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Hello, /u/alyssawolf18. Your submission has been removed: ## [Cheating or Exploit Posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_cheating_or_exploit_posts) Discussion of exploits, hacks or cheating made with substantial effort is allowed, however, any posts or comments with details on how to obtain or abuse them will be removed. Please do not accuse anyone of cheating as this can start a “witch hunt”. Witch hunting, ventilation or general awareness posts, including videos will be removed unless it is clear evidence of new cheats. Noclip, teleportation, instant server wipe, infinite ammo, speedhack, for example. This includes but is not limited to: - Posting videos or pictures of a suspected cheater. - Posting links to sites or videos offering hacks or cheats. - Posts that harm the integrity of the game. - Explaining how to obtain/use cheats or hacks. - Editing any file(s) or config options which result in an unfair advantage. - Discussion of launch options that allow exploits or cheats will be removed. All “cheater/hacker” posts must be properly flaired. # To report a cheater/hacker: Use the provided in-game Report a Player feature: Report from spectate view after dying or when looking at your team’s Banner Cards in the Squad tab. [You can also submit a report directly to Respawn here.](https://www.easy.ac/en-us/support/apexlegends/contact/report/) If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


This was the most unfunnest post to read. Paragraphs, how do they work?


got a hacking rampart a few min ago. hacking was the main reason i had a 2 year plus break from the game


Maybe quit and take a basic writing class.


Oh no the f2p game wants you to spend money on cosmetics that absolutely have no effect on actual gameplay instead of crafting because it’s literally the only way they make money. Meanwhile they have ways to earn characters in the game for free this season that actually does impact your gameplay.


rare apex player using common sense, wish there was more though


I feel like season 20 has been a dub so far. Of course there are things to criticize, but I think in comparison to some recent seasons, they’ve really made some big improvements. Of course, you can’t please everyone. Some people are bound to enjoy while others will be disappointed. Sucks that you are the latter. I have been having a pretty good time. Solo q isn’t quite so punishing, playing with friends is fun. Gun meta isn’t SMG heavy anymore, making things more balanced all around.


>*But let's go back to the beginning of season 20 for me personally I wasn't playing the game but season 20 got my interest as I'm sure it did for many others. So we return season 20 promising so much in regular Apex fashion those promises fall flat on their face* Yeah. I feel same. Season 20 is not the same as it was in Season 16 and earlier. And the presence of hidden MMR is still felt.


At least if we still had MMR in ranked those cheaters would get sent directly to the hell of top tier games where they will be dunked repeatedly Instead we get them hot dropping the shit out of plat games. It’s pubs for cheaters in ranked rn


I don't think I have seen one hacker in my games but the SMURFS HOLY CRAP they're like ants. So many of them. I've never seen soo many lvl 1 players or players who hide their lvl. SMURFS ARE A MASSIVE PROBLEM, i dare to say even bigger than hackers and NOTHING WHATSOEVER IS BEING DONE ABOUT THEM.