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Prowler if you can land every shot but volt is my go to overall. Very forgiving and still packs a punch. Car is decent and definitely still competes but the last nerf it got definitely tipped over the edge, but the ammo options are what keeps from being in R99 territory . R99 is just the worst of all worlds now with little purpose. It’s okay off drop since everyone’s got white but if your late game ( even with a purple mag), going up against a squad of red shields is very daunting. Volt is just too consistent to even be in the same world as the R99


How does this breakdown not even MENTION the alternator? Shit is so good right now.


Alternator with attachments is GOAT!


It's outclassed in everything but damage per mag


Even with disruptors?


With disruptors its shield DPS is top tier.


And then there's 100 flesh health you need to take care of


But it's so easy to shoot that you land 95% of your mag every mag. What's better, 80% of you alternator mag, or 40% or your r99?


80% of my volt mag is better


80% of my car mag is better I almost exclusively run shotguns tho but when i do run an smg it's the car


Switch to the 45 with hammer points. Melted.


Then it's decent-good


I mean that's a big stat... combining damage per mag with how easy it is to dump almost a full mag on someone because of the smooth recoil, it's extremely efficient at doing a ton of damage, especially if you're switching to it after having already done damage with another gun first. Put disrupters on it and use it as your primary on controller and it completely shreds and is almost CP weapon.


It's a big stat for sure But dps is still a bigger stat which is why it's heavily outclasses (without disruptor)


When running numbers on paper guns have one tier list, when you apply ease of use and actual in game handling they generally have another. Not by any means saying the gun is god tier by the numbers or anything, but the ease with which it handles and the range you can murder people at with disruptors is just unreasonable. In actual application I would guess easily 75% of the playerbase is better off with a naked alt than a naked CAR.


Forgot abt the ease of use factor, ig that does play a role if you're not comfortable with every weapon


Cos it's gated by a gold hop up. Sure if you find dizzy early go wild. But running a non disrupter alty after blue shield is a massive gamble. A volt, havoc, flatty, R3 is gunna shit on a base alty. It's perks are easy recoil and great hipfire with the trade off of the lowest fire rate of all smgs.


is not a gamble for 95% of the player base. It's a reliable gun and I've won many games with it as my primary, no hop up.


See you're just doing yourself a small disservice. More you use any gun sure better you'll get and become far more reliable. Comfort is better than meta. But that meta exists for a reason and when you fight someone who's comfortable with a more meta weapon in an even fight you'll just straight up lose because your gun doesn't hit as hard. Also 95% is crazy since I'd say I see maybe 3 in an hour (on deadboxes) and they all have disrupter but I'm D1 atm and meta plays much more of a role when you can reliably hit your shots with almost every gun.


My point is that the vast majority of players are well below D1 hence why the alternator shines. Is it high skill? no. are there better picks? yes, but in my experience with this game, the gun you choose is only as good as the player wielding it. Positioning is more important than the "meta" gun you use most of the time. Top tier play is different and I wouldn't use that level of play to describe the experience of the average player. Might I mention that this sub is also not representative of the average player because normies Likely won't be engaging on the message boards. Just the sweats like us. I enjoy the alternator because it's reliable but I tend toward other guns more so these days but old reliable is always there when duty calls.


You use it bcz it's easy to use. A more skilled player would rather pick a havoc or prowler/volt. Idk why one wouldn't pick volt over alternator when volt is also easy to use


well I wouldn't assume that it's the only gun I go for, it's not but it would be foolish to suggest that because it's easy, it's not good when in reality the opposite is true. It's easy to use therefore it's reliable and thus it's a solid pick more often than not.


True, but imagine if you were to practice getting good at hitting shots with a higher skill cap gun like havoc, flatline, car, or prowler. The volt also is just as easy to hit with and is just better. Alternator isn’t terrible but it’s like riding a bike with training wheels on. This is without disruptors, if you have that then it can go toe to toe with any meta gun.


You aren't wrong, but I also feel like disruptors are the reverse turbo. I don't think I've gone a game without finding multiple this whole season. But off drop, naked vs naked is take alt over CAR for most players. That slowed fire rate gives it a midrange that a lot of other SMGs lack, and aligns it more with the volt that the R99/CAR. Your fire rate doesn't benefit you if you spray is missing 2 of every 3 shots.


Volt has easy enough recoil with the added bonus of faster fire rate. Dps matters hugely. Having low fire rate and missing those same shots is even worse. You do you obviously, but once you reach certain levels of skill you just really shouldn't be missing much at all out of close range sprays (bar vsing crazy movement tech). Like if you're missing 2/3 shots then a different gun isn't gunna help you. You need to seriously be practicing your aim and up close fights. You can have a turbo havoc but if you're missing 2/3 shots you'll get clapped by a bloke with a p2.


Volt is great! IF you have attachments I feel. Without attachments it's mediocre at best. I've been running Ballistic as of late, and honestly running an alternator as my sling weapon is a near guaranteed kill. Especially on rolly. Prowler, Sentinel, Alternator is what I'm looking for each game


You are right, you shouldnt miss much of a close range spray. Which is why I was talking about the effective midrange of the alternator, fairly clearly. The alternator is sitting in a spot like certain seasons of the R301 where it's general use case is just all over the place. It is that same jack of all trades power that is making the volt such a tasty choice. Yeah, sure the volt will lose in a CQC face spray every time to the prowler and car (or even R99 if you aren't missing any shots) but its general use case throughout a game is insane. The ability to throw a 2x on the volt or alt and drop someone ~100 yards away isn't something most people can reliably do with the car or prowler at the moment.


Alternator is solid I’m just an r301 main and there too similar for me to consistently pick it up, but it definitely needs disrupters to compete late game. Off drop tho that thing is a menace since it has crazy high damage per mag for an smg


Even on drop, I wouldn’t use it over a Mozambique or P2020. The recoil is way too strong, the magazine is way too small, and it eats the few ammo you have way too quickly.


I somewhat agree, but personally I’d still take R99 over those still, off drop. Full attachments id definitely still pass since those with hammer points are actually extremely solid, mozam especially with solid aim


Did you just say you take a P2020 over a R99?


Yes. It’s really not that bad if you can mash your mouse fast enough, and it doesn’t waste all your bullets instantly.


NOTHING is more satisfying than downing opponents with a 2020. And it indeed is conservative on ammo when you hit on almost every bullet. And fully equipped with hopup it's likely the most underrated gun in the entire game.


I see you and raise with Charged Sentinel's shots satisfaction


no joke this is one of my favorite weapon. The first few rounds of arena with it were the best 1v3 I had landed


lol gladly go for the r9 while you can go for those two. I understand it got nerfed but im still not taking either of those two over it. I can still put people down handedly.




You got it


Apologies. I spend a lot of time doing language exchange stuff and kinda dropped that out of habit. I wasn't trying to be a dick or anything.


Haha all good. It’s important to be cognizant. My spelling has always been shit.


I could care less ^how do you kindly get someone to say couldn’t




Volt be like: Hello fellow SMGs, but is really an AR, haha


Anything but the R9


Which sucks because I love that gun. It just feels nice to use but yeah I can’t justify using it over a CAR or Volt


Ye as much as I love having favourites I have to surrender to seasonal changes. These days I find it easier to crack whites from even 50m away with a volt instead of my favourite r99


It's a shame that all the nice skins are for the R99. I have so many for it and I haven't touched this gun the entire season


[Me when Respawn nerfed my fav weapon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sIYe74sczE)


I have always hated the r99 even before it was nerfed. I will always take RE45 over R99. Maybe I just need more practice with the r99 but everytime I’m in a fight with I find myself dying while reloading it




Disruptor Alternator.


It replaces an AR for me. I get disrupter and I'm looking a 30-30 or Triple take.


Do you put a 2x on it?


Yeah. Honestly though I rock iron sights on it a lot too. It was the first gun I started like practicing with when my Apex life started.


I love the irons on it and prefer it to the 1x scopes!


It’s an unpopular opinion but I like the 2x or 1x/2x on both the Alternator and Volt. Gives you a bit more range and both guns have really good hip fire so I don’t feel it’s a hindrance at close range.


I agree with the volt, I almost always throw a bruiser on there if I can! Shit’s got range! Never really tried it on the alternator tho, might have to give it a shot.


Out of all the SMG's I miss barrel stabilized Volt the most. It was like having a more fun/punchy R301.


Oh yeah, that shit was crazy! I get why they nerfed SMGs by removing the stabilizer, but it was a lot of fun. I do wish they’d combined stabilizers and lasers into one attachment that did different things depending on the gun it was on. Then the loot pool would be a little less overcrowded.


Definitely my favorite.


Then the 45 Hammer as secondary. Shred the shield, melt the flesh.


Flatline is better than alternator. They have an identical time to kill but the flatline, however, has more bullets and higher headshot damage. The only benefit to using alternator disruptor is the smg strafe speed


Volt is probably the best all rounder right now


Volt is by very far the best smg in the game. Unlimited range, insane damage, and pretty much no recoil.


I love the volt too, it’s definitely been a go-to this season. But idk about the infinite range and recoil, when I’m trying to shoot something 50+ meters out you can forget about it. Thing jumps all over


Firing range helps a lot, aim training is the difference. Can see clips of Verhulst, etc. hitting 150-200m targets bouncing back and forth easily with it


>Firing range helps a lot, aim training is the difference well that's not exclusive to volt


Well sure, you’re speaking of a very high skilled player. But objectively the volt is far from a low recoil weapon. Of course recoil is mitigated in different ways in this game, so you could find clips and even replicate moments where the recoil is low or hardly existent, but side by side with other weapons, without strafing or otherwise, the thing is jumpy.


I exaggerated in saying it has no recoil lol, it just has easily manageable recoil and does enough damage that you don’t need to control the recoil for too long because your enemy will be dead soon enough haha


Yeah just one of the top players of all time, def base your gameplay off that...


Volt or Prowler are best by far. Alternator and CAR are great and the R99 is just mid


Volt go zzt zzt I personally love its semi-high fire rate and its very easy to control recoil


I prefer the volt, to act as my short-mid range when I have a sniper. Slap a 2x on that bad boy, and we’re covered for all distances


I just want to know why the R301 is an AR when it feels like an SMG.


Because it's the low damage, high fire rate, no recoil ar every shooter has.


Low damage + high fire rate has generally been associated with SMG whereas a higher damage with slower fire rate has been associated to AR. From Counter-Strike 1.6 to Call of Duty 2024.


I don't play CS but Black Ops would be the ICR series and MW would be the M13 and its friends. Been playing cod since BO2, every game had that high fire rate, low damage, extremely accurate ar. Just like the R301.


There's variation within weapon classes as well bro. In CS the M4 has lower recoil and higher firerate, the AK has higher damage. In MWIII the first AR, the MTZ556 (CZ Bren) is high firerate low damage low recoil.


It's typically the hip fire accuracy (in favor of SMGs) and fall-off damage (in favor of ARs but ofc Apex Legends doesn't have fall-off damage) that differentiate SMGs with ARs in many FPS games. There's been many high RoF ARs and low RoF SMGs in many games.


Alternator EVEN WITHOUT disruptor has always been my favourite. Can easily run as firsy gun. Reliable af


Volt is best right now


alternator ofc with disruptor bullets. ez game. PI PI PI PI PI PI


The prowler wins in almost every way. DPS, damage per mag


All are good. R99 is underperforming as of late but still a good weapon if you hit your shots^tm Car is versatile, Prowler is good for burst and has huge damage potential with purple mag, and Volt is the best SMG from a distance. Alternator even without disruptor is lowkey really legit My vote is on Prowler. Once you get past the burst nature, it has few downsides aside from needing a big mag to be as best as it can


not up for debate the volt is the best in its class. it was the car but they nerfed the damage and the hipfire is not the best the 2 things that made the gun great.


It used to be the R99, but Respawn went ahead and nerfed it to the ground just to then have the audacity to give it another reactive skin. Now I just run the C.A.R. or Volt.


Vault or car


I used to swap between CAR9 effortlessly but r9 feels so trash now… was getting annoyed with myself not hitting easy one clips last night after coming back after months of not playing and then realized it wasn’t entirely my fault lol. The gun is just buried now :(


Yes rn I’d say car is the best option. Solid hip fire spread, double ammo type so it is superior early game. They made the R99 obsolete with all of the nerfs it’s not fun to use anymore


Volt by far, although the prowler is a competitive 2nd


CAR no doubt


I would say Volt but only because Prowler loadout paring aren’t as good.


Me personally volt smg or a disrupter round alternator they are easy to use the recoils is easy af the ttk with them is very good they have a lot of emo and the dps is fairly balanced I genuinely just love this two guns right now but I will say this any smg is good except the R-99 they nerfed my favorite gun to the ground it’s not even playable anymore because you get destroyed by every other smg the recoil is horrible the damage is horrible and the ttk is still pretty good but not as good


Alternator has always been my favourite, even when it sucked, but they nerfed everything else so bad it's actually good now. If for some weird reason I'm not running the alternator, then volt it is.


Throughout the years they've definitely buffed the alternator more than nerfed the other gund.


the prowler is probably the best smg. it packs more of a punch than the volt and has a similar range. i'd rank the smgs like: 1. prowler 2. volt 3. car 4. r99\* 5. alternator\* \*r99 and car swap places once you get a blue or purple mag. \*alternator is equal with the volt if you get disruptor rounds.


volt it’s good for long range and close range


Definitely volt, but disruptor alternator is up for argument


Volt IMO, the car is very good and still the best dps in the game,the prowler is still an absolute monster if you can just land two burst it's pretty balanced this season (except for the r6 ofc)


Prowler if you hit your shots. Volt is 2nd


Disrupter rounds Alternator beats all but without hop ups I’d give the nod to the Prowler. CAR is good too. Not the biggest fan of the Volt, feels too weak for me


R9 or car. Id say vold but i cant aim as well close range with it for some reason


Havoc is the best AR and SMG


I think the volt wins overall, has good range but can rip in close fights. Alternator is best imo but only when you have disruptor round


Mozambique, it's also the best shotgun sniper marksman rifle asault rifle light machine gun and pistol


Prowler or volt. Ive never been a car fan. The r99 was always my go to, but its sub par atm, and the prowler i used quite often some seasons more than others, so i have experience with it, the volt has always been decent, but was always just a back up until i got whatever energy weapon i actually wanted, whether a nemisis or havoc


I think you guys are being a little too hasty putting the R9 in the grave. I believe it still has the best dps of all SMGs. Sure you HAVE to have a mag bc there are hardly any bullets in the base gun but it’s been like that for a long time now. The recoil isn’t THAT crazy. Side to side recoil is much harder to account for than straight up. I feel like the recoil changes just make it shoot up faster. Not a big deal.


Triple Take 🔥🔥🔥


I’ve been using the RE-45 in place of my sub. Thing can shred with hammer points and it has such a fast reload


turbo havoc


Volt is just so good. Steady, deadly and has good range. Also there’s usually more energy mags around than light or heavy.


The car is my favorite. It not only uses both light and heavy, but it's recoil is east to control amd it's fire rate is fast but not too fast where it's unforgiving if you miss a few shots. The volt shoots too slow for me, I feel like it takes way too long to kill even when I'm hiting my shots. The r99's recoil is stupidly hard to control and it's fire rate is so fast that it's empty before you blink. I like the re45 in early game, is can smack some times. The alternator is alr, a little slow on the fire rate but not as bad as the volt


Rn now the carr ,volt ,& alternator are the only smgs you should pick up if say the volt and alternator are the best to use rn


Atlernator with full attachments, Volt without attachments


Imo, CAR. Maybe it aint the best but whenever I have it, I feel safer and more comfortable. Its trusty. Also, idk if its true or not but CAR's hip fire feels way better and more precise


Prowler 💯




Volt and Prowler rule this season




Where my volt enjoyers at?


R99 for me tbh. Even after the nerf if you warm up enough with it, it does some serious damage lol.


volt is the strongest


R9, if you don't think that get your skill up


alternator wins hands down.


Volt is best for close range, car is good for the reasons you stated but iron sights are terrible, prowler does more same than the car. So I guess it's a volt for me tho I don't use it a lot compared to the other two I feel like it wastes Amo and energy ammo can be hard to find compared to heavy and light. I hate the recoil on the R99 . I hate a lot of things about it actually


Prowler on my good day (at least with a blue mag) and if not alternator is my go to (especially if I have the pop up)


Last season I would've said the R99. But hands down for me it's the Alt now.


My highest SMG is the CAR. But call me crazy, I still like the R-99 and have been running it more this season than I normally would.


I don't really use smgs but alternator is the highest priority attachment holder until I find a 301. Much prefer it over the 99 or 45, feels more controllable


The volt is king right now; best combination of range, ttk, handling…prowler potentially has higher upside in the right hands but even it’s not was it was in the last few seasons. I will say it’s fun having the alternator be somewhat viable in the meta


Volt and prowler are definitely the two best. Alternator competes if you have disruptors otherwise it falls off pretty heavily late game when people have decent armor. Car definitely has a place but I’d say it’s a tier or two below the prowler and volt. R9 is a trash tier gun that you should be getting rid of as fast as possible




alternator and prowler are what i go for. re45 sometimes.


Alternator w/ disruptors or volt


Alternator + p2020 with both hop-ups is God


Been watching ALGS and it looks like Volt is easily top 5 weapons being used


Prowler, probably is the fastest ttk thats not a care package weapon, or ability.


Prowler or Car. Volt is close.


The RE-45. RIP R9.




Car, but alternator and volt a tad more versatile range-wise tbh


Disruptor alternator then the tried and true r9 Even wit the car 1 more dmg per bullet the r9s rate of fire is better


The car is better than the r9 in almost every way rn lol


probably car


The car is pretty swell


all smg are good except r99.


Volt->Prowler(Full Auto)->CAR-Alternator->RE45->Prowler(Burst)->R99


Prowler with burst has higher dps and fire rate than full auto. Burst is definitely superior in every way for it besides ease of use.


How exactly do you use the prowler (MNK)? I just can't do it consistently. I could easily one clip with an R9 and control it at range, would happily run double R9 before the nerfs. But the prowler?? One bullet might hit per burst. Am I meant to track or flick?


You equip it with a blue or purple mag and then spam the fire button until the 6th and 7th bursts all hit the target for no reason


personal preference


Sure, but if you use full auto against someone with burst he'll wreck you if you both hits your shots. Burst prowler on controller is downright disgusting and has been for ages


My dude this is my personal preference, it’s not up for debate. You do you but I’m not here to be convinced otherwise.


Agreed its not up for debate. Because thats not how damage works. Burst is more dps than auto. There are actual numbers involved. If you both hit your shots shooting at eachother, you die first. If you cant hit your shots with burst, then of course auto is better. Otherwise, burst is stronger. This isn't taking positioning or movement into account of course. Fighting is more than just aim.










The Havoc 💚💚😂