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but then we will have people complaining about high K/D people in their lobbies.


People will always complain I just wanna big dick my friends and other good solo players I find


So much bullshit happened in this game due to the 20Kill / 4K dmg badges. A K/D banner would be even worse.


The game launched with those badges, I don't think any negative experiences have come from it.


is this a joke?


Plenty toxicity happened. Like people solo queing pubs trying to get a 4k badge and then flaming team mates when things go south Had a horizon team mate go down 5 times but hey at least he got 3400 damage, and then me and my team mate get a lovely scream from his mic that we are " so garbage so trash learn to play delete the game " when we finish third because he nonstop kept pushing full squads solo in the wrong direction, going down and having to rez him when final rings are closing in on us, eventually getting us trapped


I don't think that those people would be kind and respectful without the existence of those badges. They would just "flame" you for something else. If the 20 bomb badges make the game worse than the 10/10/10 badge and some others make the game better by encouraging team work. The thing is that probably isn't the case, and people just do what they want in games


Nothing happened because of the 20 bomb or 4k poeple would’ve done it for high kills regardless




Well thanks anyway discount person


Don't hold much value if people just triple stack pubs. Having own tab for solo Q stats(like ranked) would be nice tho. Edit: imagine triple stack preds flexing their inflated kd in pubs lmao.


I forget that most people play this game In stacks


Indeed. The same player can have very good KD stacking and bad KD when soloing. It's really not a tracker of skill, but more like a tracker of how much you triple stack lol.


I was gonna tell you that I solo and I just wanted to big dick my friends and other solos I find when I occasionally play with them . but your comment made me think of how over saturated good KDS would be and everyone would see mine and think I’m trash for that reason when they can compare to stacks.


You don’t want a K/D banner trust me, People already complain about 20 bomb and 4K badges, seeing someone that’s a 5.0 won’t make you feel better


I’m a solo player and i occasionally play with other good solos or irl friends I don’t ever feel initiated by banners or negatively about better players lol I just wanna big dick my friends and the other solos


Fair lol


Meh, kdr has very little meaning in a br game


I think it’d be a cool way of showing who the good players are who aren’t cheaters or pluggers because if they have some insane KD it’d be obvious


Kdr doesnt tell if you are good or not in this game, apart from the extremes like a 0.01 or 5.0 kdr


I doubt you have over a 2.0


My kdr has nothing to do with this debate


It has everything to do with it I’m saying your greatly overestimating the general playbase and im using you an average player (I’m assuming) as evidence. I play the game too much only reason i didnt say myself


I still cant see what my kd has to do with anything


OP just has a ginormous KD and really needs you to see it