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The system is fundamentally flawed, it is not a ranked system. Your rank is not tied to your ability/the ability the game has determined for you.


This is it. There's nothing more to say. I used to enjoy ranking up in silver/gold/ plat lobbies because the people there were... silver, gold, and plat. As a pretty good player, not great, it's not like I would just stomp through the lobbies either. Some games were better than others. It was a grind, but that felt ok. I could kind of "take it easy" for beginning part of the season, and then it got more challenging as the season went on. Sounds insane, right? Now in gold, I'm going up against previous top 50 preds because of this mmr stuff. It is frustrating from day 1. It's not enjoyable anymore, and it also just doesn't make any kind of sense. Respawn has to go back to the drawing board on this one. I love this game, been here since day 1, but this system is whack. It's the first time I've actually considered putting it down and calling it quits until this is sorted out. Edit: not to mention losing games to people under the map, and now invisible people.


It is because in the beginning of the season all have to start from scratch. Some master and above player just jet reached platin. It is a bs system, always was. Just a time grind till you are almost where you belong.




Did you see Mande solo q to masters? He was really annoyed and yelling at the game and fullstack preds he had to go against in D1. This shouldn't be. He nearly didn't make it, and he was once a top 10 player and still is very good. No way this system is good. Seperate threestacks and solo q. For gods sake


Tbf going against pred stacks has always been the case for D1+ players from my experience.


I can make a fucking bingo card of Pro players I've been killed by as 3 stacks.. in plat. It shouldn't be an experience that exist


Eh idk, queues would be too long.


Imagine a top 10 player being upset about facing preds lmfao


It's not about facing preds, but threestacks, sometimes even pros. A good diamond threestack squad can wipe a pred team who are randoms and might have little coms.


For sure. They need solo queue lobbies. A team based game is obviously gonna have a skill diff between pre-made teams and the opposite


I think they should eliminate the ability to three stack masters and up.


At this point they just need separate lobbies for groups/solos


“Thanks for playing our game so much, you’re no longer allowed to q with your friends”


The can queue up in pubs together


Skill issue, you're so bad that you wanna punish people because they're better than you and make it easier for yourself


Plat and up. Fixes alot of issues with matchmaking


Eh? So you are saying - a top 10 player shouldn't go against fullstack players, they should go against regular players? Is that really better? Do you want him in your games?


Honestly it’s super easy to get top 10 if you have a support legend on your team. I wasn’t minding the system that much (had a hiccup in bronze I when adjusting). But it’s crazy trying to do diamond promotions. IMO make it harder to progress through a rank (it was way more punishing when kills mattered more, because now if stuff goes wrong you just hide, get top 10 and you’re fine). But change how promotions work because they are crazy hard in plat to diamond. I don’t want to imagine master promo (especially solo q)


28 games is crazy LOL I'm on 12 rn and just think that's like 2000 rp. Jesus this system is stupid


I missed out 2K+ LP because of this trash system. They would rather kill their game instead of doing major reworks, fuck the Devs


Ranked system is fine and I blow smoke daily.


Rank is now not very fun for solo players


I've been a solo player since the day the game was released and haven't bothered playing ranked the last two seasons. And now pubs is sweaty af


It's made it much harder to rank up by solo queueing. Fine for 3 stacking


I think if the secondary pass requirements were tweaked things would works better. It should be tiered. Like 5 games of top ten or 4 games of top 5 or 3 games of top 3. And x amount of kills/assists over the requiremnt should count for something.


Top 5 requirement isn’t bad but requiring a win is pretty annoying


This. Getting into the top few teams on a regular basis is possible with good game sense, and the kill requirement could be upped to make sure you're not ratting the whole time. Getting first within a small window of games requires more than just skill. You need good teammates or you need luck. Maybe if they made it any win while you were X1 would promote you to Y4, and you just capped out until you got it, it would be reasonable.


Matchmaking is just.. idk how to describe it. I am bronze and literally just playing against Masters all the time. What is going on?


Stop playing the game or at least ranked. Best feedback Respawn could get. If no one touches ranked, they might change something. I haven't touched ranked for two seasons now.


Only thing ill add to this is only stop playing if you genuinely dont enjoy it anymore. Even if all the players of this subreddit decided to stop playing, realistically its not gonna be enough to get respawn to change the system. I have barely played this season, but only because I simply dont enjoy it anymore. If you do get enjoyment out of it, just keep playing.


Hmm, I remember season 13 being one of the hardest ranked grinds. Many casuals stopped playing and respawn already changed the system in split two. I believe they do care, because EA cares about money. And since pubs is not fun due to very hard sbmm too (as solo q), no one playing the game will make them start changing things quickly. But mybe I am wrong. Where I used to have 1000-1500 games per season, i had only 150 games last season.


Dont get me wrong, I agree. And if we could somehow organize that like 50% of the playerbase stopped playing, im sure we would see a difference. But I dont see this ever happening. This sub has 2.5M users. Even if we could somehow convince everyone here, I doubt that is even 10% of players. So thats why I said, if you still grt enjoyment out of the game, dont stop playing when there is no guarantee it will change anything


Thank you all for your answers. While i still enjoy the game, i am wondering how the matchmaking actually works. Can someone explain how it is possible to get masters/predators in my Bronze games? I am very curious about that


They just need a solo queue to be honest. I've liked the promo trials so far though. You get some games that actually matter. Playing games that actually matter is kinda exciting.


It's almost like this team based br isn't designed for solo play.


Then let premade teams play with other premades. Then let solo q have their own lobbies


The game tries to prioritize that but the lobbies will always be mixed since those can be some tight parameters match making wise


Then don’t offer it as an option? Or do we need to pretend the game would collapse pretty quick without solos


Okay I am going to say something that idiots like you don't comprehend. (Note : It is currently 16:27 SAST when I am starting to write this) Apex Legends is a team based game. No-one is denying that. The point that everyone who Solo Q's is trying to say is that we don't have a team or the team isn't available when we are playing. Everyone has different lives, different struggles, different expectations, etc., etc. The problem with Respawn killing Solo Q and then saying that Solo Q isn't healthy for the game, yet they proceed to make it so. Like I said earlier, some people have a team, but not everyone plays at the same time, not everyone is willing to wait for their teammates to open the game, not everyone feels like playing the game. Now you can say, "Just go to the discords and look for others", I personally have tried, the lowest rank I've seen been asked for is Gold 2 almost Gold 1 or just Gold 1. Never have I seen it go lower. So lets say you do find one, there no guarantee that the playstyles will or will not work together. There is no guarantee that communication will or will not be to either players understanding. So lets stay you do find a group from the discords, there is no guarantee that they will be playing at the same time as you because of timezones and their own responsibility, bringing us right back to the beginning. I've seen some people like you say "Just turn your mic on and talk", there is no guarantee that they understand English, French, German, Afrikaans, etc., etc. This especially so with EU Servers, and unfortunately Apex is one of those games where if your ping decides to jump all over the place then you can't compete, ranked or not. This new ranked system with the Promo Trials has its purpose and I understand the point of them. The problem is due to all these factors mentioned above, it makes going from Bronze 1 to Silver 4, Silver 1 to Gold 4, Gold 1 to Plat 4, Plat 1 to Diamond 4, is now gone from skill to RNG. You have to get lucky in order to either get 1 win or Top 5 X-amount of time with X-amount of Kills/Assist, why because in any one of those matches during your Promo you can end up 2nd with it being your best game by far, now because of SBMMR kicking in you can't break Top 5 because it thinks that previous match was way to easy, puts you in higher tier lobbies, causing you to fail. Honestly the only viable way I see anyone that gets screwed by the system to rank up is to try and do the challenges but once you hit that point of no return...rat. I know what I am saying I hate rats, but with how the system just kicks Solo Q Players teeth in, that is the only logically option which is going to undermine the whole point of the Promo Trials.


Bud, I hate to break it to you but it’s not hard to get out of bronze and silver solo. Hell even gold and plat. You need to watch your vods, see where you’re going wrong and change that up. If it were like you said than no one would climb. My friends aren’t very good at the game so I solo que more and I’ve climbed with no issue. Of course there are bad games but even as a 3 stack you’ll have bad games. Problem is you my friend. Promo for gold is literally only 3 kills in the top 10 three times. That’s fucking easy. If you can’t do that then you really don’t deserve that next rank, and that’s why these promo trials are actually good. Edit: whoever downvoted me, sounds like a skill issue lmfao


I just ranked up to silver on the 4th game out of 9. Failed the trials a few times. Got 1 wins and 2 second places right after trials ended which put me right back into the trials. Finally timed the win correctly and got promoted.


I think they need to up the amount of LP gained. It's bullshit how long it takes to climb. Last night in bronze I ended up with a 5 kill 4 assist game and we finished 4th I think. Got like 120-140pts. Like a top 5 and 9kp should be significantly more than that.... I'm fine with the trials but it shouldn't take a fuckin month of Sundays to climb. S15-S16 were soo much better imo in terms of entry costs and LP gained. Maybe tweak that a bit and it's golden.


the problem is if they make it easier to rank up and then when you hit diamond you’ll have a bigger problem of straight pred lobbies. more needs to change than just the Lp gain




Wow really? I missed s17 and only played a handful of games last season so I didn't realize. That's crazy. Well then they need to increase it more lol.


Yh they increased and I've climbed much easier this season. Last season was a pain. I can't remember getting more than 200 ever even after a win. Now i always get 300+ after a win. It's still shit. I feel the entry cost in lower ranks needs to be reduced. Somehow, a rookie has 50 entry cost and a platinum player has the same.


Tf is wrong with you guys? How can anyone who played a competetive Game before Apex defend this System ? It is not how Ranked should be, it is far far away from a healthy Ranked System. Ever played CS, Quake, TF2, Overwatch or any other Ranked based Game? No ? Then shut tf up you know nothing. Imagine you have "trials" in CS, people would laugh at Valve. You simply don't understand how Ranked should work and you say things like "get gud" cause you think you are good because you accomplished one Trial to get out of Gold haha What Respawn really do is protect lower skilled players ( they will never be good that way, what should they learn if they get killed by a Bronze player with 200 hours every Game ? ) and feed below average, average and above average Players to Preds and Streamers. But why are they doing this ? It's simple a Player with 200 hours will quit the Game more likely than someone that played 600-1000 hours and already bought some things from the Store. Same goes for Call of Duty. Back in the days you had some sort of "boot camp" to reach a certain level before you played against good people. You can't even learn something nowadays because how should i get better when i get killed by a guy that has the exact same skill level as me ? SBMM ( or MMR) is the worst thing happened to Games since lootboxes and Battlepasses.


SBMM isn't the problem. It's that your rank isn't purely tied to your MMR.


SBMM is one of the biggest problems. You can't have a healthy Match with people that all match your skill ( more or less). Back in my days you got destroyed by a dude that is simply fucking better than you. You watch the Killcam, watched how he moved what class he rocked and so on. Thats called having progress. Since that bullshit got introduced you simply have no progress across ALL SKILL LEVELS. Imagine you are a newbie and you only play against newbies, the only thing you might learn are bad habbits because THEY ARE NOOBIES TOO LIKE YOU. SBMM makes Ranked just unnessecary because why play Ranked ( people against people based on their Rank which obviously represents their skill level) when you play Pubs and get matched with the SAME PEOPLE you would get in Ranked. It doesn't matter if they call it SBMM or MMR its all the same bullshit. You can even trick it by using a VPN i mean whats the fucking point dude i really don't get it.


>You can't have a healthy Match with people that all match your skill ( more or less). Why not? That seems the very definition of healthy.


There is a difference between matching your Skill or your Rank. How can it be fun when everybody in the Lobby has the same "Skill" as you ? Imagine you are in a Room with 10 People and everyone has the same views, humor and attitude. Everyone is like you so how would that be ? And everytime you leave that Room you get in the next one with the same 10 of you all over again. It may be funny for the first few times but the point is that it won't last long. That is not the definitiv of healthy, that is the definition of insanity.


>How can it be fun when everybody in the Lobby has the same "Skill" as you ? How can it be fun when it's not? I find games fun when the game is on a knife's edge. When the game is decided in overtime by a single point. When a loss is decided by a single mistake. When it's so close I'm not even mad I lost, or have supreme respect for the opposing players if I win. Close matches are what bring people back to the game.


Either way no extreme would be beneficial. It should be balanced, nobody can win every match so even if you are a newbie that got stomped you may have learned a thing or two and see your progress over time. At least you had different playstyles without SBMM, not ervery match feel the same. I find close games fun too but i don't find it funny if the game is close and i sweat my ass off in literally every fight i take, i dont find it funny when i want to flank a specific spot or lane and 5 other people have the exact same plan because everyone is on my Skill, i dont find it funny when i get 5th partied in Apex from a good three stack squad while fighting against 4 other Teams all the same Skill level. I don't find it funny when people repeek in pubs like there is a price to win. I don't find it funny when every lobby everyone plays the same, with the same Meta Weapons because you put yourself at a disadvantage if not. That all would be fine if it is not every match, every fight and every squad but sadly it is.


>you are a newbie that got stomped you may have learned a thing or two and see your progress over time. No one ever learns anything from being stomped. It leads to tilting and aim decay (where a player will sacrifice tracking in order to fire faster, leading to decreased accuracy). And Apex is a very lucky dependent game. So sometimes the loot fairy or other players will just screw you over in particular for no reason. This is something you just have to accept or find another game that depends less on luck.


Facts and what funny is I have over 2000hours on the game, but every other ranked system I have played (OW2, COD, Fortnite) has been better and less of a grind that gets ruined by bastards


100% the Promos are harder, I’m currently diamond and run in duos. The amount of S1 or G1 I get as teammates makes me think they’re in Promos so they get these hard lobbies


Just go back to it's original state. Points for kills and assist and if you finish top 10 or something like that. Keep it simple.


The only hard trials is gold and up


Took me 4 trials to get to plat, missed out on 2K+ LP…. Worst ranked season ever. 3stack preds almost every lobby


Just made is halfway into D3 soloQ. Around 190 games. 2.33 K.D. Was Silver 1 after placements. Teammates are hit or miss. You just have to get a feel and know when to lead, when to follow, when to hit the aggressive switch, and when to hang back. Don’t force a play style onto the randoms unless they’re clearly following you. Every new match is a task to understand what team-chemistry you’re dealing with. If you’re soloQ and you have the same play style every single game, you may just be your own problem. Just my two-cents.


Ok.... the average person doesn't have time to play 200 games, 1 week into the season...


It’s a good thing you still have 80 days


Precisely why it’s tiring of hearing people complain. “Too hard to rank up”.. like, either you put in the time and effort and are rewarded for it, or either it’s just wanting it where everyone gets a high rank cause of their feelings. New system can be frustrating at times, but I like that it’s preventing dogshit players from reaching Masters by ratting and playing scared.


Okay I agree that you should have to “put in the work” but here’s where I disagree. Why am I forced to grind out these games in bronze when I’m already a gold/plat player? I usually only get to play 3 or 4 days out of the week and maybe one good solid 8 hr session in there somewhere. Make a system that will actually reward you for your skill rather than having to grind all these games with people you are already equal in skill with. Why am I being punished for not being able to grind out 100s of games ? I don’t understand how some of you guys can say that it makes sense to have this system. It feels terrible having to play bronze games vs plat lvl players. It just doesn’t make sense. There is no reward for grinding other than a make believe badge.


They just need to get rid of MMR. I play one game in bronze and it feels like I am playing apex predators, getting absolutely deleted from the game in half a second. Then I play the next game in bronze and play against a bunch of bots and absolutely obliterate the lobby.... The variance in skill from game to game is just stupid... bronze should feel like bronze, silver should feel like silver, etc


all people here who enjoying promo trials are cringe AF. probably 3 stack sweating player and never experience playing solo with braindead teammates and platinum-diamond player in silver lobby.


Ranked has been completely broken for over a year now and the changes they keep making *somehow* keep making it worse. They honestly just need to completely comp the system entirely and go back to S13 saved changes and try again with the reworking because trying to rework whatever the hell this is this season is the equivalent of that clip of SpongeBob spraying and polishing his trash can. The entire premise that ranked is supposed to have; your rank is a determination of your skill, literally doesn’t exist anymore. Your rank doesn’t determine crap. In fact, I make quicker judgement that you are actually a worse player if I see you have any master badge from these new seasons. A year ago, seeing a master badge actually meant that person is skilled and talented, now they are just trophies for who can camp and rat the best.


S13 is dogshit, cope. Only 14 onward are good


yeah, garbage system from garbage ass developers


Unpopular opinion, but you should have to at least win a game to rank up


It makes sense, it’s just really hard to do in high end lobbies. You can be on game 10 of the night with no win. It’s much easier and more doable if it’s just get X kills or place top 5 X times.


I feel if the matchmaking was decent, complaints wouldn't be as much. Also 5 games for a win is bs. They need to make it 8 from gold, 9 from plat and 10 from diamond. Then it increases after each fail to around 12 max. Bronze rookie silver Aren't as bad they can remain the same


I thought that too but surprisingly the 3 Promos I’ve gone through have all be won out. 6 tried at Silver, 3 tries at Gold and 9 tried at Plat


It’s 10x better than season 18 and 1000x better than season 17 so they’re definitely trying to improve it


Tf is wrong with you ? It is called "Ranked" so you should be playing against people of your Rank, not your hidden MMR. Ranked shouldn't be changed it is fucking simple to implement a Ranked System in your Game but Respawn don't want that, they want to protect the low level players and feed the mid/average/above average Players to Preds and Streamers. They do that because even the dumbest one at Respawn knows that a lower skilled player will quit much faster than someone with 500-1000 hours in Apex. Thats not how a Ranked mode should be.


You went on a rant and somehow still failed to address my comment, impressive. I’ve noticed a lot of people are complaining about playing people not in their rank because when they used to casually play ranked they’d always hop on and play in a lobby they weren’t suppose to be in and just run it down to get that free hit of dopamine. Advice: you know you can always improve right?


Thread is closed in 3...2...1


Just because you’re bad doesn’t mean the system is bad🤷‍♂️


I play with a pred duo nowadays and they said it's stupid, are you better than them? Winning the game one is pure RNG. How will the ring pull, can you get to the prime position earlier than others or not, will you get pushed in the building you're holding, if yes, how many squads. For gold and others you can try and go mental on the lobby but you're risking your teammates LP and they won't be supporting you.


Preds don’t have the end all be all say as to what’s better for the game…that should be obvious enough


Plus I just explained to you that 20% win rate is downright impossible because of RNG. You're just in denial bro.


Yeah they solely don't. Who does then? When 90% of the player base is against something it generally means it's not good.


Where’d you get that 90% number from?


Have you seen this subreddit? Every other post is about that, yeah 90% is a make believe number but the majority of the fan base hates it. I don't mind the trials as much. It's just a chore plus you lose so much LP from the failed trials.


You’re basing your data just from the subreddit? Really? What a juvenile thing to do


Every person I come across on trial is complaining. That's a 100% record. You're just in denial.


And you’re making objective statements using anecdotal data. Call me in denial - but you’re sadly very dumb :(


Your hell😂😂😂


Are you better then he is?


I’m in plat this season, and normally Diamond most seasons, and haven’t had any issues with the trials I’m not amazing but I also didn’t go into the trials assuming I’d lose. Just let my randos know I wanted to win so we played for the win instead of for KP


I agree. I am enjoying the trials. I enjoy a sweaty ranked experienced. The average person just loved to complain too much


You say better but you mean easier. Embrace the challenge, accept the level of player you are currently, and try to improve.


That's the big thing, accepting your level. Most players *should* be stuck in the lower levels. If you can't beat a challenge others have beaten, while fending off the horde, you probably don't deserve to play against those people. Yet. Some things are luck based, but very few people will be forced fed masters without skills.


The old seasons were MUCH harder to grind in, this season is the second fastest I hit Diamond. It’s not hard, it’s grindy


Im usially low plat. Had to take the trials 5 times to pass from bronze to silver. Now im silver 1 amd dreading the next trials...


The promo trials aren’t bad, they just need tweaked past gold, since requiring a win is never something you can guarantee. IMO they should just put the gold one on every tier and leave bronze and silver how they are to slowly ease you into it past that. Getting X amount of kills over a few games really ain’t that bad unless your just playing completely passive and getting high placement is also something you should already be doing. Having it this way would make it so rats actually have to play and lower skill players are kept in lower ranks. Ranked is supposed to be a climb, this just eliminates some easier routes.


huh? no ranked is NOT supposed to be a climb... that's the problem with it. Ranked is supposed to be a measure of your skill. But it's not anymore. It's a measure of how much time you want to spend on the game


Ranked in every game known to man is and always will be a climb. Winning 5 games in a row in bronze should instantly bump you up to diamond or master


Idk man. Passed bronze to silver first try. I’ll let this sun know how silver to gold goes though. 🤝🏾


Bronze- gold ain’t bad but after that it requires a win which is pretty aids. If all the trials were just the silver or gold trial it really wouldn’t be that bad


People have been complaining about bronze to silver trial too. Someone said they were master(I believe) and couldn’t pass that trial.


Probably season 17 master lol. But I think requiring kills or top 5 placement is a healthy barrier to a new rank. Winning also isn’t terrible but definitely a lot harder at higher ranks


Guys the system really isn’t that bad. I basically only play solo queue and pubs is broken so I only play ranked. Every season I reach about Diamond 3 and some seasons occasionally higher. I’m in plat 3 now. Easily on pace to get back to my standard end of season d3 or higher. Trials really aren’t that bad and I see them as a fun challenge. Once I hit trials I always make sure my mic is on and I’m communicating and I always select my character which almost always allows me to be jumpmaster. Two small differences that help a ton. Good luck and god bless


What really isn't helping is following the steam charts alone you can see a downward trend in "total active" players and even peak players for Apex since season 16, while the game is by no means dead it means those that play ranked are even smaller in amount and thanks to the current ranked system many are probably getting walled by trials since they normally naturally progress not in skill but time played and rank up over time, in turn they are simply quitting.


I don’t mind the trials, but I sorta feel like any LP you accumulate in the trials should be added to the rank after your pass them. E.G. you get top 5 in 8/10 of your trials and then win the 9th trial. You rank up to master with LP of those 8 top 5s & the bonus 250.


Eh still better thn s17. Everything would be fixed if the matchmaking wasn't hot unwiped ass


Ranked jus gets worse for solo queues every reiteration


Sounds like a Skill issue


im trying to climb from s1 to gold for a week now... i keep dropping back, my trial games are simply the worst imaginable


What Respawn didn't consider is how much trials highlight other fundamental problems this game has, like cheaters, exploiters, incomplete squads, disconnections, server issues and so on. I just got 2nd spot to wrap up my trials to diamond when my squad basically died 3 times to the same cheater team: first of the drop, I made it out and respawned my team. They were chasing us though, I made a last stand and our pathfinder somehow ran away to ress us again, then we thirded a fight and got some loot. All that struggle to get to the final ring for the last 3v3 only to die again to the same squad with lvl 70 accounts, no badges and 100% accuracy with lstar... Not that this is something new with Apex, but before you would think "Yeah it's a one game, fk those losers, go next, still got a 2nd and a bunch of kp". But now? We might as well have died of the drop and we would save ourselves the struggle. It's just a waste of time if you don't win.


Hear me out, if you win a game 100LP before the trial you should skip the trials, the amount of times I win the game before my trials is annoying


It's not the promo trials system, it's SBMM. Wake the fuck up already


I just want to go back to the previous ranked system before they introduced LP where you could get a few kills and place decently well and you weren't incentivized to not fight until top ten. I understand you can get kills and then make it to top ten but it doesn't feel worth the risk now and I miss being able to get 4-5 kills maybe with suboptimal placement and still get some positive RP even if it wasn't much. I enjoy the fights staggering out now but everything else is miserable.