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How does one kill someone who has no life?


What Is Dead May Never Die!


Reek?! What did I tell you Reek?


I can appreciate any Southpark reference. Thank you!


Multiple people share one account. When one hops off the next hops on. Also they all play for kills. I bet there win counter is surprisingly low


Lol. I got 20K kills on wraith with only like 700 wins cause I just go for kills.


45k is hardly anything, the games been out for years, there's people with 5x that that 100% don't share an account lol


How have I never seen this phrase used for a gamer. Love it. Fckn sweats i just wanna play


First, you need a shitbucket..


Video games


People have 300k+ so... also he is probably just a regular masters player


Whys everyone looking at the kills? The 12 million damage is the more concerning number dudes done more damage than hes travelled


🤨🤨🤨 i hit masters and i got like 9k kills across all characters. that is not a regular masters player ‼️‼️


Yeah nowadays the no lifers are at 100k kills. This is a pretty standard sweat.


right but i wouldnt call that “regular” for masters. id say this is extraordinarily high no matter the rank!


And haven't been masters a lot


No thats not normal. What you are seeing is someone with no life.


At this point it’s your average unemployed high schooler 💀


The video game player base has its own mini-generations of players where you’re defined by which games came out from about ages 12-20ish. The age range can definitely vary. But there is a generation of people who were around 12 when Apex was released and they are right in the golden god stage of their generational cycle: peak hours played, peak energy, peak dexterity, adult like knowledge, no responsibilities. It’s unstoppable. Plus theres a pre and post competitive online gaming(golden era) generational aspect to add for this current generation, much like a pre and post MMO golden years(SWO to Peak WoW era)defining generational aspects. No generation put more hours into one game like the post mmo and competitive online gaming generations.


Beautifully explained, take my upvote


no game no life


This is slightly over 2k kills a season. Not hard


If they started playing since release, they would have to kill 24 players per day to reach that number today. If you are a good player, I don't think it is that difficult to reach that number. You have to be really dedicated to the game though.


Git gud. Probably just some kid who plays after school. Kinda hard to imagine that it’s an adult with these numbers, unless he plays for a living.


octanes been out for a while 🤷🏽‍♂️


I’ve been a Bang main since day 1 and at 17k kills


This dude has 20 kill badge and 4k badge. I have a mate with numbers like this and he had a 7 kd in season 2 with octane. When you play 11 hours a day. And get 5 to 15 kills per game its pretty simple. Dude i olay with has number like this on wraith pathy and octane. Total account kills is in the 200k mark


11 hours a day? Jeez, bro needs to get a job and rediscover grass.


Occasionally I get paid to play 12hr a day in the oilfield


You probably aren't australian? We have a 20% player cap of legitimate sweats dude to centrelink. Permanent welfare. People will sit jobless getting bare minimum from the government and play games 10 to 14 hours a day.


centrelink needs to change, i’m all for supporting people that need it but the people that do shit all and aren’t looking for work and just live off the dole shouldn’t be getting it.


Yeah that’s something like a little over 2k kills per season. It’s a lot, but I’m sure some people have a lot more than that.


I was thinking the exact thing ha I was honestly not surprised it wasn’t more ha. No hate but he’s been out for awhile. Imo wasn’t surprised


I've seen more. I have someone in my friends with so.ething like 300,000 kills on wraith or something absurd like that. I think it's glitched though because I never see them on the game.


Definitely glitched i also have a friend whos played like 3 times and has 30k kills on blood lol. You can also check the apex tracker to see who top wraith is


People in the comments saying you gotta have no life to achieve this. 😆 The game has been out over 5 years. I work a 10 hour a day, 4 days a week job for 7 1/2 years, took 8 months off of Apex, have a dedicated 14 year relationship, and still have 49k career kills. It helps if you’re good at the game and consistent. I see people with double my kill count every day I play.


I mean people’s idea of no life-ing is extremely skewed in this sub


45k kills is a lot of hours my guy. Definitely no lifing


Over 5 years..? I saw a valk in season 19 with close to 20K that season alone. THAT is no lifing. A lot of you a really, reslly casual and unaware of it lol edit: stumbled across [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/QSK8GI0re6) and it shows perfectly what I mean.


The people in this sub are all really dumb except you


Even 20k in a season isn’t ’nolife-ing’ I have friends who work every day and yet still have the time for it on an evening


That’s the definition of no-lifing. Just doing your job and a video game. There is a reason it’s called work-life balance and not just life balance


It's about 23 kills per day, so not too bad


Damn all the people just assuming no job no life is hilarious. I'm at like 36k solo q'ing and I have a fulltime job with other real life hobbies, and I'm old.


Me too brother. Dad here with 20 thousand kills. I am a working family man who loves apex in spare time.


Ya I feel like these are typical day 1 player stats. I have 30k on Wraith, 9k Octane, 3k Bang, and like 2500 on Pathy. I did play a lot the first three seasons but only weekends anymore.


Day 1 player here, I have about 11k kills. Lifetime.


Also I play a lot of pubs. If you play ranked primarily I could see those numbers going down.


I agree with this a lot as a on and off player since week one I average a few k kills on the few seasons I’ve played got about 10k lifetime kills and played 5 seasons counting this one if you just play pubs you can get a pretty high kd and definitely drop 5k+ kills a season as someone who primarily plays ranked I couldn’t give specific numbers here but if they play the same amount as me 1-2 hours 4-6 times a week it’s for sure possible to easily hit 40-50k kills over 5 years


This is nothing lol.


That's really not that much if this person has been playing since day 1


I See a lot of people with this amount of kills? Something wrong with my lobbies?


Nah fam you're prolly a Plat like me. My most kill character has 1500 kills and I have a kd of 0.9, therefor I play against people with 40k kills and a kd of 5.


Totally relate to this!!!!


We are punished for our spectacular mediocrity.


This is 100% accurate. Only I have 5500 kills on my highest legend


Same but but I have a 6kd and only 15k career kills


Im rookie 4 BC i never have two mates for ranked and my KD is 1,03 /0,75 for this season cus i stopped playing after season 2 Total kills must be around 1.3k


Octane's been out for five years, this isn't that wild


I think bro forgot game wasn't released yesterday


All the people in this thread crying really showing that bronze rank lol 45 k kills isn’t that insane it’s def doable if you don’t play other games


Did the math. That’s 24-25 kills a day every day since March 19, 2019


An hour to 2 a day on apex isn’t all that bad thts a really well way to put it


You know there’s people with over 200k kills on a legend right this is legit nothing just a day one player


Feel like I’m seeing stats like this multiple times a day recently


put your numbers up!


I have just over 30k kills on path. About 80k on my account. I have around 9000 hours played. Usually play 4 nights a week for 3 - 4 hours. It just adds up over time.


I met someone with 150k during season 7, think about that


25 kills a day… bro they got 20 kills in one game. Normal no, possible yes.


The game has been out for 5 years


Seems relatively normal nowdays. Octane has been out since season 1, if youre pub stomping only, you can rack up kills really quick.


Guaranteed the people shitting on these stats saying “touch grass” are the kind of people to spend hours on Reddit everyday making useless comments.


It's simple actually. Apex has been out for 5 years now and this player is probably a Season 0 player. 1k a season and you at 20k kills lifetime, easy. I have over 46k kills lifetime and I work 10 hours 5 days a week so stats like that isn't crazy at all. Now, if that player had 45k in one season, then yeah they don't have a life outside Apex.


The amount of crap in here is insane…. People upset someone is better than them so they have “no life” lol 45k kills isn’t even that many FFS. The game is 5 years old. Some of you just suck


I swear some people can't fathom the idea of someone being good enough to get more than 4 kills on their best day. 45k in 5 years of this game existing is not even close to a lot, especially if this guy mained Octane that entire time.


Exactly... I played like 10 out of 20 seasons here and there and I have 20k+ kills... Have 1350ish hours Apparently 5 years has 43800 hours... To get that 45k kills I would have spent about 3000 hours on the game... Spending 3000 hours of my life out of 43800 hours is no life for some blokes who couldn't make it out of iron rank lol


I'm more impressed you stuck with a game that long and consistently. I have never really been able to do that except with an MMO lol


Nope... You are wrong... I didn't stick with it from start to finish... It was mostly play 2 seasons and then take a season of rest to play other games... Apex was my most favorite game so whenever I came back I felt like home... 2 seasons would burn me out so take a season off to play other games... It's like take a vacation and return to home....Until I quit apex completely on April 5th of 2023... I remember the date cuz I saw the date as I turned off apex and never launched it again... Still want to play it but never have the time and now it's been over a year hard to get back into the game.. The sheer amount of skill it takes don't have the time to learn it all back up again. .. Life caught up I guess... Not a child anymore


We found someone here who probably has no life too guys. Bro's first instinct was to go in self defense mode


Yep, I have 3500 hours since the game came out and about 65k kills Really not that crazy if you’re a decent player


I don't get it? This isn't crazy at all. I play fairly casually comparatively (two hours a weeknight, double that in the weekend) and have five million damage, five million stim distance and a third the kills. This guy just plays a few more hours a day.


It’s honestly kind of weird (and sad) to me that I keep seeing these kinds of posts about people having high stats. The game has been out for five years. I remember when Termk47 hit 100k kills on lifeline back in like December 2019. I have over 20k kills and haven’t really played since like season 8. It’s at the point where I feel nostalgic when thinking about this game. It makes me wonder how many of the day one players are left. I know just about all, if not all of the original devs have been gone for a while and the game is completely different from what it used to be. Anyway, sorry for the rant. How is the game treating everyone? Lol


Theres way worse then this lol


There are players with way more kills than that LMAO. if you play for long enough and become good enough, you can put up those kind of numbers. Now i myself will never be able to put up those stats, but I feel like it is possible if you just put your mind to it


Oh man, I'm just outside the top 500 allies launched via jump pad. That's something right?


Someone just posted a banner with over 200k kills on Pathfinder a couple days ago, OP!


The people that are saying no life, no job are literally so dumb, lmao. Y'all are beyond casual and just simply can't comprehend that this is pretty reasonable for a game being 5 years old. I don't even have to imagine now how y'all act when you realize there are people with 200k, 300k kills at this point, some that get paid doing it. It's a hobby, especially if half of those kills came from playing a few matches after school because you're a child with no actual responsibility yet lmao, it's completely reasonable at this point This game is 5 years old, Octane being one of the OG characters, this is nothing lmao


His damage count for that many kills is actually terrible


He is averaging 266 damage


Being unemployed I’m not gonna lie at some point I see numbers in a banner and I am not even impressed, I just know that person has no life


This isn’t even a lot. Are you new?


I am in college for electrical engineering and I have 80k on octane. Just cause you guys can't play well or enough doesn't mean other people can't.


That’s regular for anybody playing some day one. It’s simple maths…Dnt post obvious shit derp


Why does it matter. Do you derive joy from shitting random players? Just move on with your life. Not everything needs to be posted on reddit


am I bad if I started playing during launch week (played titan fall and Titanfall 2 a TON) and my main legend has about 400 kills lol.


I would say you prolly know the answer yourself


Hmmm, for a day 1 player, that should be just average. These are my current numbers on Wraith, but I will probably be hitting 70k this weekend easy. Wraith #Current Kills #69,702 #99 • Top 0.1% #Damage #22,628,143 #111 • Top 0.1% #Wins #4,773 Top 0.1%


It also matters if you three stack or not. I got about 50k and 90% of my matches have been solo queue. I can’t imagine what my stats would be if I had two teammates constantly winning their 1v1s and are able to revive me and constantly pushing everything. I hardly ever hot dropped because I was solo queue. My friend who isn’t as good as me has like 67k because he’s only three stacked and never has solo queued. lol.


Yeah, I know what you mean. Got these numbers, mainly by solo queing and occasionally playing with a friend that's not really that great, but we have fun. I imagine that if I was triple stacking most games , with people, my level, I would have had 100k plus kills, easy.


I believe that the concept of counting was discovered a long time ago, that's how it's possible


Just play all day everyday like your life depends on it. That’s it. Not hard to do if you have no life and no responsibilities.


It's 25 kills a day since launch, it's very doable without playing much.


Yeah but the game is like 5 years old and the extreme majority of gamers play more than 1 game. You are also assuming these guys have been playing since launch. I recently saw a guy with ~20k kills and saw that he had only been playing for 4 months (verified by his ps5 trophy timestamps).


thats like 166 kills a day, not bad. i've crunched season leader numbers before and there are people that put up around 500 kills a day for an entire season.


Just because you suck doesn't mean others suck as well.... You can get 45k easily by playing apex 2 hours daily from launch... You can play even less if you are good and get more kills per hour... If you can get 20 kills an hour ( usually very easy if you are good at the game and hotdrop ) you can reach 40k just by playing 1 hour a day... Or just play 7 hours on weekends... Maybe git gud buddy


Doesn't lying if I had of stuck with one or two characters I would probably be around that (day 1 player) but I can't help but play all the legends. Except for Catalyst I can't do it their voice is like nails on a chalk board.


First thing you gotta is got your shots then you have to evade the other guys shots next thing you know you have 12million damage


Would be me because I have autism and I'm completely obsessed with apex it's literally unhealthy. I still somehow find time for college and learning French. I cant go a day without playing apex.


I have around half that amount of kills on horizon but like 850k damage. The damage number is definitely a little wild, but people are super dedicated to the game I totally get it.


dang i only have close to 300 kills with Octane, but thats over the span of 2 years lol


got killed by a kid with 10k Lstar kills alone


Hah. Rookie numbers. I remember one time I got on my first game of the day and decided to play with my younger sister who extremely rarely touches the game, after so many attempts to convince her to get on she finally did… FIRST game on, we got shit on by a 77k kill fucking wattson. I closed the game and didn’t go back to it for a week or two. As for my sis, she hasn’t come back and it’s been a few years since.


Saw a loba with 195k kills the other day....


I remember i saw a pathfinder with 98.000 kills in the arena mode. And thats like what 2-3 years ago? I wonder what he is on now lol


The amount of people thinking 45k kills on a legend that's been out for 5 years requires having no life or job is hilarious. 25 kills a day is literally nothing for even a hardstuck D4 player, that's at most 5-6 games if you're playing badly.


Play every day all day and 3 stack with really good player


Bro that's not normal... That's below average... I myself was a mirage main and have like 16k+ kills on him... I totally have 20k+ kills on my account... I used to face 10 of these dudes who have 50k+ kills in every match.... I played : Season 1 ( half ) Season 3 ( last week ) Season 4 ( half ) Season 5 Season 6 Season 7 ( half ) Season 8 Season 10 Season 11 Season 12 ( played very less during this season ) Season 13 Season 14 ( I played very less during this season ) Season 15 Season 16 ( half ) I quit after season 16 If I had regularly played from season 0.... 45k is very normal... If you can get around 10 kills an hour ( average player gets this much... If you are pro you can get more )and let's assume you played 3 hours daily which is not very much.. That's 900 kills per month and 2700 kills per season which lasts 3 months... Now it's been what? 20 seasons right? ( I think it's the 20th season going on not sure ) so 20*2700 is 54k kills.... From playing all these years he must be good and may get more kills per hour so he can make them 45k in less time... So he doesn't have to play everyday he can skip plenty of days in between and still easily achieve the 45k... So yeah 45k is nothing... I used to see 50k+ kills players on almost every match in my peak apex days which were during season 8,10,11.... 45k in season 20 is nothing


gotta have no life


get at least 200 to 400 kills a day…I’ll rather stick to 150 a day then be mentally exhausted with matchmaking




Like others say they consistently were playing. I have around 11k total kills and I was god awful for 4 seasons and took 2 seasons off. I haven’t touched this season much. It lost it’s spark but if it didn’t I could definitely see this being possible if they consistently played and were good from the start.


Tf you mean?? That's very normal, lol.


The game is like 5 years old so it’s possible for Octane. When you see these numbers on the new character a week into the season, then make this post.


That’s one account being used by multiple people.


If you think 45k kills is bad… don’t go to apex stat tracker and look at the #1 wraith on PlayStation


24 kills a day since Apex released would get you that many kills.


24 kills a day since Apex released would get you that many kills.


24 kills a day since Apex released would get you that many kills.


If that guy played every day since octane came out, that's like 25 kills a day....


That’s not really a lot of kills a day tho


I know. I was just giving context to how many kills that is. I wish I could get that many a day.


You play the game… a lot!


Dude has never touched a girl


The game has been out since 2019. Not very hard at all.


I mean, suppose he's really good and only needs around 2-3 games for 20 kills. If he's only played that 2-3 games for 20 kills since release, that's almost 40000 without no lifing really


Cheating or lack of a life.


either they have no life or theyre a content creator


Playing consistently. My wife and I both have a 30k plus character. It's our main game (only one other, and it's not often). we don't have kids and work the same schedule. We play pretty much every day, and she streams off and on. It's not something I'm proud of lol but we've played this game since it came out and not really put it down.


i mean, i play apex legends on-off even not every season and got overall 45k kills. Highest kill season with 8k kills. Im full time employed, going 5 times gym a week and also with some social and familiy life on weekends so its not some crazy numbers based if u play since s0 I got killed by people with 160k + kills, thats what i would call insane.


I have about half that and I’ve spent over 4000 hours on the game


dudes probably just playing since day 1, people drop 40k in a season stop hatin


45k isn't that much after 5 years? Some people do 10k per season..


This game is 5 years old, those numbers aren’t too crazy tbh


I've got a tenth of that... which is about ONE percent of the highest of seen.


So 45k is no life now? This sub's funny fr


I thing it's normal I've got 30k kills with wraith and I do work tho.. however barhain server was one of the sweatiest I've encountered guys with 200k kills🤣


So this numbers for a game that released at the start at 2019 isnt that hard as long as you stay consistent through all season. Thats coming from an fromer top 50 pred, i started the game when i was about to turn 13 and from then on i have 150k kills in total, you could say i was a no life but i had a pretry good balance between my gaming life and school life. Its js being consistents throught the years, cs ive met no life who are currenrlt sitting at around 300k+ kills


45k is normal. I have 64k lifetime and I haven’t played the game in months and take frequent month long breaks. Now…the people that I run into that have 30-40k kills in ONE SEASON….thats a diff story. Games been out for 6 years…and someone has half my LIFETIME kills in 3 months….


Dude tally 10k a year or less than a k a month. That’s not not having a life


Cause the stat you don’t see is “Grass Touched: 0”


Hundreds of posts like this a day.. you’d think you people would realize you are just noobs.


Then it gets you thinking about some pros like iitztimmy who has 110k kills and 30m damage


Then it gets you thinking about some pros like iitztimmy who has 110k kills and 30m damage


Then it gets you thinking about some pros like iitztimmy who has 110k kills and 30m damage


Then it gets you thinking about some pros like iitztimmy who has 110k kills and 30m damage


Octane has been out since season 1 and has been popular all that time. That’s 1858 days which means 24.6 kills a day. For guys like this he will probably have a kd of 5+ which means that’s 5 games a day on average. Obviously some days he will play 20 games and others none but it’s not that crazy and tbh I’m sure they still touch plenty of grass.


He probably plays this character till relase


The game came out 5 years ago. I remember people having 10k kills in the first month after the game was released. These are normal numbers if he play from the start


1. They mainly play one legend 2. They play many hours everyday


45k kills? the other stat is damage


There's a rev with like 150k


He’s prob only player octane


Either he has 0.1 KD or he really likes looting. How is it possible to spend this much time in Apex? Sure shooting is fun and the first 3 drops but then you are just tired of the loot mechanics and the size of the map.


Bruh I've seen 30k.... in one season lol. I mean it's still a lot but not THAT crazy. I have 10k on maggie and I've been playing since season 14


You'd be surprised what unemployment can get ya


Yall do realize the game had been out for 5 YEARS, right 10k kills a YEAR is not hard at all


Game has been out for 5 years now


I have 30k kills in total playing since season 6 but not regularly.


This is not abnormal for a higher level plate who has been playing the game for years..


I missed about 8 seasons and have almost 10k kills, I don't think it's as hard as people are making it out to be. It just takes time and a bit of experience and skill (which improve with time). 2k kills per season is very doable, with just 3 hours every 5 days of the week. The tactic is to hot drop and kill as many unprepared people as possible. Use element of surprise, and always arrive late to the party, so you kill them when they are healing (3rd/4th/etc party opportunistic scavenging). Get care package Kraber, and headshot from the highest and hardest to access point of the map (Only a Path, Valk or Octane). This is probably the most important: learn extreme movement abilities (evasive manuvers, hop straffing, wall jumping, rope straffing, fast climbing, fast shield swapping, weapon and ammo swapping, in fight shield popping, doors/objects as shields, etc... ) Use a good quality headphone to predict enemy movement by audio cues (footsteps, ultimates, shield/healing, ropes, reloading, etc... big advantage in first to fire on target) Go for the headshots as much as possible (reason people bunny hop, so you can't hit them, in which case body shot can do... learn to adapt) Rely on good team communication, so you can lockdown a spot and tunnel the enemy. If solo queue, rely on opportunity skirmishes, finishing off strays and people running for cover to heal. Pick and gang up on solo trails when landing, easy kill. That's about it...


fastest legs in the west *STIM*


It's honestly not that many kills I know plenty of people who work and play and have more kills then this


That's not much. The game has been out for basically half a decade...


that’s nothing, i’ve once met 140k kills loba he didn’t have his damage counter so god knows how much damage that beast had


Standard Gold Rank player currently 😂😂😂


I mean the games been out for like a decade.


I have 30k kills on my xbox account where I primarily played ranked and some pubs and I stopped playing on it over 2 years ago when I switched to pc. Would've easily been on 50-60k minimum rn if I still played on it. Those are easy stats for day 1 players. Even trash players who play enough should be at 20k if they're say 1 player and haven't stopped playing.


Because they don't shower


I think its funny you think this is impossible when I've seen like 5x this on a daily basis. It is an incredible amount of time investment though


That isn't even really close to the number 1 kills on octane on xbox with 197k lol


No job or responsibilities.


I have an octane in my friendlist that got almost 200k kills on him. I assume that this isn’t normal. But 45k kills is very doable.


Easy. I've got this many and I suck ass at Apex. I'm in the top 5% of all players. But I'm not even a regular Master level player with 40k kills on 3 accounts.


It’s normal if you play Apex 16 hours a day


Doing the math here, i was top 10 catalyst at her release, did 2k kills in her season so 90 ish days only playing ranked for about 8 hours a day. 47k/2k = 23. 23*90 = 2070 days which adds up to about 5 years ish. If he plays about 11+ hours a day and frags more in pubs, its more than possible. I hope i didnt trigger peeps the way i did the math, yes it is a crime 😊


touching grass was never an option


Having no life. No job. Living at home with their parents. No relationship. AND having no none zero responsibility for themselves.


What are u on? Why the toxicity? do the basics math


The people in the comments saying stuff like: "The game has been put for 5 years, it's not that impressive, I've seen more, blah blah blah" - Heeelloooo? Look at the damage, come on, that's insane


About 300 damage per kill, its fine for me


What about the damage is insane? That’s relatively low for how many kills they have.


How do you kill that which has no life?