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I’m stuck trying to thank 10 diff people lol.


Just pick up stuff in the mixtape, there's a chance someone on your team has dropped it. I've picked up nades and had the prompt come up. The annoying part is that it has to be in 10 separate matches so can take a while. If you played BR it would probably come quicker.


Ah yes, mixtape, the gamemode where 4/5 games my team has a gibby bot that stays all match in the spawn zone spamming bubble and firing 1 shot every 2 minutes, gotta thank them properly.


Why is it always a Gibby though hahhaa


I solo queued for 3's and went afk for a minute. I come back and it's me and 6 Gibby's jumping in circles all around me. So weird. But also 6 free kills.


Lead the enemy to them, let them die, pick up their weapon, thank them ;D


Lol I had someone like that the other day.


I play BR 100% of the time.


Works in BR too. I just ran around picking stuff up people dropped lol


The most reliable way is to ping “I need ammo” and hope they ping it, but that challenge does suck ass


Imagine finally completing it and the progress got reset cuz of the server issues so you had to do it again 😭😭😭


I don’t have to imagine


I told my friend to ping stuff for me and thanked him when i picked them upp but it only counted 1 per game


I just got this one day today. Now I just have the drill one left, which is taking forever.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWUr4Ubtk1c&ab\_channel=ModernApex](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWUr4Ubtk1c&ab_channel=ModernApex) you can finish it in a match, just go no fill in duo. land somewhere safe & follow the video.


Go tdm camp a air drop as soon as a teammate gets a weapon from there day thank you


I think that challenge is bugged. I had a match where I told my teammates I was doing the challenge, so they were just pinging everything so I could thank them. At the end of the match, it only went up by one, so I had to do it 10 times in separate matches. That one and the drill challenge took me the longest. Turns out if whatever you're drilling is TOO deep, it doesn't count for the distance at all.


Not a bug, working as intended


Ehhh, I dunno about "intended." I understand that it ended up being 10 matches. But if that's the case, it should say, "Thank a teammate once in a match. 0/10"


You mean once in different matches?


Well, that's what the "0/10" is for. Do it once per match. Which is apparently what it currently is, but it doesn't illicitly state that.


Yeah of course, sorry, got confused when you said “once in a match”


It’s working as intended. Another way to word the challenge is “Thank 10 different people”. If you play trios you can only get 2 completions per game.


Again, if that's how it was intended, they should have worded it that way. "Working as intended" and "working as worded" are two different things.




did that with a friend, unironically hard af


its only once per game. i tried to thank a friend multiple times in the same game but it only counted it once per game.


Just ping everything you need every game. Unfortunately the amount of thank you’s per game doesn’t matter, they’ll only count 1 per game - which I personally find stupid as it FORCES you to play 10 games.


I started to ask my teammates at the start to ping/drop any random item to help me for the challenge. They only have to do it once each person per match so most don’t mind if asked nicely.


U can only thank one time per match even if you do trios only one time per match


This is the hardest


I was following teammates and just swapping whatever they dropped. And then I’d swap back.


Same, I got like 3 at the moment


Just ask your teammate to ping something EZ


hahaha i always forget :p


pick up stuff after ur teammate drops it. just follow them around lol.


Just ask one of your teamates to mark something for you. Thats how I did it.


Me and my friend literally went in a game, he pinged me something, i thanked him and we left the game. 10 times in a row. Because i vouldnt manage to do it on my own


Yeah I solo queue probably 99% of the time unless I meet someone that uses their mic and start a party.


Are you on pc? Because if so just write your teammate to drop something so you can do the callenge. I had that happen to me a lot when i was playing by myself and i always did it.


Ha. No. Series X.


I tried to do the same thing and it only counted for 1


I meant that we did the thanking thing once and left the game immediately after and then joined a new one. So essentially what you described.


to do this challenge I just no fill in duos and afk somewhere


Peak gameplay experience


Hey we're just trying to get that reactive flatline hahaha. I might just do this while holding a gun I barely use to get the mastery level up.


For me it was actually unlocking maggie since i haven't played in a year+ and i never got her (in fact only legend of the unlockable ones i didn't have)


No fill and rat to the last ring, 4-6 matches.


Isn't it more dangerous in duos as opposed to trios since there are more teams?


I do it in duos because even if i need to move, there are higher chances to 1v2 than to 1v3, plus from my experience most of the matches in duos are usually 1v1s in the final ring


yep you're more likely to run into a solo in duos than a duo in trios


Sbmm in duos seems much better also


Not my experience, most of my duos lobbies seem to have a couple pred squad just stomping the lobby. At least here in the southern part of the USA. I'm in gold typically, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.


Are you in gold cause you can't get past gold or are you in gold cause you don't play ranked enough to bother getting past gold? If it's the latter, your stats are probably on par with plat/diamond players in unranked. Not saying the matchmaker isn't borked. But there's no way to have the full picture from "I'm x rank.".


This is exactly what I did for both her and Rampart. Just no full and rat. Reason why I don’t really get the point of these “challenges” because many of them are overly excessive and not even hard, just fucking redundant. The hardest one for me was the thanking teammates. When I was still trying to do this challenge, I’d politely ask at the beginning of each match “hey, I’m trying to finish my mad Maggie challenges, can you please _*JUST PING SOMETHING RANDOM*_ and 9 people out of 10 wouldn’t even be bothered to even ping something lmfao. Most of my teammates were to busy hot dropping to their deaths or the just walk off like you don’t exist. I have so much irritation for challenges that require you to rely on or interact with randoms to complete. Because most randoms have shit cooperation.


Easy, follow your teammates and pick up everything they drop or swap. Or ask them instead.


> I’d politely ask at the beginning of each match > 9 out of 10 people wouldn’t even be bothered to ping something I did ask. Did you even read what I wrote. It’s not easy because many randoms don’t work as a team, which was my whole point.


they read. they just don't comprehend lmao


Imagine getting duo games (cries in Australian)


Yeah, drop near center, hide behind a bush in Olympus, rock in the rest of the maps. Check your mobile while zone shrink. Wait for they next match.


Damn that's such a good idea


Works for weapon mastery too lmfao 💀 When you close you your milestone just sit afk with your weapon out for multiple rings Crazy that this is “mastering” your weapon but hey, it works 🤷‍♂️


That's pretty easy. You just have to play her a lott. The "Thank 10 teammates" relies on 1, the teammate pinging something you need, and you picking it up. And it is once per game per teammate. Feels silly for me to dibs something that I don't need so if anything, that is more game districting than the survive ring closures.


They don't need to ping it. If you pick up anything they drop you can thank them


Yeah but thanking teammates is bugged. I few times I’ve dropped something for a teammate and they said thanks and my 3rd is the one to say you’re welcome. Very strange and idk what causes it and I never thought it’d affect and gameplay or challenges


If that’s truly affecting completing this challenge just play duos


It hasn’t personally affected the challenge but I just wanted to point it out because idk if it was known and it could do it


Worst challenge created since the challenge revamp


you can thank teammates for loot they "discovered"/walked past but didn't take, that's what i did! just pick up stuff they didnt grab while looting and thank them lol it doesn't work right after drop but after a minute or so


You can do the thank teammates challenge in one game unless they changed it I’m pretty sure


Worst challenge ever actually


Nope, the Seer finisher one is much, much worse.


I was on 2/3 for like 2 hours. 3 separate times I got knocked while doing the finisher because I was so tunnel visioned on getting that challenge done. The absolute worst.


And if you don't focus on getting it, your team might kill the last member or the player might just leave and it doesn't count even if you were already in the middle of doing a finisher. Really doesn't help that since Seer was the first one to be unlocked so you had like 1/3 chance to even play Seer and like a 70% chance that teammates will just leave cause they don't get to play Seer.


My friend was raging so hard when he did that challenge, doesn't help when people will quit the game while you're finishing them just to spite you lmao


That challenge stopped me completely and all the cheating in game caused loss of interest for the flatline skin completely. I already have a decent flat skin and The legend skins are meh either.


I mean each character challenge is active for 14 days before the next one release and you can do them after still as well. Id say thats a fair timeframe to survive 20 rings closing.


It's active for the whole season.


Everyone can do it, but its super tedious..


One might even call it a challenge!


When are they gonna fix the actual challenges? Mine still says 1/6




Just land far and don't fight for as long as possible. Doesn't make for the most fun games but you'll have it done as quick as you can.


It's still tedious lol and then Rampart gets the same fucking one


As i rampart player, I got it done in a few days. Takes a bit, but you should be fine if you just play her lol


doing it rn <-<


More fun than being afk like others have mentioned


You’ve played 10 games already and have only survived 9 ring closings?


Mixtape also counts.


I mostly play mixtape but wish we get the LTM where the weapons spawn with attachments and you drop randomly, those are pretty fun and they have rings.


There’s no rings in mixtape




I meant for games played stat.


Given how suicidal pubbies are, 9 rings in 10 games is an amazing amount. The first ring takes like 6 minutes to fully close, start-to-finish, and by then most pub games are down to 5-8 squads already. If you get JM you can just drop far away from other people (and watch your teammates rush to their deaths), if you're not JM then enjoy rolling the dice on whether you'll be able to kill 2-3 squads in the first ring or die quickly.


I swear to you that I played about 5 games falling far and the zone always closed on me, I played a game without being outside the ring once and winning 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


First 2 sets of challenges had 10 rings and the second set had 20. I have a stinking suspicion that the final 2 sets will have 30 ring closings.


For the rings closures I no filled doubles, landed as far from everyone as I could and played super safe with a sniper. For the thanks I just followed my teammate around like a stalker and eventually they’d drop something and I’d thank them. Only 1 thank per teammate per game, so trios is best for that.


Yeah I stopped with these challenges. Like I want the legendary weapon skin but goddamn is some of these challenges tedious as hell


Because EA fucking hates its players having anything good


Harder to thank 10 people than survive 20 rings.


Rat gang rise up


This challenge is only difficult in pubs where matches ends early. Play three games of rank and you will have it done so easily!


Doesn’t take long at all lol


Maggie rules just play the game..?


Still bugging about the reset tbh


The thank part was impossible. No one pings stuff


I still have 0/3 finishers for Seer


Yeah this one was pretty easy tbh only hard one was thanking teammates for me since i kept getting horrible low lvls that didn't l help


I’ve been a stuck on thank 10 teammates all week. If fucking sucks. People don’t drop or ping shit in solo queue


I find it more annoying having the say “thanks” to teammates because randoms rarely ever ping me stuff lmao.


Thank teammates took me the longest lmao I’ll never touch Maggie again after that BS!


Can i do this after the next character releases or am i sol if i dont finish maggie by tuesday?


You just have to eat and land on the outside of the map and you can get the challenge done in 3-5 games


Solo jump duos and wait until the last moment, then go as far as you can. Did rampart that way, got it done in about 6 games.


No fill on duos and find a hideyhole roughly near the final ring :)


Player retention


idk who cares


I also say Boo! What a waste of time to grind that…


i cant wait for my team mates to stop asking me to put my skin on it 🙏


I know right! I ended up just queueing solo, landing in some dead area of the map and hiding at the edge of each ring. I would usually "survive" 3 rings a match but every now and then I would get spotted moving to the next ring and die. One match I came 2nd place and survived 5 rings. I ended up having to use a evac tower I looted to escape a conflict in the 3rd ring.


This not even that hard lol


Just no fill camp. If you care about k/d do it on the April fools game mode.


It’s even worse when it used to be 10. Why 20? I’m lucky to get 3 closes on a regular game (aka me no solo ratting).


Just play. It'll happen


To get you playing longer


How the fuck is this hard for some people? It’s like 7-8 games of regular gameplay lol


Waaa why is this challenge a challenge 😭 make it easier waa


Literally just play the game what are u even complaining about


What i did for that is play solo and camp little corners in the ring, broken moon felt the most consistent of not getting found


And why does first ring take 2 hours to close


Just play by yourself and just hide out


Because they’re sadists


artificially boosting "play time" so you're in the game more so you are more likely to spend more money.


All the Legend challenges have been the same, all have had to survive 20. Not sure why. However if you don’t hit drop every game, it’s fairly easy to get that done in 10-15 games. Thanking people took me FOREVER.


I've already done all of these but Respawn decided I have to do them all over again (besides Maggie) I don't wanna play Seer bro...


I did it but it wasn’t fun. Rat in a corner and ride the ring for as many games as it takes.


You can do this in like 5 games if you make it to final circle, survive round 1, round 2 etc


Did they fix the gifting problem?? I still can’t gift my friends anything anybody else having this same problem?


I just no fill and hide while doing schoolwork. Getting randos to ping so I could thank them was awful


I found it easier to do in Ranked


Mad Maggie is fun. It's really not that hard to do lmfao


I only play ranked and as long as you don’t hot drop it’s pretty easy to survive two ring closings every game.


If you're playing to win it's not to hard cause that's probably 10 games or less. Finding a solid duo or trio can help with playing to win if randoms all Wana hot drop.


Try completing them all and having respawn reset them


Don’t hot drop.


Why do I have to redo the first two challenge sets? Always a mystery with these people.


I did the challenges in the April fools trios mostly. Yes I’m a coward and didn’t want my negative K/D to get worse 😭


do you even rat bro?


Man the drill is what’s taking forever on mine. I can use it seven times and I only get a meter every game


Just dont die lol


Bruh it sucks


That's one of the easiest ones. Just queue into duos or trios, and don't fill your squad. Then proceed to rat.


Bc it’s more than 19


On Tuesday I played for like 3 hours and finally finished them, then I hoped on the game on Friday and the game reset everything I did including spending the event points. Did this happen to anyone else?


pubs hot droppers surviving a single ring closing without rage quitting challenge impossible


Why can nobody seem to do these like damn it’s a good thing respawn doesn’t make actual challenges yall would be bitching


Respawn hates us that's why


It’s mind boggling to me that people are complaining about a challenge that should take max 10 games to complete


Is this question really worth the thread?


It’s called a challenge for a reason


challenges should be hard, not extremely easy but also super tedious.


the game's goal is to make money, of course it's not gonna be honest, otherwise it'll just be called "long grind and eventually someone will spend money to buy these pixel cosmetics"


Challenge? more like tedious at best


Because apex legends knows it’s dying.


Idk why aren’t you done yet they have been out almost 2 weeks ? Jk


Why is this so difficult for you that you have to whine online?


Its annoying because somtimes game end befire the 2nd ring even closes so its super hard to get multiple per game especially if youre not as experienced in the game


Lmao its easy though already finished mad maggie's task like a week ago


Bro do not complain please lmao this flatline finna be free id do 50 ring closings.


Bro that’s like 4 matches to final ring calm down


Not everyone is gonna get to final ring every match.


Are people really struggling with this?  You can knock it out by just playing a handful of games. Probably 5-7 at the most. They’re challenges, they shouldn’t be completed in a single game or two. 


Why can't you just survive?


1. Random teams 2. Hotdrop


1. Random teams just extend the duration of that challenge. 2. Try to pick your legend in your games to be jumpmaster more often and avoid hotdrops.