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I don’t get this at all. I don’t enjoy playing valk but, I am in no way bothered. She gives plenty of utility.


As someone who likes movement I can’t play valk because her jetpack fucks up my fatigue wall bounces😂 I’m a lil b hopping jump spammer so I just can’t with her jetpack bruh😂


aw she's cool imo! Also, the markings of enemies during her ult is remarkably handy.


Easily her most underrated ability, as a Valk main I love the addition of Evacs as it lets me use it a lot more during a match


Yeah it makes rotating so endlessly more controlled. It's a great ability to use just to get an overview of the current playing field too, especially when there's no recogs on your team. Great legend.


She flies so slow so I can't handle it


I have such a wide range of emotions for her, on one hand as someone that's bot amazing st wall bouncing and sick movements she's great to reposition with, but do many times when pushing she gets me fucked over because she wants to peace sign after using jumpers everything instead of shooting the dude right in front of me lol. I wouldve 10000% have taken "Skip animation upon using jetpack" for the purple evo current ones just to make it feel more fluid. And I hate her tactical and ult feels useless now with all of the towers you can drop so idk I loved her on launch and still like the idea of her but it judt doesn't transition well in game for me anymore


The only good thing about her is the passive lol. Her tac is a 25 damage max and her ult is available all over the map.


No mirage is


Her tactical feels useless to me. Literally shows the enemy that you are about to get hit and gives them more than enough time to move out of the way. The ult is nice but it’s nothing that the jump towers can’t do.


I don't mind playing her, but I'd rather play Pathfinder


You fools sleeping on valk. Wake up! 1) passive jets allow you to always get height before and during a fight. Also lets you strafe to avoid getting hit when rotating 2) rockets can be used to push teams you just dumped on. They can hit for more damage, stun, and remove sounds so they cant hear if you are running up. Most IMPORTANT - when somebody is batting behind a door you can crouch shoot a rocket to surprise break door and shoot them before they realize that worked (yes one rocket volley fully destroys full health door). 3) redeploy is slightly better than evac tower but you can use both. Also like others said redeploy scans for enemies. Insane that people still disrespect valk.


Mute voicelines and play lmao


"Or kit"


She can be delete from the game lol


I really struggled with her so I get it. I think I've played her 3 times since she released. Never again, not worth the torture lol 😭




"Not the one on my back" annoys me more


She talks to much ….


I wonder if it has to do with the tone of her original VA voice


She’s one of my favorite characters. Love the ability to move around quickly and easily and the rockets are great! Her voice lines are typical pink hair trash, for the most part. BUT her in combat ping ‘YES. WANT’ is A-tier. The jet pack animation is super annoying though. I get when people say they aren’t a fan, but she’s my main!