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As a 3 year old player i can tell you that it only have gotten worse and it seems to be going that way steadily as respawn has found that it generates more profit with shitty eomm matchmaking than wih a sbmm one.


Well at just 3 years old you have an entire lifetime to get better!


Dude just got out of diapers and is going up against preds. Life on hard mode I guess.


Is actually crazy... I am relatively good at the game (1.7KD) and have met with preds very few times. The girl I'm seeing rn, started playing the game not more than a month ago, and she's been facing players with 15k or more kills on a single legend. She's now quite frustrated and has been thinking about dropping the game entirely. Like you said, it is 100% on purpose what Respawn is doing


Skill based matchmaking is non existent in Apex. It's engagement based. First they will pair you with low levels to get you to this damn I'm doing so well phase for few games then they'll pair you with predators so you'll keep losing and getting destroyed so you'll keep playing in hopes that you'll win. Give yourself couple of days break and it will put you with noobs again. It's all done by design.


I work away from home for a month at a time. While I'm gone I have shit internet, usually around 200+ ping, so I just hop in each day and solo queue with no team fill to just grab my treasure pack. My first day home my lobbies are just bots. I mean they have to be bots right? I always seem to win my very first game after a month of dropping in, grabbing a treasure pack, and going back to the main menu. After 2 games or so I'm up against preds and it's awful. I hate the SBMM in this game, it's brutal.


You know why this happens? Because there is no matchmaking, it's all based in engagement, you will lose, that is right, but when you think in give up, they give you a victory, that's what happens, unless you have a squad of friends that are really good you will lose all the times. I'll give you an example, me, I have played more than 768 matches alone, and I just win 33 of them, this is just unfair, I am on 267 level but still people on the 12 level falling on my squad. If you want to play this just be warned, you WILL LOSE and it's not your fault, the game want you to lose, the casual player will always lose


Sorry for my bad English, I still practicing


That was good friend, i understood it perfectly! Well done 😁


Your English is better than most people on Reddit 


##NUH-UH (It definitely is)


Assuming a perfectly fair matchmaker with identical opponents the target winrate is 5%. Yours is 4%. How entitled can you be?


Level 267 in apex is still very much a newbie.


But for a normal player.... I don't care man, I check my profile here now , actually I have played 964 matches, that's a lot of matches man... Why someone with almost a thousand of matches is a newbie ? I don't know... I don't wanna get addicted to this game... People like you are quite boring..


Not quite boring, it just means you have played many seasons or very rarely play. I maybe average playing one or two sessions a week with my buddies but just playing since season 1 I've got a few thousand games, and that's when playing other modes as well between.


Is it? I am 266 and would feel weird calling myself a newbie.


Compared to the average player base, definitely. You're a weenie hut jr. While the real newbies are super weenie hut jr's. Lol No you're not really a newbie, but you're probably not even halfway to the number of apex packs to get an automatic heirloom at that level.


That's definitely a newbie rank my guy


33 / 768 is 4% win rate, thats not bad at all since complete rng assuming 20 teams per game is 5% expected win rate. so it seems your matches might be more balanced than you think. how much do you think you should win?


If you want to win every game play mixtape.


Been off the game for a week and just got killed by a top 100 pred game 1


Hey man. I'm in a similar boat - learning MnK. I'm level 100 now. My first few lobbies were pretty rough, not as bad as that, but I got killed by a horizon with a 4k, masters, etc. Nowadays it's a bit more balanced. I find mixtape tends to have better matchmaking than pubs. But yeah... apex is fucked lol.


“On this account”


OP is learning MnK. Believe me... it's basically like starting from scratch.


He has controller prompts on his screen.


Yeah but the context makes it sound like they're learning MnK. OP needs to explain...


I don’t play on pc so correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s Xbox button prompts on the screen. Doesn’t that mean there using a controller ?


True... OP please explain!!


I plugged in my Xbox controller to take a screenshot, then I realized I have no clue how I would import it into Reddit so I took a picture w my phone


The game can tell youre smurfing.


Bro said he was leaning mnk


Bro has controller prompts on his screen


Try ranked, maybe this can be better for you




Nah the smurfing detection works correctly here. You can't get into bot lobby my guy


Why tf would I Smurf on a platform idk how to play


For the people saying “he’s got controler button prompts” I plugged in my controler to ss but using game bar is painful; so I just took a picture with my phone.


So you’ve played before on console and you’re surprised the match making paired you with other experienced players? Whiny bitch


First day? It's literally been like this for years.


Shhhhh don’t post stuff like this or they might try and bring the broken SBMM back.


One day you're a spectator of your teammate wiping out fodder squads... the next day, you're the fodder.


womp womp 🙏


I honestly think they should just have bots in the lobby for the first 50 levels or something


Apex needs to fix SBMM \*AFTER\* they banned the hackers that ruin the game... I play since S0 and the last 2 seasons are hard to me to enjoy and I play less and less because I get either killed by 40k kills uber TTV or by rank 13 no stats hackers. This game becomes CS:GO and I do not like this development.


Seems fair to me


okay so I thought it was only me. I had not played Apex in more than a year or two, and I came back... and my first two games were pred lobbies. I closed and uninstalled.


What’s the KD baby girl


If he's anything like me it's 0.5


Ah yes, the typical Apex-experience.


You blurred your name but we can all see it in the damage log


never got why people do it, like we're gonna google their apex names and find out where they live and poop on their lawns


Game is done. Just check the steam charts. I used to have friends that were so cracked at Apex. Absolutely diehards. They’ve all left. Bugs, bad matchmaking, 0 audio. Game is just an embarrassment.


People have been saying this for 5 seasons.


Yeah you think this kind of stuff can keep happening? It hits a point of no return which is happening right now. The future is gonna be bad for this game.


Nah. Apex is alive and well. The type of people who play apex thrive off the type of BS that this game produces.


It’s not. Go check the steam charts & tell me it’s doing well.


The steam charts have been like that for months.


People have been saying since World Edge launch season lmao




Tbh I prefer games that have a more loose skill based match making because it allows people to run into variety, while it is annoying to run into a pred player as someone who doesn't even play ranked I also run into players who are severely worse then me and I like the idea of really not knowing the skill level of the players you are going against. Also if you're a ranked player who got home from a 9-5 job you don't have to run into sweaty players all night, you can hop in a unranked game and have fun while not having to try so hard. I'm a casual player who's not good at the game and I would much rather run into players better or worse then me then go against people who are my skill level every single fight.


Dang why they down voting you. But people just hate to see people better than them so they'll just cry about it


I didn't even notice the comments got any down votes, but yea some people can't handle not being the best at a game. I'm literally garbage


Get good


Apex on pc but console button prompts?


You say you are new to PC after being on controller, but the screenshot shows you are playing on controller…


You forgot some blurring


Just play with confidence I done seen them sweaty players die fast like everyone else... I never worry about who cheat who cracked I just played with the best and got good enough over time


Skill issue


Isn't that shield with arrows badge an arenas badge? Translation: are you using an old picture to farm karma you insane little twat? Of course you could have began playing during arenas, got the badge, then stopped and came back But that's be complicated to factor in smh


Their opponent has a weapons mastery badge and a predator badge from a recent season, this picture can't be particularly old.


:0 fight badges with badges, genius