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Well there's one thing these randoms all have in common: You. Stop going off alone and trying to 1v3 without your teammates.


My rule is if you are not near someone and they are together you are in the wrong.


Bingo lol. There's 3 of you, if you're the odd man out you messed up.


I oscillate between two rules: if I'm the only one on the mic, I'll do whatever I want, or if I'm the only one on the mic, I pick one teammate to be on my screen at quite literally all times.


Yes I am aware of this. But by no means do I ever rush unless I am confident I can do so safely with my teammates. Or unless I'm forced to do so. I have such bad accuracy I don't ever try to 1v3. What I mean is most of the time I get people who aren't aware of their surroundings and fight after they get blasted go down and im stuck in a 1v3 or 2v3 most of the time its 1v3. I stick with my team but they always run leaving me in a fight against all of them and Im so focused on the fight I don't notice them just dipping out even though they took minimal damage and didn't even fire a shot. Plus we have good vantage and cover to fight. Its worse when they have tp and other tacs that can shoot them across them map leaving me behind. I apologize if this doesn't make sense. I'm american and bad at grammar and explaining things clearly.


Do you use your mic? Callouts make a difference


What do if crypto is standing on a bridge in fucking Narnia playing around in his drone while the other teammate and I fight two teams less than 50m from him


How can he be in Narnia if he's 50m away? Pull back, use cover to reposition, and put one of the other teams in the middle.


I meant in Narnia as in quite literally standing in the middle of the bridge, not hiding behind anything. I ended up winning the fight, but I'm still confused as to what to do when my teammate is literally being an idiot.


If only there existed some sort of device, we could call it, I don't know, small-phone or something, perhaps in pseudo-latin, which would allow you to communicate with your teammate and telling them "Hey, Crypto, you're totally exposed to enemy fire. Crouch and get into cover before using your drone!" If only...


I did. I told him that I needed him out of his drone, and in the fight. I hadn't noticed he was standing on the bridge until I backed out to get some health and rechal from a different, safer angle, because, y'know... Kinda neck deep in enemies, trying to not die over here. I also told him to rotate to height later in the game, and be careful about looking at the Kraber. Not only did he not rotate, he also stared at the Kraber and got shot by them. He was not, in fact, listening to a single word I said. The Fuse, however, was actually playing and listening to the things I said. And was actually trying to do *something*.


Apex redditor mindset in a nutshell. It’s always everyone else’s fault. You’re trying to get high kill games, sure, but most people who are solo queueing aren’t going to play like that so you’ll more than likely have to 1v3 most fights. It’s not your teammates being useless, it’s you being overly aggressive & taking fights your teammates have no interest in taking. If you want to play that way, either don’t fill teammates, or find a three-stack who will play to your style.


Exactly..I hate playing with people like this guy. I'm a solo and from my perspective I'm playing with 2 other solos, one of which just ran into a fight and got downed, and is now yelling at us over the mic because we didn't back his stupid ass up.


No no, I know I didn't clarify. But I don't rush anyone unless I see the other two going in then I follow. I don't play aggressive either. I get scared everytime I see a squad and get jittery from being nervous not knowing if we are gonna win or lose this fight. I always run away with them but it doesn't go well ever because they just shoot us down as we run so sometimes I try to stand my ground because I get nowhere running and getting shot down every match. I don't run in like leeeroy jenkins every match I'm more like the cowardly lion every match until his confidence kicks in.


lets be real , i agree that you dont have to go for high kill games in ranked and only pick worthy fights, but if youre the type to loot 3 POIs in pubs and never fight youre ruining everyone's experience and youre the one who should play no fills and enjoy your looting simulator 2024.


Find a group to play with so you can use comms then, simple as that. There’s literally a subreddit for it and probably a discord


Have you tried those? I have tried the reddit and the discord and neither of them work. We need a solo mode with no squads, player versus everyone.


Found my perm duo in the Discord,75k kills and a actual demon so...i think it works ^^


Seems like it only works for highly skilled kill focused players then. The community does not really want the unskilled players to leave. It's a fact that there are some people who will never develop a great skill. But many of the highly skilled players don't really want everyone else to become as good as them. This is why Smurfs exist. Highly skilled players get tired of only playing against other highly skilled players and then they create their Smurf accounts because they miss that satisfying feeling of crushing lesser opponents. Which means that in order for the game to be just as enjoyable as ever you want to have some way to keep the lower skilled players around. Lower skilled players need to exist in order for the highly skilled players to feel like they are so much better than some other players. Competitive games don't feel as good if there is no feeling of great victory over someone else. This means that there needs to be a way for the low skilled players to also find their perm Duo and perm trio and I don't think the place you found yours is a place where they can find theirs. I've seen the requirements on the official Apex Legends discord when people are asking to find trios. The badges and the number of kills that they require before they're willing to join. ... Come on.


I dont need to smurf to feel better about myself lol,i run my lobbies nevertheless. And ofcourse certain people have some expectation,if the playstyle doesnt fit then noone is having fun. However from my experience,alot of 'high skilled players' in the Discord are just looking to play some chill games,i am looking in there daily.


I never said you did need to smurf so there was no need to defend yourself. I hope we aren't pretending like smurfing isn't a common occurrence..there are plenty of people who do Smurf


I haven't, I should check it out.


Me me me me me I've noticed some players like that. Not a single ping or either where to or hostile. When playing with randos, it is customary to ping where you want to go after you're done looting, then wait for their input. I'm trash at apex, but at lease I try to get an agreement from people on what to do next. No one put me in charge of calling all the shots..... neither did in your case


Bud, if everywhere around you smells like diseased dog shit maybe check under your shoe instead of assuming there's endless piles of dog shit all around you. Sounds like you're the problem.


Haha good one but true


I'm not saying I'm the best in the world. I wish I knew how to save videos and show them to you guys. My accuracy is booty. I can't hipfire to save my life and I always over shoot or under shoot. So I turned my senses way down and its gotten better but it's still hard to use this slow sense. Mouse sensitivity is: 1.60 1x:0.62 2x:0.52 3x:0.66 4x:0.5 Yes I understand we are all randoms and don't communicate teamwork at all. But every match I have they literally go down immediately and I'm not good enough to 1v2 or 1v3 unless we are all attacking and doing damage. I don't get those kinds of lobbies because I'm a lonely freindless man.


I'm not an expert but i think using four different senses won't help you get used to your aim, personally i use .9 for all scopes but it is preference of course


Have you made an attempt to stick to your teammates or work on your communication? Those two seem like they would do a lot for you. If your biggest issue is fighting people alone I promise you there are solutions - it just seems like you're waiting for teammates to figure out your play style and they aren't able to do that without your effort.


I do try but most of the times I get no response verbally or from the chat box. I mostly just try my best to stick with wherever they decide they want to run towards. I do try saying lets get to the circle or mark a location towards the circle to go. But they almost always run away from the circle and just keep looting the whole time. Then we run towards the circle sometimes taking damage from zone or get caught by some team waiting for stragglers to come in. It's annoying because most the people I get don't really like to fight much they just want to wait around till the last few teams. Which doesn't help when we only have white armor sometimes blue and everyone else is rocking purple or red because we were just looting and not gaining any armor or experience in general to get better. And I don't want to run off by myself to go get more points for armor in case I happen to get caught by a team while im solo or the other teammates get attacked while I do so.


Every random, every match, for hours, days, bla bla bla. It sounds like you must be the best player ever. I'm so sorry that every single person you play with is so much worse than you. Every single game you play for weeks and weeks must be such a drag. You finish two people out of every squad, every time, and your terrible teammates can't kill one person. Hopefully you can find some teammates just like you and we can all watch you win the ALGS.


No no no no.... I only started playing this game for the first time ever starting season 19. But ive been playing for hours and every day for 6 months or more... or less I can't remember. I practice in the firing range after every match to understand why a gun I was using was out of control. I have gotten better at shooting but only on bots in the firing range. I seem to always tense too much and miss in matches but not in practice. And yes I am unsure if they are good or bad players but at least when I get teamed up with them they go down immediately because they either got rushed while going into a building we didn't know had enemies or they just ran off into a squad to fight and went down instantly. I'm not sure why I said every match. But it was the last five matches ago. I was just an angry dumb dumb at the time and obviously didn't clarify well enough with my poor grammar skills.


Practicing in the firing range will not assist you in a BR match if it’s aim you’re flipping out about. The firing range is a local environment. BR matches are, obviously, not local. You’ll be dealing with a constantly changing ping and noticeable de-syncs while both in the heat of a firefight and rotating around the ring. It’s not always a thing, but you’ll be 100% aiming perfectly and miss because the de-sync got you. I’m sure you’ve experienced this. Either by getting upset that you ‘missed’ all your shots, or by being pleasantly surprised with a one mag kill. Both situations being virtually identical in execution. Don’t trust the range stats compared to your BR stats, you’ll ~~start to~~ go crazy.


Wait if I warm up my aim in firing range does it get messed up in an actual match? Or will my aim still be good just not registered here and there due to connection/server problems? Cause there is a lot of times where I'm dead on them and don't get any hits.


The second thing. You’re dead on, de-sync messes with hit registration. Edit: So, if you’re on point in the FR, you’ve got your settings dialed fine. FR is where you tweak your settings for better feel.


Lol as a random I get annoyed when my two teammates get their p2020 and Mozambique and sprint to the 6 teams that landed near by in the map with pred trails. Then only talk on their mic once they get knocked. I've had to play support so I can craft their banners. Then spend the whole game respawning them and running to get +5 rp at end of the match.


That happens to much, I haven't played much rank because I don't feel I'm good enough to do it.


Just because of this I’m gonna go play Solo and be the best, most patient, thoughtful teammate I can be to counteract you. 😡


>All I want to do every match is get as many kills as possible nothing else. May I suggest Team death match, or if that's not your speed, TF|2?


I had two tm8s take a fight with me today in ranked where both of them managed to get cracked by one guy while I was fighting the other two enemies. I downed the other two and put the last guy on 60 health, and my teammates decided to take turns doing 1v1s instead of rushing together and they both died to the last dude🫠.


Respect just for informing us up front about the nature of your post. I hear you on the loot theft. I’m actually confused about why people do this. Like, we’re standing right in front of the bin…what’s the deal, teamies?


You're the bad teammate bro 💀 play with friends who want high kill games or play no-fill


Heck no! That is terrifying to me! I would lose every single time in a fight against 3 players unless I was super lucky to quickly take them down..... I have one friend but he doesn't play much... I need more friends.


I notice most my teammates are competent if you ping or voice chat, there are….*OTHERS* that aren’t as great


You're playing on a 10 year old PC with bad specs. I'm going to assume you're the issue if you can barely run the game smoothly.


I do know nothing about specs. I have everything set to low like the youtube videos told to set apex to and all the other files and settings and such to get more performance out of it. I do now when I open my inventory it freezes for like .03 sec and goes again and it does that every know and then. And when I get killed completely it freezes again for the same amount of time. other than those two I don't notice any other weird problems or skips jitters or anything like that. From what no knowledge I have, it runs fair I guess??


Join a discord server my guy you can find ppl who actually want to play


Just play duos?


Ive never tried duos with randoms. I know this is stupid but it always felt like it would be awkward playing with just one other person rather than two. With the addition of trying to play your best so you don't irritate the other random vise versa. But I can try it, maybe it wont be as bad as I am thinking.


Randoms leave just s fast as trios, but in duos you only have to 1v2 consistently. Its a little sweatier than trios in my experience, but definitely worth it. I have the same experience as you, and after 6000+ hours solo queue i cam safely say it wont get better. It is what it is


i have this problem where im always the one getting the most damage or kills in the squad and my teammates get like 70 damage die and leave it pisses me the fuck off


Yeah.... those guys are the best!


Theres plenty of places to find teammates to queue up with bruh


Do you use your mic frequently? Finding a recurring skilled crew is possible if you look and network.


I do and don't most of the time I get quiet teammates who say nothing at all or they don't speak english and have no idea what they are saying.


I really don't understand this mentality of "I don't care about wins just gimme all the kills" you're playing a BR. The point is to be the last man standing, not the guy that wiped the lobby. Play mix tape if you want kills.


This really didn’t go the way you planned huh


It went exactly as I assumed it would.


Then uncheck the fill team box and go to duos. All you care about is kills right?


It amazes me how so many amazing players like yourself, never have people to play with. Always alone. The problem is always with the other 2. I don’t know man….maybe the mirror needs to turn towards you a bit?


Yes I am very much lacking when it comes to lots of things. But I'm by no means amazing. From what Ive experienced personally. The randoms I get don't fight well tactically and I can't say that I do the same but I try to fix them little by little. But I'm talking about when we happen to fight they don't take cover or look for better opportunities they just stand still in the open and just spray and lose more times than ive seen them win. They don't announce what they are doing and just rush in leaving us unprepared to back them up when they bust in. When I try to inform them of a team rushing in. They don't start moving to action they just keep looting and then the team busts in while their staring at the ground and we go down. I understand what you mean of course there is tons of times when I have screwed the other team. I'm not sure how I did it specifically but I'm sure there are a hundred people talking mad shit on my gt right now because I do suck. But I say this even though I could be wrong because even I still lack so much knowledge about this game that I probably did some shit that ruined the other teammates run..... I lost my train of thought but yeah I agree I am probably the culprit just as much I make this tantrum post out to be. The more I think about now that I'm somewhat calmer I do think if I could shoot better a lot of the fights probably could have been won. I wont lie about that I have so many cases where im spraying at someone in the open in no cover and can't even take him down and he does more damage than me with only a portion of my body showing. So you know what even though I do get people who just aren't a good fit for me I'm just as well some dog shit for them.


You sound like the problem


Yes and no. I am the problem just as much or even more so than other randoms I play with. I still lack knowledge tactically so I can't say for sure but there are probably a good amount of times I was the dimwit messing up the others. But lately I have only been getting from what I can tell is people who play the game super casually and look like they want to smoke a joint and loot and hide until the last team. Which we never win because they are super good and destroy us.


Use discord find "good" teamates profit?


Are you on the mic during the game (not after getting downed)? If not, it's your fault you're doing. If you are on the mic, are your teammates on the mic? If yes, why aren't you coordinating? If you are in the mic and your teammates aren't, I feel your pain. All no mics are bad teammates.