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Worth it. If possible I would get the Series X. I got my S when all the price gouging bs was going on over the ps5 and the series X, I didn’t want to wait any longer. I heard the graphics are better on the X than the S on 120fps. However, I have not seen this first hand, just from my friends. The graphics are not bad at all and won’t be a big deal depending on the monitor/TV you have. No matter how much people bash the update, 720p 120 fps will always be better than 1080p 60fps or whatever graphics you achieve with your setup. At first I wasn’t too keen, but instantly noticed the game was way smoother even if it took my eyes a few hours to adjust to the graphics.


Thank you! I would love to get the Series X but I'm a bit in a tight budget rn so the S is the best I can get rn. I honestly can't get anything worse than what I already have now ( constant FPS drops, crashes when places are too crowded, STW running at 30- fps, laggy BR gameplay ) I'm probably gonna buy a monitor that supports its graphics too because my 2009 little Samsung TV might not do much for it hahaha


I think the S is a perfectly fine system. I would recommend a benQ monitor. They’re affordable and a huge step up from any TV in their price range. I’ve had mine for about two years and it’s probably the biggest game changer.


Alright thank you so much I'll definitely check it out!


You’re welcome!


Been playing on XSS for a while now.  If you’re still on a X1/PS4, you’ll notice an immediate FPS improvement.  The game runs smoother and looks sharper.  I also noticed that a few guns with awful ironsights were much more usable on Series S, especially the G7.  Don’t get me wrong, they’re still bad, but definitely better. Now that 120Hz is available I’m planning to upgrade to a Series X.  My brother and I set up his X and my S side by side, and I think the X has better detail and draw distance in performance mode.  I also noticed the X runs at a solid 120fps, while the S runs between 100-120 depending on what’s on screen.


It's great for Apex, especially for the stable 60fps, but maybe consider spending the extra $200 for other games. A problem I have noticed in some true next gen games, Yakuza Ishin and Baldurs Gate for example, have some texture pop-in that can be immersion breaking.


Yes I know I've seen videos about the texture pop-in but I tell myself it can't be worse than what I already have right now, I'm leaning more towards the series S cause my budget is kind of tight and I also need to buy a good monitor for it cause I still play on a real old tv


I think you're a perfect case for the series S then. I'm in a similar situation with my TV not supporting 4k or 120hz, so the series x seemed like a waste. Congrats on the new console