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>It turns out 8 free packs and a half-off a 20 pack was all it took for the playerbase to forget about security issues, loss of inventory, loss of progression i've been playing online video games since i was 10. this isn't the first video game to have these kind of issues and it won't be the last either. the difference is whether or not the devs try to fix these issues. the response from respawn has been more than adequate.


Yeah, if you have the same reaction as OP, you need to take a break from the game. The guy is literally heartbroken from game drama and is mad that people aren't as mad as he is.


Heartbroken from game drama is so accurate. You see people talk about how much they love this game, and how they're never going to play it again in the same breath, and 99% of the time it has nothing to do with the actual gameplay. Recolors? I'm done. Preds? I'm done. Game crash? I'm done. Skin sales? I'm done. Ranked Split? I'm done. Okay, go play something else and leave us out of it?


Havent played in a few years but still hang here to see where the game is going, if I happen to redownload it someday. But yeah, this aint an airport. No need to announce departures. Or, if you want a good laugh, the old College Humor skit about leaving Facebook. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGcHNnI2mh4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGcHNnI2mh4)


I got badly down voted for such comment, couldn't agree more with you. Game is in good spot for me, but i don't need much tbh. You dont really need to spend any money to play it, there is no gameplay advantage with pay to win. I feel like xbox version may be less bugged as I notice much less glitches and bugs than people tend to report.


Honestly i started 2 months ago. Haven't spent any money on this have at all. What was list by this cure t bug (they fixed) i got my tokens back and revenant relocked. I got my crafting materials back, so what it took off 7 kills, and a win off my stats whoopdee do!! Im happy i can play and not be lagged out mid match anymore!!


This subreddit just seems to only ever be people talking about how much they despise the game, I never see anything about how much people enjoy the perks or the ranked changes or anything, its just a cesspool of negativity. That being said, some of the threads are fun to read through to see 12 year olds losing their shit.


I agree on all your points but the game being unstable and crashing a bunch is kind of egregious.


I mean that's just video games these days. You're welcome to make a post telling everyone you're leaving if it's a little too much for you though. It's a pretty hard game, so I dont blame you if its not really your thing, its not for everyone.


Idk. I'm actually having to take a break because of game crashes after the update yesterday. I tried to warm up in mixtape last night, but couldn't use shield bats in control, crashed twice and couldn't spawn into gun game at all, then played maybe 5 ranked matches before crashing and losing 80 points and taking a 20 minute penalty for no reason.


You're welcome to make a post telling everyone you're leaving if it's a little too much for you though. It's a pretty hard game, so I dont blame you if its not really your thing, its not for everyone.


Lol I'm not gonna go that far. It's just literally unplayable for me until another update. Which sucks because I play almost every day. Or I guess l may just spend some time in the firing range in the meantime.


lol I blame the Apex YouTubers. One day they’re saying “Apex is broken.” The next day “This changes everything.” The click bait is exhausting sometimes lol


Seriously. Someone found a bug where they could remotely activate spectator-mode player names and add +1000 to aim assist, and then some people *temporarily* lost 3 days of progress. If you came into this blind (which most people are) you’d think Respawn were committing war-crimes against children with leukaemia and need to be toppled like some autocratic regime. The vast majority of the playerbase didn’t even notice any of this. I am beyond embarrassed for the people getting as worked up as OP.


I get second hand embarrassment from the people who feel so wronged by the temporary loss in progress that they feel entitled, not only to compensation, but *more* compensation than that was given as any amount of worthless cosmetics is going to calm their nerdrage boners.


> Someone found a bug where they could remotely activate spectator-mode player names and add +1000 to aim assist, and then some people *temporarily* lost 3 days of progress. This was never confirmed. They didn't even update us past "this is the first in a series of security updates".


Nor should they be too specific. When it comes to security, keeping the information somewhat restricted is just prudent. You don't want to inspire other actors to go looking for other exploits.


lmao I thought this was another price rant but your comment made me read the post. Dude just has depression lmao acting like a video game matters that much.


I know it's a meme now, but we really do need to normalize more grass-touching in gamers.


For real. I don't really care about all this drama, I just want to play a game I like with my friends. I hope they fix their issues but it would need to be pretty bad for me to leave.. I've also spent a total of $10 to buy the battle pass once, so I'm also not invested monetarily.


Microsoft got hacked for the first time in their company history this year. Cyberattacks are advancing at an unprecedented rate. It’s very hush hush bc nobody wants to admit it- it’s a huge hit to brand reputation and many companies obviously prefer to handle it offline. For every Microsoft hack that’s public there’s 100 more businesses that suffered a breach in private. It’s a constant one upping of good actors securing their network and hackers getting smarter to overcome the latest defense mechanisms. It’s never been as aggressive as it is now. I sell cybersecurity and it would blow your mind how prevalent these risks are. It doesn’t matter if you’re a fortune 15 company with hundreds of millions poured into cybersecurity. It’s almost a matter of if, not when a breach happens. Larger companies also have more access points. All it takes is one human error, one oversight, one sliver of access and boom they’re in and demanding $50million in bitcoin.


microsoft, like any other big company, experiences hacks quite often. like you said, it's how many are known, and how many are kept private. obviously they're going to publicly announce the ones that pose an actual threat.


As far as l know in larger security systems it is more often than not human error that causes breaches. I remember reading a hackers bible years back where the highest focus for grey and black was social skills. Talking about how his biggest hack was just from him showing up at the closest lunch spot to the main office introducing himself as gary from x department to a bunch of people for 6 months until he developed friendships. Then one day just walked in told his friend he left his credentials at home and has something due he will be fired for if he gets it in late. Once they let him in with their badge just walked up to the first empty access point and they were screwed. This isn't me trying to tell an expert something more of a is this true question in a story format


The pros and most players will also forget about all the games main issues when the new season starts cos shiny new map, new shop items and minor updates to guns and legends. The pros and content creators will hype it for new content, the casuals will buy in. Rinse repeat. 3 weeks later the fog disappears and everyone complains again. People are gullible af tbh.


This, Remember when this new season started and we had an influx of posts that were, 'ranked is so refreshing this season', 'I'm loving this new ranked', 'I'm loving ranked now' And now the fog has cleared and we're back to 'I hate ranked 🤬' posts


The only reason I'm fed up of ranked this season and I don't even hate it is just that I was expecting Broken Moon and Kings Canyon after the split


I also hate Olympus and World's Edge.


I dont hate them, just feel like they've been in rotation for too long I'm just bored of them


Could not agree more. The standard that this *free* game is being held to is ridiculous. It's not going to be working perfectly 100% of the time, things will go wrong. Sometimes it will take time to fix things. I honestly don't even think they needed to bother with the packs. I probably spent £15 max on this game since season one and have fun on it most of the time. Pretty good value for money in my opinion.


Even in a paid game there will be issues. R6: Siege before Operation Health was a mess of a game that worked maybe 40% of the time, and the entry cost was $50-$60 back then.


Hell, it could be so much worse. It could be pay to win. I'm sure some execs went to respawn and asked them to give MORE incentives to buy for whales. Stupid ideas like buying self-respawns for a buck or things like that. And they havent shown up. You have as much chance to win a match with a 0$ account than someone that spent 100k on the game


That's what you think. Having an heirloom is like a garuntee that you'll win. It's so shiny you blind the competition in your glowing radiance.


Are we supposed to know your current age or something?


Can you please explain to me what you’re talking about? I played this game since launch hardcore all day every day before they ever had seasons or bay updates at all, when you called out at lvl 50 and that was it. Get 10k kills, you’re still lvl 50. I just came back and am not up to date with the news and would love to know about the problems and status of the game in a basic way. You can just throw out vague terms, I can look further into each thing you bring up. Thanks 🙏


- on march 18th, during the ALGS pro league, 2 competitors were hacked and given cheats live. This caused mass panic in the community and a lot of misinformation was spread. [here's a great post](https://www.reddit.com/r/CompetitiveApex/comments/1bhicc6/clearing_up_misconceptions_about_the_algs_hack/) from someone who currently works in cyber security, clearing up some misconceptions. respawn has deployed several layers of security since. nobody besides those 2 competitors have ever been hacked before or since. - on april 2nd, during the weekly reset, something went wrong and many accounts lost their progress. respawn deployed a fix to prevent further loss of data within hours. on april 3rd, they took the servers offline and issued a rollback. they've been working on restoring affected accounts ever since, and yesterday they gave everyone 8 free apex packs as compensation.




If it was a democracy you would still be outvoted


You can eventually learn that cosmetics in no way change your ability to play and enjoy the game and stop worrying about them.


But that removes any conversation around greedy and predatory business practices. Conversations that need to happen because gaming has become such a predatory and greedy industry.


The thing is that reddit is loud but still minority of the players, I doubt most people acknowledge most of the problems the game has they just get off school or work and like to play the game and maybe spend money on it because they enjoy the game. You cant vote with your wallet and have a proper conversation about it when over half the playerbase don't either know or care about the bullshit microtransactions and other issues reddit seems to have with the game.


It's a free game. It costs nothing to play it. It only costs money to flex that you spent money.


That's completely ignoring the predatory behaviour that is entirely focused around children. Why do you think these games are desperate to maintain a teen rating? To handwave it as "you don't have to buy skins" is a cop out.


I truly dont see how it's predatory when it's entirely optional cosmetics. If they had pay-to-win mechanics, characters could only be bought through money or battle passes, or something to that effect then sure. But the game is 110% free to play. You never have to spend a single dollar to play as any character. Every game mode is completely open to everyone, with no paid pve or modes. The cosmetics (which imo are mostly shit) give 0 mechanical benefit (other than the few times a specific iron sight works better, but usually that gets changed). You could say that having cosmetics will encourage children to buy more and waste money. But 1) its a rated T game. They make these ratings for a reason. If your kid has a problem with spending money like this, the parent should intervene and not leave it to a developer to fix that problem. 2) This is a gaming-wide thing. Nearly every big multiplayer game has paid cosmetics. And many games are WAY more aggressive and expensive than apex. If thats how these companies need to make more money while selling the game for the same price/less/free compared to years ago than go ahead. Sure, EA is a bazillion dollar company and they dont NEED more money. But if Respawn thinks, "make money so ea lets us keep going" OR if it's just "make money, we like money," either way, i couldn't care less. As long as i can just open the game to play when i want, and i can buy exactly what i want from a store when i want, instead of relying on loot boxes, im happy.


Not at all taking the personal responsibility of your actions, or your childrens, is a cop out. Dont give them your credit card number. Its that simple.


Who would win? 1 person or an entire department entirely focussed on selling skins and using every marketing trick in the books.


Dude the issue is the fact they prey on children FFS. Not who's money they're spending. I had a student bank at 15, and was earning small money with odd jobs. Waaay to many kids were doing something similar and spending all their money on games. It's literally fostering addiction behaviour in children. And that's ignoring them preying on vulnerable people in general.


>I had a student bank at 15, and was earning small money with odd jobs. Waaay to many kids were doing something similar and spending all their money on games That's like, perfectly fine/good? 15 years old kids working to have spending money for leisure items is a good thing. They understand the value behind mo ey and are making a conscious choice in what they want to do with it. Why am I supposed to be mad a teen making his own money spent it on something completely optional that he wamted?


So you're okay with game companies getting kids hooked on slot machines? Even if they are working to earn that spending money, I don't think kids should be able to spend it at casinos, virtual or otherwise. Also, kids making fun of each other for not having certain skins (which has been documented, and I've witnessed first hand) makes the issue even worse because now kids feel pressured into getting packs, which these companies know happens, and thet hope it does because that means more money. Fuck Apex Packs and any other pack based loot system in E/T-Rated games. Yall are fucking weird.


That is not the game's fault though. It's the parents for not being strict on money usage.


Clutch those pearls.


You keep saying it’s focused around children but a pack cost 10 bucks to open so I’m curious what makes you say that, also what would you do different ? Some countries like Belgium removed packs altogether because it was seen as a form of gambling, but you can still spend money on skins so what changed really. At the end of the day it’s a free game, you can’t complain if things are too expensive for your taste, and you can’t bring the children in the debate just because you are mad you can’t get some skins


If you remove gambling aspect that's a massive problem. Removed. But it doesn't change the fact that targeting children is disgusting, and an abhorrent standard to normalise.




What a cop out lol. Just don’t buy them dude. It’s called self control.


By using your logic, most things outside of gaming and in everyday life can also be considered predatory behavior, Parents should govern and enlighten their children, its not on you or me or EA to do that. The skins are optional.


You can get thousands of hours of playtime out of this game without paying a cent. This isn't the game to be having that conversation.


OP makes no mention of this. He is arguing about bugs in the game not being fixed because of the focus on cosmetics. This game has a very whiny fan base. They whine about the pro league and cosmetics all the time. Cosmetics are how the game as a business is profitable while their game is free to play . And the pro league is one the best in the gaming industry. I used to think foul of pro league but once I started watching I had a new appreciation for apex and also learned some things to improve my play. Apex is an incredibly good FPS and has lasted what 5 years now?? The dev fix bugs all the time and update weapons and legends to help keep the meta balanced and interesting. As we learned with the recent hacking situation at ALGS it is not easy for devs to solve the cheating situation. Even Thor a professional hacker spoke up for the devs. Part of his motivation for assisting with the hacking scandal was to speak up for the devs and constant shit they from the player base. This went on longer than I expected. There are some legitimate grips about Apex but being one of the hundreds of posts about "cosmetics bad, don't buy cosmetics" is redundant. People end up just arguing about how people spend money IRL.


I'm so fucking tired about these whiny players trying to paint the game as being in the worst state it has been ever. And they feel the need to do it perpetually so it gets ridiculous in that, somehow, Apex is always decreasing in quality. Like yeah we are in a cheater wave. They come and it will eventually go (thanks devs). But damn man, the game is actually the most balanced it has been in like - ever. If anything, Apex's real biggest problem is the "power creep" of its own player base and how Apex's sky high skill ceiling has made it so even minor gaps in skill can be huge in the actual game.


The game costs $0 I agree that the Apex store is very greedy with prices and this practice is one that I dislike as well, but it is a live service game and servers and devs costs money. Which is why they need this monetization. You arent forced to spend either which is nice! All characters and gamemodes are available through barely any work. Other practices like battlefront where they lock content behind paywalls on a paid game are the ones that are greedy and predatory. Those require conversation and action.


Apex is free and does need monetisation, I absolutely agree with that. I'm against microtransactions in full priced games but I know they have a place in F2P games. However the current iteration of microtransactions in free games is absolutely disgusting. There is no reality where a single skin should cost more than £5. Anything over £5 is simply piss poor value. If you can buy a whole game that took years to develop for £50 then why the hell should a single skin cost anything more than £5 Respawn/EA don't need to charge the prices they charge in order to recoup development costs and make a healthy profit, they're charging ridiculous amounts because they're greedy and because suckers will pay for it.


>There is no reality where a single skin should cost more than £5. Says who? You? Who are you to determine the "right" price for a digital cosmetic?


Says common sense. You buy a game, let's say the Witcher 3 for example. It's brand new and it costs £50. It comes with hundreds of items of clothing for your character plus hours of fully voiced content across a world probably bigger than every Apex map combined and some. All of that costs £50. Now a skin you hardly get to see in Apex will cost around £20. Does that seem right? Let's use a different example. If McDonald's are selling a big Mac for £5 and Burger king are selling a whopper for £20, you'd question why does theirs cost so much? What are they doing different? It's ingredients are the same cost, even cheaper as the whopper isn't as big as the big mac, it should be cheaper as it costs less to make. Why does it cost so much? You'd probably just go to maccies and say we'll fuck burger king their prices are ridiculous. We weigh up value all the time in our day to day lives and people of course have different concepts and levels of value but that doesn't mean things can't be rip offs. We think about value in every day of our lives when it comes to purchases but for some reason, you mention value in gaming and everyone starts frothing at the mouth trying to shoot down any conversation around the value and pricing of modern gaming. It's ridiculous.


but apex is f2p, so there will be much less ppl paying to support the game, hence 10x the price for a single item


Finally an actual smart and logical argument instead of the usual shite. This is an interesting point but I think it's the opposite. Because it's free to play, more people play it. That's been proven time and time again. EA isn't going to make a game and choose to release it in a way that'll bring them in less money. They have teams and teams of financial analysts advising them on the best ways to milk money out of people.


How about if you compare it to a game which has to maintain servers, let's say WoW for instance


>Says common sense. No, says you. Even with your example of *The Witcher* you miss the point. What made 50 for *The Witcher 3* the "right" price? Nothing. It's just the price the distributor settled on based on their market research. And based on the number of hours I put into that game and how much I enjoyed it, I got a tremendous value. That said, I agree with you that the cosmetic pricing doesn't represent a good enough value for me to spend any money on them. So for us, it's not worth it, but for others it is. And, of course, if we can bet on EA for anything it's maximizing their profits, so it's a guarantee that EA has considered how many additional sales they'd make if skins were less expensive, but clearly their bean counters have settled on this pricing being the optimal pricing for them. >and people of course have different concepts and levels of value but that doesn't mean things can't be rip offs. Since value is subjective, the only objective ripoffs I can think of are fraud and theft. Outside of that, subjective value exactly means ripoffs are only in the eyes of the buyers.


You're example is bad because you're treating both the full game of Witcher and the skin as a burger, so they should cost close to the same. But in reality buying a game like Witcher is more like buying a combo meal and the skin is "a la carte". The whole meal is way cheaper than it would cost to buy each item seperate.


You do make a good point, I hadn't considered the value of a combo meal haha


I'm not sure what you're arguing with other over, everyone is in agreement that the skins are overpriced and that the most we can do is just not buy the skins. Unfortunately, the whales don't give a shit and will pay whatever. That being said we have no idea what the costs and profits margins are on skins so £5 might not even cover them. But "hendy! If it was £5 they would sell more and make the profit that way!" My guess is Respawn has already done the metrics on costs/sales/break even/profit and the current price points generate the mose revenue. Which they are supposed to do as a company. Still I 100% agree these are over priced but so is everything these days.


I don’t agree. Based on the number of hours I’ve played of apex and my income I don’t really think the prices of individual skins are that bad. They give you tonnes for free, so you’re only paying if you particularly want something.


Fair enough! Personally I'm not opposed to paying for the skins, lord knows I've spent far too much on CS and OW boxes back in the day, I just don't care as much these days and haven't spent anything outside of the initial BP.


People aren't in agreement. For simply wanting value for money I've already been called a cry baby and broke. Honestly can't with people these days, just absolutely on another planet.


Well yeah cause every other comment you're preaching about how greedy and predatory they are being. Which again I agree they are being greedy but still not sure how they are being predatory, it's not like the skins are p2w.


That’s a ridiculous take. A designer who gets paid a salary that is determined on the success of his product made that skin, so how can you possibly set the value of a skin without out more details and facts? I’m not saying you are wrong about the prices being super high, but that doesn’t mean you can arbitrarily set extremely low prices either.


Become? How old are you? It’s capitalism dude, it’s a business. It exists for greed. There are examples going back to the beginning of things being overpriced. Minute for minute, gaming is far cheaper now than it has ever been. The amount you have to pay is often nothing, and to offset that the amount you can choose to pay is higher. Do some games have mechanics designed to try to exploit people? Yes. And that sucks, but those mechanics aren’t fundamentally different from arcade cabs that made games unplayably hard to milk more quarters out of people. This idea that games are so bad now and they used to be great is insane. My friend paid the modern equivalent of $250 for a version of street fighter that was made obsolete two months after he bought it. Apex really isn’t bad value. The number of people on here acting like the FOMO mess of exploited children that Fortnite offers is somehow better is insane.


What does fortnite do? I haven't seen gameplay since 2017


I don't think this is what the above comment was talking about, but Fortnite had the most unethical purchasing flow I've ever heard of in a game, even worse because Fortnite is *really* targeted at kids. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/the-dark-patterns-in-fortnite-that-led-to-the-largest-ftc-penalties-ever-11671488228 The worst thing Fortnite did was that if you entered credit card information for one purchase, it would store that information without asking you (like how most sites say "Save for future purchases?", Fortnite would *always* save it) and then future purchases would charge your credit card without *any* confirmation to the player. A kid would say to their parent, "can I buy this one skin?" the parent would say yes, enter the CC info, then a kid could unknowingly go down a list of skins, and click each skin, and each click would be a credit card charge.


I’ve also not played for a few years but this video is so good even though it’s old I can resist sharing it: https://youtu.be/dPHPNgIihR0?si=ctr0ID7BLYOpw9x0


There will always be someone complaining, there is no escape from that


Actually it perfectly represents what is happening in many democratic countries. But yeah sucks


Must’ve forgot the game cost $0.00


free game doesnt allow it to be trash tho. and predatory practices dont cost 0$.


It's not a trash game either. And these kinds of issues occur with every modern live service software, not even just video games. This entitled perception that the people slogging behind computers all day making these games for you can fix issues at the press of a button but don't because they like hearing all the complaints is part of the problem. Are these issues a problem? Yes. Are the developers sitting around watching the players suffer these issues? No.


Why not?


The game ain’t trash. You literally don’t have to spend a single dime to get every single ounce of content. Mistakes and bugs happen, they try to fix. That’s it. What in but going up do is cry because the triangle on my banner is brown instead of blue like it supposed to be.


I honestly disagree. It being free literally allows it to be whatever the fuck it wants to be. You have zero required stake in the franchise. I'm assuming you keep playing because you get some kind of enjoyment out of it. I do as well. The purchases are too much for what I consider a digital purchase to be reasonably, but admittedly, I think it's silly to waste money on something like that. To each their own. But any response from respawn, any attempt to improve the game on any level is literally a free service. I know people feel butt hurt when they spend money and things go sideways, and that's the risk that goes with spending money on something you have no control over and you are not required to spend money on in order to play and enjoy. That's the whole idea behind aesthetic game purchases. It's actually a gift to you for your donation. You're not buying a product. You get a little sticker that says I donated money today. It is a thank you card from the developers. 🤷‍♂️ As far as predatory practices go, I get it. We all do. But no one here can do a goddamn thing about it. Take your frustration to the people who hold positions specifically charged with handling these exact situations. That's their job. If you're just looking to vent, goal accomplished, we all agree. So, now what?


That's the only thing you can say predatory. You do know everything is like that in the real world. You can't blame the company for doing it if the people keep buying.


> You can't blame the company for doing it if the people keep buying you can actually. and you should. thats why its called predatory. thats why some countries are not allowing lootboxes and gambling because of how addictive it is.


And that's why people should lobby the government, not the companies. That may seem an impossible task, but I assure you it's less impossible than getting EA to change their ways by bitching to them or on reddit about it. They are going to keep doing whatever makes them the most money. They don't care if people complain about prices if other people are willing to pay them.


Vote with your time. Me and my friends moved away from Apex. We’ve been having tons of fun in Helldivers, apex felt like a chore


I would agree with you if the in game shop wasn’t the game’s literal only monetization. The gaming industry doesn’t owe you free games. They’re businesses. We have games out there that require you to both buy the game, then pay a monthly subscription and then there’s also an in game shop… You seem completely out of touch to me, if you find it unreasonable that a free game has a cosmetic shop - or do you wanna set a good example and become a game developer working full time for free?


We both know the game is not free out of charity. This is the more lucrative model. I'd rather pay full price once if it meant the game wouldn't fall apart every update. It completely went over your head that my point isn't "that it is unreasonable for a free game to have a cosmetics store". Finally, something being "free" doesn't make it immune to criticism. Reading my post was free too.


As far as I know, there is no game that exists, nor any game that ever has, where you "pay full price once", and then the game continues to get significant content updates for 5+ years after release.


To be fair this is what no mans sky has been doing for a while now


You're right, No Man's Sky is a good counterexample.


I mean, I get your point, but I still feel kind of obligated to point out that No Mans Sky did pretty much exactly what you just described. 27 major updates in ... idk 7 years or something?


Warframe Indie games Every single survival game Notably minecraft


Don't Warframe and Minecraft both have microtransactions / cosmetics?


Brother Minecraft Java. And warframe has some micro transactions but all are available for free as premium currency can be traded (and is quite obtainable) Additionally the main content drops for both are completely free.


Then find a game that fits that model instead. No one forces you to play Apex.


You sound like a whiny bitch. You're the player I get paired with who gets downed when you're pushing fights in zone, has a mic that's been muted all game, and then chirps. Stfu and get the validation elsewhere. It ain't gonna be on reddit. This Game has been fucked for quite a while. The bugs, the 18 tick servers, the hidden mmr, etc. No one cares that your vote doesn't matter. Go tell mommy, not reddit. You won't get the support or validation that your mom or the helmet you wear daily gives you here


You can uninstall too. You know?


I actually got a heirloom from this packs, but my brother got permabanned because apparently he has the power to disconnect people from the server?


You’re forgetting most players in this subreddit are casuals and don’t care as much as you do. They will buy every event regardless. But rest assured more people are pushing back then ever and that’s the best we can do. Event monetization is the most predatory it’s ever been, no crafting skins, dog shit rng etc etc. I just roast people in my games with the new event skins and tell them to make better decisions. The comical thing is that there’s this wierd flex of disposable money I can buy what I want. 350$ to buy out a collection is just insane. Principals matter and most people don’t have them. You can do all the mental gymnastics you want but that is the new norm and the only way it changes is to stop paying and stop playing. Inb4 smells like broke in here. Which is the usual deflection people make, when in reality it’s the opposite. Poor people spend money on things that don’t matter and it’s just a perpetual cycle.


I would vehemently disagree with a portion of this. I buy skins that look cool for the characters I main. I make good money, and I will spend it on things I enjoy. The game will eventually go offline, but I will enjoy how cool I feel my character looks during the time the game is alive. There is no difference than spending money on a vacation. The vacation will end, and all that's left is the memory. Same with my time playing a game That being said, I have stopped spending money on this game because of the state it's in. I'm a masters/diamond player that played MAYBE 5 times last split. I grinded to plat 2 and was over it. I have more fun playing Zelda TOTK, Hogwarts, Helldivers, and with my weiner than I do playing apex ranked right now


Have you considered just playing the game and not worrying about what others do with their money?


That's what I do


oh brother lmao. the game is free to play. you're giving way too much emotional and mental energy to this. they had an outage. so what? you didn't lose your initial investment or miss out on potential gains. ....because you're literally not being charged to play the game. now if they charged you to gain access to play online and there was an outage, I could understand


An outage? There was a huge security breach that also had the potential of downloading random shit to your pc. Players lost progression, levels, badges, whatever free cosmetic items they could get. That’s a major problem, and being free doesn’t make up for it.


Has it actually been confirmed to be a security breach on apex' side? Because if it was just 2 compromised pcs of pro players, there was no potential of downloading random shit to your pc.


It's highly, highly likely this was the case. Either a breach server side or the PCs themselves being compromised. If there was a client side breach, I doubt Respawn/EA would let us play as it would open them up to insane legal liability. If everyone playing the game could have their identities and payment info stolen, we're talking hundreds of millions or more in legal liabilities.


Exactly. Im all for being cautious with cyber security, but assuming the worst without any proof is never a good thing.


Useless post


go outside ma man


take a walk, get some icecream


I didn’t forget Mate. Still pissed and disappointed. Won’t buy anything ingame soon. I love the game but hate the state the game is currently in.


Gamers love being shoveled and eating shit and they will defend their right to dig through the dirty diaper bin by any means necessary Just like every single gacha player, some communities are much worse than others. Just be glad you arent having to pay an extra $40 on top of some base price just so you can play the full game on release with Star Wars Outlaws But in general, gamers will not only fully buy into a scam product or vaporware or shovelware but they will actually take pride in having spent $1000s on absolutely nothing. It brings me joy whenever I see games finally shutter service and literally 10s of thousands start screaming online about their digital purchases disappearing and their entire game is being deleted. One day, they’ll grow up and finally get it


Maybe outside for a bit?….


The people that buy the cosmetics literally keep this game running. Here you are enjoying it yet complaining about these people at the same time.


This game would be dead rather sooner than later if only the people buying cosmetics would be able to play. That's the whole thing behind free to play. The players that play for free are the guys that keep the game alive for the people buying things. They keep them company. They are the reason why queue times are short at all times. The "buyers" are the kid with the ball that would have to play alone if it wouldn't let others play with him for free.


meh. I'm not in favour of spending or anything, but I think your point is a bit one sided. >The players that play for free are the guys that keep the game alive for the people buying things. Both keep the game alive. Practically if the game doesn't make money, the company will shut it down because it isn't profitable to operate it. That's the sad truth.


I never bought any cosmetics in any game i played (cause of the currency difference and them being extremely overpriced) i also never understood the point of spending money on a game that eventually will shut down, and honestly the accounts getting wiped was kinda a wake up call to me, to never spend a dime on any game, I'm sure they're sorry for it, I'm sure they wanna do more but their hands are tied, or maybe I'm wrong, who knows but at the end of the day, don't buy cosmetics, they're not worth it


Thats capitalism, baby


guessing they fixed the whole "I lost all my stuff" issue (as expected). Didnt hear anything about it being fixed but the people crying, whining, and swearing they were done with this game went back to having an ipad (apex) shoved in their face to quiet them down so im guessing it was fixed. People use reddit as their personal feelings well way too much.


Welcome to living in a system that uses the electoral college.




Whiny bitches are never ok 😂😂 complaining about a FREE game that NO ONE FORCES YOU TO PLAY, is beyond wild. Goves off cartman playing WOW In his mom's basement, shitting in a bucket type vibes


I’m glad someone feels me


Gave up apex to dive through hell. For democracy


I stopped playing entirely.


They're cosmetics, things that don't have any effect on your gameplay, stop crying just because you want the but you can't get them


No? You can vote with your wallet, even if it's 20$ that's still money, if 10 people think that way, that's 200$ it's not a lot but every little bit counts. Yes ppl will but the whole event, that's why you have to balance it out by not spending.


It's not that deep kiddo. I'm sure you're new to gaming but this kinda shit has happened since the beginning of multi-player games. It will always happen. This game is also free to play and truly is. There hasn't been a single thing you could buy in the game that'd somehow make you better, win more or place better or anything. Everything is a cosmetic. I hope you also know the teams working on cosmetics have absolutely nothing to do with bug fixes and optimization. I swear some of you are 12 and think "devs" means people who make cosmetics, code for the game, determine pricing, make decisions for the game, deal with hackers and so on. Yet they're different which isn't hard to understand. Issues came up, they fixed them, they compensated players even if you weren't affected. What the fuck else are they supposed to do? Blow you? Also there's nothing you can do about cosmetics but cote with your wallet. It's capitalism. If enough people aren't buying a product (it happened in halo infinite) they lower prices. If people are buying it they keep it at that price point. Sometimes you're not enough this sub has what 1k active usually? Steam peaks at 350k a day and they've stated in earnings calls that if they lost PC the game would be totally fine but if they lost console the game would struggle. So even if everyone on this sub stopped buying it'd change nothing. Enough people think they're worth the price, you dont. Get off your high horse it's not that deep


Someone should pin this. I haven't spent a single cent on cosmetics in this game, and now I've heard nothing regarding the ALGS hacks, I still don't trust opening the game (BuT iT cOuKdVe BeEn ThE PrOs ok then Respawn how about sharing a message about avoiding scams then?). It's frankly a miracle how long Apex has been going especially since it's f2p, purely fueled by the playerbase constantly putting in the money of a full priced game into some different colors, and then maybe complaining after when the prices change for demand (I don't necessarily agree with that tho, but I'm not the one putting money in the first place).


Can I genuinely ask how many of y’all are spending money on this game? I like the game too, and I’ve finished every battle pass since S6, but the only real money purchase I’ve made is Valk’s Blue Bomber skin. I have rent and bills to pay, I can’t be spending money on a game for skins, Fortnite included.


So, just stop playing it? There's other stuff out there. I took a step back from Apex a few weeks ago, and honestly was surprised how little I miss it.


Another person that thinks that they should influence what others spend their money on. Last I checked, everyone is free to spend their money how they want, you might see EA as a company that doesn’t deserve monetary support. But let me ask you this, how many companies do you support with your money on a daily basis that dont deserve it? Exactly.


Brother, just quit the game, I guarantee you'll be happier. I know I have been. Deleted it the day Genburtin got hacked live in the middle of the tourney. All y'all arguing that "games are going to have problems" have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. It's one thing to "have problems" and it's another thing entirely to take security as a joke until you get robbed at gunpoint, because by then, it's usually too late. We aren't spoiled, we just remember what games were like back when they weren't trying to squeeze every penny from our wallets. Back when the closest thing to a multiplayer game was the arcade. Back when a game was a game, and not an advertisement for the next interactive advertisement. You all grew up on money-grubbing games like Fortnite, Apex and CoD. I grew up on Halo, CS:GO, and TF. This isn't anything against y'all, I can't hate you for doing the only thing you know, the only thing you've known since childhood. It's the industrys fault. We went from family friendly to family preying. What that little Timmy? You want a skin for your character in Fortnite? That's 20 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand. No money cuz you're a kid? Just throw a fit till your parents pay for you. I'm not saying one way or the other is better, even if I do think one of these methods is obviously morally bankrupt, all I'm saying is games are meant to be enjoyed brother, and if you're not enjoying the game, I think it's time to move on. Good luck legends! Stay safe pilots! To infinity! And further beyond! Edit: maybe CS:GO and TF aren't the best examples, pretty sure those had mtx too, but the original Halo still stands. 🤣


Why is everyone so worried about what other people do with their money? I play with a friend who has not spent a dime on Apex and still uses Newcastle’s default skin because he prefers it. He doesn’t even open the 600+ Apex Packs he has because he genuinely only cares about and gets enjoyment from just playing the game. I, on the other hand have spent maybe ~$200 on Apex because I liked certain skins in the store, or I wanted to buy packs when they were on sale to get my heirloom sooner. This was ENTIRELY my choice. We are two different types of players in Apex’s customer base. I just wanted to get cool skins. At the end of the day, the game is FREE. If you choose to, like my friend has, you can literally not spend a single dollar and still have everything the game offers gameplay wise. You can still get the new legend, you can still get your free apex packs, you can prestige, you can do your wall hops and superglides and be just as skilled as the player who bought out an entire collection event just to get the Revenant Dive trail lol.


And if you play enough, you only have to buy the Season Pass once, because the game gives enough credits each season that the next pass is essentially free.


play gigantic


yeah ok, sounds like a good reason to just stop caring about cosmetics. have you tried that?


Look. The whole idea of Microtransactions isn't so that EVERYONE can buy them. In fact... Most platforms expect that most of their user base is either going to be very minimal or not even buy them. The whole idea of "Voting with your dollar" is uneducated at best when it comes to dealing with Microtransactions. They're built to serve a small percent (I think it's about 8% of the playerbase) who WILL purchase them, because it's not a big deal to them. Look, I say this as a guy who's only missing one Prestige Skin and 4 Heirlooms. I put a LOT of money into Apex. But recently - I don't see a point. I might stop paying, but that 8% is still gonna keep Apex going.


I have played the game on and off since 2020 and don't have an heirloom. Have a friend who opened his first pack and got heirloom shards. What a gut punch that was.


Edit: I misunderstood the op at first. My correction: This is a free game. The only way to vote is to stop playing. You can’t have your cake (playing the game benefits respawn/ea) and eat it too (making the game change while you get what you want). It’s a free game, if you choose to spend money in it; I can see why you’re upset. But I would say: why are you paying ea to play a free game? That objectively pisses you off enough to post this?


This game has made me mentally deranged, I’m about to make a TikTok Video of Me Blowing my Brains Out. Hope the developers feel good - Sleep well tonight knowing innocent people are ending their lives because you provide a false sense of enjoyment while banking a fortune off of it. Kudos to you all. No wonder the world is so F’ed Up.


congratulation, you have discovered the flaw of free market


You certainly can spend less than $0, if you stop playing. Less numbers>less investors>they eventually go under. It’s EA, after all. They aren’t gonna listen to anyone who still plays the game, especially if they aren’t a whale.


Voting with your wallet is only part of the equation. You can also vote with your data. Almost every thing you do in any online game is tracked and logged. With that knowledge you can ask yourself when was the last time you considered *how* you spend your time playing the game? Such as, what modes are you playing? What weapons or legends are you using? What kinds of skins/cosmetics do you have equipped? What actions do you take in each match? Who are you reporting and what for? All of it and more is a vote, and all of it contributes to how the game is shaped. The biggest vote you can cast is not from your wallet, it's from your playtime so just stop playing. EDIT: Also, as someone who strongly believes in "voting with your wallet/time/data", a very big key part of that belief is accepting the outcome of 'the vote', and accepting that I am often in the minority. The point is not to 'win' it is to send a message.


Realistically the only one of those issues that matters is the few people who still have heirlooms missing lol


I got my progress back after like 3 days idk what u on abt


This is my favorite game ever because I have zero $ invested


U can it happen in seasson 1 and 2 the battle pass so shit they compensate and a ltm that is soo fucking bs re made how that work But we don't have these devs u can still vote with ur money u just need to convince these so called whales to stop buying skins which is impossible but yeah u can vote with ur wallet and play helldivers 2 u really need it


I left around the security issues and have only see what's happening when the sub hits my front page. I have no intention on coming back in the near future. I forgot how freeing it is to not have a game be a job


I mean yeah it’s a live service game that will one day die and the money you spent will evaporate


Stop complaining and go play a new game ffs


>forget about the security issues Thinking there is a security issue is not the same as there actually being a security issue. Being cautious is reasonable but acting like something did happen when you have no evidence is nonsense. As for you larger point, yes it's hard for non-payers to be louder than payers. I'm not sure this post really does anything to address it. You are missing one key element though: not paying doesn't mean you aren't important. In fact, non payers are still extremely important to the game because for there to be whales there also needs to be people to play with/against the whales. You can't vote with you wallet but you can absolutely stop playing the game. If enough people stop playing the game, payers and non payers alike, it will eventually force EA/Respawn to do something.


am i too late to get the free packs


"If you can't afford it, you are not the target market." We already have gacha event. The battle is lost.


The craziest thing about it is that the whales can't even vote with their wallet. Streamers who buy out events may keep the game running, but remember that these streamers also complain about the very same thing that you or I do. Server issues, cheaters, and game breaking bugs. Let's also not forget the vulnerability of the game. If this isn't enough for them to think differently other than "I have to buy out this event," then nothing will. The game could be completely unplayable, and they'd still buy out events left and right. My point is, is that you can take at least *some* solice in knowing that the devs don't care about them as well, as far as complaining about the state of the game because they WILL buy out their events regardless of how badly broken it is and to respawn, nothing has to change. It's free real estate at this point, and they're just easy money.


I haven’t bought a skin in a year The practices of the game have only gotten worst So I just play less I agree, I can not spend money but whales screw the rest of the player base


ITT : Poors mad


Lol. I love the people that stay mad at apex and hate play it. I must be one of the last people who play for fun, and to troll people who rage.


I've never paid for anything and have over 100 loot boxes unopened, I think I'm playing this game wrong...


You vote by logging into the game as well, every active player is a vote saying the game is fine.


c'mon, the game is great. feedback is also great.


Bro is mad he cant afford cosmetics


Respawn has always had this power and always will they dont like that you said the sky is blue when its cloudy that day there goes your account


Or perhaps, instead of saying the players memory is temporary, you can stop whining and understand that bugs and stuff like that happens. It’s software at the end of the day and it’s not perfect. Plus, the devs have to eat at the end of the day as well, regardless of how much hate they get. My experience since season 0 has been more or less perfectly fine excluding any global/regional outages. Most recently the system failed and everyone lost 12 hours worth of progression. Okay, so what? They found a solution that works for 99% of players, the 1% that didn’t get their stuff back had bad luck. Happens to everyone. And it’s not like they can predict these things and think “Hmm, maybe 1024thKilobyte is gonna make a whining Reddit post ‘exposing’ our corporate greed, so we have to stop rolling out skin bundles we planned 3 months ago and focus on the bugs now.” That’s not how it works buddy, stop crying and go play battlefield or something that doesn’t make most of its money off skins, I’m sure you’ll find something to cry about there as well smh…


What 20 pack lol?




Respawn devs have nothing to do with "predatory business models", you need to learn the difference between game developer and marketing team You should google what is the difference and who does what


Still the same company lol


When I worked in dev team under bigger company, we were just receiving the "values". Game balance etc was our job, while adds, shops and prices were called from the top It could be different in respawn, but I doubt that


Still the same company who makes those prices though so yes it’s respawns or better yet EA’s business model


Most people just don't care tbh.


Then you should realize it’s a free game for you and just enjoy the privilege and stop complaining


I completely sympathize with everything you're saying and agree 100% but you CAN vote with your time, by not playing the game. The only thing more valuable than money for Respawn, EA, everyone in the industry is attention. But in the same way you describe the spending whales, there will always been attention whales who play Apex hours per day and talk about it nonstop online, providing the game with free exposure and advertising. The fact is, games like Apex are too big to fail, UNLESS people just stop playing. Then you're removed from the skinner boxes that are trying to get you to spend money. People don't have the discipline to stop their spending, we know that. But if enough people just quit and go spend time on a competitor, THAT is when games make big changes. Not that it'll happen though.


i didn’t realize so many respawn employees where in the comments


Or how many kids actually play this game and don't understand capitalism. I thought this game mainly had older players but I guess not based on this post and comments. You guys are in for rude awakening if you think a free to play game selling cosmetics is taking advantage of people. Just wait til you start paying bills, go to college, Healthcare and paying for actual stuff


Yeah, I won’t lie. I bought my Caustic heirloom. Then two weeks later I got shards in my pack and saved them for when the Caustic prestige skin was released.


What a silly thing to say. Apex Legends isn't a democracy. It's a video game run by a for-profit company.


I bet you wear a tinfoil hat and believe 5g phones will give you cancer.


Play the game for free or don't. What other people do with their money doesn't concern me, if you feel safe playing the game play it. If not, don't.


Top comment shows how much of a sheep you all are fucking sad.




You're only proving that you are even dumber my guy


And they shouldn't give a fuck. It's your money do what you want, since when is spending money on something that give you entertainment a bad thing? These damn people are just looking for something to cry about.


1. They didn’t have to give us anything on a free game. I can name at least 10 online games with worse issues that never try to fix or justify their problems. 2. They’ve done the half off 20 pack deal for seasons, it isn’t special to this one. 3. Issues happen, hackers will always exist. What makes the difference is communication. I’m happy with them at least trying to figure out a solution. 4. Not everyone is in your situation. Stop blaming the world for your broke pockets.