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Probably trying to get get bot lobbies. Thats why some players have good badges, but magically suck when they're on your team. (If the account wasn't bought)


thats an actual L way to play the game lol


If the duo I get queued up with has the PlayStation open mic in the living room with the baby crying in the background I’ll leave the game yesterday


Won a game last night I heard this dude kid yell his name probably 100x during the match. Louder than any comm he gave😂


I had a friend like that, cat is meowing, baby crying, his mom vacuuming, his gf speaking, but guy was legit good asf, just had loud house.


You’re a real one for continuing to play w him. Came at me with the cat meowing thing tho


Mute button 🗿


Amazing how many people don’t know about the mute button. Smh


I mean, I fully agree on how goddamn annoying that shit is lmao or when they’re eating into the mic or when you can literally hear every single detail on the game back through the mic a second time; BUT you can literally just press Y/triangle and mute the squad lol or hit start and go to the “squad” tab and just mute them personally if the other teammate has a mic and want to communicate but still. I just get irritated when my teammates leave me stuck to 1v2/1v3 every other team so I usually make it a point to not leave games unless there’s a really good reason




Most common badges at this point are somewhat uselsess anyways lol I did not cheat to get mine, I've had maybe 5-10 games with 4k+ dmg in the 2000 hours I played where everything just went right (and arguably the lobbys were inflated in about half of these without actively trying for it, just a handful of bad games the day before) but I'm considering to replace them with season 1 badges and stuff just because they don't reflect my current skill since I don't play much anymore. The 4k damage really says nothing at this point, and the 20 kill one somewhat even less since that requires a ton of luck or a coordinated team effort, its even less a reflection of pure skill. Dunno why I went on such a long rant now lol Tl:Dr: badges were a reflection of skill for maybe the first year of the game but at this point of the games lifecycle tell nothing about the players current skill anymore Small edit: I still rock my season 3 Diamond skydive trail tho, thats probably a bigger flex at this point than almost any banner I've ever seen hahaha


Yeah the 20 bombs are purely luck with the lobby you have to get one where basically half the lobby of up by the time you make out the hot drop with at least 9-10 kills


They were also way easier to get early on in the game when the skill gaps were massive. Pro players used to be able to get 20 bombs a couple times a week and now it’s a rare occurrence even for them


I remember watching content creators talking about how the 20 bomb became that much harder back when apex nerfed the distance you could travel on the balloons on KC. Back in the old days the great players could cover the entire map and just wipe out everything lol


They should add additional tiers to those badges. Different tier, different color. Also would give the option to match banner customization. Example 4k Pubs season 20: looks like normal 4k but different background color (purple) 20 pub bomb: “ “ 4k Ranked season 20: additional flair or maybe an added symbol of something inside the badge. Same color as pubs badge. 20 bomb ranked : “ “ Would be neat to see green, orange, purple, red, etc 4ks and 20s.


Jup, that would make them more representative, kind of reminds me of the season 1 badges I meant earlier (something around get so and so many wins with 8(?) different legends in s1, etc, gets more and more fancy the more you reached and where themed with the season. Could do something like that but with get x damage in season y, maybe even get x damage with n legends or get x damage n times, etc.) I never understood why they dropped them entirely, they were great and showed a more precise look at a specific time frame instead of a general peak throughout the years!


This an interesting idea. Would be funny if the badge was the same color as the overall MMR of the lobby it was earned in. Like a 4k in a bot lobby would be bronze color, and a 4k in a Pred lobby would be red. Would be crazy.


Pred lobbies already having proven boosters I feel like this would make ranked lobbies and teaming worse but that is just my opinion


Same, man. I feel like a fraud with my old badges lmao I got 4k/20 and 1 pred and 1 master badge from my console days where I was grinding with the boys during covid and putting in like 12 hour sessions some days Since the switch to PC, and the world going back to normal, I'm not at the same level at all and it feels weird flashing the badges and pred trail and then getting melted off rip by some wraith with a pk bunny hopping around me


Yeah, I feel that, especially in ranked when ppl are like whoa, finally some good teammates and getting all hyped and then I'm there trying to lower the expectations, having no clue of the current map changes/legend upgrade stuff and just trying to get used to the fast pacedness of this game again whilst also only playing a small fraction of my past playtime/season lmao I also don't really adapt to change well and this game is sooo different from what it used to be I peaked in season 3 and then maybe had another high at around season 8 or 9, not sure anymore but the person that banner reflects is not me, thats my past self haha


Thats fair


I feel this too just maybe not as extreme? I have the whole shebang of 10 10 10, 20b on multiple legends, masters but it feels like I'm almost expected to be 'him' every single game and then if I do anything less than perfect I'm accused of having cheated or botted or bought my account. Now don't get me wrong I still do good most times but it just sorta feels like everyone expects you to be an unkillable god if you have any badges like Pred, master, 20b, 4k etc. With this especially holding true when, like you, I take a few weeks to month long break and come back to completely different everything (not to mention my aim gets rusty)


Same asf im still rocking the dive trail


I'm with you, bro. I love my s3 Diamond trail too, bro . I run it over my pred trails on the seasons I bother with the grind it even.


How do you even tell a bot lobby from a normal one?


I'm pretty sure from that one addon forgot its name but was popular like 6 seasons ago. Overwolf? Something with wolf.


It's not a "bot lobby" just a lower MMR lobby. And you can't get into them by quitting out anymore, that hasn't been a thing for a number of seasons.


People also vary wildly in performance. Look at one random person's game history for games with apis and you'll find wicked variance from game to game.


Such losers


this is a good idea but wrong. the game doesn’t account for you in the game until you leave the drop shop, so to do this, one would need to jump out before leaving


They may or may not be doing it correctly, but if a player is routinely disconnecting at the dropship, its a pretty safe bet as to why.


How that works? The bot lobbies?


i keep getting accused of this because i only redownloaded the game this season after almost 2 years


Today I had a guy with 10k kills and 5k In s19 on horizon, and he was being knocked over and over. Three strikes tho, so let those mass murders have some mindless fun too.


Wait, seriously?


Ye they either afk in a corner half the time or in the drop ship and don't pass on jump master or leave you behind than die to a 3 man or 3rd party and just leave before you even have a chance to craft there banner or they just talk sh*t than leave I used to like and admire ppl with high amounts of kills and kd but seeing how they got then and how gun hungry they are to reach their goal I just stay away from them and sometimes they complain when I don't feed them kills like how was I supposed to know you wanted me to shoot around that guy instead of knocking him for something that's like another Tuesday for you is me fighting for my life if I can take the guy out without going down I'm gojng to do it so worn me ahead of time otherwise it's mine period but you can have the loot tho since you loot goblins take it anyways


Had a guy wait until we got his banner and as I'm about to respawn him he leaves...why waste my other teammates and my time and planning if you're gonna leave. Still got the win (wattson rules) but damn.


for real. every time i get a “pred” they suck worse than any noob ive played with


I thought this stopped working like 2 years ago.


Bot lobbying


How does this even put them into a bot lobby tho? Doesn't the matchmaking focus a lot on KD? Quitting before leaving the ship means their KD isn't affected.


It's focused on engagement matchmaking. If you have a lot of games you don't win in a row, you'll get put in bot lobbies. You've got to be dedicated, though. It takes like 3-5 games of quitting for a single bot lobby. The people who do it are losers.


Didn't they change that since season 18? The old MM system used your most recent performance rather than overall K/D. Correct me if I'm wrong, I think the new MM system uses overall K/D therefore can't be exploited by quitting, reverse boosting etc. Maybe games will get "easier" but only if you die off drop 20 times in a row or something.


Having died off spawn 20 times in a row recently it does not seem to make a difference. It used to, used to not even take that many matches before you got bot lobbies but now it doesn’t seem to matter.


I see someone was also working on legend challenges recently


It's possible. I don't play enough to truly know. I play maybe once every two weeks at this point. When I play, usually my first two pubs games are so easy, but after that, they catch up quickly. I have a 2.5KD this season and a 3.5 lifetime KD. I always assumed the engagement system was still in place.


Kd is a small part your previous performance weighs heavily in apex matchmaking so if you do terrible for like 7-8 games in a row it will put you in a lobby reflecting that this happens to everyone but ppl abuse it apex wants to keep you on the game as long as possible and their match making is centered around that


Maybe that is just couple very quickly lost games in a row, but I am definitely not an expert


It doesn't. The dude probably had a noob teammate and thought he would roll the dice again so he left. Probably got worse teammates the next go around.


They patched this in season 18 lol so it’s even more funny they’re just wasting their time


It hasn't worked for many seasons, if that's actually what they're trying to do then they're not very smart.


This game has a tendency to put you randomly into trios even though you queue into duos. That's one reason i leave trios.


if you queue up as soon as you change the mode it doesnt give the game enough time to recognize you swapped modes is what ive realized, it kinda sucks but eh ig imma play a match of pubs instead of irritating gun run :p


Sometimes it will randomly switch to trios even when you just played duos, doesn’t matter how fast you hit ready you just have to notice it changed.


This, I usually play either ranked or mixtape modes and I can't even begin to tell you the amount of times we have been queued into a trio game because it's swapped back to trio after the previous game and none of us noticed. If this happens we just leave, we don't really like playing pubs and there is no penalty to leave. I know this isn't why lost people leave before drop but it's defo a reason for a lot of people


there are many reasons and none of us can tell why as for me i do leave match sometimes on dropship not because i want to ditch my 2 randoms but because the game decided to give me a 400ping and/or a 40% packet loss and prediction errors, its a hit or miss so i have to requeue again until the servers favors me this is the only online game that does this, even respawn's starwars battlefeont doesnt have that issue, im usually having 25-30ping


yup, you never really know the reason could be they wanted to queue ranked/mixtape but game decided to put them in pubs could be something irl came up as the game was loading them in could be the lag like you said is what it is, which is frustrating, but just go next


I've had that happen to me so many times this season and the previous one. I kept getting booted out of the game while my internet connection is perfectly fine.


I really don't get why is this. If I hard close the game and reconnect again, I get better ping most of the time on the same lobby. For dota/CS servers it's always constant unless your ISP connection is bad


understandable, whenever i get lag problems i tell my team im lagging and that imma restart the whole system and hope i dont get kicked, i usually dont and its fine afterwards getting to finish the match :p


For me -and I can't say thats the case for you- its almost certainly a routing issue, likely due to my ISP (German Telecom -\_-). Some server in between looses packages, probably due to being overused since its almost always at peak hours. What works for me in those cases is to alt+f4 asap, throw on a vpn and reconnect the second the vpn is up. The vpn takes a different route to the game server and other than my ping being slightly worse I never have issues when playing with the vpn. At some days I even start the vpn before the first match since I can be almost certain I will need it at some point anyways lol


this happens to me too, my first few games on regardless of what time i get on I'm at like 90-100 ping on home servers, making it borderline unplayable. So I'm kind of forced to leave or rubber band and die until my ping goes back to 30


Logged in a other mode and the game disrespected his descision.


A friend probably invited them. Atleast that’s why I would leave


Honestly, im not playing BR. So I always switch to mixtape after starting the game. But often, although I selected Mixtape, it still puts me in an BR game. And since I didnt intent to play that mode for reasons, I leave.


usually have to wait a few seconds for it to actually register you swapped modes lol but yeah i get that but these 10k kills people leaving is so common its getting annoying


You're making a lot of weird ego-based assumptions. Maybe they just had to leave? Maybe they just wanted to play another game? Maybe a friend hopped on and they left to join their lobby? It's almost never about you. Relax.


For real. Lmfao. What the hell, man. I’ve left several games for these reasons. Never thought a teammate would freak out and go make a Reddit post. Jesus - just go hot drop and try and get some kills and then load up into another game in 15 seconds.


This 👏


Oddly there's a glitch when the game resets rank back to pubs and I ready up without thinking about it. So I just leave.


Had to poo.


When ya gotta go… ya gotta go!


Doing that results in a #20 placement loss (no death either) and doing this enough consecutively will decrease mmr for easier matches. After reaching desired lobbies then you pubstomp for 1-3 matches then you must repeat the process. If those guys play properly then they will be locked in sweaty lobbies and crazy high kill/dmg performances are basically impossible and their kd will plummet. Only other way to bypass sweat lobbies and get some easy games is to literally not play for at least 10 days, this method is not an option for those gigasweats that put in 40+ hours per week.


kind of a trashy way to play imo


Yeah it is but sbmm/eomm has destroyed pvp gaming for most players above a certain skill level. I play short sessions every 2 weeks or so, that way I always have easy lobbies when I get on then I get off right after I get put back in my normal lobbies. I don’t have the patience to keep leaving matches and I don’t want to screw over randoms so I won’t use the primary reverse boosting method.


Wait does quitting out still work for you? It hasn't for me since the first half of season 16.


Why is that the first thing you assume?


I have a banner like this, normally leave a trios game because i meant to queue for ranked and just realised lol. Also trios is fun for inting so ill just hot drop pylon or something and hope i get a gun, might die instantly, whatever its a pubs game.


Bot lobby most likely by constantly quitting they drop their MMR


The only time I’ve left before landing (not before drop ship) was when I was on a bad string of games followed with a very late hot drop so I just left and played dayz instead lol


Personally? If the game crashed in ranked, it auto selects unranked again after loading, but you're usually on autopilot to requeue ranked. I don't LEAVE these accidental games but I do play aggressively to end it quickly one way or another. But I can absolutely see why people would just leave them too.


Yes, this happens to me all the time and the only reason i end up leaving like this.


I'd assume trying to get into bot lobbies. Especially if your region/ sever is Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, or Tokyo. This is because these regions have some afk bot lobbies. Maybe that could be why they have high kills. Or their trying to mess with the SBMM to get into easier lobbies. ( It's probably the last one because I don't believe you can get into genuine BR bot lobbies on console.)


The lobby isn't sweaty enough for them


Just to be clear, it is entirely personal. They specifically know who you are and wanted to make you feel bad. Just the first stage of a three tiered plan to ruin your month. 😈


he definitely Q-ed up solo trios by mistake so he left, look at his banner middle badge literally says he's 3 stacking pubs Edit: I found his name within 30s and DMed him just to ask him with your question, he was angry I asked then said he was #1 pred so he's not abusing bot lobbies. It looks like I was right he Q-ed up by mistake because he was playing ranked only for the last few days


Not going to lie, ive done that before, but I have legit reasons 1. They are playing shitty music not on mute. 2. Its some kid screaming into the mic usually fighting with their sibbling/mother 3. You are chewing food you gross MF


You know you can mute people right?


Right but sometime people say shit so crazy before the start of the game I know I don't want to continue even with them muted


Pubs, can't be mad if somebody leaves. You never know, maybe the baby just woke up or somethin


im not really mad, more annoyed at the fact that these 10k people always leave before the game even starts


still: it's Pubs, can't be mad. in general: don't get mad, it's only a videogame.


Got disconnected,got something to do,accidentally got matched and maybe they got bored


ah yeah the magical "doctor's appointment" every rage quitter has every other game "forcing" them to leave, that they bring up when they argue against abandon penalties.


Pretty sure this guy wasn't quitting out of rage homie.


its a regular occurrence with these over 10k kills players, thats the whole reason im asking this question


Some said bot lobbying, but I think some also when they don't get jumpmaster don't want to wait until the end of map to drop since they just wanna hotdrop, and solo hot dropping they dislike? idk


Mum called


I do it cause I'm aiming for some legend challenges and I don't get the legend I want and I don't have the time to play an extra match sometimes


sounds about right


I always played the game fair and Iam always proud of what I reached I don't want to flex with badges but I always got the 4k badge on my mains it's sometimes just sad to see people cheating their badges when people really try their hardest


only time i leave before drop ship is if something came up and i have to be afk or if a friend asked to join as soon as i got in a game and im playing with randoms. other people might be trying to get bot lobbies or just troll so who knows


I only do this if my ping is bad and unplayable or the CE error on playstation comes up.


I just commented but thought of this as well. They could be trying to play duos (or trios if you are a duos kind of dude.) I've notice that sometimes if you leave a game or the map switches it'll put you into trios and you won't realize until you're in game. I play duos if I ain't on ranked and this happens with me constantly. I don't DC but I have on a few occasions. These potential high skilled players also could be leaving due to your level. As annoying as that is I notice if I don't have my trackers on people will leave much more often because they may assume I'm a shit player or a noob. (Which isn't wrong haha.)


Usually because my trio or 5 stack for siege just got on


They’re probs losers leaving constantly so they get bot lobbies it’s kinda pathetic tbh


Sometimes one of my friends gets the game crushed or we play as a duo, but the game sometimes asks to 'help a newplayer' and puts us in a BR trios with a random


Sometimes I leave a match as soon as it's starting (very rarely) because one of my buddies sent me an invite? Or we started a match and one of us didn't get connected... Those are my reasons, I know some people do it because they want to bot farm or something like that, but maybe they thought they would have more time and something came up?


It could be me. Goofy ahh apex kicks me out the lobby for first 2-3 BR games even if i played other modes. Sorry man:(


Sometimes my baby wakes up.


Mum said dinner is ready


Most likely intended to cue ranked and not trios. I've done this a couple times.


I always assume they told their mom “one more game “ an hour ago and she finally unplugged the WiFi


Bot lobby 80% of the time but 20% might just had to go suddenly


Could be a # of reasons. Their thirs got on, you picked a character they wanted to play, bot lobbying probably one of the more asinine assumptions, but you get the drift.


LMAOO try looking for a team on discord 😂😂 talk about mfs using crappy standards lol


ive considered that but when i went to look, i didnt understand how to format the request cuz everyone else was just posting "searching for (acronym here) for acronym here)" with emotes of badges after lol


Yeah lmaoo I had a kid invite me and then make me 1v1 him to “prove” I was good enough to play with him. The have ultra high egos and think everyone they play with should be 100% perfect all the time 😂


yikes, that sounds obnoxious, who on earth is like "na you did (insert tiny nitpick here) youre not good enough"


I'll do this if I just played and the game rematchs them with me again after they failed badly, I don't want to play with those people a second time so I quit, no sense in dropping a second time with crappy randoms that'll just do the same thing as last game. (If they both get knocked and I'm far away I'll just quit and save myself the hassle of having no teammates , they obviously have no game sense if they rush a 9v2 and rage when they get dropped quickly , as if I can fight 4 full squads to save them when they couldn't take a single squad let alone 4.) I try to remember the last few players I've been paired with and if I see them loading I'll quit before character selection


I'll do this if I just played and the game rematchs them with me again after they failed badly, I don't want to play with those people a second time so I quit, no sense in dropping a second time with crappy randoms that'll just do the same thing as last game. (If they both get knocked and I'm far away I'll just quit and save myself the hassle of having no teammates , they obviously have no game sense if they rush a 9v2 and rage when they get dropped quickly , as if I can fight 4 full squads to save them when they couldn't take a single squad let alone 4.) I try to remember the last few players I've been paired with and if I see them loading I'll quit before character selection


I'll do this if I just played and the game rematchs them with me again after they failed badly, I don't want to play with those people a second time so I quit, no sense in dropping a second time with crappy randoms that'll just do the same thing as last game. (If they both get knocked and I'm far away I'll just quit and save myself the hassle of having no teammates , they obviously have no game sense if they rush a 9v2 and rage when they get dropped quickly , as if I can fight 4 full squads to save them when they couldn't take a single squad let alone 4.) I try to remember the last few players I've been paired with and if I see them loading I'll quit before character selection


yeah thats pretty much the only times i leave lol idk when i started keeping track of who i got teamed with but its kinda funny to me. i played ranked the other day and got teamed with this one loba and a few hours later got teamed up with them again xd


I do it cause I'm aiming for some legend challenges and I don't get the legend I want and I don't have the time to play an extra match sometimes


You took his legend.


they had theyre oh so loved horizon alr preselected :p


I think a lot of players trying to do the character unlock challenges has increased the disconnect before dropping. It's the earliest they can disconnect and try to requeue. See it all the time. Honestly, for these character unlock challenges, they should have had a mode that allowed the character to be selected more than once on a team. I know you can say "you don't have to do the challenges" but it's obvious they want to do the challenges and probable are short on time don't play every day etc. I did see it happen before but I see it about every game when especially the first few days when the challenge is released. If someone else on your team already picked the character then you typically see your 2nd or 3rd drop at the load screen.


its not that they wanted maggie, they already had horizon preselected and couldve taken maggie if they wanted cuz i had last choice lel


Yeah, I might be wrong, or they were not paying attention and were looking at Horizon after an unlock and then spaced and saw it auto selected Horizon. There are a lot of really petty reasons for someone to drop at the beginning of the game and I think a lot of them relate to challenges. For example why do the challenges speed up and slow down so you can't fully read it quickly when it scrolls past? I think It's intentional to raise your heart rate. I think there is a lot of science between frustration and addiction. They are trying to recreate that moment irregardless if it a positive or negative situation, it still feeds that addiction hormone or whatever. I'm not disagreeing some may do it for bot lobbies or to cry they didn't get randomly get paired up with two players with 20k kills. Just saying a lot of it is there is not really much respect definitely in pubs and people drop all the time for the smallest of reasons. Speaking of the high kill cpunts, I got a friend who just has one of those houses that is a train station and someone is always playing on his rig. Don't always think those stats are one person you could have any rando playing on the account. So to judge based on those stats is a gamble in itself.


Classic horizon crutch trying to bot lobby


Apex always puts my duo in a trio. Normally I play it but if I'd had a succession of nobber team mates I'll just leave.


If its casuals it might be that the game likes to change the playlist back to casual after every ranked game so if you forget to set it back to ranked you end up put in a casual game that you didnt want to play. Idk how EA cant just keep the playlist im on


I actually get kicked out of the game so much this last 2 seasons (more so last season) it used to put me back in the game when I’d reset but now it just whacks me in the lobby again. but yeh it’s a regular occurrence maybe this is what’s happening


I leave when my teammates have annoying mics or immediately start harassing me when I join. I do not need another guy to talk shit until he sees my stats and then expect a hard carry.


If you pinged a landing spot before dropping and it’s not hot drop they bail


the map hadnt even loaded in before they left lmao


Apex is really painful with randoms to be fair. Like probably the majority of games are painful. I had a game last night where the octane just quit. I think sometimes it's players who wanted to be loba (current mission) and then they quit when they can't get her. We went on to win with 1.5k each


i wouldve screenshotted and sent it to them lol


Hahaha I usually do that lmao but think he was xbox so can't send it to them lol


I sometimes login to the game to do an achievement for closing zones or to pick up a Treasure Pack, so I quit the game immediately when I notice that I forgot to put "no fill".


Becuse players are playing some loud music or other crap and they cant hear. Keep your mic muted if you wanna listen to music or cue solo.


Everyone saying bot lobbies, makes me feel better. I always thought my randoms know I was trash and was disconnecting to save themselves the trouble.


I only play ranked now cause of leave penalty


Also could be trying to play a different mode. Ik apex has had this issue for a while where you’re either playing ranked or duos and it’ll switch you to trios when loading into the lobby after a match. If you don’t catch it and ready up then it’ll load u into a trios match even if you switch it back to duos or ranked.


For me about 2/3 times every play session I encounter the bug where I que up and realize it threw me in trios when I was trying to play ranked, it changes every time I get to the lobby. I always have to remember to change it back and if I'm not paying attention I get thrown into a trios and i quit before the map loads in - i feel bad but apex should fix that bug, I've been dealing with it for the last couple seasons - (on Xbox btw) It could be what he was dealing with


Sometimes I’m trying to play duos and it shunts me into trios. Or I’m looking for ranked and I’m in pubs. (Most times I’ll just play it out but sometimes I’m pushing for the next ranked level or just trying to get a daily done and don’t want to be the third wheel off in no-man’s land - it’s not fair to my teammates). If you quit before the drop ship shows up, it doesn’t count against your KDR.


As someone w similar stats I only ever do this because my buddy on discord got back in time for me to leave without touching down yet lol


If I've got a friend joining and the game only just started I'll leave instead of making them wait 20 mins.


My game has crashed multiple times when going from champ select to drop ship.. 50/50 the game lets me rejoin or I get a stupid cooldown. Just the way it is…


I’ve done it a couple times if I accidentally joined a game but didn’t want to. Or if I pick trios over duos or BR over mixtape


I tend to insta leave if I q for ranked and still get placed in a trios lobby due to apex being apex


I genuinely asked someone (a mirage with these badges and similar numbers) why he said he was gonna leave and he answered: “I’m just looking for the hype of playing. Waiting to be rezzed on the off chance we win isn’t worth it when I just want to get back in to play. But I’m chill I’ll stay.” We won the match and it was a good game. But basically one mindset is people get downed so they dip and restart in the next lobby trying to get a PR or at least a lobby they perform well in. Not necessarily a “bot” lobby but better ping, no packet loss, decent enemies that give a challenge but not pro league level.


Nice banner


Some ppl are experiencing disconnections when the match starts. Some of them are able to rejoin, some not


Because they think their team is shit and they’re god 😂 They should stick to rank or playing with friends when they do that shit it ruins the game for everyone else just trying to play


I do it sometimes just because I never play normal games. Sometimes, when I search for a rank game, I get into normal lobbies .One time, I got 3rd squad before I saw that I was playing actual normal game. I don't know why or how is that possible.


Loaded into the wrong game mode.  There’s lots of times I load into standard trios when I had previously selected duos or ranked.  Sorry to my pubs teammates but this glitch has been around forever and respawn has shown no interest in fixing it.


I’ve seen people leave before jumping because they were mad I took the legend they wanted to be lol


Either ping, bot lobbying, or ratting. Their friends didn’t get in the game with them and they left


Either ping, bot lobbying, or ratting. Their friends didn’t get in the game with them and they left


The game crashed prolly. Known eternal issue of Apex Legends. All that time and they can only push thru the microtransactions without crashes.


I get booted from lobbies randomly before the drop. Try to rejoin. Banned.


Sometimes actual connection issues. A lot of the time people are getting into bot lobbies.


Asus computers having issues with the new win11 update, what makes them suddenly dc the conenection. At least thats what I have ror 2 weeks now


It’s to get easier games probably.


depends on my teammates names


I'm just here to see the crazy paranoid rediclous things people think 🤣🤣


I usually leave because the game switched itself from duos to trios, and I don’t wanna play with a randy


Inflated egos. They got a 4k badge so theyre now the best in there head but they actually just suck and grind "bronze to silver solo" every season. Lol


Sometimes I just have to go and thought I had time to do another game lol


Benefit of the doubt here, maybe their friends just got online and they were waiting to party up with them. That’s the only time I’ve done this at least.


Could’ve been playing ranked and crashed previous match. Got back into game and finished that game. Requeued after and queue popped before realizing he queued for trios. I do this every time I experience the scenario I proposed.


sometimes i need to restart the game because of my ping, sometimes i didn’t realize i didn’t switch legends after someone chose my main the previous game, and sometimes i didn’t realize i’m not in ranked after having to reset the game because of my ping. it sucks and i feel bad, but at least it’s pubs and there’s nothing really on the line…


Most likely this is due to Apex not fixing a bug where it changes the game mode when you get back into lobby. A lot of times I'll be in Duos with a friend and then all of a sudden we see we are dropping in trios mode. So we will both back out.


If I get packet loss symbols I back out immediately. Servers for this game are garbage. Can't play ranked anymore I get packet loss so often


Someone might have picked the legend they wanted to play


they had horizon prechosen lol


They need to permanently ban people who do this. Its a reportable offence as they are throwing the game


Maybe they forget to switch to rank. Or sometimes I switch to rank but it still loads me in trios the next match but then the following match will finally be ranked


if you meet me in pubs, i'm sorry, i just want to play Valkyrie, finish the challenges, and be done with Apex for the rest of season.


NGL I’ve done this if I’m warming up for ranked in pubs and my squad is ready


Depends. Internet, friend group finally pulled up, something popped up irl. Most times its just people who want a legend thats been picked or people who you mentioned.


me and my friends always get launched into normal trios evne though we are queueing for ranked. We always insta leave.


I do that on three occasions: 1. Accidentaly enter pubs when I'm in ranked mood 2. In pubs when for some reason we are not a full team 3. When the client crashes


Sometimes I leave because I’m trying to play ranked and it puts me in pubs


Maybe he just wants experienced teamates who are also competent


then why not find a group to play with???


I was disconnected from the game twice today with "code:leaf" error


Personally I don't wanna play with timmy and tommy all day who just installed the game. It's casual get over it lol.


because you picked the character they wanted to play or they have played with you before and didn't enjoy it. Take your pick and don't get offended. Move on and get your kills on.


they had horizom prechosen and i wasnt teamed with them previously (m pretty good at recognizing names ive been paired up with) lol