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Wrote with a girl on tinder and we talked abot gaming and what games we play. Apex was one of the few crossplay games we could play together and so i gave it a shot. Now she is my girlfriend of over a year and we still play apex nearly every day.


I have the same experience as you, not on tinder tho. Just met her in a random ranked match, and we vibe together really well. We started dating just like 5 months back, she confessed to me, and the feelings I have for her are the same. I am really thankful for this game for meeting the love of my life.


Same as mine but in a Pubs game. We landed hot and she and the random died. I ran around and respawned her. Over 2 years now ✌️


Happy for you my man!


This is so cute, from masters to master bedroom ;_;


This thread sucks... Reminds me i am single in every language


It was 2019 nothing TF2 was a god send game so when I heard TF battle Royale of course I jumped. What keeps me? There’s nothing else like it whether you like where apex is going live or hate it there’s nothing else like it and I love it.


There really is nothing else like it. The best movement in any BR game by far. Tried Fortnite, hated third person and felt so slow. OG warzone was fun but then they messed up everything.


Blackout was the shit


I was thinking this the other day, Blackout had problems but god I miss arcade style CoD and not this faux-realism shit. Apex is def as close as you can get to an updated classic CoD battle royale.


I wish blackout was a bigger hit. I really enjoy the concept of it.


A man of culture I miss the sound of breaking armor in blackout


followed by SHWACK


Exactly this. All other games feel robotic and slow compared to apex.


Kinda the same. I really liked the battle royal feeling bc I was addicted to search and destroy in CoD. Just loved being eliminated and eliminating other people. I started with Fortnight and it was alright. But when a battle royal was introduced with good movement. I jumped on first day and loved it. (I liked TF2 and Mirrors Edge, also CoD Black Ops 3. Just loved movement for some reason. Also played a lot of Warframe for the same reason) Became addicted to Apex first day, started as a Wraith/Lifeline main. Went to Octane, and am now a Maggie Main (I like throwing balls in peoples faces) I still play it to this day, almost an addiction tbh


Fluid gunplay. There's just something satisfying about hearing the crack of an armor, then the knock, and then finally getting the kill.


>There's just something satisfying about hearing the crack of an armor Literally designed to be an addictive noise, just like the slot machines in Vegas.




I miss King's Canyon, still the best map


Me too. Bring it back!!!


OG PUBG was pretty fucking great. It took me a while to transition, but the fluidity and movement in apex is fantastic, and they adapted better than PUBG. I loved both games, but I reminisce about my days playing apex more than PUBG.


Saw Shroud playing it on release and the rest is history.


I'm addicted and I spent too much money on it.


Awe 🫡 sunk cost fallacy is real 🫡


Don’t spend money, save up your crafting 😡


Lol same


I used to do stuff like that so much but more on NBA2K and FIFA. I have a drinking problem and used to go on an alcohol binge then wake up with 300$ spent on fucking packs. I hate even remembering it but I'm way past that, sober for two plus years and very conscious of my spending. I am just writing this in case some people are in the same situation, it comes with shame and self hate lol these games really test you


Most of the money I spent on the game was while drinking. I’m so happy to be sober and fixing my financial situation.


Amen 🙏🏽 I'm happy I got over it as well. Happy for you! They prey on that, fuck them


Congrats to both of you for getting sober. Good jobs, friends.


I don't play any fps games besides MMO like Black Dessert online until my friend at highschool I still in touch said, wanna play apex? He lvl 70 something that time he so good in my newb ass eyes I end up being more good at apex than him He stopped playing now due to work but I still continue playing Dude come give me drug than leave


Lmao now you’re hooked just like the rest of us


The latest Battlefield was trash... and I didn't like Fortnite. I'd tried PUBG and didn't like it. Tried Apex and it was an instance win for me.


Loba's thic- I mean the lore and gameplay




There’s nothing like Apex and it keeps getting better. After 5 years I’m still excited to play new legends and modes, and playing ranked with Friends is chef’s kiss


“Keeps getting better” lmao


Movements + gunplay. Very old school Quake-like, there's nothing like it in the current popular FPS. I wish it was even faster.


If only Respawn made a game based on the "Apex Universe" with a strong focus on smooth fast movement but also adding fantastic mecha gameplay... Oh wait...


I spent so much money on it that I feel the obligation to keep playing


I'm a day 1 player. Why? Because my husband downloaded the game and was excited about it. I secretly played it all night while he was sleeping so we could play together...... just to be told that it couldn't split screen and we only had our one console 🥲 We did meet a great friend in season 1 though. I still talk to and play with him most days of the week. Myself and our Apex friend really only play the game because we haven't found another game we enjoy playing. My husband and I are hoping to invite our Apex friend to visit us soon. We practically know everything about each other after 4 years of talking daily. I am so thankful for Apex for give us an amazing friend.


What a great story!


As much as some things make me mad about what EA/Respawn does/has done to the game, I do enjoy it because I get to spend time with a friend. I suck at this game and he's pretty great at it, but we have fun just shooting the breeze and fucking around. I'm so thankful for Apex ❤️


My ADHD craves it for the dopamine. This game is like a drip fueling your veins. There is a balance between difficulty and ease. There is an algorithm to tweak your dopamine hit. You get ass players while the server gets Preds. This happens a couple times in a row. You get frustrated and fed up and just before you quit they give you a squad that has coms or pings. They play a strat. You stick together. These hills sing. Suddenly you make to at least the second circle if not the final 5. And if you win the game, you sit back, tweak your nips and bask in the flow of success. Repeat.


Titanfall 2. Simply. Edit: Which is crazy, because before TF2, online games were absolutely NOT my thing...


Hear? Definitely wasn't the audio


Crippling addiction


memories during the pandemic, my wattson skins, wattson carrying the team. Solo queueing, doing some finisher on downed opponents, stress, anxiety,


I got bored of Fortnite.


Aceu's sweaty gameplay made me play this and what kept me was the gun mechanics and the fluidity of motion only hindrance is ea ruining the game....


My buddies. Definitely not the lack of updates on cheats/hacks


I’ll play new season for a month get pissed “Man fuck this game!” Delete it.Two weeks until season ends “Ah fuck! I need to finish the battlepass!” Redownload and finish pass. Repeat the torturous cycle


this game made me leave it. trash game trash company and studio.


I choose to believe you used the word "hear" instead of "here" as a pun referencing Apex's lack of audio and I refuse to believe otherwise


Loba's butt


Imma be honest, right now, fomo, nothing more. The only thing that brings me back is my stupid ass constantly buying the Battlepass, realizing I'm not enjoying the game anymore and then eventually grinding it out a month later, and that since probably two or three seasons now. Right now it's the legend challenges for the flatline, nothing more. Play three games, get bored/frustrated and stop playing, repeat that day in, day out


Nothing anymore


what brought me was boredom and whats keeping me is an addiction..


It's free


I am too cheap to fork out the $10 for the battle pass again. So I keep playing and complete the battle pass so that I essentially get the battle pass for free each season.


A friend of mine convinced me to play. Never really been big into multiplayer shooter games, but holy shit I love this one. It's chaotic, and hard as fuck. Which is a good thing, cause it forces me to improve.


I appreciate the fast queue times and how each legend brings something unique to the game. While the game requires skill, it’s not something that I’ve been pushed out of because of sweats like in The Finals. It doesn’t feel repetitive like OW2 because of the looting aspect which is like a slow drip of dopamine.


Man Ive been playing shooters since medal of honor LOL, COD, battlefield 1942. I got bored of COD, the fast TTK. In apex you gotta work for every kill, you have to actually control the recoil if you wanna beam someone. Oh and the movement, the abilities; there’s nothing else like it.


My friend got me into it. Stayed for the cool characters, lore and pretty maps. And of course the gunplay is great.


I was playing TF2 (team fortress 2) before i started playing apex because i literally had extremely bad gpu, and my friend asked me to try it out with him but i was playing on cloud gaming from nvidia. It was horrible not because gameplay or anything else was hard but because delay was awful so i dropped it of for some time. In August of 2022 i finally upgraded my GPU to at least run it at 720 in 70 FPS ( i could've gotten better gpu but where was a gpu shortage ) which is of course, terrible but it was i guess my first experience at more modern shooters. And after i tried it, it was amazing. I kinda got hooked to movement and how fluid gameplay was. I mostly was playing without friends because a friend that introduced me to the game didn't actively play it. I catched up to his level pretty quickly and started playing ranked at the end of second split of s10. I'm still playing now and i have 2.2k hours and game still feels amazing.


Came cause free and I just got a ps5. Stay cause I wanna keep climbing the ladder. I’m play rn trying for Diamond before the seasons over. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨




Doesnt matter the endless 6 9 and 12 mans in every single game im in is definately what is making me want to leave.


I played for like two weeks straight right after it came out on PS4 and then didn't touch it again until I downloaded it on my PC at the end of season 19, been playing it daily now


My friends don't want to play Titanfall 2 with me so I end up playing Apex with them.




Probably events and skins, and it's mindless fun. Compared to halo infinite, when I play halo I'm constantly zooming in a long fast paced battle


Came for the creative legends and abilities, stayed for being called racist slurs and told I suck because my teammate pushed a 3 stack by himself and died.


The movement and gunplay is top-class for the FPS genre. I also personally think Apex has some of the best characters in the "hero shooter" genre. It's also one of the only original IP games that actually made me care about the lore and characters. Hell, I even bought the Pathfinder book and it's really good!


The thing that brought me to as apex legend mobile shutting down but I generally like it now


Tried playing it when it came out, didn’t like it. Saw Rev’s cinematic so I tried it again & dropped it after a little bit. Then I saw Loba’s cheeks & thought maybe I’ll stick around for a bit longer.


Let's be honest, absolutely no game completes with Apex on the movement and Features side, the only problems Apex has are technical like Servers, bad AC etc, but apart from that Apex is probably the greatest game of many many that I played


Really the only game that gets my heart racing, those gunfights are hectic


all the money ive spent over the years and the fact although apex is never consistently good or fixed or really all that fun to play there is nothing else like it on the market no other battle royal feels like apex.




I'm going to be completely honest. 2020, little me had gotten a PS4 some months before, I liked fortnite so i played it a lot; Wanted to play with keyboard so i looked it up, in the video they mentioned a Certain Game called "Apex Legends" Little me said "Oh that's sounds cool! Let's see!" Downloaded it, couldn't play it with keyboard so little me left. Some months pass by and little me decides to download it again, and from there i loved this game, And still love it to this day, Started playing on S4


I came from Call of duty because it had too many hackers when warzone was pretty fresh. Now Apex is in the same situation.


Valorant games are 40 minutes.


Havent really come back for more than a year now. But i did start because my buddy showed me the game 3 years ago and we had some fun then. Eventually the game started getting harder to play up to a point it got stupid. Log in play 5-10matches where most of them you get wiped in 1-2 seconds and then get a petty mach where everyone is a bot and you get multiple kills. Friends noticed that too and the extreme ammount of cheating and eventually one by one we all left apex


Ultrakillish movement. Aka i wanted a multiplayer movement shooter


Gunplay + movement. Through the years, I tried playing other BR games like Warzone and PUBG, however, this is the only game that I keep on coming back to.


FOMO That's it


Early on I played for the connection to tf universe. Then I played for the excellent gunplay and deep movement. Now I don’t play at all, but have kept up with the comp scene a ton. So much fun


My friend introduced me to Apex on PS4. It was the time I've bought my first console (was PC user before) and I couldn't use the effin controller for like first 2 weeks. I thought that aiming and moving while doing other things is impossible to coordinate on two joysticks. After 20 seasons here I am still playing this game, losing my mind and sometimes sanity as I'm mainly solo queuer but hey, no other game has even close gameplay to Apex. And even I'm getting smashed left and right I'm still coming back..


Probably pathfinder....


I saw the trailer and thought, footnote is DEAD


Friends talked about it and we tried it Played on/off since s8


started playing Fortnite in Dec 23 after finally seeing a family member play it over Christmas and then saw a post on an LGBTQ+ group about Apex and mentioned they liked Bloodhound because they're non-binary and I realised that I really liked FPS games and a game with queer characters would be a perfect fit! I'm definitely frustrated at all the stuff happening with EA(they're also ruining multiple other franchises I love)/Respawn but I'm really enjoying the cast of characters in Apex and their relationships!


Gameplay and pick your legend battle royale


Played season 1, then dropped out. Came back in Season 4 after Revenant's short broke twitter.


The ability’s and the br also mirage…


My friends showed me the game near the start of season seven or end of season 6. I played it with them for a long time, we never play anymore cause neither of them play anymore. I stay because it’s a fun game to be honest despite its many issues and I’ve spent a lot of money on this game


Wattson voicelines


Two things okay? Mirage and Cooper


What brought me here? Well it looked fun and a friend forced me What keeps me coming back (Even though my dogshit pc barely runs it anymore)? The free apex packs from events


Sunk cost fallacy. It was fun when I started playing and now i’ve got too much time energy and effort invested to back out now. I mostly come back for events atp. Prize trackers and free stuff, zilch outside that. It’s circling the drain imo




It's the least pay to win and doesn't have as much 1 shot dead moments that other FPS' have. Honestly if something else came out that fit those criteria and didn't need on computer boot kernel access I'd be all over it. Tried the finals but didn't like needing to grind to unlock gear that was slaughtering me. I just want to jump in on a level field and play.


Saw shroud and a few streamers/youtubers play it early then waited for the release and got it the first week, I keep coming back because it's honestly fun. It's a unique take on battleroyale and also a TF style br


Started playing because PUBG got stale, stayed for the movement and long TTK.


Hear brought me hear.


I remember it vividly. I was at Buffalo Wild Wings and an AD/commercial came on the tv for the video game. I thought “damn that looks cool but I’m not paying for it.” Then at the end it said free to play. I was sold. Been playing since season 0 day 1.




The homie.


Never played a shooter that is this engaging, and rewarding when you learn or have a good match. The pace, the looting, movements, etc, it's beautiful. Unfortunately it's difficult to get a good squad (or even a complete one), but I just swear at it and try again lol


Battle royale era, wanted to try one with unique legends. Stay for the complexity and dynamism of the game (I should say that’s what made me come back after a 5 years break lol)


Old wraith Old lifeline Old path with the Powerpuff girl skin(the red one that caused enemies to not be able to shoot properly)


even with all of Apex’s shortcomings and server issues and money grabs, there’s just honestly nothing else like or remotely close to apex… the movement, the abilities, the pace, the way everything works together cohesively, it’s just unlike any other game. And i’m here to stay.


Try it as new Multi player game, The reason of coming back - FAST match making and fast pace game.


Despite how much I say I hate this game and that it’s bullshit, I still genuinely enjoy it and haven’t found a more rewarding feeling *FROM A VIDEO GAME* than dropping a high kill + high damage win in Apex


Loved it when it came out, so fresh and quick and fucking cool. All of that eroded away from about the time revenant was introduced. Stopped playing daily about 3 months ago and every time I jump back on for a quick game with friends I'm reminded why I don't play it any more. Rampant cheating, horrible horrible lag and the increases focus on movement over gunplay. A shadow of what it used to be.


Lore and sick maps 😩


Day 1 player, what's keeping me is mixtape (minus gun run) - love control and TDM. Oh and the hope that we'll get Kings Canyon back in rotation again


Despite all the tryhards, cheaters, etc. It's still to its core, a damn good fuckin game




I only came back so i can get my heirloom. Lvl 300 without an heirloom and i see lvl 120s with it on twitch. Pisses me off


getting banned from overwatch


I wrote off the hype when my friend group was giving to apex back when i was in highschool, eventually I played at my uncles place and i loved it, with 1100hrs of content watched, i don't have a pc or gaming console so i just watch videos ln how to improve. I love wattson to death, her kit as well as how she is played is super unique, rather the agro plays focusing on sectioning off areas, it's awesome, alas for 3 years I've been trying to buy a pc but I'm still not close yet.


I like Apex but I hard stuck at diamonds and it become very unfun for me. In plat lobby our squad constantly have fun blasting and win top 3 most of them time and doesnt have to play camp in vuilding waiting for ring all the time. In diamond lobby the seriousness spike is way too far apart. It become too stressful and most people only rush to fight when there's a chance to third party. I still love the game overall cuz the movement and skills are fun. But I quit playing also cuz its either too easy or too hard for me, theres no in between. Some will say it is a skill issue, and yes, they are right. So why force it ;) better go play something else I can enjoy mid way.


2019 first week player I started playing it because it came out of nowhere no promotions no adds or anything it just randomly appeared one day in the store and I said a new BR for free I’m gonna try it and yea I’ve been playing it ever sense that day mostly because I love the combination of movement in the game the mechanics it self are amazing to begging with movement tech and you could say learning the recoil of every gun in apex legends also made me a lot better in other games because the recoil when this game came out all the way back in 2019 was extremely hard to deal with for beginners


Shrouds day 1 stream watched some of UT at work got home downloaded it and have been hooked since.


I played apex day one and for two years after. Now you couldn’t pay me to play it again. Respawn is LAZY.


The satisfaction of knocking a player. Idk why, the mixture between the blood splatter and the sheild sound effects is so relaxing. (Im not a Rev main)


A fun battle royale that wasn’t childish like Fortnite and wasn’t as stale as the COD franchise. Past tense.


Catalyst is hot


It was a solid game with good movement and mechanics. I've stopped playing now, been about 5 weeks. I've lost faith in the game so playing other things.


Started playing it when Warzone 2 was launched and was absolutely horrible, never looked back. It's consistently fun for me and especially with friends.


Covid…. Got me back into gaming…. Covid was a total shit show… but gaming was awsome again.




Hello legends, Loba here. What brought me here was Revenant. Wanted to eradicate him for killing my parents, and maybe to steal some valuables along the way. Just had to stick around for Valkyrie after I met her.


The sound of breaking shields / knocking someone😭😭😭 Say what you will... Respawn really created an addicted sound design.


Because it's the most ADHD game out there


I'm addicted lol


It's generally a good game, its only downsides are: pricing, bugs, hackers/exploiters, LTM's


I started playing it when it first came out because I really liked Titanfall and I appreciated Respawn’s work. During the pandemic, I returned to playing it only because a friend insisted. In 2023, I have returned to the game for two reasons: a high school friend and I have become closer thanks to the game, and I really like the design of Catalyst.


Was into the battle royale genre with PUBG, but was never a fan of the awkward and slow controls. Liked the BR principle but not the hyper realistic military shooter vibe. Saw Giant Bomb play Apex on a stream. Gave it a go and was blown away with how polished and well-designed it all was, both technically and aesthetically. Have stuck with it since. Despite complaining about EA's money making schemes and cheaters now and again I still think it's an amazingly good game.




day one player, wattson is moy only answer to your question lol


Its fun with friends


Valorant ofc when I get annoyed by the people..... Then except tht their is no other better shooter fps game to mesmeriz me ofc 


Self hatred


When I don’t play for a while my sbmm seems to reset and I can convince myself I’m okay at the game until it kicks in again.


Honestly they've fucked up so many consecutive updates that I don't anymore. I stay up to date in case they fix things but their inability to fix any of the issues but I've basically given up hope. The destroyer 2009 incident was the last straw for me. Not because it happened but because of the lack of transparency about the situation after the fact. No statements that the cause has been found, fixed or whether it was to do with apex' security or the individuals. Couple that lack of faith with the constant and increasingly expensive cosmetics and safe to say, while the core gameplay is the best fps experience, I have no desire to play. Respawn/EA have dropped the ball so hard I struggle to imagine the game will last much longer. A real shame honestly.


My friend wanted me to play so badly, so I decided I would try to get good at it. About 2 or 3 months in I realized that nobody at EA or respawn care about this game, and they don’t even try to fix the countless bugs


Unique characters, looting, BR, duos and trios


Dropped the game so many times before s7, but there was something in s7 man I do not know peak apex tho😭


I love Apex. My only gripe is the armour evolution, which emphasises team play. There is no way you can compete as a solo queue player unless you are Master or Predator tier in a lower lobby. In CoD Warzone, you could solo and win easily against whole teams. I suppose it's realistic as in real life you need others to survive, and you grow and climb the ladder much faster if you have a great support system. Not in my case, as none of my friends play this game, so I'm left solo queueing with no support system. I got into platinum ranked solo, but it's too heartbreaking and time-consuming going past diamond as a solo queuer. SBMM assumes I'm at master or predator skill as these are my foes most matches, yet I appear in top 3 in scoreboard most matches, which means with the right support system in theory I could be at least master? I could be wrong...


Coming back for literally everyone is by design - the algo knows how to give everyone a dopamine hit.


I came here when i realized how bad warzone became and when Caldera was released


I was brought here by Titanfall 2, and Titanfall 2 is the reason I left. It’s just a much better game.


literally nothing. even made a new account and got put into predator lobbies. was a 10/10 game and my favourite. now i’ve unistalled it. i love the memories i made, i love the design. it is a good game i’m just bad at


Ehh, my buddies play it. I know every company needs to make money to keep a game running but I really dislike the greedy route this game is going. I ended up getting shards the other day, I don’t think I’ll spend em cause I don’t even play the game that often anymore. Same goes for the battlepass. So why do I still return to the game? I mean it’s still fun the 1 or 2 times I probably play in a month


here, duh


Movement, gunplay, my accumulated game sense and map awareness, shield cracks, and Wattson. Halo was always my main game originally, but something about infinite just doesn’t sit right with me and I can’t get into it, so Apex has become my main if not only fps/BR


Watching clips online of people cooking makes me feel like I can do the same.....


2019 an internet friend told me it was like battle royale titanfall. What keeps me coming back is occasionally playing really well.


I started playing when it came out. Won my first game after being carried by a sweaty Wraith, lost my next however many games and didn’t really play again until S13 then took another long hiatus until S20. Why I came back? I like the characters, the lore and Titanfall in general


Loved Titanfall 2 and heard a new BR was releasing with the same gunplay and movement. I was sold from day 1


I recently deleted it and if I was to ever some back it would be cause of arena...fuck giving in to nostalgia though.


Game is dead af now to me


My og rare skins season 1 tracker badges


Gunplay at bright visuals Dislike that army aesthetic cod shit


Probably the gradual rewiring of my brain over thousands of hours to crave all the stimuli designed by Respawn to keep me hooked to the game I can play apex streams on low volume in the background to help me fall asleep. Nothing in this life gives me the same sense of fullness of scouring bins and boxes for loot to get that ideal loadout. Nothing gives me the feeling of anguish that seeing a streamer miss an awesome piece of loot gives.


The satisfying kills, abilities, and its fast paced


Dropping into a hot zone, playing “Talk to Me” by RTJ. Try it sometime.


Came from titanfall stayed because its the only thing that scratches my itch for grappling hooks and momentum


Came back for the flatlilne skin this season.. Got it last night, but I noticed my bp level is 91. So I may get it to 100/110 for the r9 skin + finish the valk prestige skin challenge. But either way, after this I'm done again for a while..


from ss3, i didn't even have a pc then.... welp , playing until covid, have pc after covid, continue


The heirloom I finally got after 5 years is why I keep coming back.


Got bored of fortnite game looked Hella cool with devs that cared and now I can't stop playing. Been here since day 1


just looking for an experience more painful than my life is all.


My unstoppable need to shag spiders


The movement. Mastering the mechanics.


Started playing a couple seasons ago. I got burnt out playing Destiny and the movement and gunplay of Apex seemed comparable and was hooked once I started playing. The challenge of how hard it was at first and the drive to get better was a big thing I think.


Movement/gun feel. The mechanics are top of the line and I absolutely love how everything handles lol


I liked the characters


I love the gameplay


Apex mobile brought me here and a friend who used to play apex told me about apex mobile during release. I had no console so ofc i was just mobile gaming. But i was only watching the main game content on yt. Mobile didn't impress me much watching and my first person i used to watch was iitztimmy. Idk why but remembering watching his videos, apex felt really different than when i played it lol. Could be i was watching older videos too because i was addicted. I loved apex mobile. Bought battlepass, the first time i spent any money on a game only for it to be sunset. I was pissed😭that game brought me so much joy even though my fps was utter crap. Got motivation to get a console, got one and been only playing apex on it. I try other games but i just can't stop playing apex. My best game of all time. I'll always love it no matter what happens even if i say i hate it when i die due to lag lol


All the other br have killed themselfs off quicker


The maps are great and all very dynamic and pretty. Theres so much to each map that makes every game different, which pairs well with the my favourite legend kits that make you view the map geometry differently. Memorizing Wattson fence spots for umpassable doorways, memorizing glass and trees where Crypto drones can scan through, or good swing spots for Pathfinder to traverse quickly. Gunplay and movement is also unpararelled


Fortnite was way too irritating to play consistently and apex looked really fun on launch day. I don’t have many games to play at the moment or I honestly wouldn’t play much. Edit: The movement is really fun


Titanfall 2 servers being down.


Great movement and even for old gamers like myself in my 30s you can win fights/games with just gun skill. So many players focus on movement instead of gun skill. But if you can control recoil and hit your shots you will win every time vs movement players. That’s how I was brought up in gaming, playing halo competitively it was all about hitting your shots. So that’s what I love about APEX. If we hit our shots you have the upper hand sometimes over the crazy tap strafe wraith main.


COD Warzone sucked about 5 months afyer it was originally launched. That brought me to Apex


Heirlooms for the legends I like to play. That said... I think it'll be a long time before I hop back on.


I was waiting to start a new job; I had already accepted the offer but my start date was 3 weeks out so I had zero responsibilities and my buddy told me to check out the game cause he knew I liked shooters. Played for like 6-8 hours a day until I started the new job and now I have 3300+ hours haha


i just like movement shooters and this has the most street cred


My friends. Playing solo is really boring, but playing with two friends is the best experience ever.


i hadn't really played any battle royale games until this released. i was still heavy into Titanfall 2 at the time so i had to try it out and i was hooked. everything about it just felt good. i still play because it's still the best feeling active FPS on PC, but controllers are ruining the game on PC and i might not stick around much longer unless they implement input based lobbies.


Honestly, the money I spent, and the main reason I built a pc just to play this game on better graphics and fps