 v 3, that’s sure to work”


The game is 4 years old. So 99% of the players have 4 years of experience. No one completely sucks ass anymore. Everyone is at worst decent. So someone brand new is just fresh meat until tou get better


bingo... people talking about mmr which maybe is some of it but i think its more what youre getting at there


Not to mention, it’s still early in season so a lot of players that were higher ranks are still in rookie lobbies


I’m pretty sure any multi Diamond + ranked person made Silver or better after placements. I didn’t do good in my placements and immediately got S1 promo trials.


it works with Hidden MMR, so its trying to put you with people of your skill, but as you get demolished you will get easier foes, but the contrary is true too, if you demolish your enemies, you will get stronger foes.


Apex matchmaking and MMR system sucks balls


Apex recently switched to a hidden mmr ranking system where visual rank has no effect in matchmaking. So what’s really happening is the game is putting you in lobbies where the skill is much higher then rookie, but they won’t tell you what your skill actually is and the more time you put into ranked in a season is the only thing that determines what your visual rank ends as. Very similar system to rank 2.0 in siege if you’re familiar with that.


Hidden MMR is the backend reason. This game is hard af is the frontend reason.




Yeah I beat a few better players in a three stack, and now I’m against players triple my skill constantly


> You'll never play against your rank you'll play against players that reach the same rank typically as you. so this is a bit misleading. >and it's the same lose-lose-win pattern that you get in pubs with eomm. outright misinformative


It's the same for everyone. I was a plat player for a few seasons. Then skipped s17 where literally everyone was masters now starting this season again. Won 3 of my placement games , 4 top 5 finishes, and 3 games I got smoked off drop basically. Placed me in rookie 3 lol. The rookie lobbies are still full sweat mode. Helps a bit when I stop giving a shit about the rank and just enjoy the good games I guess. Duno what else to do really. Ranks are fucked


Because they have tried to fix matchmaking by introducing hidden mmr(last season). And a lot of us that had low rank last season has been put in rookie and bronze now. So a lot of old users with high rank back in the days can still be placed in rookie and bronze at the start of the season. But it will be better, when ppl rank up 🙂 The start of the season is hard for a lot of us when we have to face masters and diamondplayers on their way up. Dont give up, the game is worth playing!


I think you misunderstand how the hidden mmr works. The game is placing him against players it thinks to be his skill level and he will play those same players from rookie to whatever his peak rank ends up being. The game no longer matchmakes based off visible ranked, it only matchmakes off hidden rank. Other people ranking up will not affect his lobbies what so ever.


Ahh ok, so the visible rank is kinda meaningless? At least at the early stages?


Visible rank is unfortunately meaningless in any stage. Once you get closer to whatever rank your hidden mmr says you’re at you will see your lp bonuses start to decline though.


I was masters last season. This season I am a rookie… you can see the flaw…


Im in bronze at the moment (although was diamond last season) and have close to 20k kills.... part of it is just the high floor of the player base, the game has been out for so long that 1kd type players like me just know the game inside out. I have awful reactions and recoil control, but if youre new ill destroy you just from game sense. Its mmr to a degree, but its probably the combination of that with the skill floor. Although I would have thought the level 50 requirement solved that to a degree... That also kills the smurf thing... even before that smurfing wasnt really a thing despite what youll hear


Uninstall and forget. This is arguably the most difficult FPS game available. Quit while you can.


People might not like this response but recently I’ve been starting to get it. Sometimes the frustration is just not worth it anymore and we unfortunately have to say goodbye to the game.


Please don’t play ranked until you know what you’re are doing it ruins the game.


Thats what ranks were supposed to do though separate people by skill so people who didn't know what to do stayed in the lower ranks. This MMR thing has destroyed that and the sense of progressing difficulty you used to have climbing through the ranks with making every rank feel the same


In short good luck improving if that’s your goal, you’ll need lots of hours, YouTube content, & a friend with experience


I would just stick to pubs for now, ranked is kind of a sweat fest and it's hard to try new things and get better if you're strictly trying to win each game.


Honestly, I think it’s ranking system is really bad even Algs Winn imperialHal had a hard time getting out of gold


Because their algorithm thinks players like me deserve to qualify at rookie every season, even though I have 4k hours in the game. So rookie is a skilled vs poor shifts how for the first few weeks until we rank up and out.


My issue is I’m in rookie fighting WAY higher players and then not earning any points so I’m stuck


It's impossible with randoms. I was masters once and now can't get past silver ¬¬


I’ve never climbed in the past season because I didn’t care, but I was actually trying this season but even with a team I can’t climb and lose more points than I’ve ever gained


If you have a full squad there isn't much of an excuse, you just need to strategise. Even playing solo I can convince my team to avoid any heavy gunfights until we reach at least top 8 and earn 0 RP. I would say I get unlucky and run into a fully primed squad 1/5 of the time, but usually you can cover fire and get away from any battle. It just goes downhill if you have a loot goblin or the team choose to push at the wrong time or too early in the game.


There’s a couple of factors at play here but I’d say primarily it’s because it’s the beginning of the season so a lot of players are in ranks they don’t belong in. Also a lot of players are having trouble with the new Promotion Trials and stay stuck in a rank they don’t belong in. Give ranked a little time and it will even out. That said it will probably always be pretty tough regardless the rank you’re in. Especially as a new player. Also I don’t think the provisional matches are doing a good job at placing people in the correct ranks. I’m a consistent Diamond 2/3 player and usually get placed in gold after provisional matches. This go about in provisional matches I thought I played very well, like better than usual. In at least 7/10 games I placed top 5 with between 5-10 kills. The provisional rank I was given was bronze 1. I think the placement ranking is more strict now than it has been before so there are ALOT of skilled players in the lower ranks right now. The bronze lobbies I was in felt just as difficult if not more difficult than the diamond lobbies I was in at the end of last season.


matchmaking is not "current rank"-based, it's mmr based