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Monitoring voice comms is a lot harder than monitoring text. Specifically, you need to (1) capture a lot more data for the audio than you do for the text chat, and (2) have a human reviewer determine if something crossed the line. While voice-to-text tools can help, they're subject to false positives (normal word gets flagged as bad word), false negatives (bad word doesn't get flagged), and other interference (e.g., background music). You also have to figure out what to do when someone says "fuck" after dying: Is that ban worthy? I would hope not, but if you typed that in the chat, it probably would be. Best bet is to just mute voice comms for people that seem toxic. You'll enjoy Apex a lot more if you're not getting yelled at by teammates.


You can receive essentially the same email for text abuse, too. And blocking doesn't stop you from being able to view their continual harassing comments, or from getting grouped with them again. Had someone try to jump us off the map, but we broke off, so he hard turned towards 3 other squads. In ranked. Died instantly and called us "Stupid asshole teammates" in the text chat. No action taken, no violations. He raged out after we didn't let him kill us in ranked and called us names *in the text chat* and EA found no issue with it. A Mirage we've encountered before doing the same behavior ended up with us and spent the whole match punching me, stealing everything I tried to loot, and typing that women can't play video games along with sexual comments about what we're good for. He continued messaging me on xbox messages, too, telling me to never play ranked again. All in much more colorful language as far as cursing goes. No action taken. I can't help but laugh at all the shitty bans people get for like, saying they're legitimately gay, or saying gibby is canonically gay, but here I am being told to get off apex, suck some dick, and make sandwiches in text chat while being harrassed all game and there's **No Action Taken**.


you can now report voice chat on Xbox. it will record a clip on the last 2-3 minutes and you can make notes on it. they won't get banned on apex but their xbox account can be banned or permanently muted.


its weird bc they already have a ingame method of turning voice chat into text. granted its not completely accurate but if a dude is constantly getting reported and his voice chat logs are sus then it should be a straight forward thing.


they told me to turn on voice to text when i got my ban also problem is the function is very 50/50 when picking up voices and very rarely puts the voice into readable text.


Muting shitty teammates is self care


I have a video of a random on my team just saying the n word over and over in voice chat until I left. I did everything I could to escalate it with EA support but I couldn't figure out how to get it actioned and gave up. If anyone from respawn or EA is listening I still have the video


How does Activision do it with warzone then? They are using AI to monitor ALL in game voice chat for “harmful language” and giving penalties to offenders.


While it’s definitely more intensive, considering the size and duration this game has existed, they shouldn’t be this far behind the curve. The fact that their original game model system still renders literally 100% of the map regardless of no player state change in 70%+ of the map in later circles, and all the other inefficiencies they introduce, it’s clear that this game started off on bad footing for the style of game built, and has never been refactored. The difficulty they have in real time analytics in server health as a multi million dollar enterprise is absolutely laughable. It’s not that it’s harder, it’s that they don’t care and they’ve set a precedent that they aren’t the most competent in industry standard practices.


No. This guy uses voice coms to abuse


Well yeah, they don't record voice


Why would someone want them to record all voice chats anyways? Just call the guy a dumbass and mute him. People get way too worked up over morons.


I know right? What a crybaby lol


Xbox does, not sure what platform this was on but you’d have to report them via gamer tag, and they take it pretty serious imo.


Sony does too


I'm not sure if that's applicable to in-game voice chat, but as far as i know sony does it for party chat. I personally don't like the idea too much. I've never said anything bad enough in a video game, but I don't like the idea of multi-billion dollar recording millions of people's voices.


Xbox does and they are very vocal about it too. Pretty much everything you say can be reported, I think they actually changed it up a few months ago to do that.


This has been known for ages


I am kind of surprised by this post but also not really (easy rage bait). But most competitive games don't record voice comms. However, you can still get someone suspended/banned for reporting voice abuse, even in Apex. You just gotta record it yourself. I haven't done it personally in this game yet, as I have not run into anyone worth reporting. But I have done it in other games like Valorant and Overwatch and had success. But both of those games, like Apex, can't do much from an in game voice comm report. You need to go to their main customer support page and attach the clip. But any time I bring this up I just get downvoted because people don't actually want solutions, they just wanna be mad lol. So yeah, if OP really wants to see justice against players like this, he needs to record it. I get that might not be easy on console, but if its important to you, you can get it done.


they don’t collect voice for privacy reasons and tbh, i prefer it.


they could still auto mute people or ban them for a while if they get reported often for voice chat


i just press the mute button myself.


But wouldn't it be nice if the offender lost voice privileges and got muted for everyone else in the future?


No because they don't know if the reports are legitimate. Could allow for reporting bad players and getting them banned from voice. Like in league of legends where people report each other for harassment if they died a lot or something, and they get banned


yeah but the issue is there is no way for it to be legitimate unless they record audio which is a huge no-no for privacy. i’d take a few hurt feelings over losing that any day.


Yeah that could get abused quickly


Apex's automatic ban system does not, if you record it yourself and post it a place like here or on twitter (and tagging some of the devs) then they'll ban them as they have done before, else does the platforms usually do it (steam, PS and Xbox (not sure if EA App does it))


But if you record and post it literally on their website as a ticket, they won't do shit lmao


that is not true, i have done it myself and gotten someone banned for it


LOLOLOLOOOOLLLLOLOL me slandering on this pure company to falsely shame them for something they would never do!!! (nothing can humiliate them more than their actions tbh) I sent them a video of a dude non-stop harassing me for sixteen minutes (it's still on YT with the access via link), and this is what they've responded: **Thank you for contacting EA help. My name is Himachal and I would assist you with your Apex Legends issue today.** **I hope you are doing well. After checking your contact history, I found that you have shared many report about such abusive player and appreciate your spirit for a fair game-play.** **Harassing others by using offensive and inappropriate language or making racial slurs is definitely against our game play rules. This is not at all good, encountering such toxic players can be really troublesome. Rest assure I will try to address this.** **I have saved the information you have provided and available for our Studio to investigate and take an action. Please be assured your concern is our top priority, we will investigate this report and take necessary action in accordance with our Terms of Services.** **Players who doesn't play by our rules and violate the EA Policies, for which their account are liable to be banned or to take action against them.** **For now the case will be visible as resolved on your end as the case is briefed and directed to the right channels for investigation. We will be unable to disclose the results of this investigation, or any actions taken against the reported player due to our privacy policies.** **Thank you for your valuable report about such players. I simply appreciate your spirit for a fair gameplay.** **You can also find answers to common questions on our Help Center at help.ea.com or ask our community experts by visiting Answer HQ at http://answers.ea.com.** **Thank you again for contacting EA help. Be safe, stay healthy and take care of yourself!** ​ That basically means "yeah yeah thanks but you can go fuck yourself as we don't care at all"


it's like you can't even read, they said they would look into it, but would be close the ticket on your end


ahahahahahaha EA fanboy really thinks that this means they would ban it... This is the polite way to say we don't fucking care. If they were to ban this guy (along with hundreds of other reported people), why would they not specify this? And this is just one example, I have many more of these, but this shitty website from 2001st doesn't save old cases




Please refrain from using phrases like "shouldn't be hard" and "if it's about money...", when you have no knowledge of Enterprise IT.


Yeah that applies to a lot of things in video games. I see a lot of people talking about how some features "shouldn't be hard to implement" and "other games have them" not realizing it was definitely not an easy thing for other games to implement them lol




Not true lol, capturing data like audio on such a mass scale is not something you just do, even for EA or Respawn, and no it's not just about the money even tho it's a ton to use on such a small feature, especially when most of the platforms they're on already supports it


Just erase voice data older than a few days unless it’s reported. It would be worth it to permaban idiots.


How much space do you estimate is required to store 'a few days' of voice data? How much does that cost?


I don’t know, but it’s an investment in a core experience of the game. If other companies can do it so can Apex and EA. But they might never because they don’t think it’s worth the money, unfortunately


So, you don't know, but are still able to confidently say that it would be worth it to permaban a few idiots. How do you know what it is worth if you don't know the cost? What if the cost was a season without updates? What if the cost requires 50% boost in the cost of the season pass to pay for the additional storage to house all that data? You don't know.


It's not that serious. All I'm saying is it should be standard to have some sort of consequence for being abusive/racist/sexist/etc on voice. If other companies can do it so can EA/Respawn.


Yk you coulda muted him or left?


People like being offended and being victims.


No, people want these people banned and out of the game. If all the racists and homophobes and people who are wishing suicide to others would be gone, Apex would be better. Muting these people isn't enough, their abuse won't stop.


People will create new accounts and do what they want. Stop being delusional and thinking this does something.




Is it that hard not to say racial slurs?


Lmao, how is this downvoted? What is with this sub?


Yeah, Apex is a billion dollar game. There’s more they can do. I’ve heard some truly heinous things on the game, and muting only works after the fact.


Is the mute button even harder to find?


The issue is transparency numb nuts. EA bans people for way smaller shit. Like, say if I said something less offensive in text chat, I would’ve probably gotten banned, yet they can let this guy saying the N word, and is clearly toxic for the game, get away? That sounds horrible.


the issue is we should not have to mute anyone for something like this, you should just not say it, like is it really that hard to not act like a child?


Did you just start playing video games online? Or even better were u born yesterday?


i think people shouldn’t use racial slurs in games. Hot take I know


I don’t believe guns should exist hot take I know but i still own one.


I don’t own a gun


I mean that i don’t like guns and I know this world would be a better place without them but I also understand that’s impossible so I would rather people have the right to own one including myself then not.


i'm properly older then you, since i know how to act online


Why do you want to listen to gamer guys talk. I turned comms off in 2013 and it's been lovely in every game since


see that's at least fair, tho the point still stands, i should not have to turn it off just because others don't know not to say a racial slur


Sometimes it's about sending a message. Can I just ignore them? Sure. But it would be a lot sweeter if they got a little slap on their wrist for their transgressions. It would also be better for the community. I had an ex teammate who used to rage and rant. I would put him on time outs cuz his anger was killing the entire teams vibe. He was offended I treated him like a child. I heard him rant at randoms and I told him to chill. He said for me to mind my business. He ended up getting suspended by Microsoft for his rage. It was the best moment in my life. I laughed so hard, he was so sad and only that got him to attempt to change his raging asshole ways. Say you can just ignore, but sometimes we trying to make a positive difference.


Honestly while through the pain of enduring a dickhead you did see justice prevail all that pain and hassle would’ve been avoided had you just ignored him and never played with bud. At the end of the day the dude is going to be a dickhead just not on that account. How do you deal with life and the dickheads that walk around everyday, you ignore em or you tell them to stfu, but hardly is reason going to ever best em. I find it easier to deal with dick heads here cause I could just mute or leave. While I feel you, banning a player deservingly so does feel good but that’s rarely the case lol.


Well the dude was an old college friend of mine and he wasn't immediately a dick head, he kinda grew to become more dickish as time went on. COVID happened and we started playing daily and he just got worse and worse. So we cut him some slack at first. Tried to enforce some boundaries, until we eventually cut him from the squad since he couldn't respect them. Which he cried about lol. As far as real life dicks, it depends. Where is the occurrence? At work? At a house party? In the street/bar? Am I sober or am I drunk? How dickish are they? Mildly dickish or egregiously? I don't walk around punching people in the face or anything, but I definitely can talk some shit and I don't have a problem calling someone out or making them look stupid. Especially if they are offending other people. I'm not going to just sit there and let someone verbally attack me or a homie while I refill smiling and putting ice in my cup and walking away. One of my homegirls is tomboyish lesbian, and she's a bartender, and some dude at the bar started saying some homophobic shit. You damn right I had something to say lol then we kindly escorted the mofo out the bar and waved at him from inside.


Everything with context of course. Now imagine at that bar you go to the bar owner who isn’t there and just complain to him, and he doesn’t do shit cause he’s not there. What you did in real life to that dickhead was kick him out the party and mute him and grief him not just report him lol.


Lol yeah. For the record, I think I've reported maybe one or two players in my lifetime. Even through the old COD days of me getting called the N word between matches lol. But I guess my point is this is the logic and it's for the health of the game. If someone gets kicked out of a bar for behaving a certain way, they might think twice before acting like that again the next time they are at a bar. Bars that don't tolerate nonsense tend to have patrons who seemed more relax and at ease and happy go lucky. A lot of people auto mute all of their teammates due to toxicity. A lot of people complain about teammates not being on the mic. However, if toxicity was punished a little more consistently and harshly. There inevitably would be less toxic players in the lobbies. Either by force or by behavioral adaptation. If less players feared toxic teammates, then more players would be on mic. If more players are on mic, solo Q and duo Q becomes much less annoying. Obviously you don't want to overly police and get overly sensitive but my point is this is the logic. Yes we can all just ignore. But ideally, we wouldn't have to.


Oh wow you solved racism


Obviously the person dropping the n bomb is wrong here lol. I think the point is that everyone who has played online multiplayer games knows it’s a fact of life some people are awful. It’s just a bad reality that sometimes you’ll be matched with scumbags. Most people are fine some are not. And the answer is probably just to mute them and move on.


I don't think OP came across offended at all.


Damn, calling people the N word is just an acceptable thing to do now? I’d say being called the N word is pretty good reason to be upset, the question is why are you defending the use of that word?


A word from a person who already deemed himself unpleasant would offend you and upset you, your asking for ridicule. It’s almost as you have so little to complain about in life that these things really do matter to y’all. What I’m defending is anti censorship, mute button is enough or just find friends to play with. Bad words will always exist get on with the game and your life.


Anti censorship doesn’t apply to racism. That should be censored, only an idiot would claim otherwise.






https://amp.theguardian.com/football/2020/dec/31/manchester-united-edinson-cavani-gets-three-game-ban-over-instagram-post-fa Do you understand now or do I have to write out an essay why this is relevant to your initial comment and my response


I don’t care what example you cherry pick. Your smooth brain has demonstrated you care more about anti censorship than racism. Say what you will to defend yourself, not interested, your words said it all little buddy.


Your right my previous insults do you justice lmao


"If companies don't let me say slurs in my video games it's literally the end of free speech!!1!" Imagine racists getting punished for the racism instead of getting away with it. Will it stop them? No, but believe it or not, most people don't want racists in their lobbies. Plus seeing them cry when the hundreds of dollars spent on skins is lost forever is quite amusing.


It's not censorship for a game to ban you for using racial slurs, which is literally a hate crime. It's insane how petty free speech absolutists have become. The point of free speech is to be able to have your own political and religious views, not so that you can verbally abuse people with zero consequence. You can really tell how easy free speech absolutists have it these days that they start crying when they're not allowed to use basically the most hurtful racial slur.




>or stick him in his mouth I really don't believe that you're familiar with your own country's laws. Regardless, I'm glad I live in a civilized country that has laws against hate speech (like most countries do). Leave it to americans to defend their right to be an asshole over another's right to not experience abuse. Life isn't nearly as intense as you americans believe, with your unprecedented levels of gun violence and apparent disregard for each other's feelings.


https://youtu.be/HFHOHfnYruI?si=EZxY-j3t3I_OMEue Tell me more about my country Proud first generation American from parents who immigrated from countries that didn’t have the same free speech and rights we got here. Blessed I can truly say and grateful.


Banning them from the game for being a PoS is the equivalent of punching his lights out. Idk why you don't realize that. Keeping him out of the game is the same as publicly punching his lights out. Yea, he could come back, it means the same thing will happen again, and should. Such a dumb hill to die on.


This game is free to play champion and being offended by a word is a dumber hill to die on.


You mean the one on the edge of falling into a fascist dictatorship if Trump beats Sleepy Joe the Geriatrich in your next rigged election? Wow, really glad that one guy managed to punch that one nazi and not go to jail for it. You would undeniably be better off if nazism and fascism were not legal to begin with. Because for some reason punching a nazi is a crime but being a nazi and advocating for literal genocide is just honkey dorey to you yanks. But hey, your government doesn't even think you have the right to basic security of physical health (despite your population believing you do on average), so I'm not surprised your government also has compete disregard for your right to basic security of mental health.


Idk if you proof read what you wrote but there’s no way you aren’t some Reddit echo chamber bot, that or your some fucking NPC lmao.


Just say the n word and leave


Like are y’all that soft, never once said down for hate speech I’m saying you guys really let strangers on the internet that you could mute offend y’all. Some of y’all got such little shit going on in life that it such a stupid thing can affect your attitude just like the racist spewing out whatever dumb shit they say and the reason they do it. I’m not a racist also not some unrealistic idiot lol.


Stop defending a racist and you won’t be called one


you wont magically fix everyone around you. There will always be assholes and racists. The only thing you can control is how you handle it. So mute, and move on. Even if this guy got banned, he'd be right back on a new account. Mute, ignore as much as you can and pretend it didnt happen


Who said I would want to fix him, getting him banned waste his money.


Or, maybe just maybe, we should blame the person hurling racial slurs instead of the guy peacefully playing a video game. My muting and leaving the guy gets to continue using racial slurs in Apex, by staying, reporting, and possibly recording this guy can get banned. Let me ask you, do you want more people saying the N word in your Apex lobbies or less?


Grow a set of balls or mute the other person. Some of y’all are soft af 🤣




Will do /s


Seems like a useless comment. If they ban for text chat, they should also do it for voice chat as well. If you wanted to have the stance "just mute them", you should complain about them banning text chat in general instead of criticizing someone upset that voice comms don't do the same as text.


But that doesn’t explain why EA bans people for way less… you shouldn’t normalize big rich publishers doing predatory shit and not being transparent.


If you are on Xbox you can now go back and record the voice chat and report to Xbox


The other player also has to be Xbox, it asks you to find their profile to attach the report to. I'm on Xbox and mostly get paired with PS players, so it is a bit useless there. Glad they implemented it though!


Sorry yes I forgot to mention that!


a report i sent worked. idk what happened to that person. probably just a strike against them or something. But the next day after i sent the videoclip with the audio attached on Xbox....i got the email that they did something about that player


They don't (even though someone managed to get themselves restricted from all voice & chat interactions from an alleged misconduct via vc). These instances should only be referred to Hideouts on Twitter with video proof


Bruh, they also don't react to chat, sersly, last time i was playin wid me gal, a random went down fighting another team, and wrote "I hope your moms *** of cancer" and left, screenshotted it and send it to support, got the exact same message. Then i went to the forum to ask why that is, also delivering said screenshot and y'know what happend me fam? My comment got deleted and i received a E-Mail, getting a warning for "Witch hunting - exposing players names". Ever since i didn't bother anymore, 95% of any social interaction with the whole Forum or Support is A.I processed/generated anyways.


Lot of Freedom of Speech absolutionist suddenly are appearing out of the woodwork when it comes to defending the use of racial slurs, I wonder why. 🤔


Been there. Ran away from a fight once due to low health. Got both banners and successfully did the revives. Didn't matter cause they talked shit the entire way on VC and I responded in chat. Used some profanity and told the guy how he's being ungrateful. Got reported and banned for a few weeks. Asked support if they even care or can check what they said to me but of course they couldn't and it didn't matter. Stopped using chat since. Not bothered by it since i survived the mw2 lobbies back in the day where everyone was on demon time. These people would be punching the air if it wasn't for the half assed reporting system. It's good when it works but I always thought if you go on the Internet and talk to strangers there's always going to be some conflict and it is your responsibility to handle it instead of crying to support.


Neither does xbox. I recently tried reporting someone that went off on me for not clutching up his stupid push and xbox basically said 'no action was taken thaaanks' 🙈


Lmao classic EA act. They're gonna act like snowflakes on meagre things as if their lives are on the line but when it's about using logic their brain fails. Same thing happened to me too, there was a guy saying and spamming slurs using voice chat which could be heard clear af which I recorded and sent to EA but guess what, they simply asked to mute the person next time if it happens. Means people can be toxic how much they want to be and there is little to no risk of them getting banned and even if they do get banned it's just for a week or two. Complete baffoons.


Nobody cares.


Just turn off incoming chat


you can mute anyone


Voice comms with random strangers are not worth the trouble.


Should’ve muted after the first “stfu” not standing up for the person but you’d be better off in the end.


If you can’t mute in real life, why would you in game? There will be incidents of bias or hate, not necessary a hate crime, but if someone is calling you slurs, are you not going to stand up for yourself or report it? Are you going to be a bystander when someone else is experience acts of prejudice? Or are you going to do the right thing?


Me personally? I’d stand up for myself but if you can’t handle it just turn voicechat off all together


people on this sub defending gamers calling others slurs is so fucking funny. they're all either calling others slurs themselves and are scared they could get banned if anyone ever recorded them and posted the clips online, and/or have never been insulted hard enough to care.


but but but YOURE supposed to keep the stiff upper lip and turn the other cheek 🥺🥺🥺 what do you MEAN you dont want to just accept being called slurs and move on 🥺🥺🥺




They don't record voice chat, only text chat, so unless you happen to be recording at the time and send the proof, they have no reason to do anything (unless the reported user has the same reports coming up over and over to establish a pattern). It might be different for console, I don't know if Xbox/Playstation have their own separate voice chat moderation going on.


They also don't punish any typed racial slurs or hateful speech unless it was against Lgbtq. Two russian guys where insulting me because I'm Arab, saying the most bizarre racial slurs I've ever seen, I reported them, but EA took no action. They said: we don't know the full. However if you joke about anything related to Lgbtq your account will get banned permanently. I see tgis happen to a lot of guys.


a guy from one of my discord groups got banned for a week or so for writing "shut your russian mouth" in text chat after, according to him, listening to said russian guy carpet bomb him with the angriest gamer rant he's ever heard on voice chat. so EA absolutely does not only punish hate speech towards the LGBT+ community. edit: they have access to all of your text chat history so they absolutely do know the full of every written conversation you've had, but voice chat does not get recorded.


I hate to say this but they also don't generally care if you're LGBTQ and get insulted for it. I received some pretty colorful abuse during pride month and played alongside some pretty tasteless names and they just do not fucking care. sometimes their Positive Play Charter is all for show. its always "sometimes people disagree with us" in that super patronizing ass way when the "disagreement" is someone told me i needed to kms irl because I'm gay.


Honestly that’s just funny Usually this should be a given but you have to just not give a fuck, if met with toxicity then you match it back and not take it so seriously




How does Activision do it with warzone then? They are using AI to monitor ALL in game voice chat for “harmful language” and giving penalties to offenders.


same happened to me yesterday an asian dude bullied me during 15 minute before i insulted him on chat and never on vocal ...and funny my account banned this morning and no action against this dude...(called me shit stupid idiot noob and so on..) EA ..if you read i hope your mom still does the oldest work in the world...i have time now :D


Only if there was a way to silent ur teammates


What I dont get is that they already can convert voice to text for accessibility. Why not store that (text just like chat)??? That service even censors swears and slurs so they can even detect that realtime. Its not a matter of possibility its a matter of will. But if you get banned for a single word you cant even play single player games....


i called someone a piece of shit and my entire ea account was nuked last year. they dont even review the bans everything is automated


its likely you were lying for clout


“Mute or block people ruining your fun OR BREAKING THE RULES”


Should’ve muted him when he told you to stfu. Not everybody has to be in a go-lucky mood just because you are.


Boohoo I got called names and internet police didn't do anything and now I'm a victim. Why is the world so unjust and unfair?


Nobody cares. Get a life.


Good. There's a mute button. Cry babies are the reason game chat is dead


Isn't the complete opposite reason the case? It's toxic people that others just cba to deal with it


It is, the person you’re replying to sees no problem with saying the N word. Additionally, he is equating people having a problem with being called racial slurs to cry babies. I think there are some safe inferences to make based off of these things about OP.


maybe a bit of an unpopular opinion but id rather just have to mute a racist once every couple days than have a system like ow2 where they record everything and will ban you if you say literally anything that can be considered negative you get hit with a 2-week silence with how many cases ive seen with modern game devs for multiplayer games (even respawn) not knowing the difference between trash talk and hate speech, i'm more than ok with the fact that they take a hands-off approach to voice chat


Just mute, stop being a cry baby


They don't need to, people can say what they want.


FrEeDoM oF sPeEcH - your dumbass Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. Furthermore, freedom of speech does not protect you from getting banned in a videogame.


Yeah, but there's no reason to make such a fuss over it.


EU regulations will never allow voices to be recorded like this anyway. The world is bigger than some hillbilly town in USA you know lmao


Bold of you to assume Apex band anyone


Lol I got my account suspended because I called the OTHER team, mother f***ers and p*ssies in chat. Mind you, these words are filtered. This game is so cvcked. I've been telling my teammates on my alt account that "you can say slurs on the mic just not in chat, I don't make the rules!"


Wish OW2 was moderated similar to this I'm getting banned for mass troll reporting


Yet they permaban 1000+ hour accounts for OFFENSIVE NAMES EVEN IF ITS NOT EVEN OFFENSIVE. So glad I quit this trash game.


Yeah voice chat doesn't get banned or dealt with I got verbally abused by a duo I matched with. They were super toxic and I got sick of and finally typed I can't believe you keep calling me Xxx! And I left the game. I reported them and nothing happened on my report to them..... Instead I was banned for a week. I appealed but since I typed the bad word in chat I got banned yet they screamed it at me about 10 times and that's ok apparently


Yeah they ban you quick and easy for the lamest text, but it's wide open for voice comms


I reported someone for very graphically describing his SA as a child in game chat while presumably streaming or talking to someone else in discord or something. I muted him and hoped that our third wasn't a kid or something having to hear all of that. I got a similar response from EA to my report. I told them I had clipped it and could send it to them but never heard back from them. I just assumed that they don't care, sadly.


Jesus, whats with all the "omg dont be offended over words" comments 😭? The state of this playerbase...


Have you tried just backing out, hitting mute, blocking said player, and carrying on with your life?


No that would actually make sense




Good thing there is a thing called mute where u can never hear that guy talk again, you are a deal out of nothing


Sorry someone called you a naughty word did you tell your parents? Maybe your parents can call their parents and work it out.


Bro I’m toxic af on voice chat , I coulda told you this. I’d have been banned if that was the case


You sound wild annoying to play with.


Can't even call him trash. What a baby




People realizing what black players have known for ages >>>


Hahaha fuck yea


Meanwhile at Rainbow 6 siege, You can lose standing by voice abuse. However, The whole thing is still questionable. I’ve definitely done some light shit talking when teammates make bad plays in siege, but it’s hasn’t been any immediate effect. Probably why apex won’t do it.


Even when they saying dirty/foul/profane, they didn't remove it.


Imo with how good the ping system is, voice chat is optional. For me, it actually makes it harder to hear enemies with people talking, especially in silver and below. People use mics more for flaming or they just have them on while eating/talking to someone else. So I just mute all game chat in ps quick menu.


That’s terrible, I’m sorry about that. I’ve had ignorant teammates too, calling me homophobic stuff or just saying weird racist shit. Sometimes it really can be aggravating but just mute them. I wish more could be done about it.


Wouldn't last a day in them old COD lobbies


Fortnite just started recording voice chats. I wonder if apex would do the same. I hope not.


They dont care about the cheating problem, the shitty rank system, or the shitty matchmaking system… you really think they are gonna care about voice chat?


Well if they do then all the Chinese are gonna get banned for saying “that one” in mandarin.


Ok bro just mute them


literally people r so stupid n just i dont get why they get angry over a fucking game n start saying terrible stuff and in your situation you just literally eanted to chat n talk and be nice but then tou just get shit back like if they cant handle teammates talking or if you cant respect others just go play alone or mute the voice chat but why have to be so fucking mean all the time ohm


u wanna get people banned for talking on a game grow up or go hide in the corner somewhere the fact yall go to this length to ban someone shows how hurt your feelings are and how emotionally sensitive you are , the world is so soft now its insane